COVID-19 Risk Perceptions Among Healthcare Workers During Early "New Behavior Norms" Phase

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International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022, pp. 352~358

ISSN: 2252-8806, DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v11i1.21252  352

COVID-19 risk perceptions among healthcare workers during

early “new behavior norms” phase
Lolita Lolita, Azis Ikhsanudin
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a serious health
threat among Indonesian healthcare workers. As front-line workers, they
Received Oct 18, 2021 were facing higher risk due to the prolonged exposure of severe acute
Revised Nov 24, 2021 respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This study aimed to
Accepted Dec 3, 2021 explore various factors affecting perceived risk among healthcare
professionals. A cross-sectional study was conducted among health
practitioners who met the inclusion criteria of being over the age of 17 years
Keywords: and resided in Indonesia. This study was conducted during the early "new
normal behavior" period from April to July 2020. The sampling technique
COVID-19 was convenience sampling which involved collecting data through the online
Crisis control management questionnaire. The data were analyzed through the Spearman correlation
Healthcare workers method using SPSS version 22.0. A total of 248 respondents were included
Indonesia in the final analysis. Overall, age (p=0.017) and health status (p=0.001)
Perceived risk significantly affected the COVID-19 risk perception among healthcare
workers. Therefore, comprehensive COVID-19 risk communication should
be established to optimize health behavior and crisis control management
among healthcare workers.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Lolita Lolita
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Prof Dr Soepomo Warungboto Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

The novel coronavirus of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing
coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) has been established as a global health crisis that affected 216
countries of the globe. This virus has rapidly spread to almost all nations, including Indonesia [1]. Indonesia
first announced the COVID-19 infection in early March 2020. Within one month, the number of infected
people had surpassed nearly 3,000 with an 8% of case fatality rate. Based on data compiled by Indonesian
Health Authorities, there are more than 3.5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the 34 provinces. The
significant jump in the number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases has been followed by a substantial
death rate risk [2]. As of June 2020, the Indonesian government presented a “new behavior norms” by
liberalized several large scale social restrictions policy to encourage economic, social dan public activities
recovery. The implementation of “new behavior norms” provides high public awareness to implement the
health protocols when carrying out their normal activities [3].
Many healthcare professionals are at the forefront of an ongoing struggle against the pandemic. They face
enormous challenges in providing emergency health care services under extreme pressure [4]. Therefore, they have
become at a much greater risk of COVID-19 exposure and might be exposed to significant worsening mental
health [5]. A previous study found that depression among health workers was relatively high [6]. Similarly, a study
of healthcare workers in Portugal also noted that almost 50% of them are highly vulnerable to getting COVID-19
infection [7]. Most of them expressed fear of contracting COVID-19 while working in health services.

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Int J Public Health Sci ISSN: 2252-8806  353

According to the Indonesian Medical Association, there has been an increase in the number of
COVID-19-related deaths among Indonesian health workers. As of June 2020, 974 health care workers had died
as a result of COVID-19; the majority (374 cases) were physicians and nurses (311 cases) [8]. The lack of
supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) and inadequate basic training regarding infection control are
taking healthcare personnel at greater risk of acquiring the COVID-19 [6]. In addition, dishonest patients in
providing healthcare professionals information could be deemed a great challenge in dealing with the pandemic
[9]. According to reported cases, many healthcare workers were at high risk of infection during the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic, owing to their close contact with patients and/or potentially infectious co-workers [10].
Risk perception is a major driving factor to elicit individual health behavior in response to the
pandemic. Notably, the effectiveness of COVID-19 response strategies will depend upon personal behavior and
adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures [11]. Inadequate related knowledge and risk perception among
healthcare workers could increase the infection rates caused by delayed therapeutic management of COVID-19
[12]. Understanding the critical factors that influence healthcare workers' risk perception is vital for helping
navigate their response in the face of a pandemic [13]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
investigating risk perception and its associated factor among Indonesian healthcare workers during the early
phase of the new normal-era. Therefore, understanding their COVID-19 risk perception might provide valuable
insights to develop more effective risk communications strategies in pandemic prevention and control.

2.1. Study design and data collection
This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Aisyiyah University (reference
number: 1305/KEP-UNISA/IV/2020). All participants have been informed about the study purpose and the
confidential data detailed on the first page of the online survey. The study was proceeded after obtaining the
informed consent and agreement from each participant. A cross-sectional analysis study was designed to
examine the risk perception of COVID-19 and its associated factor among Indonesian healthcare
professionals. We conducted an online survey questionnaire shared through the social media platforms during
the early phase of “new behavior norms” implementation from April to July 2020. The sampling technique was
used with non-probability sampling technique, namely convenience sampling. The respondents were identified
and chosen from the population based on the relative ease of access to the researchers. The eligibility criteria
included healthcare professionals over the age of 17 years and residing in Indonesia. We excluded the
participants who did not fill the whole questionnaire and foreign healthcare workers living in Indonesia.

2.2. Research instrument

The data collection was carried out by distributing the questionnaire via Google Forms. The particular
questionnaire comprised three parts, namely socio-demographic, risk perception, and efficacy belief. The risk
perception questionnaire was developed according to our previous study [14], [15]. Before distributing the
questionnaire, validity and reliability tests were conducted on 30 anonymous respondents. The content validity
test of the questionnaire was performed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation method with SPSS
version 22. According to the validity test, each item of the questionnaire was valid with a p-value<0.001. The
questionnaire reliability for perceived risk and efficacy belief was 0.806 and 0.734 (Cronbach’s alpha).
Respondents were asked to answer questionnaires regarding perceived risk dimensions, including perceived
severity, vulnerability, followed by two dimensions of efficacy belief, namely response-efficacy and self-efficacy.
Each item questionnaire for perceived severity and perceived vulnerability consisted of one question.
We used a 10-point Likert scale to assess the perceived severity of COVID-19, ranging from 1 (not serious) to
10 (very serious). A higher score indicates greater perceived severity of COVID-19. Meanwhile, the perceived
vulnerability related to COVID-19 was measured using a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (very unlikely)
to 5 (very likely). A higher score indicated a greater exposure of COVID-19 among healthcare workers. The
perceived threat was used as the overall measurement of risk perception, calculated using the square root of the
multiplication of perceived severity divided by two and perceived vulnerability. The result was a perceived
threat using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (low) to 5 (high). The response-efficacy was assessed by
asking how confident the participants think the people around them can take practical actions to prevent
contracting COVID-19 using a 4-point Likert scale from 1 (not at all) to 4 (very much). Furthermore, self-
efficacy was assessed by asking how confident they think they can prevent contracting the disease. The answer
options used a 4-point Likert scale, from 1 (not confident) to 4 (very confident) [14], [15].

2.3. Data analysis

All statistical software packages were conducted using SPSS version 22.0 for data entry and
analysis (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Descriptive analysis was carried out to describe the
sociodemographic characteristics as independent variables such as sex, age, educational level, marital status,

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health status, quarantine condition, chronic illness history, smoking history, supplement use, and availability
of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic. In comparison, the dependent variable was risk
perception of COVID-19 in three categories: perceived severity, perceived vulnerability, and perceived
threat. The data was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov to examine the normal distribution between
variables. The Kruskal-Wallis/Mann Whitney U bivariate analysis was performed to determine the
relationship between sociodemographic characteristics towards risk perception dimensions and efficacy
beliefs. The Spearman correlation test was carried out to identify the association of sociodemographic factors
with risk perception of COVID-19. A significance level of 5% was considered statistically significant.


In total, 251 participants have completed filling and submitting the questionnaire. Furthermore, data
were checked to ensure that the whole respondents met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Three data were
excluded because the respondents did not fill the whole questionnaire. A total of 248 participants were input
into the database and used for data analysis.

3.1. Demographic
Table 1 describes that majority of respondents were female (75.8%), adult (72.6%), and had a higher
education (96.8%). Most of the participants in this study were health workers who had a healthy condition
(83.9%), consumed supplements routinely (82.3%), and still worked in health services every day (58.5%).

Table 1. Demographic characteristic of healthcare workers

Variables n %
Male 60 24.2
Female 188 75.8
Adolescent 46 18.5
Adult 180 72.6
Elderly 22 8.9
Middle education 8 3.2
Higher education 240 96.8
Marital status
Married 173 69.8
Single 68 27.4
Widow/Widower 7 2.8
Health status
Healthy 208 83.9
Do not know 18 7.3
Doubtful 7 2.8
Probable 2 0.8
Suspect 10 4.0
It has been declared cured of COVID-19 3 1.2
Quarantine conditions
Full time activities at home 21 8.5
Still leaving the house 2-3x a week is not for work 10 4.0
Work outside the home every day 145 58.5
Work outside the home 2-3x a week 56 22.6
Others 16 6.5
History of chronic illness
Yes 15 6
No 233 94
Smoking history
Yes 17 6.9
No 231 93.1
Supplements use
Yes 204 82.3
No 44 17.7
Personal protective equipment (PPE) use
Yes 143 57.7
Sometimes 74 29.8
Rarely 18 7.3
Never 12 4.8

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3.1. Healthcare professional’s risk perception

Table 2 reveals the sociodemographic differences towards perceived risk and efficacy belief. Our
study found that several sociodemographics have significant differences with risk perception and efficacy
belief, including gender, age, marital status, health status, quarantine condition, and use of PPE. Regarding
the sex group, this variable was significantly different from the perceived severity domain (p=0.001). The
average value of perceived severity among women healthcare workers was significantly higher than that of
men. This finding indicated that women were aware of the COVID-19 severity while working as health care
providers during the pandemic. They also believed that COVID-19 might pose a risk of contracting the more
severe disease. A study conducted by Sriharan et al. found that women healthcare workers frequently
experienced emotional and mental health problems, contributing to their fear of contracting COVID-19 [16].
In addition, psychosocial and behavioral factors also played a role in gender differences in the perceived
pandemic severity. According to another study, men were more likely to underestimate the severity of the
potential virus that could harm them [17]. Meanwhile, women reported avoiding large public gatherings or
closed physical contact with other people [18].
Our study also found a significant difference in perceived vulnerability (p=0.027) and response efficacy
(p=0.034) according to marital status. Widow or widower health workers perceived themselves as more vulnerable
to COVID-19 compared to married or single workers. This result indicated that widow or widower health workers
believe their chances of contracting COVID-19 are incredibly high, leading them to take preventive measurements.
A previous study also concluded that a high level of perceived vulnerability among health care workers was
triggered by workload factors and a lack of social support from closest friends or family [16].
These findings also revealed that health status had a significant difference with perceived
vulnerability. Healthcare workers who perceived themselves as in good health during the COVID-19
pandemic had a lower perceived vulnerability than other groups. According to existing data, individuals with
pre-existing medical conditions are more susceptible to death [19], [20].
The existence of a quarantine policy might affect health workers' perceptions during the COVID-19
pandemic. In this study, there was a significant difference between quarantine conditions and perceived severity
(p=0.016). The perceived severity of COVID-19 was lower among healthcare workers who left the house 2-3
times per week for non-work reasons, implying that they did not consider COVID-19 as a severe disease. During
the COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine had a substantial impact on stress levels, especially for healthcare personnel.
Those who continue to work during quarantine are seen as more vulnerable than those who do not [21].
There were significant differences in PPE use towards response-efficacy (p=0.023) and self-efficacy
(p=0.017). The self-efficacy and response efficacy of health workers who did not wear PPE were lower than
others, suggesting that they might not be able to face the threat of COVID-19 and not take COVID-19
precautions. A study supported these findings, which reported that adequate information about the use of PPE
influences the risk perception towards infection. As frontline healthcare workers fighting this pandemic, they
should know how to use PPE to prevent SAR-CoV-2 exposure properly [22]. Our findings also highlighted
the consistent availability of PPE and its supply for healthcare workers. According to our study, more than
half of the participants (66.1%) stated that PPE availability was at an adequate stock level. Optimization of
the PPE supply chain is crucial in enabling safe and effective infection prevention of COVID-19 disease.
Individuals' perceived risks constitute a significant component in health behavior and risk
communication, reflecting the individuals' judgment about their potential harm such as injury, illness, and
death. Risk perception may be related to several factors of individual sociodemographic. According to Table
3, it could be seen that age (p-value=0.017), marital status (p-value=0.031), and health status (p-value=0.001)
have a significant correlation towards healthcare workers' risk perception.
Spearman correlation analysis indicated a significant negative correlation between age and risk
perception (r=-0.152, p-value=0.017). It implies that the higher of healthcare worker's age, the lower their
COVID-19 risk perception. The present findings suggested that elderly healthcare workers are less perceived
regarding the COVID-19 fatality risk. In line with several studies stated that older adults were associated
with a lower risk for contracting COVID-19 and less experiencing negative emotions, including anxiety and
depression [23]–[25]. Older people are more resilient with minor complaints in daily life in order to avoid
becoming stressed. Although the elderly reported fewer potentially stressful events, they described them as
less unpleasant [26]. Another study concluded that younger age has a greater COVID-19 threat concerns
while older adults had better emotional well-being and were less reactive to stressors in the early weeks of
the pandemic [27]. Despite the COVID-19 epidemic, older adults might have managed their emotions by
focusing on positive activities and interactions to reduce their stress [28].
According to this research, a significant positive relationship has been reported between risk
perception and health status. These findings demonstrated that healthcare workers perceived as at high risk of
contracting COVID-19 would take proactive preventive measures to avoid infection. As previously reported,
the higher risk perception among healthcare workers contributes to them adhering to health protocols and
engaging in the preventive health behaviors related to COVID-19 [11].
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Table 2. Healthcare workers perceived risk towards COVID-19

No Dependent variables
Independen Perceived severity Perceived threat Response efficacy Self-efficacy
t variables
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean
rank rank rank rank rank
1 Gender
Male 127.03 100.53 112.13 121.43 117.48
0.745 0.001* 0.123 0.690 0.348
Female 123.69 132.15 128.45 125.48 126.74
2 Age
Adolescent 145.59 123.49 141.58 111.25 111.82
Adult 120.91 0.056 126.68 0.493 123.27 0.063 128.14 0.323 128.71 0.260
Elderly 109.77 108.82 98.86 122.43 116.61
3 Education
Middle 131.38 106.56 104.69 117.25 120.56
0.775 0.440 0.425 0.760 0.865
Higher 124.27 125.10 125.16 124.74 124.63
4 Marital status
Married 117.18 123.77 118.36 130.17 123.43
Single 139.08 0.027* 126.57 0.955 135.76 0.066 107.15 129.71
0.034* 0.503
Widow/ 163.79 122.57 166.71 152.86 100.43
6 Health status
Healthy 115.55 124.86 118.19 127.47 130.20
Do not 161.19 114.78 146.83 92.78 92.06
Doubtful 183.79 139.43 169.93 117.21 88.93
Probable 135.75 186.00 171.25 137.75 109.50
0.000* 0.627 0.052 0.460 0.077
Suspect 176.30 123.65 166.15 127.75 104.85
It has been 206.50 85.17 152.33 106.50 82.67
cured of
7 Quarantine conditions
Full time 92.36 112.93 95.07 141.76 138.55
activities at
Leaving the 99.00 72.65 84.75 133.25 70.95
house 2-3x
per week
not for
0.085 0.016* 0.098 0.786 0.078
Work 125.78 128.04 129.43 122.65 125.85
every day
Work 131.41 137.33 130.72 121.42 121.04
outside 2-
3x per
Others 146.88 95.09 121.47 123.94 139.41
8 History of chronic illness
Yes 151.07 140.50 0.339 153.20 124.03 94.53
0.125 0.108 0.978 0.072
No 122.79 123.47 122.65 124.53 126.43
9 Smoking history
Yes 142.15 104.97 129.62 114.06 104.03
0.276 0.212 0.756 0.514 0.189
No 123.20 125.94 124.12 125.27 126.01
10 Supplement use
Yes 127.61 125.45 127.24 123.35 124.02
0.128 0.628 0.194 0.569 0.806
No 110.10 120.08 111.82 129.82 126.74
11 Personal protective equipment (PPE) use
Yes 121.37 122.02 121.30 125.82 127.46
Sometimes 127.20 129.36 129.10 129.54 121.96
0.918 0.641 0.865 0.023* 0.017*
Rarely 129.19 130.00 128.36 125.89 141.94
Never 127.79 105.46 118.17 65.33 68.46

Risk perception has long been recognized as a critical concept in encouraging healthy behaviors.
Managing public health risks during the COVID-19 pandemic depended on the public's ability to assess their
potential risks [29]. COVID-19 pandemic awareness was processed according to each individual's risk

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perception [30]. Therefore, it is important to understand the impact of numerous factors on COVID-19 risk
perception. A high level of risk perception among healthcare workers will increase their awareness in
implementing protective behaviors to contribute significantly to COVID-19 prevention and control [31].

Table 3. Factor correlation analysis of healthcare risk perception towards COVID-19

Risk perception
Independent variables
Coefficient correlation p-value
Age -0.152 0.017*
Education -0.034 0.592
Health status 0.205 0.001*
Quarantine conditions 0.104 0.102
The use of PPE -0.037 0.559

Healthcare workers are at disproportionate risk of contracting COVID-19. Evaluating the risk perception
and its associated factors is vital in identifying healthcare workers' protective action in handling the pandemic.
This study identified healthcare workers with a high level of COVID-19 risk perception during the early phase
of new normal behavior. Age and health status are significantly correlated with the COVID-19 risk perception.
Therefore, comprehensive risk communication, professional training, and great support should be implemented
to strengthen the pandemic management strategies in the healthcare workforce setting.
This study has several limitations, including the sample being less representative of the Indonesian
healthcare workers population. It is more likely that better results will be obtained from a larger sample size.
Moreover, the cross-sectional study methodology could only illustrate relationships between patterns and
social-demographic factors; no causal relationship exists. A further cohort-based study design should be
proposed to measure changes in COVID-19 risk perception across time. Therefore, this study should be
considered a preliminary study as such, and the findings can be used to help improve risk communication and
epidemic control education in the future pandemic.
Despite these limitations, our present findings might be expected to enhance risk perception, promote
preventive actions, and initiate online sessions to assist healthcare professionals in comprehending existing
standards and protecting themselves from COVID-19 infection. Targeted risk communication with relevant
channels should be considered for these frontline groups to improve their risk awareness and safety actions.

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Lolita is an Assistant Professor of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta,

Indonesia. She has published some scientific articles related to pharmacogenetic, social
pharmacy, community health at International Journal which indexed in scopus and web of
science. Her research interest in the topic of pharmacy and community health including clinical
pharmacy, pharmacogenetics, and epidemiology. She is also a reviewer in scopus indexed
international journals. She can be contacted at email: [email protected];
[email protected].

Azis Iksanudin is an Assistant professor in Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas

Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta Indonesia. His research interests are in the field of pharmacy
including pharmaceutical technology, natural product pharmacology, biomaterial, and drug
delivery. He has many experience in conduct a researched granted from Higher Education of
Indonesia and published some articles in Indonesian-accredited journal and scopus-indexed
international journals. He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Int J Public Health Sci, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 352-358

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