Waste Processing Without Causing Public Health Problems With Black Soldier Fly Bioconversion

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International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024, pp. 311~318

ISSN: 2252-8806, DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v13i1.22940  311

Waste processing without causing public health problems with

black soldier fly bioconversion

Afifah Zahra1, Herdis Herdiansyah1, Suyud Warno Utomo1, Nuraeni2

School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Bioconversion of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae is a method of processing
organic waste that is environmentally friendly and has no impact on public
Received Jan 9, 2023 health. This research aims to analyze the influence of the type of waste as a
Revised Sep 28, 2023 feed formulation on the effectiveness of organic waste processing with
Accepted Oct 8, 2023 bioconversion of black soldier fly larvae. The research was conducted in
Tubunan Village, Jepara Regency, the district with the second lowest waste
processing in Central Java on 108 families. The initial procedure for this
Keywords: experimental research was carried out by sorting the types of waste
(community waste, fish slaughter waste, and a mixture of both). Each type of
Bioconversion waste is then given 1.5 grams of larvae/kg of waste. The larvae will be
Biomass harvested after 20 days and weighed to record data on the increase in
Black soldier fly biomass and waste left behind. The collected data was then analyzed using
Feed nutrient SPSS through ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests. The results showed that
Waste processing the nutritional formulation of the feed had a significant effect on total larval
biomass (p=0.0005) but had no significant effect on the waste reduction
index (p=0.651) and feed conversion efficiency (p=0.180). In this study,
processing organic waste with bioconversion of black soldier fly larvae
reduced waste piles significantly (p=0.008). Thus, bioconversion waste
processing using BSF can solve the waste problem at the research location.
These findings can be considered in planning effective and efficient waste
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Herdis Herdiansyah
School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia
Salemba Raya UI Salemba Campus Street, Kenari, Senen, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Waste is still a problem in Indonesia. In 2022, waste generation in Indonesia will reach more than
35,000,000 tons/year. This amount increased by 22.8% from the amount of waste generated in the previous
year. 34.74% of them have not gone through processing. Food waste dominates. Meanwhile, based on
sources, the majority came from households. Central Java has had the most significant incidents in Indonesia
in the last three years. The 2022, this province will produce 5.7 million tons of waste [1]. Tubanan Village,
Kembangan District, Jepara Regency, is one of the villages under the administrative area of Central Java
Province. Jepara Regency generates 2.68 liters of waste/per person/day, with the highest percentage of waste
types being organic waste, as much as 57% [2]. Furthermore, in 2020 Jepara Regency was the district with
the second lowest managed waste after Grobogan Regency in Central Java, with a managed waste percentage
of 18.84% [1]. According to previous observations, the problem in this research is Tubanan Village, Jepara
Regency does not have a solid waste management system. Waste using the open dumping method without

Journal homepage: http://ijphs.iaescore.com

312  ISSN: 2252-8806

being processed first. Waste transported in a state has not been sorted by type. Some people manage their
waste by throwing it directly into the environment or burning it. Therefore, there is a need for environmental
management, including community-based waste management.
Several factors can encourage or hinder effective waste management, such as the number of family
members, monthly income, level of education, waste management costs, lack of awareness of waste
management, community willingness to participate in solutions, and other factors [3]. The accumulation of
these factors shows the importance of low-cost waste management techniques that can overcome socio-
economic barriers. Apart from that, waste management can also be done using easy processing techniques,
thereby creating a desire for people to participate. It would be better if this processing could be done at the
household level. Thus, it can utilize the available natural potential as well as possible. These problems need
to be managed. Black soldier fly (BSF) can be one solution to the problem of waste, especially household
organic waste.
BSF lives globally, especially in tropical and warm climates. BSF are voracious consumers of
decaying plants and animals [4]. The benefit of using BSF is that it can reduce piles of organic waste by up to
80%. Bioconversion processing with BSF can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in organic waste,
such; as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp, so that it can avoid diseases due to waste contamination [5]–
[9]. Apart from that, black soldier flies are the most promising waste processing tool because of their ability
to process and convert waste into economic value [10]. Processing bioconversion waste with BSF can
produce fertilizer and feed with economic value and form a circular economy for society. In addition, the
method of processing bioconversion waste with BSF larvae does not produce leachate, reduce the mercury
and does not cause odor and gas emissions [11]–[15].
To get the maximum benefit, we must pay attention to the supporting factors BSF is an insect that
lives in extreme environmental conditions. However, in conducting bioconversion processing, several factors
influence the development of the BSF: temperature, nutrition of food sources, and humidity [16]–[20]. BSF
can optimize the extraction of organic waste into biomass when the substrate composition is suitable [21].
Research related to the different types of feed nutrition formulas shows that the different types of waste as
feed nutrition formulas have a significant impact on the effectiveness of waste processing and showed a
result that BSF need a complete nutrition [22]. Waste management using BSF also does not require much time.
This reason can answer the problem of people's reluctance to manage waste because it takes up time [3].
In the research conducted on the formulation of feed nutrients, the research focuses on comparing the
differences in feed treatment with one of the indicators of processing effectiveness [23], [24]. There has been no
research comparing differences in feed treatment with overall processing effectiveness (waste reduction index,
larval biomass produced, and feed conversion efficiency). Meanwhile, it is essential to analyze the results of the
intervention for all the results that appear simultaneously. This study compares differences in feed treatment
with processing effectiveness based on waste reduction index, larval biomass produced, and feed conversion
efficiency. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the community to conduct waste processing or
in breeding BSF. Thus, we will know whether the formulation of feed nutrients significantly affects the
effectiveness of processing and what nutritional formulation of feed is suitable for BSF. This research will
provide an overview of the efficiency of appropriate feed conversion based on three feed formulations:
community waste, fish slaughter waste, and mixing the two. In the end, it will be a reference, especially for
people living in coastal areas, to mix fish slaughter waste and community waste or separate the two when
managing them by breeding black soldier flies. These findings will encourage increased efficiency in waste
management time, improve management economics, and reduce potential public health problems.

2.1. Study area
The research was carried out for three months, from October 2021 to December 2021. This research
was carried out in RW 5, Tubanan Village, Jepara Regency, Central Java, Tubanan Village, consisting of 7 RW
and 43 RT with a total of 4,300 households and a total population of 11,388 residents as presented in Figure 1.
The population in this study is all people who live in Tubanan Village, Jepara Regency, Central Java Province.
The number of samples taken is based on calculating the slovin formula with a 90% CI, as in (1).
𝑛= (1)
1+𝑁𝑒 2

N = Total population
E = Degree of error
N = number of samples

Int J Public Health Sci, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 311-318
Int J Public Health Sci ISSN: 2252-8806  313

Based on the preliminary survey data collection, the total population of Tubanan Village is 4,300
families. Then obtained, a sample of 98 families was. To anticipate dropouts, the researchers added 10% of
the minimum sample size to obtain a minimum sample of 108 families.

Figure 1. Map of Tubanan Vilage, Jepara Regency, Central Java

2.2. Procedures
The process of collecting research data began with asking the community to sort the waste in their
respective homes and then transport it to the processing site. In addition, waste from the community’s home
environment and waste left over from cutting fish is transported to the processing site. After being
transported, the waste will be re-selected to ensure no inorganic waste is mixed in, adjusted in size, making it
easier to process, and the waste weighed. Furthermore, the waste was put in 3 different trays according to the
type of feed (waste from the community, fish cutting waste, and mixed waste from the two). After that, the
BSF, which had been set in advance for seven days, would be included. The larvae used were 1.5 g for 3 kg
of waste. The processing took 20 days. After 20 days, the BSF larvae could be harvested. The larvae were
weighed for the increase in biomass, and the waste remaining after the process was weighed. The remainder
of the waste processing can be used as fertilizer or called KASGOT (ex maggot). After that, it was recorded
as observation data, and statistical analysis was conducted.

2.3. Data analysis

Data collection based on waste type screening procedures, comparison of the number of larvae and
weight of each type of waste, and time intervention can be a valid approach to collecting data. The data was
then analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test and Levene's Homogeneity of
Variance test were respectively carried out to assess the normality and homogeneity of variance to meet the
validity assumptions in conducting the ANOVA test. Data is normal if the results of the Shapiro-Wilk
normality test have a p-value >0.05. Meanwhile, data is homogeneous if Levene's Homogeneity of Variance
test results also have a p-value >0.05. Normal data will then go through ANOVA test analysis. In this study,
we used the ANOVA test to determine the significance of the effect of bioconversion processing and
reducing piles of waste. Meanwhile, the Kruskal Wallis test will be carried out on data that is not normally
distributed. Kruskal Wallis analysis was used to determine fundamental differences between feed
formulations and the waste reduction index (WRI), differences in feed nutritional formulations and total
larval product biomass, and differences in feed formulations and feed conversion efficiency.

Waste processing without causing public health problems with … (Afifah Zahra)
314  ISSN: 2252-8806

2.4. Ethical consideration

During the research, we asked for approval from all parties concerned, namely households in
Tubanan Village. We explain the aim of the study by providing a crucial information sheet. Each household
has the right to determine participation in the research. Household members who agreed to participate in this
research then signed informed consent. In other words, all participants agreed to participate in this research.


The increasing growth of the world's population is driving potential environmental problems, even
though the role of the environment is vital in meeting human needs. Humans who are not wise in managing the
environment will cause the environment to be damaged in terms of quality and quantity [25]. One of the
environmental problems that is linear with population growth is waste. One type of waste that can cause
environmental and public health problems is domestic waste. Previous research found that domestic waste is a
source of contamination of water bodies and causes E. coli. This E. coli bacteria caused diarrhea in 2 family
members in 5 households in the last six months [26]. Therefore, community participation in waste processing is
a priority to solve the waste problem. BSF maggot cultivation can be a waste management technique at the
household level, especially organic waste management [27]. Organic waste processing with BSF was conducted
for two cycles. It used three different feed formulations: waste from the community, fish-cutting waste, and
mixed waste from the two. The composition of the waste collected from the community was dominated by
vegetable, fruit, animal feed waste, and carbohydrates from rice waste. Meanwhile, the composition of remain
of the fish cutting was protein. The mixture of the two was a mixture of waste from the community and fish
cutting. After doing research for two cycles, the results are shown in Tables1 and 2.

Table 1. Results of first cycle organic waste processing

Processed Residue Total product Initial Waste Processed feed
waste biomass biomass reduction conversion
index efficiency
Waste from the community 97.85 kg 39.4 kg 22.35 kg 18 g 59.73% 38.24%
Fish cutting waste 16 kg 4.9 kg 2.75 kg 3g 69.38% 24.77%
A mixture of waste from the 22 kg 11.5 kg 4 kg 3g 47.73% 38.09%
community and the remain of the
fish cutting

In the first cycle, processing waste with waste feed from the community can produce total product
biomass of 22.35 kg or 1241.67 g from every g of larvae used, reducing waste by 59.73%. Furthermore,
waste treatment with fish cutting feed can produce total product biomass of 2.75 kg or 916.67 g from each g
of larvae used, and it can reduce waste by 69.38%. Meanwhile, waste processing with a mixture of both feed
produces total product biomass of 4 kg or 1333.33 g from each g of larvae used, and it can reduce waste by
38.09%. In the second cycle, processing waste with waste feed from the community can produce total
product biomass of 10.15 kg or 751.85 g from every g of larvae used, reducing waste by 36.97%. Moreover,
waste processing with fish cutting feed can produce total product biomass of 1.5 kg or 500 g from each g of
larvae used, reducing waste by 55.67%. Meanwhile, processing waste with mixed feed produces total product
biomass of 4.1 kg or 1366.67 g from each g of larvae used and can reduce waste by 15.4%.

Table 2. Results of second cycle organic waste processing

Total Waste Processed feed
Processed Initial
Second cycle Residue product reduction conversion
waste biomass
biomass index efficiency
Waste from the community 35.7 kg 22.5 kg 10.15 kg 13.5 g 36.97% 76.89%
Fish cutting waste 15 kg 6.65 kg 1.5 kg 3g 55.67% 17.96%
A mixture of waste from the 31.86 kg 5.25 kg 4.1 kg 3g 83.52% 15.4%
community and the remain of the
fish cutting

Based on the Table 2, it can be concluded that in both the first and second cycles feed formulation
which produces the most significant biomass product is a mixed feed formulation between community waste
and fish-cutting waste. Meanwhile, the highest waste reduction in the first cycle was in the formulation of
fish-cutting waste, with a waste reduction index of 69.38%. In the second cycle, it occurred in the mixed
waste feed formulation with a waste reduction index of 83.52%. For feed conversion efficiency in both the

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Int J Public Health Sci ISSN: 2252-8806  315

first and second cycles, the highest feed efficiency is shown in the waste feed formulation taken from the
community, respectively 38.24% and 76.89%.
Furthermore, bivariate analysis was conducted to determine the effect of feed nutrition formulation
on the effectiveness of organic waste processing with bioconversion of BSF larvae using Kruskall Wallis test
analysis. Based on the Table 3 shows that the mixed waste and fish-cutting waste had the most significant
average rating value of 4. It is because of different types of feed which produce the highest waste reduction
index from the two cycles conducted. In the first cycle, giving the type of feed left over from fish cutting
resulted in the most significant waste reduction index. In contrast, in the second cycle, the most extensive
waste reduction index is produced by giving mixed types of feed.

Table 3. Results of Kruskall Wallis test analysis differences in feed formulation with WRI
Variable Mean rank p-value
Community waste 2.5 0.651
Fish cutting waste 4
Mixed 4

Based on the results of statistical tests as presented in Table 3, it is obtained p=0.651, which means
that there is no significant difference in the average waste reduction index between the three types of feed
nutrition formulations. In this study, community waste dominated by vegetables and fruit resulted in the
lowest average rating of 2.5. However, this study is in line with other research, that feeding kitchen waste
with a nutritional composition of waste rich in fat, protein, and carbohydrates can reduce waste by up to
89.66% [22]. The highest waste reduction occurred in feeding mixed waste between community waste and
the rest of the fish slaughter in the second cycle at 83.52%. The results obtained from this study have
exceeded the results obtained by previous studies. Other research found that the maximum waste reduction
generated from bioconversion waste management with BSF is 80% [5], [28]. Another study resulted in a
maximum waste reduction percentage of only 52% [29].
The difference in the results of the highest waste reduction in the first and second cycles causes a
relationship between differences in feeding and the waste reduction index. Differences in the results of the
highest waste reduction in the first and second cycles can be caused by differences in the ratio when feeding.
According to another research result, the ratio of feeding differences in food waste has a significant
relationship with the waste reduction index (p<0.05). In this study, feeding is highly dependent on the
amount of waste generated by the community and the waste generated from slaughtering fish.
The effect of processing bioconversion waste with BSF on reducing the amount of organic waste
was analyzed by using statistical tests. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Based on the
statistical analysis results, the average waste processed is 36.4, with a standard deviation of 31.24. The
average residual waste after processing is 15.03, with a standard deviation of 13.64. It shows the difference in
the average value of 21.37 with a standard deviation of 19.29. Statistical test results obtained a p-value of
0.008. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the weight of waste before
processing and the weight of remaining waste after processing. Moreover, this study’s results align with
another research result which shows that the use of BSF significantly affects the reduction of organic waste,
with the highest percentage of waste reduction reaching 82.2% [9].

Table 4. Analysis of the effect of bioconversion processing with reduction of waste piles
Variable Average Standard deviation Standard error P factor N
Processed waste 36.4 31.24 12.75
0.008 6
Residue 15.03 13.64 5.57

The results of the statistical analysis of the effect of differences in feed nutrient formulations with
the total biomass of larval products are shown in Table 5. Based on the Table 5, it is found that mixed waste
has the most significant average rating value of 36.5. Based on the results of statistical tests, p=0.0005, there
is a significant difference in the average total product biomass between the three types of feed nutrient
formulations. This research is in line with previous research, which found that the substrate type influences
biowaste's bioconversion efficiency into larval biomass [30], [31]. According to another research, the
nutrition soce of food that is easily digested by the BSF and can accelerate development is food that is rich in
protein and carbohydrates [32]. The result is supported by research result that feeding rich in carbohydrates
can accelerate development and produce total biomass of larval products [33]. Different results that fed
mixed mackerel fish produced the highest larval biomass compared to feeding grains and sugar beets. Based
on this research, protein provides the highest larval product biomass [34].

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The results of this study produced different results from the studies mentioned above. The results
were that the BSF requires complete nutrition in feed ingredients to increase the biomass of larval products.
The same results of research that showed differences in the average total biomass of larvae at different
feedings. The order of the smallest to the most significant product biomass produced from this research is
fish slaughter residue, community waste, and mixed waste. This is because the rest of the fish cutting
produces an unpleasant odor and invites more house flies to perch on the processing site so that the reduced
waste is not in line with the increase in total product biomass. Meanwhile, house flies are not infested with
waste that is dominated by vegetables, so it is well converted into larval biomass.

Table 5. Results of Kruskall Wallis test analysis differences in feed nutrient formulation with a total biomass
of larval products
Variable Mean rank p-value
Community waste 19 0.0005
Fish cutting waste 8
Mixed 36.5

The results of the statistical analysis of the effect of differences in feed nutrient formulations with
feed conversion efficiency are shown in Table 6. Based on the Table 6, it is found that waste from the
community has the most significant average rating value of 5.5. Based on the results of statistical tests,
p=0.180, there is no significant difference in the average feed conversion efficiency between the three types
of feed nutrient formulations. This study does not in line with research result, that differences in feeding have
a significant relationship to differences in feed conversion efficiency. The highest feed conversion efficiency
was found in the provision of vegetable waste packs of 49.54% [35]. This is in line with the research results,
namely that waste from the community dominated by vegetables and fruit produces the highest conversion
efficiency in both the first and second cycles. This result in line with another research that kitchen waste with
a nutritional composition rich in fat, protein, and carbohydrates can only produce a feed conversion
efficiency of 16.65% [22].

Table 6. Results of Kruskall Wallis test analysis differences in feed formulation and
feed conversion efficiency
Variable Mean rank p-value
Community waste 5.5 0.180
Fish cutting waste 2.5
Mixed 2.5

This can be caused by waste rich in fat and protein, especially animal protein, which produces a foul
odor and can invite the presence of house flies to join the processing site. Thus, more waste is reduced, but
not all of it is converted into biomass in larvae. Feeding vegetable protein can result in higher feed
conversion efficiency. The relationship between different types of waste and feed conversion efficiency, which
is not significant, can be caused by differences in the ratio of feed given. Using BSF significantly affects organic
waste reduction. Feed conversion efficiency is obtained from the percentage ratio of biomass and the amount of
reduced waste. Indirectly, the feed ratio difference also affects feed conversion efficiency [9].

Bioconversion of BSF larvae can make a significant difference in waste reduction. The type of waste
used as nutritional feed formulation significantly influences total larval biomass, although it does not
significantly influence the waste reduction index and feed conversion efficiency. However, bioconversion waste
processing using BSF can be a solution because it can reduce waste well, especially in the mixture of fish
slaughter and community waste. These findings can provide input for coastal communities that manage waste
by using BSF larvae to mix fish and household waste. Mixing the two types of waste will be more effective than
separating the two. Meanwhile, considering there is no waste processing system at the research location, these
findings can be used as a reference for effective and efficient waste processing planning. Apart from the need to
design a waste processing system, identifying community behavior in processing waste using BSF larvae is
another critical need. Thus, further research will be able to elaborate on the behavioral determinant factors
related to and most dominantly influence people's behavior in managing waste.

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Int J Public Health Sci ISSN: 2252-8806  317

This research was funded by Internal Grant, School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia
2022, with contract number PKS-0013/UN2.F13.D1/PPM.00.04/2022. We want to convey our gratitude and
sincere thanks to Cluster Interaction, Community Engagement, and Social Environment, School of
Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, who has helped with technical editing and reviewing articles.

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Afifah Zahra is a student of Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia.

She got her bachelor degree in environmental health from Universitas Indonesia. She can be
contacted at email: [email protected].

Herdis Herdiansyah is a lecturer who has expertise in Environmental Science,

especially in Social Humanities Research and advisory for students and postgraduate
students in the Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia. He conducts research in
the fields of environmental and social sciences, systems thinking, social conflict, and
interaction between society and the environment. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Suyud Warno Utomo is a lecturer and advisor for students and postgraduate
students in the Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia. He conducts research in
agricultural biology and its application to the environmental field, environmental impact
analysis, and studies of appropriate technology in the environmental field for public health
and providing added value to biodiversity. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Nuraeni is a master student on Faculty of Public Health, Universitas

Indonesia. She obtained a bachelor's degree in public health from Hasanuddin University.
She can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Int J Public Health Sci, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 311-318

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