Q4 English 9 Week6

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Learning Area English Grade Level 9

W6 Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Reacting to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and
call for prompt actions (Part 2)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 10: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) analysis and call for prompt actions
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Enabling Competency:
- Relate text content to particular issues, concerns, and dispositions in real life
I. Introduction (Time Frame: Day 1- 40 minutes)
Every day, we encounter different situations or instances that directly or indirectly affect us. How should we react to this?
What is the best thing for us to do?
Have a quick look at some of the recent headlines below:

Guide Questions:
1. What are the
challenges that
we are facing right
2. Is this happening
only in our country
or also in other
parts of the world?

“Magzter”, Magzter.com, accessed May 26, 2021, https://www.magzter.com/magazines/Newspaper

These social issues are prevalent and you should be aware of them. Social issue is a concern or problem recognized by
the society and it prevents people from functioning at an optimal level. It is important to understand that not all things that
occur in the society are raised to the level of social problem.

4 Factors Characterizing Social Problem or Issue

1. The society must recognize the situation as a problem.
2. The situation is against the general values accepted by the society.
3. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid concern.
4. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of citizens and/ or community resources.
D. Development (Time Frame: Days 2-3 – 90 minutes)
Learning Task 1
Look at the pictures below taken from Rappler and identify the social issues they depict. Write your answer on the blanks.

1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________

4. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________

Learning Task 2
Read the following news article published by Rappler.com and answer the questions that follow in a pad paper.

[Just Saying] The West Philippine Sea must be saved

April 19, 2021 4:04 PM PHT

'China’s communist officials may have thoroughly studied international tribunal. President Aquino’s administration filed a
President Duterte’s psyche and concluded that he cannot talk case before the Hague international tribunal, resulting in a victory
tough against China in the same way he talks tough against his for the Philippines. The landmark decision was hailed all over the
own people'. world.

The West Philippine Sea is again center stage in addition to Third, upon receipt of the decision, the Philippines must openly
COVID-19. In international law, there are four stages in case of urge the losing country to abide immediately and strictly by the
international conflict – short of war – which the Philippines must decision, with an admonition that noncompliance will result in
undertake. further international recourse. President Duterte failed to do this
upon official receipt of the West Philippine Sea ruling by his
First, the Philippines should alert the world of the impending administration in the early part of its term.
trouble. This is what is called "noisy," but not belligerent,
diplomacy. China’s garrisons and missiles strategically positioned in the South
China Sea must be met by, at the very least, the Philippines’ overt
President Aquino did that after exhausting to solve the problem act manifesting the preparedness to invoke and operationalize
through “silent” diplomacy. As head of state, he openly called the VFA and the MDT. China’s awareness of a definitive
China "a bully." He criticized China’s intrusion, publicly declaring retaliatory response from the US pursuant to the latter’s VFA and
that China's movements in the South China Sea were comparable MDT commitments in case of an attack on the Philippines can be
to Nazi Germany's expansionist agenda before World War 2. By his an effective deterrent.
pronouncements, President Aquino warned the international
community that the issues are not only a localized problem, but The Philippines is in a serious mess. If not corrected, it will worsen,
an international concern. He did the right move. leaving an ugly legacy of President Duterte’s leadership or, to be
more precise, lack of it, in the West Philippine Sea – a facticity
Second, if nothing happens, a case should be filed with the second only to Japan’s Second World War Philippine occupation.
The West Philippine Sea must be saved.
– Mel Sta. Maria

1. What issue is discussed in the article that you have read?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the points given by the author? Why or why not?
3. As a Filipino, what is your stand about the issue on the West Philippine Sea?
E. Engagement (Time Frame: Days 3-4 – 80 minutes)
Learning Task 3
In your pad paper, copy and complete the organizer below. On the oval shapes, indicate the possible effect/s of the issues
indicated on the rectangles.

Learning Task 4
Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that
circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social
issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues Proposed Solution

1. Gender Bias/Discrimination

2. Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake news

5. Child Abuse

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: Day 4-10 minutes)

Social issues are problems that influence many

citizens within a society. These are common
problems at present and one that many people
strive to solve. Some of the common social
issues and problems are enumerated in the
graphic organizer.

Significant people around you like your family

can help you make good decisions, provide
you with practical and emotional support, and
encourage you in establishing your social

As a youth, your voice and actions are

contributory to addressing and alleviating social
issues. Therefore, it’s important that you keep
yourself abreast to relevant issues and be
involved in your own simple ways.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: Day 4 –10 minutes)
Identify what type of issue is indicated in each number. Choose your answer from the list in the box. Write your answer on the
space provided.

Technology Environmental Political

Sports Racism & Prejudice Peace and Order
Education Economic Health & Disease

1. Inflation - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Climate Change - ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Volatile Prices - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Depressive Disorders - _________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Freedom of Media - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Pollution - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Covid-19 Virus - _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Killing of Political Activists - _____________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Racial Discrimination - _________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Gender Inequality - __________________________________________________________________________________________________

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: Day 4-10 minutes)

Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.

Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance

Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this

Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP

Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Assessment

VII. REFERENCES Magzter, Inc. 2011. Magzter (website). Magzter.com. Accessed May 26, 2021.
Rappler, Inc. 2012. Rappler (official news website). Rappler.com. Accessed May 26, 2021.
Josephine V. Cabulong
Maria Madel C. Rubia
Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero
Prepared by: Rodchiel O. Gensaya & Ofelia T. Jastiva Checked by:
Generosa F. Zubieta
Ermelo A. Escobiñas
Aileen B. Panganiban

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