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Analysis of Practical Result and MATLAB Simulation of Lightning Impulse Test On Transformer

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2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES)

MANIT, Bhopal, India. Dec 10-11, 2021

Analysis of Practical Result and MATLAB

Simulation of Lightning Impulse Test on Transformer
2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference On Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) | 978-1-6654-0236-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICEPES52894.2021.9699663

Lavkush Kushwaha* Leena H. Roy Sudeep Mohaney

High Voltage Engineering Joint Director Assistant Professor
Jabalpur Engineering College Central Power Research Institute, Jabalpur Engineering College
Jabalpur, India Bhopal, India Jabalpur, India
[email protected]

Manoj Hirani Abhishek Verma

Engineering Officer Engineering officer
Central Power Research Institute Central Power Research Institute
Bhopal, India Bhopal, India

Abstract – In this paper result of Lightning Impulse Test of test of transformer parameter will help to achieve the practical
Transformer is compared with that of MATLAB simulation parameter achieved during actual lightning impulse test on
results. Curve fitting tool of MATLAB is used to obtain base transformer. Damped resistance in parallel with power
curve of the Lightning Impulse waveform. The overshoot is then transformer is one of the methods that reduce the overshoot
calculated by comparing the base curve and recorded curve. An oscillation in transformer but in turn it also reduces the
overshoot in the system arises due to high capacitance and low efficiency of impulse voltage generator. The addition of
inductance of transformer low voltage winding. This model helps damped resistance may also affect the front time and tail time
to reduce duration of the lightning impulse test of transformer. of lightning impulse voltage wave.
Base curve has been derived according to IEC standard 60060-
1:2010 and comparison done with respect to recorded curve from II. CURVE FITTING FOR LIGHTNING IMPULSE
lightning impulse test on transformer as specified in IEC VOLTAGE TEST
standard 60076-3.
IEC 60060-1:2010 explains about the requirement for
Keywords: - lighting impulse test, simulation model, base curve calculating the parameters used to evaluate lightning impulse
and curve fitting. waveform. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm [3] used to
obtain a base curve for lightning impulse tests needs more
I. INTRODUCTION significant analytical data. Collection of the analytical data and
There are some issues that arise during lightning impulse selection of data was done according to IEC60060-1:2010. For
test on power transformer i.e. overshoot in case of lightning the analysis of data of the recorded curve some part of the data
impulse test, undershoot (over swing) in case of lightning is considered raw and is removed for evaluation i.e. first 20%
chopped withstand test and it becomes tedious to achieve the (or less) samples of wave front and last 40% (or less) samples
proper value of the parameters as per standard. IEC standard from wave tail is removed from the total number of samples
60060-1[1] specifies about the standard lightning impulse wave obtained from wave front and wave tail respectively. Using
and their tolerances. In some of the test objects the standard this information, base curve was estimated by using double
impulse wave shape parameters with tolerance are not exponential function:
achievable in such cases standard has given some provision for షሺ೟ష೟೏ ሻ షሺ೟ష೟೏ ሻ
the evaluation of the wave. The method defined for evaluation ܷ௕ ൌ ܷ ቈ݁ ഓభ െ݁ ഓమ ቉ (1)
of the waveform is discussed in this paper. Along with the
overshoot it is difficult to obtain a tail time of 50μs in the case Equation (1) gives base curve which has four constant
of low voltage winding of power transformer even after parameters,
delivering enough energy of impulse voltage generator as per
energy equation mentioned in [2]. In case of low inductance Where U = amplitude constant
and high capacitance to achieve tail time of 50μs with 20%
td= starting time of waveform
tolerance, it is apt to connect inductance in parallel with front
resistance at low voltage winding side. τ1 = tail duration
In this paper, experience has been shared where a damped τ2 = front duration
resistance is connected in parallel with power transformer to
reduce the overshoot oscillation and is brought within limit as Now to calculate peak value of base curve:
per IEC60076-3 and analysis of simulation model of lightning td = 0, (wave data collect starting from zero) and assume:
impulse test of the transformer without overshoot ଵ ଵ
compensation and with overshoot compensation in U = a,  ൌ ܾ&  ൌ ܿ
தଵ தଶ
MATLAB/Simulink. The results of simulation are compared
with the actual test parameters. Simulation of lightning impulse Then the required base curve equation is

978-1-6654-0236-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 1

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ܷ௕ ൌ ܽሾ݁ ି௕௧ െ  ݁ ି௖௧ ሿ (2) respectively. HV to LV winding capacitance, HV to tank
capacitance and LV to core capacitance of power transformer
So for Ub maximum are 1100pF, 550 pF and 4000 pF respectively [4]. Where
݀ ݀ C1 Charging Capacitance
ܷ ൌ ܽሾ݁ ି௕௧ െ  ݁ ି௖௧ ሿ ൌ Ͳ
݀‫ ݐ‬௕ ݀‫ݐ‬ C21 Capacitance between high voltage winding
Ȅୠ୲ ିୡ୲
ƒሾെ„‡  ൅ …‡ ሿൌͲ and low voltage winding

ൌ ܽ…‡ ିୡ୲ Rf Front Resistance
C22 Capacitance between low voltage winding
݁ ି௕௧ …
 ିୡ୲ ൌ and core
‡ „
Rt Tail Resistance
݁ ିሺ௕ି௖ሻ௧ ൌ Lf Inductance
ͳ ܿ LL Transformer winding inductance
‫ ݐ‬ൌ  ݈‫݃݋‬௘ ሺ ሻ RL Transformer winding resistance
ܿെܾ ܾ
Now by putting the value of “t” from above equation in
equation of base curve i.e. (2) Capacitance between high voltage winding and tank was
Now by solving, we get the peak value of base curve, earthed hence capacitance tends to zero.
which is
್ ೎
௖ ቀ್ష೎ቁ ௖ ቀ್ష೎ቁ
ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ ൌ ܽሾቀ ቁ െቀ ቁ ሿ (3)
௕ ௕

The value of β factor is then calculated by the expression

mentioned below :
௎೟ሺ೛೐ೌೖሻ ି௎್ሺ೛೐ೌೖሻ
Ⱦ ൌ ͳͲͲ ൬ ൰Ψ (4)

ܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ = actual recorded peak voltage from MATLAB

Fig. 1. Lightning impulse waveform at low voltage side of power
Ub(peak) = peak voltage obtained after curve fitting transformer with overshoot

III. DETAIL OF TRANSFORMER PARAMETER In this simulation, generator capacitance is 8μf , charging
Resistance – Resistance/phase of transformer has been voltage is 42kV and discharge is through one winding of 11kV
measured by winding resistance meter (ohm meter) in 33/11 side of power transformer while remaining winding/terminals
kV transformer. are earthed. Lightning impulse voltage Ut obtained is 42kV and
thereafter three constants a, b, c are calculated which will help
Resistance/phase (11kV side) = 8.671 mΩ to evaluate the peak value of base curve parameters by curve
Resistance/phase (33kV side) = 0.22Ω fitting tool app of Matlab and curve fitting method describe in
From the transformer datasheet
Inductance/phase (11kV side) ൌ ቀ ቁ ൌ 0.7268 mH

Capacitance – Capacitance between Low voltage winding

and core = 4000pF
Capacitance between High voltage winding and low
winding = 1100pF
Capacitance between High voltage winding and tank =
POWER TRANSFORMER AT LOW VOLTAGE SIDE Fig. 2. Curve fitting of base curve of lightning impulse test on power
WITH OVERSHOOT transformer at low voltage side with overshoot

10MVA 33/11 kV power transformer was used for General modal equation in curve fitting tool
simulation of lightning impulse test. The inductance and
resistance of 11 KV side is 0.7265mH and 8.671mΩ f(t) = a*(exp(-b*t) - exp(-c*t))

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Data of the parameters taken from figure.2 impulse voltage Ut 41.9kV was obtained and now calculated
three constant a, b, c which help to evaluate the peak value of
a = 3.815e+04 base curve parameter by curve fitting tool app of Matlab.
b = 1.675e+04
c = 5.385e+06
Substituting the value of a, b, c in (3), the value of Ub(peak)
obtained will be,
್ ೎
ܿ ቀ್ష೎ቁ ܿ ቀ್ష೎ቁ
ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ ൌ ܽሾቀ ቁ െቀ ቁ ሿ
ܾ ܾ
ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ  ൌ ͵Ǥ͹͵ͷʹ‡ ൅ ͲͶ
The value ofܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ is obtained from figure.7 and
ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ is as calculated above.
Now we have ܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ and ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ so therefore
ͶǤʹͲͷͳ݁ ൅ ͲͶ െ ͵Ǥ͹͵ͷʹ݁ ൅ ͲͶ
˜‡”•Š‘‘–Ⱦ ൌ ൬ ൰ ͳͲͲ
ͶǤʹͲͷͳ݁ ൅ ͲͶ
Overshoot β = 11.17%
Fig. 4. Curve fitting of base curve of lightning impulse test on power
V. SIMULATION OF LIGHTNING IMPULSE TEST ON transformer at low voltage side with overshoot compensation
General modal equation in curve fitting tool
Data of the parameters taken from figure.4
f(t) = a*(exp(-b*t) -exp(-c*t))
a = 4.435e+04
b = 1.239e+04
c = 6.968e+06
Substituting the value of a, b, c in (3), the value of Ub(peak)
obtained will be,
Then we Calculate Ub(peak)
್ ೎
Fig. 3. Simulation of lightning impulse test on power transformer at low ܿ ቀ್ష೎ቁ ܿ ቀ್ష೎ቁ
voltage side with overshoot compensation circuit
ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ ൌ ܽሾቀ ቁ െቀ ቁ ሿ
ܾ ܾ
C1 Charging Capacitance ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ  ൌ ͶǤ͵͹͹ͷ‡ ൅ ͲͶ
C21 Capacitance between high voltage winding The value ofܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ is obtained from figure.8 and
and low voltage winding ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ is as calculated above.
C22 Capacitance between low voltage winding
and core Now we have ܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ and ܷ௕ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ 
Rf Front Resistance ܷ௧ሺ௣௘௔௞ሻ = actual peak recorded voltage from simulation
Rt Tail Resistance
Lf Inductance Ub(peak) = peak voltage obtained after curve fitting
LL Transformer winding inductance ସǤଵଽ଼ଵ௘ା଴ସିସǤଷ଻଻ହୣା଴ସ
So therefore ˜‡”•Š‘‘–Ⱦ ൌ ቀ ቁ ͳͲͲ
RL Transformer winding resistance ସǤଵଽ଼ଵ௘ା଴ସ
Rd Damped resistance Overshoot β = 4.253%
In simulation of lightning impulse test on low voltage side
of power transformer overshoot appears due to high The final results for lightning impulse test on 10 MVA
capacitance and low inductance therefore to suppress overshoot power transformer at low voltage side during actual testing
100Ω damped resistance connected parallel to power with overshoot and overshoot compensation are as tabulated
transformer. Generator capacitance was charged up to 54kV below:
and discharged through one winding of 11kV side of power
transformer and remaining windings were earthed. Lightning

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S. Impulse Overshoot Overshoot

No voltage(Ut) compensation
1 42.57 kV 11.1% No
2 41.8 kV 2.56% 100Ω resistor
parallel with load

Fig. 7. Simulation of lightning impulse test on power transformer at low

voltage side with overshoot circuit

Fig. 5. Lightning impulse waveform of transformer at low voltage side

(Practical waveform data) [6].

Fig. 8. Lightning impulse waveform at low voltage side of power

transformer with overshoot compensation
Fig. 6. Lightning impulse waveform of transformer at low voltage side with
compensated overshoot (Practical waveform data) [6]. Analysis of practical and simulation parameter
The final results for lightning impulse test on 10 MVA
power transformer at low voltage side using simulation model S. No parameter Practical data Simulation data
with overshoot and overshoot compensation are as tabulated Lightning impulse test of transformer with overshoot
below: 1 Overshoot 11.1 11.17


S. Impulse Front Overshoot Overshoot 3 Front time 1.23μs 1μs

No voltage(Ut) time and compensation Lightning impulse test of transformer with overshoot compensation

tail time 4 Overshoot 2.56% 4.2523%

1 42.507 kV 1μs/34.5μs 11.17% No 5 Tail time 48.4 μs 4.27 μs

2 41.9 kV 1μs/47.2μs 4.2523% 100 Ω parallel 6 Front time 1.13 μs 1 μs

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In both the cases overshoot (β) obtained was 11.1% during ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
actual lightning impulse test of transformer and 11.17% in The author would like to express his gratitude to the CPRI
simulation of lightning impulse test of transformer. From the officials and Assistant Professor Sudeep Mohaney for
practical experience and simulation done, it was observed that extending their support and technical knowhow for submission
the increase in front time does not reduce the overshoot as of this manuscript.
specified in the IEC publication.
While with overshoot compensation, overshoot has REFERENCES
substantially reduced to 2.56% in actual lightning impulse test [1] IEC 60060-1: 2010 HV test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and
of transformer and overshoot has reduced to 4.2523% in test requirements.
simulation of lightning impulse test of transformer. [2] IEC 60076-3:2013 Power transformer – Part – 3: Insulation levels,
dielectric tests and external clearances in air.
VI. CONCLUSION [3] Savinee Ludpa and Peerawut Yutthagowith, Faculty of Engineering,
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology LadkrabangChalongkrung
The simulation results of lightning impulse test on Road, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand, 10520,“Curve Fitting for
transformer are near about similar to actual parameters Lightning Impulse Tests According to Standard IEC 60060-1:2010 by
achieved during the test. There is increment in Tail time Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm”.
without overshoot compensation. Using external parallel [4] Jasmin Smajic, Thorsten Steinmetz2, Martin Rüegg, Zeljko Tanasic1,
connected resistance we can reduce the overshoot as shown in Roman Obrist, Jens Tepper, Benjamin Weber, and Martin Carlen,
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Distributions Over Transformer Winding”s,2014.
resistance reduces the efficiency of lightning impulse generator [5] Shigemitsu Okabe, Toshihiro Tsuboi, GenyouUeta, Jun Takami and
but it reduces the stress on the transformer under test. As future Hideo Hirose,“Basic Study of Fitting Method for Base Curve Extraction
scope overshoot compensation can also be achieved using FIR in Lightning Impulse Test Techniques”,IEEE Transactions on
filter. Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, No.1, February 2010
[6] LavkushKushwaha, Leena H. Roy, ManojHirani, SudeepMohaney,
“Analysis of beta-factor in lightning impulse voltage by introduction of
damping resistor in the circuit”, 2021.

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