Tika Sapkota Report

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The structural design of this residential
building has been done as per the provisions
in Indian Standard Code (IS 1893:2016) and
Nepal National Building Code (NBC
105:2020). The design philosophy followed
is the Limit State Design as per IS: 456-
2000. The ductile detailing for the seismic
consideration has been done following IS
September 15, 2022. Bharatpur-4, Chitwan,
Nepal. Ph.no- 9845364435


Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA


Subject: Issuing Disclaimer letter.

I, consultant going to issue this disclaimer letter on behalf of final structural analysis and design report for
Mrs. Tika Sapkota during and after construction of proposed super structure.
The site supervisions and quality test of the different constructions materials of the proposed building do not
under taken by the consultant. Hence any failure or error occurred with the building due to non-
implementation of the recommendations made in this report and structural drawing or due to improper
construction will not be the responsibility of the consultant/designer.
The structural analysis has been completed on the assumptions that the proposed building shall be constructed
under the proper supervisions of skilled technical manpower.
The design calculations and derivations are limited to only a minimum to let the concerned people know the
methodology adopted. However, the calculations may be provided to the Client or the concerned Authority
upon request.

NAME: Er. Praveen Rajbhandari
DESIGNATION: Structural Engineer
NEC Regd. No: 12025” A”

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Building Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Structural System .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Codes, Standards and References..................................................................................................................... 5
2 BASIC MATERIALS...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Concrete ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Reinforcing Steel/Rebar .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Soil Bearing Capacity ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 LOADS........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Gravity Load ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Seismic Load ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Load calculations ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Load cases ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.6 Load Combination ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Analysis Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 11
.4.2.2 Linear Static Procedure (LSP) ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.3 Component and member design ................................................................................................................ 11
5 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Bending Moment Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 13
5.3 Shear Force Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 14
5.4 Axial Force Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.6 Base Shear Calculation Results ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.7 Story Forces..................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Story Drift Check ............................................................................................................................................. 17
6.2 Torsion Check .................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.3 Support reaction for the design of footing ..................................................................................................... 18

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6.4 Display Footing Reaction in Tabulated Form .................................................................................................. 19

7 SAMPLE DESIGN OF RCC STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Design of Slab using excel-sheet (sample) ............................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Design of Staircase ................................................................................................................................................ 21
7.3 Design of Footing using excel-sheet (sample) ...................................................................................................... 22
7.4 Area of steel for design of main bar ................................................................................................................... 25
7.5 Design of Column and Beams ............................................................................................................................. 30
8 SUMMARIES OF THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.......................................................................................................... 39
8.1 COLUMN OUTPUT: ................................................................................................................................................ 39
8.2 BEAM OUTPUT:...................................................................................................................................................... 40
8.3 FOOTING OUTPUT ................................................................................................................................................. 41
8.4 SLAB REINFORCEMENT: SLAB THICKNESS – 125mm .............................................................................................. 41
8.5 CANTILEVER SLAB REINFORCEMENT: SLAB THICKNESS – 125mm ......................................................................... 41
8.6 Staircase Bar: WAIST SLAB THICKNESS – 150mm .................................................................................................. 41
Required sizes of structure were adopted .................................................................................................................. 42
9 Concluding Remarks................................................................................................................................................ 43
References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44

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1.1 Building Descriptions
This document presents the overall methodology and the key results of the structural design of structural
components of RC moment resisting frame system.

Owner/Client : Mrs. Tika Sapkota

Building type : Residential Building
Location : Bharatpur-1, Chitwan, Nepal
Plinth area : 948.44 sq. ft
Plot Area : 0-0-10 (B-K-D)
Type of structure : RCC Framed Structure (Residential building)
No. of Story : Four
Geometry : Rectangular
Story Height : 3.175 m for all stories
Total Height : 12.7 m without roof truss

1.2 Structural System

RC special moment resisting frame system using reinforced concrete is used to carry the gravity load as well
as to resist the lateral loads. RC footings are used to transfer the load of the building to supporting soil.

The components of structural system used for this report are summarized in the following table.
Structural System Element Typical Component

RC special moment Foundation RC strap beam footing

resisting frame system
Beams and Column Reinforced concrete
and steel section

Plinth Beams Reinforced concrete

Lintel Reinforced concrete

Walls Brick Masonry with

cement mortar

1.3 Codes, Standards and References

The basic building codes referred are listed below. However, specific applications of those code provisions
are discussed in the corresponding sections.
Building codes

➢ Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016

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➢ Plain and Reinforced Concrete-Code of Practice, IS 456:2000

➢ Codes of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, IS 875
(Part 1): 1987

➢ Codes of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, IS 875
(Part 2): 1987
➢ Wind load Analysis, IS 875(part-3):1987 and NBC 105:2020
➢ Codes of Practice for Ductile design and detailing of reinforced structures subjected to seismic
forces, IS 13920:2016
➢ Nepal National Building Code NBC 105:2020.
Other references
➢ Related research papers and reports.

2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the strength of materials used in the design of structural components.

2.2 Concrete
The minimum compressive strength measured at 28 days, for the cube specimen used in different types of
structural components are shown in the following table.

Table 1: Compressive Strength of Concrete

Member f'c (Nominal)

Footings 20

Beams 20

Plinth beams, Lintel 20

Column 20

The properties of concrete chosen are as follows:

Density : 25 KN/m3
Poisson’s ratio : 0.2
Modulus of elasticity : 25000N/mm2 and 22360 N/mm2

2.3 Reinforcing Steel/Rebar

Minimum yield strength of reinforcing steel to be used in the design should be of strength 500 MPa.
Density : 76.97 KN/m3
Poisson’s ratio : 0.3
Modulus of elasticity : 200000 N/mm2

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2.4 Soil Bearing Capacity

Soil type II is considered in the current design. The allowable bearing capacity is approximately 150 KN/m2.

3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the design loads considered in the structural design, including gravity loads and seismic
Table 2: Unit Weight of Materials
S.N Descriptions Unit weight Reference
1 Concrete 25 KN/m³ IS-875(part 1) - 1987
2 Masonry wall 19.2 KN/m³ IS-875(part-1)-1987(Table-1)
3 Cement Concrete, plain 12.55 KN/m³ IS-875(part-1)-1987(Table-1)
4 Plaster Punning 20.4 KN/m³ IS-875(part-1)-1987(Table-2)

3.2 Gravity Load

Self-weight of the structure is considered as dead load and finishes and partitions are considered as
superimposed dead load. Live load is determined in accordance with occupancy or use. The following loads
are in addition to the self-weight of the structure. The minimum loading requirements shall be taken from IS
875 (Part 2)-1987 or equivalent.
Table 3: Live Load and Superimposed Dead Load
Occupancy or Use Live Load

Rooms 2.0 KN/m2

Corridors, passages, balconies and 3.0 KN/m2

Flat, sloping, curved roofs 1.5 KN/m2

3.3 Seismic Load

The basic seismic input may be determined from IS code. IS 1893:2016 based earthquake is used as Design
Basis Earthquake in code-based design. The response spectra used for the design are shown in figure below.
Table 4: Seismic Load
Parameter Value

Zone factor, Z 0.36

Importance factor 1

Soil type II

Response Reduction Factor 5 (SMRF)

3.4 Load calculations

A. Slab Load:

Slab Thickness 125 mm 3.125 KN/m3

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Stair Slab Thickness 150 mm 4.375 KN/m3

B. Wall Load:
Table 5: Wall Load Calculation
Type of Wall Thickness Density Opening Height W
m KN/m 3 % m KN/m
9" Wall without Opening 0.230 19.2 0.00 2.75 12.15

9" Wall with Opening 0.230 19.2 30.00 2.75 8.5

4" Wall without Opening 0.110 19.2 0.00 2.75 5.8

4" Wall with Opening 0.110 19.2 30.00 2.75 4

Parapet Wall 0.110 19.2 0.00 1.00 2.12

3.5 Load cases

Load cases are the independent loading for which the structure is explicitly analyzed. Earthquake forces occur
in random fashion in all directions. For building whose lateral load resisting elements are oriented in two
principal directions, it is usually sufficient to analyze in these two principal directions (X and Y directions)
separately one at a time. Thus, the load cases adopted are as follows:
a) Dead Load (DL)
b) Live Load (LL)
c) Earthquake Load in +ve X-direction
d) Earthquake Load in -ve X-direction
e) Earthquake Load in +ve Y-direction
f) Earthquake Load in -ve X-direction

3.6 Load Combination

Ultimate strength design load combinations used in code-based design are shown in the following table.
Table 6: Ultimate Strength Design Load Combinations as per IS 1893:2016
No. Load Combination

1 1.5D + 1.5L

2 1.2D + 1.2L±1.2E

3 0.9D ± 1.5E

4 1.5D ± 1.5E

Where: DL= Dead load E = Earthquake load (Along X and Y – direction)

L = Live load WL = Wind Load

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4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the finite element modeling, analysis and design procedures used in the code-based
Following are some of the building principles, which help in deciding the columns positions.
• Columns should preferably be located at (or) near the corners of a building, and at the intersection of
• Select the position of columns so as to reduce bending moments in beams.
• Avoid larger spans of beams.

Fig1: Positioning of Column

• Beams shall normally be provided under the walls or below a heavy concentrated load to avoid
punching and shear failures in slab.
• Avoid larger spacing of beams from deflection and cracking criteria. (The deflection varies directly
with the cube of the span and inversely with the cube of the depth i.e. L3/D3. Consequently, increase
in span L which results in greater deflection for larger span.)

Fig2: Positioning of Beam

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This is decided by supporting arrangements. When the supports are only on opposite edges or only in one
direction, then the slab acts as a one-way slab. When the rectangular slab is supported along its four edges it
acts as a two-way slab when Ly/Lx< 2. The two-way slab action of slab not only depends on the aspect ratio
but also on the ratio of reinforcement on the directions. In one-way slab, main steel is provided along with
short span only and the load is transferred to two opposite supports. The steel along the long span just acts as
the distribution steel and is not designed for transferring the load but to distribute the load and to resist
shrinkage and temperature stresses.

Fig3: Slab dimension and labels

In frame structure building wall do not bear any load. As per building code (NBC), or as practice, we have to
give wall load (self-wt. of wall) to beam.

Fig4: Wall load as per calculation

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4.1.5 Modeling of Structural System

Complete, three-dimensional elastic models are created, representing the structure’s three-dimensional
distribution of the mass and stiffness to an extent that is adequate for the calculation of the significant features
of the building’s elastic response. ETABS 2018.1.1 integrated software is used as analysis tool. The elastic
models are used for gravity and DBE level earthquake analysis. Nominal material properties are used in
modeling of structural components.

Fig5: Modeling of structure

4.2 Analysis Procedures

4.2.1 Introduction
The analysis has been carried out using a standard software package ETABS 2018.1.1 based on finite element
method. The software is capable to carrying out a three-dimensional analysis. A three-dimensional linear
elastic analysis has been carried out. A model based on rigid diaphragm concept has been considered. This is
done by creating a special joint at the center of mass of each floor level and constraining all the joints at this
level by diaphragm constraint.
The stiffness contribution of brick walls in the structure has been ignored and the building has been modeled
as a “Bare Frame” with no infill wall panels.
The flange effect of the slab has been neglected. The beams have been modeled as rectangular beams.

Analysis procedures used for code-based design are presented in the following sections.
Load cases Analysis type
Static Analysis Linear Static Analysis

.4.2.2 Linear Static Procedure (LSP)

Linear static analysis is carried out for gravity loadings. Gravity load basically includes live load in slab and
distributed load on beams.

4.2.3 Component and member design

The structural components are designed to satisfy the strength and ductility requirements. Strength capacity
for different types of actions considered in the design is summarized in the table below.

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Table 4: Structural system and component

Structural Component Design Code References
System Approach/Consideration

Special Reinforced Axial compression, Shear IS 456: 2000

moment Concrete and flexural
resisting (Beams, Slab,
frame system Columns)
Footings Bearing capacity of soil IS 456: 2000

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5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the analysis and design results of the residential building. The structural components
were analyzed using static method. In static analysis, linear static method was adopted.
5.2 Bending Moment Diagram
As loads were applied obviously the beam and column show their bending nature. After analyzing we have to
observe the BMD of every beam and columns. We have to check balanced section, under-reinforced and over-
reinforced section. This is very important task before designing frames structure. The bending moment
diagram is very much essential to design the sections for stability of structures. To get the area of steel, bending
moment is essential and without bending moment diagram the design of any structure is not possible.

Fig6: Bending Moment Diagram 2-2

Fig7: Bending Moment Diagram of sample section grid 2-2

This bending moment diagram is used to calculate area of steel by using formula as;

0.5 f ck bd 4.6M u
Ast = (1 − 1 − ) Where, Mu = BM obtained from software
fy f ck bd 2

Fck = Characteristics strength of concrete

FY = grade of steel used

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5.3 Shear Force Diagram

Fig8: Shear Force Diagram 2-2

Fig9: Shear Force Diagram of sample section grid 2-2

Shear force diagram is used to calculate or design of stirrups. We noticed that always shear force diagram is
maximum at support and less when it moves towards the center as in figure. Hence the spacing of stirrups at
the supports was closely spaced where at the middle it is largely spaced.

5.4 Axial Force Diagram

Fig 10: Axial Force Diagram 2-2

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5.6 Base Shear Calculation Results

IS 1893:2016 Auto Seismic Load Calculation
This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern EQx according to IS 1893:2016,
as calculated by ETABS.

Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = Multiple

Eccentricity Ratio = 5% for all diaphragms

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = User Specified

User Period T = 0.505 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Seismic Zone Factor, Z [IS Table 3] Z = 0.36

Response Reduction Factor, R [IS Table 9] R=5
Importance Factor, I [IS Table 8] I=1
Site Type [IS Table 1] = II

Seismic Response

Spectral Acceleration Coefficient, Sa /g [IS Sa 1.36 Sa

= = 1.308775
6.4.2] g T g

Equivalent Lateral Forces

Seismic Coefficient, Ah [IS 6.4.2] g
Ah =

Calculated Base Shear

W Vb
Direction Used
(kN) (kN)
X 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832
X + Ecc. Y 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832
X - Ecc. Y 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832

IS 1893:2016 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern EQy according to IS 1893:2016,
as calculated by ETABS.

Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = Multiple

Eccentricity Ratio = 5% for all diaphragms

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = User Specified

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User Period T = 0.505 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Seismic Zone Factor, Z [IS Table 3] Z = 0.36

Response Reduction Factor, R [IS Table 9] R=5
Importance Factor, I [IS Table 8] I=1
Site Type [IS Table 1] = II

Seismic Response

Spectral Acceleration Coefficient, Sa /g [IS Sa 1.36 Sa

= = 1.308775
6.4.2] g T g

Equivalent Lateral Forces

Seismic Coefficient, Ah [IS 6.4.2] g
Ah =

Calculated Base Shear

W Vb
Direction Used
(kN) (kN)
X 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832
X + Ecc. Y 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832
X - Ecc. Y 0.505 3544.2581 318.9832

5.7 Story Forces

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Table: Auto Lateral Load to Stories

TABLE: Story Response
Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir
Story Location
m kN kN
RIDGE 13.6144 Top 0.8292 0.8292
EVE 12.7 Top 19.0061 19.0061
THIRD FLOOR 9.525 Top 144.9242 144.9242
SECOND FLOOR 6.35 Top 123.7609 123.7609
FIRST FLOOR 3.175 Top 30.4628 30.4628
BASE 0 Top 0 0

Table: Story Shear

TABLE: Story Response
Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir
Story Location
m kN kN
RIDGE 13.6144 Top -0.8292 -0.8292
Bottom -0.8292 -0.8292
EVE 12.7 Top -19.8353 -19.8353
Bottom -19.8353 -19.8353
THIRD FLOOR 9.525 Top -164.7595 -164.7595
Bottom -164.7595 -164.7595
SECOND FLOOR 6.35 Top -288.5204 -288.5204
Bottom -288.5204 -288.5204
FIRST FLOOR 3.175 Top -318.9832 -318.9832
Bottom -318.9832 -318.9832
BASE 0 Top 0 0
Bottom 0 0


6.1 Story Drift Check
In order to control deflection of structural elements, the criteria given in clause 23.2 of IS: 456:2000 is
proposed to be used. To control overall deformation due to earthquake load, the criteria given in clause of IS 1893:2016 is applied. The story drift in any story due to the minimum specified design lateral
force, with partial load factor of 1.0 shall not exceed 0.004 times the story height.
Floors Displacement mm Drift mm Drift Ratio Check drift
Eve 23.89 3.414 0.001075 ok<0.0127
Third 20.178 5.643 0.001777 ok<0.0127
Second 14.641 8.273 0.002606 ok<0.0127
First 6.49 6.49 0.002044 ok<0.0127

Floors Displacement mm Drift mm Drift Ratio Check drift
Eve 17.687 3.025 0.000953 ok<0.0127
Third 14.695 3.683 0.00116 ok<0.0127
Second 11.012 5.907 0.00186 ok<0.0127
First 5.105 5.105 0.001608 ok<0.0127

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6.2 Torsion Check

TABLE: Story Max Over Avg Displacements
Maximum Average
Story Output Case Case Type Direction Ratio
mm mm
Third EQ-X LinStatic X 20.178 18.284 1.103
Second EQ-X LinStatic X 14.641 12.961 1.129
First EQ-X LinStatic X 6.49 5.664 1.145
Third EQ-Y LinStatic Y 14.695 13.926 1.055
Second EQ-Y LinStatic Y 11.012 10.432 1.056
First EQ-Y LinStatic Y 5.105 4.818 1.06

Here, maximum displacement/average displacement is <1.2.

Therefore, building has no irregularity and Building is safe in both directions for Torsion.

6.3 Support reaction for the design of footing

TABLE: Joint Reactions
Story Unique Name Output Case
kN kN-m kN-m
Base 3 1.5DL+1.5LL 312.7246 -1.3908 5.7606
Base 12 1.5DL+1.5LL 429.8738 -4.2375 5.566
Base 19 1.5DL+1.5LL 631.9255 -4.1072 10.9988
Base 26 1.5DL+1.5LL 335.381 9.1834 5.0958
Base 33 1.5DL+1.5LL 280.7338 -5.8828 5.4019
Base 40 1.5DL+1.5LL 530.5531 1.6653 9.2956
Base 47 1.5DL+1.5LL 392.3546 3.1148 8.7306
Base 54 1.5DL+1.5LL 287.9697 -0.8597 -6.2217
Base 61 1.5DL+1.5LL 401.4868 -4.5462 -5.7371
Base 68 1.5DL+1.5LL 621.0494 -3.5007 -11.3724
Base 75 1.5DL+1.5LL 324.0517 8.7043 -5.2994
Base 82 1.5DL+1.5LL 270.7752 -5.4805 -5.5449
Base 89 1.5DL+1.5LL 519.5874 1.4174 -9.339
Base 96 1.5DL+1.5LL 393.0684 3.1883 -8.8737

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6.4 Display Footing Reaction in Tabulated Form

Fig 11: footing reaction


The design of all structural elements is done using ‘Limit State Method’. All relevant Limit State must
be considered in design to ensure adequate safety and serviceability.
The structural elements are designed for the worst combination of the loads. Designs of foundations have
been done with respect to the joint reactions given in the table above for the Load combination 1.5(DL+LL).

7.1 Design of Slab using excel-sheet (sample)

Short span S= 4.216 mts
Long span L= 4.29 mts
Assumed slab thickness t= 0.125 mts
Grade of concrete fck= 20 N/mm^2

Grade of reinforcement fy= 500 N/mm^2

Type of panel

4.29 mts
Self weight of slab w1= 3.13 kN/m^2
Floor finish 100 mm thk wpc w2= 1.50 kN/m^2
Live load - Accessible Terrace w3= 2.00 kN/m^2
Miscellaneous-Equipment Load w4= 1.50 kN/m^2 4.22 mts

Ratio of long span to short span R= 1.05 Two Way Slab

Design Load with load factor of 1.5 Wu= 12.19 kN/m^2

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Coeff BM k pt Ast Dia Spacing
Short span direction
Negative moment at continuous edge 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 8 150
Positive moment at midspan 0.039 8.45 0.75 0.18 192 8 150

Long span direction

Negative moment at continuous edge 0.045 9.75 0.88 0.21 225.6 10 150
Positive moment at midspan 0.035 7.58 0.81 0.19 188.9 10 150

Minimum effective depth reqd dre= 59.43 mm

Clear cover to any reinforcement c= 15 mm
Minimum effective depth provided dpr= 97 mm greater than 'min. eff depth reqd'. Hence ok
Minimum reinforcement Amin= 150 mm^2

Deflection check

Reinf provided at midspan along short direction 335.10 mm^2 Dia 8 at 150 mm
Stress in reinforcement fs= 166.12 N/mm^2
Percentage of reinforcement provided pt= 0.3161 %
Modification factor as per fig 4 of IS:456-2000 MF= 2

Type of slab for deflection check Continuous

Basic span to effective depth ratio 26
Minimum effective depth reqd from deflection criteria 81.08 mm
Effective depth provided 106 mm greater than 'min. eff depth reqd'. Hence ok

assume depth at support = 125 mm

effective depth at support = 106 mm
At middle of Short edge Vy = w Lx / 3 per unit width
At middle of Long edge Vx = w Lx β
( 2β + 1 )
β = 1.0180
So, Vy = 17.13 KN
So, Vx = 17.229 KN
ζ vy = Vy / ( bd ) = 0.162 N/mm2
ζ vx = Vx / ( bd ) = 0.176 N/mm2
% steel provided along Long direction = 0.342 %
% steel provided along Short direction = 0.317 %
Permissible shear stress = Kζc
Provided thk of slab = 125 mm

k slab thickness 125 125.000 125

k 1.300 1.300 1.300

ζc % steel 0.250 0.342 0.500

ζc 0.370 0.418 0.500

Permissible shear stress, K ζ c = 0.543 N/mm2

ζ c max = 2.800 N/mm2

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7.2 Design of Staircase

Staircase Design

Effective Span (l) 3.00 mm
Riser (R) 175 mm
Thread (T) 250 mm
Waist Slab thickness (t) 150 mm
Clear Cover 15 mm
Effective Depth of Waist Slab (d) 135 mm

Grade of Concrete (fck) 20 MPa

Grade of Steel (fy) 500 MPa

Loads on going Loads on waist slab
Self weight of waist slab 4.58 KN/m Self weight of landing slab 3.75 KN/m
Self weight of steps 2.19 KN/m Live Load 3.00 KN/m
Live Load 3.00 KN/m Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m
Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m Total Load 7.75 KN/m
Total Load 10.76 KN/m Factored Load 11.63 KN/m
Factored Load 16.15 KN/m

Bending Moment
Calculate Bending Moment using the equation (W*L*L )/8

Bending Moment = 18 KN-m

to be used as UDL = 24 KN
60 KN-m

Area of Main Steel

Ast 330 sqmm

Diameter of bar 12ø 16ø
Spacing across x 343 c/c c/c

12ø @150mm
Provded Main Steel: c/c

Area of Distribution Steel

Ast 180 sqmm

Diameter of bar 8ø 10ø
Spacing across y 279 c/c c/c

Provided Distridution Steel: 10ø @200mm c/c

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7.3 Design of Footing using excel-sheet (sample)

Combined Footing Design Excel Sheet
Sample Design

Material Properties
Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 N/mm2
For steel (fy) = 500 N/mm2
Bearing Capacity of soil = 120 N/mm2
Unfactored Load on Column 1 = 421.3333 KN
Unfactored Load on Column 2 = 414 KN
Size of Column 1
Width = 300 mm
Depth = 300 mm
Size of Column 2
Width = 300 mm
Depth = 300 mm
C/C spacing betwing C1 and C2 = 4.2164 m
Projection along C1, a = 0.15
Projection along C2, a1 = 0.15

1 length and width of footing

CG of load from property line

X= = 2.239692 m
LENGTH OF FOOTING= = 4.479385 m
USING length of footing = 4.5 m
there will be slight ecentricity of = -0.0164 m

it will cause a moment of with respect to centroid of footing = -13.6995 KN-m

this effect is neglected

assume wt of footing & earth above it as 5% of total wt

total wt on earth = 877.1 KN
Footing width = 1.299407 m
adopt width of footing, B = 1.98 m

2 longitudinal bending moment and shear

Factored load on Column 1 = 632 KN

Factored load on Column 2 = 621 KN

Net Upward soil Pressure = 140.6285 KN/m2

Net Upward Soil Pressure per unit length = 278.4444 KN/m

Maximum Shear Force at Centre line of Column A

V1 = -41.7667 KN

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V2 = 590.2333 KN

Maximum Shear Force at Centre line of Column B

V1 = 41.76667 KN
V2 = -579.233 KN

Point Of Zero Shear Force From Centre OF Column A

X = 2.12803 m

Maximum B.M computed From Left side = -622.432 KN-m

Maximum B.M computed From Right side = -599.333 KN-m

Take Maximum BM = -622.432 KN-m

For Overall depth
effective depth reqired is
d = 337 mm
adopt Overall Depth due to Shear Consideration 500 mm

3 Main Negative Longitudinal Reinforcement

Area of Steel Reinforcement :

Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-(Ast/bd)*(fy/fck)) Eq -- 1
Mu = 622.4323 KN-m
fy = 500 N/mm2
fck = 20 N/mm2
b = 1980 mm
d = 500 mm
Solving Eq 1

Ast = 3106.955 mm2

Using Diameter of the bars = 16 mm
ast = 200.96 mm2
Required Spacing = 128.0678 mm
Provide 16mm @ 125mm c/c spacing = 3183.206 > 3107 OK

4 check for shear one way (Column B)

shear force(Vu) = 94.67111 KN

nominal shear stress Ʈv = 0.095627 N/mm2
assuming 0.2% steel
Ʈc = 0.32 N/mm2
if Ʈv< Ʈc then results is ok OK

check for shear two way (Column B)

shear force(Vu) = 1175.654 KN

Normal shear stress
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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Ʈv = 0.734784 N/mm2
shear strength
Ʈc = 1.118034 N/mm2
if Ʈv< Ʈc then results is ok OK

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7.4 Area of steel for design of main bar

Fig: Elevation view for Longitudinal Reinforcement (Elevation 2-2)

Fig: Elevation view for Longitudinal Reinforcement (Elevation 1-1)

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Figure: View of maximum Area of rebar percentage (mm2/m) in column

Fig.: View of maximum Area of Shear reinforcement (mm2/m) in column

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Fig: PLAN view for Longitudinal Reinforcement First Floor

Fig: PLAN view for Longitudinal Reinforcement Second Floor

Fig: PLAN view for Longitudinal Reinforcement Third Floor

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Steel member details

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Figure: Design of Structural Members in 3D View (All Passed).

Figure: PM values of all Members in 3D View<1, OK (All Passed).

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7.5 Design of Column and Beams

ETABS Concrete Frame Column Design
IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
FIRST FLOOR C37 36 COL 300 x 300 UDCon7 0 3175 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
304.8 304.8 56 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
453.7766 9.0755 94.86 9.0755 9.0755 2223 2.39

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.600019 2743.2 37.944 0 9.0755
Minor Bend(M2) 0.572321 2743.2 2.8829 0 9.0755

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 57.8407 83.5453 30.3333 57.8407 337.85
Minor, Vu3 50.59 83.5453 30.3333 50.59 337.85

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
929 22.2 1878.6109 385.9306 453.7766 0.954548

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.864 304.8 5.4 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.864 304.8 5.151 12 No 0


N/A: Not Applicable

N/C: Not Calculated

N/N: Not Needed

ETABS Concrete Frame Beam Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
FIRST FLOOR B80 136 BEAM 230X425 UDCon7 4064 4216.4 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
230 431.8 230 0 35 35

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

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Factored Factored Factored Factored

Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-131.4403 0.1823 103.478 0

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-131.4403 0.3086 0 -131.7489

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -131.7489 916 0 916 229
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 458 0 230 458

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
128.2212 0 129.4893 87.1446 904.3

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, T u & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
0.1823 103.478 180 381.8 335.92

Steel Bottom Rafter for truss

ETABS Steel Frame Design

IS 800:2007 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details (Part 1 of 2)

Level Element Unique Name Location (mm) Combo Design Type Element Type Section
EVE B9 42 1054.1 DStlS7 Beam Special Moment Frame ISB49.5X49.5X3.6

Element Details (Part 2 of 2)

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Classification Rolled
Class 1 Yes

Design Code Parameters

ɣM0 ɣM1 An /Ag LLRF PLLF Stress ratio Limit
1.1 1.25 1 1 0.75 0.95

Section Properties
A (cm²) Izz (cm⁴) rzz (mm) Ze,zz (cm³) Av,z (cm²) Zp,zz (cm³) Iyz (cm⁴) It (cm⁴)
6.3 21.4 18.5 8.7 3.1 8.7 0 35.8

J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm) Ze,yy (cm³) Av,y (cm²) Zp,yy (cm³) Iw (cm⁶) h (mm)
35.8 21.4 18.5 8.7 3.1 8.7 49.5

Material Properties
J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm)
35.8 21.4 18.5

E (MPa) fy (MPa) fu (MPa)

210000 345 450

Stress Check Message - KL/r > 180 (IS 3.8, Table 3)

Stress Check Forces and Moments

Location (mm) N (kN) Mzz (kN-m) Myy (kN-m) Vy (kN) Vz (kN) To (kN-m)
1054.1 -4.8948 -0.0273 0.006 0.066 0.0343 0.0007

PMM Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio

D/C Ratio = P / Pdy + Ky * Cmy * (My,span / Mdy; ) + KLT *
(Mz,span / Mdz; )
0.229 = 0.201 + 0.018 + 0.01

Basic Factors
Buckling Mode K Factor L Factor L Length (mm) KL/r
Major (z-z) 1 1 1054.1 57.076
Major Braced 1 1 1054.1 57.076
Minor (y-y) 1 3.711 3911.6 211.799
Minor Braced 1 3.711 3911.6 211.799
LTB 1 3.711 3911.6 211.799

Axial Force Design

N Force Td Capacity Nd Capacity Pdy Capacity Pz Capacity Pd Capacity
kN kN kN kN kN kN
Axial -4.8948 196.9636 196.9636 24.3946 163.479 24.3946

Tdg Tdn Ncr,T Ncr,TF An /Ag N /Nd

kN kN kN kN Unitless Unitless
196.9636 203.472 42411.2993 29.0155 1 0.025

Design Parameters for Axial Design

Curve α fcc (MPa) λ Φ χ fcd (MPa)
Major (z-z) a 0.21 636.23 0.736 0.827 0.83 260.32
MajorB (z-z) a 0.21 636.23 0.736 0.827 0.83 260.32
Minor (y-y) a 0.21 46.2 2.733 4.499 0.124 38.84
MinorB (y-y) a 0.21 46.2 2.733 4.499 0.124 38.84
Torsional TF a 0.21 46.2 2.733 4.499 0.124 38.84

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Moment Designs
M Moment Mspan Moment Md(yield) Capacity Mdv Capacity Mnd Capacity Md(LTB) Capacity
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major (z-z) -0.0273 -0.0273 2.713 2.713 2.713 2.713
Minor (y-y) 0.006 0.0422 2.713 2.713 2.713

Curve αLT λLT ΦLT χLT C1 Mcr (kN-m)

LTB a 0.21 0.196 0.519 1 2.686 77.8286

Cmy Cmz CmLT kz ky KLT My / Mdy Mz / Mdz α1 α2

Factors 1 0.452 1 1.016 1.161 0.995 0.002 -0.01 1.661 1.661

Shear Design
V Force (kN) Vd Capacity (kN) To Capacity (kN-m) Stress Ratio Status Check
Major (y) 0.066 56.8585 0.0007 0.001 OK
Minor (z) 0.0343 56.8585 0.0007 0.001 OK

Shear Design
Vp (kN) kv (Unitless) ΛW (Unitless) Τb (MPa)
Reduction 56.8585 0 0 1

Steel Rafter for truss

ETABS Steel Frame Design

IS 800:2007 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details (Part 1 of 2)

Level Element Unique Name Location (mm) Combo Design Type Element Type Section
RIDGE D14 117 574.5 DStlS8 Brace Special Moment Frame ISB49.5X49.5X3.6

Element Details (Part 2 of 2)

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Classification Rolled
Class 1 Yes

Design Code Parameters

ɣM0 ɣM1 An /Ag LLRF PLLF Stress ratio Limit
1.1 1.25 1 1 0.75 0.95

Section Properties
A (cm²) Izz (cm⁴) rzz (mm) Ze,zz (cm³) Av,z (cm²) Zp,zz (cm³) Iyz (cm⁴) It (cm⁴)
6.3 21.4 18.5 8.7 3.1 8.7 0 35.8

J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm) Ze,yy (cm³) Av,y (cm²) Zp,yy (cm³) Iw (cm⁶) h (mm)
35.8 21.4 18.5 8.7 3.1 8.7 49.5

Material Properties
J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm)
35.8 21.4 18.5

E (MPa) fy (MPa) fu (MPa)

210000 345 450

Stress Check Forces and Moments

Location (mm) N (kN) Mzz (kN-m) Myy (kN-m) Vy (kN) Vz (kN) To (kN-m)
574.5 -24.8934 0.0459 -0.0174 0.2174 0.1182 0.0054

PMM Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio

D/C Ratio = P / Pdy + Ky * Cmy * (My,span / Mdy; ) + KLT *
(Mz,span / Mdz; )
0.231 = 0.159 + 0.014 + 0.058

Basic Factors
Buckling Mode K Factor L Factor L Length (mm) KL/r
Major (z-z) 1 1 1149 62.213
Major Braced 1 1 1149 62.213
Minor (y-y) 1 1 1149 62.213
Minor Braced 1 1 1149 62.213
LTB 1 1 1149 62.213

Axial Force Design

N Force Td Capacity Nd Capacity Pdy Capacity Pz Capacity Pd Capacity
kN kN kN kN kN kN
Axial -24.8934 196.9636 196.9636 156.4242 156.4242 156.4242

Tdg Tdn Ncr,T Ncr,TF An /Ag N /Nd

kN kN kN kN Unitless Unitless
196.9636 203.472 42411.2993 336.2889 1 0.126

Design Parameters for Axial Design

Curve α fcc (MPa) λ Φ χ fcd (MPa)
Major (z-z) a 0.21 535.49 0.803 0.885 0.794 249.08
MajorB (z-z) a 0.21 535.49 0.803 0.885 0.794 249.08
Minor (y-y) a 0.21 535.49 0.803 0.885 0.794 249.08
MinorB (y-y) a 0.21 535.49 0.803 0.885 0.794 249.08
Torsional TF a 0.21 535.49 0.803 0.885 0.794 249.08

Moment Designs

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

M Moment Mspan Moment Md(yield) Capacity Mdv Capacity Mnd Capacity Md(LTB) Capacity
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major (z-z) 0.0459 0.1599 2.713 2.713 2.713 2.713
Minor (y-y) -0.0174 -0.0853 2.713 2.713 2.713

Curve αLT λLT ΦLT χLT C1 Mcr (kN-m)

LTB a 0.21 0.12 0.499 1 2.086 205.722

Cmy Cmz CmLT kz ky KLT My / Mdy Mz / Mdz α1 α2

Factors 0.4 0.43 0.43 1.096 1.096 0.989 -0.006 0.017 1.691 1.691

Shear Design
V Force (kN) Vd Capacity (kN) To Capacity (kN-m) Stress Ratio Status Check
Major (y) 0.2174 56.8585 0.0054 0.004 OK
Minor (z) 0.1182 56.8585 0.0054 0.002 OK

Shear Design
Vp (kN) kv (Unitless) ΛW (Unitless) Τb (MPa)
Reduction 56.8585 0 0 1

End Reaction Axial Forces

Left End Reaction (kN) Load Combo Right End Reaction (kN) Load Combo
-24.91 DStlS25 -24.8769 DStlS25

Steel Purlin for truss

ETABS Steel Frame Design

IS 800:2007 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details (Part 1 of 2)

Level Element Unique Name Location (mm) Combo Design Type Element Type Section
RIDGE B34 219 19440.2 DStlS8 Beam Special Moment Frame ISB72X72X4.0

Element Details (Part 2 of 2)

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Classification Rolled
Class 1 Yes

Design Code Parameters

ɣM0 ɣM1 An /Ag LLRF PLLF Stress ratio Limit
1.1 1.25 1 1 0.75 0.95

Section Properties
A (cm²) Izz (cm⁴) rzz (mm) Ze,zz (cm³) Av,z (cm²) Zp,zz (cm³) Iyz (cm⁴) It (cm⁴)
10.5 79 27.5 22 5.2 22 0 129.2

J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm) Ze,yy (cm³) Av,y (cm²) Zp,yy (cm³) Iw (cm⁶) h (mm)
129.2 79 27.5 22 5.2 22 72

Material Properties
J (cm⁴) Iyy (cm⁴) ryy (mm)
129.2 79 27.5

E (MPa) fy (MPa) fu (MPa)

210000 345 450

Stress Check Forces and Moments

Location (mm) N (kN) Mzz (kN-m) Myy (kN-m) Vy (kN) Vz (kN) To (kN-m)
19440.2 0.5548 -0.5325 -0.2118 3.1089 0.2576 0.0163

PMM Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio

D/C Ratio = P / Pdy + Ky * Cmy * (My,span / Mdy; ) + KLT *
(Mz,span / Mdz; )
0.569 = 0 + 0.033 + 0.535

Basic Factors
Buckling Mode K Factor L Factor L Length (mm) KL/r
Major (z-z) 1 0.24 4673.6 170.11
Major Braced 1 0.24 4673.6 170.11
Minor (y-y) 1 0.24 4673.6 170.11
Minor Braced 1 0.24 4673.6 170.11
LTB 1 0.24 4673.6 170.11

Axial Force Design

N Force Td Capacity Nd Capacity Pdy Capacity Pz Capacity Pd Capacity
kN kN kN kN kN kN
Axial 0.5548 328.3773 328.3773 61.5819 61.5819 61.5819

Tdg Tdn Ncr,T Ncr,TF An /Ag N /Nd

kN kN kN kN Unitless Unitless
328.3773 339.228 69135.3744 74.9908 1 0.002

Design Parameters for Axial Design

Curve α fcc (MPa) λ Φ χ fcd (MPa)
Major (z-z) a 0.21 71.62 2.195 3.118 0.188 58.82
MajorB (z-z) a 0.21 71.62 2.195 3.118 0.188 58.82
Minor (y-y) a 0.21 71.62 2.195 3.118 0.188 58.82
MinorB (y-y) a 0.21 71.62 2.195 3.118 0.188 58.82
Torsional TF a 0.21 71.62 2.195 3.118 0.188 58.82

Moment Designs

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

M Moment Mspan Moment Md(yield) Capacity Mdv Capacity Mnd Capacity Md(LTB) Capacity
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major (z-z) -0.5325 -3.6168 6.8843 6.8843 6.8843 6.7593
Minor (y-y) -0.2118 -0.2306 6.8843 6.8843 6.8843

Curve αLT λLT ΦLT χLT C1 Mcr (kN-m)

LTB a 0.21 0.281 0.548 0.982 1.082 95.7477

Cmy Cmz CmLT kz ky KLT My / Mdy Mz / Mdz α1 α2

Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 -0.031 -0.077 1.66 1.66

Shear Design
V Force (kN) Vd Capacity (kN) To Capacity (kN-m) Stress Ratio Status Check
Major (y) 3.1089 94.7943 0.0163 0.033 OK
Minor (z) 0.2576 94.7943 0.0163 0.003 OK

Shear Design
Vp (kN) kv (Unitless) ΛW (Unitless) Τb (MPa)
Reduction 94.7943 0 0 1

End Reaction Major Shear Forces

Left End Reaction (kN) Load Combo Right End Reaction (kN) Load Combo
1.5444 DStlS25 3.1089 DStlS25

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA



Concrete Grade: M25
Steel Grade: Fe 500
Clear Cover: 40 mm


Column Size (mm) Ground floor 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor
C1 300X300 4-16ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-12ф 4-16ф+4-12ф 4-16ф+4-12ф
C2 300X300 2-20ф+6-16ф 2-20ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-12ф
C3 300X300 4-20ф+4-16ф 4-20ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-12ф
C4 300X300 6-20ф+2-16ф 4-20ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-16ф 4-16ф+4-12ф

1. The transverse reinforcement in the column should be 8mm ф, 4- legged @ 100mm c/c at below and
above the face of the beam for a distance of 0.8m.
2. The spacing of 8mm ф, 4- legged transverse reinforcement should be @ 100mm c/c in lap zone.
3. Other detailing is as per structural drawings sheet.

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA


Design Parameters: Concrete Grade: M20
Steel Grade: Fe 500
Clear Cover: 30 mm
Beams Rebars at Support Rebars at mid span
Top Bottom Top Bottom
Plinth Beam 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(230x300mm) (TH) (TH)

First Floor Beam

MB1 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(See fig:2, page no. 9 for (TH) +2-16mm (TH)
location of beam section) (EX)
MB1 (230x425mm) @ 2-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars
GRID 1-1 & 2-2 (TH) +2-16mm (TH)
MB2 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) +2-16mm (TH)
MB2 (230x425mm) @ 3-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars
GRID A-A & B-B (TH) +2-16mm (TH) +2-12mm
(EX) dia. Bars (EX)
Second Floor Beam
MB1 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) +2-16mm (TH)
MB2 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) +2-16mm (TH)
MB2 (230x425mm) @ 2-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars 3-16mm dia. Bars
GRID A-A & B-B (TH) +2-16mm (TH)
Third floor Beam
MB1 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) (TH)

MB2 (230x425mm) 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) +2-12mm (TH)
Secondary Beam
MB (230x300mm) 2-12mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars 2-12mm dia. Bars 2-16mm dia. Bars
(TH) (TH)

Vertical Stirrups 8mm dia. Vertical Stirrups @ 100mm c/c 8mm dia. Vertical Stirrups @ 150mm
upto L/4 from end of support c/c upto midspan

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

1. The shear reinforcement in the L/4 of beam span measured from supports face should be 8mm ф
provided @ 100mm c/c and can be placed @ 150mm c/c in remaining span.
2. The shear reinforcement in the main beam in which secondary beams are tied should be 8mm ф
provided @ 75mm c/c throughout.
3.The shear reinforcement in the lapping zone should be also provided @ 150mm c/c
4.The shear reinforcement in the circular beam should be provided @ 100mm c/c



Schedule of RCC Footing- SBC 150 KN/m2

Footing Footing size Footing Depth Top and Bottom Top and Bottom
mm (L x B) type of
footing footing Rebar along footing Rebar along
Breadth length
All Footing 4500 X 1980 Combined 550 mm 16mm dia@125mmc/c 16mm dia@125mmc/c


Main bar 10 mm and extra bar 8 mm @ 150 mm C/C.


Main bar 10 mm and extra bar 8 mm @ 150 mm C/C.

8.6 Staircase Bar: WAIST SLAB THICKNESS – 150mm

Use 12mm dia. bar as main bar @ 150 mm C/C and 10 mm as distribution bar @ 200 mm C/C.

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

Required sizes of structure were adopted

SN Structures Sizes(mm)
1 Column (300mmX300mm)
2 Main Beam MB (230mm X 425mm)
SB (230mm X 300mm)
3 Slab 125mm
4 Truss
Top Rafter ISB 49.5X49.5X3.6
Bottom Rafter ISB 49.5X49.5X3.6
Struds ISB 38X38X4.0
Purlin ISB 72X72X4.0

4 Concrete grade M20 Column, M20 Beam,

Footing and Slabs
5 Steel grade Fe500 for main bar and
Fe450 (stirrups)

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA

9 Concluding Remarks

Reinforced concrete construction is common all over the world. It is used extensively for construction of
variety of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, water tanks, stadiums, towers, tunnels and so on.
Experiences from past earthquakes and extensive laboratories works have shown that a well-designed and
detailed reinforced concrete structure is suitable for earthquake resistant structures. Ductility and strength
required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by following the recommendations made in the standard
codes of practice for earthquake resistant design.
Design and construction of the structure are inter-related jobs. A building behaves in a manner how it has been
built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large percentage of structure failures are attributed
due to poor quality of construction. Therefore, quality assurance is needed in both design and construction.
In earthquake resistant construction quality of materials and workmanship plays a very important role. It has
been observed that damages during earthquake are largely dependent on the quality and workmanship. Hence,
quality assurance is the most important factor in the good seismic behavior of the structure.
Nepal is located in the boundary of two colliding tectonic plates, namely, the Indian Plate (Indo-Australian
Plate) and the Tibetan Plate (Eurasian Plate). The Indian Plate is constantly moving under the Tibetan Plate
causing many minor and major earthquakes in this region. As a result, Nepal has witnessed many major as
well as minor earthquakes during the past. Records show that around 19 major earthquakes have shaken Nepal
since then. The 1833 A.D. earthquake, 1934 A.D Bihar-Nepal earthquake and 2015 Gorkha Earthquake were
the most destructive ones in the history of Nepal.
Thus, structures to be built in Nepal need to be suitably designed and detailed, so as to counteract the forces
due to earthquakes.

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Structural Analysis and Design Report of MRS. TIKA SAPKOTA


[1] IS 456- 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

[2] IS 875-1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures

[3] IS 1893-2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures,

[4] IS 13920-2016 Code of practice for ductile detailing of reinforced concrete

[5] Structures subjected to seismic forces

[6] NBC 105:2020 Nepal National Building Code

[7] Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure – A.K. Jain

[8] Limit State Design of Substructure- Swamisharan

[9] ETABS manual


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