Chemistry Practical Part 1

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Date: 112 /209

This is to certify that Mr/Ms.akhikat y a l

of Class XI Division A Roll No..

has satisfactorily completed the course experiments in practical

Chanisu Du3)
in the academic year of 20-22/ 2023

in the Institution. HandJnkurational sdeheat

Teacher Examiner7 Principal

Institution Rubber Stamp

Date of Date of
Page No.
Sr. No.
Name of the Experiment Experimernt Submission Remaks
1To_o Hho Hlauty anM
stuength kMnOy4 alution
aganotMolu's dalt
I ooeloumine the malauidy
KMnoy ddution by
Lttuating tagunat d
Standaild daudton DXale alid

3 . 0pupate Jample
Lelbidal sdutin taueh

4. Araluyto he qie innlkguniL

Aalt ou 1 Catiom anol
1 aion [NHY ad U)
5. Analyxo Hhe gien inDtganic
salt ou 1 latiim andi
anlbon(NHy Ow Co)
.Aalyzo the gien inoLganie
anin PE ord aLo0)
1 Aayzo tho Quen inDMgULnie
oulaH 1.tim rd
Sr. No. Date of Date of
Name of the Experiment Page No. Experiment Submission Pemarys
Amlaa Hhe quen inDngunit alt joH
9 Aralysu He cinen iADMaunit dult joy
anbnad 1laten/ea"Du N02)
JO Arause he gien saultDH 1am
lad 1aton puLant init [sox N
1 IpArnyse He quen dolE foH one anon
land 1 atnon eantinit[MDzpPb)
12 ToAralya Hhe gtienAatt 1oy
d ilatan ptaent init[a2o,o7&) AT
13To dbtiumire the junliral aHahyelo
guBLp PLLALnt in an Duganic.
Joclatemina Hau junthonal keleniz
qHAp gen Oxgonit lomp8iurd
15. Todady thd untlonal Cauboxylu
atid eueup in ine quenDuqant
16.T idnt the juntona
aluchait guoip ih e DMguni
Expeiomt No:1
AnTo finel tho moawiuty ond sturgh potaswm
pumagirato dolution dyoinst Hohs's Solt

Mateuiali Rquinsd:
Hobor's sdalt
9, Ptapaum póuraganao
3.onlca lovsk
4. Velumebie fask
6 Buuette
. Beake4A
9. Buwett stprd
9. Oeighirg bottle.

Keaetim Snwolueel: he Moaglion ls a Lombiraton hall

vislotion ond hal Huourton Maactom a

1. Haly 0idatun Heacton

JkMdy+ 3MgSoy KSoyt IMaSouoy+3MDt+5lo)
2.Houl Medluction Miaction
LFeay(uySay.C%0-+* Souyt[o]edSou)gtUMSoy t 13Ho]xs
3. Total seaction
KMnOyt lfe Soy(wH), Soy.6MgO+8H,Soy Kasoyt 2MnSoy+ Sfeslso)a
+lolwMu)g Soyt6BH,0
CamlinPago No.
/ No.:
Dnte 99
Erpeuirent ab: 1

Ai Yo ind tho_malavituy,Andl dtiuwnth a patassiun

pèumaganali sdduton aßoinot Mou SLLt

eouy he iialiom KMnos againat Hohu's salti

aHEloX HOALii Reslox HeactionA au thoaa Haactiona
n uhich Dxidlaiim Uno Heoluctior ueactioma DCCuy dmd-
tanceusly n He uatondHohu'a hult ith kmnOy
10Hbhu's sdoultia Ha ueoluciougpnt uhile the lotton is
the_oiskiaing Angpnt.
IMuhss dalt ä nama sHaa innuganie Lompsurd
Ammonium ewes u) dulphali. At guan-Lolouxao
Lystiole doubt lat qammonum dulphati anal
esLA dulphali. 4t lontains Tu AiyeLont latim
Matuuiad Kecquistnal-
Hoth'o daTE
Yotaaiunm peumanganale
Lonital £lask
Votumatuic flase
Buroth Atanc
LAeinhining bnttlo cher's Signature:

LAnic equalon
Oxidlation hay aactan -

Se M+4MO
educion hat teactuon MnOy+BNt+
BH+SE> M't
tSfe"+ 9H,0
Ovemal! onic equalion- Madyt

Tnolic ato4: KMmdy acts asa de Brditatas

Eral paint.: Lolbuslo topuumorent lght pak Colou
4ppaxalus sdetup:-
9n Buxett - kmndu Soluton
4n lonikal lask lom Feyous Ammonium
Awate Mowi's Aalt ),t Auiwac ocicd.
3. Jndiiatou - Aey iroitotou (KMAoy).
4. Enol point - Ldtouwlos to psumarant pale pink

S.No vlum dJweu omm.| Buwutty adig Volune ()y kmnDy
dulyale Mouwia.kalluo|Iniliaubo tiraleed V=(V-x)md
90 mL
0.OmL18.6 %.SmL
9o mL 0.0mL 18,3 18.3mL
3 9omL O.0mL18.3 18.3 mL
Lontoedot Voummkmnoy uasol 18.3mt
Pg Camlin/Pago No.
Experiment Name/ No.:. Dato

Inouiatou: kMnDy octo o a dely inolitatin

Fhal Peint Lolowslss to puunsanent light pink Ldous

Aash the pipete And tha bunetta_Ath dliatillbol ha
And Haan iinee t uuth te Aouoaponolinq doulion
to be keel in Haom
Rinae_ tho buuotta_with polasaiium peumagounale ddution
Ono Haen l Hhe potosdtium uaganatn Ydauiuon.
3 Ei tha buuet in tha buuntta Atana oso then platca
o uthibtt bonsath it Ab Hhat the_enolpsint Coun
ondel Iices.
|4.Rinaathe pipetde ao weuono the Aorvcal flnak
with mdhhy olt _which is also kneun ås exueu
dullai ddutin

5Yake uut omaHouolaal mDMe MDhs dalt

Aduti n tho lomital laak.
6.Alol 1 jull Juyuic ciod tist ube se as To.
DALnt Hhe oiolalton o Mnganeas lb Dum
MAgOLnese lioxide.
Teacher's Signature:
HolaviykmmDy Jolution:
MV = MoV
Molouity s How batt = 2o MMolaity e kMna
M =

Hebr's salt =9om V Votumno dkM,Oy=18.3

VV = Volune

Acc. to o1eu qy lonic equalon imdo MnDypeeoois nwth n

mole oFe so a 5 ard o =1

= 0.0l09 M

Abugth d kMoy Solution :

Abergth Molosity d kmnoy MolaurMessd KMnOy

SDung O.olo156

Kgults Anol llstuasia:

1.Molauly guen kmnoy Solulion uD.olo9 moles/ Jde. Aa
2.h abiorqth d qien polassium pxmaqarali Jolulion
I192 |L°
Camlin Pago No.
Name/ No.: .

Experiment Dato

Yaka the initial HOaoling d o buwtta bpua siauti

Hhnt enpenimend.

Ne agunat he polasAium peumoqana douti

tant he tibuation anol Aloury Siu tho sak qetlj
. nitialy,Ko pupla ColousukmnDy will bo oliachauap
with 6uuus amoniuum Aultata he apptauonta a
pamanentpisk Lolsun iniials theenclpoert. kefeot
ho empeuuiment uness 3-AontDuelant Vaulue is bdotanad
10At a mpoutant t notu oleun the tupjaA meniacu
HAling Hh buuetta

Keault ond iotumion

iHotaxity oien kmnoy_dadutiorntaoalo9 nnalealitue

haAtunngth ue palossium pumangana

Adution 6134
he Luppo
2a olovk, Aoaluays oaol
Teacher's Signature:
Mead e
. taasium pxmangarale is dank, o aluay
ppu menusCus

. Kurae he pipette untd buwetle befoue u

ta polasnium
3. Uas diluli suypuie anid Jov atidilyra

4. lean all Hhe appayalus with olistlled noaleue byote

Alautirg Hhe enpiimert ard than uirse
5. Take o ate Hodinqs Once it teaches the erdpoint|
and doesanat go wiK oueuage Hoodings.

tubbor Coxk buuute as it an br atickd

6. onot use a

by kMnOy
T.Uae the antipaualles lard t auto povalbn Caunol while
Toking the buwutt MeaolingA
8. he sbengtk do unknewnAruution Aheuld be
taken upto tvo olotimal places onu
Camlin Page No.
Experiment Name/No.:

Kinal tho pipetto And buxette belbue usa

3. Dadilute Acioal
dul4ui jo otieliturg the
palaium peumMinganali

4Cloan oLu thoappauatua uith liatilled watu halpu

Botingho epeuiment and Hhan uiae uith Hha
utik t

5Toko ALLALHalo Meaoings Omto t seaot hos Hao enol-

ODintA nol Aloean'thpith aLHAQL uoadinga
6.o nat _use a Hubbou Louk buuette os t Lan ba
OutouRokby kMnDs-

a thg _antiposallel Lasol tn aulbpaualad Lasd

hilh toking ho buuettaHeaoling
BThAtusrgth a unknaun sdution Ahauld be taken
upto/o detimal places only4
Au thuating
i : To detormue the molailyd kMnOy dtuton.byw
ibuating aguinot a sthrdosud ddulim dkalie
equixemarts: M Oxalic atid Aalutin , butette, pipelle

Lhumital Equatien: Molortila equati

KMOy t3h, oy KoSoy t M Soy t3Hg0 +5lel
C00H + Co3


9MADyt 3H,Soy + C00H)


k Soy t 2NaSoyt lot0gt 8Ygo

Lonic Equaia 2t
MDy t16H"+ S£60- M + 1OC02tBM,O

Tnoliualon: kMnOy tsey an inditatou

Esol Paint Lolounless to pisk (pnDy stution in buxeta)

O boewwaiong: MalavilyoMalit atlol =
Vue oxalic acd taktn =1omd
Experiment Name /No. 2 Camlin |Pago Mo

Aim: bTby oletuumuna e molauduy Adutim

tiuating t against a
daol dutin

oalic ais
KeguHerManta Meualic ariol Adutin, butta,
a Llamp a punpeelyHinand glas Alap Lock huuetto huit
AtKMaD Adiituon Take Hho initial Heading by uaading
me uppe MOniats
ATakea loital [tiluabion) lask.Lkanit aih dsdllad
Wnto and put in't Omd oxaliz aid sduihon_uith
thehalp d pipitt.
ClAdd a bst tube did. a Soy to the Dxaliz acid in tha
ona ask, Ahak tae mintuue_and heat'd to aueund

AlekMnDyto jlouw Juom buuette into He lonital lask,

On eah time oLno oluopuHas late_until the Alutim
Aonita tlask HUnA Tolight pink., Ajti eath addlon
lask Ahslabe Ahaken.

Teacher's Signature:
5. NO Bwuetto Keadinq Voumm d kMndy ued
niliaha Fndlb). m-)b-a)_

1. 0.0 34. 3.5 m

9. 34.4 34.4 m
3. 0.D 34. 34.4ml
Aontordant Volume

Lolulatis Mi - M,V

(kMadu) (ovaliz acis)

q o X 20
M AM, Va =
5xV Sx344
Holasly4kNn Dy =O.01nLM

sbungth la/L) =Moluity y Holouu Has
O.16 i5.8
- 8315 r '

.puiuly ungh d quien kMady_in gL"

18315 xl00
Keault Guen dodutionkMndy pue.
Experiment N a m e / N o . : - Camlin /Page No.

e Keao te uppuu Menitu ho buxtte oundwDud

t a nal Hoading
Kepeat HA abse puatadune Jou at lhast 3tim

kMnDy Agdutin Aheuld alusaua bi lakn in buuntt
A butte ith ubhut tubinq and pinh louk
AhsuldAt be _uAsd as kMidy_outacka the Hubhau

3 Mo eatounaltsolitatou to be uard as kMnDy_atta

as AelySinolinalo.
Wilk takirqAadiaUpp MoniLus phudol be

5A t t tube 20mi) lil. H,SDy_mLak be Clddod

th Adulun n the iuatan Jlosk haloa_tibuatan
AdutoMdoxalic_atiod,OMalat in the ibalanlosk
OX obe haated tobo-80'C belo titualian

Teacher's Signature-
Ain:To pupavs a dampls Coloal sdulin do

AepaAts: -
Two beakeus 250mo), a funnd qlam sod
paprs tuipal Mansd wue gauxe,
peote ond moute elc

thanaitals: -
14 staueh dintileod woto
stanch rom IYophilie Lolbcelad
Wate. JWs toum t 4dudion in
LAMdal Aulim.
oluioctly hon mineol wit hoat wato. t
quis sable anol u eleluitally neuti
Experiment Name / No.: 3 Camlin /Pago No.

Ai To puupas o dample d Lotlidal ddutin do

Tuo beaks 50ml) a unnel, das Hm, ke papeM
tuip dtandl, udu_gaiuz,pea~le and Hodon
3LaiLals: 1 Staueh , olistillnd uwatau
a Taka a gloas haakou 5Dml)Pouy Lop mla uiiue
uagD haating
obeut L AalubloAtauth ith a w ml
disdiued atiy h_a peaile andMOHtnH A0,
paslo A tHbtaunad
tha poat into the _boiling Jo4_abaut 2-3
Oddiuion anal He stauuh
dAllw Hh Jonlindad te buaketo Ksot and flhy it
Jhis jilkNatia arh Aolution.

Teacher's Signature:
Experiment Name /No.: Camlin Page No.

A alass ublunsheula be jaun kumpuxitios
nwveutAtaugh o a Hhin and jnnpaato basouO
adirg to bsiliig ntiu
3Uae only oliotilled uteu To Auepaka Hao sdutin
u ConotAtuing Lontanta iNeteaauy D


Teacher's Signature
Camlin Page No.
Experiment Name/No.:. Date

ptnLa bosntiu Lnleyena

huaical Clamunalu INË May absent

Moial gmel_WHaybi pnt

lame tbst: hupauelal No_thauatiwatizn , si a, ua

PSmaybe ahant
nati qhe sbait uith|Loleuu lame
lon. Hil speMpsuned
lame teAt-
B&lulphuic tatLoleurlesa gas Uau b
dalt4 lonc.H, Sou, ith oungent dmell
daulphunic Noqu eutued Ca,5ad
one. AlG raybo absent
alt tolil.H Soy

9 ntmalixy tat_hit ppt sdubleia

OLmmonium hyd-vuidl4_tLAniuntad

a Ailntuala tiat
doult dsulin tAqhg{

Teacher's Signature
b)thuomy thlouca
dlt t2did kou,07 t|Kd Vapeu eualueol
Aont. M, S0y
ti taas Heuad vapowt Yelleu)belutim
Ato Waod dolaution
h e Yellouo sdeutn
tdil CMatooM MUlen ppt U' loniunad
lead arolate adylan
Test Du ummonium
Amonial dmell NH may be puut
ult+ NaoH Aduilion
Poniumatouy lest
al Buug uod elipptd Dhite fumes
in dis MU nea NH loniumad
he meuh od the
abee tuat
aws abeve qus toBuown Ppt
Nmn Kiaojen

KeNu:he qieninDtganic Salt lontauns:

loiuo-NH ad anon C.
|Camlin Page No.

Experiment Name/No.:. Date

inAralyze_the guen inDuguL dalt faH Ona Latiom_and ona


5AExpeuinMentA_ Chatuuatima nleutni-

hjpital Camuraluon
al Loleuy Whitn
NMay botut!
Anamonital dnacll_ NM nmoy bo punsent
Elame ht-PupaAlochawactuistiu S
me2 PmQyhn absent
a padtodhe dalt

3 Osdulphuni. buiak eyeuwLalenteCo maybe adbont |

Lat th He eoudion
soult tcd.H,Soy,Loduulum ardaleuulas

nliumaluy fist
a tomabee qas intiimi uali uwnsmiLk CoAondumea
Jhis milkiLMdisappsa
hen abse qas s
OstBa,Sduadure ahite ppt4 Balo3 Co3
C03 pniumeo
DSttAan,Adall bthila ppta4.Ag,Dg-CoAeumel Teacher's Signature
H aMMnium

dalt + NuDH Adubiovm, Avonial dalt

Aoniumatnu tust fon
a)Buig ed dippd in hils fune
. e a ta meutK
he aboe fist tube
b oso abue qas o BNen ppt wH onubmd
Nuslu'A Lagent.

Ault: Jha quen nadgit dlt lontainsi O

aions- NMG ard ion Co
| Camlin Page No.
Experiment Name/No.:. Date

iAalys the guen nugut doult Jau one Lalun and me


&Expauiazeat beeuNatim Lineyenta

huyaital dnaminalion maybe aboent
bmullL Vacgay ike LHCO)Aay be pueaent

Elame tst puepaued Aulu bluiah utit

apusli de dalt Moune Phpuealnt
Poxdourned lane is
3A dulphunis bot
dalt tdil A,SD4- Cedeuudes hpauxa CAcoomaybe puLsent
haum A H Vinegau ike
mel exMued

Lonimaty tatf
aJoalii atidl that
Makea pouwli q Aalt VAga lik ne CH,Co0 Aonluumas
sicl ptaliarid
th alaou, uubavd
dmoll it
Teacher's Signature:
bDalt Adulion t rubral
Fe Adulion Reep Had Colou CHgCD0 (oumad
Cat hot: alt in
china diah tethanst+ |Fuity dmell A00T(onimd
Aont. MS0y, haat
S Tat oH awmonum &on
dout t Na DH Adulion, o Ammonital Amau wYy maybedbaont
dout dduton tddHU hite ppt PSmay be peaunt
7 oniumatouy hot fou
Aoduethe while pptinYelloud PPt
Aet ualin$ odivide t
doulion nto too pus
c) uiat pavt +KI AA"|
bond paut+ Yellbd ppt
PE omi
KauDy ddution Ploniumed
Kepult: Jha giueninvuganie dalt Aontains
Aodtion-PE+ anol anion CnzC00

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