Machine Design Project

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College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

MEIE 4102 Machine design

Design of a Spring-Powered
Section: 10
Instructor: Farooq Al-Jahwari
Submission Date: 30-April-2022

ID Student names
Said Hamad Aljabri 127516
Abdulaziz Salim Alkalbani 127306
Ahmed Saleem Alshabibi 127037
Amjad Alshukaili 128200

LIST OF FIGURES & TABLES………………………………………3
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………….6-8
2. PROBLEM ANALYSIS…………………………………………8-13
2.1 Background………………………………………………………………….
2.2 Requirements……………………………………………………………….
2.3 Design solutions……………………………………………………………
3. RESULTS………………………………………………………14-37
5. TESTING…...41
LIST OF REFERENCES………………………………… 43

Figure 1- Title The projectile launcher parts
Figure 2- Title Assembly of links and Spring 1
Figure 3- Title dimensions for springs
Figure 4- Title Asynchronous motor
Figure 5- Title Assembly for links
Figure 6- Title Spring 1
Figure 7- Title Spring 2
Figure 8- Title Link 1 solid design
Figure 9- Title Link 1 dimensions
Figure 10- Title Link 2 Solid
Figure 11- Title Link 2 dimensions
Figure 12- Title Link 3 Solid
Figure 13- Title Link 3 dimensions
Figure 14- Title Link 4 Solid
Figure 15- Title Link 4 Dimensions
Figure 16- Title The shaft Solid
Figure 17- Title The Rack and pinion
Figure 18- Title The electric motor from the Ali baba site

f (frequency of the motor) = 60Hz
𝜔 (Angular velocity of the motor) = 120𝜋 rad/s
W (mechanical power of the motor) = 15.08 kw
T (torque) = 40 N.m
𝑁𝑝 (Number of teeth of the pinion) = 16 teeth
𝑁𝐺 (Number of teeth of the Rack) = 64 teeth
𝑚𝐺 (Gear ratio) = 4
P (diametral pitch) = 0.02
m (module) = 5 mm/teeth
𝑘𝜈 (Dynamic factor) =1.22
𝑘𝑠𝑝 (Size factor for pinion) =1.45
𝑘𝑠𝑔 (Size factor for Rack) =1.48
𝑘𝑚 , 𝑘𝐻 (Load distribution factor) = 1.17812
𝑘𝐵 (Rim-Thickness factor) =1
𝑌𝐽 (Geometry factor) = 0.27 for pinion & 0.43 for Rack
𝑌𝑁 , 𝑍𝑁 (Stress-cycle Factor)
𝑌𝑍 (Reliability factor) =1
𝑌𝑢 (Temperature factor) =1
𝑍𝑤 (Hardness-Ratio factor) = 1
𝐹𝑡 (Tangential force) =1000 N
b (face width) = 14.177 mm
ℎ𝑡 (Hight of the teeth) = 11.25 mm
𝑡𝑅 (Thickness of the rumb) = 13.5 mm
𝑆𝐹 (Factor of safety for bending) = 2.21 for pinion & 8.282 for Rack
𝑆𝐻 (Factor of safety for contact) = 2 for pinion & 2.3104 for Rack
𝑛𝑓 (Factor of safety for fatigue)
𝑛𝑦 (Factor of safety for yielding)
𝑘𝑎 (Surface condition modification factor)
𝑘𝑏 (Size modification factor)
𝑘𝑐 (Load modification factor)
𝑆𝑒 (Endurance limit)
𝑆𝑢𝑡 (Ultimate tensile strength)
𝑆𝑦 (Yielding stress)
𝐿𝑠 (Solid length)
𝐿𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 (critical length)

The main purpose of this report is to discuss and understand how the projectile launcher
is supposed to work, and how this device was made. Discuss and debating its creation,
we can see the failings that might arise throughout the manufacturing process of this
device. Following a thorough examination of its construction in detail, we explore the
issues that may arise when utilizing the device and how to overcome them with
strategies. In this report, we learned how to work on the most important design process,
which includes selecting materials and establishing geometries and mechanisms, as well
as studying force and stress analyses, design stages, and integrating parts and assemblies
into a complete launcher configuration that meets both engineering and marketing
requirements safely and reliably.

One of the most common designs on the market is the spring-powered launcher. To put
inside the cannon and produce an initial compressive force, the spring must be
preloaded (compressed). By tightening a nut with a power wrench, the spring is
compressed inside a tube to a solid length. To secure the cannon in the loaded position,
the trigger pin is fitted into a designated groove in the tube. The nut is then fully backed
up, and the trigger pin is manually pulled to fire. This is the first version of the design.
Projectile Launcher is used to investigate important concepts in 2D kinematics. The ball
placed in the launch tube can be dropped at different shooting speeds and shooting

In this report, we look at the issues that arise when designing a projectile launcher. The
major components or main attributes of the projectile launcher for which it is known and
used are the range and the projectile it covers, as can be seen. The ideal projectile
launcher would have the most power and cover the widest range of projectiles.
Furthermore, the projectile launcher's power should be increased, while the backward
thrust should be kept low. We go over each of the specifications in detail to explain how
to build a machine and to highlight the defects that will be discovered while
manufacturing this design. All the critical stages involved in constructing the machine and
ensuring that it satisfies all the user's criteria and is ready to use.

To fulfill the user needs and requirements the possible solution for the projectile of a
mass of 0.25 Kg to locate a target 75m away on the ground is to reach a launching speed
of 27.125 m/s and the best angle for launching is 45 degrees and it will reach the target
at the time of 3.91s as we calculated, and the launching force is not exceeding 1KN. For a
spring-powered launcher with an issue with the balance between the pressure (force)
generated by the spring and the force required to load it, and some of the springs can be
hard and difficult to load to be capable of accelerating the projectile at higher speeds,
the solution is to purchase an electric motor to apply a torque on the gear. Most spring-
powered launchers are single shots that must be reloaded after each shot. So, one
possible way is to design a reloading mechanism that can take more than one ball at a
time by using a spring. A gearing type called a rack and pinion gear linked to the shaft,
which operates to transfer rotational motion applied by the torque into linear motion,
can be used to preload (compress) the mainspring.

This report first reviews the mechanical design concepts and theory with appropriate
information. Then, the report discusses the requirements and the design constraints, and
then the possible solutions for the design. Then reviews the results calculations and
analysis. After that discuss the findings. Then describes the procedure for a physical test
of the design solutions. Finally, This report concludes and recommends that For the

projectile launcher's assembly, a compact design approach should be used, and a
suitable methodology to make the recoil process as simple as possible. The solutions are
discussed in further depth.

2.1 Background

The spring-powered launcher consists of:

• Rack and pinion gear: a device that transforms rotational motion to linear motion
by engaging a gearwheel (the pinion) with a flat toothed bar (the rack). In this
configuration, the trigger pin is placed into a specific groove on the pinion and it’s
an automatic trigger, and the gear is attached to the shaft.
• Asynchronous motor: An electric motor that operates on alternating current. This
motor operates primarily on the induced current within the rotor caused by the
stator's rotary magnetic field. The rotor movement in this motor design cannot be
synchronized via the moving stator field. The rotating stator field of this motor can
induce a current within the rotor windings. This current, in turn, generates a force
that pushes the rotor in the direction of the stator. Because the rotor in this motor
is not in phase with the stator, torque is generated.
• Link#1: Two symmetric links of G10060 AISI1006 HR material are not round and
not rotating, and they are located On the left end of the design near the placement
of the projectile.
• Link#2: Two symmetric links of G10060 AISI1006 HR material that connect link#1
to link#3 through pins.

• Link#3: Connected to the rack and pinion gear and connected to link#2 through
• Link#4: A link of material G10300 AISI1030 CD connected to the mainspring and
the rest of the links in the design, and it’s located under the links.

Figure 1: The projectile launcher parts

Galileo was the first person to describe
projectile motion accurately. He was the one who first separated motion into horizontal
and vertical components. Galileo took this concept a step further when he realized that
the projectile was being influenced by more than one force. Using these ground-breaking
discoveries, he deduced that the curve of any projectile is a parabola. This concept
allowed us to investigate how two objects in a vacuum, even if of different shape and
mass, will hit the ground at the same time if dropped from the same height. It doesn't
take much imagination to see how projectile motion could be applied in a military
setting. The equations of projectile motion allow us to accurately hit a target from long
distances, whether we are firing a cannonball, dropping a bomb out of an airplane, or
firing a Volkswagen-sized bullet out of a massive battleship gun. The earliest rocket
launchers found in imperial China used launchers made of wood, basketry, and bamboo
tubes to fire arrows. The rocket launchers had frames that separated the fire arrows and
could shoot many arrow rockets at once.

2.2 Requirements

Several expected issues will be resolved in this project. Perhaps we will encounter us
when designing the projectile launcher, such as delays in loading the launcher, so a
launcher with strong links and other mechanisms in the design must be designed from
solid materials such as steel because there will be a strong reaction during the shooting,
so appropriate materials must be used during the manufacture of weapon parts to avoid
being damaged quickly. In terms of the launcher's efficiency, we will use an appropriate
spring selection so that there is high flexibility inside the launcher itself, so we will study
all possibilities and appropriate measurements for the design during manufacture, that
is, we will make several calculations for the springs, such as the appropriate spring
diameter and some characteristics like manufacturing materials and critical frequency of
the compression springs spiral, steel height. Because the spring-powered launcher can
only take one shot and must be reloaded after each shot, a reloading design mechanism
that can hold three balls at once will be suitable. In the first design, the gear moves only
by using a manual force by hand so a suitable electric motor selection from the market is
based on the calculations of the mainspring frequency and the critical angular velocity of
the shaft.

The projectile launcher innovation is not moving fast, but it's always coming up with new
ideas. This means that regardless of what the customer requires, the projectile launcher

bundle will be longer. The standard feature is the degree locates, which enable you to
see through the open insults.

Use materials that were specifically designed for the application. Choose material that
not only fits the exhibition requirements but also outperforms the application. When
putting under activity, the projectile launcher innovation allows you to use a new and
improved seal as well as one that can last a long time. For example, a seal with a low
durometer can perform excellently while new, but due to its non-abrasive nature, it may
perform incorrectly with time. The training must function in the real world, which is why
it is critical to make it functional.

Figure out how to plan in a methodical way. Guarantee that the rack and pinion
mechanism and all parts with it are contained in one unit that you can deal with outside
the projectile launcher without losing various parts. Furthermore, ensure that you can
dismantle easily without the need for holding installations.

Allow the projectile launcher to be evaluated by the advertising and planning teams
before it is released to the public. Several projectile launchers on the market do not work
since they're never examined. It is interesting to look at, so it does
not self-destruct in a fleeting period or get testing to hang when
using the degree.

Figure 2: Assembly of links and Spring 1

2.3 Design solutions

In this projectile launcher, we will calculate and design for some
parts that are affected by forces whether there is axial force,


Figure 3: dimensions for springs

bending force, or torsional force. Also, we should choose the good materials for each
part. So, first, we calculated and designed the mainspring (spring 1) and we choose
chrome-silicon A401 material this spring is fixed between two parallel plates and it is
squared and grounded and this material
can resist heat at a maximum temperature
of 246C° the method of manufacture is
cold drawn and heat treated before
fabrication and used for shock loads and
moderately elevated temperature, then
we design the ammunition spring (Spring
2) and we choose a music wire material and
Figure 4: Asynchronous motor
this may have a friction problem, therefore,
we choose 1mm allowance as well as 20mm displacement, also this spring can take 3
balls at a time and they preloaded at the top of the spring.

The design can take a higher mass than 0.25 Kg as well as it

can throw higher than 75m in other cases. These two
springs have different dimensions. Second, calculate the
different links that are affected by forces. So, for links 1,2,3,
we use a G10060 AISI1006 HR material but for link 4 we use
G10300 AISI1030 CD material and by using modified
goodman familiar theory we calculated the factors of safety
for all the links. Then we design a rack and pinion gear
Figure 5: Assembly for links
to translate the rotational motion into translation

motion the material of the pinion is Nitra alloy, and it has 16 teeth excluding 6 teeth from
the pinion because of the dedicated groove, and the rack connected to link 3 we choose
Nitra alloy as well and it has 64 teeth based on the calculations.

Then we buy an electric motor from the Ali baba site to apply a torque on the gear
instead of moving it by manual force and we make sure that the frequency must be less
than the frequency of the mainspring, and the angular velocity of the electric motor must
be less than the critical angular velocity of the shaft.

The projectile based on calculations to reach a horizontal range of 75m must lunch at a
speed of 27.125m/s and reach it at a time of 3.91s and the angle for lunching must be

Finally, calculate for the shaft and take a G10400 CD material and find the retaining ring
location for the gear and find the factors of safety.

3. Results
3.1 Projectile calculation

3.2 Calculation of spring (1)

Figure 6: Spring 1

3.3 Calculation of spring (2)

Figure 7: Spring 2

3.4 Calculation of Link 1

Figure 8: Link 1 solid design

Figure 9: Link 1 dimensions

3.5 Calculation of link 2

Figure 10: Link 2 Solid

Figure 11: Link 2 dimensions

3.6 Calculation of link 3

Figure 12: Link 3 Solid

Figure 13: Link 3 dimensions

3.7 Calculation of link 4

Figure 14: Link 4 Solid

Figure 15: Link 4 Dimensions

3.8 Calculation of the shaft

Figure 16: The shaft Solid

3.9 Calculation of the rack and pinion gear

Figure 17: The Rack and pinion

Figure 18: The electric motor
from Ali baba site

4. Discussion of results

Spring (1):
These results for spring 1 consist of chrome-silicon material.
The static and fatigue factors of safety were nf=1.83, ns= 1.87
ymax=20 mm
Spring (2):
These results for spring 1 consist of Music wire.
The static and fatigue factors of safety were nf= 6.938
, ns= 1.315.
Rack and pinion gear:
pinion (connected to the shaft)
#dpinion = 80 mm
* Material of the pinion is Nitralloy N, Grade 1
* Core hardness 42
* Pinion's teeth = 16 teeth (extrude & teeth from the pinion )
* face width of pinion = 14.177mm
* Hight of the teeth h₁ =11.25mm) uncrowned teeth
* Thickness of the rumb. = 13.5mm
* Factor of safety for bending = 2:21
* Factor of safety for contact = 2
Rack (connected to link#3)
*dRack= 320mm (assumed)
*Material of the rock is Nitralloy N, grade1.
*Core hardness 42
*Rock teeth=64 teeth
*face width of rock= 14.177mm
*ht= 11.25mm
*Factor of safety for bending= 8.28
*Factor of safety for contact= 2.3104

T (torque)= 40Nm
M (moment)= 11Nm
Material used is G10400 CD, Sut= 590 MPa (85KPSi)
Sy= 440 MPa
By using distortion energy-goodman with nf= 3
d= 21mm
Se=220 MPa
Recalculated nf=4.42, ny=6.8884
Returning Ring:
dr= 16mm, a=4mm
r= 0.5mm
Kt=4.25, Kf= 3.1
Kts= 2.6, Kfs= 2.03
Se= 336 MPa
nf= 1.1826, ny= 2.285
End mill Key seat:
r/d= 0.02
nf= 3.18, ny= 5.479

They have the same material of G10060 AISI1006 HR.
With Sut=300MPa, Sy= 170MPa
Mmax= 1.26408 Nm, Mmin=0
Se=160 MPa
nf= 1.32, ny= 1.076
STRESS max= 83.33MPa
STRESS min= 0MPa
Se= 122.49MPa
nf= 2.08, ny= 2.04
At A:
STRESS max= 10.1MPa
STRESS min= 0
At B:
STRESS max= 20.2
STRESS min= 0
More stress at point B.
Se= 122.53 MPa
nf= 4.3, ny= 4.2

The material used is G1030 AISI1030 CD.
Sut= 520MPa, Sy= 440MPa
Mmax= 5.435Nm
Mmin= 0
STRESS bmax=133.1
STRESS bmin= 0
D/d= 21, with Kt= 3
Se= 234.53 MPa
nf= 1.09, ny= 1,48

5. Testing
There are numerous steps that should be followed to ensure that the projectile
launcher is in good working order. First, double-check that the launcher looks as you
intended. Second, pound the launcher with a hammer to test the materials' strength.
Next, test how long the Launcher is exposed to different conditions, such as
heat because the materials used should not absorb the heat. The launcher's shot can
also be tested using several devices. Instead of having someone test it for safety, you
should test-fire many projectiles and then check to see if the launcher was affected
from the inside, because any deformation indicates that the material used isn't strong
enough to withstand friction. We can see that safety is acceptable (nf). After that,
look for the launcher's safety button. After that, test around with the launcher and
provide feedback. Finally, make sure the launcher is simple to deconstruct, rebuild,
and shoot.

6. Conclusion
The calculation designs for springs one and two, as well as the shaft and links and the
rack and pinion gear, were completed. It had been selected on the materials for them.
For fatigue and yielding, we look for a factor of safety. We can observe that the safety
factor for spring one is higher than for spring two. After we've calculated all the
elements, we'll draw them in solid work to see how our design looks. The ammo
spring was designed with three balls in consideration. For the shaft, we choose
(G10400 CD) material, and for the spring 1, we choose (Chrome-silicon A401) that can
resist heat and be used for shock loads, and for the spring 2 we choose (Music wire)
which may have friction, so we choose 1mm allowance and 20mm displacement. The

rack and pinion design were calculated, and an appropriate electric motor was
chosen. The four links were designed and calculated for links 1,2,3, we use (G10060
AISI1006 HR) and for link 4 we use (G10300 AISI1030 CD) The testing for our design
had been written and the findings were discussed.

7. Recommendation
The actions that can be advised or taken to Improve or enhance the functionality of
the Projectile launcher are that use a lepo battery to power the electric motor and
use the electric motor and recoil. The Projectile launcher must reach a launching
Speed of 27.125 m/s with an angle of 45° to reach 75m but we designed the Projectile
launcher to get a large range distance and that's been by changing the degree or can
Changing the torque applied by the motor.

The shape of the launcher helps to be stable during shooting, also the inside
component especially the motor must be covered with heat insulation. Be careful
when you care about the launcher because it will be very heavy.

8. References



Here all equations that we used:


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