Nuclear Power Plant Protests

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Nuclear Energy

Physics Class - MYP 1 Batch 1

Introduction This Google Slides have been made by the Class
of MYP 1 Batch 1 in regards to Physics class
homework ‘
Physics Class - Energy
(Research on Protests on Nuclear Power Plants)
Dhruv S.
Nuclear Power Plants use the process of Nuclear Fission to produce electricity. However, there have been several protests
throughout history. Why?
The FukuShima Accident
★ Expense (Construction) The Fukushima Daicchi Accident happened in
★ Deadly Accidents in Chernobyl and FukoShima a town in Japan. The event took place in 2011
★ Radioactive waste can be more harmful than CO2 Emissions due to an earthquake and tsunami that took
★ Uranium Mining not good for the environment place at the same time. Many deaths took
★ Reliant on a few key sites place in the evacuation and the water was
★ Weapon Profiliation Risk. contaminated permenantly.

An example can be the Nuclear power plant protests can be the protests against the building of Kudankulam power plant,
where more than 1,00,000 protestors gathered to raise their voices of concern.
Soumil K.
Can nuclear power plant be harmful? Why?

Yes it can,

A major environmental concern related to nuclear power is the creation of RADIOACTIVE WASTES such
as uranium mill tailings, spent (used) reactor fuel, and other radioactive wastes. These materials can remain
radioactive and dangerous to human health for thousands of years.

As radioactive material decays, or breaks down, the energy released into the environment has two ways of
harming a body that is exposed to it, Higley said. It can directly kill cells, or it can cause mutations to DNA. If
those mutations are not repaired, the cell may turn cancerous.
Darsh D.
Why do people protest against the nuclear power projects like the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant?
Extra more information about Nuclear power plants.

Nuclear power plants creates 2 million tons of toxic rare earth type mining wastes per year per reactor, about 75% as much as coal, but far more
toxic. Lazard and others put nuclear power at least 4 times the cost of solar or wind without government support. Nuclear power is begging for
more government welfare and the world’s largest nuclear power companies are bankrupt.

Anti-nuclear critics see nuclear power as a Dangerous, expensive way to boil water to generate electricity. Opponents of nuclear power have raised a number
of related concerns Nuclear accidents: a concern that the core of a nuclear power plant could overheat and melt down, releasing radioactivity.

Globally, more nuclear power reactors have closed than opened in recent years. The application of nuclear technology, as a source of energy and as an
instrument of war, has been controversial. These issues are discussed in nuclear weapons debate, nuclear power debate, and uranium mining debate .

In the United States, nuclear power controls close to 20% of the electricity. Therefore, citizens use nuclear energy daily in their lives. Nuclear
power is the power created from controlled nuclear reactions. The power source is the heat generated by a controlled nuclear fission chain reaction.
The reaction involves uranium or plutonium being hit by a neutron and splitting. Nuclear power is very controversial, especially among
Daksh K
Why do people protest against nuclear power plants:-

1. People protest against nuclear power plants because of an incident in Fukushima Daiichi in which there
was an nuclear disaster and many people died in that incident.
2. If there is a nuclear disaster there is no time to evacuate the whole place an many people will die and
because the radiation can spread nuclear power plants have been protested.
3. Another reason is that nuclear power plants are very expensive.
Aryan S.
Why do people protest against power plant ?

Nuclear power plant can supply a large amount of

electrical energy required by people. However ,
there can be harmful effects if there is an accident
or leakage of radiation from the nuclear power
plant .People who live in the vicinity (surrounding
area) protest against it if they doubt the safety
precautions at the powerplant . They also fear the
harmful effects of the radioactive waste generated
by the powerplant. All this can cause diseases like
radiation sickness, cancer and hereditary
effects.Example- The protest against Kudankulam
Power plant in Tamil Nadu.
Nishkaa. Varaiya
A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear
reactor. As is typical of thermal power stations, heat is used to generate steam that drives a
steam turbine connected to a generator that produces electricity.
The nuclear power plants are harmful to humans as:-
❖ Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste.
❖ These materials can remain radioactive for thousands of years.
❖ An operating nuclear power plant contains a large amount of radioactive material, and
an accident that results in the release of this material could cause significant harm to
people and the environment.
❖ People exposed to high levels of radiation will die or suffer other health consequences
within days
Samyuktha N.
Why d people protes Nuclear power plan ?

Ans: People protes Nuclear power plan as they produce radioactive waste which coul har our skin an
brus the bloo cel which coul lea t cancer.

The firs nuclear energy was produce in December 20, 1951.

Where were the nuclear energy use in ba way:

:Americ throws Nuclear bomb in Hir him which cause lo of destructions

: Kudankula Nuclear Power Plan cause lo of death in village Radhapura .

Shreya K.
The biggest concern associated with a nuclear power accident is the negative effects that exposure to radiation can have on the
human body and health. It is interesting to note that we are exposed to radiation naturally just by living our lives. Natural
background radiation comes from outer space, and even radiates up from the ground below us. If a person were exposed to
significant amounts of radiation over a period of time, this exposure could damage body cells and lead to cancer. If a person were
to be exposed to a huge dose of high-levels of radiation, the result would be radiation sickness. To prevent this, there have been
protests such as:
● Villagers and fishermen from around
Kudankulam nuclear plant in India's
Tamil Nadu state are once again
taking to the sea to protest against
the fuelling of the plant.

● Tens of thousands of people crowded

into a park in central Tokyo on
Monday to protest the use of nuclear
power in Japan
Naman G.
What are nuclear power plants?

A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear
reactor. As is typical of thermal power stations, heat is used to generate steam that drives
a steam turbine connected to a generator that produces electricity.

Here are major problems with nuclear power plants

Long Time Lag Between Planning and Operation.

Carbon-Equivalent Emissions and Air Pollution.
Weapons Proliferation Risk.
Meltdown Risk.
Cancer risk.
Waste risk.
Shivam. S
Why can nuclear power plant be harmful ?

1.Nuclear power plants are very expensive

2.The smock which nuclear power plants give is very toxic

3.Risk of people getting cancer

4. They are very destructive

5. Nuclear waste

6. Acisdents

7. Energy production
What was the first nuclear power plant?

Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant

On June 27, 1954, the world's first nuclear power station to generate electricity for a power grid, the Obninsk Nuclear Power
Plant, started operations in Obninsk of the Soviet Union. The world's first full scale power station, Calder Hall in England,
opened on October 17, 1956.

What is the biggest problem with nuclear power?

Nuclear power plants have certain advantages: No fossil fuels are burned, and there are no combustion products, such as
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and so on, to pollute the environment. But two major problems are associated with nuclear
power plants: accidents (safety) and the disposal of nuclear waste.
Jash Haria
What was the first nuclear power plant?

Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant

On June 27, 1954, the world's first nuclear power station to generate electricity for a power grid, the Obninsk Nuclear Power
Plant, started operations in Obninsk of the Soviet Union. The world's first full scale power station, Calder Hall in England,
opened on October 17, 1956.

What is the biggest problem with nuclear power?

Nuclear power plants have certain advantages: No fossil fuels are burned, and there are no combustion products, such as
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and so on, to pollute the environment. But two major problems are associated with nuclear
power plants: accidents (safety) and the disposal of nuclear waste.
1. The waste generated by nuclear power-plants remains radioactive for hundreds of years
2. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine led to the deaths of 30 employees in the initial
explosion and has has had a variety of negative health effects on thousands across Russia and
Eastern Europe.
3. Maintenance costs are much higher for nuclear plants
4. nuclear plants are more expensive and take longer to build than renewable energy sources like
wind or solar.
5. It may cause harm to you because it is very radioactive. It can also cause cancer.

Click on the youtube icon to know

more about the incident in
Anora P
● Nuclear power comes from nuclear fission
● Nuclear power plants heat water to produce steam. The steam is used to spin large turbines that generate

There have been many protests against building a “Nuclear Power Plant”. Why?

1. Expensive
2. Very dangerous

E.g - There were over 1,00,000 people who protested against the Kudankulam power plant,

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (or Koodankulam NPP or KKNPP) is the largest nuclear power station in India, situated in Koodankulam
in the Tirunelveli district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Construction on the plant began on 31 March 2002, but faced several
delays due to opposition from local fishermen.
Suhani B.
★ The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on
August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom.
★ The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians.
★ The bombings took place : First, of course, was to bring the war with Japan to a speedy end and spare American
lives.Second objective was to demonstrate the new weapon of mass destruction to the Soviet Union.
★ The uranium bomb had an explosive yield equal to 15,000 tonnes of Trinitrotoluene(explosive chemical).
★ It razed and burnt around 70 per cent of all buildings and caused an estimated 140,000 deaths by the end of 1945,
along with increased rates of cancer among the survivors.

People protest to prevent this

happening in their area. They
have a right to and the should
protest! This shows their love for
their country , family and the
countries citizens as well!
Dhriti J.
The people protest because when the nuclear power plant is tested it releases radioactive raise which is harmful
for human body.And because many people can have diseases.

Accidents when a nuclear power plant

As we all know the nuclear
is set up?
attack or America on Hiroshima There was an accident in Tamil Nadu
& Nagasaki ,the people who villages. There was also a nuclear
were born there were born at power plant in Tamil Nadu villages
least with one disease for next 3 which is why people are sick in
generations. villages. 7 nuclear power plants still
active in Tamil Nadu.
Manan S.
The Fukushima disaster triggered a series of concerns surrounding
the safety of the Kudankulam plant. The protestors, led by S. P.
Udayakumar and his People's Movement against Nuclear Energy,
were charged with sedition and >over 1,800 protesters were

This is the research i gathered

Cynisha C.
Nuclear Energy is very useful but it also has some cons and today we are going
to see what they are.

National security - if a war happens the nuclear power plant can explode

Cancer risk - people can get cancer from this (the workers also have higher
than usual radiation levels

Cost - these are very expensive to make

Poor countries - poor countries will not have the money to make the nuclear
power plants
There have been many protests for the kundalam power plant protest. The
protest was for the 2,000 megawatt power plant. The protest was lead by s.p.
Udaykumar. When the announcement happened for the power plant, the first
protesters were the residents. They protested because of the water diversion
in the 1990’s. The people in kundalam were also worried about the hot water
discharged in the sea will affect the marine life.
Nuclear energy is really useful but there are some side effects which come with it.

For example when the power plant releases some kind of air and humans breathe it they would have symptoms like
vomiting, hair loss, skin burns and possibly death!

E.g - The Hiroshima nagasaki attack. There were lots of people who got affected with it and some even died! Still
these years whenever a child is born there they get affected with it and have some of the symptoms which I wrote
above. Another thing is that the power plants cost a lot of money to make.
Not Submitted
1. Cynisha Chormare.
2. Muthu Krishnan.
3. Kavim Mall.
4. Nevan Shetty.[DONE]
5. Shreya Sinha.
6. Dhruv Thakker.
7. Aarav Thandassery.
8. Mihir Vishwakarma
9. Amey Vidwans
10. Jash Haria
11. Samyuktha Nair [DONE]
12. Manan Suvarna [DONE]

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