Nuclear Power Provides Cheap and Clean Energy

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Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far

overweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer
Nowadays, power has become more and more important to our lives. Besides some kinds
of energy existing for a long time, people are trying to find a new energy source-nuclear power.
However, the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy have made this energy source one
of the most controversial topic on the market today. As far as I am concern, it is not a good idea
to use that kind of energy because of some reasons: expense, security and abuse
First of all, we have to spend a great amount of money on building and maintaining.
Nuclear power plants need so high capital costs for building. multi-billion dollar investments ride
on the choice of an energy source. The Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant, for example, is the
common name of the chain two nuclear power plants I and II are in construction projects in the
province of Ninh Thuan , Vietnam. The total estimated investment was approximately 200,000
billion dong at the end of the year in 2008. This was much more expensive than the total
investment of Son La-the largest hydropower plant in Viet Nam and Southeast Asia with 42476.9
billion. Furthermore, the disposal of nuclear waste is very difficult and complicated. They are
radioactive waste, so we can not recycle them by the normal way like other kinds of energy. Therefore,
the Vietnamese government would pay a lot to ensure the plant is working properly and does not polute
the environment.

Besides, if a nuclear accident happens, it will become a disaster. Nuclear reactors produce
energy and also many of its negative by-products such as heavy metals, radiation and so on.
They are all dangerous and need to be stored for a long period of time. This probably causes to a
leak of harmful waste and releases radiation into the environment during a process of regular
use. This radiation harms the cells of the body which can make humans sick or even causes death
and also damage to the eco systems located nearby the reactor. Moreover, when natural disasters
such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes happen, it can lead to a reactor
disaster known as smeltdown- a serious accident in which the central part of a nuclear
reactor melts, causing harmful radiation to escape. Fukusima I incidents, for instance, is a series
of events at the nuclear power plant Fukushima I in Japan after the Sendai earthquake and
tsunami in 2011. 170000-200000 people was evacuated after officials expressed possibility of
reactor core melting and fire. This could lead to a release of radioactivity was in the building
containing the reactor. As a result, on December 16, 2011, Japanese Prime Minister said at a
news conference on decision cooled power plant closed a controlled manner. Actually, nuclear
power plants can be really dangerous with any problem occuring.
Finally, when nuclear power is used for bad purpose, the world may be destroyed. The
main drawback and what makes nuclear power more dangerous is its safety to use. Irresponsible
decisions can lead to accidents at nuclear power plants but, even worse, can be used for military
purposes as demonstration in the history of nuclear energy. In the first time that nuclear energy
was used after appropriate investigations by USA to attack Japan with two nuclear bombs.
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are two events atomic bomb is the U.S. military ,
under the orders of President Harry S Truman , used in World War Second in the days near the
end of the Second War in Japan . On August 6th 1945, the first atomic bomb named " Little Boy"

was dropped in Hiroshima , Japan . Then the third day, on August 9 1945, the second bomb
named " Fat Man" was detonated in the sky city of Nagasaki . It is estimated that 140,000 people
were killed by the Hiroshima blast, as well as by its consequences. The death toll was 74,000 in
Nagasaki. In both cities, most of the dead were civilians.In my opinion, the two explosions on
Japan are not needed and actions againsting civilians are immoral. Therefore, atomic boms
producing must be prevented and judged by human all over the world.
At the present time, many people belive that nuclear power provides cheap
and clean energy and the benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages.
However, if we consider all disadvantages above and its terrible consequences, how can we use
this kind of energy without any anxiety. Dispite some benefits, nuclear technology offers many
drawbacks. In fact, we only use this new energy source effectively if we can
manage and control producing process seriously and absolutely because if a
very small mistake happen, all of us may be destroyed.
In conclusion, using nuclear power contains so many disadvantages
that all of us should pay attention. Instead of wasting for this kind of energy,
we should concenstrate on widening our projects size, and improving the
quality of existing energy source. I hope that all Vietnamese people will have
enough energy for using in the near future.

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