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Engineering Mechanics Syllabus

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Engineering Mechanics Syllabus

Introduction to Engineering mechanics: Basic idealizations - Particle, Continuum, Rigid body and
Point force; Newton's laws of motion, Definition of force, Introduction to SI units, Elements of a
force, Classification of force and force systems; Principle of transmissibility of forces; Moment of a
force, couple, moment of a couple, characteristics of couple, Equivalent force - couple system;
Resolution of forces, composition of forces; Numerical problems on moment of forces and couples,
on equivalent force - couple system.

Composition of forces: Definition of Resultant; Composition of coplanar - concurrent force system,

Principle of resolved parts; Numerical problems on composition of coplanar concurrent force

Composition of coplanar - non-concurrent force system, Varignon's principle of moments; Numerical

problems on composition of coplanar non-concurrent force systems.

Equilibrium of forces - Definition of Equilibrant; Conditions of static equilibrium for different force
systems, Lami's theorem; Numerical problems on equilibrium of coplanar – concurrent force system.
Types of supports, statically determinate beams, Numerical problems on equilibrium of coplanar –
non – concurrent force system and support reactions for statically determinate beams.

Centroid of plane figures: Locating the centroid of triangle, semicircle, quadrant of a circle using
method of integration, centroid of simple built up sections; Numerical problems. Moment of inertia
of an area, polar moment of inertia, Radius of gyration, Perpendicular axis theorem and Parallel axis
theorem; Moment of Inertia of rectangular, circular and triangular areas from method of integration;
Moment of inertia of composite areas; Numerical problems

 Friction: Types of friction, Laws of static friction, Limiting friction, Angle of friction, angle of repose;
Impending motion on horizontal and inclined planes; Wedge friction; Ladder friction; Numerical

 D’Alemberts principle, Work energy, Impulse momentum

Simple Lifting Machines – Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of machines, law of
machines, conditions for machine efficiency, self-locking, study of the following machines-Single-
purchase crab, Double-purchase crab, Differential wheel and axle, Differential pulley block, worm
and worm wheel, Simple screw jack; Coils and Springs

Engineering Mechanics

Introduction to Engineering Mechanics covering, Force Systems Basic concepts, Particle

equilibrium in 2-D & 3-D; Rigid Body equilibrium; System of Forces, Coplanar Concurrent Forces,
Components in Space – Resultant- Moment of Forces and its Application; Couples and Resultant of
Force System, Equilibrium of System of Forces, Free body diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of
Coplanar Systems and Spatial Systems; Static Indeterminac

Friction covering, Types of friction, Limiting friction, Laws of Friction, Static and Dynamic Friction;
Motion of Bodies, wedge friction, screw jack & differential screw jack;

Basic Structural Analysis covering, Equilibrium in three dimensions; Method of Sections; Method
of Joints; How to determine if a member is in tension or compression; Simple Trusses; Zero force
members; Beams & types of beams; Frames & Machines;

Centroid and Centre of Gravity covering, Centroid of simple figures from first principle, centroid of
composite sections; Centre of Gravity and its implications; Area moment of inertiaDefinition,
Moment of inertia of plane sections from first principles, Theorems of moment of inertia, Moment
of inertia of standard sections and composite sections; Mass moment inertia of circular plate,
Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hook.

Virtual Work and Energy Method- Virtual displacements, principle of virtual work for particle and
ideal system of rigid bodies, degrees of freedom. Active force diagram, systems with friction,
mechanical efficiency. Conservative forces and potential energy (elastic and gravitational), energy
equation for equilibrium. Applications of energy method for equilibrium. Stability of equilibrium.

Review of particle dynamics- Rectilinear motion; Plane curvilinear motion (rectangular, path, and
polar coordinates). 3-D curvilinear motion; Relative and constrained motion; Newton‘s 2nd law
(rectangular, path, and polar coordinates). Work-kinetic energy, power, potential energy.Impulse-
momentum (linear, angular); Impact (Direct and oblique).

Introduction to Kinetics of Rigid Bodies covering, Basic terms, general principles in dynamics;
Types of motion, Instantaneous centre of rotation in plane motion and simple problems;
D‘Alembert‘s principle and its applications in plane motion and connected bodies; Work energy
principle and its application in plane motion of connected bodies; Kinetics of rigid body rotation;

Mechanical Vibrations covering, Basic terminology, free and forced vibrations, resonance and its
effects; Degree of freedom; Derivation for frequency and amplitude of free vibrations without
damping and single degree of freedom system, simple problems, types of pendulum, use of
simple, compound and torsion pendulums;

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