ITCunit 4

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Lecture Notes Branch : ... snesonnenvsen see Sem. sncernneornene - N oe Unit ss Topic: se UBIO Ee sone LOEB NO. ony Unit = 4 Cenc cone (CODEALGEBRA) ODE DEFINITION — Ye ise Panpea A code ss raid to be Sineaw su, uve oh jw code. ~~] rsd, allo is de Tas Dds. e_eyic tods_ane Vineas, hoc « : : Oxigind Qy Capchic Props _ [ee tut Do hay ce, —~ “ye Vseyr pigise by VEU R_cod, vy. boid tobe eee fhnay be yy Ena 4 ~—_ | wis vs v de woah, Ler Cr, a) j v New ebo spy =: © ct a ut a hn -astn-i ob oa yy = Ane i omekner be am 1n-bit (nk) as word . tohock codes. Tis code is — She ys op Cueiy time! in oh ged CoDE word POLYNOMIAL DRM EBRIC OF CYcuc cones he Ssunat- ithe “co : Sy Cam lao Sxtsionse d Jim aw __ & —-Patynomatal Ox under _ Xp) arene eer renee po ~* ‘wheat p= fin motley Bayete - Some dmportant— Con Sucrose elena pPetpaoraiad awe — ti ) Fon binatey Codes 5 dhe. wh jew e— ase’s and O's Up) Suabsrorera le ae bie capolac Shah am Hime. 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