Fluid Flow and Mass Transport in Brain Tissue

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Fluid Flow and Mass Transport in Brain Tissue
Lori A. Ray and Jeffrey J. Heys *
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 29 October 2019; Accepted: 22 November 2019; Published: 26 November 2019 

Abstract: Despite its small size, the brain consumes 25% of the body’s energy, generating its own
weight in potentially toxic proteins and biological debris each year. The brain is also the only organ
lacking lymph vessels to assist in removal of interstitial waste. Over the past 50 years, a picture
has been developing of the brain’s unique waste removal system. Experimental observations show
cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain, enters the brain along discrete pathways, crosses a
barrier into the spaces between brain cells, and flushes the tissue, carrying wastes to routes exiting
the brain. Dysfunction of this cerebral waste clearance system has been demonstrated in Alzheimer’s
disease, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, and stroke. The activity of the system is observed to increase
during sleep. In addition to waste clearance, this circuit of flow may also deliver nutrients and
neurotransmitters. Here, we review the relevant literature with a focus on transport processes,
especially the potential role of diffusion and advective flows.

Keywords: biotransport; glymphatic system; perivascular circulation; interstitial flow; mass transport

1. Introduction
The brain is one of the last frontiers in physiology and medicine, and has been long under-explored
due to difficulties and concerns of breaching the cranial vault. Over recent decades, the combination of
new imaging technologies, transgenic (genetically-altered) animal models, and innovative surgical
procedures have shed great light on the workings of the brain, importantly the live brain. In addition,
non-invasive (or minimally-invasive) imaging technologies have enabled in vivo investigation of the
human brain. As more data become available for study, the opportunity and necessity for engineers to
contribute to the field of neuroscience is growing rapidly. A particular opportunity is integration of
data into comprehensive models based on fluid dynamics, material science, transport phenomena,
reaction kinetics and thermodynamic fundamentals.
The transport of molecules is an essential link in many physiological and pathological processes
of the brain. For example, transport is critical to delivery of nutrients, such as glucose [1], and other
materials needed for cell repair and renewal. Communication relies on molecular transport, where
transport rates determine the range-of-action for neurotransmitters [2,3] and transport effects cell-to-cell
communication [4]. The brain produces metabolic waste at a higher rate than any other organ, making
transport of molecules out of the brain (waste clearance) a critical cerebral process [5]. In addition,
fluid flow can initiate cell activity (mechano-transduction) such as the opening of cell receptors [6].
Finally, transport is a major determinant in delivery of therapeutics to the brain and the movement of
biomarkers to the peripheral body for detection [7].
Waste clearance has recently been the most studied role of molecular transport in the brain, as
its failure is a central feature of neurodegenerative disease [4] and injury, such a post traumatic brain
injury (TBI) [8,9]. Protein aggregates, mis-folded proteins that accumulate into insoluble clumps, are a
common feature in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, implying that reduced clearance from the brain could

Fluids 2019, 4, 196; doi:10.3390/fluids4040196 www.mdpi.com/journal/fluids

Fluids 2019, 4, 196 2 of 33

be a shared phenomenon in neurodegeneration [10]. The removal of protein waste was traditionally
attributed to intra- and extra-cellular degradation [11], or for select proteins, by tailored protein channel
transport across vascular cell walls [12,13]. Contemporary researchers are elucidating an ordered
molecular transport pathway in the brain, which utilizes cerebrospinal fluid, brain-specific anatomy,
and state of consciousness (i.e., sleep), and may be a complimentary process for clearing potentially
toxic waste from brain tissue.
Due to the demonstrated role of this waste transport pathway in neurodegeneration, stroke [14],
diabetes [15], depression [16], multiple sclerosis [17], and others [18,19], the literature in this field has
become extensive. In this review, we seek to summarize what is known specifically with respect to
fluid and mass transfer mechanisms and the anatomy and physiology that directly affect transport.
Fluid dynamic and mass transport calculations and computational models in this field suffer from an
incomplete understanding of the physical situation, high variance in measured physical parameters,
and limited quantitative data for validation of theories put forward. An effort is made here to
thoroughly summarize the current understandings and key data as a reference for those interested
in transport in the brain. Transport theories and governing equations appropriate to the different
elements of brain transport are presented and discussed. The general focus is with respect to waste
clearance, but most concepts apply directly to the functions described in the preceding paragraphs.
Acronyms used throughout the text are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Acronyms.

Acronym Description Acronym Description

apparent diffusion coefficient of
ADCw iNHP idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus
water, as measured by MRI
aquaporin, protein channel for
AQP IOI integrated optical imaging
water transport
AQP4 aquaporin-4 ISF interstitial fluid
BBB blood–brain barrier KO knock-out, genetically altered animal model
CSF cerebrospinal fluid NREM non-rapid eye movement sleep
DCE MRI dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI Pe Peclet number, advective rate divided by diffusive rate
DTI MRI diffusion tensor imaging MRI PET positron emission tomography
ECM extracellular matrix PVS perivascular space
ECoG electrocorticography PVW perivascular wall
ECS extracellular space Re Reynolds number, inertial forces divided by viscous forces
EM electron micrograph RTI real-time iontophoresis
EMG electromyography SAS sub-arachnoid space
GAG glycosaminoglycans TBI traumatic brain injury
ICP intracranial pressure WT wild-type, unaltered animal model

2. Background

2.1. Relevant Physiology

Outside the brain, waste is cleared from tissues by the lymphatic system. Fluid “leaks” through
blood vessel walls, driven by arterial pressure, and flows across the interstitial space that surrounds
cells. Normal fluid movement through tissue is important for hydration, for nutrition, and to
facilitate waste clearance. Interstitial flow is a slow, creeping flow, such as not to disrupt the delicate
environment required by mammalian cells. Interstitial velocities in the peripheral body range from 10
to 100 µm/min [20,21]. The interstitial fluid (ISF), containing molecular waste and depleted in nutrients,
is collected by lymph vessels, and delivered to the venous circulation where it is carried to the liver
and kidneys for processing.
To protect the brain from threats like viruses, the blood–brain barrier (BBB) tightly controls
transport of molecules across the cerebral vascular walls. Tight junctions between endothelial cells at
the blood vessel wall prevent fluid leakage. Most molecular transport between the vasculature and the
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 3 of 33

brain occurs via protein channels within the cell walls. Although many types of protein channels are
present, each is specific to a particular molecule or narrow group of molecules. In addition, lymph
vessels are absent from brain tissue (lymph vessels were recently identified in the meninges, which
surrounds the brain, but is outside the BBB. See Section 3.4.2). From this perspective, the brain appears
to lack a non-specific route for clearance, critical for molecules without a protein channel such as large
polar substances like sucrose [12] and protein aggregates implicated in neurodegenerative diseases.
Yet the brain’s high metabolic rate makes multiple routes of waste clearance imperative. It follows that
the brain must have a non-molecule-specific system of waste removal.
The brain sits within a thick-walled skull, surrounded by and “bathed in” cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF). CSF has long been thought to facilitate waste clearance, similar to lymphatics in the peripheral
body, however the exact processes were poorly understood [5,22]. As shown in Figure 1, CSF circulates
around the brain and spinal chord. It is produced mainly in the choroid plexus, a collection of special
endothelial cells that filter blood plasma to create CSF. CSF is about 99% water with several dissolved
ions, and has a much lower protein concentration than plasma (detailed compositions can be found
in [23]). The choroid plexus is located in the lateral and fourth cerebral ventricles near the center
of the brain. CSF flows through the ventricles to the cisterna magna at the lower back of the brain
and into the subarachnoid space (SAS) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The brain produces
approximately 500 mL of CSF daily. Only 100-150 mL fills the fluid spaces of the brain and spine at any
time, inferring constant circulation and reabsorption [5]. CSF efflux is via arachnoid granulations in
the SAS (Figure 1) and along nerve bundles exiting the brain and spine.
Unique to cerebral vasculature is an annular space surrounding each blood vessel as it penetrates
the brain tissue that is filled with fluid, called the perivascular space (PVS) [24]. As blood vessels
penetrate the tissue and branch into ever smaller vessels, the perivascular space follows at least to the
level of arterioles and venules, and possibly capillaries, reaching all parts of the brain. As illustrated in
Figure 2, the PVS is bounded on the inside by the vascular wall and on the outside by glial limitans,
which consist of layers of astrocyte endfeet. (Astrocytes are glial cells with several long cellular
processes terminating in endfeet. See reference [25] for descriptive illustrations of perivascular space
at different levels of the vasculature.) The inner wall is elastic, and transport of molecules is tightly
controlled by the BBB. The outer barrier, which we term the perivascular “wall” (PVW), is mechanically
more rigid and is permeable. Molecules can enter the interstitium through gaps between endfeet and
through specific protein channels in the endfeet walls, such as aquaporin-4 (AQP4) that transports
water. This perivascular space has been shown to be connected to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the
subarachnoid space [26,27], giving CSF thorough access to brain tissue.
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Figure 1.
Figure 1. Production
Production and
and Circulation
Circulation ofof Cerebrospinal
Cerebrospinal FluidFluid (CSF).
(CSF). Schematic
Schematic representation
representation of of the
pattern of intracranial CSF flow. (A) CSF is produced by the choroid plexus of the lateral
pattern of intracranial CSF flow. (A) CSF is produced by the choroid plexus of the lateral and fourth and fourth
ventricles. CSF
ventricles. CSFflows
throughthe theventricles
magna at the lower
at the back
lower of the
back of brain and
the brain
into into
and the the
subarachnoid space
subarachnoid (SAS)
space that
(SAS) surrounds
that surrounds thethebrain
cord. CSF
CSF efflux
efflux is via
is via
arachnoid granulations
arachnoid granulations and
and along
along the
the olfactory
olfactory nerves
nerves through
through thethe cribriform
cribriform plate.
plate. (B)
(B) Schematic
representation of
representation of CSF–interstitial
CSF–interstitial flow
flow from
from and
and toto the
the subarachnoid
subarachnoid space.
space. CSF can movemove in and out
of the brain parenchyma
parenchyma along
along the
the perivascular
perivascular space.
space. CSF can also exit through the meninges to the
lymphatics. Reprinted from Ref [28] Copyright 2016
dural lymphatics. 2016 with
with permission
permission fromfrom Elsevier.

In the
the current
current literature,
literature, thethe terms
terms ‘perivascular’
‘perivascular’ and and ‘paravascular’
‘paravascular’ are each each used,
used, sometimes
interchangeably, to to refer
refer toto the
the annular
annular spacespace described
described above.
above. Some authors use both terms to to
differentiate two hypothesized compartments
two hypothesized compartments surrounding surrounding the cerebral vasculature:
cerebral vasculature: perivascular,
referring to the the space
space within
within thethe basement
basement membrane
membrane of the the smooth
smooth muscle
muscle cells adjacent
adjacent to the the
vascular wall, and paravascular, referring referring to the the space
space adjacent
adjacent to the
the astrocytes
astrocytes (the reason
reason for thisthis
discussed inin
Section3.1). “Virchow–Robin
3.1). “Virchow–Robin space” is also
space” a term
is also used used
a term to referto
to theto
refer paravascular space.space.
the paravascular No consensus
No consensus currently existsexists
currently within the field
within on this
the field onterminology,
this terminology,in partin
because there there
part because is not is
a clear
yet aanatomical understanding
clear anatomical of the nature
understanding of theofnature
these spaces
of theseand whether
spaces and
they differthey
whether from eachfrom
differ other.each
For other.
simplicity, we use the we
For simplicity, termuse‘perivascular’ to indicate the
the term ‘perivascular’ fluid-filled,
to indicate the
annular spaceannular
fluid-filled, surrounding
surrounding vasculature, andvasculature,
cerebral do not distinguish
and do separate compartments.
not distinguish separate
Brain tissue, also called the parenchyma, is made up of neural and glial cells, as well as the
fluid-filled spacesalso
Brain tissue, between
calledthethecells, called theisextracellular
parenchyma, or interstitial
made up of neural and glial space.
cells,The interstitial
as well fluid
as the fluid-
filledthat fills between
spaces the extracellular
the cells,space
called (ECS)
the is believed to or
extracellular have a composition
interstitial space.similar to CSF [29],
The interstitial around
fluid (ISF)
that water.
fills theWithin the interstitial
extracellular space (ECS)fluid,ision concentrations
believed to have are regulated tosimilar
a composition optimize signaling,
to CSF and at
[29], around
water.time wastethe
Within must be promptly
interstitial fluid,removed to minimizeare
ion concentrations neurotoxicity
regulated to[29]. optimize signaling, and
at theThe
possiblymustthebePVS contain removed
promptly a networktoofminimize
proteins called the extracellular
neurotoxicity [29]. matrix (ECM).
ECMThe mayECS impedeandfluid and mass
possibly the PVStransport
containin the ECS andof
a network PVS. Cerebral
proteins ECM
called is primarily
the extracellularcomposed
of brain-specific
(ECM). ECM may glycosaminoglycans
impede fluid and (GAGs) [5]. GAGs
mass transport in give the ECM
the ECS characteristics
and PVS. Cerebral ECM of excellent shock
is primarily
absorption and high polarity, attracting water molecules and acting as
composed of brain-specific glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) [5]. GAGs give the ECM characteristics ofa lubricant.
excellent shock absorption and high polarity, attracting water molecules and acting as a lubricant.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 5 of 33
Fluids 2019, 3, x 5 of 33 Relevant
Relevant Transport
ForForthethe application
application ofofwaste
moleculesto to be
be transported
transported out out of
extracellular space, which is filled with interstitial fluid. The ECS is a tortuous and narrow spacespace
extracellular space, which is filled with interstitial fluid. The ECS is a tortuous and narrow where
widththe width of channels
of channels measuresmeasures
40–60 nm40–60 nm [30] 2(Figure
[30] (Figure insert).2 Molecules
insert). Molecules
move by move by diffusion
diffusion down a
down a concentration gradient, colliding with each other and the cell
concentration gradient, colliding with each other and the cell walls. Some may interact with the walls. Some may interact with
the cell walls or ECM, slowing their progress. Diffusion may be
walls or ECM, slowing their progress. Diffusion may be augmented by advection, or interstitial flow. augmented by advection, or
interstitial flow. If flow exists in the interstitial spaces of the brain, it may be at most similar in
If flow exists in the interstitial spaces of the brain, it may be at most similar in magnitude to interstitial
magnitude to interstitial flow in other tissues of the body, measured at 10–100 μm/min [20,21]. The
flow in other tissues of the body, measured at 10–100 µm/min [20,21]. The interstitial fluid of the brain
interstitial fluid of the brain is believed to be similar to the CSF, mostly water and a Newtonian fluid
is believed to be similar to the CSF, mostly water and a Newtonian fluid [31]. The Reynolds number
[31]. The Reynolds number (Re) of a potential flow in the interstitial spaces is−7therefore around Re =
(Re) of a potential flow in the interstitial spaces is therefore around Re = 10 to 10−6 , indicating a
10−7 to 10−6, indicating a creeping (Stokes) flow where viscous forces dominate. For large molecules,
creeping (Stokes) flow where viscous forces dominate. For large molecules, diffusive and advective
diffusive and advective rates are similar, and the coupling of fluid and mass transport leads to more
rates are similar, and the coupling of fluid and mass transport leads to more efficient waste removal.
efficient waste removal.
In In
peripheralbody body(outside
(outsidethe thebrain),
brain), aa molecule
molecule moves through the
moves through the ECS
capillary or lymph vessel, an average of 20 µm away. The molecule permeates
capillary or lymph vessel, an average of 20 μm away. The molecule permeates the wall of the vessel the wall of the vessel
andandenters a “pipe” with significant −1
enters a “pipe” with significantflow.flow.The
lymph is is about
about 11 mmmm ss−1 [32]
times faster than interstitial flow). Re for lymphatic vessel flow is about 0.1,
times faster than interstitial flow). Re for lymphatic vessel flow is about 0.1, indicating laminar flow indicating laminar flow
where inertial forces also govern fluid dynamics. In brain tissue, due to the BBB and the absence ofof
inertial forces also govern fluid dynamics. In brain tissue, due to the BBB and the absence
lymph vessels,
molecules must
eitherall allthe
wayto to the
the CSF surrounding
surroundingthe thebrain
nearest perivascular space. The path from ECS
nearest perivascular space. The path from ECS to perivascular to perivascular space is approximately 60 µm
approximately 60 μm and the and the
path from
path fromECSECS to to
a distance
a distanceofofmillimeters.
millimeters.ItIt waswas traditionally thought
thoughtthat thattransport
brain tissue
brain was
tissue was bybydiffusion
diffusion only
onlytotothe CSF.
the CSF.If Ifperivascular
velocitiesatat even
even a
a fraction
fraction of lymphatic
of lymphatic flow,flow,
waste waste clearance
clearance rates
rates areare significantly
significantly faster.

Periarterial Perivenous
influx 100 μm efflux




Perivascular Brain Astrocytic Perivascular

Space Interstitium Endfoot Space
1 μm

Figure 2. Illustration
Figure 2. Illustration ofof
Arterioles and and venules penetratethe
venules penetrate thetissue,
surrounded by by
perivascular space (PVS).
space TheThe
(PVS). blood-vessel
blood-vesselwall forms
wall the the
forms inner barrier
inner of the
barrier PVS,PVS,
of the note
tight junctions between cells. Astrocytic endfeet form the outer barrier of the
the tight junctions between cells. Astrocytic endfeet form the outer barrier of the PVS, with looser PVS, with looser
gaps between
gaps between cells allowing
cells allowingtransport
interstitium. The interstitium
interstitium isis crowded
crowdedwith withcells
where both fluid and solutes move along a tortuous path in a restricted extracellular
where both fluid and solutes move along a tortuous path in a restricted extracellular liquid volume liquid volume that
comprises approximately
that comprises 20% of the
approximately 20%total
of volume
the total(see insert).(see
volume Green arrows
insert). Greenindicate
arrows fluid transport,
indicate fluidby
transport,andby diffusion.
advection In the
and glymphatic
diffusion.hypothesis, fluid moves
In the glymphatic along the periarterial
hypothesis, fluid movesspace intothe
along the
periarterialand outinto
space along
the the perivenous
interstitium andspace. Purple
out along indicates interstitial
the perivenous space. Purplesolutes; solutes
indicates exit the
solutes; space
exit thegaps in the astrocytic
interstitial endfeet
space through gapsto the perivenous
in the astrocyticspace,
endfeetwhere theyperivenous
to the are cleared
space, where
to primary they are drainage
peri-venous cleared topathways
primary peri-venous
or the CSF. drainage pathways or the CSF.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 6 of 33

2.2.1. Diffusion and Advection

Fluids 2019, 3, xof molecules in a fluid occurs by two possible mechanisms: diffusion and advection 6 of 33 (in

the field of brain transport, convection is the combination of both diffusion and advection). Diffusion
2.2.1. Diffusion and Advection
occurs via the random motion of molecules from high to low concentration. Diffusion is always
and its rate of depends
in a fluid occurs
the size of by
thetwo possibleAdvection
molecule. mechanisms: diffusion
is the and advection
transport of a substance
(in flow.
by bulk the field
transport, convection
an external is the force,
driving combination of both
a common one diffusion and advection).
being a pressure gradient. In
Diffusion occurs via the random motion of molecules from high to low concentration. Diffusion is
a free medium, advection is molecular-size independent; all solute molecules move in the direction
always occurring, and its rate depends upon the size of the molecule. Advection is the transport of a
and with the velocity of the bulk flow. The characteristic time scale (Figure 3), useful in comparing the
substance by bulk flow. Bulk flow requires an external driving force, a common one being a pressure
rates gradient.
of different processes, for each transport mechanism is
In a free medium, advection is molecular-size independent; all solute molecules move in
the direction and with the velocity of the bulk flow. The characteristic time scale (Figure 3), useful in
comparing the rates of different processes,τfor each
di f f usion transport
= , mechanism is (1)
𝜏 = 𝐿 , (1)
τadvection = L/v,𝐷 (2)

where 𝜏 = 𝐿⁄𝑣 , (2)

L = relevant length scale,
𝐿 = relevant length scale,
v = velocity, and
𝑣 = velocity, and
D =𝐷 diffusivity.
= diffusivity.

Figure 3. Characteristic
3. Characteristic transport
transport time
time in in
thethe interstitialspace
interstitial spaceofoftissues
function of
of molecular
molecular size.
size. For small molecules, diffusion is much faster than advection. However, as
For small molecules, diffusion is much faster than advection. However, as molecular size increases, molecular size even
increases, even the slow advective velocities present in interstitial tissue have a significant impact on
the slow advective velocities present in interstitial tissue have a significant impact on transport rate.
transport rate.

Often, both mechanisms occur simultaneously and the Peclet (Pe) number is utilized to understand
Often, both mechanisms occur simultaneously and the Peclet ( 𝑃𝑒 ) number is utilized to
their understand
relative impact on overall rate of transport. Pe is the rate of advection over the rate of diffusion
their relative impact on overall rate of transport. 𝑃𝑒 is the rate of advection over the rate
(or characteristic diffusion timediffusion
of diffusion (or characteristic divided time
by the characteristic
divided advectionadvection
by the characteristic time). For Pe 
time). For1,𝑃𝑒
≪ 1, is
transport is predominantly Pe  1 transport
diffusion, anddiffusion, and 𝑃𝑒 ≫ 1is transport
primarily by advection.
is primarily by advection.
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐿𝑣
𝑃𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 (𝑃𝑒) =rate o f advection =Lv (3)
Peclet Number (Pe ) = 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛= 𝐷 (3)
rate o f di f f usion D Osmotics
bodybody fluids
fluids contain
contain manysolutes
many solutes(CSF
(CSF osmolality
osmolality ==289 Osm/L),
289 Osm/L),osmosis
always be be
considered. If large solute gradients exist that are not rapidly adjusted by diffusion, they result in an
considered. If large solute gradients exist that are not rapidly adjusted by diffusion, they result in an
osmotic potential, or pressure. Osmotic pressure can drive water flow across cell walls to balance the
osmotic potential, or pressure. Osmotic pressure can drive water flow across cell walls to balance the
overall solute concentration, via dilution. Within the brain interstitium, most of this flow occurs
overall solute concentration, via dilution. Within the brain interstitium, most of this flow occurs locally
locally and is managed locally. Aquaporin channels (AQP), protein channels specific to water, in the
and is managed locally. Aquaporin channels (AQP), protein channels specific to water, in the vascular
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 7 of 33

walls are constantly transporting water between the interstitial fluid (ISF) and the blood to balance
osmotic differentials associated with local solute variations.

2.2.3. Transport Equations for Interstitial Space (Porous Media)

Despite the incredible complexity of brain tissue, from a transport perspective it has been
successfully treated as a homogeneous, porous tissue, using the simplification of a stationary phase
(the cells) and a mobile phase (the ISF). This requires the inherent assumption that the heterogeneous
nature of brain tissue behaves in a homogeneous way over the length scale of interest. The porous
media approach has been useful in characterizing this complex material in a way that can be simply
described and compared when looking at transport in different regions of the brain, and in the healthy
versus diseased or injured brain. The transport equations describing flow and mass transfer in porous
brain tissue are
∂c D 2 s
= λ2
∇ c + α − f (c) − v·∇c,
diffusion source adsorption advection

∇·v = 0, (5)

v = −k0 (∇P), (6)


c = concentration in the ISF,

D = free diffusivity,
λ = tortuosity,
D/λ2 = Dapp = apparent diffusivity,
s = source term,
α = void volume = VECS /Vtotal ,
f (c) = cellular uptake and adsorption,
v = superficial velocity,
k0 = hydraulic conductivity, and
P = pressure.

The mass transfer equation (Equation (4)) includes a diffusion term, a source term, a reaction or
adsorption term, and an advection term. It is adapted for porous media by including void volume and
tortuosity. Void volume is the fraction of the ECS volume to the total volume. Tortuosity represents the
degree to which molecular transport is slowed by interaction with the porous medium; it is a property
of both the medium and the molecule. Tortuosity incorporates (1) the additional distance a molecule
must travel to move around obstacles in the medium, including dead spaces (“dead-end” pores), and
(2) how its progress is slowed by interaction with the walls and extracellular matrix, or exclusion from
pathways due to molecular size. The continuity equation (Equation (5)) is a statement of conservation
of mass, shown here for a fluid of constant density.
Darcy’s law for flow in a porous media (Equation (6)) relates superficial velocity to hydraulic
conductivity and pressure gradient. Superficial velocity is a non-physical variable peculiar to porous
media flow; it is a hypothetical flow velocity calculated as if the mobile (liquid) phase were the only
phase present in a given cross-sectional area. Superficial velocity leads to ease of calculations for
volumetric flow and other variables. Intrinsic velocity is the actual liquid velocity within the ECS at
a specific location. Average intrinsic velocity (vi ) is simply superficial velocity (v) divided by void
volume, vi = v/α. Hydraulic conductivity is a parameter of the tissue, characterizing the ease with
which a fluid moves through a porous media. The hydraulic conductivity of brain ECS has been shown
to vary with void volume fluctuations [33].
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Darcy’s law assumes an incompressible fluid and a flow dominated by viscous forces (Re << 1,
Stokes Flow). These assumptions hold true in brain tissue due to the very small dimensions of the
interstitial space and the small pressure differences possible within the brain (see Section 3.6.2.), leading
to small velocities. More complex models exist for flow in porous media [34], but Darcy’s law is the
most appropriate for the very low Reynolds numbers encountered in interstitial flow. “Darcy’s law has
been utilized successfully in several biomedical applications” [34] (see Swartz et al. [21] for a more
detailed discussion of interstitial flow and mass transport in biological tissues).

2.2.4. Equations of Flow for Perivascular Space

The perivascular space is annular, filled with CSF, and may also contain ECM. The width of the
PVS is similar to the vessel diameter, around 30–40 µm for arterioles and venules. As described above,
its inner wall is elastic and impermeable, and its outer wall is more rigid and permeable. We assume
for now perivascular flow is laminar, based on lymphatic flow in the peripheral body, and may be
through porous media, due to the ECM. Brinkman developed a model for porous media flow that
accounted for boundary effects [35], such as in a vessel (Equation (7)). Flow in the perivascular space
is defined by the Navier–Stokes equation, modified with a Darcy term (last term) for porous media
dampening, and the continuity equation (Equation (8))

∂u µ αg
+ (u·∇)u − 2
ρ∇ u = − ρ1 ∇P − k0 u, (7)
inertial viscous pressure porous media

∇·u = 0, (8)


u = intrinsic velocity;
µ = µ λ/α = effective viscosity;
ρ = density;
P = pressure;
α = void volume;
g = gravitational acceleration, and
k0 = hydraulic conductivity

Perivascular flow may be driven by a pressure difference, ISF or CSF production, or by peristaltic
motion due to pulsation of the vascular wall (discussed further in Section 3.6.1.). In the case of
peristaltic flow, the inner boundary deforms transiently with the passage of arterial pulse waves,
adding significant complexity to the solution of Equations (7) and (8).

2.2.5. Transport Parameters

Measurement of transport parameters and tissue properties in living organisms is challenging.
In vivo measurements are preferred, as significant changes have been observed upon the fixation
of tissues required for ex vivo imaging and analysis, such as shrinkage. However, even in vivo
measurements can be inaccurate, as invasive procedures may cause physiological stress that affects
parameter values. Although non-invasive imaging techniques are developing, they often lack the
resolution to measure fundamental properties and structure changes, such as tissue permeability and
vessel expansion during arterial pulsations. Therefore, good measures of physical parameters are
rare and significant parameter variance exists across the literature. Results from calculations and
computational models are often highly dependent on model assumptions, notably which parameter
values were employed, and can be challenging to verify given quantitative experimental observations
are also rare. It follows that conclusions drawn from such models should be considered in light of the
assumptions made.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 9 of 33

Literature values for the key parameters describing transport in the brain are given in Table 2 and
discussed further in Section 3.

Table 2. Key Parameters describing Transport in the Brain and their Values.

Parameter Symbol Description Values, References

Percentage of tissue volume that is 20% (anesthetized) [36]
Void Volume α
extracellular 14% (awake) [37]
Degree to which molecular transport 1.6 (small molecules) [36]
Tortuosity λ
is slowed by the porous medium 1.5–2.5 (large molecules) [38]
Average fluid velocity in the 17–19 µm s−1 (experiment) [39,40]
Perivascular Velocity vPV
perivascular space ≈0 µm s−1 (computation) [41]
Hydraulic Conductivity Ease with which a fluid can move 2 × 10−6 –2 × 10−8 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1
(Interstitial) through a porous media. Equation (2). [42–45]
0.6% Dapp /LPVW [46,47]
Perivascular Wall Quality of a material that allows
PPVW Dapp /LPVW [46,48]
Permeability liquids or gases to pass through it.
3 × 10−5 − 5 × 10−3 cm s−1 for Dex 3 kDa

3. Evolution of the Field

3.1. Key Experimental Work

The majority of the experimental work investigating molecular transport in the brain tracks the
movement of molecular probes, or tracers, to draw conclusions about transport. Nicholson gives
an excellent review of the early studies including radiotracers, real-time iontophoresis (RTI), and
integrated optical imaging (IOI) [38]. Tracers were chosen to minimize cellular interaction ( f (c)  0)
and maximize signal. Initially, transport was assumed to occur by diffusion only (no advection) due to
the very small dimensions of the fluid-filled space and therefore large perceived resistance to flow.
Using Equation (4) without the advection term, experimental data was reduced to the porous media
parameters of void volume (α) and tortuosity (λ) to characterize and compare tissue in the brain. A void
volume of about 20% and tortuosity of about 1.6 (for small molecules) are surprisingly consistent
across brain regions and adult species [36]. These parameters were also shown to change significantly
during development and to be altered by pathologies and external conditions, most notably altered
osmotic conditions.
Helen Cserr was among the first to note tracer movement in the brain that was much faster than
would be expected by diffusion alone and occurred along preferential routes that looked to follow
the vasculature [49]. Cserr et al. also observed similar efflux rates in rat brains for three interstitially
injected molecules whose diffusion coefficients spanned a five-fold range, concluding this molecular-size
independent transport was driven primarily by advection [22]. Rennels et al. investigated whether CSF
could move from the subarachnoid space into the interstitial fluid. Horseradish peroxidase (44 kDa)
injected into the subarachnoid CSF of dogs and cats was observed to move rapidly along parenchymal
vasculature and entered the ECS within minutes of injection [50]—faster than could be explained by
diffusion alone. Rennels et al. were also able to distinguish the influx pathway of the tracer molecules
as the perivascular space surrounding cerebral arteries.
Beta-amyloid deposits surrounding cerebral vessels were identified as a hallmark of Alzheimer’s
disease, providing additional evidence for solute transport along the vasculature [51,52]. Beta amyloid
was considered a “natural tracer”—the deposition of aggregates indicating failure of the normal
clearance route. Deposits are found along arteries, arterioles, and capillaries, but rarely along veins
and venules [53,54], suggesting solute clearance from the parenchyma occurred outward along a
periarterial space [53,55–57]. Further, deposits are observed to accumulate around the walls and
in the basement membranes of cerebral vessels [52,53], not in the classic perivascular space where
Rennels et al. observed tracer movement. It was hypothesized that ISF flowed out along the basement
membranes of arterioles and arteries, carrying extracellular waste. In 2008, Carare et al. observed
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 10 of 33

outward, advective transport of tracers from the parenchyma along the basement membranes of arterial
walls, confirming this idea [55].
A mechanism was sought for this unexpected flow within the highly-resistive basement membrane
and in opposition to blood flow—“retrograde” flow [52,56,58,59]. Weller et al. introduced the idea of a
Fluids 2019, 3, x 10 of 33
drainage pathway along the basement membrane of the smooth muscle cells, which make the outer
wall of capillaries
make the outer and
wallarteries, directly
of capillaries andtoarteries,
lymphtonodes and
cervical separate
lymph nodesfrom
andCSF drainage
separate from [57].
This direct route from
CSF drainage the parenchyma
[57]. This direct route from to the
the lymphatic
parenchymasystemto the provided a significant
lymphatic system provided pressure
differential for driving
significant pressure advective
differential flow (further
for driving discussed
advective flowin (further
3.6.4.). However,
in Section it3.6.4.).
a physical it required
separation a physical
of the separation
periarterial spaceof into
the periarterial space into two
two compartments: (1) acompartments: (1) a
basement membrane
drainage route membrane drainage route
and (2) a perivascular andconnecting
route (2) a perivascular
SAS CSF route connecting
to the parenchyma SAS CSF to the
(Figure 4). The
parenchyma (Figure 4). The basement membrane route was termed
basement membrane route was termed the “perivascular” space by Weller and has been called the “perivascular” space by the
Weller and has been called the intramural periarterial space by others [12,29]; intermural periarterial
intramural periarterial space by others [12,29]; intermural periarterial is used throughout this text. The
is used throughout this text. The route connecting the SAS to the parenchyma was termed the
route connecting the SAS to the parenchyma was termed the “paravascular” space by Weller and the
“paravascular” space by Weller and the extramural periarterial space by others [12,29], extramural
extramural periarterial
periarterial space by others
is used throughout this text.[12,29],
A layer extramural periarterial
of pia-arachnoid tissue was isproposed
used throughout
to separatethis
the text.
A layer of pia-arachnoid
two spaces. tissue was proposed to separate the two spaces.

Figure 4. Hypothetical
4. Hypothetical perivascular
perivascular (called
(called intramural
intramural periarterial
periarterial in the
in the text)
text) andand paravascular
paravascular (called
(called periarterial
extramural extramural periarterial
in the text) in thepathways
flow text) flow in
pathways in Paravascular
an artery. an artery. Paravascular flow
flow moves movesfrom
the SAS from
to the thetissue
brain SAS tobetween
the brainastrocyte
tissue between astrocyte
end feet and piaend feet and
mater. pia mater. Perivascular
Perivascular flow moves flow
moves outward from the brain tissue in basement membranes between
from the brain tissue in basement membranes between smooth muscle cells, ultimately smooth muscletocells,
ultimately to cervical lymph vessels. Reprinted from Ref [60]. Copyright 2018 Biomedical Central.
lymph vessels. Reprinted from Ref [60]. Copyright 2018 Biomedical Central.
In 2012, an imaging study enabling observation of tracer movement in live subjects shed further
In 2012, an imaging study enabling observation of tracer movement in live subjects shed further
light upon this idea of preferential transport routes. Using in vivo two-photon laser scanning
light upon this idea of preferential transport routes. Using in vivo two-photon laser scanning
microscopy, Iliff et al. (the Nedergaard group) showed movement of tracers from subarachnoid CSF
along the Iliff et al. (thespace
periarterial Nedergaard group)
into the brain [27].showed movement
Fluorescent ovalbumin of tracers
(43 kDa)from was subarachnoid
shown to enter CSF
periarterial space into the brain [27]. Fluorescent ovalbumin (43 kDa)
specifically within the periarterial space, between the smooth muscle (of the outer was shown to enter
the brain specifically within the periarterial space, between the smooth muscle (of the
wall/inner perivascular wall) and the astrocytic endfeet (of the outer perivascular wall). Three tracers outer vascular
wall/inner perivascular
of varying molecularwall) and
size (3, 40,the
2000 kDa)endfeet (of the to
were observed outer
from the SAS wall). Three
rapidly and tracers
of varying rates along size
the periarterial
(3, 40, and space
2000into the brain,
kDa) which was to
were observed interpreted
move from as advective
the SASflow. The and
two smaller
at similar rates alongtracers
thecrossed the “periarterial
periarterial space into thewall”, moving
brain, which into
interstitium.asThe rate of flow.
fluorescence increase in the interstitium was slower for the larger molecule (see Section 3.6.2. for the
The two smaller tracers crossed the “periarterial wall”, moving into the interstitium. The rate of
effect of molecular size on transport rates). Iliff et al. used ex vivo microscopy to observe the tracers
fluorescence increase in the interstitium was slower for the larger molecule (see Section 3.6.2. for the
leaving the interstitium along large venous structures to primary perivenous drainage pathways.
effect of molecular size on transport rates). Iliff et al. used ex vivo microscopy to observe the tracers
Investigating tracer transport from the brain interstitium outward, Iliff and colleagues observed
the clearance rate of along
the interstitium large venous
interstitially deliveredstructures
kDa) was perivenous
identical to drainage
(380 Da)
Investigating tracer transport from the brain interstitium outward,
[27], confirming the findings of Cserr. Having observed transport from the CSF Iliff and colleagues observed
into the brain
the clearance
molecular-size delivered
dependentdextran-10 (10 kDa)
with exclusion was
of the identical
largest tracerto mannitol
from (380 Da) [27],
the interstitium,
and transport from the interstitium out to be molecular-size independent; Iliff et al. hypothesized a
molecular-size dependent resistance at the periarterial wall [27].
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 11 of 33

confirming the findings of Cserr. Having observed transport from the CSF into the brain interstitium
to be molecular-size dependent with exclusion of the largest tracer from the interstitium, and transport
from the interstitium out to be molecular-size independent; Iliff et al. hypothesized a molecular-size
dependent resistance at the periarterial wall [27].
Seeking to understand the biological mechanisms at the perivascular wall, Iliff et al. conducted
experiments comparing clearance from Aqp4 knockout (KO) mice, mice lacking AQP4 channels, to
wild-type (WT) mice [27]. AQP4 is a water channel that is preferentially expressed on the astrocytic
endfeet (covering approximately 50% of their surface [61]) comprising the perivascular wall. A 70%
reduction in mannitol clearance was observed in KO mice compared to the WT mice. Periarterial influx
was observed to be unaffected, while the 3 kDa tracer movement into the interstitium was abolished
in the KO mice. The authors hypothesized that astroglial AQP4 channels might be a low-resistance
pathway for water movement through the interstitium, maintaining the advective flow circuit from the
periarterial to perivenous space.

3.2. Glymphatic Hyothesis

From the observations noted above, Nedergaard’s group proposed the following theory for
transport of molecules in the brain (Figure 2) [4,10,27]

1. CSF from the subarachnoid space moves along periarterial spaces into the brain (in the same
direction as blood flow, termed antegrade) by advective transport;
2. From the periarterial space the fluid moves into the brain interstitium, facilitated by AQP4
channels on astrocytic endfeet comprising the perivascular wall;
3. The fluid flows across the interstitium, dissolving or entraining waste molecules, and
4. Carries them to the perivenous space, where they are transported out of the brain via primary
perivenous drainage pathways.

This theory was named the glymphatic system due to its dependence on glial cells (astrocytes)
and its lymphatic-like purpose—a circulatory system outside the cardiovascular system that clears
extracellular waste. The glymphatic system thus proposed both perivascular and interstitial advection,
adding perivascular velocity, perivascular wall permeability, and interstitial hydraulic conductivity to
the list of key parameters describing transport in the brain (Table 2).
Several researchers have confirmed the antegrade perivascular flow observed by Iliff et al.—solutes
moving from the SAS into the parenchyma along periarterial space and out of the parenchyma via
perivenous space [14,25,50,62–65]. In addition, new findings offer different interpretations of previous
observations supporting intramural periarterial flow. New theories of beta-amyloid plaque formation,
e.g., shear-induced amyloid formation [66], have developed that are independent of the direction of
perivascular flow. Bedussi et al. demonstrated a single periarterial compartment, rather than physically
separated compartments that might allow flow in opposite directions [65]. Fixation artifacts [39] may
explain Carare’s observation of intramural periarterial transport. However, multiple observations,
including in vivo, of periarterial efflux [55,67–69] have not yet been explained.
Smith et al. (the Verkman group) repeated Iliff et al.’s experiments in 2017, corroborating transport
along the periarterial space faster than diffusion, but finding diffusion alone was adequate to describe
transport in the interstitium and also observing no differences in clearance for Aqp4 KO vs. WT
mice [62]. To our knowledge, Smith’s work is the only attempt at a direct reproduction of Iliff’s AQP4
experiments. However, several groups investigating the impact of the glymphatic system on different
pathologies have corroborated Iliff et al.’s findings. A recently published meta-analysis cites decreased
ISF tracer clearance in Aqp4 KO mice and rats in five of six studies (the one outlier being Smith et al.).
and demonstrates a clear positive correlation between AQP4 and ISF tracer clearance [70]. Further,
Smith et al. used different injection methods and a different strain of Aqp4 KO mice. “The meta-analysis
identified the anesthesia protocol, wide range of experimental animals, and injection paradigm were
potential causes for the conflicting data reported by Smith” [70].
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 12 of 33

3.3. Transport in the Whole Brain: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI

Several studies have been published investigating glymphatic function throughout the whole
brain using in vivo dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. DCE MRI enables a look at the live brain
as a whole organ, but lacks the resolution of microscopy. For example, the perivascular space cannot
be distinguished from the interstitium. Iliff et al. observed rapid movement of contrast agent along
periarterial pathways to major influx nodes at the pituitary recess, olfactory bulb and pineal recess in
rats [71], in agreement with the glymphatic hypothesis (the pituitary and pineal recess house major
arteries, the posterior and superior cerebral, and major arteries connect the cisterna magna to the
olfactory bulb, the anterior cerebral and olfactory). Contrast movement into and through the brain
tissue was highly dependent on molecular size for two contrast agents of 938 Da and 200 kDa. Recall
that in Iliff et al. [27], the 200 kDa tracer was excluded from crossing the periarterial wall and that
perivascular and interstitial concentrations are combined in the DCE MRI signal. Gakuba et al. [72]
(in mice), Benveniste et al. [5] (in rats), and others [14,15,73] confirmed transport of small molecules
(638 Da) from the SAS CSF along specific pathways and into brain tissue via DCE MRI on similar
time scales to Iliff et al. Pizzo et al. reported DCE MRI concentration changes and time scales for IgG
(150 kDa), an endogenous antibody, similar to Iliff’s 200 kDa tracer results [1,2,25].
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is minimally invasive and quantitative, and therefore can be
extremely useful in validating results of theoretical models and making parameter calculations. All
tracer studies described previously in Section 3. were semi-quantitative, providing approximate values
for distance and time, but not concentration. However, DCE MRI has short-comings as signal is
reduced for multiple reasons as the tracer penetrates deeper into the brain tissue that must be accounted
for to use the data accurately. In DCE MRI, a contrast agent is injected that reduces the normal water
signal in relative proportion to the local concentration of the contrast agent; DCE MRI measures the
propagation of the contrast agent through this reduction in signal, relative to a pre-injection image. As
contrast moves deeper into brain tissue its signal becomes reduced, or “washed out”. This washing out
is due to three effects. First, the concentration simply gets lower (compared to the initial bolus) as the
contrast agent spreads throughout the brain. Second, as the contrast agent moves into the interstitium
(and even the PVS) it is present only in the extracellular space; as a result, there is less contrast agent
per total volume, and the signal goes down in proportion with the void volume. Third, the agent’s
contrast effect is dependent on the environment (e.g., proton density and mobility of contrast agent).
This environmental effect is captured in a parameter called relaxivity, which is also dependent on the
field strength. It is possible to measure relaxivity. However, with the exception of one instance [74], we
have not found it mentioned or reported in brain transport publications. In addition, safety concerns
exist for the required contrast agents. Therefore, DCE MRI studies are performed on animal models
and only very rarely, with a clinical indication and outside the U.S., in humans.
Other whole-brain, non-invasive techniques are under development. Positron emission
tomography (PET) uses a radioactive tracer, usually a biologically relevant molecule to which a
radio-ligand has been attached. PET signal is not washed out due to relaxivity like DCE MRI, so
PET provides a more closely quantitative result. A PET technique for monitoring beta amyloid,
the characteristic protein aggregate implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, has already been used in
human research studies [75]. PET-MRI, in which a PET tracer able to cross the BBB is administered
intravenously, is a less invasive way to assess CSF clearance and is being developed for human
studies [75,76]. Both MRI and PET are expensive experiments. Recently, transcranial fluorescence
mesoscopic imaging has been applied to track cortical CSF flow in real-time in living mice [77]. This
technique utilizes LED illumination, which enables fast switching between wavelengths (for tracking
multiple tracers), and a macroscope with a wide field of view, enabling imaging of the entire surface of
the mouse brain to a depth of 1–2 mm with a resolution similar to MRI (5 µm/pixel) (for comparison,
two-photon imaging works to a depth of several 100 µm, and a full MRI scan requires minutes).
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 13 of 33

3.4. Efflux Routes and Meningeal Lymphatic Vessels

3.4.1. Efflux Routes

Molecular species within the brain are transported by two categories of mechanisms:
molecule-specific and general. Molecule-specific mechanisms are tailored to an individual molecule and
include transport via tailored protein channels across vascular cell walls into the blood stream [12,13]
and intra- and extra-cellular degradation [11]. In a general mechanism, bulk fluid and solutes leave the
brain via an efflux route, such as perivascular or perineural routes leading to extracranial lymphatic
vessels. Based on a review of data for elimination of substances from the brain, Hladky et al. conclude
“if there is a transport mechanism for a substance at the BBB (here meaning the vascular wall), then
the BBB is more important than perivascular pathways for the elimination of that substance [12]”.
However, some molecules, most importantly protein aggregates implicated in neurodegenerative
diseases, do not have available transport routes across the vascular wall.
“A substantial portion of perivascular efflux of large solutes appears to pass to the lymph without
first appearing in CSF at the cisterna magna” [12]. The cisterna magna is an enlargement, or reservoir,
in the subarachnoid space located at the posterior (back) base of the skull, where CSF exits the ventricles
to circulate through the SAS surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This observation suggests that ISF
wastes, having exited the brain, do not mix in the CSF and either (1) clear to the CSF, but subsequently
efflux through a route near their perivascular exit (glymphatic hypothesis), or (2) exit through a route
that is separate from the CSF (intramural periarterial hypothesis).
Several efflux routes for ISF solutes out of the cranium via the CSF have been observed
experimentally and are further described below

1. arachnoid granulations in the SAS [10,78,79];

2. the olfactory nerve via the cribiform plate [10,25,69,78,79], and other perineural sheaths
surrounding cranial and spinal nerves [33], and
3. meningeal (or dural) lymphatic vessels [5,10,78,79].

Arachnoid granulations are small protrusions of arachnoid matter into the dural sinuses (Figure 1B).
They are the traditional outflow route for CSF from the SAS into the venous system. Bradbury et al.
hypothesized that most of the large solutes in ISF flowed out of the parenchyma into a portion of
CSF that subsequently left the brain via the cribiform plate to the nasal mucosa [69]. Perineural CSF
surrounding olfactory nerve sheets carries fluid to nasal lymph vessels that cross the cribiform plate
(Figure 1A), which separates the cranium from the nasal mucousa [79]. Nasal lymphatic vessels are
possibly the most important route for CSF outflow to extracranial lymph vessels [80–82]. Meningeal
lymph vessels are described below (Section 3.4.2.). Looking at Figure 1, the above list offers exit routes
surrounding the brain, meaning a local CSF efflux route would be available to any perivascular exit
from the parenchyma.
The exact proportion of clearance along each CSF efflux route is not yet known and may vary
adaptively in response to other efflux routes [63,79,83]. For example, mice born without meningeal
lymphatic vessels demonstrate no change in intracranial pressure (ICP) or brain water content [63],
indicating another pathway has increased its CSF efflux to balance CSF production. With multiple
efflux routes identified, it follows that fluid and solutes may simply leave the cranial vault by the path
of least resistance.
The second hypothesis, efflux through a route that does not mix with the CSF, has been supported
and investigated by Carare [55], Weller [57], and others [58,84]. They propose an intramural periarterial
route that passes through the subarachnoid space, but remains physically separated from the CSF.
“Interstitial fluid and solutes drain from the brain parenchyma into the basement membranes of
capillaries (and then along) the basement membranes between smooth muscle cells of arteries. The
ISF and solutes follow (a similar route along surface) arteries and continue through the base of the
skull along the carotid artery to cervical lymph nodes. A layer of pia-arachnoid separates (the route in
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 14 of 33

surface) arteries from the CSF in the SAS” [57]. This intramural periarterial efflux route correlates with
observations of beta-amyloid deposition and periarterial efflux, and provides a pressure difference
for periarterial efflux [55,68,84]. Using molecular characterization, Hannocks et al. recently found no
evidence of a pial barrier physically separating surface vessels (both arteries and veins) from the SAS
CSF [26], which was in contrast to previous electron micrograph morphological studies [85].

3.4.2. Meningeal Lymph Vessels

Although brain tissue lacks lymph vessels, lymph vessels within the cranium but outside the BBB
have recently been identified and look to be an important general efflux route. Substances injected into
the parenchyma or the CSF have long been observed in extracranial lymph vessels, such as the cervical
lymphatics, although the exact route has remained undefined [29,33,57,86,87]. A network of lymph
vessels was recently identified in the meninges (Figure 1B), which may be important to macromolecule
clearance and immune surveillance in the brain [63,83]. The meninges are three layers of protective
tissue that envelop the brain, external to the SAS. The outermost layer, the dural layer, is attached to
the skull and contains the lymph vessels.
The meningeal lymph vessels (also called dural lymph vessels) are functionally capable of
absorbing macromolecules from brain tissue and drain into the deep cervical lymph nodes [63,83].
Transgenic mice lacking meningeal lymph vessels demonstrate attenuated clearance of macromolecules
from the brain and almost no drainage to the deep cervical lymph nodes [83,88]. In addition, tracers
injected into the parenchyma that translocated to the deep cervical lymph nodes were also found in
glymphatic spaces, suggesting a connection between the glymphatic system and the meningeal lymph
vessels [63,79]. Based on the findings above, the newly identified meningeal lymph vessels provide a
missing link for transport of macromolecules from brain tissue and CSF, inside the BBB, to extracranial
lymph vessels, outside the BBB, and on to the systemic circulation [5,63,79,83,88].

3.5. Sleep Enhances Glymphatic Function

Studies by the Nedergaard group (published by Xie et al.) observed deeper penetration of a 3
kDa tracer from SAS CSF into brain tissue during sleep [37]. Using RTI, they measured a decrease in
void volume with wakefulness, from 23% (asleep) to 14% (awake). (Most RTI experiments are carried
out on anesthetized subjects. Xie et al. showed ketamine/xylazine anesthesia to be equivalent to
sleep by electrocorticography (ECoG) and electromyography (EMG) recordings, which recorded high
prevalence of “delta waves”.) As hydraulic conductivity is known to increase with void volume [33],
these results suggest a potential increase in interstitial advective transport with sleep. Hypothesizing
that adrenergenic signaling in the awake state modifies cell volume and thus void volume, Xie et al.
demonstrated increased CSF tracer influx with administration of adrenergenic antagonists (in awake
mice) comparable to influx observed during sleep. From their results, the authors hypothesize the
activity of the glymphatic system increases with sleep (this particular proposal has become mainstream
in popular culture [89]).
Ray et al. used the change in void volume measured by Xie et al. and a calculated proportional
decrease in hydraulic conductivity to estimate the change in interstitial velocity with wakefulness
(Table 3) (see Section 3.6.2 for further discussion of interstitial flow). Simulations of Xie et al.’s RTI
experiments, using the estimated parameter values given in Table 3, demonstrate good agreement
with experimental measurements (Figure 5) [46].

Table 3. Estimated interstitial velocity for awake state based on measured changes in void volume
from Xie et al. and proposed interstitial velocity in the anesthetized state for mice.

State Void Volume Hydraulic Conductivity (cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 ) Pavg (mmHg) Velocity (µm min−1 )
Asleep 0.23 [37] 2× 10−6 [43,44] 0.5 15 [46]
Awake 0.14 [37] 2 × 10−7 0.5 <1 [46]
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 15 of 33

Fluids 2019, 3, x 15 of 33


TMA Co ncentration (mM)





0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Time (Sec)

Figure 5.
5. Comparison
Comparison ofof
RTI experimental
RTI experimentaldatadata
(orange) and finite-element
(orange) simulation
and finite-element [46] (blue)
simulation [46]
using parameters
(blue) from Table
using parameters from 3Table
for asleep and awake
3 for asleep states. states.
and awake CurvesCurves
report tracer
reportconcentration versus
tracer concentration
time. Simulations
versus agree well
time. Simulations agreewith
well experimental data,data,
with experimental supporting the hypothesis
supporting of an
the hypothesis increase
of an in
in hydraulicconductivity
during sleep.
sleep. Reprinted
Reprinted from
from Ref
Ref [46]. Copyright
Copyright 2019
Biomedical Central.

Additional evidence suggests changes in ECS structure and glymphatic activity with state of
consciousness. The The effect of anesthesia type and protocol on tracer penetration and clearance in the
brain was
was investigatedusing
investigated usingDCE DCEMRI, MRI,with withdiffering
results [5,72].
Apparent diffusion
diffusion coefficient of
of water(ADC w ) measurement
(ADC w) measurement by diffusion tensor-weighted
by diffusion imagingimaging
tensor-weighted (DTI) MRI has also
(DTI) MRIbeen has developed
also been
as a non-invasive
developed method of tracking
as a non-invasive method changes in ECSchanges
of tracking structure, inespecially between
ECS structure, wakefulness
especially and
anesthesia [72,90]. Vorisek and Sykova concluded ADC is less exact than
wakefulness and anesthesia [72,90]. Vorisek and Sykovaw concluded ADCw is less exact than RTI, but RTI, but can be correlated
can be changes in void
correlated withvolume
changes [90].inThe
void most significant
volume [90]. Thesupport
a recent fMRI studyisina humans
support that
recent fMRI
study in humans enhanced fluid flow in enhanced
that demonstrates the brain during
fluid flowsleepin[91]
the (see
brain Section
during3.6.1 for[91]
sleep further
3.6.1 Xie
for et al.’s experiments
further details). are unique thus far, having trained an animal to sleep in the experimental
apparatus. Sleep
Xie et al.’s has a complex
experiments are unique biochemistry
thus far, havingand trained
physiology, making
an animal it difficult
to sleep to simulate
in the experimental
apparatus. Sleep hasThe recovery biochemistry
a complex from anesthesia andtophysiology,
a “normal” making awake state is also to
it difficult difficult
objectify. The work The
pharmacologically. referenced
recovery in this
fromsection, combined
anesthesia with Mestre
to a “normal” et al.state
awake [70] highlights a strong
is also difficult to
objectify. Theof glymphatic systeminfunction
work referenced with both
this section, anesthesia
combined withand alertness.
Mestre et al. Until these relationships
[70] highlights a strong
are better understood,
correlation of glymphatic studies shouldfunction
system be interpreted
with bothwith care. (The typical
anesthesia anesthesiaUntil
and alertness. for inthese
relationships andareRTI experiments
better understood,in this field isshould
studies ketamine/xyaline
be interpreted administered
with care.by injection.
(The typicalThe typical
for in vivoformicroscopy
DCE MRI experiments in this fieldin
and RTI experiments is isoflurane
this field administered by inhalation.)
is ketamine/xyaline administered by
injection. The typical anesthesia for DCE MRI experiments in this field is isoflurane administered by
3.6. Unanswered Questions
The glymphatic hypothesis (see Figure 2, and Section 3.2) leaves a few questions unanswered:
(1) Unanswered Questions flow in the periarterial space, (2) what provides the pressure differential
drives advective
for flow
The across the interstitium,
glymphatic hypothesis (3) (seehow do AQP4
Figure 2, and water
3.2) leaves (preferentially
a few questions expressed on the
astrocytic endfeet of the perivascular wall) facilitate transport, and (4) what
(1) what drives advective flow in the periarterial space, (2) what provides the pressure differentialis the route and mechanism
flow acrossefflux? The following
the interstitium, sections
(3) how discusswater
do AQP4 the physics,
channels theories, and dataexpressed
(preferentially regardingon these
unanswered questions.
astrocytic endfeet Notperivascular
of the the marked difference in results
wall) facilitate from computational
transport, and (4) what modelling due to and
is the route use
of different parameter
mechanism of perivenousvaluesefflux?
and assumptions.
The following sections discuss the physics, theories, and data
regarding these unanswered questions. Not the marked difference in results from computational
3.6.1. Perivascular Flow: Influx
modelling due to use of different parameter values and assumptions.
Potential drivers of perivascular influx are static pressure differential, arterial wall pulsation,
and Perivascular Flow:
production. Influx
The simplest driving force for perivascular flow would be a static pressure
gradient. However, in the glymphatic hypothesis, flow is from the SAS (via the periarterial space, then
Potential drivers of perivascular influx are static pressure differential, arterial wall pulsation,
and CSF production. The simplest driving force for perivascular flow would be a static pressure
gradient. However, in the glymphatic hypothesis, flow is from the SAS (via the periarterial space,
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 16 of 33

interstitium, then perivenous space) back to the SAS. Local variations in SAS CSF pressure are no more
than 0.03 mmHg [60,92], insufficient to drive the hypothesized flows [60].
Iliff et.al. proposed that arterial pulsation might drive periarterial flow [27]. In subsequent work,
Iliff used in vivo and ex vivo analysis to test this hypothesis. Increasing the pulsatility of cerebral
arteries with an adrenergic agonist accelerated CSF influx into brain tissue, while decreasing pulsatility
through carotid artery ligation (a commonly used experimental model of cerebral hypo-perfusion)
reduced perivascular CSF influx [93]. In earlier studies, Rennels et al. observed “rapid paravascular
influx of (tracer) could be prevented by stopping or diminishing the pulsations of the cerebral arteries
by aortic occlusion or by partial ligation of the brachiocephalic artery” [50].
Pulsation-driven flow in the periarterial space is hypothesized to occur by peristalsis. During
propagation of the arterial pressure wave, the periarterial space is occluded, forcing fluid to move
forward in the direction of blood flow. In the case of a circular tube, it has been shown that for
Newtonian fluids there is always a net forward flow of fluid in the same direction as the travelling
wave, even against a modest opposing pressure gradient [94]. Annular flow in the direction of the
traveling wave was confirmed by computational model for the dimensions of perivascular space
and an arterial pulse wave [95], predicting a high periarterial velocity of 105 µm s−1 with Re = 30.
However, this study used a pulse wavelength of 100 µm, while the actual wavelength is believed to be
on the order of meters [96]. Asgari et al. built a similar computational model incorporating porous
media dampening (Equation (7)) and using instead a wavelength of 0.1 m, and concluded there was
essentially no net flow [41]. Asgari et al. further showed how dispersion caused by wall pulsations
could increase transport rate over diffusion alone (dispersion occurs when non-ideal flow patterns,
such as within a pulsating vessel, accelerate transport of a molecule relative to diffusion and without
net forward advective motion). Table 4 presents a comparison of periarterial computational modeling
approach, assumptions, and simulation results to experimental measurements.

Table 4. Summary of Computational Models and Measurements of Periarterial Flow.

Bilston et al. [95] Mestre et al. [39]

Asgari et al. [41] (Computational Model)
(Computational Model) (Experimental Observations)
Model Dimensions 2-D 3-D axisymmetric -
Theoretical Equation Navier–Stokes Navier–Stokes with porous media term -
Finite-volume, moving Particle tracking of fluorescent
Solution Method Finite-volume (OpenFOAM)
mesh (CFX4) microspheres
Boundary Conditions Inlet pressure set Zero net flow Pressure not measured
Shape = Annular, with an
Shape = Annular Shape = Annular elliptical outer surface with a high
Perivascular Geometry PV Width = 25 µm PV Width = 10 µm eccentricity
dart = 100 µm dart = 23 µm PV Width = 40 µm
dart  40 µm
Amplitude = 10% of Amplitude = 4% of arterial radius; Amplitude = 2% of arterial radius;
arterial radius; Frequency = 10/s; Frequency = 5/s;
Arterial Pulse Wave Speed = 5 m/s; Speed = 1 m/s; Shape = fast increase during
Wavelength = 100 µm; Wavelength = 0.1 m; systole and slow decrease during
Shape = sinusoidal Shape = sinusoidal diastole (not sinusoidal)
Results - - -
Q = 1.35 mm3 s−1 Q = 3.7 × 10−10 mm3 s−1 Q = 0.005 mm3 s−1
Flow Rate and Velocity
vPV = 1.4 × 105 µm s−1 vPV = negligible vPV = 18.7 1 µm s−1
Arterial pulsations are Measured periarterial flow was
able to drive perivascular Arterial pulsation unlikely to drive pulsatile, correlated with the
Conclusions flow (for a much shorter perivascular flow; Dispersion may cardiac cycle, parabolic (laminar),
than observed accelerate transport beyond diffusion only. and net antegrade (in the direction
wavelength). of blood flow).
1 Bedussi et al. [40] measured vPV = 17–19 µm s−1 using a technique similar to Mestre et al. [39].

In 2018, both Bedussi et al. and Mestre et al. measured perivascular flow around a surface artery
that was pulsatile, correlated with the cardiac cycle, and had net antegrade flow [39,40]. Measurements
were made by tracking the movement of fluorescent microspheres. Mestre et al. observed an average
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 17 of 33

perivascular velocity of 18.7 µm s−1 and Bedussi et al. 17–19 µm s−1 , which give characteristic transport
times around 1000 times faster than diffusion-only transport. The speed of the arterial wall matched
that of the CSF, “suggesting arterial wall motion is the principal driving mechanism” of perivascular
flow [39]. Interestingly, images of the perivascular space show a cross-sectional shape that is elliptical
with a high eccentricity and comparative in area to the vascular cross section [39]. Mestre et al. observed
a parabolic flow profile. Parabolic flow results from laminar flow through “empty space”, as opposed
to porous space that would give a flattened profile. This result suggests the ECM in the PVS offers
little resistance to flow.
Bedussi et al. also performed ex vivo confocal microscopy to determine whether microspheres
continued from surface arteries into penetrating vessels. Some penetration into the brain parenchyma
was observed along paravascular spaces at the ventral (bottom) side of the brain, but none at the lateral
(side) and dorsal (top) parts of the brain [40]. This distribution agrees with DCE MRI results, where
tracer progresses from the cisterna magna at the back of the brain, forward along the ventral surface of
the brain at early times, progressing laterally at intermediate times and to the ventral surface at much
later times (within the brain of mice and rats, arteries are predominant on the ventral surface and
veins on the dorsal surface). It is unstated how much time passed in Bedussi’s experiments between
injection of microspheres and sacrifice of the animal, perhaps not enough for tracer to reach the lateral
and ventral surfaces of the brain. Bedussi et al. propose that either (1) the 1 µm microspheres were
excluded from the PVS of penetrating arteries, or (2) CSF flows along PVS on the brain surface, and
instead of penetrating the brain tissue, simply moves toward the front of the brain and exits the skull.
Mestre et al. found fixation, required for ex vivo studies, to collapse the perivascular space and
disrupt perivascular tracer distribution [39]. Upon chemical fixation, the PVS cross-sectional area was
shown to decrease by a factor of 10, with tracer moving vigorously towards the cisterna magna, in the
retrograde direction, and into the basement membrane. This result calls into question ex vivo studies of
perivascular flow, and provides a potential explanation for intramural periarterial flow observations.
A recently published study on the human brain suggests changes in cerebral blood volume
coordinated with changes in CSF production may be a driver of fluid flow through brain tissue. Fultz
et al. demonstrated the following coordinated sequence [91]

1. slow neural waves that occur during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep;
2. followed by a decrease in cerebral blood flow;
3. followed by an increase in CSF production.

The low-frequency oscillatory dynamics associated with NREM are an indicator of oscillating
suppression of neural activity. The decrease in neural activity results in a decrease in blood demand.
The decrease in blood flow decreases cerebral blood volume in the fixed cranial volume. CSF flow
increases to fill the space previously occupied by blood, expanding the CSF and ISF-filled volumes
of brain tissue. This coordinated sequence was observed to oscillate with a period of approximately
20 s, and therefore is not coordinated with cardiac cycle or respiration. The results are in agreement
with observed increases in extracellular volume during sleep [37]. As this was a study of whole-brain
dynamics, it leaves open several questions about the microscopic details. Is periarterial and/or
extracellular volume increased? What are the routes of perivascular influx and efflux? How is pressure
affected in the CSF and throughout the brain tissue? However, it provides evidence of an additional
driver of perivascular flow—CSF production and cerebral blood flow dynamics.
In summary, periarterial flow has been measured and independently verified in surface arteries at
a velocity of 17–19 µm/sec [39,40], about 1000 times faster than diffusion. Although it would be ideal to
measure periarterial flow in penetrating arteries, a significant body of data supports faster-than-diffusion
movement of tracers into the brain along periarterial routes [5,25,27,37,62,65,72,77]. Antegrade flow
has also been well demonstrated, although the few observations of retrograde periarterial flow have
not yet been explained. Work remains to understand the driving force of perivascular flow, although
there is good support for arterial wall pulsation. Recent results suggest coordinated changes in cerebral
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 18 of 33

blood volume and CSF production, especially during sleep, may also contribute to fluid flow through
the brain.

3.6.2. Interstitial Flow

Several groups have concluded that diffusion alone describes transport in the
interstitium [25,30,41,44,45,55,62], implying interstitial flow is negligible. However, others have
found evidence of a slow interstitial flow [27,37,46,97]. For those who favor the glymphatic hypothesis,
interstitial flow is necessary to bridge periarterial influx and the perivenous efflux [10,98], but it can be
very slow, as interstitial volume is much greater than perivascular volume.
Interstitial flow velocity can be calculated using Darcy’s law (Equation (2)) if the hydraulic
conductivity and the pressure gradient are known. Hydraulic conductivity of brain tissue has been
reported in the literature ranging from 2 × 10−6 to 2 × 10−7 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 (Table 2). Conductivities
were calculated using experimental data from infusion of solutions into brain tissue, a process that might
impact the tissue structure and hydraulic conductivity, resulting in overstated values. It is hypothesized
that a small pressure difference exists between the periarterial and perivenous space [27,93], providing
a driving force for bulk flow through the brain interstitium. The magnitude of the pressure differential
is not known, but can be estimated using (1) hydrostatic pressure, originating from a maximum
intracranial pressure of less than 10 mmHg, or (2) hydrodynamic pressure, generated by maximum
arteriolar pulsation of 65–100 mmHg, translating through the elastic vascular walls and bounded by the
more rigid perivascular walls [93]. The hydrodynamic pressure difference would be a small percentage
of the arteriolar pressure on the periarterial side and the very low perivenular pressure (close to 0).
Publications have investigated hydrodynamic pressure difference ranges of 0–10 mmHg [44,46].
Pressure gradient is equal to the pressure difference divided by the distance between pressures.
The hydrostatic pressure gradient in the brain is probably quite small, with an estimated upper limit of
1 mmHg mm−1 [45]. The appropriate length for the hydrodynamic pressure gradient for interstitial
flow is the distance between penetrating arterioles and penetrating venules. Vascular separation in the
brain is thought to range from 120 to 255 µm [27,44,45,99]. This range of vascular separation, combined
with hydrodynamic pressure differences, gives pressure gradients of 0–80 mmHg mm−1 , significantly
higher than hydrostatic pressure gradients. In addition to pressure gradients, interstitial bulk flow
could be generated by normal CSF production and transport, osmotic gradients, changes in interstitial
space volume, and the state of arousal [10,33]
Three groups, including the authors of this review, have investigated interstitial flow via
computational modeling (see Table 5). Jin et al. [44] and Holter et al. [45] developed finite-element
fluid-dynamic models of interstitial flow through an extracellular matrix based on the electron
microscopy (EM) work of Kinney (for rat hippocampal tissue) [2] and the Navier–Stokes equation.
Each adjusted the EM in different ways to increase the void volume of the ECS to match experimental
values of around 20% (volume changes are known to occur during tissue preparation, fixation, and
embedding for EM). Holter claims a more realistic model due to refinement, allowing for smaller,
more numerous obstacles like cell bodies and processes, while Jin et al. used obstacles the size of cell
bodies. Jin calculated a hydraulic conductivity of 1.2 × 10−6 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 and Holter a hydraulic
conductivity of 2 × 10−8 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 . Jin et al.’s value agrees with experimental measurements,
while Holter et al.’s value is an order of magnitude lower than the lowest experimental measurement.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 19 of 33

Table 5. Summary of Computational Models of interstitial Flow and Mass Transport. No measurements
have been reported to date for interstitial flow.

Jin et al. [44] Holter et al. [45] Ray et al. [46]

Model Dimensions 2-D 3-D 3-D
Theoretical Navier–Stokes in reconstructed Navier–Stokes in reconstructed Darcy’s Law, combined with Mass Transfer
Equation ECS ECS in porous media
Solution Method Finite-element (COMSOL) Finite-element (FEniCS) Finite-element (FEniCS)
Boundary Pressure Gradient = 1 mmHg
Pressure Difference = 0–8 mmHg Pressure Difference = 0–10 mmHg
Conditions mm−1
For flow: EM of Kinney et al. [2] For flow and mass: vascular separation =
For flow: EM of Kinney et al. [2] adjusted to increase void volume 255–305 µm (center-to-center)
adjusted to increase void volume to around 20% dart = 30 µm
Interstitial to around 20% For mass: vascular separation = dven = 30 µm
Geometry For mass: vascular separation = 285 µm (center-to-center) dend f eet gaps = 24 nm
280 µm (center-to-center) dart = 30 µm α = 18–23% (depending on experimental
dart = dven = 30 µm dven = 40 µm data)
dend f eet gaps = 24 nm k0 = 2 × 10−6 − 2 × 10−8 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1
Comparison to experimental
Mass transport results compatible
values of k0 , which were found to Quantitative comparison to published
with Iliff et al. [71] tracer studies
Validation be significantly higher. Mass experimental RTI curve replicates
and Thorne et al. [99] IOI
transport results compatible with [37,100,101].
Xie et al. [37] tracer studies.
Results - - -
k0 = 2 × 10−8 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 k0 = 1.2 × 10−6 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 -
Interstitial Velocity v =0.1 µm min−1 - v = 10 µm min−1
RTI experimental data range is consistent
Interstitial transport is dominated Interstitial transport observations
Conclusions with simulations for velocities of order 10
by diffusion. adequately explained by diffusion.
µm min−1 .

Ray et al. used published RTI experimental data from three research groups to verify a
3-dimensional porous-media finite-element model of interstitial transport, based on Equations (4)–(6).
Using the full range of hydraulic conductivities reported in the literature and the range of pressure
differences described above, Ray et al. calculated average superficial velocities of 0.05–250 µm min−1
(Table 6). Quantitative comparison of tracer transport simulation results to RTI experimental data
for anesthetized subjects gave best agreement at a superficial velocity of order v = 10 µm min−1 [46],
comparable to interstitial velocity measure in other tissues (Figure 3) [20,21].

Table 6. Interstitial superficial-velocity simulation results for various authors. A range of hydraulic
conductivity values and a range of periarterial wall pressures were used (further described in the text).
Velocity reference is Ray et al. [46] unless otherwise noted.

For For For For

Hydraulic Conductivity (cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 )
Pavg = 0.2 mmHg Pavg = 0.8 mmHg Pavg = 2.4 mmHg Pavg = 8 mmHg
2 × 10−6 [43,44] 1 5 [44], 5 22 [44], 25 65 [44], 75 220 [44], 250
2 × 10−7 [42] 0.5 2.5 7.5 25
2 × 10−8 [45] 0.1 [45], 0.05 0.25 0.75 2.5
1 reports value of 1.2 × 10−6 cm2 mmHg−1 s−1 , for parenchyma only based on simulation.

Substantial experimental evidence supports interstitial transport that is molecular-size

dependent [25,27,62,71]. Even Iliff’s original study observed faster transport of a smaller molecule
(3 kDa) into the interstitium, compared to a larger molecule (40 kDa) [27]. However, this is not
necessarily evidence against interstitial flow, as the effect of advection is relative [46]. Transport only
becomes molecular-size independent when advection dominates, such as in the case of perivascular
flow. When both mechanisms contribute, as is the expected case for transport of many molecules in
the interstitium, a molecular-size dependence will exist. Recall the Peclet number, which equals the
relative rate of advection to diffusion (Equation (3)). For a Dextran-3 kDa, Pe = 2, while Pe = 14 for
Dex 40 kDa. Therefore, diffusion and advection are nearly equal at a molecular size of 3 kDa and
transport is expected to be molecular-size dependent. As molecular size increases to 40 kDa, advection
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 20 of 33

starts to become dominant and less molecular-size dependence is expected. Further, the characteristic
diffusion time for Dex 40 kDa is about 200 min, while the characteristic advection time is around
20 min. Slow flows that are not significant to the transport of small molecules can be hugely impactful
for large, slow-to-diffuse molecules.
Abbott argues that interstitial advection would lead to disruption of the delicate chemical
micro-environment required for brain function, and suggests the possibility of perivascular flow to the
capillary level as an alternative to interstitial flow [29] (the glymphatic hypothesis states perivascular
flow to the arteriole level, where the PVS terminates, truncating flow). This idea follows from the
work of Hannock et al. who used cellular markers to identify the perivascular space and observed
two molecularly distinct basement membranes through to the level of capillaries, hence a potential
complete perivascular route from arterioles through capillaries to venules [26]. Capillaries are separated
by approximately 10–20 µm, resulting in a short diffusional path through the interstitium. If this
pericapillary theory were correct, given current experimental resolutions, observations would be
similar to those for interstitial flow.
In summary, it remains unclear if transport in the interstitium is diffusion-only transport or a
combination of advective and diffusive transport. Molecular-size dependent transport does not exclude
slow interstitial flow, which could have a significant impact on transport of large, slow-to-diffuse
molecules. By conservation of mass, the periarterial influx must go somewhere. A method for
direct measurement of interstitial flow would be very useful. In the absence of direct measurement,
quantitative transport analysis and modeling, inclusive of anatomical details, using existing tracer
data can provide useful insight and supplement currently available experimental approaches.

3.6.3. Transport between Perivascular Space (PVS) and Interstitium

To move from the periarterial space into the interstitium (or the interstitium to the perivascular
space), fluid and solutes must pass across a barrier—the perivascular wall. Recall that the PVW consists
of a sheath of astrocytic endfeet with gaps between the endfeet, allowing access to the interstitium. In
addition, the cell walls contain protein channels that facilitate transport of specific molecules, such as
the transport of water by AQP4. Therefore, molecules must pass through either the gaps between the
endfeet or protein channels to access the ECS.
Conflicting evidence exists for both the size of the gaps and the coverage of the wall by astrocytic
endfeet. Mathiisen et al. analyzed rat EM images of the perivascular astroglial-sheath prepared by
chemical fixation, measuring the gaps at 24 nm in a 1.5 µm thick (on average) wall and calculating
99.7% coverage of the PVW surface of capillaries [47]. In comparison, the ECS comprises 20% of brain
tissue and typical channels are 40–60 nm in width [7,29]. Korogod et al. found the coverage to be 94.4%
using chemical fixation and 62.9% using cryo fixation [48]. The cryo fixation result of 37% extracellular
space of the PVW is even greater than the ECS void volume, suggesting that the PVW may present no
barrier to transport of molecules. Ray et al. tested solute transport using these two descriptions of the
perivascular wall and found the tighter gaps and higher coverage observed by Mathiisen to give better
agreement between RTI data and simulations [46].
Although strong evidence correlates AQP4 to interstitial flow and clearance, its mechanism of
facilitating transport in the brain is less clear. Mestre’s meta-analysis demonstrates a clear positive
correlation between AQP4 and both ISF tracer clearance and CSF influx [70,100]. Studies in KO
mice show AQP4 modulates ECS void volume [102], interstitial solute transport [103], and clearance
of interstitial fluid [104]. Plog et al. observed the increased resistance to fluid flow between the
perivascular and interstitial spaces due to AQP4 deletion has a more profound suppressive effect on
glymphatic flow than does wakefulness-related contraction of the interstitial space [77]. In addition,
altered AQP4 expression is evident in brain tissue from Alzheimer’s patients [10]. However, the mode
of action by which AQP4 effects ISF flow and clearance has not been demonstrated.
Iliff et al. proposed perivascular, astrocytic AQP4 as a low-resistance pathway for water flow
into the interstitium, completing the flow circuit from the periarterial to the perivenous space [27].
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 21 of 33

This theory is silent on how the solutes present in the ISF cross the perivascular wall, as AQP4 is
incapable of transporting most ISF solutes, including macromolecules [29]. However, most solutes are
able to pass through the gaps between astrocytic endfeet. AQP4 is known to play critical roles in the
transport of water between compartments [29]. Perhaps the role of AQP4 in the glymphatic system is
less direct. AQP4 channels move water between local PVS and the astrocyte cell/endfoot, swelling or
shrinking the endfoot and adjusting the gap size and therefore promote or restricting flow. Asgari et al.
tested solute transport for 20 nm and 14 nm astrocytic endfeet gaps, with the smaller gap leading to a
significant reduction in transport [41].
Improved understanding of the elements affecting transport of water and solutes across the
“perivascular wall” is an area of great opportunity. EM data of the wall structure are variable;
in vivo observation would likely improve knowledge. Experimental observations of tracer movement
demonstrate a marked decrease in PVW transport in the absence of AQP4 [27]. AQP4 presence is
strongly correlated with glymphatic function, but its mechanism is not understood.

3.6.4. Perivascular Flow: Efflux

Specific data is more limited for fluid and solute efflux from the cranium, partly because
tracers become diffuse by the time they reach this end of the transport pathway. To date, there are
no computational models focused solely on the perivenous efflux mechanisms of the glymphatic
hypothesis. As a result, less is known about routes and drivers of perivascular efflux. In Section 3.6.1,
two theories for efflux were described

1. Perivenous efflux to the CSF, but subsequent exit through a proximal route (glymphatic
hypothesis); or
2. Efflux via an intramural periarterial route that passes through the subarachnoid space, but remains
physically separated from the CSF, and ultimately connects to the cervical lymph.

Below, we discuss static pressure and arterial pulsation driving forces for each theory. Refer to
Section 3.6.1. for the discussion of flow driven by CSF production and cerebral blood flow dynamics.
No pulsation occurs in the veins, therefore, for perivenous efflux pressure driving force may come
from static pressure or pressure generated by periarterial pulsation. Faghih et al. calculated a very low
required pressure difference for hypothesized flow through the perivenous (called paravenous in their
paper) tree of 0.00023 mmHg [60]. Although, as discussed in Section 3.6.1, static pressure variations in
the CSF are not sufficient to drive the entire glymphatic flow circuit, arterial pulsation will result in
intermittent elevated pressure at the periarterial wall [95]. Such pressure may provide the difference
required to drive fluid across the interstitial space and still deliver the pressure difference (0.00023
mmHg) needed to propel fluid along the perivenous tree to the SAS.
Intramural periarterial efflux offers a substantial pressure differential for driving fluid efflux,
which was a major motivation for the theory. Lymph vessels are at very low or even negative pressure.
Therefore, a significantly higher pressure differential exists between the parenchyma and the lymph,
than the parenchyma and the CSF (CSF pressure is 7–15 mmHg; pressure inside a lymph vessel is
typically 1 mmHg). In addition, reflection waves from arterial pulsation on the periarterial walls have
been hypothesized to also drive periarterial efflux [59]. Calculations by Asgari et al. [105] and Faghih
et al. [60] show the resistance to flow of the basement membrane is far too great to allow the estimated
physiological flows.
In summary, intramural periarterial efflux is unlikely due to the high resistance of the basement
membrane. Perivenous efflux (following the glymphatic hypothesis) would require a small pressure
difference (0.00023 mmHg) that may be generated by periarterial pulsation driven flow and translated
across the porous interstitial space to the perivenous space.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 22 of 33

3.7. Glymphatic Debate Is Focussing

Although evidence is building in support of a glymphatic system, much is still left to be understood
and refinements are likely to be made. Strong experimental evidence supports antegrade perivascular
advection. Although observations of periarterial efflux and beta-amyloid deposition on arteries but
not veins have yet to be satisfactorily explained. Experimental results also show periarterial flow is
strongly correlated with arterial pulsation, which is proposed to be the driver of said flow. However,
current computational models indicate arterial pulsation is unlikely to be the sole driving force for
fluid transport into and out of the parenchyma via perivascular routes. Further, mechanisms driving
perivenous efflux have been limitedly investigated. To date, models have failed to support fluid flow
mechanisms to explain observed perivenous tracer clearance, or intramural periarterial efflux. New
evidence shows how changes in cerebral blood volume coordinated with changes in CSF production
may be a driver of fluid flow through brain tissue. The results of these whole-brain (macroscopic)
studies are likely to inspire studies with finer resolution that may shed light on mechanisms of fluid
transport within brain tissue.
Many researchers have concluded that transport in the interstitium is by diffusion only. However,
some show evidence of a slow interstitial flow that may have a significant effect on transport of large
molecules implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. There is currently no experimental method for
direct measurement of interstitial advection. As is demonstrated through calculations in the following
section (Section 4.2), a small interstitial bulk flow is required, by conservation of mass, to complete the
flow circuit between periarterial and perivenous flow proposed by the glymphatic hypothesis.
The “perivascular wall” looks to be an important regulating mechanism for interstitial transport.
The presence of AQP4 channels in the astrocytic endfeet comprising the PVW is strongly correlated with
glymphatic function, but the mechanism by which AQP4 facilitates bulk fluid flow is not understood.

3.8. Early Human Results

Although much work remains to be done towards demonstrating the comprehensive glymphatic
system in humans, several studies show evidence of its components. A research group at Oslo
University in Norway (Ringstad group) received permission to perform clinical DCE MRI studies
on patients with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) along with controls, and has
published/is publishing a series of papers on their results. (Intrathecal contrast injection is minimally
invasive; therefore, studies are only performed on patients with a clinical indication for the procedure.)
In a study of 15 iNPH and 8 healthy controls, Ringstad et al. revealed CSF transport from the SAS along
large cerebral arteries [64], resembling the antegrade flow observed in rodents. A further study of 9
iNPH and 8 healthy controls showed significant signal enhancement across all brain regions spreading
centripetally from the cortex inward to the deeper brain [106] (in humans, arteries surround the brain
on all sides, while mice and rats have a higher concentration of arteries on the ventral side). These
results demonstrate “flow patterns in the human brain resembling that of the glymphatic pathway in
rodents” [10]. In addition, vascular pulsations seem to play an important role for tracer entry into
the parenchyma [106], and human post mortem studies have documented the presence of meningeal
lymphatic vessels [107]. Functionally, CSF clearance is reduced in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
and iNPH [106].
Contrast uptake and clearance are slower in humans as compared to rodents, but are still faster
than would be expected due to only passive diffusion [74,106]. Likely reasons for slower rates in
humans are “differences in vascular pulsatility, cerebral metabolic rate, total brain mass, and expression
pattern of AQP4” [5].
Another difference is the human brain has a significantly higher proportion of “white matter” than
the rodent, about 50% and 10% respectively. White matter is composed of nerve fibers, or myelinated
axons, highly organized into directional fiber tracts where resistance to movement is low along the
fiber bundles. Therefore, white matter exhibits anisotropic transport properties [108] and fluid can
move more rapidly along the bundles, making perineural routes. Grey matter is primarily composed
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 23 of 33

of cell bodies and non-myelinated cell processes. These cell components are spatially disorganized,
and therefore grey matter behaves in an isotropic way. White matter is found in the deeper regions of
the brain, with grey matter making up the majority of the outer brain, or cortex.
On the subject of sleep and glymphatic function, increases in CSF beta amyloid concentrations,
measured via PET, were reported after one night of total sleep deprivation [75,109] and following the
disruption of slow wave sleep [110]. DTI MRI studies have reported changes in ADCw as a function of
sleep or arousal indicative of dynamic changes in void volume [111]. A recently published study on the
human brain shows slow-wave oscillations in neural activity during NREM sleep induce changes in
cerebral blood volume coordinated with changes in CSF production that may be a driver of increased
fluid flow through brain tissue during sleep [91].

4. Discussion
Two calculations, grounded in the observations and data reported above, are discussed below.
These calculations are preliminary, requiring assumptions to complete, but none-the-less provide
perspective about transport processes occurring in the brain, especially with respect to how transport
is affected by molecular size.

4.1. Transport Time-Scale Analysis

In the most efficient, optimized design of a continuous transport system, the characteristic times
for each step will be nearly equivalent [112,113], such that no step is “waiting on another”. To help
illustrate this idea, let us consider traffic in a city where cars move on highways, surface streets and
neighborhood streets. The different road types have different characteristic lengths and speeds (1) on
highways, vehicles move fast over long distances, (2) on surface streets vehicles move intermediate
distances at intermediate speeds, and (3) on neighborhood streets vehicles move short distances at
slow speeds. If the city has too few highways, they will fill up with cars and the surface streets will be
empty, waiting for vehicles to exit the highway. Eventually the city will decide to build more highways,
and then the surface streets will get clogged. These adjustments will continue until, in an ideal world,
there are no bottlenecks—all the characteristic transport times are balanced.
A natural system, like the human body, has been evolving for very long time. It has been found that
many systems in the body are optimized as described above: air passages, lungs, and the circulatory
system [112]. Therefore, we make the assumption that transport in the brain has also been optimized
by evolution, and investigate characteristic transport times for periarterial transport and interstitial
transport, which are expected to be similar (Figure 6a).
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 24 of 33
Fluids 2019, 3, x 24 of 33

Figure 6.
Figure Illustrations for
6. Illustrations for characteristic
characteristic time
time and
and mass
mass balance
balance calculations.
calculations. (a)
(a) A
A cerebral
cerebral penetrating
artery and
artery and vein
vein with
with perivascular space. Fluid
perivascular space. Fluid (green
(green arrows)
arrows) moves
moves into
into the
the brain
brain along
along periarterial
space, branching into arteriole PVS. Characteristic length for periarterial transport is the
space, branching into arteriole PVS. Characteristic length for periarterial transport is the entireentire path from
from penetrating artery to terminating arteriole (drawing not to scale). From periarterial space,enters
artery to terminating arteriole (drawing not to scale). From periarterial space, fluid fluid
the interstitium
enters and moves
the interstitium to perivenous
and moves space.space.
to perivenous In an In
optimized system,
an optimized τPV =𝜏 τIS .=(b)
system, 𝜏 Whole-brain
. (b) Whole-
mass balance. Flow in through periarterial space, measured at the dotted line for
brain mass balance. Flow in through periarterial space, measured at the dotted line for branchesbranches of major
cerebral arteries, equals flow out across the interstitium, represented by dotted line between arterioles
major cerebral arteries, equals flow out across the interstitium, represented by dotted line between
and venules. (c) Control volume: one venule surrounded by six arterioles [44]. Fluid flow is from
arterioles and venules. (c) Control volume: one venule surrounded by six arterioles [44]. Fluid flow is
periarteriole to perivenule space (green arrows). Cross-sectional area (XCIS ) is a cylinder surrounding
from periarteriole to perivenule space (green arrows). Cross-sectional area (XCIS) is a cylinder
the venule at the midpoint between the arterioles and the venule.
surrounding the venule at the midpoint between the arterioles and the venule.

Using the equations for characteristic time (Equations (1) and (2)) and results from the literature,
Using the equations for characteristic time (Equations (1) and (2)) and results from the literature,
characteristic transport times are given in Table 7. The perivascular space is like the highway, where
characteristic transport times are given in Table 7. The perivascular space is like the highway, where
molecules move a long distance at a fast rate. Since periarterial advection is quite fast, diffusion is
molecules move a long distance at a fast rate. Since periarterial advection is quite fast, diffusion is
insignificant to overall transport within the PVS. The characteristic time for periarterial transport is
insignificant to overall transport within the PVS. The characteristic time for periarterial transport is
about 9 min. The interstitial spaces between cells are like the neighborhood streets, where molecules
about 9 min. The interstitial spaces between cells are like the neighborhood streets, where molecules
move slowly over a short distance. Since interstitial flow is likely slow, characteristic interstitial
move slowly over a short distance. Since interstitial flow is likely slow, characteristic interstitial
transport time will be a combination of diffusion and advection, where the characteristic time for
transport time will be a combination of diffusion and advection, where the characteristic time for
diffusion varies with molecular size.
diffusion varies with molecular size.
The dominant mechanism of interstitial transport depends on molecular size. For small molecules,
The dominant mechanism of interstitial transport depends on molecular size. For small
interstitial diffusion alone has a similar characteristic time to periarterial transport. Interstitial advective
molecules, interstitial diffusion alone has a similar characteristic time to periarterial transport.
flow is not needed to optimize the system. However, for larger molecules, diffusion across the interstitial
Interstitial advective flow is not needed to optimize the system. However, for larger molecules,
space is slower than periarterial transport, and interstitial advection likely plays an important (or
diffusion across the interstitial space is slower than periarterial transport, and interstitial advection
dominant) role in augmenting diffusion to achieve an optimal transport time. For Dextran 3 kDa, of
likely plays an important (or dominant) role in augmenting diffusion to achieve an optimal transport
similar size to beta amyloid, the characteristic times for interstitial advection and diffusion are nearly
time. For Dextran 3 kDa, of similar size to beta amyloid, the characteristic times for interstitial
equal—both processes work together to achieve an optimal interstitial transport time of around 7
advection and diffusion are nearly equal—both processes work together to achieve an optimal
min. A very large molecule, like IgG (150 kDa), has a characteristic diffusion time of over 500 min
interstitial transport time of around 7 min. A very large molecule, like IgG (150 kDa), has a
in interstitial space. Without interstitial advection, its transport would be extremely slow. Slow
characteristic diffusion time of over 500 min in interstitial space. Without interstitial advection, its
interstitial advection may be a significant factor for transport of large molecules, and particularly
transport would be extremely slow. Slow interstitial advection may be a significant factor for
protein aggregates implicated in neurodegenerative diseases.
transport of large molecules, and particularly protein aggregates implicated in neurodegenerative
This same idea applies to concerns over interstitial flow “upsetting” the chemical microenvironment
required for proper neural function. For small molecules, like the ions active in neural processes,
This same idea applies to concerns over interstitial flow “upsetting” the chemical
diffusive transport is happening so much faster than potential advection that small molecules will
microenvironment required for proper neural function. For small molecules, like the ions active in
quickly diffuse to maintain concentrations. For example, the potassium ion (K+ ) has a characteristic
neural processes, diffusive transport is happening so much faster than potential advection that small
diffusion time of about 1 min in interstitial space, while characteristic advection time is around 19 min.
molecules will quickly diffuse to maintain concentrations. For example, the potassium ion (K+) has a
By comparison, neural activities occur on a time scale of msec.
characteristic diffusion time of about 1 min in interstitial space, while characteristic advection time is
around 19 min. By comparison, neural activities occur on a time scale of msec.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 25 of 33

Table 7. Characteristic Transport Times in the Mouse Brain. In an optimized continuous system,
characteristic times for each step will be nearly equivalent. Periarterial transport is dominated
by advection, therefore its overall transport time is equal to the characteristic time for advection.
Interstitial transport is by diffusion and advection, with the relative importance of each depending on
molecular size. For the overall interstitial characteristic time, diffusion is augmented by advection,
with 1/τoverall = 1/τdi f f usion + 1/τadvection .

Description Periarterial Advection Interstitial Advection Interstitial Diffusion

Length (mm) 9.5 1 0.2 0.2
Velocity (µm s−1 ) 18 [39,40] 0.2 [46]
Apparent Diffusivity
10−8 –10−5
(cm2 s−1 )
1–10 small molecules
Characteristic time (τ) (min) 9 19
10–1000 large molecules
1Length of the periarterial route once it enters the parenchyma, from the beginning of the penetrating artery to the
conclusion of the penetrating arteriole (just prior to the capillary bed). Estimated at twice the height of a mouse
brain. A median human cerebral artery length (35 mm [114,115]) multiplied by the weight ratio of mouse to human
brain gives about 10 mm.

4.2. Mass/Volumetric Flow Balance

The law of conservation of mass provides an excellent tool for assessing fluid and species flow.
Whenever possible, an engineer will perform a mass balance on the physical situation with the available
data. The mass balance enables assessment of which variables are important in a particular system,
what information needs to be improved, and what is the level of agreement between reported values
for various flows and concentrations. Despite the idealizations, assumptions, and estimates required to
perform a mass balance in a disorganized natural tissue, and the inherent error introduced as a result,
mass balance is a useful tool for comparing reported flow rates and considering system organization.
The tool can be improved as new data come to light and give direction for areas of future study.
Here, a volumetric flow balance replaces the mass balance, because

1. Flow rates for transport in tissues are most frequently reported as either velocity or volumetric
flow rate per gram of tissue, known as rate of perfusion, and
2. Fluids in the brain are incompressible and at nearly constant temperature, making mass and
volume equivalent.

For overall transport in the brain, we equate total flow into the brain along perivascular routes
of penetrating cerebral arteries with total flow across the interstitium (see dotted lines in Figure 6b).
Equating these two flow streams makes an inherent assumption that any sources or sinks of fluid in
the interstitium are small compared to the overall flow. (Metabolic production of water by cells is a
small percentage of CSF production (0.03/0.3 µL g−1 min−1 = 10% [12]), and we assume a net zero flow
of fluid across the BBB). Volumetric flow rate (Q) is given by

Q = XC ∗ v, (9)

where XC is cross-sectional area. Proposed values for perivascular and interstitial velocity are available
from experimental measurements and simulations. The key assumptions are made in estimating the
cross-sectional area to calculate a volumetric flow rate. Results are reported in Table 8.
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 26 of 33

Table 8. Volumetric flow balance comparisons for periarterial and interstitial flow in the mouse brain,
compared with published clearance rates estimating overall clearance by a perivascular route.

Description Periarterial Interstitial— Awake
Total Cross-Sectional Area (mm2 ) 0.2 200–500 200–500
Velocity (um/sec) 18 [39,40] 0.2 [46] 0.01 [46]
Total Volumetric Flow Rate (µL min−1 ) 0.2 2–6 0.2–0.4
Calculated Perfusion Rate (µL g−1 min−1 ) 0.5 5–15 0.4–1
0.3–5.5 [37] 2.8–5.5 [37] 0.3–1.5 [37]
Literature Perfusion Rate1 (µL g−1 min−1 )
0.2–1.2 [116] 0.8–1.2 [116] 0.2–0.5 [116]
1 Based on clearance of normally occurring molecules lacking a BBB transport route from the mouse or rate brain

(e.g., sucrose, inulin, albumin).

For periarterial flow, the calculation is made for the perivascular space of all penetrating arteries
entering the brain tissue (Figure 6b). Detailed knowledge of mouse anatomy [117] and the shape
of a periarterial cross section [39] were used to estimate a total periarterial cross-sectional area of
about 0.2 mm2 . Assuming a constant average periarterial velocity of 18 µm/sec [39,40], gives a total
periarterial volumetric flow rate of about 0.2 µL min−1 , or 0.5 µL g−1 min−1 for a 0.4 g mouse brain.
Possible sources of error include (1) exclusion of transport across the pial surface (outer surface of
the brain) and perineural routes that would add to periarterial flow and may result in a higher total
inflow, and (2) every branch of the major arteries may not have been included, resulting in a low value
for periarterial flow. The estimated periarterial perfusion rate agrees with the lower end of reported
ranges based on clearance rate of endogenous substances from the brains of mice and rats [37,116].
For interstitial flow, a representative cross-sectional area for all the interstitial space is needed,
“perpendicular” to the superficial interstitial flow. First let us consider an appropriate “control volume”
for the smallest representative vascular arrangement. The control volume proposed by Jin et al. [44]
(Figure 6c) and the range of vascular separation reported in Section 3.6.2 are used to calculate a
cross-sectional area per vascular volume. Having an ISF cross-sectional area per vascular volume, we
multiply by the vessel volume fraction in the mouse brain (0.6–0.9% of the total volume [117]) to get
a total cross-sectional area of approximately 200–500 mm2 , 1000 times greater than the periarterial
cross-sectional area. Multiplying by an average interstitial velocity of 10 µm/min [46], gives a
total interstitial volumetric flow rate of 5–15 µL g−1 min−1 . Interstitial cross-sectional area may be
overestimated due to possible overlap of the idealized cross sections in real tissue, resulting in a high
value for total interstitial flow.
Recall that interstitial advection is believed to increase with sleep, and the interstitial perfusion
range calculated above is for an anesthetized state shown to be similar to sleep. Xie et al. measured
a clearance rate for inulin, eliminated by a perivascular route, in sleeping and anesthetized mice of
2.8–5.5 µL g−1 min−1 [37], which agrees with the low end of the range calculated here. Based on the
decrease in void volume from sleep to wakefulness measured by Xie et al., Ray et al. estimated a
decrease in interstitial flow of 93% [46]. Estimated interstitial perfusion range adjusted for wakefulness
would be 0.4–1 µL g−1 min−1 . Groothius et al. and Xie et al. report waking clearance rates of
0.2–0.5 [116] and 0.3–1.5 [37] µL g−1 min−1 , respectively.

4.3. Discussion Summary

Reported perivascular and interstitial velocities result in characteristic transport times that are
“optimized” for both small and large molecules. Interstitial advection is insignificant for small
molecules over the distances considered here, but critical for efficient transport of large molecules.
Periarterial and interstitial perfusion rates calculated from the mass balance are in agreement with
clearance rates reported for endogenous substances lacking BBB efflux routes. Calculated perfusion
rates for sleep/anesthetized interstitial flow agree with the high end of reported ranges. Calculated
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 27 of 33

periarterial perfusion rates agree with reported ranges for the awake state. A mass balance also shows
estimated anesthetized interstitial flow exceeds periarterial flow. Errors inherent to the calculations
may account for this difference.

5. Conclusions and Areas of Future Work

In the brain, molecular transport and waste removal appears to occur by a unique-to-the-brain,
ordered, physiological system facilitated by bulk flow. Fluid and molecules move from the cerebrospinal
fluid surrounding the brain, into the brain tissue via periarterial spaces found solely in the brain, across
the interstitium of the brain tissue, and exit the brain to systemic circulation through perivenous and
cerebrospinal fluid efflux routes. The details of this system are being elucidated through extensive,
cross-disciplinary research. It has been named the glymphatic system, and also the perivascular
circulation. Although several endogenous molecules possess additional routes of entry to and exit
from the brain via specific channels in the blood brain barrier of cerebral vessels, for many molecules,
especially protein aggregates characteristic of neurodegenerative disease, this is the only clearance
route. Dysfunction of this system has been linked with numerous disease states: Alzheimer’s disease,
dementia, small vessel disease, stroke, TBI, diabetes, depression, migraines, and multiple sclerosis. Its
function is correlated with (1) sleep, (2) AQP4, a protein channel known to play a critical role in the
transport of water between compartments, and (3) other factors driving or resisting the flow circuit.
Given the delicate nature of the perivascular spaces and the low pressures predicted for this flow
circuit, the glymphatic system is best observed in vivo, using non-invasive techniques. Experimentation
combined with fundamental modeling is likely to provide the best interpretation of results. Rich
areas of future work with respect to transport include (1) quantifying flow in the interstitial space and
perivascular space of penetrating vessels, (2) clearly demonstrating the driving force of periarterial
flow, and (3) improving understanding of characteristics and function of the barrier between the
perivascular and interstitial space.
First, a direct measurement technique for interstitial and penetrating periarterial flow would be
ideal, but is currently not possible. The method needs to be in vivo and minimally invasive, at a tissue
depth currently achievable by MRI and a resolution achievable by microscopy. An alternative approach
is to investigate a wider range of molecular-size tracers (e.g., 1, 10, 20, 50, 100 kDa) by DCE-MRI or
PET. When combined with fundamental transport models that incorporate anatomical details, such
data would enable solid estimates of interstitial and penetrating periarterial flow. Improved resolution
for DCE MRI or PET, may enable identification of specific influx routes correlated with anatomy, and
also investigation of periarterial and interstitial transport separately.
Second, direct measurement of periarterial pressures, possibly by an injected device, would
provide useful information for understanding mechanisms of periarterial flow and the origin of
interstitial flow. This is a challenging measurement as the periarterial space is small (30 um thick at
most) and delicate, the pressure is low (<10 mmHg) and likely to be oscillating rapidly (1 Hz), and it is
adjacent to a much higher oscillating pressure in the artery. Surgical insertion of a device to measure
pressure, would be quite difficult requiring the guidance of microscopy and fluorescence to identify
the periarterial space. A computational fluid dynamic model, verified with recent measurements of
periarterial flow, is likely to provide pressure estimates and more insight into drivers of flow. Such
a model is feasible, although the moving boundary adds complexity. Additionally, further research
is needed to definitively demonstrate the causality between arterial pulsation and periarterial flow,
perhaps monitoring during cardiac arrest and revitalization.
Finally, aspects controlling transport across the “barrier” between the perivascular space and the
interstitium need to be better understood. Currently a large range in astrocytic endfoot gap size and
coverage of the barrier is reported. Verification of EM measurements using different fixation methods
(chemical and cryo) by other labs would be helpful. In vivo measurement is ideal as water content
and movement is integral to wall structure and the PVS is shown to collapse upon fixation, likely
distorting structure, although not possible with EM. Further questions include the following: Does gap
Fluids 2019, 4, 196 28 of 33

size change with state of alertness or other factors? By what mechanism does AQP4 affect transport
from periarterial to interstitial space? Such research is outside our breadth of knowledge, but many
neuroscientists are actively seeking this answer.
Fundamental knowledge of fluid flow and mass transfer in brain tissue described here and
continuing to be discovered can ultimately be applied to the development and delivery of therapeutic
solutions for the numerous disease states affected by glymphatic dysfunction.

Author Contributions: L.A.R. wrote the article. J.J.H. reviewed and edited the article.
Funding: This research was partially funded by the National Science Foundation, grant number DMS-1361240.
Acknowledgments: Roderick J. Ray provided valuable editorial input, and improved ease of reading.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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