ACBAR - Camp Management Assistant

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1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

Date: Saturday 11-01-2020 Choose Language English Registration

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Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development

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Position Title: Camp Management Assistant

Activation Date: 06 Jan, 2020   Announced Date: 05 Jan, 2020   Expire Date: 18 Jan, 2020

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Job Location: Kunduz (/jobs/location/19.jsp?location=kunduz) 1/8
1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

Nationality: National

Category: Program

Employment Type: Full Time

Salary: As per NRC Salary Scale

Vacancy Number: VA-2020-027

No. Of Jobs: 2

City: Kunduz

Organization: Norwegian Refugee Council

Years of Experience: 2- 3 years’ experience

Contract Duration: Until 30 Nov 2020 (Extendable)

Gender: Male/Female

Education: University degree

Close date: 18 Jan, 2020

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About Norwegian Refugee Council:

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to ee.
We protect displaced people and support them as they build a new future. We started our relief efforts after World War Two.
Today, we work in both new and protracted crises across 31 countries. We specialize in six areas: food security, education,
shelter, legal assistance, camp management, and water, sanitation and hygiene.
We stand up for people forced to ee. NRC is a determined advocate for displaced people. We promote and defend 2/8
1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

displaced people's rights and dignity in local communities, with national governments and in the international arena. NRC’s
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre in Geneva is a global leader in monitoring, reporting on and advocating for people
displaced within their own country.

We respond quickly to emergencies. Our expert deployment capacity, NORCAP, boasts around 1,000 experts from all over
the world who can be deployed within 72 hours. Our experts help improve international and local ability to prevent, prepare
for, respond to and recover from crises.

Around 6,000 men and women work for the Norwegian Refugee Council. Most of us are hired locally to work in the eld,
and a small number are based at our head o ce in Oslo. Many of our colleagues were once themselves eeing their homes.

NRC Afghanistan established operations in 2003, and currently maintains ve area o ces in Balkh, Hirat, Kabul, Kandahar,
and Nangarhar, as well as eld o ces in hard-to-reach, displacement-affected provinces: Badghis, Faryab, Khost, Kunar,
Kunduz, Nimroz, Sar-e Pul, and Uruzgan. NRC employs over 1,400 staff in Afghanistan, and works through direct
implementation of programmes, to provide both emergency response and durable solutions for internally displaced Afghans,
as well as returning Afghan refugees, and Waziristan refugees in southeastern Afghanistan.

Purpose of the Job:

The Camp Management Assistant - Community Outreach will be based in Kunduz Province supporting implementation of
NRC’s “Protection Response and Coordination Mechanism for Displacement in Badghis and Kunduz Provinces” UDOC
project, which is based on Camp Management methodologies. The project aims to improve the protection and assistance
response to displacement-affected communities by establishing mechanisms to enhance:

Communication with Communities: Sharing information with and receiving feedback from displaced and vulnerable host
Community Engagement: Participation of affected communities alongside local stakeholders in the humanitarian and
development response
Support to Coordination: E cient, effective, and inclusive coordination of services at local level, involving a range of
stakeholders (authorities, civil society, NGOs, private sector, etc.).
Protection: Protection Case Management model, Individual Protection Assistance, Protection Monitoring, Advocacy  
There are three main mechanisms in the project for enhancing communication, community engagement, coordination, and

Community Centers established in areas hosting large numbers of displaced households

Community Committees working in neighborhoods of high displacement
Outreach Teams who work in Community Centers and visit affected neighborhoods.

Job Description:
Generic responsibilities

Support the implementation of the different components of CM according to tools, SOPs, and annual work plan

Contribute to regular activity progress reports

Ensure proper completion and ling of all documentation (soft and hard copy, as required)

Ensure that projects target bene ciaries most in need of protection and/or assistance

Regularly visit settlements in order to provide information/counselling on rights, services, and durable solutions; to refer
cases; and to disseminate information about NRC’s mandate

Support Protection Monitoring following the Afghanistan Protection Cluster Monitoring Framework

Ensure Protection Assistance for vulnerable families to mitigate against protection concerns and support Protection-
Evidence based advocacy

Ensure close co-operation with all NRC core competencies including through joint needs assessments and activities, and
identifying bene ciaries where appropriate 3/8
1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

Development of holistic and needs based programmes, including cash-based interventions and marked based programmes

Adhere to NRC policies, tools, handbooks, and guidelines

Speci c responsibilities

Communication with communities

In Community Spaces and informal settlements, disseminate relevant and meaningful information, in order to enhance
access to services and assistance.

Train and support Settlement Committees to disseminate information as per the above

Promote the Community Spaces among potential visitors and ensure information about services offered is properly

Support Community mobilizers communication with communities and provide support on the issues to solve at eld level.

Visit community centre on daily basis and provide strongly support to the community centre activities.

Community Engagement

Support the establishment and follow-up Community Committees

Deliver capacity building trainings to the community committees and ensure the transformation of the required knowledge

Promote community participation by involving the community committee in decision making process

Facilitate and encourage collaboration between other NRC Core Competencies and external service providers with the
Neighbourhood Community committees

Support to Coordination

Support coordination with potential service providers (governmental, non-governmental, private, etc.) to improve the
provision of assistance and referral mechanisms  

Collect information regarding obstacles and constraints to bene ciaries’ access to services

Facilitate monthly meetings I the Community Centre and host all the available site service providers

Promote good relationship with the site service providers

Collect required data on service providers and monthly update the service mapping tool


Conduct Protection Monitoring FGDs, key informants and collect necessary data from the eld.

Identi cation of most venerable IPA (Individual Protection Assistance) cases and collect required information on each case.

Provide feedback and possible contextualized solution on IPA cases and support implementation of the intervention for
each IPA case.

Conduct referrals for the most venerable displaced population to the available site service providers

Ensure the inclusion of cash-based interventions and marked based programmes in country and area-based strategies and
their implementation across and within NRC’s core competencies

Provide an enabling environment for the implementation of cash-based interventions, including multi-purpose cash
assistance, emergency cash responses

Contribute to collection of information about the situation and needs within the Community Centre area(s) to use for
coordination and advocacy

Support CM Coordinator O cers in day-to-day problem solving according to agreed procedures, priorities, and standards for
the area of work 4/8
1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

Support CM Coordinator to coordinate with community leaders as well as governmental and non-governmental
organizations and UN agencies to establish and maintain networks for access, referrals, and problem solving

Any other responsibilities tasked by supervisor

Job Requirements:
Quali cations

University degree (social sciences preferred, e.g. education, political science, international relations, law, journalism, gender
studies, human rights, etc.).
2- 3 years’ experience working in a humanitarian context, preferably in community services or community engagement and
mobilization, protection, community capacity building, or related eld
Knowledge of cash-based interventions and market based programmes
Some knowledge of spoken and written English
Fluency in Dari and Pashto, both written and verbal
Political and cultural awareness, as well as good understanding of the displacement context in Afghanistan

Personal qualities

Knowledge of the Afghanistan or regional context

Experience in implementation of humanitarian projects/programmes
Excellent communication skills
Ability to process large amounts of liquid data
Planning and delivering results
Communicating with impact and respect
Working with people
Coping with change

We can offer

Monthly Salary based on NRC Afghanistan Salary Scale

Top up Credit card on monthly basis
Leave and Holidays according to Afghanistan Labor Law

Submission Guideline:
How to Apply:

Options 1: Interested quali ed candidates are encouraged to send their CVs along with a cover letter to below mentioned e-
mail. Please make sure to clearly state the (VA-2020-027) in the subject line of your email. 

Submission email:       [email protected]

Option 2: interested quali ed candidates can also submit their hard copy CVs with a Cover Letter stating the position title
(Camp Management Assistant) & VA (VA-2020-027) number; to below addresse:

NRC Kunduz O ce Address: House # 785, Sare Dawra, Group A, PD5, Kunduz city

Options 3: Interested quali ed candidates can also apply by copying below link and pasting in the web address.

Note: All applicants are supposed to create and properly  ll online CV pro le in the Webcruiter site, example (personal,
education, experience background etc..) and only attaching CV will not be enough.

We do not have to inform all the candidates. Only those who closely meet the job requirement will be informed. 5/8
1/11/2020 ACBAR: Camp Management Assistant

Submission Email:
[email protected]

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