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Wollo Univeristy

Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KIoT)

4th Year Software Eengineering Internship Report from ICT
Building of Dessie City Administration of mayor office
Prepared by
Name Id
1. Yalemwas Mohammed ----------------------------------------------------------WOUR/2246/11
2. Leul silesh --------------------------------------------------------- WOUR/5022/11
3. Wondwossen haile ---------------------------------------------------------WOUR/4823/11

Submitted date:1/01/2015 E.C

Submitted to: KIoT, Wollo university ,Ethiopia

The report is our own and has not been copied from others. The report is describing about the
times that we stayed at ICT Building of Dessie City Administration of mayor office
and all the sources of material used for this report have been duly acknowledged. We have
prepared it for partial fulfillment of bachelor’s degree in software engineering at Wollo

The report is prepared by the following group members

Name ID Signature

1. Yalemwas Mohammed 2246/11 ------------------------------------------------

2. Leul Silesh 5022/11 ------------------------------------------------

3. Wondwossen Haile 4823/11 ------------------------------------------------

It is approved that this report has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the instructor or advisor.
First of all, we would like to thank our God for the completion of our internship period. Next, we
would like to extend our gratitude to Wollo University for providing such kind of opportunity for
students to broaden their perception on how they can express their knowledge in practice as well
as organizing the whole internship program and its effort to make sure that the whole internship
program was going well to achieve its desired goals.
Then, we would like to express our gratitude towards our advisor Mr. Natnael kefyalew,
network administrator and Dessie City Administration ICT head office , for helping us in our
day-to-day activities during the intern period. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to
friends who helped us in all aspects and appreciated us to spend our all time in the work place
during our internship time.
Table of Contents
Chapter One.....................................................................................................................................6
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Background of the organization............................................................................................6
1.2 Vision and Mission...............................................................................................................7
1.2.1 Vision............................................................................................................................7
1.2.2 Mission..........................................................................................................................7
1.3 Core Values...........................................................................................................................8
1.4 Main Services........................................................................................................................8
1.5 Objective...............................................................................................................................8
1.5.1 General objective...........................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Specific objective..........................................................................................................9
1.6 The overall organizational structure and work flow of mayor office...................................9
1.7 ICT Development Office....................................................................................................10
1.7 Users....................................................................................................................................11
Chapter Two..................................................................................................................................11
2. Overall experience.....................................................................................................................11
2.1 Time period.........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Working section..................................................................................................................11
2.3 Tasks...................................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 FTP server setup..........................................................................................................12
2.3.2 TP-LINK access point Configuration..........................................................................15
2.3.3 Data center main distribution board and sub distribution board.................................20
2.3.4 NAT (Network Address Translation)..........................................................................20
2.4.5 Distribution layer.........................................................................................................22
2.4.6 Switch configuration...................................................................................................24
2.5 Our performance.................................................................................................................25
2.6 Over all benefits..................................................................................................................25
2.6.1 Theoretical skills.........................................................................................................25
2.6.2 Team playing skills.....................................................................................................26
2.6.3 Leadership skills..........................................................................................................26
2.6.4 Interpersonal communication skills.............................................................................26
2.6.5 Entrepreneurship skills................................................................................................27
2.6.6 Work ethics..................................................................................................................27
2.6.7 Improving practical skills............................................................................................27
Chapter Three................................................................................................................................28
3. Project work...............................................................................................................................28
3.1 statement of the problem.....................................................................................................28
3.2 Proposed Solution...............................................................................................................29
3.3 Methodology.......................................................................................................................29
3.3.1 Observation.................................................................................................................29
3.4 Analysis and design methodology......................................................................................30
3.5 Implementation Method......................................................................................................30
Chapter Four..................................................................................................................................31
4. Conclusion and recommendation..............................................................................................31
4.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................31
4.2 Recommendation................................................................................................................31
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Organizational structure
Figure 2.1 Binding ssl setting
Figure 2.2 Authentication
Figure 2.3 TP-LINK access point
Figure 2.4 wireless setting
Figure 2.5 wireless security
Figure 2.6 DHCP
Figure 2.7 System tools
Figure 2.8 reboot
Figure 2.9 Router
Figure 2.10 NAT
Figure 2.11 NAT inside and outside address
Figure 2.12 Distribution layer
Figure 2.13 distribution layer hierarchy
Figure 2.14 Hierarchical office Network Design
Chapter One
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the organization

////////Wollo University is one of the federal universities built among a group of 2nd generation
Universities in Ethiopia. Being located in the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara State, the
University is designed to be a center of learning and research in a wide range of fields to meet
the growing demand of trained manpower of the country. The University is at the center of an
area characterized by archaeological, anthropological and historical achievements and diverse
ethnic and religious groups known for their harmonious coexistence.

/////// Kombolcha is an evolving city and has recently been designated as one of the industrial
zones of the country. It has a population of no less than 96,000. It, being in the midlands of lower
altitude, is served by a modern airport and is 450 kilometers away from the seaport of Djibouti
along the Red Sea Coast. Soon Kombolcha will be served by a cross country railway chain
connecting it to Djibouti. The University has two campuses, the main campus is located at
Dessie and the Kombolcha Campus is located in the City of Kombolcha, some 26 kilometers
south east of the Dessie Campus. Since 2013, the Kombolcha Campus has developed its own
uniqueness, complexity and potential beginning to play its strategic role in the evolving
industrialization of the city and of the area.

1.2 Vision and Mission

1.2.1 Vision
//////The vision of the Wollo University is to become one of the premier research universities. In
Africa in 2025 recognized for its quality education, research and outreach activities.

1.2.2 Mission
//////Provide quality higher education at all levels through regular, extension, distance and
continuing education modes so as to produce competent professionals who can support the
development Endeavour of the country;
 Produce competent entrepreneurs who could contribute to the technology transfer
 Undertake researches that help to solve the social-economic problems of the country and
that can also add new values and knowledge to the society;
 Render consultancy and short-term training services to businesses, government and
nongovernmental organizations to help them accomplish their objectives;
 Render various community services to fulfill social responsibilities expected of it as an
academic institution.

1.3 Core Values

In fulfilling its mission and achieving its vision the dessie city administration of mayor office will
uphold, promote and be guided by the following core values:
 Quality: mayor office should be of high quality and the administrator staffs
Continuously strive for excellence in their academic and administrative endeavors.
 Integrity: in all our activities we will act with the quality of being honest and with strong
moral principles
 Accountability: all the mayor’s and dessie city administration community are performing
duties in an accountable manner and taking Full responsibility for actions and decisions they take
 Transparency: all the mayor’s and dessie city administration community fulfill all the
rules, regulations and decision makings at all levels to be transparent.
 Rule of law: all the mayor’s and dessie city administration community are believe in rule of
law and act accordingly.
 Equality: The mayor is an equal create of opportunity for employer and hospitality for
scheduled client Regardless of gender, status in society, ethnic background or religious
affinity. The mayor management never discriminates among its employees and treats
them on Merit bases and respects and respects their contribution.

1.4 Main Services

Mayor office, as mentioned earlier is higher and on the top organization other than all
administrator’s office. /////////Since it officially began to function in 1999 the university has
evolved its capacity and area of study. Nowadays it offers courses and programs leading to
officially recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study. One of the main
functions of the campus is to provide quality higher education at all levels through regular,
extension, distance and continuing education modes so as to produce competent professionals
who can support the development Endeavour of the country.

1.5 Objective
1.5.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop automated, web based, interactive and
problem-solving for scheduled client and new job vacancy announcement system software
product. The overall system

1.5.2 Specific objective

 To Study and analyses the existing system.
 Identifying the problem under the existing system.
 Build and Administrate Communication Infrastructure, Automation of business
processes, Develop digital Content and Advanced Research facilities.
 To Promote the entrepreneurial development plan and any who wants work together with
city administration for developing city of the country through incubation centers.
 Offer research-led diversified programmer that are relevant to the country;
 Identifying and select the best alternatives solutions.
 Analyzing and interpreting the obtained requirements.
 Designing the user requirements in to system design requirements.

1.6 The overall organizational structure and work flow of mayor

Mayor office has to strive to emplace management system that is democratic, honest, Inspiring,
transparent, and highly participatory. The major focus of the management in terms of
governance and management includes improve efficiency on major administration are such
as budget utilization, business process, finance, efficiency and decision-making system in a
transparent manner.
Figure 1.1 Organizational structure

1.7 ICT Development mayor Office

Mayor knows that ICT is a means to advance the core academic processes, to facilitate
Administrative functions and research needs of the administration of mayor. Thus, the
administration of mayor has reorganized the ICT development office as that of 2012 in a new
fashion which comprises four directorate directors under the executive Director, Indeed the
office directly accounted to the mayor of the administration.
1.7 Users
////Academic staffs:
The faculty development plan of the University has been growing well with a total number of
academic staffs amount to 1,687. Currently 8.3% of all faculties have PhD compared to below
0.5% ten years ago. But this is nowhere near the target of 30% in 2020.

////Regular students.
Currently, there are 16,545 regular students (41.5% are female) enrolled of whom 877 are
regular postgraduates (19.89% are female). The University anticipates an undergraduate regular
enrollment of 17,000 by 2020.

////Distance and continuing students:

It trains more than 13,457 undergraduate and graduate students in summer, extension and
distance programs, from certificates and diplomas to master’s degrees. In general, there are more
than 28,165 students from the nine Regional State and Two City administration of Ethiopia at
Chapter Two
2. Overall experience
2.1 Time period

In the 2014 E.C we have sent an internship form to the institute of ICT Building of Dessie City
Administration of mayor office. Then, in the mid-2014, when we became 4th year software
engineering bachelor’s degree student with the rest of our collogues began preparing to set out to
mayor office. On the 4th of March according to Ethiopian calendar we finally moved to Dessie
City Administration of mayor office. We began our work in ICT complex institute in March 12th.

2.2 Working section

Our working section is in the ICT Building of Dessie City Administration office.

 Establish proper ICT governance through an ICT Policy for the mayor office, planning of
ICT projects, managing the portfolio of solutions, systems and infrastructure, and
solutions that the ICT delivers to the Dessie City for administration community.
 Ensure that ICT provides, operates and maintains the ICT infrastructure, systems and
solutions to meet the needs of the administrative, job, and research programs of the
 Ensure that the ICT building understands the needs of its customers ,and scheduled client.
the mayor and the many departments and programs that it runs, administrators, and
provides solutions based on this understanding.
 Provide leadership and management to the Information & Communications Technology
(ICT) building.

2.3 Tasks
2.3.1 FTP server setup
An FTP Server is a piece of software that is running on a computer and uses the File Transfer
Protocol to store and share files. Remote computers can connect anonymously, if allowed, or
with a user name and password in order to download files from this server using a piece of
software called a FTP Client.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of
computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
Procedures to setup FTP server
 Open the Power User menu and navigate to “programs and features” section. You can use
the Windows + X keyboard shortcut to get to the Power User menu.
 On the left pane, you’ll find an option called “turn Windows features on or off.” Click the


 You’ll get a list of folders. Expand the folder called “Internet information services” and
check the “FTP server” option

 Make sure to check the option called “FTP extensibility” as well

 Below “Internet information services” folder, you’ll find another folder called “Web
management tools.” Check that folder too, and leave the default options.
 Finally, click the OK button to start the installation.
 Once the installation is done, click the close button.
Configuring an FTP server on Windows 10
 Once you have installed the FTP server, the next step is to configure it. The steps for this
process are as follows.
 Open power user menu with Windows + X shortcut.
 Open administrative tools.
 Double-click Internet information services (IIS) manager.
 In the next window, expand the folders on your left side pane and navigate to “sites.”
 Right-click “sites” and choose “add FTP site” option. This will create an FTP connection for
 Give a name to your site and enter the path of the FTP folder that you want to use to send and
receive files. Alternately, you can also choose to create a new folder to store your FTP files.
Just depends on your personal preferences.
 Click “next.”
 In this screen, change SSL setting to “no SSL.” Leave the other default settings.

Figure 2.1 Binding SSL setting

 If you’re configuring a business site, make sure to choose "require SSL" option, as it will add
an extra layer of security to the transfer.
 Click “next” and you’ll get the authentication screen.
 Navigate to the authentication section of this screen, and select the “basic” option.
 In the authorization section, type “specified users” from the drop-down menu.
 In the text box below, type the email ID of your Windows 10 account to give you access to
the FTP server. You can add more users too if you like.
 In the permission section, check both read and write boxes.
Figure 2.2 Authentication

 Finally, click “finish.”

You’ll have to do some more things to start using FTP server to send and receive files.
Allowing FTP to pass through Windows Firewall. You can do that with the following steps.
 Search for Windows firewall in Windows start menu and press “enter.”
 On the left-side pane, you’ll see “allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall” option.
Click on it.
 When the next window opens, click on “change settings” button.
 From the list, check “FTP server” and allow it on both private and public networks.
 Once done, click OK
 That’s it. Now, you should be able to connect to your FTP server from your local network

2.3.2 TP-LINK access point Configuration

This section explains hot to configure TP-LINK router as an access point, the main router will be
connected to the TP-Link router via LAN port. The WAN port is not used for this configuration.
Main router Access point
Figure 2.3 TP-LINK access point
Connecting the device for configuration
Configuring the device
Connect your computer to a second LAN port on your TP-Link N router using an Ethernet
cable.* Login to the TP-Link web interface through the IP address.

Step-1: Login
Open web browser, type in in the address bar and press enter.

A dialog box will prompt you for the

Username and Password to Enter.

Username: admin
Password: admin

Go to Network>LAN on the side menu and change the LAN IP address of your TP-Link N
router to an IP address on the same segment of the main router. This IP address should be outside
the main router’s DHCP range.
Example: if the DHCP of your main router is – then you can set
the IP of the TP-Link N router to 192.168.2.X (X should be outside your main router's DHCP
range), like

Note:  After changing the LAN IP address a reboot will be required and you will need to log into the TP-
Link N router with the new IP address.

Step-2: Wireless setting

Go to Wireless>Wireless Settings and configure the SSID (Network name) which can be the
same or different from the main routers. Select Save.

Figure 2.4 wireless setting

Step-3: Wireless security

Go to Wireless>Wireless Security and configure the wireless security. WPA/WPA2-
Personal is recommended as the most secure option.  Once configured, click Save.

Figure 2.5 wireless security

Step-4: DHCP
Go to DHCP>DHCP Settings and select Disable the DHCP Server. Select Save.
Figure 2.6 DHCP

Step 5: System tools

Go to System Tools>Reboot and select Reboot to reboot the device.

Figure 2.7 System tools

Figure 2.8 reboot

Step 7:
Use an Ethernet cable to connect the main router to your TP-Link N router through their LAN
ports (any LAN ports may be used). All other LAN ports on your TP-Link N router will now
grant devices Internet access. Alternatively, any Wi-Fi device can now access the Internet
through your TP-Link N router by using the SSID and Password set up in the above steps.
Figure 2.9 Router

2.3.3 Data center main distribution board and sub distribution board.
2.3.4 NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a process of changing the source and destination IP
addresses and ports. Address translation reduces the need for IPv4 public addresses and hides
private network address ranges. The process is usually done by routers or firewalls.

Figure 2.10 NAT

How does it work?

NAT allows a single device, such as a router, to act as an agent between the Internet (or public
network) and a local network (or private network), which means that only a single unique IP
address is required to represent an entire group of computers to anything outside their network.

Network Address Translation (NAT) working

Generally, the border router is configured for NAT i.e. the router which has one interface in
local (inside) network and one interface in the global (outside) network. When a packet
traverse outside the local (inside) network, then NAT converts that local (private) IP address to
a global (public) IP address. When a packet enters the local network, the global (public) IP
address is converted to a local (private) IP address.
If NAT run out of addresses, i.e., no address is left in the pool configured then the packets will
be dropped and an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) host unreachable packet to the
destination is sent.

NAT inside and outside address

Inside refers to the addresses which must be translated. Outside refers to the addresses which are
not in control of an organization. These are the network Addresses in which the translation of the
addresses will be done.

Figure 2.11 NAT inside and outside address

 Inside local address: An IP address that is assigned to a host on the Inside (local)
network. The address is probably not an IP address assigned by the service provider
i.e., these are private IP address. This is the inside host seen from the inside network.
 Inside global address:  IP address that represents one or more inside local IP addresses
to the outside world. This is the inside host as seen from the outside network.
 Outside local address: This is the actual IP address of the destination host in the local
network after translation.
 Outside global address: This is the outside host as seen from the outside network. It is
the IP address of the outside destination host before translation.
There are three types of address translation:
1. Static NAT: translates one private IP address to a public one. The public IP address is
always the same.
2. Dynamic NAT: private IP addresses are mapped to the pool of public IP addresses.
3. Port Address Translation (PAT): one public IP address is used for all internal devices,
but a different port is assigned to each private IP address. Also known as NAT Overload. 

2.4.5 Distribution layer

Figure 2.12 Distribution layer

The distribution layer is the second layer of the Cisco three-layer hierarchical model. Switches
connected in this layer are known as the distribution switches. Unlike access switches,
distribution switches do not provide any service to end devices. Distribution switches connect the
access switches.

The following image show how distribution switches connect the access switches in the network.
Figure 2.13 distribution layer hierarchy

Figure 2.14 Hierarchical Campus Network Design

2.4.6 Switch configuration
Basic switch configuration
Task 1: Cable, Erase, and Reload the Switch
Step-1: Cable a network
Step-2: Clear the configuration on the switch

Task 2: Verify the default switch configuration

Step-1: Enter privileged mode
Step-2: Examine the current switch configuration
Step-3: Display Cisco IOS information
Step-4: Examine the fast Ethernet interfaces
Step-5: Examine VLAN information
Step-6: Examine flash memory
Step-7: Examine the startup configuration file

Task 3: Create a basic switch configuration

Step-1: Assign a name to the switch
Step-2: Set the access passwords
Step-3: Set the command mode passwords
Step-4: Configure the layer 3 address of the switch
Step-5: Set the switch default gateway
Step-6: Verify the management LANs settings
Step-7: Configure the IP address and default gateway for PC1
Step-8: Verify connectivity
Step-9: Configure the port speed and duplex settings for a fast Ethernet interface
Step-10: Save the configuration
Step-11: Examine the startup configuration file

Task 4: Managing the MAC address table

Step-1: Record the MAC address of the hosts
Step-2: Determine the MAC address that the switch has learned
Step-3: List the show mac-address-table options
Step-4: Clear the MAC address table
Step-5: Verify the result
Step-6: Examine the MAC table again
Step-7: Setup a static MAC address
Step-8: Verify the result
Step-10: Remove the static MAC entry
Step-11 Verify the result
Task 5: Configuring Port security
Step-1: Configure a second host
Step-2: Verify connectivity
Step-3: Copy the host MAC address
Step-4: Determine which MAC address that the switch has learned
Step-5: List the port security options
Step-6: Configure port security on an access port
Step-7: Verify the result
Step-8: Examine the running configuration file
Step-9: Modify the port security setting on a port
Step-10: Verify the result
Step-11: introduce a rogue host
Step-12: Show port configuration information
Step-13: Reactivate the port
Step-14: Cleanup

Appendix 1
Erasing and reloading the switch
Step-1: Enter privileged EXEC mode by typing the enable command
Step-2: Remove the WLAN database information file
Step-3: Remove the switch startup configuration file from NVRAM
Step-4: Check that the VLAN information was deleted
Step-5: Restart the software

2.5 Our performance

During our stay in Dessie campus, we tried our best to master the tasks we were involved in
despite that we had some difficulties we didn’t overcome them totally. Finally, we say It is the
complex`s comment and evaluation which will help us to understand well the level we were
performing in.

2.6 Over all benefits

2.6.1 Theoretical skills
Theoretical skills are building blocks for practical skills they explain the nature, type, scope and
behavior of things and the methodology and procedures to interact with them. It is necessary to
have theoretical understanding before trying to do something.
Our internship period greatly enhanced the scope of our theoretical skills it helped me to
understand well what networking concepts like network protocols, servers, network expansion
tools and software concepts like open-source software’s.

2.6.2 Team playing skills

Many people state that team work is the secret of success. Team work is built on top of sharing
of different ideas and viewpoints in addition to collective efforts. The most essential point in
team playing skill is to reach a common idea. Team playing skill is the basic material for good
work product and quality of works team playing skills help to increase the quality of works, To
share ideas and experience with others, To improve creative skill, Increase self-confidence,
Increasing productivity, Improving the knowledge of asking and listening.

2.6.3 Leadership skills

Leader ship skill is very important for the successful accomplishment of the project. The leaders
are responsible for the work activities. Therefore, leadership skill is vital. This internship allowed
us to see how leadership skill affects project goal. Without the leader, there is no follower,
without follower, there is no doer and without doer, there is no action. We understood well how a
leader with good leadership skills plays a significant role in deciding the success of a project.
During our stay in the organization, we have got good experience how to manage and control
workers with different class. We have also gained good experience on how to attract clients &
how to manage the whole workflow in a company. At the site I have been able to observe that one
should have great skills to be a leader. Among them are: Ability to listen to others, Good
speaking ability, Ability to be decisive, good management skills, etc.

2.6.4 Interpersonal communication skills

The internship period gave us the opportunities to meet different people from different
background and areas so in this case it is necessary to have better interpersonal communication
skills in order to accomplish a productive mission.
During these times we have developed skills on how: To ask different questions. To make
discussions, to answer questions properly and to respond to the superior. The internship also
helped us to build friendship with other intern students who came from other universities. It has
enhanced our overall interpersonal and speaking skills.
2.6.5 Entrepreneurship skills
“Entrepreneur ship is the ability to “create and build something from practically nothing. It is
initiating, doing, achieving and building an enterprise or organization, rather than just watching,
analyzing or describing one. It is the knack of sensing an opportunity where others see chaos,
contradiction and confusion. It is the ability to build a founding team to complement your own
skills and talents. It is the knowing how to find, marshal and control resources and to make sure
you don’t run out of money when you need it most. Finally, it is the willingness to take
calculated risks, both personal and financial, and then to do everything possible to get the odds in
your favor.
Interns gain first hand understanding of entrepreneur ship along with enhanced technical,
professional, and communication skills. In this internship we have gained self-confidence,
information seeking, problem seeking and sees and acts on opportunities of business in

2.6.6 Work ethics

An internship is an opportunity to learn the skills and behaviors along with the work values that
are Required for success in the work place. Work place ethics are established codes of conduct
that reflect the values of the organization or company where you are employed. We have seen a
willingness to work hard from our hosts during our internship period. In addition to working hard
we acquired the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save time while
completing daily assignments. We also realized the importance to care about our job and
complete all projects while maintaining a positive attitude.

2.6.7 Improving practical skills

Internship provides best opportunity for relating what you theoretically learned to what things
goes in real world. During our internship period we were able to see what really software
engineer means it enabled us how to recognize things from different angles, have deeper insight
to withstand challenges that a software engineer faces and it also provided us with professional
skills needed in project management and development. Besides to this we also learned how to
expand network.
Overall the internship period introduced us to the work area in the outside world and nurtured
our limited practical skills. It enabled us to upgrade what we have collected in the classroom and
how to invest it in solving a real problem.

Chapter Three
3. Project work
3.1 statement of the problem
Wollo University from its establishment goes under different circumstances and hardship but as
time went on it was able to solve money of its basic problems despite that there are still many
problems to work on. Here we have some of the problems hindering the effort of the
Lack of digitalized system for property management system: A property management system
(PMS) is a software application for the operations of hospitality accommodations and
commercial residential rental properties. PMS is also used in manufacturing industries, local
government and manufacturing.
PMS provides a centralized computer system to organize, schedule and perform the day-to-day
functions and transactions involved in accommodations businesses.
Wollo University is a big institution which has thousands of students, employees and assets. This
in turn needs a powerful and well-organized system that can help control track of student,
employee and institutional properties. In addition to that it also necessary to have a system that
can keep track of properties that enters in to the campus compound and goes out from it.

Lack of Distance education management system: Distance education is an important part of the
education system in Ethiopia generally and Wollo university specially. In Ethiopia distance
education is valued well and offered in different levels starting from 5 th grade to degree program.
Distance education helped many to upgrade their education level and promote to higher ranks
because of that it have wide application in the country. Wollo University as an educational
institute provide distance education program in different fields and is currently teaching many
students. Despite the fact that distance education is incorporated as constituent program it is not
digitalized well.
Lack of fully functional digitalized library system: A digital library, digital repository, or digital
collection, is an online database of digital objects that can include text, still images, audio, video,
or other digital media formats. Objects can consist of digitized content like print or photographs,
as well as originally produced digital content like word processor files or social media posts. In
addition to storing content, digital libraries provide means for organizing, searching, and
retrieving the content contained in the collection.
Digital library provides easy access to a lot of information and reference to students to help them
enhance their knowledge and solve problems they encounter during their study. The lack of fully
functional digital repository means that students need to invest even more and more effort to
enhance their knowledge and solve problems they encounter. Furthermore, lack of digital
repository makes many resources and references hardly accessible and it is obvious what this
contributes in degrading quality of education.

3.2 Proposed Solution

From the problems specified above the internee team planned to solve the first one and
specifically the process concerned with the control of exit and entry of properties in to the
campus compound. Based on this the team proposed development of online exit and entry
management the proposed system will do the following

3.3 Methodology
3.3.1 Observation
Observation, as the name implies, is a way of collecting data through observing. Observation
data collection method is classified as a participatory study, because the researcher has to
immerse herself in the setting where her respondents are, while taking notes and/or recording.
Advantages of observation data collection method include direct access to research phenomena,
high levels of flexibility in terms of application and generating a permanent record of phenomena
to be referred to later. At the same time, observation method is disadvantaged with longer time
requirements, high levels of observer bias, and impact of observer on primary data, in a way that
presence of observer may influence the behavior of sample group elements.
3.4 Analysis and design methodology
The data analysis model applied in this project is an object-oriented approach and we choose
water fall process model because it is used for well-defined requirement. The following software
tools are used to analyses our project:
 Microsoft Word 2019: would be used to process and reformat documentation of this project.
 Microsoft Power Point 2019: would be used it to prepare presentation of this project
 Enterprise architect and Edraw max: –would be used to analysis part for drawing UML
 Web browser (Google spark): would be used for researching information for designing and
developing research and as well as to run the implementation of the proposed system.
 Snipping tool: would be used to capture some screen shoot photos for during preparing
 Sublime text 3.3: would be used for editing the code during implementation for both client
side and server-side scripting.

3.5 Implementation Method

 XAMPP Server: would be used to run server-side scripting language of the project which is
 MySQL: the back end will be done by using MySQL as it is more applicable for small
 PHP: for server-side scripting and perform the business logic of the project.
 HTML: for displaying web contents because most of the time html is more user convenient,
open source and easy to use.
 CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets): used for formatting and styling HTML content
 Java Script: java script is used for client-side scripting.
 Ajax:
 jQuery: used for made some parts of animation and formatting

Chapter Four
4. Conclusion and recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
During our internship program we have got a lot of knowledge in terms of improving our
practical skill. The various types of tasks and trainings that we have been undertaking during this
past four months on the complex enhanced our knowledge in networking and software concepts.
We are very glad to see that what we have learnt in the university can be a repeated in the
working world. We were able to apply our theoretical knowledge in solving real life problems.
We were able to acquire a high level of confidence to deal with problems that arise in a building
a system. During these past four months, we have been able to see the different theoretical
aspects and methodologies. We have been fulfilling our curiosity in learning practical software
engineering well in this internship program. Generally, the internship program laid sound
foundation for us to start our career. We are proud to contribute towards nation building during
the country's critical period of the history. We will be definitely sensible to scale this practice up
and to replicate it in other disciplines as well.

4.2 Recommendation
The Data Center is the hub of the University’s computing resources, which are shared by the
academic, research, and administrative communities. These facilities provide a secure,
enterprise-wide, reliable, and redundant infrastructure for the delivery of mission-critical
University systems. As per earns observation some suggestion for the improvement of the
situation are given below:
Servers be placed in secured place: One of the key components of online communication are
servers. Servers can provide various functionalities, often called "services", such as sharing data
or resources among multiple clients, or performing computation for a client. This makes them
worthy of better care and guard so they should be placed in secure rooms that are only accessible
to an authorized user. During our stay in the campus we noted that some servers were not given
proper attention and care.
Such kind of things should be avoided because vulnerability of servers has direct impact on
integrity, confidentiality and accessibility of sensitive information.
Also, regarding cable management all data cabling should be under the floor. The data center
hardware identification should be with the appropriate, fully qualified server names, and all
equipment’s within the cabinets. If implemented in this way the hardware is easily identifiable.
The data center should be protected in building grounding and lightning protection system. In
addition to this we strongly recommend that the university should use licensed antivirus.

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