Kaps Recalls February 2018 With Answers

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The text discusses a medical exam recalling questions asked on various medications, treatments, conditions and their management. Common topics included antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, diabetes medications, asthma treatments and more.

Medications and treatments mentioned include metronidazole, tinidazole, nifedipine, eformoterol, atropine, paracetamol, dornase alfa, warfarin, metoclopramide, omeprazole, acarbose, metformin and others.

Conditions discussed include trichomoniasis, angina, COPD, cystic fibrosis, Addison's disease, diabetes, asthma, E. coli infection, C. difficile infection and others.

Recalls Kaps February 2018-02-20

1-patient has an itch and has trichomoniasis what is the treatment Metronidazole and Tinidazole

2-which drug treat angina and hypertension answer was Nifedipine

3-lots of questions on B blockers

4-Eformoterol B 2 long acting agonist for asthma or COPD

5 –Eye drops preservative benzalkonium chloride wasn’t a choice I choose hypometallose something like

6-which has sporocidal activity I chose ethanol, Chlorhexidine, Aldehydes, glutaraldehyde,


7- which is least water soluble I think that was the question

a-Barium sulphate

b –Barium nitrate

c-Barium chloride

forgot last choice

answer was Barium sulphate

8-Why is dextrose given with blood products ? Prevent hemolysis

9-sensitivity calculations

10-Treatment for genital herpes vidarabine Famicyclovir and valcyclovir

11-Creutzfeldt jakob disease that disease is it –bacterial Sporadic Pirons

12-Naproxen ,celecoxib and aspirin is inhibited by which cyptochrom ,different cytochrom was given

13-Question about adrenal medulla or cortex and glucocorticoid was option

adrenal medulla secreats epi and nepi, adrenal cortex secreats cortisol

14-Question about which polypeptide I think used as plasma expander Gelatin

15-Question about ascorbic acid and hippuric acid Hippuric need acidic mediam to hydrolyise to
ammonia and formaldhyde act as UTI
16-Doses of atropine 0.2-2mg and paracetamol in children 15 - 20 mg /kg / qid

17-Dornase Alfa used in management of one choice was cystic fibrosis but it is not used for
management and the off label use Improve lung function in pt with cystic fibrosis

18-Lots of question on Warfarin

19-Pancytopenia??? dec in WBCS and RBCS and thrombocytopenia

20-olive oil and lime water question Ca oleate

21-calcium oleate Emulsifier

22-Patient in hospital has developed E-coli which drug caused it Lincosamide was a choice

23-Clostridium Difficile treatment

Start with Metronidazole if wbcs<14000

Vancomycin if wbcs>14000

24-fat is composed of Fattyacids+ glycerol

25-Question about benign prostatic and reduction of prostate size the answer is Finasteride not
Tamusolin as Tamsulusin only improve symptom

26-Question about penicillin and deposition

27-Thyroid question

28-TPN question was a case study

29 -1,25 dihydrooxycolecalciferol also called Calcitrol

30-Omega 3 fatty acid other names is linolinic acid is the true name which are incorrect

31-Glucocorticoid principal function for Infilamations

32-Addison ‘s disease Dec. in cortisone level ,hypo adrenal gland

33-Dose age of paracetamol

34- calculation of Methotrexate

35 –Question about what exacerbates asthma Cold air

a-Food preservative

b-Warm air
c- some other choices I choose warm air

36-Dose of Acarbose 600mg

37-Give the BMI for 1st time diabetic patient drug of choice I said metformin 500 mg

38-Which drug cause hypoglycemia

39-Drug interaction with theophylline ,warfarin ,st.john’s wort

40-Few questions on omperazole

41-which NSAID has longest half life




d- piroxicam

42-Medroxyprogesterone was wrong I choosed tidal dose other was right

43-Asked question with Css formula CSS=F.D/cl.t

44-There was a question and options were ribosomes

45-they asked about that formula Ke=cl/vd you had to manipulate it to get t1/2

46-asked about hyperkalemia and spironolactone was option

47-asked about Thiazide diuretics not remember question

48-vancomycin not given with with furosemide

49-Which formulation has longest duration of action I choose fentanyl patches 72 hrs

They had Methadone and one was control release

50-Dandruff question

51-Colics in 3 week old baby Simethicone

52-There was a question 20%olive oil in cetrimide crem how it will be mix something like that option
were confusing

53-Canal of schlem its function Collect aqueous humor

54-lots of structures
55-Beer Lambart law relation between wavelength and light absorption of solute


57-Volume of distribution question which was tricky

Options I remember

a-It is the estimate of the drug in total water

b-It is the estimate of drug in plasma

58-Which metal in vitamin B12 :cobalt

59-one structure was loading is given for : phenytoin




60-one structure and cortisone was an option

61-structure of sulphonamide and ask what it is .said antibacterial

62-B lactam ring then ask with F in structure I think it was thiophenazine I don’t know

63-other structure they asked which action don’t have it




d-?? I

I think the st. was TCA

64-anabolic steroid structure

It was one of that two structures

65-which is the terminal part of the small intestine :Ileum

66-A question on folic acid:the answer was before conception and first 12 weeks after conception

67-A question asked about folic acid will cause what in neonatal spinia bifidia

68-Doxorubicin and its cardiac complications

69-A question about a boy who is taking 2.5mg/kg every 2 weeks how any tablets you dispense if tablet
is 2.5 mg and boy is 20 kg and treatment is for 6 months 240 tab

70-something about wool fat and fat calculation

71-TPN question

72-Atypical pneuomonia is caused by

a-legionella pneumonia

b-Mycoplasma pneumonia

c-klebsiella pneumonia

d-Streptococcus pneumonia

73-Filigrasti a/an:

a-nucleic acid




74-Urea is …… I choose humectants

75-Talc is used for…. Lubricants

76-In anaphylactic attack which immunoglobulin produced IgE

77-Question about patient consumed a little alcohol which drug would it have reaction with ;disulfiram
like action Metronidazol Metecloprmide , Metformine ,chloropromide ,tolbutamide,Cephalosporine,

78-Question about Haloperidol and some side effects like fever ,muscle rigidity

It is a-Parkinsonism

b-Tardive dyskinesia

c-Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

d-other option

79-question about levodopa and carbidopa

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