Clasificacion Cardioaptias Ductus Dependientes

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Diagnosis and critical CHDs such as coarctation of aorta may go undetected on

pulse oximetry screening in asymptomatic infants. A delay in

management of critical diagnosis of CHDs is associated with higher mortality and

morbidity, and hence in order to provide the best outcomes it is

congenital heart defects essential to detect them in asymptomatic babies.

The clinical signs and symptoms of critical CHDs are non-

in infants specific in neonates, especially during the transitional circula-

tion, and the routine bedside testing such pulse oximetry, blood
gas and chest X-ray often doesn’t greatly assist in making a
Yogen Singh diagnosis. Urgent, 24/7 echocardiography by a skilled provider is
not available in all emergency settings. This poses a significant
challenge to the neonatologists, paediatricians or health care
Abstract professionals who may encounter infants with undiagnosed
Congenital heart defects (CHD) are the most common congenital critical CHDs. It is crucial for them to have a good understanding
anomaly with an incidence of around 8e10 per 1000 live born infants. of perinatal cardiovascular physiology, know how to recognize
Up to a third of all the CHDs are of a critical type. A critical CHD is fatal critical CHDs and be able to initiate management.
within 28 days of birth unless there is cardiac surgery or catheter inter-
vention. Advances in diagnosis, pre-operative intensive care, cardiac Clinical presentation of infants with congenital heart
surgery techniques, catheter interventions and post-operative man- defects
agement, have made it possible to save most of these infants with
The signs and symptoms of CHDs in neonates are often non-
excellent long-term outcomes. Prompt recognition is essential as
specific e.g. poor feeding and may be absent during the transi-
delayed diagnosis of critical CHD is associated with higher mortality
tional period. The signs and symptoms suggestive of CHDs are
and morbidity. Accurate, timely diagnosis allows healthcare profes-
summarized in Box 1. Careful examination by experienced cli-
sionals to institute timely and specific therapy. Although echocardiog-
nicians is essential to detect some of the more specific signs e.g.
raphy is required to precisely delineate the anatomical abnormality,
weak or absent femoral or brachial pulses. This is particularly
with a good understanding of the cardiovascular physiology it is usu-
important if there are risk factors in the history such as abnor-
ally possible to define the haemodynamic abnormality based upon the
malities detected antenatal scans or dysmorphic features that
clinical examination, pulse oximetry, blood gas and radiographic find-
increase the risk of CHD.
ings. This short article outlines how these findings can be used to
guide clinicians in anticipation of diagnostic echocardiography and/
Classification of congenital heart defects
or cardiac catheterization. It outlines the principles for establishing a
diagnosis and offers guidance on how to initiate immediate manage- CHDs can be classified according to postnatal adaptation
ment and stabilization of affected babies. (Table 1). This broadly separates infants into two groups; duct-
Keywords cardiac emergencies; cardiovascular physiology; dependent and non duct-dependent.
congenital heart disease; critical congenital heart defect; diagnosis
and management; neonate Cyanotic CHDs
Cyanotic CHDs constitute about 20% of congenital heart lesions.
Most of the cyanotic CHDs presenting in the neonatal period start
with ‘T’ (summarized in Box 2).
The incidence of congenital heart defects (CHD) is around in 8 Signs and symptoms suggestive of underlying CHD
e10 per 1000 live births and 25e33% of all the CHDs are critical
congenital heart conditions. Critical CHD is defined as a Signs and symptoms
congenital heart condition needing surgery, intervention or C Unwell infant, poor feeding
leading to death within 1 month of birth. 50e60% of these crit- C Weak or absent pulses (femoral and/or brachial pulses)
ical CHDs are detected on fetal anomaly screening. The routine C Heart murmur maybe present but often absent in critical CHDs
newborn physical examination alone, which is often conducted C Presence of dysmorphic features or other congenital anomalies
during a period of transitional circulation, will fail to detect up to C Persistent cyanosis in absence of respiratory distress or cyanotic
half of undiagnosed critical CHDs. episodes
Pulse oximetry screening 24e48 hours after birth may help in C Low oxygen saturation (<95% in air) or difference of >3% be-
detecting cyanotic heart conditions, however, non-cyanotic tween pre- and post-ductal oxygen saturations
C Presence of arrhythmias
C Heart failure
C Collapse/sudden death
Yogen Singh MD MA (Cantab) FRCPCH, Professor of Pediatrics, Loma Other risk factors of CHD in neonates
Linda University School of Medicine, California, USA, and C Suspicion of CHD on fetal anomaly screening (FAS)
Department of Paediatrics - Paediatric Cardiology and Neonatal C Positive family history of CHD
Medicine, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Cambridge, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. Box 1

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 332 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Classification of congenital heart defects based upon postnatal adaptation

Types of CHDs Examples of pathologies

Duct-dependent CHDs Duct-dependent pulmonary circulation Pulmonary atresia (PA)

(Cyanotic CHDs) Tricuspid atresia with intact IVS
Critical TOF
Critical pulmonary stenosis (PS)
Single ventricle with PS/PA
Severe Ebstein anomaly
Duct dependent systemic circulation Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS)
(Acyanotic CHDs) Critical aortic stenosis (AS)
Severe coarctation of aorta CoA
Interrupted aortic arch (IAA)
Single ventricle (SV) with severe AS or CoA
Poor central mixing (cyanotic CHD) TGA with intact ventricular septum
Non duct-dependent CHDs Mild cyanotic CHDs TAPVC
Truncus arteriosus communis (TAC) with mild
TGA with VSD
Single ventricle
Left-to-right shunt CHDs Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Atrio-ventricular septal defect (AVSD)
Aorto-pulmonary window (APW)
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) without
or with mild PS
Truncus arteriosus communis (TAC)
Single ventricle

Adapted from Singh Y, Tissot C. Echocardiographic Evaluation of Transitional Circulation for the Neonatologists. Front Pediatr 2018; 6:140.
AS - aortic stenosis; ASD - atrial septal defect; APW - aorto-pulmonary window; AVSD -atrio-ventricular septal defect; CHD - congenital heart disease; COA - coarctation of
aorta; DORV - double outlet right ventricle; HLHS - hypoplastic left heart disease; IAA - interrupted aortic arch; IVS - intact ventricular septum; PA - pulmonary atresia; PDA
- patent ductus arteriosus; PS - pulmonary stenosis; SV - single ventricle; TA - tricuspid atresia; TAC - truncus arteriosus communis; TAPVC - total anomalous pulmonary
venous connection; TGA - transposition of great arteries; TOF - Tetralogy of Fallot; VSD - ventricular septal defect.

Table 1

Acyanotic congenital heart defects acute collapse or even death. The latter is more common in
Acyanotic CHDs form a spectrum of congenital heart lesions with critical CHD. Common critical acyanotic CHDs are left heart
variable presentation depending upon the underlying anatomical obstructive duct-dependent lesions such as Hypoplastic left heart
and physiological abnormality. Infants may be completely syndrome (HLHS), Critical aortic stenosis (AS), Severe coarcta-
asymptomatic presenting with a heart murmur alone or suffer tion of aorta (CoA), Interrupted aortic arch (IAA), and Single
ventricle (SV) with severe AS or CoA, which may present with
acute deterioration when ductus arteriosus closes.
Cyanotic CHDs presenting in neonatal period
5 Ts in cyanotic CHDs Clinical presentation of infant with critical CHD
The timing of presentation and severity of the presentation de-
C Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and double outlet right ventricle (DORV) -
pends upon:
most common cyanotic CHD (Figure 1)
1. The nature and severity of underlying defect.
C Transposition of great arteries (TGA) - most common CHD pre-
2. The alteration in cardiovascular physiology secondary to the
senting in neonatal period (Figure 2)
effect of the transitional circulation, i.e.
C Truncus arteriosus
C Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) A. Closure of ductus arteriosus (DA)
C Tricuspid atresia B. Restriction of patent foramen ovale (PFO)
C Pulmonary atresia with no VSD (severe spectrum of TOF ) C. Fall in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
C Ebstein anomaly (rare with variable presentation depending upon
the severity of the lesion) Critical cyanotic CHD
Cyanosis results from the presence of more than 50g/L of
Box 2 deoxygenated haemoglobin. It follows that the ability to

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 333 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 1 Anatomy in tetralogy of Fallot tetralogy e the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect. Image a and b: show bigger right side of
the heart with caudally deviated interventricular septum, mal-aligned ventricular septal defect (VSD) leading to over-riding of aorta. Image c
showing VSD position at 10 O’clock with right ventricular outflow obstruction in parasternal short axis view. Image d shows similar anatomy but
with more than 50% over-riding of aorta, hence classified as double outlet right ventricle (DORV). The central image shows the flow pattern. RV e
right ventricle, LV - left ventricle, Ao e aorta (ascending aorta). Copyright Yogen Singh.

recognize cyanosis is related to the level of haemoglobin. diseases (for hyperoxia test details - see below in approach to
Cyanosis can be recognized more easily in babies with higher management).
haemoglobin concentrations. Measuring preductal saturation (right arm) and post-ductal
saturation (right leg) may show a significant difference be-
Cyanosis in an infant may be due to one of four mechanisms: tween pre- and post-ductal PaO2 indicating that the blood is
(1) shunting of deoxygenated blood from the right side of the shunted at the level of PDA from pulmonary to systemic circu-
heart to the left side systemic circulation leading to intracar- lation as it happens in cases of severe PPHN or CHDs with right
diac shunt secondary to cyanotic CHD to left ductal shunt (such as in interrupted arch of aorta).
(2) extrapulmonary right-to-left shunts at PDA or PFO in pulmo-
nary hypertension Critical acyanotic congenital heart diseases
(3) incomplete oxygenation process of blood passing through the Patients with acyanotic heart diseases may present acutely in a
lung due to lung pathology e.g. intrapulmonary shunt or critical condition either because of left-sided obstructive lesion or
(4) abnormal haemoglobin that cannot bind to oxygen. due to heart failure.

The first two mechanisms occur in cyanotic infants due to CHDs Critical acyanotic ductal-dependent heart diseases
(central mixing such as in tetralogy of Fallot’s or across PDA in presenting with shock
pulmonary atresia without VSD). When deoxygenated blood is During the fetal and transitional circulation ductus arteriosus
mixed with oxygenated blood, the resultant blood has a lower (DA) maintains the blood flow to systemic circulation bypassing
oxygen saturation than normal. This may lead to significant central the area of stenosis or interruption. When DA closes the flow to
cyanosis. This type of shunt is called an intracardiac shunt. descending aorta, in duct dependent left heart obstructive le-
One of the clinical bedside tests that can help in differenti- sions, will be comprised leading to tissue hypoperfusion and
ating intrapulmonary from intracardiac shunt is by giving 100% tissue hypoxia. This subsequently leads to lactic acidosis and
O2 through oxygen hood to the affected neonate (the hyperoxia shock. The most common acyanotic critical CHD is neonatal
test). The peripheral saturation usually improves in cases of lung coarctation of the aorta (Figure 3). Other critical CHDs lesions in
diseases associated with intrapulmonary shunt; while on the this category include other left-sided obstructive cardiac lesions
other hand, the cyanosis, O2 saturation, and PaO2 do not such as interrupted aortic arch (IAA), critical aortic stenosis (AS),
improve in cases of intracardiac shunt due to congenital heart aortic valve atresia, mitral atresia and HLHS.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 334 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 2 Transposition of great arteries (TGA) e most common cyanotic congenital heart defect presenting in the neonatal period. Image a
showing anatomy in 2 D and image b with color Doppler - pulmonary artery originating from posterior ventricle (left ventricle) and dividing soon
after origin while ascending aorta originating from anterior (right) ventricle. Copyright Yogen Singh.

Without a timely and appropriate intervention, an infant with hemodynamic stabilization and initiation of appropriate dose of
critical coarctation or severe left-sided obstruction may deterio- prostaglandin E1 infusion (see below) as soon as possible. When
rate rapidly with possible demise. Clinicians should have a low there is a clinical suspicion of acyanotic critical CHD, there should
index of suspicion of critical acyanotic CHD in infants presenting not be any delay in starting prostaglandin E1 infusion and clinicians
with shock during the first couple of weeks after birth. These should not wait for a confirmatory echocardiography or cardiologist
infants may mimic the clinical picture of septic or hypovolemic opinion to start the drug, although they should be sought urgently.
shock e with early non-specific signs and symptoms and then
sudden deterioration leading to shock. Acyanotic heart diseases presenting with heart failure
Management of infants with suspected critical acyanotic CHD This category of CHDs compromise infants with significant left to
including ductal-dependent acyanotic heart lesion should include right shunt resulting in increased pulmonary blood flow and thus

Figure 3 Critical coarctation of aorta (CoA). Image a and b show dilated right side of the heart with right ventricle (RV) being big and rounded in
image b. There is a muscular VSD seen in image b. Image c showing critical coarctation of aorta with severe narrowing at the isthmus, junction
between transverse arch and descending aorta. Image d shows classical diastolic decay seen in infants with coarctation of aorta e there is
increased velocity in systole and diastolic ‘tail’ which remains high during diastole. Copyright Yogen Singh.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 335 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

leading to heart failure. The common heart lesions include  Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC)
ventricle septal defect (VSD), atrioventricular septal defect 2) To relieve pulmonary congestion in
(AVSD), PDA or combination of lesions. As the PVR drops after  Hypoplastic left heart syndrome/hypoplastic left ventricle
birth, there is increased left (systemic) to right (pulmonary)  Mitral stenosis/atresia
shunt leading to congestion of lungs from increased pulmonary 3) To permit adequate mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated
blood flow. They often present with signs and symptoms of heart blood as in TGA with intact ventricular septum.
failure (breathlessness, tachypnoea, tachycardiac, poor feeding, These infants deteriorate when blood flow across the foramen
hepatomegaly and cardiomegaly) around 4e6 weeks after birth. ovale is restricted, despite a patent ductus arteriosus. They need
Any infant presenting with heart failure during the first 1 urgent intervention (atrial septostomy or atrial septectomy) to
e2 weeks after should be suspected to have more serious critical facilitate unrestricted blood flow via foramen ovale.
CHD such as left heart obstructive lesions.
Obstructed total anomalous pulmonary venous
An approach to understand cardiovascular physiology in connection
infants presenting as neonatal emergency Obstructed TAPVC, usually infracardiac type, presents as true
As discussed above, both acyanotic and cyanotic CHDs can time critical emergency and clinical picture mimics severe PPHN.
present as neonatal emergencies. These cardiac emergencies can However, these infants get worse with fall in PVR as compared to
be broadly divided into 3 categories: duct-dependent CHDs, cir- persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), and
culation dependent upon mixing of blood centrally via foramen they often deteriorate after starting nitric oxide to manage PPHN
ovale, and obstructed total anomalous pulmonary venous like clinical picture. Drop in PVR leads to increased pulmonary
connection (TAPVC). blood flow but it increases pulmonary congestion because
drainage in obstructed TAPVC is blocked.
Ductal dependent CHDs An urgent pediatric cardiology consultation is warranted
In neonates with duct dependent critical CHDs, closure or when a critical CHD is suspected, and a comprehensive echo-
constriction of ductus arteriosus may be associated with pro- cardiography would provide a definitive diagnosis.
found circulatory compromise. Duct dependent circulation can
be categorized in the following three categories: A simplified approach to evaluation and initial
1) To maintain adequate pulmonary blood flow in right sided management of infants with suspected congenital heart
obstructive lesions (cyanotic CHDs) disease
 Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
 Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect The clinical presentation of CHD in the neonatal period can be
 Critical pulmonary stenosis (PS) non-specific mimicking other more common conditions in in-
 Tricuspid atresia with pulmonary atresia or critical (PS) fancy such as sepsis, respiratory, hypovolemia or metabolic
 Univentricular heart with pulmonary atresia condition. Therefore, having a high index of suspicion and a
 Severe Ebstein’s anomaly systematic approach is vitally important for the timely diagnosis
2) To maintain adequate systemic blood flow in left sided and management. The initial evaluation of an infant with sus-
obstructive lesions (Acyanotic CHDs) pected CHD should include a detailed history including obstetric
 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) history and family history, meticulous physical examination
 Critical aortic stenosis/aortic atresia including palpation of peripheral pulses and measuring pre- and
 Severe or critical coarctation of aorta post-ducal saturations, and hyperoxia test. The presence of
 Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) dysmorphic features and other congenital anomalies may help in
 Single ventricle with severe aortic stenosis/coarctation suspecting underlying CHD.
3) To ensure adequate central mixing in conditions with parallel During the fetal period the shunt direction across ductus
circulation arteriosus is right-to-left shunt (from pulmonary artery to
 Transposition of great vessels (TGA) without VSD aorta) because of high PVR and low SVR. This leads to higher
The circulation in infants with duct dependent CHDs require pre-ductal saturation than post-ductal saturation, which is
patent ductus arteriosus to keep them stable until a definitive often seen soon after birth during early transitional circulation
procedure/intervention is performed. The dose and indications and infants with persistently high PVR (such in infants with
vary depending upon timing of diagnosis and clinical pre- severe Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of Newborn). Right
sentations as discussed in the section below. to left shunt can also be seen in certain critical CHDs such as
interrupted arch of aorta and critical aortic stenosis/aortic
Circulation dependent upon central mixing at foramen atresia.
ovale As discussed above, hyperoxia test can be useful in differ-
Certain congenital heart conditions require patent foramen ovale entiating between the cardiac and respiratory causes of
to maintain hemodynamic stability in the newborn. The cyanosis in newborns infants. It works on the assumption that
congenital heart conditions requiring unrestricted intra-atrial in infants with cyanotic CHDs or those with right to left shunt,
communication can be categorized in two sub-groups: regardless of the level of alveolar oxygenation, the desaturating
1) To maintain systemic blood flow effect of the lesion/shunt will not alter. Oxygen is administered
 Tricuspid atresia through a plastic hood for at least 10 minutes in order to fill the
 Pulmonary atresia with intact septum alveolar spaces completely with oxygen and arterial partial

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 336 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

pressure of oxygen (PaO2) is measured before and after deliv-

ering 100% oxygen to assess the response to inhaled oxygen Dose of prostaglandin E1 infusion and desired response
(hyperoxia test). In infants with cyanotic CHD, the rise in PaO2 in infants with critical congenital heart defects
is usually no more than 10e30 mmHg and rarely exceeds Dose of prostaglandin E1 in different clinical scenarios of critical
100 mmHg. In comparison, in infants with pulmonary diseases, CHDs
PaO2 often rises to over 100 mmHg. However, infants with
massive intra-pulmonary shunt from a respiratory disease may Antenatal diagnosis of Duct- 5e10 ng/Kg/min or 0.005e0.01
not show a rise in PaO2 to more than 100 mmHg. Conversely, dependent CHD or Cyanotic mg/kg/min
some infants with cyanotic defects with a large pulmonary infant, well and not acidotic
blood flow, such as TAPVC, may demonstrate a rise in PaO2 of Infant with absent femoral 10e15 ng/Kg/min or 0.01
100 mmHg or higher. Therefore, hyperoxia test should be pulses, well and not acidotic e0.015 mg/kg/min
interpreted in the light of clinical picture and the degree of Unwell or acidotic infant with 50e100 ng/Kg/min or 0.05e0.1
pulmonary pathology seen on X-ray. In the modern NICU suspected duct-dependent CHD mg/kg/min
practice with easy access to echocardiography, hyperoxia test Desired response to prostaglandin E1 infusion in infants with critical
has been replaced by the early echocardiography which helps CHDs
in delineating anatomic abnormality and also provides addi- Suspected or known left-heart Palpable femorals, normal pH
tional hemodynamic information that is beneficial to manage- obstruction and lactate <2mmols/L
ment of an infant with critical CHD. Suspected or known right-heart Oxygen saturations 75e85%
Four limb blood pressures are of limited value in neonates but obstruction with normal lactate <2mmols/L
can be helpful in older children. If the systolic pressure in right Transposition of Great Arteries Oxygen saturations >75% with
arm exceeds 10 mmHg difference as measured in the leg, an (TGA) normal lactate <2mmols/L
aortic arch anomaly is likely. PDA may not allow this gradient to
manifest. Therefore, the absence of a systolic pressure gradient Table 2
alone does not rule out aortic arch anomaly in neonates.
Chest X-ray is important in excluding respiratory pathology, These infants should be discussed with pediatric cardiologists as
although its role is limited in diagnosing CHDs. The presence of soon as possible.
cardiomegaly or pulmonary vascular markings (plethoric or oli- In infants with suspected duct-dependent critical CHDs
gemic lung fields) may help in suspecting underlying CHD. ECG maintaining ductal patency can be lifesaving and there should
may be diagnostic in certain categories of CHD such as superior not be a delay in starting prostaglandin E1 while waiting for
axis deviation is seen in infants with tricuspid atresia, atrioven- echocardiography or specialist advice.
tricular septal defect (AVSD) and congenitally corrected TGA Infants on a low dose of prostaglandin E1 (less than 15 ng/kg/
(ccTGA). minutes) are unlikely to have adverse effects such as apnea and
Transthoracic echocardiography remains the gold standard in they do not routinely need mechanical ventilation. As prosta-
diagnosing CHDs and delineating the underlying anatomy. It may glandin infusion can cause apnea and hypotension, continuous
be available immediately in the emergency room or when acute cardiorespiratory monitoring is indicated. The adverse effects of
neonatologist/pediatrician encounters an undiagnosed CHD. As prostaglandin E1 are summarized in Table 3.
discussed above, management should not be delayed in infants Failure to respond to prostaglandin E1 infusion could be
with suspected duct-dependent CHDs while waiting for an because of incorrect diagnosis, insufficient central mixing
echocardiography or cardiology consultation. despite ductal patency (such as in transposition great arteries
Infants presenting with cardiorespiratory failure should first (TGA) with restrictive atrial septum, HLHS with restrictive
be stabilized as per Advanced Pediatric Life Support guidelines atrial septum, etc.) or a lack of ductal response to prostaglandin
and infants with cardiorespiratory failure will often need endo- E1. These infants may deteriorate rapidly without atrial sep-
tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation, and infants with tostomy irrespective of maintaining ductal patency and this a
suspected duct-dependent CHD should be started on prosta-
glandin E1 as soon as possible.
Adverse effects of prostaglandin E1 infusion in neonates
Use of prostaglandin E1 infants with critical CHDs Common adverse Less common and Adverse effects due
effects rare adverse effects to prolonged use
Infants with an ‘open duct’ (those with antenatal diagnosis or
early presentation) need a small dose (0.005e0.01 mg/kg/minute Apnea Hypothermia Gastric outlet
or 5e10 ng/kg/minute) to maintain ductal patency while Hypotension Bradycardia obstruction
collapsed infants with weak or absent femoral pulses will need a Fever Convulsions syndrome
much higher dose, up to 0.1 mg/kg/minute or 100 ng/kg/minute. Tachycardia Diarrhea Cortical hyperostosis
The expected desired response would be an improvement in Flushing Disseminated
acidosis, serum lactate or femoral pulses in collapsed acyanotic intravascular
infant and an improvement in oxygen saturation in the cyanotic coagulation
CHD (Table 2). The dose can be doubled if response is inade-
quate, and progress should be reassessed every 20e30 minutes. Table 3

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 337 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 32:9 338 Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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