Ha Writing

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Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus.

Do you think
this is a positive or negative development?

In the modern era, tele-learning is gradually replacing traditional classrooms in various colleges and
universities. Although this trend is beneficial in several ways, there are some downsides that should be
considered as well and the following essay will discuss them in detail.

On the one hand, the most noteworthy shortcoming of e-learning is that without regular face-to-face
interaction with teachers in the classroom, students might not receive a comprehensive development
as they often hand in their assignments online and rarely exchange their opinions to improve their
weaknesses. That is to say, this method of learning could even make some learners procrastinate in
their tasks, and thus develop a sense of indiscipline and neglect towards their academic work. By
contrast, with the appropriate guidance and consultation from professional teachers, it would be
possible for pupils to answer the questions directly and have responsibility for their school work.
Therefore, learning online prevents students from gaining a deeper understanding of their lessons and
as a consequence, their remarks would be lower than the realistic application.

On the other hand, distance education could be a wonderful selection for graduates in acquiring
knowledge and getting a degree flexibly. Firstly, learning through such types of online classes enables
learners to manage study time according to their fixed working hours, which is greatly convenient for
adults wishing to pursue higher education. Besides, compared with conventional education that
attendants have to be confined to a cramped room, access to online classes empowers them to have
the freedom of choice for a wide range of disciplines from science to literature, interact with each other
on a larger scale, update and share information instantaneously and so on. Hence, this is an effective
way for students to broaden their horizon and make education universal and available to all people
regardless of different geological locations or cultural backgrounds

In conclusion, no matter how distracting online learning is, I do believe that it is a major breakthrough in

the contemporary education system .

Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in team, like
football. While other people think that taking part in individual sports is better, like tennis and
swimming. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some claim that team sports such as football are more beneficial to players. Meanwhile, others hold a
belief that sports played individually have superior advantages. From my perspective, both schools of
thought are of great significance in equal measure, which will be outlined in this essay.

On the one hand, participating in team sports would help us to develop a sense of unity, friendship and
sportsmanship between teammates. In sports fields, individual ambition takes second place to team
objective. Every member must work as a team to achieve maximum synergy even if that means
someone has to make certain sacrifices. For instance, a participant in football may have to sacrifice the
opportunity to score the highest goal to pass the ball for others if the chance is on the winning side with
his teammate. Therefore, collaboration with others in sports is a prerequisite for winning the game.

On the other hand, solo sports can bring players a number of benefits, one of which is the cultivation
and maximization of personal capacities. That is to say, when being without the assistance of others,
one has to exert himself to the utmost to come up with effective solutions to ace the game, and this
challenges his own limits. For example, in tennis, a player has to strategize his ball serves, predict where
the ball falls and be agile in his movement, and so on. Besides, when doing sports individually, people
are liberated from strictly following previously agreed plans, thereby having the freedom to experiment
with new ways of playing. As a result, such players often have a high sense of satisfaction to attain the
highest goals.( implementing their performance)

In conclusion, each type of sport has its merits in fostering sportspeople’s interpersonal skills. It should
depend on each player in determining what sports they should do

Topic: The use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter is replacing face to face contact in this
century. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In contemporary life, with the increasing use of social networks like Facebook and Twitter, people
gradually lose the ability to communicate face-to-face. I personally do believe that although this trend
certainly has its own drawbacks, these are eclipsed by the benefits and the following essay will discuss
them in detail.

It is indeed true that excessive online socialization takes a heavy toll on people’s health and the well-
being of society. To exemplify, many youngsters and celebrities are easily bullied or harassed by hurtful
and threatening messages posted or by unflattering photos spreading on these social networking sites.
As a result once becoming a target of cyberbullying, not only are those victims more likely to suffer
anxiety, depression, and even suicide, but this also does harm to their life, work or study. What is worse,
such would lead to undesirable consequences such as conflicts in real life, even crimes, and so on. This
detrimentally affects people’s lives as well as our communities and thus significantly reduces social

Nevertheless, despite the disadvantages mentioned above, it seems to me that there are more
advantages. Firstly, exposure to social media sites is a facilitator in extending opportunities for distance
learning for different people regardless of geological location and cultural background. Compared with
conventional work environment that staff members have to be confined to a cramped room, exchanging
through social media platforms such as Facebook and Skype empowers them to interact with each
other on a larger scale, share and update information instantaneously as well as work collaboratively.
Therefore, this is an effective way for pupils to broaden their horizons and enlarge their social circle. In
addition, social networking sites are also a place where authorities and law-makers could consult and
gather ideas on whether a new policy should be implemented or not from their netizens to help them
make wise decisions.
In conclusion, despite the potential risks social media poses, it does exert more beneficial effects on
individuals and society as a whole. From my perspective, if the Internet and media literacy are
popularized, these advantages could be maximized

People are living in a ‘throwaway society’, using things for a short time and then throwing them away.
What are the causes of this? What problems does it lead to?

One of the matters of great concern in our contemporary life is the throw-away culture, which describes
a critical view of discarding items only utilized for a short life cycle. This piece of writing aims to analyze
several justifications for this tendency as well its profound influences on both individuals and society as
a whole.

There are two main factors prompting this quickly-spreading but worrisome social phenomenon. The
significant boost in work productivity attributed to continuous breakthroughs in technology and science
is the first and foremost stimulus. That is to say, mass production and automatic assembly lines installed
in most factories substantially increase the manufacturing output, and thus lower the cost of consumer
goods. As a result, compared to having broken appliances fixed, people are more willing to purchase
new products, which are more fashionable and convenient rather than keep old ones. Furthermore,
many people nowadays are increasingly inclined to materialistic lifestyle because it is believed that
happiness can be reached when owning new items. In fact, many commodities are upgraded rapidly due
to technological advancements and thereby electronic devices with the latest functions are launched
into the market every single day. In order to catch up with such fast-changing trends , clients are often
tempted to change their smartphones or tablets more frequently than before even while they are still
perfectly functioning

The detrimental impacts on the environment and the waste of natural resources are the two direst
consequences of this trend. Firstly, a large amount of domestic waste is discharged into the
surroundings causing landfills overloaded, let alone the potential threats posed by non-biodegradable
rubbish directly aggravates soil, air and water deterioration. Besides, more people tend to use excessive
disposal products and hence, the more goods are manufactured, the more natural resources are tapped
and gradually run out. Consequently, the next generations are on the verge of resource depletion and
unsustainable development.

In conclusion, consumerism is one of the most alarming problems that many countries worldwide have
to encounter. Government, therefore, should find feasible solutions to eradicate the consumer society.
Only by doing this can we hope to ensure a bright future for humankind.

Leaders and directors in an organization are normally older people. Some people think younger
leaders would be better. Do you agree or disagree?

People have different views about whether older or younger people are qualified for a position of
authority in corporations. While some claim that senior managers have superior advantages, I do believe
that the young are more likely to become outstanding leaders.
On the one hand, there are some compelling justifications why the elderly should hold top management
positions in organizations. Firstly, since old people have gained a wide range of substantial work
experience accumulated for many years, they are well-equipped with in-depth knowledge and useful
skills which are greatly necessary for their jobs. As a result, older workers usually tend to make wise
decisions with enough thorough consideration and thus make greater contributions to their firm.
Furthermore, the senior would gain a deep appreciation and exert more influence in the workplace due
to their age and certain personal achievements in their own career path. Hence, employees are likely to
follow their orders and thereby they could run the business effectively.

On the other hand, recruiting young individuals as managers could be a wonderful selection for
associations. First and foremost, youngsters have more energy and enthusiasm for their tasks than the
older generation. That is to say, young people are more likely to devote themselves to their career and
make the maximum effort to improve their performance. Besides, compared with an aging workforce
which is commonly considered to be rigid and conservative, young leaders are expected to bring various
novel ideas and new innovations to pave the way for technological advancements in the global business.
To exemplify, many young workers take the advantage of web-based applications to interact with clients
and therefore deepen mutual understanding between customers and agents as well as enhance work

In conclusion, although senior staff members are appropriate for high-ranking positions, I am convinced
that youngsters should take up leadership roles

Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training
are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?

Some hold a view that incarceration is not an ideal punishment to mitigate crime-related problems.
Facilitating wrongdoers with social knowledge and employability skills is the most effective method to
support them. From my perspective, both approaches have their own distinctive merits and I will further
elaborate in the following essay

On the one hand, there are several compelling justifications why it is unreasonable to consider
imprisonment to be an obsolete practice. First and foremost, prison acts as a harsh deterrent to brutal
criminals who possess potential risks to society, especially murderers. That is to say, it is undeniable that
people carrying out heinous crimes surely are psychologically unstable and hence, when living outside
the law, they would conduct a series of immoral behaviors leading to undesirable consequences such as
arson, hijacking, sexual harassment, even serial killing and so on. Therefore, such offenders cannot mix
with society and need to be under the control of strict supervision. Another noteworthy benefit of being
kept in confinement is that prisoners would spend a plenty of time scrutinizing thoroughly for what they
have done before and feeling a sense of guilt then. This is high time that inmates realized about their
illegal actions and drew valuable conclusions to distinguish right from wrong.

On the other hand, providing educational programs and vocational training courses plays an integral role
in tackling crime. This kind of penalty is greatly appropriate for petty and minor offenders like pick-
pockets and shop-lifters as the majority of whom are less educated and have a superficial understanding
of ethical standards due to poverty, illiteracy and family dysfunction. To exemplify, provided that
authorities and governmental organizations could make education universal to every criminal, they are
more likely to change their mindset and attitude positively and thus hardly reoffend in the future.
Besides, having been fully equipped with interpersonal skills as well as vocational training, delinquents
would be employed in community service projects to seek a steady job for themselves and thereby they
could prove their value to be constructive while being given a chance to reintegrate into the community.

In conclusion, I do believe that any infringement of the laws must be punished according to different
levels of convicting. Government, therefore, needs to combine all of the feasible solutions to curb the
crime rate. Only by doing this can we ensure a fair society for humankind .

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