Measuring and Telemetry: Table of Contents

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Astrionics System



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 MEASURING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2-1 5.2.1 5.2.2 Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2-3 5.2.3 Signal Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2-1 1 5.2.4 Measuring Distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 3 REMOTE AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 TELEMETRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 5.4.1 Saturn T e l e m e t r y System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 F M / F M T e l e m e t r y System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 5.4.2 5.4. 3 SS/FM T e l e m e t r y System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.10 5.4.4 PCM/DDAS T e l e m e t r y System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4-12 MULTIPLEXERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5-1 Mod 270 Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 5-1 5. 5 . 1 Remote Digital Submultiplexer 5. 5. 2 ( M O RDSM-ID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.4 ~ Remote Digital Multiplexer (Mod 410) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 5-4 5. 5. 3 5. 5 . 4 Vibration Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 5-4 TELEMETRY CALIBRATION SUBSYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 DIGITAL DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.1 5.7.1 DDAS/Computer Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7-2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8.1

Astrionics System , Section 5.1


The combined measuring and telemetry system is essentially an independent operating subsystem within the overall Astrionics System. The combined measuring and telemetry systems of the Saturn Launch Vehicles measure physical quantities and signals onboard the vehicle and transmit the data to ground stations. The complexity of the launch vehicle and its missions dictate a large number of measurements. The data transmitted by the measuring and telemetry systems supply information for the following operations: Automatic preflight checkout of the vehicle. Monitoring of vehicle performance during powered flight. Postflight evaluation of vehicle performance. Monitoring and checkout of the vehicle during orbital flight. Verification of commands received in the vehicle from ground stations. Figure 5. 1-1 illustrates the signal flow through the system. The transducers convert the physical quantities to be measured (e. g., pressure, temperature, etc. ) into electrical signals. These transducer signals a r e modified by signal conditioning devices into voltages suitable as inputs to the telemetry system. The measuring distributor feeds the conditioned transducer signals to the telemetry system. In the telemetry system the signals a r e modulated on RF


Signal Conditioning (Measuring Racks)

Measuring Distributor



l l L I I

rI l


Telemetry Systems
RF Transmitter




Vehicle Checkout Facility


Figure 5.1-1 Measuring and Telemetry System 5.1-1

Astrionics System Section 5. 1 c a r r i e r s and transmitted during flight to the telemetry ground stations. Before launch, the measuring and telemetry systems send digital data by coaxial cable from each stage of the vehicle to the checkout facility. The digital information is used f o r automatic checkout of the vehicle on the launch pad. In this mode of operation the telemetry system is called the digital data acquisition system. Figure 5. 1-1 also indicates the division between the measuring system and the telemetry system. Each stage of the launch vehicle has an independent measuring and telemetry system, DDAS output, and RF transmission. The telemetry s y s t e m of the S-IVB Stage is a l s o connected t o the telemetry system in the IU f o r the purpose of digital data acquisition and alternate mode transmission. F o r monitoring of digital data, the IU telemetry s y s t e m has a n interface with the LVDC through the LVDA. To simplify vehicle checkout, data handling, etc. , standardization is practiced wherever feasible. A remote automatic checkout system is standardized on each stage t o provide automatic checkout of measurements f r o m ground equipment. This s y s t e m greatly minimizes checkout time.

Astrionics System 1 Section 5.2




The measuring system includes transducers, measuring racks (which contain the signal conditioning modules), measuring distributors, measuring rack selectors, and measuring voltage supplies. The measuring system converts the signal o r quantity to be measured into an electrical signal that is acceptable to the telemetry system. According to this defi-

nition, the measuring system ends a t the input to the telemetry system (at the subcarrier oscillator, multiplexer, etc. ). Figure 5. 2 - 1 illustrates typical components of the measuring system. The measurements in the launch vehicle cover the areas of: Propulsion Structure Flight mechanics Guidance and control Environment

Measuring Rack Selector

Umbilical Cable

From Remote Automatic Calibration System (RAW

Measuring Racks Thermocouple

- Junction



Impedance Matching Strain Gauge

Amplifier DC ' Amplifier Carrier Amplifier

+ -


Control Computer

Measuring Distributor

To Telemetry Systems



Etc. )

Figure 5.2-1 Typical Saturn Measuring System


Astrionics System Section 5.2 Physical quantities to be measured, such as, pressure, temperature, and vibrations must be transformed by transducers into electrical signals for transmission by telemetry. Measurements of electrical signals (voltages, currents, and frequencies) originating in onboard equipment a r e used for monitoring the performance of this equipment and the sequence of flight events (e. g., stage separation, engine cutoff, and others). The signals to be measu r e d exist in analog and digital form. Measurements of electrical signals do not require transducers.

measured in the S-IC Stage, the S-IVB Stage, and the Instrument Unit of the Saturn V Research and Development and Operation Vehicles. Certain measurements will be used as inputs to the emergency detection system (see Chapter 4). Operational measurements a r e those measurements used for flight (mission) control. Operational measurements indicate the state of the vehicle and its systems and also provide trend information (beginning with the orbital flight phase). All operational measurements a r e transmitted over the PCM telemetry links of the S-IVB Stage and the IU. Typical operational measurements for the Saturn V Vehicles a r e given in Table 5.2-3. The number and type of measurements given in the tables a r e best estimates and a r e subject to changes a s the development of vehicles proceeds. This applies particularly to the figures f o r operational vehicles.

The number of measurements made in the various stages of Saturn IB and V Launch Vehicles a r e listed in Table 5. 2-1. A l a r g e r number of measurements is necessary for performance evaluation and testing of research and development vehicles, while for operational vehicles, this number is reduced considerably. Because of the large number of different measurements, no detailed list of measurements is given. Table 5. 2-2 indicates some of the quantities

Table 5.2-1 Number of Measurements, T r a n s d u c e q a n d Measuring Racks SATURN IB Stage S-IB S-IV B IU Total Vehicle Measurements R&D Oper 542 432 278 1252 263 218 134 615 Transducers Oper R&D 305 298 92 69 5

Measuring Racks Oper R&D


106 115 45

19 17* 9


5 17

SATURN V Measurements Oper R&D 901 913 432 278 297 446 218 134 Transducers Oper R&D 723 589 298 92 1702 157 180 115 45


Stage S-I C S-I I S-IV B


Measuring Racks Oper R&D 27 35 17*


5 8 7*

Total Vehicle



* Signal conditioning panels




Astrionics System , Section 5.2



Transducers a r e electromechanical measuring instruments which contain sensitive devices for converting mechanical quantities into electrical signals. Evaluation of vehicle performance and in-flight monitoring requires the measurement of a large variety of physical quantities onboard the vehicle. Therefore, many different types of transducers a r e used. Some typical transducers and the corresponding measurements a r e listed in Table 5.2-2. Because of the many types of transducers and measurements used in launch vehicles, no attempt i s made to give a complete de-

scription of all transducers on each stage. The following measurement descriptions generally apply to the S-IB and S-IC Stages. The number of transducers usedin each stage may be found in Table 5.2-1. Figure 5. 2-2 illustrates several typical transducers. BENDING MODE VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS (ALL STAGES) Bending measurements a r e made using forcebalance accelerometers. The principle of operation of the force-balance accelerometer i s shown in Figure 5.2-3. These instruments operate a s a sub-

Table 5.2-2 Typical Saturn V Measurements Quantity Measured Acoustic energy Temperature Typical Transducer Microphone Resistance thermometer thermocouple Vibration pressure transducer & other types Piezoelectric accelerometer Number of Measurements S-NB S-IC IU R&D Oper R&D Oper R&D Oper


















Propellant flow rate Liquid level Strain RPM (turbopump) Acceleration

Flowmeter Level probe Strain gauge Tachometer Force balance accelerometer

105 17 68 5

0 8 0 5

4 6
12 2

4 6
0 2


Voltage, current, and frequency Signals Guidance and Control Signals R F & telemetry signals Angular velocity



38 53

30 53





Rate gyro

28 35


Astrionics System Section 5.2 Table 5.2-3 Typical Saturn V Operational Measurements S-IVB Auxiliary Propulsion System Propellant level Helium supply pressure Propellant temperature S-IVB Main Propulsion System Gas supply pressure Propellant valve positions Propellant masses Engine sequencing signals Tank pressure Propellant flow Thrust chamber p r e s s u r e Hydraulic system pressure and fluid temperature
S-WB/IU Electrical Svstem

miniature servosystem, which i s responsive to linear acceleration along its sensitive axis. Due to inertia, the acceleration sensitive mass, commonly called the paddle wheel, moves relative to the position detector when acceleration is applied. The positione r r o r detector and servoamplifier generate a feedback signal to the restoring mechanism. The electromechanical servoaction results in a balance between the input force proportional to the acceleration and the feedback force proportional to the current in the restoring coil. The restoring current, o r the voltage i t develops across a s e r i e s resistor, provides the output of the accelerometer, and is a precise measurement of acceleration. The advantage of the force-balance accelerometer over earlier potentiometer type accelerometers i s that friction i s almost negligible. The force-balance accelerometer will sense both extremely slow vibrations and continuous acceleration in a single direction. Their measuring range is 0. 5g. The same instruments a r e employed to sense lateral acceleration along the pitch and yaw axes in the IU. Similar measurements a r e also made to determine the bending o r flapping actions of the vehicle fins. The instruments used to sense this movement have a range of *O. lg. FLIGHT MECHANICS MEASUREMENTS Longitudinal acceleration measurements a r e made to measure the thrust decay of engines. These measurements a r e made with the same type of accelerometers that a r e used for strain and vibration measurements. Longitudinal acceleration measurements to determine thrust and thrust decay of the S-IVB Stage a r e made in the IU. Angular velocity measurements a r e made using Rate Gyros (see Chapter 3). The instrument is accurate within a range of *10 degrees per second. In case of a catastrophic situation, the vehicle also c a r r i e s Rate Gyros to measure angular movement in excess of 100 degrees per second along the pitch and yaw axis. Propulsion system measurements a r e made by pressure transducers, flowmeters, tachometers, and liquid level sensors. A brief functional description for each i s given in the following paragraphs. PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS P r e s s u r e measurements a r e made by two different methods: potentiometric and strain gage.

Battery voltages and currents Bus voltages and currents Inverter voltages S-IVB Attitude Control and Stabilization System Attitude control signals (pitch, yaw, roll) Angular velocity (pitch, yaw, roll) Engine actuators position Control computer temperature Servo amplifier signals Spacial amplifier signals Valve posit ions Navigation, Guidance, and Digital Signal Steering commands (pitch, yaw, roll) Space fixed velocity (3 components) Space fixed displacement (3 components) Computer time Time to S-IVB second ignition and cutoff Accelerometer output (X, Y, Z) Gyro servo output (X, Y, Z) Gimbal angles (pitch, yaw, roll) Launch Vehicle Digital Computer signals Temperatures of computer and platform components Air bearing supply p r e s s u r e Switch Selector output Environmental Control System P r e s s u r e and temperature of coolant at several places Cold plate temperature Gas supply p r e s s u r e Instrumentation and .Communication Svstem Power output of the PCM transmitter (S-IVB & IU)

Astrionics System Section 5. 2 The potentiometric transducer is basically a wirewound potentiometer with the wiper mechanically connected to a p r e s s u r e controlled diaphragm as illustrated in Figure 5.2-4. The output voltage is obtained by applying 5 volts to the potentiometer. The magnitude of the output will vary from 0 to 5 volts, depending upon the position of the wiper. Since the output voltage is within the limit required by the subc a r r i e r oscillator, no signal conditioning is required. Approximately 70 p e r cent of the total p r e s s u r e measurements a r e made with the potentiometric type transducer. On the S-IB Stage most of the potentiometric type p r e s s u r e transducers may be calibrated while on board the vehicle by using the calibration valve that is associated with each transducer. The calibration valve, connected between the transducer and the source of p r e s s u r e being measured, may be coupled to a calibration line that is connected through a quick disconnect coupling to a controlled p r e s s u r e source. When the calibration line is connected to the valve, the transducer sensor is mechanically positioned to s e n s e the controlled p r e s s u r e . The transducer automatically r e t u r n s to s e n s e the system p r e s s u r e when the calibration line is removed. All other type p r e s s u r e transducers a r e calibrated electrically.

+- - - - - - -

Sensitive Axis


Position Detector

R -



Figure 5.2-3 Force-balance Accelerometer Block Diagram In addition to the potentiometric p r e s s u r e transducer, p r e s s u r e measurements a r e made with unbonded s t r a i n gages (Figure 5.2-5). Each s t r a i n gage transducer consists of four individual s t r a i n gages mechanically connected t o a p r e s s u r e sensitive diaphragm and arranged in such a manner that compression on two of the gages results in tension on the

Piezoelectric Vibration Accelerometer


Pressure Gage


Figure 5.2-2

Typical Transducers 5.2-5

Astrionics System Section 5.2 the output voltage i s proportional to the rpm of the turbine. This frequency is too high for the bandwidth of the available telemetry channels; therefore, signal conditioning is required to divide the frequency by 32 to make the output signal compatible with available telemetry channels. The signal conditioner is a magnetic frequency divider which uses the rectangular hysteresis characteristics of a saturable core.
I B M B50

LIQUID LEVEL MEASUREMENTS (S-IB STAGE ONLY) The liquid level of the propellant is measured by two different methods: the discrete and the continuous method. The discrete method (Figure 5.2-6) utilizes a photo-electric cell to obtain signal output. The sensor consists of a light source, photo-electric cell, and a prism. Because the liquid diffuses the light rays, no output i s obtained until the level of the liquid drops below the prisms. As the level of the liquid drops below the prism, light rays from the light source a r e reflected back to the photo-electric cell by the prism faces, which a r e a t 45-degree angles to the light rays. Fifteen sensors a r e located along the length of the tank. When the output from one sens o r is detected, it is possible to determine the amount of propellant (fuel o r lox) that was consumed in the time interval that lapsed between outputs from this sensor and one that was previously initiated.

Figure 5.2-4 Bourdon- tube Potentiometer Type P r e s s u r e Transducer other two. This action, in effect, results in an output when the strain gage transducer is excited by an external voltage. The output voltage of the strain gage transducer is approximately 40 millivolts a t full pressure; therefore, the signal must be fed into a signal conditioner (dc amplifier) before it can be applied to the subcarrier oscillator. In some cases, the signal conditioning is incorporated in the transducer package. RPM MEASUREMENTS (S-IB STAGE ONLY) This measurement utilizes a variable reluctance type of tachometer mounted on the turbine. As the turbine turns, the varying reluctance of a magnetic path generates an a c voltage. The frequency of







10 V
Power Supply T i n Amp




I 20kL ,




DC Amplifier Input

Figure 5.2-5 Strain-gage Type P r e s s u r e Transducer 5.2-6

Astrionics System , Section 5. 2 and the dielectric constant of the liquid. The bottom capacitor (C,) i s approximately 3 inches in length and is submerged in propellant when a measurement i s made. The capacitance of Cr is proportional to the dielectric constant of the liquid.

Photo-Electric Cell

I ; S & ---+

-- - *- - - - -

dF z

50ms Pulse

Meas Distr

Liquid Level Light


Light Source
IBM B 5 2

Each capacitor is connected in a bridge circuit. The outputs of the two bridge circuits a r e connected a s the excitation to a third bridge circuit which is always kept in balance by an electronic servosystem. The feedback elements of the servosystem a r e nine binary weighted capacitors controlled by a counter. The counter provides a parallel binary output f o r telemetry. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENTS Flowmeters a r e used to determine the rate of propellant flow to an engine. Basic principles of operation of the flowmeter a r e illustrated in Figure 5.2-8. The flowmeter is inserted directly in the liquid line and determines the volumetric fluid flow. Turbine blades a r e mounted on a hub which i s imbedded with two permanent magnets. The blades a r e s e t s o that the force of liquid flow causes the blades and the hub containing the magnets to rotate. On the periphery of the device i s an E-core pickup with a number of wire turns. As the permanent magnets rotate, a sinusoidal voltage is generated in the core and its frequency is directly proportional to the flow rate. TEMPERATURE AND RADIATION MEASUREMENTS The principal temperature and radiation measurements a r e in the following areas:

Figure 5.2-6 Liquid Level, Discrete, Functional Diagram The continuous method of measuring liquid level i s used in the lower portion of the propellant tank to determine the amount of propellants remaining after engine cutoff. Principles of operation of the continuous method a r e illustrated in Figure 5.2-7. The sensor consists of two tandem capacitors with the dielectric being the propellant. The top capacitor (Cs) is approximately 40 inches in length and exhibits a capacitance proportional to the height of the liquid


9-Bit Digital Word to

PCM Telemetry




Figure 5.2-7 Liquid Level Sensor Electrical Schematic

Figure 5.2-8 Basic Principles of a Flowmeter

Astrionics System Section 5.2 Cryogenic temperature measurements Heat flux (radiation and convective) Temperature measurements F i r e detection temperature measurements General environmental temperature measurements Cryogenic Measurements. An important factor in engine operating efficiency is the density of the oxidizer and the fuel. Temperature measurements a r e performed a t critical points in these systems during flight. The operating efficiency of the engines can be determined from these and other measurements. Cryogenic measurements a r e performed by means of resistance thermometers located in the fuel and lox tanks and in the plumbing for both of these systems. These positive temperature-coefficient r e s i s t o r s a r e fabricated of high purity platinum and require precise calibration techniques. The maximum temperature range of these to to devices is from - 2 0 0 " ~ +300c ( - 3 2 8 " ~ +572"F). Data reduction is accomplished through a straightforward temperature versus resistance method. As in the other temperature measurements, dc amplifiers a r e employed to increase the output signal level to the required 0 to 5-volt telemetry input level. Heat Flux (Thermal Radiation) Measurements. Calorimeters a r e located a t strategic points on the engine heat shield to measure thermal radiation and thus permit a precise calculation of the minimum insulation weight allowable at these points. One type of calorimeter measures both thermal radiation and convective heat transfer. The heating rate is determined from the temperature versus time characteristics of the copper slug. Another type of calorimeter utilized in some measurements on the Saturn Vehicle i s the "thin film" o r "membrane" calorimeter. This calorimeter employs a thin disc of constantan welded to a copper heat sink. An insulated copper lead is attached to the center of the disc and another insulated copper lead is attached to the copper heat sink. The temperature differential between the center of the disc and the circumference of the disc produces the emf output which i s telemetered to the ground. The emf output of the membrane calorimeter is a linear function of the incident heating rate with the slope of the output curve being determined by the physical size of the constantan disc. Fire Detection Measurements (S-IB and S-IC Stages Only). The prelaunch fire detection system i s operative during the period prior to vehicle lift-off. When the a i r temperature, measured a t critical points, r i s e s a t a rate beyond a specified value, an alarm signal i s initiated in the blockhouse and an automatic engine cutoff occurs.
A s e r i e s of thermocouples, arranged in loops with several thermocouples in each loop, a r e used. The thermocouples a r e located in back of the heat shield and in the engine compartment. The rate of r i s e of the temperature of the a i r i s measured in the immediate vicinity of the thermocouple, rather than the radiated heat from some point remote from the measuring device. The system does not define the exact location because of the s e r i e s loop configuration.

General Temperature Measurements. Surface temperature measurements a r e made with thermocouples, thermistors, and resistance thermometers. Thermocouples a r e normally used when the measuring range is 1 5 0 " ~ OF) o r greater, and resistance ther(302 mometers and thermistors a r e used for ranges of l e s s than 1 5 0 " ~ . The resistance thermometers a r e extremely accurate positive temperature coefficient resistors of which the resistance thermometer type i s typical. Thermistors a r e semiconducting devices which exhibit a high-negative-temperature coefficient of resistivity. Ambient a i r measurements down to 1 0 c ( 5 0 " ~a r e also performed with thermistors. ) Thermocouples and Zone Boxes. Three types of thermocouples a r e used on the vehicles. In the circuit consisting of 2 metals, an emf will be produced at the measuring junction if a temperature difference exists between the measuring and the reference junctions. The 3 types in use are: chromel/alumel, iron/constantan, and platinum/platinum 10 percent rhodium. Thermocouples provide measurements of s u r face heat, fuel temperature, ambient a i r temperatures, and a r e used a s f i r e detection gages. In a laboratory, the reference junction i s usually maintained at 0C (32 "I?). For vehicular purposes, such a temperature limitation is impractical; therefore, an alternate method has been selected. Changes in reference junction temperature during flight a r e compensated for electrically by means of a bridge circuit with a resistance thermometer in one leg. A typical

Astrionics System , Section 5.2 bridge circuit with zone box is shown in Figure 5.2-9. The reference junction is contained within the zone box. The zone box is the junction between the vehicle network wiring and the thermocouple leads. A resistance thermometer is in thermal contact with the reference junction. The resistance thermometer has a known positive temperature coefficient. Since the resistance thermometer controls the resistance of one leg of the bridge, the output emf of the bridge circuit will follow the temperature induced emf output of the thermocouple (reference junction). The bridge circuit is s o calibrated that it will cancel any emf produced by the reference junction as a result of an increase o r decrease in temperature. The dc amplifier increases the output signal level to the required telemetry input level of 0 to 5 volts. Piezoelectric Accelerometer. Because of its small size, light weight, and frequency response, the piezoelectric accelerometer is extensively used for flight vibration instrumentation. The frequency response of a typical piezoelectric accelerometer ranges from about 5 hertz to several kilohertz. For flight measurements, the useful frequency response is limited to the bandwidth of the telemetering channel. This type of accelerometer will not respond to static acceleration. The effects of vehicular acceleration a r e thus eliminated from the onboard measurements, and only local vibration is detected by the sensor. The piezoelectric accelerometer (Figure 5.2 - 1 0 consists of a seismic mass which applies a force to a piezoelectric crystal, causing it to generate an electrical signal. The electrical output is proportional to the force applied to the crystal and is a true indication of dynamic acceleration o r vibration. The highimpedance output of the device is coupled to a highinput-impedance emitter-follower stage to maintain adequate low-frequency response. The emitter-follower can be integral to the accelerometer case, o r it can be physically removed but joined electrically through a coaxial cable. Typical sensitivity is in the order of 10 mv/g. Temperature environment is the determining factor in the choice of crystal material to be used. A sufficiently

VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS Vibration measurements a r e made to determine the structural strength and stability of the Saturn Vehicle. Vibration and s t r e s s sensors a r e mounted on the propellant tanks, turbopumps, engine mountings and engine combustion chamber, and a t structural junction points of the vehicle. Two types of accelerometers a r e used a s vibration sensors on board the vehicles; the piezoelectric and the strain gage types.

Bridge O Supply

Figure 5.2-9 Typical Bridge Circuit

Measuring Junction


To Telemetry



Astrionics System Section 5 . 2




]( I Transducer (Crystal )


Calibrate Output

with Emitter Follower



~ 5 6

Figure 5. 2-10 Piezoelectric Accelerometer and Emitter Follower on accelerometer output. This is the sensor most broad range of sensor types is available to permit frequently used for vibration measurements. vibration measurements to be made in almost any temperature environment. The accelerometers a r e capable of operating up to an acceleration level of Strain Gage Accelerometer. The accelerometer several hundred g's and to a lower limit determined (Figure 5.2-11) consists of a mass suspended from by the associated electronic circuits. In flight applistrain-sensitive wires connected to a Wheatstone cations, the range is normally from G g to *Tog. bridge. When a force is applied to the mass, the resistances of the supporting wires change, thus Tests have indicated that the acoustic environment unbalancing the bridge and causing an output voltage. encountered on the vehicle will have negligible effect

Axis of Motion



Powe r



Figure 5 . 2 - 1 1 Strain-gage Accelerometer Block Diagram


Astrionics System Section 5. 2 The heavy a r r o w s show the lower resistance circuit of an unbalanced bridge. The extent of the unbalance is indicated by the increase in voltage a t the meter. In practice, a bias voltage is used to produce a 2. 5-volt potential a t the output of the amplifier when the m a s s is a t r e s t . The bias prevents the output f r o m going negative a s the movements of the m a s s is in both directions. Furthermore, the bias confines the output voltage to the 0 to 15-volt range. ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS Microphone. A piezoelectric type microphone is used f o r flight acoustic measurements. One of the advantages of this microphone is that no shock mount i s required. The microphone has a useful range of from 110 db to 190 db. electrical signal f r o m the vehicle o r i t may be the output from a transducer. Certain transducers have output signals which do not require signal conditioning. These signals a r e fed directly to the Measuring Distributor. A modular concept is used in the IU signal conditioning system. This consists of a number of measuring racks, each having 20 measuring channels plus 2 calibration channels. The modules which plug into the Measuring Rack consist of dc amplifiers, a c amplifiers, channel selectors (for calibration) and special modules. The amplifiers have the provisions for plug-in signal conditioning c a r d s to obtain a v e r y flexible measuring system with a minimum number of components. The r a c k i s a fabricated sheet metal structure with a tight fitting cover. It is not pressurized o r hermetically sealed but has a gasket s e a l on the cover to protect the modules from foreign material. The internal electrical connections a r e made through a multilayer printed circuit board with flexible integral cable to the external connectors. The multilayer board is also the mechanical support f o r the measuring module connectors. A typical measuring r a c k of the type used in the IU i s shown in Figure 5.2-12.



The following discussion on signal conditioning applies primarily to the Instrument Unit. The signal conditioning system takes the signal to be measured and converts i t to an analog signal that is acceptable to telemetry. The signal may be an

Figure 5.2-12 Typical Measuring Rack 5.2-11

Astrionics System Section 5. 2 DC AMPLIFIERS There i s only one type of dc amplifier used on the IU. By making use of a properly designed signal conditioning card, this one amplifier is used for measuring temperatures, pressures, currents, voltages, e r r o r signals, and other measurements. The amplifier i s a high-gain chopper amplifier with its input and output isolated from each other and ground. The amplifier has a fixed gain of 100. Variation in gain i s controlled on the signal conditioning card. It contains a dual frequency response amplifier ranging from 0 to 20 hertz o r 0 to 1000 hertz. The frequency response is determined by connecting jumper wires on terminals. The amplifier has an internal dc-to-dc converter and operates directly from the vehicle 28-volt supply. The dc amplifier module contains a highly stable, isolated, and regulated power supply. This supply is used as a power source for s t r a i n gage transducers and temperature measurements and for a calibration voltage source in other measurements. A limiting circuit i s included in the amplifier to prevent overdriving the subcarrier oscillator of the telemetry system. Two relays a r e provided for checkout and calibration of the amplifier and associated measuring system. These relays a r e operated remotely through the remote automatic checkout system. AC AMPLIFIERS Only one type of a c amplifier i s used in the IU. The a c amplifier has the same type of signal conditioning card a s the dc amplifier. It i s used primarily for vibration and acoustic measurements. The amplifier has a gain of 240 and a frequency response of 40 to 3000 hertz. Since practically all vibration and acoustic measurements a r e on SS/FM telemetry, the lower frequency response limit was designed to be 40 hertz. The output i s transformer isolated from the input and ground. The amplifier contains an internal dc-to-dc converter to supply an isolated power source for the amplifier and to provide an isolated power source for use with the vibration transducers and emitter followers. The ac amplifier has the same type limiting circuits and calibration relays a s the dc amplifier. Figure 5. 2-13 illustrates an a c amplifier used in the IU.

Figure 5. 2-13 Illustration of an AC Amplifier 5.2-12

Astrionics System , Section 5. 2 SPECIAL MODULES There a r e several measurements that require signal conditioning that a r e not compatible with the ac o r dc amplifier. Special signal conditioning modules a r e used for these measurements. Examples of these modules are: the dc converter used with flowmeters, the servo accelerometer unit used with the force balance accelerometers, and the frequency measuring unit used to accurately monitor the 400-hertz vehicle supply. Most of the special modules have relays for calibration and checkout. SIGNAL CONDITIONING CARD The signal conditioning card is a printed circuit card with a connector that mates with the signal conditioning card on the dc and ac amplifiers. The card provides the necessary flexibility to obtain the measurements required on the Saturn Vehicle with a small number of different type amplifiers. Thus, only one type of dc amplifier and one type of ac amplifier a r e used on practically all the measurements requiring signal conditioning. The signal conditioning card contains bridge completion resistors, calibration resistors, bias networks gain adjustment, etc.



The measuring distributors accept the 0 to 5-volt output of the signal conditioning modules and route them to the proper telemetry channel. All measurements in the measuring system a r e connected to the distributor and a r e directed to their preassigned channel. The distributors provide versatility in changing channel assignments; changes a r e made by physically rearranging jumper wires within the measuring distributors. The versatility of the distributors eliminates extensive cable changes and allows channel changes to be made just prior to launch. More than one measuring distributor may be used depending on the number of measurements to be made and the physical location within the IU of the measurements to be made. Switching functions connect different sets of measurements to the same telemetry channels during different flight periods. These switching functions, controlled by the Control Distributor, a r e performed in the Measuring Distributor. Switching functions, controlled from the ground via the umbilical cable, connect measurements not required during flight to digital data acquisition system channels for ground checkout and return the channels to flight measurements after checkout.

A circuit diagram of a typical card for temperature measurements is shown in Figure 5.2-14. In this case, the transducer is a thermistor. Small range changes can be made by the span adjustment potentiometer. By changing resistors, the range can be changed by a large amount and several ranges of temperature can be measured by using one signal conditioning card. The system can be calibrated by using the remote automatic checkout system to operate the relays and thus shunt resistors R7 o r R8 across the bridge. Similar cards a r e used for e r r o r signals, currents, strain gage bridge transducers, and other measurements. Signal conditioning in other vehicle stages accomplished in a similar way. Signal conditioning modules a r e mounted in measuring racks containing 20 modules each. In the S-IVB Stage, signal conditioning modules a r e mounted on panels distributed throughout the stage. The number of measuring racks in each stage is given in Table 5.2-1.



Figure 5.2-14 Typical Signal Conditioning Card for Temperature Measurements

Astrionics System Section 5. 3



The remote automatic calibration system permits a remote calibration of the measuring system prior to launch. During vehicle checkout, calibration of measurements is accomplished through the RACS and various corrections can be made by adjusting potentiometers on the modules. P r i o r to launch time, the RACS may be operated if the system drifts o r deviates from the final adjustments. The data obtained is used to correct the flight data for more accurate measurements. A binary-coded signal is sent from the GSE through the umbilical cable to the Measuring Rack Selector in the vehicle to select a particular measurement for calibration. Figure 5. 3-1 shows the RACS of the IU. Each stage has a separate RACS. The signals a r e generated in the GSE either by a manual keyboard o r from a computer program. These signals a r e decoded on the vehicle and distributed to the various Measuring Racks to operate the checkout relays. The calibration signal consists of 13 bits in parallel. There a r e 6 bits for rack selection, 5 bits for channel selection, and 2 bits for mode selection. (One checkout relay is for the HI mode, or checkpoint, and the other is for the LO mode, o r checkpoint. ) The same code is used on all stages to provide a 31rack capacity. The IU RACS is designed for 14 racks.

Each signal conditioning module contains 2 relays and the necessary circuit to simulate the transducer a s well a s the upper (HI) end and the lower (LO) end of the signal range for that particular measurement. The transducer is connected to the module in the RUN mode.



Manual Keyboard



Relays i n Module

Measuring Rack Selector 1. Rack Decode 2. Mode Decode Recode 3. Channel Buffered

Figure 5.3-1 Block Diagram of RACS for the IU


~ 6 1

5. 3-1

Astrionics System Section 5. 3 On the vehicle, the code is received in the Measuring Rack Selector. The rack select code i s decoded and the signal is addressed to the proper Measuring Rack. Buffer circuits for mode codes and channel codes a r e provided in the Measuring Rack Selector which acts a s a distribution point to the various Measuring Racks. The signals go to the channel selector module in the selected Measuring Rack. Operation of the channel selector requires the following conditions: Rack select signal present Channel select signal present Mode signal present (HI o r LO) There a r e two channel selectors in each Measuring Rack. One decodes channels 1 through 10 and the other decodes channels 11 through 20. The channel selector contains the necessary diode matrices and latch circuits to complete the operation of the RACS. The channel select modules contain 20 AND gates. When the 3 conditions mentioned above a r e fulfilled, the addressed AND gate "latches in" and energizes the corresponding calibration relay in the signal conditioning module. This relay will remain energized until another signal is sent to change the mode.
In addition to HI and LO mode, t h e r e i s a third mode of operation, called RUN mode, which is selected when both calibration relays a r e in an unenergized state. The RUN mode i s the normal mode of operation with the transducer o r input signal connected to the signal conditioning module. During calibration (following HI o r LO mode), the RUN mode is achieved by sending the proper code to the vehicle. Since the RACS i s used only before launch, it is wired in such a way that the power i s removed at launch. Removal of the power causes all relays to switch to RUN mode. This eliminates the possibility of leaving any module in the checkout state (HI o r LO).

Any number of channels can be selected individually, simultaneously, o r in any sequence o r combination (with any combination of a HI, LO, o r RUN selection at the GSE keyboard). The GSE display panels a r e used to monitor the signal (code) sent to the vehicle (there i s no code feedback from the vehicle). The calibration results a r e observed through the telemetry system and connected ground-checkout system.

Each of the signal conditioning modules has push buttons on the front of the module for manual operation of the calibration inside the vehicle.

Astrionics System Section 5. 4





Each stage of the Saturn Vehicle c a r r i e s an independent telemetry system. These systems modulate the signals from the measuring system onto RF c a r r i e r s for transmission to ground stations. Three different modulation techniques a r e applied in the telemetry system of each stage:

Low-response/low and medium-accurac y data may be sufficiently defined by sampling at a r a t e of 10 hertz, o r less. In t e r m s of frequency response this would be 2 o r 3-hertz maximum variation. This category includes temperature, pressure, and other measurements where dynamic variations a r e not very likely o r a r e not of particular interest.

FM/FM telemetry applies frequency modulation/frequency modulation with Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and triple Frequency Modulation (FM3) a s auxiliary techniques SS/FM telemetry uses single sideband modulation/f r equency modulation PCM/FM telemetry uses pulse code modulation

Low-response/high-accuracy data requires accuracies of 1 percent o r better. Examples a r e longitudinal acceleration and combustion chamber pressure measurements.
Medium-response/medium-accuracy data r e quires a 5 to 40-hertz response. Data of this category can be handled by sampling a t 100 to 125 hertz per channel o r less, o r by FM/FM channels below the 3-kilohertz subcarrier using the standard deviation ratio of 5.
High-response/medium-accuracy data requires a 50 to 1000-hertz channel response. This type of data is readily handled by FM/FM subcarriers.
Wide-band data has a bandwidth of roughly 50 to 3000 hertz and normally no dc component of interest.

These different modulation techniques provide efficient transmission of the large number and variety of measuring data which has different requirements of bandwidth and accuracy (Table 5.4- 1).

Table 5.4- 1 Data Categories Type Frequency Response (hertz) 2-3 2-3 5-40 50-1000 50-3000 Accuracy Required (percent) 2-5 1 2 2 5

1. Low-response/low and medium-accuracy



3. Medium-response/medium-accuracy 4. ~igh-response/medium-accuracy 5. Wideband low-accurac y


Event measurements



7. Digital measurements



Astrionics System Section 5. 4 Vibration data and sound intensity fall within this classification. Event measurements constitute a special category. Interest in this data is limited to whether o r not an event has occured and, if so, the time of occurrence with respect to a specified time resolution. to-peak amplitude of the data applied to an FM subc a r r i e r must be limited to the band edges of the subcarrier channels, the deviation being * 7. 5 percent of center frequency, to prevent adjacent channel interference. Thus, when data possesses a high peak-to-rms ratio, the signal capacity of the channel i s reduced below its signal capacity for a sine wave modulating signal (1. 41 peak-to-rms ratio). Correspondingly, Gaussian data with a peak-to-rms ratio of 4. 0 reduces r m s data capability to 2. 83. No such inherent peak data restriction exists in the SS/FM system. The data peaks of the individual channels add in a random manner, resulting in an amplitude distribution of the composite signal similar to that of the data at the channel inputs and having a peak factor of approximately the same magnitude. Thus, with Gaussian-type characteristics and an identical number of channels, the SS/FM system will accommodate two o r more times a s much peak c a r r i e r deviation per channel a s an FM/FM system. Data which originates in digital form and data requiring high accuracy a r e transmitted through the PCM/FM system. The digital data transmission link is relatively insensitive to imperfections in the transmission channel. Below a threshold noise level, the accuracy i s not appreciably affected by noise in the channel. Nonlinearity in the transmission channel is of little consequence. By a relatively simple and reliable operation, the serial digital data which contains noise and deteriorated r i s e time can be regenerated into its original noise-free form. Also, digital data transmission i s compatible with real-time data processing by digital computers at ground stations. A separate digital data output of the PCM/FM system i s used for automatic preflight checkout of the launch vehicle. This i s called the digital data acquisition system. The Mod 301 PCM/ DDAS Assembly i s also connected with the LVDC for checkout of the S-IVB/IU Stage in orbit. During flight, all operational data i s transmitted over the PCM/FM link. To increase the data handling capacity of telemetry systems, several data channels a r e multiplexed. Two types of multiplexing a r e utilized: frequency-division multiplexing and time-division multiplexing. Frequency-division multiplexing is the process of simultaneous frequency sharing of one RF c a r r i e r transmission link by dividing the available bandwidth into a number of channels, each with a separate center

In addition, much data originates in digital form, e. g. , signals from the LVDC.
The wide-band data-carrying capability of standard FM/FM telemetry i s very poor. The FM/FM system has one channel with a frequency response of 0 to 1050 hertz at a subcarrier deviation ratio of 5; the other channels have decreasing frequency responses down to 6 hertz. The sum of all the channel bandwidths i s only 4700 hertz. The bandwidth efficiency of a standard FM/FM system with subcarriers operating at a deviation ratio of 5 i s about 1.6 percent. A corresponding figure for a PAM/FM system i s about 3.5 percent; for a PCM/FM system, it is about 3.0 percent. The necessity t o transmit wide-band data (acoustic and vibration measurements) led to the use of SS/FM telemetry. An R F c a r r i e r is frequency modulated with single-sideband, amplitude-modulated c a r r i e r s . The bandwidth efficiency of such a system is roughly 10 times greater than that of FM/FM. It is capable of transmitting 45 hertz of data over the same bandwidth used by the FM/FM link to transmit 4700 hertz of data. A theoretical comparison of the signal/noise performance of the SS/FM with a standard FM/FM system is useful. Since single-sideband subcarriers do not possess wide-band gain, one would logically expect that SS/FM would perform less favorably in this respect than FM/FM, probably by a factor equal to f i t i m e s the deviation ratio, which i s the wideband gain of the FM subcarrier. However, if the modulating signal of such a system is to be vibration data, other factors can more than compensate for the lack of wide-band gain in the subcarrier. These compensating factors result from a prior knowledge of the nature and characteristics of vibration data. A Gaussian o r normal curve is a good approximation of amplitude distribution characteristics of such data. Since the summation of Gaussian functions i s a Gaussian function itself, the composite signal modulating the transmitter (in an SS/FM system carrying vibration data) could be expected to resemble a Gaussian function. The peak-

Astrionics System Section 5. 4


frequency. Spacing i s provided between these channels to allow each channel to be frequency modulated or deviated about the center frequency. After modulation occurs, the subcarrier signals a r e combined linearly, and the resultant composite signal is used to frequency modulate an RF carrier. FM/FM and SS/FM a r e examples of this frequency division multiplexing. Time-division multiplexing i s the process of sequential sampling of two o r more data sources and applying the data samples to a common output in a fixed sequence. The samples may o r may not be separated by a "dead time" space. Usually some "marker" is made a part of the output signal to desigate the beginning o r end of a sampling cycle. This i s for identification and synchronization purposes at the data reduction point. The Saturn telemetry systems make use of several types of time-division multiplexers. The Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly i s a time-division multiplexer for analog data. It is used in conjunction with the FM/FM telemetry system and the PCM/FM system. The Mod 245 Multiplexer Assembly provides time-division multiplexing for wide-band data and is used for SS/FM telemetry and FM/FM telemetry. The remote digital submultiplexers and digital multiplexers a r e used in connection with the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. Remote analog submultiplexers a r e used for analog data connected to the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly. The number of R F c a r r i e r s allotted to each modulation technique is chosen to provide an appropriate balance of data transmission capability to handle the quantities and varieties of data originating on the stage. The telemetry equipment associated with each stage consists of a "building-block" arrangement, which may be connected in numerous combina. tions to satisfy specific measuring r e q u i r e m ~ ~ i t sThe number of c a r r i e r s allocated to FM/FM, SS/FM, o r PCM/FM and also the specific combination of building blocks vary from stage to stage and from vehicle to vehicle.

fore, in the event of a failure in one of the PCM systems (IU or S-IVB), the other PCM systems can be used to transmit the flight control data. Table 5.4-2 lists the type and number of telemetry systems and multiplexers used in the stages of Saturn Vehicles. Because of the smaller quantity of measurements required in operational vehicles, the number of telemetry systems i s also reduced. (Figures given for operational vehicles a r e "best guess" at the present time. )

From one to six time-division multiplexers a r e synchronized from a central timing source located in the PCM/DDAS Assembly. Each time-division multiplexer provides an output to the PCM/DDAS Assembly which combines the outputs into a single s e r i a l wavetrain. The individual analog samples a r e digitized and combined into a digital format which is transmitted via coaxial cable to the ground checkout equipment. This data i s also transmitted via a PCM/FM c a r r i e r for in-flight monitoring.

Each of the time-division multiplexers has a second data output which is identical to the output provided to the PCM/DDAS Assembly except that it i s conditioned for PAM transmission. These outputs may modulate a 70-kilohertz, voltage-controlled oscillator in FM/FM telemeter assemblies. This arrangement provides redundant transmission of some multiplexer outputs using both PAM and PCM techniques.



A typical R & D version of the S-IVB/IU telemetry system is shown in Figure 5.4-1. Figure 5.4-2 illustrates the operational version. In operational vehicles, the number of multiplexers and FM/FM systems will be reduced, and the SS/FM telemetry will be omitted. Flight (mission) control data will be sent in parallel to the IU PCM/FM and S-IVB PCM/FM systems a s indicated in the figure. There-

The FM/FM telemetry system frequency multiplexes the input data. The conditioned signals derived from pressure, temperature, etc., modulate the f r e quency of the subcarrier oscillators. The combined output of several subcarrier oscillators is again f r e quency modulated on the R F c a r r i e r . Standard IRIG frequency channels a r e assigned. The data bandwidth capabilities of these channels a r e shown in Table 5.4-3. Slow-varying data i s applied to the low-frequency channels; data with higher frequency variations, must be applied to the higher frequency channels. FM/FM systems a r e susceptible to various sources of noise and distortion (fluctuation noise, crosstalk, harmonic distortion of the individual subcarrier signals, subc a r r i e r data feed-through, and distortion of individual subcarrier signals due to band-limiting filters), which affect the accuracy of the telemetered data.

Astrionics System Section 5.4 Table 5.4-2 Telemetry System Telemetry Systems in the Various Saturn Vehicle Stages Number of Systems R&D Oper Number of Multiplexers R&D Oper l x CIU 2x Mod 270 lxMod245 IxRDM Mod 410 IX RDSM l x CIU 2x Mod 270 2x RDM Mod 410


Transmitter Power Frequency Saturn IB: 225-260 MHz Saturn V: 22 5-260 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz



2 1 1

20 W



1 1
3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1

4x Mod 270 2x Mod 270 Ix Mod 245

225-260 MHz

20 W

2 Mod 270 2x Mod 245 2x RASM 2x RDSM 4~ M O 270 IX ~ 2x Mod 245 2x IX RDSM 3x Mod 270 l x Mod 245 2x RDSM 5x lx 7x 2x Mod 270 RDSM RASM 20 W

225-260 MHz





Mod 270 225-260 MHz 20 W


1 1


2x Mod 270 l x RDSM



Note: CIU = Computer Interface Unit RDSM = Remote Digital Submultiplexer RASM = Remote Analog Submultiplexer RDM = Remote Digital Multiplexer (Mod 410)

Each of the subcarrier oscillators of an FM/FM system may be preceded by another subc a r r i e r group. Each of these "sub-subcarriers" would, in this case, be modulated by the actual measurement values. This technique is called 3 The technique trades bandFM/FM/FM, o r FM width for additional channels; therefore, the frequency response of the channels is much lower. Since another modulation stage is used, the technique is l e s s accur a t e than FM/FM.

A time-multiplexed signal may be fed into a subcarrier oscillator of a n FM/FM system to increase the channel capacity. Time multiplexing consists of sequentially sampling a number of data signals with an electronic o r mechanical commutator. The commutator output appears a s a train of pulses of varying amplitude. This technique is known as PulseAmplitude Modulation (PAM/FM/FM).

The basic modulation scheme and principal components used (subcarrier oscillators, mixer, power amplifier, and transmitter) a r e essentially the same for each stage of the FM/FM system. Figure 5. 4-3 shows a typical Saturn stage FM/FM system. Each channel receives a signal from the Measuring Distributor. This input signal modulates a voltage-controlled subcarrier oscillator. The frequency-modulated signals from the various subc a r r i e r oscillators a r e combined in the mixer amplifier. The composite signal is frequency modulated on a radio-frequency c a r r i e r in the VHF band (225 t o 260 megahertz) for transmission to the ground stations. The transmitter provides a signal power level of approximately 20 watts. The available standard IRTG channels may be utilized in different ways. The system shown in Figure 5.4-3 uses 13 continuous data channels (channels 2 through 14). The input signals from the Measuring

Astrionics System Section 5 . 4






To F W F M Assemblies



PCM/RF Assembly (UHF)

Ground Checkout (DDAS)


Sync to A l l Mux

Assembly Assembly

Ground 4 Checkout (DDAS)


Multiplexer Assembly

Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly

Computer Interface Unit

Recorder From Programmer Assembly Assembly

Submultiplexer Multiplexer Assembly

Multiplexer Assembly

Multiplexer Assembly

From ESE

High Frequency Data \ S-IU STAGE Sample Data Sample Data

Digital Data

Continuous Data Continuous Data R Power F Divider

------------------ -_______--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~





Calibrator From ESE Ground
) Checkout

R F Assembly

R F Assembly

I F o m r d Skirt

Ground *checkout Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly


Sample Data

Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly

Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly

1 ,
FM/FM Assembly

Mod 245 Multiplexer Assembly

Electrical Tunnel


Mod 270

8 -

) t

Continuous Data

Cantinwus e t a

Continuous Data

High Frequency Data

h m p l e Data

7 -

h m p l e Data Analog Data

Isa 3176

Figure 5.4-1 Typical S-IVB/IU ~ e l k m e t System ( R & D Version) r~

Astrionics System Section 5 . 4


From ESE


Mission Control Discrete,

Engr Discretes

Mod A3 TM Assembly R Assembly F


1 V l
Mod 410 Multiplexer Assembly

TM Calibmtor

Computer Interface Unit


t ,

Mod 41 0 Multiplexer Assembly


Assembly (UHF)



VHF Assembly UHF

Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly


Mod 270 Multiplexer

Mod 301




Sync & Data

Transponder CCS


Prelaunch Checkout Analogs

Engr Analogs

Mission Control Analogs



DDAS Output

T , o

I U Umbilical


Sync & Data

S-IVB STAGE T , o VH F S-IVB Umbilical

Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly

Mod 301


. ,




Flight configuration shown with solid lines.


4 A A

VHF SCO Assembly (FM/FM)

checkout configuration shown with dashed lines. Continuous channel inputs switched to time division channels for instrumentation checkout. Mission control measurements must appear i n same format location i n both S-IVB & 1U PCM/FM links. This connection used on Saturn V only.

Mission Control Analogs

0 @

Prelaunch Checkout Analogs


Remote Digital Submultiplexer +


Mounting provisions only for these assemblies. Digital multiplexer per MSFC Dwg 50M67122 (estimated release date August 1, 1965) may be utilized i n lieu of RDSM at option of contractor for vehicles where schedules are compatible with estimated released date. Remote analog submultiplexer may be used at option of contractor.
IBM B177

From E E S

TM Calibrator

Assembly PCM/RF



Mission Engr Analogs

Prelaunch Checkout Discretes

Engr Discretes

Figure 5.4-2

Typical S-IVB/IU Telemetry 'System (Operational Version)

Astrionics System Section 5. 4 1 Table 5.4-3


IRIG Subcarrier Channels (* 7. 5% Channels)

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Center Frequencies (Hz/s)

0. 40 0. 56 0. 73 0. 96 1 30 . 1 70 . 2. 30 3. 00 3. 90 5. 40 7. 35 10. 50 14. 50 22.00 30.00 40.00 52. 50 70.00 93.00

Lower Limit (kHz/s)

0. 370 0. 518 0. 675 0.888 1.202 1. 572 2. 127 2.775 3. 607 4.995 6.799 9. 712 13.412 20. 350 27.750 37.000 48. 562 64.750 86.025

Upper Limit (Hz/s)

0.430 0. 602 0. 785
1 032 . 1 398 . 1.828

Nominal Frequency Response (Hz/s)

6 8 1 1 14 20 25 35 45 59 81 110 160 220 3 30 450 600 790 1,050 1,400

Nominal Rise Time (ms)

58 42 32 24 18 14 10 7. 8 6. 0 4. 3 3. 2 2.2

Maximum Frequency Response (HZ/S)

30 42 55 72 98 128 173 22 5 293 40 5 551 788
1 088 , 1 650 , 2,250

Minimum Rise Time (ms)

11. 7 8. 33 6. 40

4. 86 3. 60 2. 74 2. 03 1 56 . 1 20 . 0.864 0. 635 0.444 0. 322 0.212 0. 156 0. 117 0.089 0. 067 0.050

2.473 3.225 4.193 5.805 7.901 11.288 15. 588 23. 650 32.250 43.000 56. 438 75.250 99.975

16 . 11 . 0. 78
0. 58 0. 44 0. 33 0. 25

3,000 3, 938 5,250 6,975

270 Channels
Analog Data



270 Multiplexer


30 x 120 Multiplexers 10 x 12 Sub-multiplexers

on Selected M a i n Multiplexer Channels


70 kHz


* 30% +Low Pass Filter

FM Transmitter

Analog Signals from Measuring System


VCO Hz i 7.5%

Subcarrier Channel Channels 3 through 13


Mixer Amplifier

t ,


22 kHz

* 7.5%

Subcarrier Note: V C O =Voltage -controlled Subcarrier Oscillator Channel 14



Figure 5. 4-3 Block Diagram of Typical Saturn V FM/FM Telemetry System


Astrionics System Section 5. 4 Distributor a r e in the range of 0 to +5 volts dc (2 to 7 volts peak-to-peak a c when a bandpass filter is used in place of a channel o r subchannel oscillator). 3 When used, triple FM (FM ) is applied to the channels above channel 13. A subcarrier channel of 70 kilohertz (130 percent) is used for time-multiplexed signals f r o m the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly. When this PAM technique is applied, all IRIG channels above 30 kilohertz will not be used. The Mod 270 solid-state, time-division multiplexer operates a t a rate of 3600 samples per second. It consists of 30 primary channels which a r e sampled 120 times per second. In addition, 10 submultiplexers may be used on selected main channels; each sampled at a rate of 12 per second. The multiplexer accepts input signals in the range of 0 t o 5 volts dc and provides two PAM wave train outputs. One wave train modulates the 70-kilohertz, voltage-controlled subcarrier oscillator with a frequency deviation of *30 percent (i. e., 49 to 91 kilohertz for an input signal from 0 to 5 volts dc). The second wave train i s used for the PCM system. The RF Assembly accepts single sideband FM and FM analog signals from the telemetry assemblies and provides the highly-stable, close-tolerance c a r r i e r frequency (*O. 01 percent). It further provides the capability of varying the c a r r i e r frequency in a manner ( i 1 percent of the best straight line approximation for 125-kilohertz deviation a t modulation frequencies from 300 hertz to 100 kilohertz) proportional to the input signal amplitude, thereby providing an RF link from the measurement systems in the flight vehicle to the ground receiving station. bandpass filter for each data channel make up the channel units. The channel units a r e identical for all channels. The second modulator c a r r i e r s a r e supplied to the channel unit from the frequency synthesizer and comb filters. These 15 subcarriers transpose the data to an assigned frequency between 4. 74 and 72 kilohertz. These a r e the lower sideband outputs of the second modulators. Both sidebands of the second modulators go to the summing amplifier No. 1 and the 200-kilohertz low-pass filter where all upper sidebands of the second modulator a r e filtered out. Here a 75. 835kilohertz pilot tone i s summed into the channel unit outputs. The pilot tone provides a signal at the r e ceiving station for demodulation of the 15 channels. After leaving the 200-kilohertz low-pass filter, the composite signal i s passed through a signal regulator. From the signal regulator, the composite signal i s summed with the signal from the non-translated special service channel. The frequency response of this channel i s 0 to 1200 hertz. Its normal use is to c a r r y a 960-hertz signal provided by the Mod 245 Multiplexer Assembly for demultiplexing the signals a t the receiver. The output of the summing amplifier No. 2 i s used to frequency modulate an R F transmitter. All the c a r r i e r signals and the pilot tone a r e generated internally in the airborne SS/FM assembly by a single 910. 025-kilohertz crystal oscillator. This signal is used to drive a flip flop which provides the 455.012-kilohertz c a r r i e r signal and a frequency synthesizer provides all sub-carriers and the pilot tone from the comb filters. To provide a 3-kilohertz information bandwidth and allow sufficient guardband, a channel spacing of 4. 74 kilohertz i s used. This spacing is convenient to generate in the synthesizer and allows an adequate guardband of 1.74 kilohertz. The 75.83-kilohertz pilot tone falls just above the highest baseband frequency. It i s used a s a reference in the ground demodulation equipment to regenerate the basic 455 and 4. 74-kilohertz frequencies. Since the amplitude of the transmitted 75. 83-kilohertz pilot tone i s regulated, it is also used a s an automatic gain control. The SS/FM Assembly i s used in conjunction with a vibration multiplexer (Mod 245) to expand its data-handling capability by time-sharing specific data channels. SS/FM telemetry i s not carried in operational vehicles.



The Saturn SS/FM telemetry system i s designed specifically for transmission of the large volume of vibration data from the Saturn Vehicle. This system can transmit 15 channels, each having a response of 30 t o 3000 hertz, f o r a total data bandwidth of approximately 45 kilohertz within the standard telemetry c a r r i e r bandwidth. Each of the 15 data inputs i s fed to a balanced modulator and heterodyned with a 455-kilohertz c a r r i e r (Figure 5.4-4). The output of the modulator is fed to a mechanical bandpass filter (455 to 458 kilohertz) which passes only the upper sideband. The output of the filter is fed to a second balanced modulator where it is translated to the proper baseband frequency. The baseband position is determined by the c a r r i e r supplied from the frequency synthesizer. The two balanced modulators and the mechanical

Astrionics System Section 5.4

Astrionics System Section 5. 4



The PCM/DDAS telemetry system s e r v e s a dual purpose in the Saturn Launch Vehicle. This system functions a s a telemetry link for digital data (PCM/FM) and a s a p a r t of the DDAS. PCM/FM is required on the launch vehicle in order to obtain sufficient accuracy, with acceptable bandwidth efficiency, f o r digital data transmission from data sources such a s the LVDC. The DDAS provides necessary measurement data to the LVDC. Before launch, it a l s o provides measurements to the launch computer in the ground checkout stations (via coaxial cable). T o provide flexibility, the system is "built up" from s e v e r a l assemblies which may be combined as required in a particular stage application. The following assemblies may be used t o "build up" a PCM/DDAS telemetry system:

The Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly is used t o connect analog data into the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. The remote analog submultiplexer may be used to submultiplex data being fed through the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly. The Computer Interface Unit allows the LVDC, operating through the LVDA, to r e a d selected measurement data which is being transmitted through the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. A brief functional description of the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly and the PCM/RF Assembly is given on the following pages. The multiplexers and the Computer Interface Unit a r e described in the following paragraphs. The Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly p e r f o r m s s i x major functions a s follows:
a Scans the PAM wavetrains of s e v e r a l

a Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly

a PCM R F Assembly a Mod RDSM-1D Remote Digital Sub-

a Mod 410 Remote Digital Multiplexer a Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly

(1 to 6) Mod 270 PAM Multiplexer Assembles in a programmed sequence and combines these wavetrains into a single PAM wavetrain. Encodes the PAM samples in this wavetrain into 10-bit digital form.
a Accepts data in digital form and pro-

a A remote analog submultiplexer which may be used with a Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly
a Computer Interface Unit

g r a m s i t into selected time slots in the output s e r i a l format. Generates the required f r a m e and m a s t e r f r a m e identification codes, combines these codes with the digital and encoded analog data, and a r r a n g e s the desired s e r i a l format f o r output.
a Provides a 600-kilohertz FM modulated


T h e Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly is the central piece of equipment in both the telemetry link and the DDAS link. I t provides the output signals f o r telemetry and automatic checkout. The PCM/RF Assembly contains the signal conditioner, power amplifier, and R F transmitter for the telemetry link. The Mod RDSM-1D Remote Digital Submultiplexer is used to connect digital data sources to the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. The Mod 410 Remote Digital Multiplexer is used in the IU t o connect the LVDC to the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly.

c a r r i e r as the DDAS output, and a n NRZ modulating output f o r the PCM R F Assembly.

a Provides the synchronization outputs necessary t o synchronize the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assemblies and remote digital submultiplexers.
Figure 5.4-5 is a functional block diagram of the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. It composed of the six functional subsystems listed below:
a PAM scanner (and associated program


a Analog-to-digital converter.

Astrionics System Section 5.4


Digital multiplexing and formating logic. Clock programming and timing logic. DDAS voltage controlled oscillator. Power supplies.

8 8

PAM Scanner. The PAM scanner connects one o r more Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly outputs in a programmed sequence to the ADC input for digitizing. By means of the scanner program patch, any multiplexer arrangement compatible with the system application can be accomodated. Up to three multiplexer arrangements (modes) may be programmed at the scanner patch, and the automatic switching between modes is accomplished by applying external 28-volt dc commands. The scanner gates a r e 4-transistor, back-toback, balanced configurations which switch both legs of the PAM circuit of each PAM multiplexer. The transformer coupling of the switching logic input of the gates provides a favorable impedance condition for the PAM signals. The PAM scanner and program patch a r e packaged on printed circuit cards which plug into the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly.
Digital Inputs from RDSM and RDM

Analog-to-Digital Converter. The analog-to- digital converter encodes the PAM signals received through the PAM scanner by the successive approximation method. The digital output is fed in parallel form to a parallel storage register according to commands received from the programming and timing logic. Figure 5.4-6 shows a functional block diagram of the ADC. Its operation is non-synchronous (not synchronized with other parts of the system) and a t a clock rate of approximately 250 kilohertz which i s provided by a blocking oscillator. Encoder command pulses a t the system word

rate a r e provided by the programming logic. When

an encode command i s received by the ADC, i t begins an encode cycle a t its own clock rate; this requires approximately 56 microseconds. At the end of the cycle, the ADC register switches have been s e t to the digital equivalent of the analog quantity present a t the buffer input during the encode cycle. The logic levels from the register switches provide a parallel digital output until the next encode command arrives. The register switches a r e then r e s e t and a new encode cycle follows. Digital Multiplexing and Formating Logic (See Figure 5.4-7). The function of the digital multiplexing and

Serial PCM to RF Xmtr

PAM Wavetrains (from up to six M o d 270)




Digital Multiplexing

Formating Parallel Output to DDAS/Comp Interface Unit PCM Serial

Mode 2 Command Mode 3 Command

Program Patch

600 Hz

DDAS Output to ESE

Sync to PAM Comm Clock Timing & Programming Logic Sync to Remote Digital Sub-Mux's



;, ;,

Figure 5.4-5 General Block Diagram

- PCM/DDAS ~ s s e m b l ~

Astrionics System Section 5.4 formating logic is to combine the encoded data from the ADC, externally generated digital data, and frame (and master frame) identification words into the r e quired output sequence. The specific time slot into which data is inserted is controlled by command pulses from the programming and timing logic. The 10-bit output of the ADC is transferred into the parallal storage register by each word r a t e clock pulse (so long as the encoder inhibit bus is unenergized). When the encoder inhibit bus in energized, the ten AND gates a t the ADC output a r e disabled, and the ADC output i s not transferred into the parallel storage register. Up to ten 10-bit groups of digital data from external sources can be programmed into selected time slots a t any of the four system sampling rates. The data is accepted in parallel. A zero-volt level represents a logical "0" and a positive level represents a logical "1". Inputs a r e buffered and then shifted into a magnetic core register before being transferred into the parallel storage register. The MCR provides temporary storage and dc isolation of the data source. Each MCR, along with its ten associated buffers and other circuits, i s powered by an individual supply which is dc isolated. This permits monitoring of several digital data sources without interconnecting their dc commons. A WRITE command to an MCR causes the 10 bits of data to be stored in the magnetic cores. The WRITE command is programmed (at the command program patch) to occur before the time for transfer of the data into the PSR. Typically, the command occurs during the previous word time, but it can be programmed to occur at any word time after the previous sample of the specific channel is read into the PSR. For example, several 10-bit data s e t s can be written into their MCRfs simultaneously and then placed into specific time slots in the output format. This mode of operation i s utilized in monitoring a 40-bit s e t of data from the LVDC. The READ command to the MCR i s timed to transfer the data into the output register during the least significant bit time of the previous word time. READ commands a r e also ORfd together to provide a function for inhibiting the transfer to ADC data through the encoder gate.

The digital input section has 10 channels. Each channel will accept a 10-bit input in parallel form. To increase the data handling capacity, the input section may be fed from 10-channel remote digital submultiplexers.


Buffer Arnpl ifier



Ladder Network

Reference Voltage Regulator

PAM from Scanner

Register Switch

ADC Output to Digital Mux

Encode Command from Programming Logic

Set-Reset Logic

Encoder Command

Blocking Osci Ilator

250 kHz

Counter and Matrix

IBM ~ 1 8 1

Figure 5.4-6 Analog-to-Digital Converter Block Diagram 5.4-14

Astrionics System Section 5. 4


The frame identification logic generates three unique code groups and inserts them consecutively during the last three word times of the PCM/DDAS frame. Once each 30th frame, the frame ID logic receives a signal from the frame ID reversal flip flop. This signal causes the frame ID logic to complement (reverse) a l l bits i n the frame ID code of the 30th frame. This forms the master frame identification code. The code group is as follows: Word 29B Word 30A Word 30B 1011011110 1010001001 1100000110

The serializing logic shifts the contents of the PSR bit-by-bit into the NRZ flip flop thus forming the s e r i a l NRZ output. The states of the bits per word counter a r e decoded, combined with the PSR outputs, and clocked to provide set-reset pulses to the NRZ flip flop. The two complementary outputs of the NRZ flip flop a r e buffered and provided at a n output connector for use a s a modulating input to the PCM/RF Assembly. One side of the NRZ flip flop provides a modulating input t o the DDAS/VCO. Clock, Programming, and Timing Logic. (See Figure 5.4-8) The clock, programming, and timing logic provides the timing signals necessary for the Mod


Counter States from PGMR


ADC Output

10 Lines


Inhibit Bus

~~~~d~~ Gate

Word Rate Clock



Figure 5.4-7 Digital Multiplexing and Formating Logic


Astrionics System Section 5. 4

Clear Pulse To PSR

+ Read Clock
To Serializing Logic Counter States Bit Rate Clock Count No. to Encoder Gate, MCR's, Frame I D Logic

72 k H z

B P Counter

7200 Hz


Encode Command t o ADC

Group Counter i 2 Write Clock

Synchronizing Signals t o Digital Submultiplexers Synchronizing Signals t o Multiplexers

3600 Hz


Counter States

Read Commands t o MCR's

4 PS P

3600 pps

Comm Sync Logic

120 Hz

Command Program Patch


Write Commands t o MCR's

L) .

Mode Commands Gating Signals t o PAM Switches

Comm Counter


Scanner Program Patch

To Frame I D Logic



Figure 5.4-8 Clock Programming and Timing Logic Block Diagram 5.4-16

Astrionics System Section 5. 4 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly a s will a s signals required to synchronize logic in other telemetry assemblies. plexer Assemblies. The divide-by-ten frame counter steps in synchronism with the 10 by 12 submultiplexers (10 gates sampled 12 times per second). The counts of each of the 4 counters a r e decoded and routed to the command program patch. A programming arrangement provides selection of READ and WRITE commands corresponding to specific time slots. These commands provide the timing signals to the MCR's necessary to place external digital data inputs into a specific format. Decoded outputs of the group counter and m u l t i ~ l e x e rcounter a r e also routed to the scanner program patch, which provides selection of the multiplexer scanning sequence. Up to three multiplexer-scanning sequences may be programmed on the scanner program patch. A specific sequence i s selectable by an externally generated mode command. The mode commands a r e 28-volt dc signals from GSE, the vehicle command, o r other sources appropriate to the application. (Note: Mode 1 does not require application of an external mode command voltage. ) The control logic also generates 3 s e t s of waveforms used for synchronizing logic in other assemblies t o the clock and frame r a t e s of the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. Two s e t s of waveforms provide the correct waveform shape, frequency, and phase for synchronizing Mod 270 Time Division Multiplexers. The two waveform s e t s a r e identical except for the offset in phase necessary for interlacing group A and group B multiplexers. Each s e t consists of a 3600-hertz square wave and a 278-microsecond pulse with a repetition r a t e of 4 times per second. The third waveform s e t consists of an output from each stage of the divide-by-ten frame counter and a 3600-hertz square wave. This s e t of waveforms is utilized to synchronize remote digital submultiplexer assemblies. DDAS Voltage Controlled Oscillator. The DDAS/VCO provides an FM modulated c a r r i e r (600 kilohertz) for transmission of the PCM/DDAS signal (via coaxial cable) to DDAS receiving equipment. A 600-hertz transistor multivibrator is bias modulated by the serial NRZ data. An amplifier preceding the multivibrator presents an impedance of approximately 50 kilohms to the NRZ data input and also provides a non-linear modulating characteristic which makes the frequency deviation relatively insensitive to variations in the input data logic levels. A frequency deviation of approximately 35 kilohertz i s used.

One phase of the 72-kilohertz clock provides bit r a t e pulses to the serializing logic while the other phase steps the B/W counter. The outputs from each trigger of the B/W counter a r e decoded in the serializing logic and used to select stages of the PSR to form the s e r i a l bit train which controls the NRZ flip flop. Count "2" of the B/W counter is decoded and initiates a s e r i e s of three successive timing pulses which a r e 1. 75 microseconds apart. The f i r s t (clear) pulse occurs approximately 2 microseconds after the least significant bit is transferred to the NRZ flip flop and r e s e t s a l l 10 stages of the PSR. The second pulse (READ clock) provides the correct timing phase for the transfer of data into the PSR from the ADC, the frame ID logic, o r a n MCR. The third pulse (WRITE clock) provides the proper phasing for writing external digital words into the MCR's. This pulse also signals the ADC to proceed with digitizing the succeeding analog signal. The r e s e t pulse of the B/W counter steps the group counter. This pulse occurs during the 2' bit time because of offset in the serializing logic. This allows settling time for the analog data inputs, (which a r e gated by the scanner in synchronism with the group counter) before the ADC begins digitizing. The group counter is a divide-by-two counter (one flip flop). The r e s e t pulse of the group counter steps the channel counter a t a rate of 3600 pps. This consists of a divide-by-five counter and a divide-by-six counter which together form a divide-by-thirty counter. The r e s e t of the channel counter steps the divide-by-ten f r a m e counter and the divide-by-three multiplexer counter. Both of these counters a r e stepped a t the PCM/DDAS frame repetition r a t e of 120 times per second. The 4 counters define each time slot in the PCM/DDAS format, The divide-by-two group counter provides the timing for the interlacing of two multiplexer groups. Each group i s comprised of up to three Mod 270 Multiplexers which a r e controlled by the divide-bythree multiplexer counter, The divide-by-three multiplexer counter provides timing for the sharing of specific mainframe time slots. The divide-by-thirty channel counter steps in sychronism with the sampling action of the 30 by 120-channel analog gates (each sampled 120 times per second) in the Mod 270 Multi-

Astrionics System Section 5. 4 A common-collector buffer stage drives a filter which is designed to remove harmonics from the multivibrator output. This output stage delivers a nominal 75 megawatts to a 100-ohm load. Power Supplies. There a r e six separate power supplies used in the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. A 28 Vdc-to-28 Vdc converter regulates the p r i m a r y 28 Vdc power to the assembly and isolates the digital return in the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly f r o m the vehicle 28 Vdc r e t u r n line. It supplies 28 Vdc 1 percent a t a nominal 25 watts output to the remaining power supplies i n the system. The 6 Vdc c a r d accepts + 28 volts from the converter and provides + 6 Vdc a t 2 50 mA, and 6 Vdc a t 50 mA. The + 6 Vdc output provides collector voltage to the programming, timing, and scanning portions of the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. The - 6 Vdc output provides base bias voltage to the same circuits. The + 12 Vdc supply i s a simple Zener-resistor divider. It i s used to provide bias voltage for the circuits on command program patch B. PCM/RF ASSEMBLY The PCM/RF Assembly contains the modulator and the RF transmitter for the PCM/FM telemetry link. Figure 5.4-9 shows a block diagram of this assembly. The assembly consists of a f requency-shift keyer, a premodulation filter, a hybrid 3-watt FM transmitter, and a single-stage R F power amplifier. These components a r e powered by a solid-state regulated power supply. They a r e mounted to system chassis. The input signal applied to the assembly is a 72,000 bits per second-NRZ digital signal from the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS assembly. The signal amplitude ranges from 6 to 10 volts peak to peak; r i s e and fall times a r e from 0. 5 to 3.0 microseconds. Input sine wave signals of 4 volts peak to peak and zero to 100 kilohertz will not modulate the transmitter. Premodulation filtering of the digital signal r e s t r i c t s sideband components outside a band of plus o r minus 250 kilohertz around the c a r r i e r center frequency to 68 db below the level of the unmodulated carrier. The RF power output i s 15 watts. The center frequency of the R F c a r r i e r is selectable to any frequency between 225 and 260 megahertz with center frequency stability and accuracy within 0. 01 percent. A positive voltage excursion of the PCM/RF Assembly input signal produces an increase in c a r r i e r frequency.

The +18 Vdc and +5 Vdc c a r d accepts, regulates, and converts 28 Vdc to +18 Vdc and +5 Vdc. All circuit returns on this c a r d a r e common. These voltages a r e used i n the non-critical and digital circuits i n the ADC (encoder) section of the assembly. The -9 Vdc supply card provides bias voltage for the encoder section of the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. The 1-15 Vdc regulated supply obtains i t s input voltage from the +18 Vdc supply. The +15 Vdc i s used a s the reference voltage from which the comparison voltage is derived for the ladder network in the encoder.


Line Filter

Signal Conditioner

Modulator Oscillator


Power Amplifier



To Antennas


Figure 5.4-9

PCM/RF Assembly Block Diagram

Astrionics System , Section 5. 5


23. Each of these 10 sub-channels then provides a sampling rate of 12 times p e r second. Any number of the 23 channels may be submultiplexed o r utilized a s 120-sample-per-second channels. When used a t the primary sample rate, a submultiplexer "dummyft c a r d (or a pre-sampling filter if required) is inserted in place of the submultiplexer module. The four r e maining primary data channels (24, 2 5, 2 6, 27) a r e utilized a s 120-sample-per-second channels. Each of the 27 primary data channels may be submultiplexed external to the basic assembly. A z e r o amplitude reference is inserted on channel 28 of the output wavetrains except in the f r a m e corresponding to sub-channel 10 (where a 5-volt amplitude reference is inserted to provide master f r a m e identification). Channels 29 and 30 c a r r y a 5-volt reference level and a r e bridged together to form PAM f r a m e identification. Except f o r the channel 29-30 bridge, all channels a r e inserted a s 50 percent duty cycle pulses on both output wavetrains. A z e r o pedestal of 1. 2 volts is added to the wavetrain output applied to the 70-kilohertz VCO of the PAM/FM/FM telemetry system. The output wavetrains have a pulse r a t e of 3600 pps. CALIBRATOR A calibration generator, located in the assembly, provides in-flight calibration capability. Calibration is initiated by an external command which in the Saturn telemetry system is provided by the TM Calibrator (Mod 11). When a galibrate command is r e ceived, the calibration generator delays i t s sequence until the beginning of the following master frame. I t then applies a sequence of five calibration voltages to all data channels (channels 28, 29, and 30 a r e unaffected by the calibration). The calibration voltage levels a r e in order: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of full-scale data voltage. Each voltage level is sustained for one master f r a m e (80 milliseconds), requiring approximately 400 milliseconds for the complete sequence. Section 5. 6 discribes the calibration function in g r e a t e r detail.

The Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly (time division) is basically a 30 by 120 multiplexer (30 channels, each sampled 120 times per second). It accepts voltage inputs in the range of 0 to 5 volts (high level data) and provides two PAM wavetrain outputs, one (with pedestal) f o r input to a 70-kilohertz *30 percent FM/FM s u b c a r r i e r and a second (without pedestal) for the PCM/DDAS Assembly. A block diagram of the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly is shown in Figu r e 5. 5-1. A time-division multiplexer consists of three major parts: a s e t of switches o r gates for each output channel, a timing device (logic generator), and a power supply. The gates, acting as electronic switches, sequentially connect the data inputs to the multiplexer output on commands f r o m the timing circuits. The timing, o r logic, circuits provide the signals which open and close the data gates a t the desired t i m e s and in the desired sequence. Multiplexers a r e normally located in proximity to data s o u r c e s in o r d e r to minimize cabling weight. Each multiplexer houses sampling gates for up to 234 data channels. By means of flexible plug-in modules, variations in numbers of channels and sample r a t e s may be accomplished within the multiplexers. These multiplexers a l s o accept pre-sampling filters where required f o r specific measurements. Remotely located submultiplexer assemblies may a l s o be used to i n c r e a s e the capacity of each individual multiplexer t o 270 channels. Twenty-seven of the thirty p r i m a r y channels a r e data channels while the remaining three a r e utilized for amplitude references and PAM f r a m e identification. Ten-channel gate modules, which plug into the assembly, may be used to submultiplex p r i m a r y channels 1 through

Astrionics System Section 5. 5 SYNCHRONIZATION Internal logic functions of the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly operate from its internal 3600-hertz multivibrator clock However, the sample and frame r a t e s can be synchronized to external pulses of the correct frequency and waveform. In the Saturn teleme t r y system, these synchronizing signals a r e provided by the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly. The synchronizing waveforms consist of a 3600-hertz square wave and a 4 pps pulse approximately 278 microseconds in duration occurring during channel one of each 30th frame. The Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly also provides synchronizing signals a s outputs. These a r e identical to the waveforms previously described, except the frame sync pulse has a repetition rate of 12 pps instead of 4 pps. See Figure 5. 5-2. These synchronization outputs a r e normally utilized to control remote submultiplexer packages. SUBMULTIPLEXER The submultiplexers a r e composed of selection gates that subdivide the main multiplexer channels. Ten submultiplexer channels a r e connected to each

Chl-1 1-2 1-10


Sub-Mux I


Telemetry Assembly



ch L

External Calibration Input Ch42 -

.oi.^.b 4Fb
: :
G r
Insertion Network

Sub-Mux Dummy Module

Buffer Amp

'AM 70 kHz



I '






Framing Pulse Logic and Gates

Figure 5. 5-1 Mod 270 Multiplexer Block Diagram 5.5-2





Gates Gate


I '



Calibration Generator

External Cal Command

External 5 Vdc

IBM ~ 1 8 5

Astrionics System Section 5. 5 main multiplexer channel, thus reducing the sampling rate from 120 per second to 12 per second. Each gate functions in the following manner: The input side of a gate is tied to the data to be sampled, and the output side is tied to the main multiplexer channel. The normally open gate closes upon application of a current pulse to the transformer to allow information to pass through to the main multiplexer. This current pulse is obtained by grounding one side of the transformer and connecting the other side to the decoded output of the "T" counter. The gates a r e connected in columns of ten, and all outputs of a particular column a r e connected to one main multiplexer channel input. The submultiplexer "dummy" card i s used when a sampling r a t e of 120 times per second is required. This card, used in place of the submultiplexer card, provides a direct path from the data being sampled to the main multiplexer board. An RC load mounted on this board (the same a s on all submultiplexer cards) prevents data spikes from being passed through. The characteristics of the Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly a r e given in Table 5. 5-1. Table 5.5-1 Mod270 Multiplexer Assembly P e r for mance Characteristics Characteristic Time Stability Clock rate Duty cycle Linearity (best straight line) Accuracy Output of amplifier (without pedestal) 3600 Hz Specification

+ 2%

139 us 5 5 %

+ 0.1%
*O. 1%

Frame 10

_Output of amplifier (with pedestal)

* 0. 5%

Pedestal Stability

1.2 V *50 mV

Reverse Current (all channels a t 5 V except channel under test which is 2 uA (max) short circuited)

Input Impedance of Channel (excluding 5 mego (min) lOOk input terminating resistor) Output No. 1 (without pedestal) Output No. 2 (with pedestal) 100 R (max)

2k (max)


Ch 26

Ch 27

Ch 28

Ch 1

Ch 2


3600 Hz

12 P P ~

-IBM B l S 6

Figure 5. 5-2 Mod 270 Multiplexer Assembly Waveforms

Astrionics System Section 5. 5



The Remote Digital Submultiplexer provides additional digital data handling capability to the PCM telemetry system. A maximum of 100 inputs a r e provided (see Figure 5. 5-3). These inputs a r e sampled sequentially in groups of 10 and then applied to an output register with 10 outputs. The inputs may be utilized individually o r in groups to form digital words. The RDSM handles digital o r discrete information only; i. e m ,its inputs and outputs a r e s e t voltage levels which represent either ON-OFF conditions o r binary numbers.

An auxiliary card is available with the RDSM. It may be added to the unit to adapt i t to a specific input. This auxiliary card is a divide-by-six (+ 6 ) card which has an output signal that is used to cycle the liquid level measuring system.



This assembly will be utilized in the Instrument Unit to take the 40-bit (parallel) words from the LVDC and provide 10-bit words a t the output to feed the LVDC words into the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly for transmission to the ground. (See Figure 5. 5-5. ) A more detailed diagram is given in Figure 5. 5-6. There a r e 40 data input bits from the LVDA which a r e fed into the MCR cards for storage and subsequent insertion into the proper time slots of the system format. These time slots will be determined by the command program patch. From the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly multiplexer, there a r e two sync pulse inputs to the 410 timing logic; a 3. 6kilohertz group sync pulse, and a 4-hertz master frame sync pulse. Delay circuits in the timing logic provide the correct sequencing of the write, clear, and read commands. The timing logic also steps the 3, 5, 6, and 10 counters. The outputs of the counters a r e decoded by the command program patches A and B to provide assembly timing which i s sufficient to accurately define the occurrence of time slots in the system format.

The PCM programmer located in the Mod 301 PCM/DDAS Assembly controls the sequential sampling action of the RDSM. The control signal consists of a 4-bit binary word which a r r i v e s in parallel format and represents timing information. The RDSM provides a high degree of flexibility of application by use of isolated input gates and isolated power supplies. The unit has two isolated power supplies; regulated 20 Vdc and + 5 Vdc gate-collector supply. The regulated 20 Vdc i s derived from the 28 Vdc vehicle supply by a dc-to-dc converter. The +5 Vdc gate supply is developed on each gate card by rectifying and filtering the 3600 pps clock signal from the PCM programmer. Figure 5. 5-4 presents the logic symbols and defines the logic elements. The binary inputs to word gates a r e 0 0. 5 volt for a logical "0" input and 7 + 3 volts for a logical "1" input (In a Type IV RDSM, a +4 logical "1" input is 28 Vdc). The binary outputs - 10 f r o m the RDSM and the PCM programmer a r e the same, 0 * 0. 5 volt and 5 i 1 volts.



The Mod 245 Multiplexer Assembly i s a timedivision multiplexer which i s used in conjunction with the SS/FM Assembly multiplexer and the FM/FM multiplexer l i n k This unit can sample a maximum


+28 ~ d c -

Remote Digital Submultiplexer

-C-30 t-D-60

Hz Hz Hz

To RF Assembly

Inputs 10 Groups

10 Lines/Group
Tp>: 1215';

Figure 5. 5-3 Block Diagram of RDSM Inputs and Outputs 5.5-4


3600 pps




Reset (120 pps)

C, 30 pps



Gate Control

D, 60 pps




To +5V Power Supplies






100 Data Inputs

) To PCM/DDAS (P-1) Telemetry
Sampled at 120 Hz 10 Words, Output @ 10 Bitsfiord

& I

Logic (0) 0.0 V

( I

10 Inputs per Card "f I

Ten Multiplexer Cards




Logic (1) 7*3 V or +4 Logic (1) 28-10v


+2 Logic (1) +5 -1 V Logic (0) 0. OV





! I

Vehicle +28 Vdc


Power Supply

+2OVdc as Req'd



Figure 5. 5-4 Remote Digital Submultiplexer Simplified Block Diagram

Astrionics System Section 5. 5 of 80 data channels and provide 16 channels of output data 15 of which feed the sS/FM Assembly multiplexer and 1 channel feeds the FM/FM multiplexer. It is primarily used for multiplexing wideband vibration data. The Mod 245 Multiplexer Assembly, Figure 5. 5-7, consists of 20 plug-in subassemblies. Of these 20 subassemblies, 4 a r e common subassemblies (1 logic and timing unit, 1 regulator unit, 1 inverter unit, and 1 driver and voltage-controlled oscillator unit). The remaining 16 subassemblies a r e multiplexer units. The multiplexer units a r e made up of 3 types. They a r e a s follows: Two multiplexed channels with a sample period of 5.7 seconds each. Four multiplexed channels with a sample period of 2.9 seconds each. Five multiplexed channels with a sample period of 2.3 seconds each. The 3 types of multiplexer units all use 12-second sampling cycles. The different sample times a r e separated by "dead time". The sampling cycles a r e separated by longer periods of "dead time". Frequency response of the input i s 0 to 5000 hertz. Input impedance is a constant 100 kilohms. Input signal level can be 0 to +5 volts peak to peak, or 0 to +5 volts dc. Output impedance is 1 kilohm a t 0 to 5000 hertz. A dummy unit is used for continuous data. Other than a marker, no timing is required. Additional timing information is also transmitted using a 960 * 70-hertz voltage controlled oscillator for data reduction purposes. This i s fed into the special service channel in the SS/FM Assembly.

= * +

2 d.

5,E I

3 v, QPI

Group A Sync 3.6 kHz



Figure 5. 5- 5 Inputs and Outputs of Mod 410 Multiplexer

Astrionics System Section 5. 5


Astrionics System Section 5. 5

Channel 1 Inputs I Output

I, I I I I


Ti mi ng

I Channel 16 Channel 16 Output

960 Hz

960 Hz

NOTE: VCO = Voltage-controlled Oscillator

IBM ~ 1 9 1

Figure 5. 5-7 Block Diagram of Mod 245 Multiplexer

Astrionics System Section 5. 6


The purpose of the telemetry calibration subsystem is to assist in determination of telemetry equipment accuracy. This is done by furnishing selected telemetry equipment with known, precise inputs in place of the normally broadcast measurement signals. The normally broadcast signals a r e compared to the calibrated broadcast signals to obtain the exact degree of telemetry equipment accuracy. TM calibration is used during flight and prelaunch checkout. During flight, the TM calibration is controlled by the LVDC program. For prelaunch checkout, TM calibration is controlled by the electrical support equipment in the control center. Two units and special circuitry in other units provide TM calibration. The two units a r e the TM 1 Calibrator (Mod 1 ) (calibrator) and the TM Calibrator Control Unit (controller). Special circuits to accept calibration inputs a r e located in analog multiplexers, telemeter oscillator assemblies, and single sideband telemeters that a r e to be calibrated. The calibrator and controller function together to furnish and control the calibration inputs to the telemetry components. The calibrator selects the calibration signal level and selects the component to be calibrated. The controller furnishes regulated power to the calibrator and also serves a s an interface unit to route and isolate all signals to and from the calibrator. The calibrator-controller assembly furnishes 6 outputs for calibration of analog multiplexers o r telemeter oscillator assemblies and 3 outputs to calibrate single sideband telemeters. Each of the units to be calibrated contain circuitry to accept the calibration command and to apply the calibrated signals to their individual data channels. While up to 9 units can be calibrated by the calibrator-controller assembly, the f u l l capability may not be used. For clarity of explanation, this description of subsystem operation assumes that full capability is used. To increase system flexibility, all inputs and outputs of the calibrator-controller assembly a r e routed through a Measuring Distributor. This allows the inputs and outputs to be patched to selected telemetry equipment without modification to launch vehicle wiring. The functions of the subsystem a r e greatly expanded during prelaunch checkout. Any of several preflight calibrations may be selected in addition to the normal inflight calibration. GENERAL SUBSYSTEM FUNCTION The subsystem is operated in either the inflight mode or the prelaunch mode. During inflight mode, the telemetry equipment is calibrated by preset signals in a preset sequence when commanded to do s o by the LVDC program. During prelaunch mode, the LVDC command may be simulated and variable calibration signals may be furnished to the telemetry equipment. Inflight Mode. During flight, upon receiving a single 28 Vdc pulse command from the LVDC, the calibratorcontroller assembly will: Furnish six 28 Vdc commands that can be used to enable oscillator assemblies to receive calibration signals or initiate a calibration sequence in an analog multi plexer. Furnish one 0 to 5 Vdc calibration signal (in 1.25-volt steps) to be sent to the oscillator assemblies being calibrated. Furnish three 28 Vdc commands that can be used to enable single sideband telemeters to receive calibration signals. Furnish three 1700-hertz calibration signals to be sent to the single sideband telemeters being calibrated.

Astrionics System Section 5. 6 The subsystem uses 28 Vdc from the vehicle power supply and 5 Vdc from the 5 Volt Measuring Voltage Supply. The 5 Vdc is used for the precise 0 to 5 Vdc calibration signal sent to the oscillator assemblies. The 28 Vdc i s regulated by the controller and used for operating power for the calibrator and the 28 Vdc enable signals sent to calibrate the oscillator assemblies, multiplexers, and single sideband telemeters. The inflight calibration s t a r t command originates in the LVDC (see Figure 5. 6-1) and is routed through the Switch Selector to the calibrator-controller assembly. The clock starts a voltage divider and stepper circuit which produces a precise 0 to 5 Vdc, steppedvoltage output. This sequentially stepped output goes from 0.00 to 1.25 to 2. 50 to 3. 75 to 5. 00 and back to 0.00 in a period of 700 * 25 milliseconds. The stepped voltage runs through 6 sequences and is fed to the calibration bus for distribution to oscillator assemblies. Each time the stepped voltage finishes a sequence, the output selector circuit advances to select the next oscillator assembly o r multiplexer to be calibrated. When an oscillator assembly is selected for calibration, the 28 Vdc signal from the calibratorcontroller assembly energizes a relay circuit in the oscillator assembly. This relay inhibits the normal measurement data for 700 milliseconds and substitutes the stepped calibration voltage present a t the calibration bus. When another unit is selected for calibration, the relay returns to its original position and normal measurement data is once more allowed to flow to the oscillator channels. When a multiplexer is selected for calibration, the 28 Vdc signal from the output selector starts an automatic circuit in the multiplexer. This automatic circuit inhibits the normal measurement data input and substitutes an internally generated, stepped 0 to 5 volt signal like the signal generated by the calibratorcontroller assembly. When a multiplexer receives the calibrate command, the calibration sequence is delayed until the s t a r t of the next multiplexer master frame. Each voltage step is held for one master frame. This requires five master frames o r approximately 400 milliseconds for a complete calibration sequence. The multiplexer then returns the normal measurement data to its data channels. While the multiplexers and oscillator assemblies are being calibrated, the calibrator-controller assembly also selects and calibrates three single sideband telemsters. The calibrator-controller assembly produces a 1700-hertz, 1-volt peak-to-peak calibration signal. The single sideband telemeters a r e selected and calibrated with the 1700-hertz signal similar to the method used for the selection and calibration of the oscillator assemblies. A calibration sequence for a single sideband telemeter lasts the time necessary for 2 multiplexers o r oscillator assemblies to be calibrated; that is, 1400 * 50 milliseconds. Normal measurement data is then allowed to return to the data channels of the single sideband telemeter.

Prelaunch Mode. During prelaunch mode, while being controlled from the control centers the subsystem can: Simulate the inflight calibration s t a r t command from the LVDC. Transfer the calibration bus to ESE control and supply an ESE supplied calibration signal. Select all three single sideband teleme t e r s for calibration and supply an ESE generated calibration signal. Connect the data input of all oscillator assemblies to the calibration bus. Control the output of the calibratorcontroller assembly to allow any step of the 0 to 5 Vdc calibration signal to be applied to the calibration bus.

The subsystem uses the same 28 Vdc and 5 Vdc power used in the inflight mode. During prelaunch mode, the 28 Vdc may be switched OFF, thus turning OFF the subsystem.

An inflight calibmtion start command simulation signal may be originated by the ESE. This signal is fed to an OR circuit in the calibrator-controller assembly and s t a r t s the same calibration sequence that is started by the inflight calibration s t a r t command from the LVDC. The calibrator-controller assembly's signal to the calibration bus may be switched out and substituted by an input from the ESE. This input is generally a 100-hertz signal with the primary purpose of calibrating the oscillator assembly channels that c a r r y frequency-intelligent measurement data.

Astrionics System Section 5. 6

Calibration Bus

Precise 5Vdc

* O circuit represents R

a relay network

** This circuitry is presented a s relay-type

switching, however, the actual circuitry is solid state type switching.

I M 8192 S

Figure 5. 6-1 Typical Telemetry Calibration Subsystem

Astrionics System , Section 5 . 6 A command from the ESE can cause all three single sideband telemeters to be switched to the calibration bus in the calibrator-controller assembly. A 0 to 3000-hertz calibration signal is then applied to the bus from the ESE. Application of a preflight calibration mode command causes the data inputs of all oscillator assemblies to be switched to the calibration bus. This command also allows the 0 to 5 Vdc calibration voltage f r o m the calibrator-controller assembly to be completely controlled from the ESE. After the preflight calibration mode command has been sent, the 0 to 5 Vdc output is under the complete control of the ESE. The ESE may select any of six possible signals to be supplied by the calibratorcontroller assembly to the calibration bus. Any of the five voltage steps o r a continually stepping voltage may be selected. Each of these 6 signals may be applied to the calibration bus for as long as desired. CALIBRATOR-CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY FUNCTION The calibrator-controller assembly contains three main functional circuits (see Figure 5. 6-2). Although the 3 circuits a r e interdependent, they have separate outputs. The output selection circuit selects the component to be calibrated and sends a 28 Vdc calibrate enable signal to that component. The voltage stepper circuit generates and selects the calibration voltage to be sent to the oscillator assemblies. The single sideband telemeter calibration circuit generates the inflight calibration signal and selects whether this signal o r a n ESE generated signal will be applied to the single sideband telemeters. A start calibration sequence is initiated by a 28 Vdc pulse from the LVDC through K2 o r from the ESE through K1. The start command causes the f i r s t components subject to calibration to be selected and enables the r e s t of the components to be selected sequentially each time the calibration voltage completes a stepped sequence. At any given instant, the only possible output of the unity gain amplifier to the oscillator assembly calibration bus is 1 of the 5 "steps1' of calibration signal (0.00 Vdc, 1.25 Vdc, 2. 50 Vdc, 3. 75 Vdc, o r 5. 00 Vdc). A feedback from the unity gain amplifier output i s fed to the voltage comparator where the feedback is compared to the voltage comparator's input command. If the voltages a r e the same, nothing happens. If the voltages a r e different, the comparator causes the output of the unity gain amplifier to change "steps" until it matches the comparator's input command. If the input command exceeds 5 Vdc, (200 percent input), the circuit will continuously step through the five possible levels since i t cannot match the input command. During the inflight mode, 28 Vdc is constantly applied to the input of the voltage comparator through K3, causing a continuously stepping voltage. One complete stepping sequence is 700 milliseconds long. A 1700-hertz calibration signal is constantly generated by the calibrator. Each time any signal sideband telemeter is selected for calibration, this 1700-hertz signal is furnished to all single sideband telemeters through the contacts of K5. During prelaunch mode all three single sideband telemeters may be simultaneously selected for calibration through K4. If this is done, a 0 to 3000-hertz calibration signal i s furnished to the calibrator for distribution to the single sideband telemeters. Output Selection Circuit Function. A s t a r t calibration command enables the output relay drivers and sets the control flip flop. The control flip flop advances the 7-point sequencer generator to step 1, enables the 7-point sequencer generator input gate to accept signals from the 5-point sequencer generator, and enables the clock input gate in the 5-point sequencer generator. In step 1, the ?-point sequencer generator causes the relay matrix and gate to issue calibrate command 1 through the enabled relay driver. This supplies a calibrate enable command to one oscillator assembly or multiplexer and one single sideband telemeter. Each time the voltage stepper circuit completes a 0 to 5 Vdc sequence, i t sends a signal through the 7-point sequencer generator input gate to advance the sequencer generator input gate to select the next calibrate command to be issued. Voltage Stepper Circuit Function. If the comparator

is commanded to change the output voltage, it detects the difference between its input command level and
the voltage output of the unity gain amplifier. If there is a difference, the comparator sends a signal to enable the 5-point sequence generator gate, another signal to enable the clock input gate, and another signal through the conditioning stage to advance the 5-point sequence generator to the f i r s t step. With the clock input gate enabled, the clock issues pulses a t 140-millisecond intervals. Each clock pulse advances the 5-point sequence generator to select the next voltage level. Each time the 5-point sequence generator passes the 5-volt level, it commands the 7-point sequence generator is issue the next calibration command. The 5-point sequence generator sends

Astrionics System Section 5.6

a command through the calibrationmatrix to the signal

divider to produce the desired 0 to 5-volt level. The signal divider uses the precise 5 Vdc from the 5 Volt Measuring Voltage Supply as a supply voltage to be divided as necessary. The output is fed through the unity gain amplifier to the oscillator assembly calibrate bus. This output is also fed back to the comparator, and as long as the output does not equal the commanded voltage, the comparator will cause the circuit to continue stepping through the 0 to 5 Vdc range.

tion. - A 1700-hertz,

Single Sideband Telemeter Calibration Circuit Func1-volt peak-to-peak calibration signal is constantly generated by an oscillator circuit and furnished to the normally open contacts of K5. Whenever the output selection circuit selects a single sideband telemeter for calibration, K5 is closed allowing the calibration voltage to be applied to all three single sideband telemeters. During prelaunch mode, the ESE can select all three single sideband telemeters for calibration without using the output selection circuit. Whenthis is done, a 0 to 3000-hertz calibration signal may be furnished from the ESE to calibrate the single sideband telemeters.

Astrionics System Section 5. 6

Figure 5. 6-2 Telemetry Calibrator Assembly

Astrionics System Section 5. 7



DDAS i s a function associated with Saturn V PCM telemetry and is utilized in both preflight and flight phases. During preflight checkout, the telemetry system presents digital data over coaxial cables to one o r more locations remote from the vehicle. These measurements a r e available t o digital computers in real time through a special data-receiving facility interfaced with the computers. The data-receiving facility a l s o provides outputs for display of selected channels in either digital o r analog form for visually determining the status and readiness of vehicle subsystems and tape records the DDAS inputs for analysis a t a l a t e r time. During the launch, earth orbiting, and lunarinjection phases, there a r e times when information processed by the LVDC is desired a t the ground station. Also, during periods when specific commands a r e being given through the IU command system to the LVDC, it will be necessary to transmit to ground the particular command prior to processing by the LVDC. Since the information to be telemetered is dependent on particular missions and has a random characteristic, provision will be made in the telemetry to accommodate these outputs. Specific PCM telemetry system channels a r e assigned to accommodate the LVDA 40-bit outputs. The assigned channels a r e sampled a t a rate of 240 times per second. The LVDA identifies valid data by the presence of a validity bit which has no significance to the teleme t r y but is transmitted a s part of the data telemetered to the ground. The ground computer automatically determines the existence of valid data by recognizing the validity bit in a data word. The validity bit is present with the valid data f o r at least 4. 5 milliseconds to ensure a t least one transmission of the valid data. During flight, the DDAS function is performed between the telemetry system, LVDA, and LVDC. Upon request, data in digital form is made available to the LVDC during flight and is used by the LVDC to perform vehicle checkout. The telemetry system in the S-IVB/IU functions during launch, earth orbit, and lunar-injection phase of the mission. During these phases, periodic checks a r e required of the vehicle's performance o r operating status. This is accomplished by inserting specific segments of the telemetered information into the computer. During orbital checkout, which is initiated by a command signal to the LVDC via the IU command, the LVDC requires a real-time value of measurements, which a r e p a r t of the total measurements being telemetered by the S-IVB/IU Stage telemetry system. Selective transfer of measurement values from the S-IVB/IU Stage telemetry systems to the LVDA is accomplished through the DDAS/Computer Interface Assembly. This assembly contains the timing and comparison logic necessary to separate the selected channel from the IU PCM/DDAS format. A time division multiplexer, located in the S-IVB Stage, transfers S-IVB measurements needed f o r checkout and mission control to the IU PCM/DDAS Assembly. The LVDA signifies the specific data channel to be transferred by means of a 12-bit channel address. Upon receipt of a "data-request" signal from the LVDA, the DDAS/Computer Interface Assembly initiates a transfer sequence which consists of: Awaiting the next appearance of the signified channel in the PCM/DDAS format Writing the data sample into a 10-bit holding register within the assembly Providing a "data-ready" signal to the LVDA indicating that the selected data is available

Astrionics System Section 5. 7


So long as the "data-request" signal remains a t the request level, subsequent samples of the s e lected channels a r e t r a n s f e r r e d into the holding register a s they appear in the format of the PCM/DDAS Assembly. When the LVDA r e t u r n s the "data-request" signal to the standby level, the l a s t value t r a n s f e r r e d remains in the holding r e g i s t e r until another transfer sequence is initiated. When the LVDA receives the "data-ready" signal, i t branches t o a sub-routine which operates to transfer the data f r o m the telemetry output r e g i s t e r to the LVDA. Synchronization between the telemetry system and the LVDA is accomplished in the following manner: Each time the telemetry receives a n a d d r e s s from the LVDA, followed by a valid "data-request" signal, i t recognizes this input a s the initiation of a new data-seeking cycle as well as a signal to read in the data. Upon this recognition by telemetry, i t f i r s t r e s e t s i t s output data r e g i s t e r and then begins seeking the data requested by the LVDA. The LVDA and LVDC ensures that a new a d d r e s s with a valid r e a d bit is not generated until data f r o m the telemetry output register has been received in response to the previous address.

The buffer and dc isolation circuits provide the required input impedance to data and synchronizing signals from the PCM/DDAS. The circuits a l s o contain magnetic coupling elements which provide isolation between the circuits of the PCM/DDAS and other c i r cuits within the assembly. It should be noted that dc isolation is not required between the LVDA and the assembly logic circuits. The timing and resetting logic circuits derive the common r e s e t f o r the counter a r r a y and a clock of the c o r r e c t phase f o r transfer of data into the holding register from the synchronization signals. The counter a r r a y consists of t h r e e binary counters (A, B, and C) each having a n internal r e s e t which provides a recycle each 30, 10, and 3 counts, respectively. Each counter is a l s o r e s e t t o a count of 1 by the common r e s e t f r o m the timing and r e s e t ting logic. Counter A consists of 5 flip flops, arranged to provide a divide-by-thirty binary counter. Its input consists of the restored 3600 pps synchronization input to the assembly. At the end of count period 30, counter B is internally r e s e t t o a count of 1. The internal r e s e t of counter A is a l s o provided as a n input to counters B and C. Counter B consists of 4 flip flops configured as a divide-by-ten binary counter. Its input is triggered 120 times per second by the internal r e s e t of counter A. At the end of count period 10, counter B is internally r e s e t to a count of 1.



A System interconnection diagram f o r the ~DAS/Computer Interface Unit is illustrated in Figu r e 5.7-1. Figure 5.7-2 is a block diagram showing logic and circuit arrangements f o r the DDAS/Computer Interface Unit. Positive t r u e logic levels and positive circuit triggering is assumed.
Serial Output to RF

3600 pps Sync 4 pps Sync

Other TM Inputs Assembly Mod 301

10 Lines

Computer Interface Unit

Address 12 Lines Data Request


$ .-



0 K

Data Ready

Data 10 Lines Remote Digital Multiplexer Mod 410 Data 10 Lines

L r





Figure 5. 7-1 Computer Interface Unit - System Interconnection Diagram


Computer Interface Unit


6 Lines*

3600 pps Reset

4 PS P 7200 pps

> ,

Data Clock Logic


Counter A ( T 30)
5 Lines

,\ _/

Comparator A Group and Channel Address

/ \
4 Lines *


To In-Sync 4 , Detector R1

Counter B 4 Lines

To Data Entry X AND




R1 Reset *


Master Frame Reset

R3 To in-sync 4 Detector Rp


Comparator B Frame Address

/ \

A 4
PS P 120 pps 12 P P ~
R3 from Ctr C

to Data Entry Y AND

R1 from Ctr A R2 from Ctr B

Zero Detector No. 1

In-Sync Detector Y

Reset To ~n-sync Detector 3 ' Delay Data Entry Control Delay Clear Counter C (t3)

-----Data ~ e ~ u e s i

To Data Entry AND

Comparator C Multiplexer Address

4 +

Zero Detector 4 No. 2

I *!


Data Ready

10 Lines

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '
+---Holding Register 10 Lines Output Drivers (11)

10 Lines


Digital Data Input

10 Lines

Data Entry Gates



Figure 5. 7-2 Computer Interface Unit Block Diagram

Astrionics System Section 5.7 Counter C consists of 2 flip flops configured as a divide-by-three binary counter. Its input is triggered at 120 times per second by the internal reset of counter A. At the end of count period three, counter C is internally reset to a count of 1. The twelve address lines from the LVDA a r e f i r s t buffered, and logic levels a r e transposed to the internal logic levels of the assembly. They a r e then compared to the states of the counter a r r a y by three comparators and two zero detectors. Comparator A compares address bit 1with waveform b, and address bits 2 through 6 with the states of flip flops one through five, respectively, of counter A.
I address bits 7 through 10 a r e all in the zero f state, zero detector No. 1 provides an output which is combined in the OR gate OR1 with the output of comparator B. Hence OR1 provides a true output for either an in-register, o r all zeros condition of the four address bits.

is combined in OR gate OR2 with the output of comparator C. Hence OR2 provides a true output for either an in-register, o r all-zeros condition of addr e s s bits 11 and 12.
The zero detector provides a means by which the address bits may instruct that the status of either (or both) counter B and C be disregarded. This will provide access to the various sampling rates of the PCM/DDAS. The outputs of comparator A, OR1, and OR2 a r e applied to the data entry AND gate (AND1). The in-sync detector provides a check of the correct synchronization state of the counters and prevents a transfer of data from occurring when the assembly timing is not synchronized with the PCM/DDAS. The output of the in-sync detector is then applied to AND1 a s a synchronization pulse.

Comparator C compares address bits 11 and 12 with flip flops one and two, respectively, of counter C.
If address bits 11 and 12 a r e both in the zero state, zero detector No. 2 provides an output which

The data request signal (after buffering and logic level transposition) is also applied a s a true logic level to AND1. If the in-sync detector output to ANDl is true, the next "comparison true" signal then activates ANDl and a clock pulse passes through to clear the holding register. After a delay of a few microseconds, the data inputs a r e gated into the holding register. The gating pulse also triggers the monostable multivibrator, which provides a "data ready" signal to the LVDA.

Astrionics System Section 5.8


The Saturn V Launch Vehicle television system will be used to provide both real-time and permanent visual data on the performance of certain vehicle functions. No television will be used with Saturn IB Vehicles. A block diagram of the vehicle and ground equipment is illustrated in Figures 5.8- 1 and 5.8-2. Table 5.8-1 lists the television system characteristics. Figure 5.8-1 illustrates the path of the video signal from the camera, through the video register, to the transmitter. A description of the circuitry follows : The television cameras a r e small, having an outside diameter of 7 centimeters (1.75 inches) and a length of 35 centimeters (13.75 inches). The Saturn V television system will include two such cameras. The video register unit i s a sync generator and video multiplexing unit. This unit is capable of driving up to 4 cameras, accepting the video outputs of each, and multiplexing the output at either a field, frame, or 2-frame rate. The Saturn V system will be multiplexed at a 2-frame rate. Since there a r e actually 4 a r e a s to be viewed in the engine compartment and only 2 cameras, a

Camera Unit N ~1 ,

Control I Video No. 1 Optics Image

Sync Control Unit No. 1 Video-1


Video Register

F M Exciter


Carnem Unit No. 2

Control Video No. 2

Control Unit No. 2 Video-2 Sync Cornposite Video a r e ~ R L o ~ e l T i r n e - s h ~ Output F R/



Heat Shield



, '
IBM B13 2

Figure 5.8-1 S-IC Television Function Block Diagram 5.8-1

Astrionics System Section 5. 8 split fiber optic bundle is used on each camera. Each bundle is split at the lens end and uses two objective lenses. The view covered is shown in Figure 5.8-3. The output of the video register unit i s fed to the transmitter, which i s an FM system. The ground system shown in Figure 5.8-2 provides 2 units for recording the demodulated signal a s it is received and a system for real-time viewing. The systems used for recording the video a r e one broadcast-type video recorder and one kinescope recorder. Video recorded on both of these systems i s still in a multiplexed sequence. For real-time viewing, special equipment is required (i.e., sequence decoder and television viewing unit). The function of the sequence decoder i s to demultiplex the video signal and feed the output of f each camera to the same monitor. I the sequence decoder were used alone, the video being fed to each monitor would be composed of 2 frames of video followed by 2 blank frames. To eliminate the "blinking" picture caused by the above signal, the television viewing unit is provided. This unit uses a storage system and command signals from the sequence decoder to fill the blank 2frame time with video information from the previous frame. This gives a steady picture. The picture information rate, however, would be at 7-1/2 f r a m e s per second. Although the picture appears steady, motion would be jerky. Table 5.8-1 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Television Characteristics Transmitter Video bandwidth Modulation Deviation Output power Unmodulated frequency 8 MHz FM 10 MHz (for complete video 2. 5 watts (minimum) 1705 MHz


+ 0.20%

Video resolution (horizonal) of received picture 500 lines Closed Circuit Camera System Camera light sensitivity

10. 76 lumens/meter% (1. 0 foot candle)

8 MHz

Video bandwidth


Frame rate

39/second 2: 1 Interlace

Signal Processor and Distributor



Video Tape Machine Kinescope Recorder

Specifications of Television Ground Station for Support of Saturn Television Systems Parametric amplifier Gain Noise figure Frequency range 20 db (minimum) 1.35 db 1700 to 1720 MHz

Sequence Decoder

Television Viewing Unit

Display Monitor

Receiver Frequency range 1700 to 1720 MHz 90 db (minimum) 12 db (maximum)

Display Monitor

Gain Noise figures

IBM B133

Figure 5.8-2 Television Ground Receiving Station

Astrionics System Section 5.8 Table 5.8-1 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Television Characteristics (Cont) Signal Processing and Distributing Amplifier Video bandwidth Number of outputs Table 5.8-1 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Television Characteristics (Cont) Kinescope Recorder


8 MHz

Camera frame rate Film capacity Viewing Monitor Video bandwidth Video resolution (horizontal)


Sequence Decoder Video bandwidth each output Number of outputs selectable Switching time



8 MHz 1 to 16 0.1 us 5.5 MHz 38 cm/s (15 in. /s) 96 minutes

8 MHz 600 lines

Video Tape Recorder Video bandwidth Tape speed Recorder time

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