EasyChair Preprint 5874

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EasyChair Preprint

№ 5874

Electricity Bill Management System

Shubhanshu Yadav

EasyChair preprints are intended for rapid

dissemination of research results and are
integrated with the rest of EasyChair.

June 23, 2021

Shubhanshu Yadav

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Galgotias University

Greater Noida, U.P

[email protected]

Abstract It is a new concept of electronic credit re-

payment using Java Swing and MySQL,
Science and technology with all its thrilling where other existing electronic debt man-
advances have brought the standards of hu- agement methods use Java, PHP, Python, C
man life to the fore. The whole world will #, MS Access server. This system is designed
literally collapse without these new things. to keep records of customer debt. The ad-
This project is a novelty, which makes the ministrator can manage all accounts; users
method of paying for electricity easier com- registered as individual customers, transac-
pared to other existing projects. This pro- tion buyers can only manage their accounts
ject has been implemented using Java Swing and cannot see the details of other custom-
as before and MySQL as the latter. The aim ers. This plan helps to keep the bill and pay-
of the project is to create an application sys- ments. There are four modules namely Reg-
tem to reduce manual labor to manage the istration, Login, Admin and Billing screen.
number of units used by customers and to
generate an electricity bill depending on the SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION
type of customer - individual or commer-
cial. Displays customer details, depleted
units and credit history. It enables them to
pay off their debt if they are not paid. The Java is one of the computer languages
payment date will be updated when you pay aimed at the object. It has many C ++
the debt. It keeps accurate information and features. This language can be used to
easily captures future developments and create web-based applications.
changes. Highlights: Bill History, Bill Pay-
ment, Electronic Bill, Java Swing, MySQL, Java supports
Customer Type.
1. Data extraction and encapsulation.
2. Ina.
3.Polymorphism. Working Time. Since this code is a plat-
form.The private can be sent to any pro-
4.Strong Binding
gram we use or operate. These features
B. BENEFITS AND USE OF FREE enable the developer to upgrade the
browser programs. In fact, Java offers
As oops support the legacy and poly- an unlimited amount of saved applets
morphism, it removes unwanted codes and apps.Each item in Java is repre-
and extends the use of existing comput- sented by objects. All methods of data
ers classes. So, we can create programs and objects are reset within objects and
with classic performance model. This categories. Java provides many safe
ensures high productivity. Hiding data guards, has a strong operating time and
helps the program builder to build se- is compact to check the time. Java pro-
cure programs. vides protection against encryption is
designed as a waste language to release
It is easy to have too many things to be
organizers of almost all memory man-
present and to be better it may be bet-
agement problems.
ter. Software is easily complicated treat.

The following are the features of
Java, Swing API is a collection of expandable
GUI objects to reduce developer life to
1. Compiled and translated.
create Java terminals / GUI endpoints
2. The platform is independent and applications. Built on AWT. The API
portable. works as AWT exchange. The API has al-
most all controls corresponding to AWT
3. Focus on the object. controls. Part of the Swing follows a
4. Strong and secure. Model Build Model-View-Control
(MVC) filling
5. Distributed.
the following methods,
6. Normal, simple and small.
1.One API should be enough to support
7. It is widely read and interactive. multiple looks and feel.

8. High performance. 2. The API should be modeled to the

highest level
9. It is dynamic and expandable.
3. API does not need to have data.
Java Compiler compiles and translates
source code then generates machine
code that can be run directly by Java
4. API to use the Java Bean model for 4.Connected look and feel - Swing-
the builder tool and Integrated Develop- based GUI the look and feel of the app
ment Environment can provide better can be changed at startup according to
services for developers to use. available prices.


MVC Architecture. MySQL is the most open source for SQL

relationships data management system.
The architecture of the Swing API archi-
MySQL is one of the best RDBMS is used
tecture is based on the beauty of MVC in
for various web-based development
the following way.
software applications.
1. The model represents the component
The Relational Data Base Management Sys-
2. Views show visual representation of
tem (RDBMS) is that's software enables us
component data. to use the database with tables, columns
and indexes.
3. Control takes user input to view and
indicate changes in items data. Ensures basic integrity between lines vari-
ous tables.

Translates a SQL query and compiles the

Swing Features
data from various tables.
1.Light Weight - Swing parts are availa-
Automatically updates directions.
ble Stand alone with the traditional op-
erating system API as swing API con- RDBMS Terminology
trols are mostly implemented using
pure Java code instead of active applica- Database – A database is a collection of ta-
tion cells. bles with related data
Table – A table is a matrix with data. A table
2. Rich Controls - Swing offers a rich in a database looks like a simple spreadsheet.
set of advanced controls like tree,
tabbed window, slide,color picker and Redundancy – Storing data twice, redun-
table controls. dantly to make the system faster.

3. Highly customizable - Swing con- Primary key – A primary key is unique. A key
trols can be emphasized in a very sim- value cannot occur twice in one table. With a
ple way such as visual aids independent key, we can only find one row.
of internal representation.
Foreign key – A foreign key is a linking pin be-
tween two tables.
Compound key – A compound key (compo-
site key) is a key that consists of multiple col-
umns, because one column is not sufficient

Referential integrity – Referential integrity

makes sure that a foreign key value always
points to an existing row.

This screen contains various fields like first B. LOGIN
name, last name, address line1, address line2,
city, state, pin code, contact number, type of This screen contains various fields such as
customer, username, password. At first, ad- username and password. There are two dif-
ministrator should also register his/her de- ferent buttons called login and Sign up. The
tails. Choices for the type of customer are ad-
user must register their details to use this
min, individual and commercial. If any field is
left empty, a pop-up will be displayed after scheme. Once registered, they must only
submission. After the successful submission of register login using username and pass-
the details, a message named “Successfully word, he has entered at the time of registra-
registered” will be displayed and login screen tion. If the user is a manager, the adminis-
will appear. trator screen will be displayed. When the
user is alone customer or trading customer,
payment screen will be shown. This will
happen because of the following inside pro-
cedures. Once the user is logged in, the cus-
tomer type will do so will be downloaded
from the database by comparing the
username and password entered. Depend-
ing on the type of customer the required
screen will be called.

After the administrator login, the adminis-
trator screen will be shown. This screen
Fields on the payment screen include file
contains various fields such as user id,
units used, month and year. The adminis- details for customer, latest bill details,
trator must complete the details of the credit history, logout button. The whole
above categories. You only know the user field is displayed using a panel. So, abso-
id of lutely rented panels. Customer details, lo-
customer. The amount of the bill will be cated on the first panel include name, ad-
calculated according to the type of cus-
dress, contact number and customer
tomer that uses the units installed by the
administrator.There will be different types type.The latest details of the bill, which are
of taxes for different types of customers. in the second panel displays details of the
The supervisor should update the details current monthly bill and payment button.
regularly Once the user has already paid, the payment
the moon. button will not be enabled. If the user does
not pay, they can pay by clicking this pay
button. Bill's history in the third panel in-
cludes columns such as year, month, pay-
ment date, payment status and units used.
Once the user has paid the amount paid,
payment date and payment status will be
The sign-in button is located on the fourth Out of the box
panel. Structure used in this screen for pay- A key feature of NetBeans is the short-term
ment Grid setting. difference between installing it and starting
a meaningful creation applications in it. Ex-
cept for its essential plugin feature, no
much needs to be installed or repaired, be-
cause everything is available "out of the
box" as soon as we start it up.

Java Editor

The NetBeans editor who knows the lan-

guage finds errors while we type and help
us with popup pops and smart code encryp-
tion - all with speed and simplicity light-
weight text editor. Well, the Java editor in
TOOLS USED NetBeans is more than just a text editor -
A. NETBEANS target lines, matches words with brackets
NetBeans is a software development platform and prominent source codes syntactically
written in Java.The NetBeans platform allows and psychologically.
applications to be developed from a set of JAVA EE
software components called modules. Net-
Beans IDE is primarily intended for develop- NetBeans tools on the Java EE platform are
ment in Java, but also supports other lan- being developed at working closely with
guages, especially PHP, C / C ++ and HTML5. Java EE, Glass Fish and the Web Logic teams
NetBeans is a cross-platform and ongoing provide a strong and easy integration possi-
ble use of Java EE data.
Windows Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris and
other platforms support compatible JVM.


Worldwide, the keyword that appears most

often in the file The NetBeans context says
"Maven". The fact that there are no plugins
needs to be installed to use Maven and that
Maven projects It does not need to be im-
ported, but can be easily opened, by a key
feature introduced by the NetBeans user.
Internet of things REFERENCES

Directly from NetBeans we can create, [1]. Mobile Electronic Billing (MoBEBIS) -
test, debug, submit and profile apps that MRMS Rathnayaka, I.D.S. Jayasinghe, Enit-
will run on Raspberry Pi, cell phones, Jayanth, S.I Swarnajith MASC Mana-
PDAs, set-top boxes and other mobile de- mendra,G.Wimalaratne ,International
vices as well embedded programs. Journal of Science and ResearchBooks,
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013 5 ISSN
The NetBeans workspace can be easily
[2]. Electricity Fund Management Pro-
changed. We can customize buttons in the
gram Project Report, http://ignousup-
toolbar or drag and reset tabs in the appli-
port.blogspot.in/p/electricity power-bill-
cation frame to suit individual workflow
and disassembly tabs and drag them out
of app frame, even if you log in to a differ- [3]. Payment Product Project | JSP Pro-
ent monitor again modify keyboard jects -javatpoint, https://www.ja-
shortcuts to match our favorites. vatpoint.com/payment-billing product-
Git and Mercurial
[4]. Making Metering, Billing and Collec-
Without having to install any plugins, Net- tion Modern Program, Customer Relation-
Beans automatically allows us to work ship Management- Tripta Thakur, Gayatri
more easily and accurately across a wide Agnihotri and Chaturbhuj Ahirwar, of In-
range of popular translation programs, es- dia Technical Center, Kharagpur 721302,
pecially Git, Mercurial and apostasy. December 27-29, 2002.
CONCLUSION [5]. Automated Power Cost Generation
The Electrical Regulatory Control System Program - Syed Assra Shah, Bachelor of
uses Java Swing once MySQL was devel- Engineering (ECE), University Of Kashmir
oped with the help of NetBeans IDE suc- J&K, Srinagar, India, IOSR Journal of Elec-
cessfully. It is simple and practical. From tronics and Communication Engineering
this program performed in Java, is an in- (IOSR-JECE), ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN:
dependent platform. In the wider range of 2278-8735 Row 12, Issue 4, Ver. III
future expansions. All manual at once pa- (July.August 2017), PP 75-79.
perwork can be completely eliminated
from the payment branch. Accuracy and
reliability are certainly increasing. It does
is sure an unauthorized person cannot do
this system. This program provides safe
operation without any threats.

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