The Ship Design Package For Rhinoceros V5 Update December 2018

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Update December 2018


SD_NAUTILUS is Ship Design package plugin for Rhinoceros. Its purpose is to streamline the typical
tasks in shipbuilding tasks:

- Producing class documentation:

o Creating 3D model
o Creating bills of material with COG calculation
o Creating sections and views

- Producing workshop documentation:

o Creating 3D model
o Creating bills of material with profile lists and COG and weight calculation
o Creating views and sections for workshop drawings
o Extracting plate parts for cutting
o Creating profile lists and sketches
o Creating templates

It utilize power of built-in Rhinoceros® commands with powerful automated workflows in order to
get the results as fast as possible as accurate as possible.

Because it works within Rhinoceros, it inherits its good properties but also some imperfections may

There is limited model intelligence present within the tool as it is primary a 3D model
“postprocessor” type of software. It will work with any proper 3D model that can be imported into

For proper functionality of some commands, MS Excel is required


Typical workflow would be as simple as possible:

- 3D Modeling
- Positioning
- Creating Bill of Material
- Extraction of 2D sections/views, Extraction of plate parts for cutting, Extracting of profile
parts for profile sketches


- Basics

Starting advantage of SD tools plugin is that 3D model can be created without using the plugin itself.
Model can even be made in any 3D software that can export to Rhinoceros, or its model format can
be properly imported in Rhinoceros. Of course, there is always question of compatibility/conversion
between formats but that’s another issue…

This is possible because SD is actually a 3D model “postprocessor”. It takes ready 3D model and
applies its tools on it.

SD Package really depends on the quality of the model.

Because it is a postprocessor, it relies on geometrical properties of the parts and the data it can
extract from the model, requiring a lot of calculations to be made, and for some complex solids it
can be time consuming.

There are some guidelines of course that must be followed in order to use the package on the

- Model

Model should be placed in the 3D space so that its origin (0,0,0) matches the WCS origin and axes
must match the World Axes.

All parts must be closed polysurfaces to be valid model parts. Open polysurfaces or open surfaces
will cause errors and will be skipped. Closed surfaces are valid

Front and back faces of all parts must be single surfaces. If this is not the case, parts may not be
expanded properly. ( may happen on flanged brackets )

- Layer Structure

Rhino allows creating sublayers, which is great way of grouping similar objects within model.

In SD Tools we use sublayers to “generate” ship structure – in every model there are few main layers
( e.g. “SHELL”, “FRAMES”, “LONGITUDINALS”, “HORIZONTALS”, … ) and within each of that main

layer are several layers. For example “LONGITUDINALS” layer contains sublayers “CL”, “500 from CL”,
“1000 from CL” …

In naming layers please avoid using “keywords” OUTSIDE, INSIDE, MARK as these are layer names
are reserved for exporting parts for NC cutting.

Also, Layer “SHELL” ( or any name containing that word, like “SHELLPLATING” etc. ) and its sublayers
should contain only parts of the shell, because it is the way tools “know” which parts are shell
plating. Some tools are even designed to skip the shell parts in order to speed up calculations, so
placing “wrong” parts in this layer may cause undesired results.

Actual parts are always in the lowest-level sublayer named after the material the part is made of –
PL8 for plate 8, HP80x8 for Holland profile 80x8, L50x50x6 for angle bar 50x50x6… etc

Although you can make your own layer structure, the lowest level layer must be named after
material and only lowest level layers actually contain objects – This is mandatory!

PL Plate e.g. PL8, PL6.5

FB Flat bar e.g. FB100x8, FB120x10,
HP Holland profile e.g. HP180x8
L L profile (both equal and unequal sided) e.g. L50x50x6, L100x65x8…

PIPE Pipe e.g. PIPE60.3x4.5, 200x100x10
RBAR, RB Round bar e.g. RBAR50
HRB Half round bar e.g. HRB60x30
SQ Square bar e.g. SQ20
UNP UNP profile e.g. UNP120
U U profile (produced) e.g. U120x60x5

For the materials not listed above, you can use your own shortcuts.

For better results you should avoiding spaces in the material names. Also tend to use only small “x”
in materials like HP100x6 or L100x100x10

Regarding using different type of material, SD Tools work with steel Grade A as default.

If you need to define other types of material, you can define it through the layer name: e.g for plate
8 Grade AH36 simply give the following name to the layer PL8*AH36. “*” is the ‘signal’ that material
for all parts in that sublayer is not Grade A. On the same way you can make St.St. pipe:

After “*” you can put anything, but try to use the least complicated names if possible

Built-in material types:

Steel: A, B, E, D, AH32, AH36, DH32, DH36, EH32, EH36, Z

Stainless steel: St.St.

Aluminum: Al, AlMg3

Using these materials will automatically set correct material density for calculating weight and COG

In plugin data folder %AppData%\Nautilus_SD\ you can find text file MATERIAL.TXT

By adding extra lines to this file you can add/edit materials with custom density


After modeling is done, the next step is positioning of the parts within the model.

Before starting positioning, Model should be checked for basic errors that might happen during
modeling (open polysurfaces, bad parts…)

Automatic positioning tool is included in SD Tools. This tool will process the model and assign part
numbers to each solid element in the model. Tool parses the parts, looking for equal parts or
mirrored parts, and assign them the same or mirrored Pos ID (PS/SB)

After initializing positioner tool, you need to enter some general info about model: Project ID, Block
ID and Unit ID

Standard format for numbering parts is <UNIT_ID> - <PART_ID>

Because analysis is done by comparing geometric properties of each part, even the smallest
differences can cause the parts to be not recognized as equal/mirror. This is process is very
conservative, in order to avoid possible mistakes.

This is the most visible with profiles, because there is no model “intelligence” from modeling stage,
it may be difficult to determine profile orientation for non-symmetric profiles. In such cases tool will
assign different part IDs for “suspicious” parts to avoid mistake. It is always better to have two equal
parts with different part IDs than to have two different parts with same part ID. This can lead in
some cases to a number of equal parts with different IDs.

Because part ID is written in Rhino object standard ObjectName property, it can be manually
inspected and edited afterwards.

Here a caution is required: If you are not positioning entire model at one go, please check the last
used ID so after restarting the tool, it will offer to continue. However, if You manually edit part IDs,
make sure to remember the last used ID so that overlapping is avoided

There is also Part Renumber tool that reassigns the IDs to the parts to fill the ‘gaps’ in numbering
made during editing. The same caution for possible duplicating IDs is required if renumbering is not
done for the entire model.

Even if you manage to create duplicate IDs, there are some other tools that you will use after, that
will help you identify and solve this problem.

At this step you can set limits for max.width of parts or max.length for profiles. It will alert you if an
oversized part(s) are found. However, because this tool will not expand curved parts, it may not find
all oversized parts if they are curved, or even issue a false alarm if parts are too curved.


After Part IDs are assigned, you can make a Bill of Material, which includes:

- a list of all parts with its weight and COG,

- a profile list for cutting
- a plate and flat bar list with quantities per plate/FB type
- weight and COG for the entire model

Before start creating BOM, the model should be ‘Synced’ with PosSync command. This will do
additional checking of the model and also create some internal part data required for the future

All manual changes to the model and changes to the part IDs will be added to internal part data.
Syncing creates a snapshot of the model that can be used later to detect changes made to the model

When MatSpecAll tool is started, it will perform checking of the model, detecting all changes to the
model after the latest sync. It will also find duplicate parts – different parts that have the same ID

On the start it will ask you for the info that will appear in the header of each sheet ( Project ID, Unit
ID etc..) You can give a custom text here if required

After process is done, the xls file is created with several sheets. First sheet is a part list. It contains all
parts in the model. The second sheet is profile list, with all profiles listed with their lengths and total
length per profile type. Note that, for some special cases, for some bended profiles, the length may
appear incorrect. We are constantly improving this part but, due to post-processing nature of the
tool there still may occur some unforeseen situation so caution is advised.

In case you use command MatSpecAll2, the third sheet will contain specification of plate and flat bar
parts. It is similar to Profile spec.

The last sheet in the report contains data about total model weight and COG location

There is also command MatSpecClass which creates BOM and calculates weight and CoG for not
positioned model


Commands are not sorted, but can be roughly grouped in several groups:

- NC

NOTE: Commands added in December 2018 update are marked yellow


- Positioner

Assigns pos numbers (part IDs) to selected parts. Examines model, searching for identical or
mirrored parts and assigns them proper ID numbers (PS/SB for mirrored parts).
Works automatically.
Creates part ID textdots in COG of each element for visual inspection of the result.

Part IDs are created in the following format <UNITCODE> - <PARTID>

Because this is “postprocessor” type of software, for parts that are not aligned to main axes as well
as for non-symmetric profiles – the part matching algorithm is conservative and it will typically
assign different part IDs to even the same parts, if there is a chance that parts are not identical.

Also, algorithm cannot detect parts that are equal by all geometric properties and their only
difference is due to the different marking lines. This is rare occasion but can happen ad it should be
corrected manually.

- AddPos

Manualy assign pos numbers to part(s)

- PosRefresh

Recreates the textdots in COG of each part

- ClearPS/SB

Clears PS/SB suffix from selected part’s IDs

- UnitRename

“Renames” unit info for selected parts. Required when using elements from one unit into another.

Changes UNITCODE for selected parts

- ComparePos

After model snapshot is done with PosSync at certain point, this command creates a list (xls report)
of changed/modified parts in the current model compared to the “snapshot” (experimental

- ClearAllPos

Clears all data from the model. Use this with extreme caution, as it will erase all data from document
and from parts

- PosRenumber

Renumbers IDs within selected parts to fill the gaps that might appear in parts numbering

Caution is required because this command can create “duplicates” (different parts with the same
IDs) if used on just group of parts within the model

- PosSync

Synchronization of internal data for each element. Creates a snapshot of model that can later be
used in combination with ComparePos to track changes in the model

- MatSpecAll

Creates the material specification ( BOM) from the model in the excel. For more details see chapter

- MatSpecAll+

Similar to MatSpecAll, but creates additional sheet with specification for plates and flat bars. Also
gives gross rectangular dimensions for each part

- MatSpecClass

Creates material specification and calculates weight and CoG without positioning the model first.
Useful for models intended for Class documentation


- CheckValidObjects

Checks if all parts are valid. Required to be done after modeling phase in order to detect “bad” parts
in the model. “Bad” parts may cause malfunction in ‘Positioner’ command and other commands that
will process the model later

- MatchProperties

Matches Properties from source object to destination objects

- CAP all

Caps all open polysurfaces (implementation of Rhino CAP command)

- QuickMirror

Quickly mirrors anything selected over XZ plane

- PosMirror

Mirrors part taking into account its POSID. It will create PS+SB part pairs. If you do not want to
create PS/SB pairs, please use QuickMirror

- QuickPlate

Quickly creates flat plate part from boundary curves

- Part from surface

Create part by extruding the surface

- FlatBar

Creates flat bar solid along the face of another solid

- FlatBar2

Creates flat bar solid along the curve

- FacePlate

Creates faceplate Flat bar along the curve guide. Curve guide is located in the center of flat bar

- FlowAlongCurve

Implementation of Rhino command

- Sweep+cap

Combines sweep and cap Rhino commands in one

- Trim+Cap

Combines CutPlane, Trim and Cap Rhino command in one

- MultiFlowHP

Create HP profile along several curves

If used for first time, command will ask for library location. You should point to PROFILE folder inside
library (do not select HP subfolder – the command will fail)

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile. After that you need to select the profile
orientation. Red axis indicates profile thickness throw, while green axis indicates profile height

For the proper results you should choose only parallel or near parallel target curves in one go. If you
select arbitrary target curves profile orientation will be messed up and results will be invalid

- MultiFlowLeq

Create equal sided L profile along several curves

If used for first time, command will ask for library location. You should point to PROFILE folder inside
library (do not select Leq subfolder – the command will fail)

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile. After that you need to select the profile
orientation. Red axis indicates profile thickness throw, while green axis indicates profile height

For the proper results you should choose only parallel or near parallel target curves in one go. If you
select arbitrary target curves profile orientation will be messed up and results will be invalid

- MultiFlowLueq

Create unequal sided L profile along several curves

If used for first time, command will ask for library location. You should point to PROFILE folder inside
library (do not select Lueq subfolder – the command will fail)

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile. After that you need to select the profile
orientation. Red axis indicates profile thickness throw, while green axis indicates profile height

For the proper results you should choose only parallel or near parallel target curves in one go. If you
select arbitrary target curves profile orientation will be messed up and results will be invalid

-MultiFlowLRot (New Command)

Create equal sided L profile along several curves. L profile with both of its ends touches the plate

If used for first time, command will ask for library location. You should point to PROFILE folder inside
library (do not select Lrot subfolder – the command will fail)

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile. After that you need to select the profile
orientation. Red axis indicates profile thickness throw, while green axis indicates profile height

For the proper results you should choose only parallel or near parallel target curves in one go. If you
select arbitrary target curves profile orientation will be messed up and results will be invalid

- MultiFlowPipe (New Command)

Create Pipe along several curves.

After starting the command, it will ask for diameter and wall thickness.

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile.

- MultiFlowRBar (New Command)

Create round along several curves.

After starting the command, it will ask for round bar diameter

You need to select curves that will be used to create profile.

- CopyObjects2Layer (New Command)

Move or Copy selected objects with its material layer to current layer. If layer of the object to be
moved already exist as sublayer, object will be assigned to this existing sublayer. If sublayer does not
exist, it will be created and object will be assigned to it

Default mode is Copy=No, so object will be moved. If you select Copy, object will be copied to new
layer. If object is-preselected it will be moved

- DG2GRID (New Command)

Draws frame grid based on info from design grid file


- FindNoPos

Finds elements with no PosID assigned

- FindPSSB

Finds all elements with PS-SB suffix assigned

- FindPlates

Selects all plate elements in the model

- FindNonPlanarPlates

Selects all parts which are not parallel to the main planes. (* we are still working on this. final goal is
to make it select all elements that are not planar in respect to any plane)

- FindFlatBars

Selects all flatbar parts in the model

- FindNonPlanarFlatBars

Same as for nonPlanar plates but works with flatbars

- FindProfiles

Selects all Profile parts in the model

- GroupByBoundary

Combines SelBoundary and Group Rhino command

- IsolateByColor

Isolates all parts of selected color (material)

- IsolateByName

Isolates parts with the same name

- SelectSubLayer

Selects all parts with given sublayer (material)


- PartProject

Extracts selected plate parts from the model. Flat parts will be converted to contour with marking
lines and marking text ready for nesting, while curved parts will only be unrolled. Non delvelopable
parts will be skipped

After selecting parts for extraction there is series of questions:

- DESIGNGRID: You need to provide a DesignGrid xls file with info about framelists,
longitudinals list and horizontals list. These lists are used for adding proper marking text on
the marking lines.
If DesignGrid has been already loaded, it will offer to skip the re-loading. If you changed the
DesignGrid or you changed a model without closing/restarting Rhino app, then you should
re-load the DesignGrid.
o Frames, text on marking line will be added in format FRxx+yy , where XX is the
closest frame and yy is the distance to the nearest frame ( if marking line is not
directly on the frame ). There is small tolerance built in, that can override the
mistakes in the model that cause wrong text on the markinglines
o Longitudinals and horizontals. When algorithm finds a marking line, it will look up in
DesignGrid table to find a match. If match is found, then text from the DesignGrid
will be placed on the markingline. If the match is not found, then true location of the
markingline will be written

- SKIP SHELL PARTS YES/NO: Since this command handles only flat and developable parts,
skipping the shell parts will significantly speed up the process. Skipping shell parts will also
suppress showing up markinglines from the shell parts
o Marking_Backside: Enable this option if two sided marking is required for the parts.
Marking lines on face side will be in cyan color and MARK layer, while backside
marking will be in orange color and MARK1 layer
o Part_ID: enable this option if you wand Part ID marked on the part
o PART_ID on Marking: Enable this option if you want to have PART ID written on
bigger marking lines
- Default throw thickness: Select throw thickness in all 3 directions
o Important note: Throw thickness is calculated the following way:
 HP profiles: throw thickness is always in direction of the bulb
 Plates, flat bars and profiles other than HP: marking line location is found in
DesignGrid, throw thickness from the table will be used. If the location is not
found, then default throw thickness will be used
- Name style in unit text ( Block or Unit) :
o for each part 4 fields are generated U(nit), P(os),T(hickness) and M(aterial)
o In this option you can choose if unit text will be :

 <Project ID> - <Block ID> or
 <Project ID> - <Unit ID>

Because this is postprocessor, it analyzes each part in the model and creates marking lines by
detecting contacts between the parts. In some special cases, or due to poor modeling (no contact/
or partial contact between the parts, “microtwisted” parts) algorithm may not be able to properly
calculate the marking line. These situations must be manually corrected

When part has markinglines on both sides, and Marking_Backside=Disabled, algorithm will choose
side with more marking lines to be face side for the plate. If you need to override this, you have to
use FaceOrient command that will assign which side of the part will be used as face.

- PartProject2

Simple version of PartProject command, which does not ask questions and does not require
DesignGrid, but provides much more “rough” result

- FaceOrient

Support command for PartProject, that allows to choose which side of the plate will be treated as

- MultiExpand

Use this tool to expand developable and undevelopable shell parts. The tool relies on Rhino
commands Unroll and Squish, which can if used properly, yield good results.

Before starting expansion process, you need to prepare Design Grid.

Details about Design Grid you can find under DesignGrid, FrameGrid, LongGrid and HorGrid
Purpose of Design Grid in this case is to create a network of marking lines that will be expanded
together with the parts. To do so use a.m. commands for working with Grid
Next step is to create midsurface for each part you want to expand. This is important because
midsurface is actually the “neutral” surface in the part – expanding that surface creates the true size
of the part. After that network of created marking lines needs to be projected to the midsurfaces.

The final stage is to apply the MultiExpand command. After selecting parts and lines, it may take
some time ( depending on the numper and complexity of the parts ).
Tool will evaluate the results for each part ,and in case of deformations exceeding 1% will inform you
to throughly check the expanded part. Parts with larger deformations will have red bounding box for
fast identification.
If deformations after expanding are unaceptable, please consider creating the surface again, as
simple as possible, in order to get correct results.

- MultiUnroll

Simple version of MultiExpand, but applies only Unroll if possible.

- MultiSquish

Simple version of MultiExpand, but applies only Squish. Here a caution is advised, because for
developable parts, squish may yield incorrect result. You should always use unroll before squish

- Squish’n’Group

Command script that combines several rhino commands that performs squishing surface with curves
on it and groups results at the end

- Unroll’n’Group

Command script that combines several rhino commands that performs unrolling surface with curves
on it and groups results at the end

- PartShell

Create midsurface of the part. Applicable for MultiExpand, MultiUnroll and MultiSquish commands

- Profile2D-3P

Projects all profiles to XY plane, giving them in 4 views ( 4 Views Europe )

This command relies on Rhino Make2D command, therefore export layers must be set for visible and
hidden lines and tangent edges

- Profile2D-1P

Similar to Profile2D-3P , but creates only main view of the profile with orientation marks on profile
edges ( UP/DOWN, PS/SB, AFT/FWD – depending on the position of the profile in 3D space ) .It is not
showing tangent edges and produces more clear output

- Profile2D-1P+

Similar to Profile2D-3P , but creates only main view of the profile with orientation marks on profile
edges ( UP/DOWN, PS/SB, AFT/FWD – depending on the position of the profile in 3D space ) .It
shows tangent edges. To be used when Profile2D-1P is not showing all edges properly


- CheckOpenCrv

Checks if any of selected curve are open

- CurveEnds

Indicates start and end for the selected curves

- DrawMark

Draws straight mark line.

- DrawCLMark

Draws CL marking line

- MarkByDot

Adds marking “tick” to existing line. You need to click near the line at location where you want a
“tick” to appear.

- Mark_Auto

Automatically creates marking lines from intersection “rectangles” between the parts.

- MarkSwitch

Switches Face and BackFace marking lines

- NestLayers

Creates set of layers required for export parts for cutting:

- OUTSIDE outside contour (red color)

- INSIDE inside contour (magenta color)
- MARK marking lines on face (cyan color)

- MARK1 marking lines on backface (orange color)
- TEXTP part data text (white color)
- TEXTS marking text (green color)
- BOUNDS part boundary – closed polyline that encloses all elements of one part
(curves and text)

- LabelCrv

Assigns the name to the selected curves. Can use predefined lists from excel

- LabelTxt

Generates text for labeling section views or marking lines. Can create labels for frames (“FRxx”),
longitudinals (“xx from CL”), horizontals (”xx ABL”) and general notes (no suffix/prefix). Can use
predefined lists from excel

- NameDot

Creates text dot base on available part info. Text dot is in form of text data that will be included in
NC file

- Dot2Text

Converts selected textdot to text in either TEXTP or TEXTS layer

- Name2Text

Creates text from part ID

- MatTxt

Creates text from material data for the part

- MirrorPart

Creates mirror of the part, and swapping PS<->SB if found. Usable for quick producing mirrored parts
for cutting

- PartOutline

Creates outline of the surface, with detection of outside and inside contours and setting it to correct


- Autoleader

Creates a leader for each selected part. Arrow point is placed in the COG of the part, and leader text
is consisted of part ID and part material

- Autoleader2

Similar to Autoleader, only leader lines are distributed in circular pattern, to minimize overlapping

- RemapCP2XY

Remaps selected object from current CP to XY plane

- RemapObjects

Remaps selected object from current Source CP to one or more destination CPlanes

- ISOView

-create isometric view of selected object. There is option to add leaders to some of the parts and
also to textdots. Great for providing isometric views with leaders

- Dot3Dpt

Requires DesignGrid. Places Dots on selected points and also creates list of selected points in Excel
with their coordinates ( X coordinates are presented in FR+xxx format )

- Dot3DPtX

Places textdot on selected point in model. Text in the textdot is X coordinate of the selected point

- Dot3DptXsrf

Same as Dot3DptX, but point must be on surface

- Dot3DPtY

Places textdot on selected point in model. Text in the textdot is Y coordinate of the selected point

- Dot3DptYsrf

Same as Dot3DptY, but point must be on surface

- Dot3DPtZ

Places textdot on selected point in model. Text in the textdot is Z coordinate of the selected point

- Dot3DptZsrf

Same as Dot3DptZ, but point must be on surface

- CurveNormal

Command script that creates curve normal to selected curve (several Rhino commands grouped

- Mat2Ann

Creates either leader or textdot based on the material property of selected object.

- SD_Dim

Rapid dimensioning tool. After selecting base point, creates horizontal or vertical dimensions
between the base point and points selected after that

- SD_DimAligned

Places dimensions aligned to selected curves

- RadiusDim

Quickly places radius dimension on all selected radiuses (only 100mm or less in size).

Great for dimensioning scallops

- Symbol/Double end symbol (New command – beta version)

Inserting symbol or double end symbol to the midpoint of selected curve. Use this to add weld
symbols, part continuity symbols, and other symbols as block instances

You can add your own symbols in the library, in symbol folder. Do not forget to add file name also
into text file within the same folder

- Material to Leader/text (New command)

Creates either Leader or text based on the material property of selected object. Used for placing
material labels on drawing

- Profil2Line (New command – beta version)

Converts HP profile or L profile into the line. This is convenient for producing simplified profile
representation on class drawings

-ProfileEnd / DoubleEndSymbol (New command – beta version)

Put profile end symbol “Sniped” or “Flat” end at the end of the line, or on both ends


- FastSection (New command – beta version)

New automatic sectioning tool based on Design Grid. Creates section on selected Named Cplanes
from Design Grid.

This new tool also takes into account far and near side of the section as well as the defined thickness
throw for the particular section.

Positions of near and far side section plane are created based on the actual situation in the section,
type and the thickness of the materials in the section plane. It also takes into account the thickness
throw orientation

You can separately set reach for far and near side of the section plane.

All parts that are completely inside the reach zone will not be cut – they will appear in the section as

Parts that intersect either near or far ( or both) section planes are treated as follows:

-Parts in “Shell” layer and its sublayers create green lines in the section.

-Parts that intersect only the near side or both near and far side of the section plane create blue
lines in the section

-Parts that intersect only the far side of the section plane create red lines in the section

- Parts that do not intersect any of the section planes but are partially in the reach produce white
lines. Continuous line if on the near side or dashed if on the far side.

Due to the indefinite number of situations that may appear, in some situations some lines may not
appear correctly or even not appear at all. We are still developing this function, so please verify your
section with 3D model

- SectionFrame

Creates traversal section of the selected model and places it to XY plane. All section tools implement
“reach” which represents how far from the section plane both in front and behind, parts will be
grabbed. If part is found that is entirely inside the “reach” zone, it will be completely included in the
section. If part is found which only partially enters the reach zone, from such part only surfaces that
are entirely inside reach zone will be included. Goal of the reach is to improve the section when it is
converted to 2D drawing. Shell parts may spoil the section so there is option to exclude shell parts
from the reach function. In that case surfaces of shell parts that are in reach zone will be ignored
(e.g. shell plate edges)

- SectionLong

Creates longitudinal section of the selected model and places it to XY plane.

See SectionFrame command for more details

- SectionHor

Creates horizontal section of the selected model and places it to XY plane.

See SectionFrame command for more details

- SFrameW

Creates traversal section of the selected model in place.

In this case reach only collect complete nearby parts. There is option that it may also include parts
that are passing through section

- SLongW

Creates longitudinal section of the selected model in place.

See SFrameW for more details

- SHorW

Creates horizontal section of the selected model in place.

See SFrameW for more details

- CPSection

Selects parts on CPlane.

“Reach” defines the bounding box around CPlane to select parts in the model

It prompts to assign CPlane to a object in the model. If nothing is selected ( just press enter ) current
CPlane is used

- CPSelection

Selects parts on the selected Named CPlane. If Named CPlanes are not defined, it will use current
CPlane to create selection within the given reach

“Reach” defines the bounding box around CPlane to select parts in the model

- CPSectionR

Creates a section based on the current CPlane.

Section is made with remaining structure ( parts in the in the section are skipped )


Creates a section of only the shell parts based on the current CPlane.

Shell parts are the parts within SHELL layer/sublayers


Create section based on the selected Named Cplane. If Named CPlanes are not defined, it will use
current CPlane

Command selects all parts within the given reach and creates section with the remaining structure


The same as previous but makes section only with the Shell

-Make2DxBatch (New command)

Make2D on each selected object separately (one by one) and attempts to join the resulting curves

-Remap2Section (New command)

Copy selected object to the chosen Named Cplane Although you select W_xxx cplane, objects will be
copied to the H_xxx cplane

-DrawSectionAxis / DrawSectionAxis_S (New command)

Draw section axis on all or only selected sections ( H_xxx named CPlanes )


Design Grid is MS Excel file that contains data about locations of frames, longitudinals and
For each of them there is info about section name, section coordinate and thickness throw
This info is required by various commands in SD Package:

- for automatic creation of 2D sections

- For converting coordinates to text (e.g. X = 12050 -> FR24+50 (at frame distance 500mm) in some
- For creating marking lines on parts – to properly determine thickness throw of marking lines
- For quick creation of marking lines on shell parts

After importing Design grid into the model, for each defined plane in the xls file will be created 2
named CPlanes “W_xxx” and “H_xxx” . “W_” Cplane is actual plane in the model and “H_” is its pair
in 2D (laying somewhere in the world XY plane)

- DG2CP / DG2CPAll (Major Update)

Loads only selected or all DesignGrid planes into the model

- DG2LAY / DG2LAYAll (New command)

Creates layer structure according to the Design grid file

- DesignGrid_Save (New command)

Save all defined sections (Named Cplanes ) into the excel file.

Note that only properly created section planes with given tools will create proper data in the
exported file

- AddCP_Frame (New command)

Based on selected point and given thickness throw, creates new entry traversal section in the design

- AddCP_Long (New command)

Based on selected point and given thickness throw, creates new entry longitudinal section in the
design grid

- AddCP_Hor (New command)

Based on selected point and given thickness throw, creates new entry horizontal section in the
design grid

- DesignGrid_Save (New command)

Save DesignGrid entries from the model into the xls file

- DesignGrid_Verify (New command)

Verifies the DesignGrid data in the model.

- DesignGrid_Edit/DesignGrid_Del (New command)

Remove DesignGrid entries that are not needed or purge all DesignGrid entries from the model

- DesignGrid

Loads all three grids from DesignGrid and creates marking lines

- FrameGrid

Loads only frame grid from DesignGrid and creates marking lines

- LongGrid

Loads only Longitudinal grid from DesignGrid and creates marking lines

- HorGrid

Loads only Horizontal grid from DesignGrid and creates marking lines


- Bracket250x250

Creates bracket 250x250mm

- Bracket300x300

Creates bracket 250x250mm

- Bracket

Creates bracket – First you need to specify main dimensions for the bracket, and then you need to
specify the edges of the bracket in counterclockwise direction


- Scalops

Variuos radius scallops

- AirHoles

Cutouts are placed by selecting point. Red axis determines direction of the air hole and green axis
determines air hole height

- Manholes

Manhole is placed at selected point (center of the manhole). For custom manholes you can select


Various end cuts are created. Selected point determines start point:

If V end cut is used. Point must be at the middle of the profile.

If “one side” snipe is used, point determine corner of the profile where snipe will be applied.

Red axis determines direction of the profile, Green axis is on the traversal edge of the profile


- ResetViewports

Resets CPlanes of all views and to default CPlane

- DefaultCP (New command)

Restores the default CPlane for the active view

- CP 3point (Project ON)

Version of standard Rhino command for placing CPlane with 3 points, but with respect to PROJECT
ON/OFF. It disables PROJECT before selecting 3 points and locks it afterwards

- CP Object (Project ON)

Version of standard Rhino command for placing CPlane to object, but with respect to PROJECT
ON/OFF. It unlocks PROJECT before selecting object and locks it afterwards

- CP Surface (Project ON)

Version of standard Rhino command for placing CPlane to surface, but with respect to PROJECT
ON/OFF. It unlock PROJECT before selecting surface and locks it afterwards

- HideShell

Hides all objects in SHELL layer (and its sublayer). Please see notes about layer naming

- ShowShell

Unhide only objects in SHELL layer (and its sublayer). Please see notes about layer naming

- Join curves (New command buttons)

First command button joins curves with tangency option (a variant of Rhino ‘SelChain’ command)

Second command joins curves with end to end connection (a variant of Rhino ‘SelChain’ command)

- Color2Khaki / Color2Gray (New commands)

Changes color property of selected objects to predefined Rhino colors Khaki or Darkgray

- Clear Model (New command buttons)

First button removes all visible curves and points from the model

Second button removes everything except surfaces and polysurfaces from the model ( visible only!)

- Mirror current CPlane (New command button )

Mirrors the current CPlane (PS/SB side ) and isolates all objects in the 200mm reach

- Add new CPlane (New command button )

Adds new Cplane aligned to the selected object’s surface. Previous CPlane objects remain visible

- SelectByCP (New command button )

Isolates objects within 200mm from the current CPlane

- ClipOnCP

Creates 2 clipping planes before and after the current CP, at given distance

- Disable / Delete all clipping planes (New command buttons)

Disables or deletes all clipping planes in the model


- Solid2Srf

Replaces solid with its largest surface. Puts the surface in the layer that represents the plate

- Solid2Srf2

Replaces solid with its largest surface. Puts the surface in the layer that represents the plate

In addition to Solid2Srf command, this one performs Shrink2Fit and untrim to fill the scalops and
holes in the part


In this section are various variants of calculations

- ProfileProp_HP (New command)

Calculates section modulus for HP and the attached plate

- ProfileProp_Leq / ProfileProp_Luneq (New commands)

Calculates section modulus for equal or unequal angle bar and the attached plate

- ProfileProp_T (New command)

Calculates section modulus for T profile and attached plate

- ProfileProp_custom (New command)

Calculates section modulus for custom profile

- TankVolumes (New command – beta version)

You need to create a solid for each tank. Tank info is stored in the layers structure:

- Layer should contain tank name and tank location (e.g. Tank Nr.18 )

- Sublayer should contain additional info like tank location (e.g. Ballast tank DB PS )

After that, an excel report is created with all tank listed, their volumes and center of gravity


OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................... 1
THE WORKFLOW ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3D MODELING (PRINCIPLE) ................................................................................................................. 2
- Basics............................................................................................................................................. 2
- Model ............................................................................................................................................ 2
- Layer Structure.............................................................................................................................. 2
POSITIONING....................................................................................................................................... 4
CREATING B(ILL) O(F) M(ATERIAL) ...................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF ACTIVE COMMANDS .................................................................................................................. 6
POSITIONER......................................................................................................................................... 7
- Positioner ...................................................................................................................................... 7
- AddPos .......................................................................................................................................... 7
- PosRefresh .................................................................................................................................... 7
- ClearPS/SB..................................................................................................................................... 7
- UnitRename .................................................................................................................................. 7
- ComparePos .................................................................................................................................. 7
- ClearAllPos .................................................................................................................................... 8
- PosRenumber ................................................................................................................................ 8
- PosSync ......................................................................................................................................... 8
- MatSpecAll .................................................................................................................................... 8
- MatSpecAll+ .................................................................................................................................. 8
- MatSpecClass ................................................................................................................................ 8
MODEL ................................................................................................................................................ 9
- CheckValidObjects ........................................................................................................................ 9
- MatchProperties ........................................................................................................................... 9
- CAP all ........................................................................................................................................... 9
- QuickMirror................................................................................................................................... 9
- PosMirror ...................................................................................................................................... 9
- QuickPlate ..................................................................................................................................... 9
- Part from surface .......................................................................................................................... 9
- FlatBar ........................................................................................................................................... 9
- FlatBar2 ....................................................................................................................................... 10
- FacePlate ..................................................................................................................................... 10
- FlowAlongCurve .......................................................................................................................... 10

- Sweep+cap .................................................................................................................................. 10
- Trim+Cap ..................................................................................................................................... 10
- MultiFlowHP ............................................................................................................................... 10
- MultiFlowLeq .............................................................................................................................. 10
- MultiFlowLueq ............................................................................................................................ 11
-MultiFlowLRot (New Command) ................................................................................................. 11
- MultiFlowPipe (New Command) ................................................................................................. 11
- MultiFlowRBar (New Command) ................................................................................................ 11
- CopyObjects2Layer (New Command) ......................................................................................... 12
- DG2GRID (New Command) ......................................................................................................... 12
FIND................................................................................................................................................... 13
- FindNoPos ................................................................................................................................... 13
- FindPSSB...................................................................................................................................... 13
- FindPlates .................................................................................................................................... 13
- FindNonPlanarPlates................................................................................................................... 13
- FindFlatBars ................................................................................................................................ 13
- FindNonPlanarFlatBars ............................................................................................................... 13
- FindProfiles ................................................................................................................................. 13
- GroupByBoundary....................................................................................................................... 13
- IsolateByColor ............................................................................................................................. 14
- IsolateByName ............................................................................................................................ 14
- SelectSubLayer ............................................................................................................................ 14
PARTS ................................................................................................................................................ 15
- PartProject .................................................................................................................................. 15
- PartProject2 ................................................................................................................................ 16
- FaceOrient................................................................................................................................... 16
- MultiExpand ................................................................................................................................ 16
- MultiUnroll .................................................................................................................................. 17
- MultiSquish ................................................................................................................................. 17
- Squish’n’Group ........................................................................................................................... 17
- Unroll’n’Group ............................................................................................................................ 17
- PartShell ...................................................................................................................................... 17
- Profile2D-3P ................................................................................................................................ 17
- Profile2D-1P ................................................................................................................................ 17
- Profile2D-1P+ .............................................................................................................................. 18
NC ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

- CheckOpenCrv............................................................................................................................. 19
- CurveEnds ................................................................................................................................... 19
- DrawMark ................................................................................................................................... 19
- DrawCLMark ............................................................................................................................... 19
- MarkByDot .................................................................................................................................. 19
- Mark_Auto .................................................................................................................................. 19
- MarkSwitch ................................................................................................................................. 19
- NestLayers................................................................................................................................... 19
- LabelCrv ...................................................................................................................................... 20
- LabelTxt ....................................................................................................................................... 20
- NameDot ..................................................................................................................................... 20
- Dot2Text ..................................................................................................................................... 20
- Name2Text .................................................................................................................................. 20
- MatTxt ......................................................................................................................................... 20
- MirrorPart ................................................................................................................................... 20
- PartOutline .................................................................................................................................. 21
DRAW ................................................................................................................................................ 22
- Autoleader .................................................................................................................................. 22
- Autoleader2 ................................................................................................................................ 22
- RemapCP2XY ............................................................................................................................... 22
- RemapObjects ............................................................................................................................. 22
- ISOView ....................................................................................................................................... 22
- Dot3Dpt....................................................................................................................................... 22
- Dot3DPtX..................................................................................................................................... 22
- Dot3DptXsrf ................................................................................................................................ 23
- Dot3DPtY ..................................................................................................................................... 23
- Dot3DptYsrf ................................................................................................................................ 23
- Dot3DPtZ ..................................................................................................................................... 23
- Dot3DptZsrf................................................................................................................................. 23
- CurveNormal ............................................................................................................................... 23
- Mat2Ann ..................................................................................................................................... 23
- SD_Dim........................................................................................................................................ 23
- SD_DimAligned ........................................................................................................................... 23
- RadiusDim ................................................................................................................................... 24
- Symbol/Double end symbol (New command – beta version) .................................................... 24
- Material to Leader/text (New command)................................................................................... 24

- Profil2Line (New command – beta version) ............................................................................... 24
-ProfileEnd / DoubleEndSymbol (New command – beta version) ............................................... 24
SECTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 25
- FastSection (New command – beta version) .............................................................................. 25
- SectionFrame .............................................................................................................................. 25
- SectionLong ................................................................................................................................. 26
- SectionHor .................................................................................................................................. 26
- SFrameW ..................................................................................................................................... 26
- SLongW ....................................................................................................................................... 26
- SHorW ......................................................................................................................................... 26
- CPSection .................................................................................................................................... 26
- CPSelection ................................................................................................................................. 27
- CPSectionR .................................................................................................................................. 27
-CPSectionRS ................................................................................................................................. 27
-CPSelectionR ................................................................................................................................ 27
-CPSelectionRS .............................................................................................................................. 27
-Make2DxBatch (New command) ................................................................................................. 27
-Remap2Section (New command) ................................................................................................ 27
-DrawSectionAxis / DrawSectionAxis_S (New command) ........................................................... 28
DESIGN GRID ..................................................................................................................................... 29
- DG2CP / DG2CPAll (Major Update)............................................................................................. 29
- DG2LAY / DG2LAYAll (New command) ....................................................................................... 29
- DesignGrid_Save (New command) ............................................................................................. 29
- AddCP_Frame (New command).................................................................................................. 29
- AddCP_Long (New command) .................................................................................................... 30
- AddCP_Hor (New command) ...................................................................................................... 30
- DesignGrid_Save (New command) ............................................................................................. 30
- DesignGrid_Verify (New command) ........................................................................................... 30
- DesignGrid_Edit/DesignGrid_Del (New command) .................................................................... 30
- DesignGrid ................................................................................................................................... 30
- FrameGrid ................................................................................................................................... 30
- LongGrid ...................................................................................................................................... 30
- HorGrid ....................................................................................................................................... 30
BRACKETS .......................................................................................................................................... 31
- Bracket250x250 .......................................................................................................................... 31
- Bracket300x300 .......................................................................................................................... 31

- Bracket ........................................................................................................................................ 31
CUTOUTS ........................................................................................................................................... 32
- Scalops ........................................................................................................................................ 32
- AirHoles ....................................................................................................................................... 32
- Manholes .................................................................................................................................... 32
ENDCUTS ........................................................................................................................................... 32
MISC .................................................................................................................................................. 33
- ResetViewports ........................................................................................................................... 33
- DefaultCP (New command) ........................................................................................................ 33
- CP 3point (Project ON) ................................................................................................................ 33
- CP Object (Project ON)................................................................................................................ 33
- CP Surface (Project ON) .............................................................................................................. 33
- HideShell ..................................................................................................................................... 33
- ShowShell .................................................................................................................................... 33
- Join curves (New command buttons) ......................................................................................... 33
- Color2Khaki / Color2Gray (New commands) .............................................................................. 33
- Clear Model (New command buttons) ....................................................................................... 33
- Mirror current CPlane (New command button ) ........................................................................ 33
- Add new CPlane (New command button ) ................................................................................. 33
- SelectByCP (New command button ) .......................................................................................... 33
- ClipOnCP ..................................................................................................................................... 34
- Disable / Delete all clipping planes (New command buttons).................................................... 34
SOLID2SURFACE ................................................................................................................................ 34
- Solid2Srf ...................................................................................................................................... 34
- Solid2Srf2 .................................................................................................................................... 34
CALCULATIONS.................................................................................................................................. 34
- ProfileProp_HP (New command) ................................................................................................ 34
- ProfileProp_Leq / ProfileProp_Luneq (New commands) ........................................................... 34
- ProfileProp_T (New command) .................................................................................................. 34
- ProfileProp_custom (New command) ........................................................................................ 34
- TankVolumes (New command – beta version) ........................................................................... 34


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