FS1 Episode 3.1, 3.2

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Episode 3.

Pg. 35


Name of the School Observed: Silay SPED-Center

School Address: Silay City, Negros Occidental
Date of Visit: November 14, 2022

During Class:

1. There are a lot of interaction in the classroom and it is mainly between the teacher
and the students. The students interact with the teacher by asking questions, answering
questions, and participating in discussion. Based on my observation, there are groups
that interact with the teacher more than others, such as the students who sit in the back
2. Upon observing those learners seated at the back and the front part of the room, I
can really say that they behave and interact differently. Those who seated appear to be
quiet and shy to interact while those learners who seated at the back really loves to
communicate or interact and sometimes they are the one who starts the conversation
using sign language.
3. When it comes to the relationship of the learners, being them cooperative is what I
always observed rather than being competitive against each other. I have always
noticed that they are working together to accomplish the task given to them, especially
when we are practicing their dance for the Children’s Night last November 10.
4. Among them, Neoniel and Vince are the two students who often participated in the
class actively. And upon observing, the student who ask for help is Pauline who is
partially blind.
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, their other
classmates who knew the answer will just raise their hands so that the teacher will call
them instead, and that’s their way also to save classmate or help their classmate.

Outside Class:

1. I have noticed that they are actually grouping themselves outside class by their interests.
It is also great that the students with special needs are grouping themselves by interest
because it shows that they are comfortable with each other and are interested in the same
things. This is a good way for them to connect with each other and learn more about their
shared interests.
2. Those students who prefer to be alone and are not interacting that much, I think they are
may be trying to figure out how to interact with their peers, or they may be feeling
frustrated and confused. What I have observed is that, they are often quiet and if it is
recess time, they prefer to eat alone than sitting with others. But if you’re gonna talk to
them, thankfully they are responding.

Pg. 36 Analyze

1. During my 1st week of observation, I have already identify those students who play key
roles in the relationship and interactions in the classroom. The one who appears to be the
leader is either Vince or Noeniel, the joker of the class is definitely Noeniel, the one who
seems to be attention seeker is also Noeniel, as for being a little teacher, its Vince and
there’s no one in the class who’s being a doubter.
Vince or Noeniel as Leaders: When the teacher is not present, I frequently see that they
take the lead or are in charge of the class. And the factor that affect his behavior can be
immediate environmental factors such as peers, family and school.

Noeniel as the Joker: He has reputation for being very witty and clever about things.And
the factor that affect his behavior can be immediate environmental factors such as peers
and family.

Noeniel as the Attention Seeker: He is actually seeks attention in a good away. He truly
makes an effort to attract attention. He frequently asks me questions that have nothing to
do with the lesson and merely seems to enjoy interacting with other people. And the factor
that affect his behavior can be immediate environmental factors such as peers and family.

Vince as a Little Teacher: He is one of the class's smartest students, and he also share his
knowledge to his peers. And the factor that affect his behavior can be immediate
environmental factors such as school leaders and teachers.

2. Upon observing, there’s no one in the class who appear left out. Actually, each students
are doing their best to interact towards each other. Actually, the teacher is trying her very
best to prevent one of her students from being left by asking each students if the lesson is
clear and understandable. Sometime, she also let all the students sit in front of the
classroom by moving their chairs forward so that she can address all the questions or
concerns of her students.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
The teacher influences the class interaction by creating a learning
environment that is respectful of individual differences and by using instructional
strategies that are responsive to the needs of all students.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in
the classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
The teacher uses a number of strategies to maximize the benefits of
diversity in the classroom. One strategy is to make sure that all students feel
comfortable and respected. Another strategy is to create opportunities for students
to learn from each other. The teacher also uses a variety of instructional strategies
and materials to support all learners.
Episode 3. 2

Observation Report

On this day, we observed the class of teacher Vernie. Her students have
Intellectual Disability Levels 2 and 3 and some of her students have autism too. They
were all diverse and have different ages. Some were very hyper, some listened well
and some didn’t like cooperating in activities. Hence, Teacher V addresses their
earning needs well as she uses differentiated strategies in her class and always in a
happy tone to encourage her students more. As we tried to identify the students who
seem to be performing well, we collectively perceived that Zhan excelled in their
class because he answered the activities correctly, accomplished his tasks quickly, and
actively participated in their class discussions. As we gather data on Teacher V, we
were right that Zhan is the achiever in their class, and teacher Vernie told us that Zhan
could be promoted next academic year to a regular class because of his performance.

1. Did your observation match the information given by a teacher?
Yes, it matched but some are not accurate as it is.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What
practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate instructions
to meet the needs of the learners?
Students are sometimes super active, and participative and some are not.
When the students were super hyper, Teacher V handled it calmly and diverted
their attention toward hands-on activities such as drawing as well as she uses a
reward system by giving the most behave students who got the correct answers a

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences
in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use
differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
Teacher V uses differentiated instruction to meet the special needs of her
students. She utilizes her resources during class such as the big books, flashcards,
videos, games and worksheets. She also uses printed materials and more sensory
avenues to engage and introduce new material. She always involves the students
in discussions by asking questions and providing them with activities. She ensures
that her students enjoy learning and have a positive teaching-learning experience.

1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? was your teacher effective?
When I was in high school, I had a classmate with a disability (polio) and we are
the star section of Special Science class. There’s a lot of expectations thrown to us.
We are all diverse when it comes to achievements but our adviser taught us well with
respect to our diversity. She taught us with inclusivity and not letting our classmates
feel that he/she is a high or low achiever or different from us. She accommodates and
assists with our needs well. She ensures that everyone of us can participate and be
involved in the given activities.

2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the
needs of the learners?
A Special education teacher must be passionate about our work. A SpEd teacher
must have a lot of patience, must have empathy, and be creative and resourceful. We
need to be flexible and very observant to not miss a single spot for the development of
the student. The ability to respond effectively to changes is known as adaptability. To
maintain a classroom’s professional standards, teachers must adapt to any situation.
Organizational skills are also essential when planning classroom activities and
balancing the needs of your students. Therefore, there’s a long list of the needed traits
of a special education teacher, but one thing is for sure - when a teacher loves their
work and their students, they will give their best in order to help their students be
successful in life.

Pg. 37 Reflect

During the observation, all I can say is that the classroom has a sense of oneness or
unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learner. There is actually
sense of community and belonging wherein you will become comfortable towards
the teachers and the students event if you are new there. Each one of them are
supporting each others back and also shows respect for one another. In addition,
the teacher will give them the impression that they are a vital part of a bigger
picture and that their success in the class depends on them.

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