APUSH Period 1 - 1491-1607 Study Guide

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Period 1: 1491-1607

CH 1 & 2 Pages 2 – 55 (Reading Quiz __________)

Period 1 in a Nutshell: 1491 – 1607

On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa
created a new world.

Beginning & End points: Pre-Columbian North American to The Eve of the English Colonization at Jamestown

Key Concept 1.1

As native population migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly
complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.

I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social

A) The spread of maize cultivation from present- EXAMPLE:

day Mexico northward into the present-day ● Three Sisters – corn, beans, and squash
American Southwest and beyond supported ● Corn provided starches, beans proteins, and squash vitamins
economic development, settlement, advanced ● Allows for food surplus, which increases population and frees up
irrigation, and social diversification among people to be more than farmers allowing for specialization – allows
societies. for artisans, soldiers, priests, kings, etc.
● “Three Sisters” Corn, beans, squash ● Without Three Sisters, little chance for anything above hunter-
● Impact of food on diet gatherer level
● Food Surpluses ● Supported Aztec and Mayan pyramid building, Mississippi Valley
● Impact of food on societies: mound builders (Cahokia), Pueblo cultures of Chaco Canyon
○ Aztec, Mayan, Mississippi Valley, Pueblo

B) Societies responded to the aridity of the Great ● Some of the tribes in the Great Basin or Great Plains were the
Basin and the grasslands of the western Great Comanche, Sioux, and the Apaches
Plains by developing largely mobile lifestyles. ● Many of the tribes on the Great Basin were nomadic and followed
● Introduction of the Horse the herds of large bison, who gave them all of their food and
● Comanche & Sioux decorations, tools, knives, and clothing
● Bison ● When the Europeans brought horses over in the 17th century it
made these tribes lives easier by making travel to follow the bison

C) In the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley, ● Some of the tribes in the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley,
and along the Atlantic seaboard some societies and along the Atlantic seaboard were the Adena-Hopewell,
developed mixed agricultural and hunter- Cahokia/Mississippian, Algoniquins, Iroquois Confederacy, and the
gatherer economies that favored the Powhatan Confederacy
development of permanent villages. ● Mound building, done by the Midwest settlements was done for
● Mound Building burial, religious, and occasionally defensive purposes, for example,
● Impact of Climate on North East & Atlantic they were done by the Adena-Hopewell tribe
coast Indians ● The Natives impacted the climate by hunting too many animals,
● Powhatan Confederacy fishing lots, cutting down trees, and by exhausting the soil.
● Iroquois Confederacy ● The Powhatan Confederacy was formed by the Algonquins right
before the settlement of Jamestown to provide mutual military
support and paid taxes to Powhatan (Chief) in the form of foods,
pelts, copper, and pearls
● The Iroquois Confederacy is a political union of five independent
tribes who lived in the Mohawk Valley of New York. They are
made up of the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk

D) Societies in the Northwest and present day ● The tribes of the Northwest settlements are the Tlingit and Chinook
California supported themselves by hunting ● They lived in permanent houses, called the longhouse or plank
and gathering, and in some areas developed house
settled communities supported by the vast ● They had permanent houses because they grew/foregged and hunted
resources of the ocean. for the food that they needed
● Impact of Environment on Indians in the ● They told stories, legends, and myths on large totem poles, which
Northwest was not very good for the environment because they would chop
● Permanent Housing in the Northwest down the tree and carve it to make it into what they needed. Plus
cutting down wood for longhouses was also bad for the

Key Concept 1.2

Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and
political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

II. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and
changes within European societies.

A) Spanish exploration and conquest of the ● When the Spanish explored the New World, they found many
Americas were accompanied and furthered by different civilizations, such as the Aztecs and Incas. While the
widespread deadly epidemics that devastated Spanish coming to the New World was good for them, it also
native populations and by the introduction of brought a great cost to the Natives.
crops and animals not found in the Americas. ● Diseases brought over by the Spanish impacted both, the Aztecs
● Impact of Disease on Aztecs and Incas, by causing them to reduce in numbers.
● Impact of Disease on Incas ● Some diseases were the smallpox and measles, and they killed
● Impact of Smallpox around 20 million Native Americans
● Impact of Horses, Dogs, Cattle & Pigs on ● While diseases were one of the things that was brought over to the
Natives New World, another thing was animals. All of these animals that
were brought over were a good thing for the Natives. Horses were
used for travel, especially by the tribes in the Great Plains, whole
cattle and pigs were used for a food source, and dogs were used as

B) In the encomienda system, Spanish colonial ● The system that was used to control the Native Americans was the
economies marshaled Native American labor to Encomienda System. It was used to provide the conquistadors with
support plantation-based agriculture and extract an incentive to conquer new territories and find “free labour” to
precious metals and other resources. help the conquistadors to extract wealth from the colonies.
● Goal of the Encomienda System ● The Encomienda system impacted the Native Americans by the
● Impact of Encomienda System on the Native Spanish abusing the Natives and forcing them to do labour. For
Americans example, they would make them grow crops on land that was
unable to grow it

C) European traders partnered with some West ● The Portuguese were one of the first people from Europe to travel
African groups who practiced slavery to by the sea. Prince Henry the Navigator began to find new trade
forcibly extract slave labor for the Americas. routes connecting people. He found the trade route to Africa,
The Spanish imported enslaved Africans to starting the slave trade.
labor in plantation agriculture and mining. ● The West African Kingdoms had a major role in the slave trade.
● Portuguese Role in the Slave Trade What they would do was get contacted by the Portuguese, who
● Role of West African Kingdoms in the would tell them that they needed slaves. Then the West African
Slave Trade people would go out into Africa and capture other Africans who
● Reasons for the increase in the Trans- lived farther in Africa. They would then bring these captured
Atlantic Slave Trade Africans to the Portuguese to trade with them
● The reason for the increase in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was
that the European countries need more people to tend to their crops
once they realized they couldn’t use Native Americans anymore

D) The Spanish developed a caste system that ● The Casta system was created so the so called “purebloods” could
incorporated, and carefully defined the status remain in power and don’t have to worry about any Spanish people
of, the diverse population of Europeans, who look like Natives taking over or expecting more
Africans, and Native Americans in their ● The rankings of the Casta System went with peninsulares at the top
empire. (pureblood Spaniards), then Creoles or Criollo, then the Mulattos
● Reasons for the creation of Las Castas and Mestizo, and finally the Indians and Africans
● Rankings of the Casta System ● The Casta System made sure that people of color and who weren’t
● Impact of the Casta System in the Americas European would be shoved to the bottom and would never be on
equal footing as the Spanish

III. In their interactions, Europeans and Native Americans asserted divergent worldviews regarding issues such as religion, gender roles,
family, land use, and power.

A) Mutual misunderstandings between Europeans ● When Columbus first encountered the Native Americans, he
and Native Americans often defined the early thought that they were timid and fearful of the new people. He then
years of interaction and trade as each group thought that they were less than human because of their skin color
sought to make sense of the other. Over time, and since they grasped new information easily he thought they
Europeans and Native Americans adopted would make good servants
some useful aspects of each other’s culture. ● The Natives, at first viewed the Spanish as interesting, with their
● Columbus view of the Natives goods and wares, but after the Spanish began killing the Natives
● Natives view of the Spanish and diseases spread, they had to adopt new ways to survive. They
● Concept of Private Property to Natives vs. then tried to migrate away but the Spanish followed. They then
Europeans view realized that the Spanish were bad people
● Gender Roles & Norms in Native Society vs ● Private property meant something different to the Natives than to
European society the Europeans. To the Europeans, property is something that can be
● Native use of European Technology (Knives, bought, sold, and owned by an individual, while to the Natives it
weapons, pots) was seen as a more communal thing. They would sometimes
● Impact of European Language and Religion exchange land, but in their minds they had only given permission to
on Natives (Particular in Spanish America) use it
● Gender roles in Europe were vastly different from how the Native
viewed it. For example, in Europe, women were only subjected to
childbirth and house chores only, while women with the Natives
were given upstanding positions among the tribes. Native women
could control certain factions within the tribes, even sometimes
making important decisions.
● Once the Europeans had come, the Natives adopted many of their
technologies into their lives. They used the tools for their everyday
life, such as cooking or hunting.
● The impact of the European language and religion had on the
Natives was that it resulted in changing of tribal customs and
religious traditions. It made many Natives lose their traditional
roots of being a Native

B) As European encroachments on Native ● Once the Natives found out what the Spanish were doing, they
Americans’ lands and demands on their labor wanted nothing to do with them, so they tried to push them out
increased, native peoples sought to defend and ● The Aztecs resisted and drove the Spaniards out of Tenochtitlan and
maintain their political sovereignty, economic nearly wiped them out, but they returned and laid siege to the city
prosperity, religious beliefs, and concepts of and were defeated in late 1521
gender relations through diplomatic ● The Incas also resisted in the beginning but eventually lost the
negotiations and military resistance. Spanish in 1572
● Aztec Resistance ● Natives resisted assimilation because it took away their culture and
● Incan Resistance part of who they are. Many Europeans forced them to attend a
● Native resistance to assimilation European school, forbid them to speak their native language, they
● Impact of the following: were forced to give up their native beliefs, identities (names), and
○ Powhatan were taken from their homes.
○ Pocahontas ● There were a few brave tribes and people who helped the Europeans
○ Opechananough to survive in the new world, such as the Powhatan, Pocahontas,
○ Squanto Opechancanough, Squanto, and the Iroquois Confederacy
○ Iroquois Confederacy

C) Extended contact with Native Americans and ● When Columbus first met the Native Americans he thought that
Africans fostered a debate among European those people were timid and fearful, but warmed up and were open
religious and political leaders about how non- to trading. He saw that they could pick things up quickly and
Europeans should be treated, as well as thought that they would make good servants. Hence he bringing
evolving religious, cultural, and racial some back to Spain, which led to the enslavement of the Natives
subjugation of Africans and Native Americans. and the Encomienda System
● Columbus enslavement of Natives ● Bartolome De Las Casa was an avid supporter of letting the Natives
● Bartolome De Las Casas be free from the enslavement of the Encomienda System. He wrote
● Juan De Sepulveda paper after paper to try and get the King and Queen’s attention to
● Forced conversion of the Natives to get them freed. In the end it worked and the Natives were free from
Catholicism the Encomienda System, but were still somewhat trapped.
● Juan De Sepulveda was on the opposite side of Bartolome De Las
Casas and believed that the Natives were natural slaves and the
presence of the Spanish would benefit them. After a while
Bartolome won this argument and the Natives became free from the
Encomienda System
● Many European nations would force the Natives into Catholicism.
They would force their children into school to learn and leave their
native roots behind, ripping them from their parents. They would
then leave their Native names behind and adopt a European name

Key Concepts (Broad Essential Information)

A. As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America, over time, they developed
distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.
B. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture,
resource utilization, and social structure.
C. Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant
social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
D. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic
competition and changes within European societies.
E. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in
extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.
F. In their interactions, Europeans and Native Americans asserted divergent world views regarding issues such as
religion, gender roles, family, land use, and power.

Significant Topics (Must Know)

4. Native Societies in North America
The spread of maize (corn) cultivation from present-day Mexico northward into the present-day American southwest and
beyond supported economic development, settlement, advanced irrigation, and social diversification among societies.
Societies responded to the aridity of the Great Basin and the grasslands of the western Great Plains by developing largely
mobile lifestyles. In the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley, and along the Atlantic seaboard some societies developed
mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages. Societies in the
Northwest and present-day California supported themselves by hunting and gathering, and in some areas developed
settled communities supported by the vast resources of the ocean.

5. European Expansion into North America

European nations’ efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth,
economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity. The Columbian Exchange brought new crops to
Europe from the Americas, stimulating European population growth, and new sources of mineral wealth, which facilitated
the European shift from feudalism to capitalism. Improvements in maritime technology and more organized methods for
conducting international trade, such as joint-stock companies, helped drive changes to economies in Europe and the

6. Spanish Settlement in the New World

Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas were accompanied and furthered by widespread deadly epidemics that
devastated native populations and by the introduction of crops and animals not found in the Americas. In the encomienda
system, Spanish colonial economies marshaled Native American labor to support plantation based agriculture and extract
precious metals and other resources. European traders partnered with some West African groups who practiced slavery to
forcibly extract slave labor for the Americas. The Spanish imported enslaved Africans to labor in plantation agriculture
and mining. The Spanish developed a caste system that incorporated, and carefully defined the status of, the diverse
population of Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans in their empire.

4. Changes Resulting from Contact between Native American, Europeans, and Africans
Mutual misunderstandings between Europeans and Native Americans often defined the early years of interaction and trade
as each group sought to make sense of the other. Over time, Europeans and Native Americans adopted some useful
aspects of each other’s culture. As European encroachments on Native Americans’ lands and demands on their labor
increased, native peoples sought to defend and maintain their political sovereignty, economic prosperity, religious beliefs,
and concepts of gender relations through diplomatic negotiations and military resistance. Extended contact with Native
Americans and Africans fostered a debate among European religious and political leaders about how non-Europeans
should be treated, as well as evolving religious, cultural, and racial justifications for the subjugation of Africans and
Native Americans.

IDENTIFY: You will create a collection of well-defined terms, I have provided you the definition. Your job as the amateur historian is to
fully explain the significance of that Person, Place, or Things contribution to the time period we are currently discussing in relation to the
Historical Thinking Skills allowing you to utilize it in the future to fully expand on a given topic and discuss in an educated manner. (As
stated in the syllabus you may not type your answers, they must be handwritten)

DEFINITION: simple term explanation Significance: Importance of the term to the time period & lasting impact

1. Columbian Exchange: the exchange of people, The Columbian Exchange was very important to the time period since it was
plants, and animals between Europe, Africa, and the major exchange/trading route between Europe, Africa, and America. It had
North America that occurred after Columbus’s a lasting impact due to the fact that it altered so many people's lives across the
arrival in the Western Hemisphere. world and it introduced new things from the Old World to the new world that
weren’t there before.

2. Capitalism: an economic and political system in Capitalism was important in this time period because it helped to make goods
which a country's trade and industry are controlled more cheap across the sea. It also helped to exploit the overseas markets. The
by private owners for profit, rather than by the lasting impact of capitalism is that it turned into what it is today, transforming
government (state). from something small and growing into something large.

3. Sextant: 1731 an astronomical instrument used to The sextant helped guide the travellers across the ocean with precise
determine latitude and longitude at sea by movements of latitude and longitude. It revolutionized sea travel for many
measuring angular distances, especially the altitudes people. It helped to pave the way for the next big instrument used in sea travel.
of sun, moon, and stars.

4. Astrolabe: an instrument formerly used to make The astrolabe was used for many years as a method of finding your way during
astronomical measurements, typically of the sea travel, before the sextant was created. If we never had this tool then
altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for Columbus may have never found, even if it was an accident, America. This
calculating latitude, before the development of the tool has helped many travellers and people with finding the way over the
sextant. course of the years, since it was created in the 6th century until the 17th and
18th century.

5. Christopher Columbus: Led a voyage to the Christopher Columbus is really important in this time period, since without him
present-day Bahamas in 1492 and claimed the land we may have never found America. While we probably would have eventually
he explored for the King and Queen of Spain. By found America, it would have taken us a lot longer to find it, rather than
1504, Columbus had made four voyages to finding it in 1492 we could have found it in 1792. While Columbus doesn’t
America. really impact us much today, it is important for us to remember him since he
did find America for us.

6. Juan Ponce de León: Claimed Florida for the King Juan Ponce de Leon is credited with being the first settler to reach present-day
of Spain in 1513. Florida. While he was looking for gold he decided to explore and settled in
Puerto Rico in 1508-1509. If he never settled in Puerto Rico, then the country
may not be what it is today.

7. St. Augustine, 1565: Pedro Menédez de Avilés St. Augustine was founded in 1565 and was one of the first colonies to be
established a colony for the Spanish that has established in America. It was founded 42 years before the English colonized
become the oldest continuously occupied European Jamestown and 55 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. This col9ony
settlement in the United States. was important to the Spanish because it served as a way to defend the primary
trade route to Europe along the Atlantic Ocean. It also defended the Spanish
against invasions from other European nations.

8. Walter Raleigh: Englishman who sponsored the Walter Raleigh was one of the most famous explorers in Queen Elizabeth’s
failed attempt to establish an English colony at reign. He organized 3 major expeditions, one which was the Roanoke colony,
Roanoke. but that was a failure. He also led an expedition to present-day Venezuela
which was the heart of Spain’s colonial empire. The lasting impact that he
made was that he popularized tobacco and made smoking popular, saying it
was a good cure for coughs.

9. Roanoke, 1586: First attempt by the English to The Roanoke settlement in 1586, which was led by Walter Raleigh, was the
establish a colony in America off the coast of North British’s first attempt which was a failure. It failed because the settlers
Carolina. disappeared from unknown circumstances, but was most likely from it being
poorly supplied and that they were hostile to the Natives. If the Roanoke
settlement had been established properly, then it would have been one of the
first British settlements, instead of Jamestown.

10. Encomienda System: The Spanish crown granted The system that was used to control the Native Americans was the Encomienda
Spanish colonists a specified number of natives for System. It was used to provide the conquistadors with an incentive to conquer
whom they were to take responsibility and utilize new territories and find “free labour” to help the conquistadors to extract
for labor. wealth from the colonies. The Encomienda system impacted the Native
Americans by the Spanish abusing the Natives and forcing them to do labour.
For example, they would make them grow crops on land that was unable to
grow it. It severely diminished the Native Americans numbers, along with the
diseases brought by the Europeans.

11. Casta System: A Spanish American colonial The Casta system was created so the so called “purebloods” could remain in
system that determined a person’s importance by power and don’t have to worry about any Spanish people who look like Natives
different racial categories. taking over or expecting more. The rankings of the Casta System went with
peninsulares at the top (pureblood Spaniards), then Creoles or Criollo, then the
Mulattos and Mestizo, and finally the Indians and Africans. The Casta System
made sure that people of color and who weren’t European would be shoved to
the bottom and would never be on equal footing as the Spanish

12. Conquistadors: Spanish soldiers who conquered The Conquistadors are one of the most important people due to the fact that
Native Indian civilizations (e.g. Cortes with the they were the founders of the New World (America). If they didn’t find
Aztecs and Pizarro with the Incas) America then we would have probably found it later and might have not
established the U.S. like how it is now. Although finding the New World is a
good thing, many of the Conquistadors did terrible things, like decimating the
population of the Natives. This made it harder for the Natives to regain their
numbers back up to what they once were, and they are still trying today.

13. Smallpox: originally a group of five and later six Smallpox had a big impact on the New World. It decimated around almost all
Iroquoian-speaking peoples in present-day New of the Native American population due to the Natives not having the immunity
York State to it. While it did mostly affect the Natives, it did also affect the Europeans as
well, killing about 400,000 people. Now we have a vaccine created for it so we
don’t have to worry about it anymore.

14. Spanish Mission System: The Spanish network of Many of the Spaniards were Christian and believed that it was important for the
missions in the New World established to bring Natives to follow their religion. So they would force them to learn about it and
Christianity to native Americans would sometimes force their children into “school”, force them to cut their
hair, get christian names, to learn about Christianity, and to give up their
native beliefs. This had lasting effects on the cultural landscape of the New

15. Mestizo: A term used by the Spanish that referred Mestizos were a name for a person who had ancestors who were European and
to a people whose ancestors were both European Native American. They were forced into the Casta System and would be
and American Indian. treated lower than the Peninsulares, who were “pureblood” Spaniards. This is
unfair to them, but it helped to shape many aspects of New Spain’s evolving
culture and society.

16. Zambo: A term used in Spanish and Portuguese Zambos were a name for a person who had ancestors who were African and
colonies to describe someone of African and Native American. They were forced into the Casta System and would be
American Indian ancestry. treated lower than the Peninsulares, who were “pureblood” Spaniards, and
Mestizos and Mulattos. This is unfair to them, but it helped to shape many
aspects of New Spain’s evolving culture and society.

17. Juan de Sepúlveda: Spanish Priest who supported Juan de Sepulveda was an important person because he was one of the people
the Spanish Empire’s right of conquest and who fought to keep the Encomienda System and he was also the King's official
colonization in the New World. historian. He argued that the Natves were “natural slaves” and the Spanish
would benefit them. He is important in history because the Spanish may have
stopped exploring if he hadn’t encouraged them.

18. Bartolomé de Las Casas: Spanish Priest who Bartolomé de Las Casas was an important person because he was one of the
fought against the enslavement and colonial abuse people who went against Juan de Sepúlveda. He did this by saying that the
of Native Americans. Encomienda System is cruel and unjust for the Natives to go through. If he
never picked this side, then the Natives may still be enslaved or gone from this

19. Juan de Oñate: Spanish Conquistador and Juan de Oñate set off on an expedition to find the mythical riches of North
governor of the Spanish province of New Mexico. America. Instead he founded the colony in New Mexico and became the
governor. When he found New Mexico, he succeeded in unlocking the secrets
of what is now the Southwestern United States.

20. Maroons: African refugees who had escaped Maroons were important to the timeline because if they never happened then
slavery in the Americas and developed their own African slaves would have never gotten their freedom. Since they escaped
communities in Brazil and the Caribbean. slavery, they served the purpose to the others, that it was possible to escape
from enslavement. They were the first nation in the Americas in which all of
their citizens were free and not under enslavement.

21. African American Religion: African saves mixed Traditional African American religion got mixed with Christianity, much like
African beliefs and practices with Catholic rituals how some of the Natives religion got mixed. Having a religion in the
and theology, resulting in the formation of entirely community supports moral order, which helps the community feel safe. Mixing
new religions the religions alo helped the Europeans feel like the Africans weren’t savages

22. Treaty of Tordesillas (1794): agreement between This treaty helped to stop disagreements between Spain and Portugal, without
Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over it, there would have been many fights and clashes between them. It helped
lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Spain establish their dominance in the New World, since they found it.
Columbus Although it was a good idea, it didn’t really work since Portugal didn’t accept
it so they redid it and Portugal got to claim the coast of Brazil.

23. Samuel de Champlain: French explorer that Samuel de Champlain was an important person because he was one of the first
founded the city of Quebec in 1608 people to establish a settlement in present-day Canada. He found what he
called New France, and is also credited to have found Quebec. He was also the
key to French expansion in the New World, without him, France may have
never gone or expanded into the New World.

24. Iroquois Confederation: originally a group of five The Iroquois Confederation played many important roles throughout history,
and later six Iroquoian-speaking peoples in present- by playing a strategic role in the struggle between the French and British. If
day New York State they never got together as the Iroquois Confederacy then they may have been
wiped out with some of the other Native American tribes.

25. Cahokia: (Mound Builders) site of a pre- Cahokia was important because it was a center of religious devotion and trade
Columbian Native American city directly across the between the Natives and Europeans. It was also the first permanent European
Mississippi River from modern St. Louis, Missouri. settlement in Illinois and became a center of French influence in the upper
Mississippi River Valley

HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS: In a short paragraph for each bullet point below (On a separate sheet of paper),
you will apply and fully explain the Historical Thinking Skills that we have discussed in class (Compare & Contrast,
Causation, Continuities & Changes over Time, and Periodization) to each time period we study building a collection of
connections not only within individual time periods of study but across time periods. (As stated in the syllabus you may
not type your answers, they must be handwritten)

● What is a cause as well as an effect of the Columbian Exchange?
A cause and effect of the Columbian Exchange is that it caused population growth in Europe by new
crops being brought over to Europe from the Americans which then started Europe’s economic shift towards
capitalism. Capitalism is bad because it causes inequality, failure, damage to the environment, and boom and bust
economic cycles.

● What is a cause as well as an effect of the Encomienda System?

A cause and effect of the Encomienda System is that it forced Native Americans into slavery, which made
then give up their freedom and rights. This then made more Natives die, even after many had died from diseases,
hunger, and from fighting the Spanish.

● What was a cause as well as an effect of the Acoma Pueblo Uprising?

A cause and an effect of the Acoma Pueblo Uprising is that they revolted because of events happening,
which caused around 900 Acoma people to die. Since they revolted against the Spanish, and the Spanish are
rather violent when something doesn’t go their way, many died.

Compare & Contrast:

● Compare and contrast TWO of the following Native Societies in Pre-Columbian North America: Pueblo,
Chinook, Shoshone, Sioux, Arapaho, Algonquian, and Iroquois.
The Sioux and Iroquois Native Americans had two different types of tribes. While both were located in
North America and they both were Native Americans, they were located in different locations. First of all the
Sioux were located in the Great Plains and were nomadic people while the Iroquois were in the Northeast and had
permanent houses. The Sioux lived in tepees on the Great Plains, following the bison, once they got horses and
dogs from the Europeans they used the horses for travel and dogs to haul their belongings. The Iroquois is
composed of 5 different tribes, and lived in longhouses and farmed the three sisters of agriculture corn, beans and

● Compare and Contrast Christopher Columbus and Sir Walter Raleigh

Christopher Columbus and Sir Walter Raleigh had a few differences and similarities. For example,
Columbus was a Spanish explorer originally from Italy and Raleigh was a British explorer born and raised in
England. Some similarities between them are that they are both explorers that explored the New World and both
colonized part of it for their ruler.

● Compare and Contrast the Encomienda System & the Casta System
The Encomienda System and the Casta System have a few similarities and differences. They both were
made by the Spanish to help them feel like they were in control and had the power. The difference between them
is that the encomienda system was based on using Native Americans for forced labour (which they eventually
switched to African labour), while the Casta system was based on a diverse and racially mixed population in the
New World.

● Identify and explain ONE change/shift you see in the treatment of the Native American People in Pre-Columbian
North America to the Eve of English Colonization’s in 1607.
One change in the treatment of the Native American People in Pre-Columbian North America to the Eve
of English Colonization in 1607 is that, in the beginning of the English colonization they tried to establish a
trading system between them. After a while it worked, but then got destroyed, but then the British put aside land
that was reserved for the Natives, which is different from the Pre-Columbian North America where the Spanish
did do this.
● Identify and explain ONE continuity (something that stayed the same) you see in the treatment of the Native
American People in Pre-Columbian North America to the Eve of English Colonization in 1607
One continuity that I saw in the treatment of the Native American People in Pre-Columbian North
America to the Eve of English Colonization in 1607 is that during both time periods the Native Americans were
treated like they were nothing. They were abused, forced, and harmed throughout most of America's history by
the European colonizers.
● Identify and explain ONE continuity and ONE change in the relationships of European Societies in North
America from 1491 to 1607
One continuity in the relationship of the European Societies in North America from 1491 to 1607 is that
they continued to fight and push against each other. They did this so they could try to get the most land, money,
and glory. One change in the relationship of the European Societies in North America from 1491 to 1607 is that
they wouldn’t fight each other for claims. When one European country made a claim in one area, the other
European nations would leave it alone, until they had colonized all of the New World.
● Explain how and why the Spanish took an interest in exploration that led to the colonization of the new world.
The Spanish took an interest in exploration that led to colonization of the New World because of the three
G’s, God, Gold, and Glory. Once the Spanish got a taste of the New World, courtesy of Christopher Columbus,
they realized that they could earn things out of it. They found out that they could spread their religion to the
Natives and share (force) their beliefs. They also realized that this New World had a lot of gold and silver, which
they could then use in their empire to make it better than the other European Nations. Finally they realized since
they found it they would get some glory, but that if they explored it they would get even more glory.

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