2023 - JEE-Main-7 - Paper (Gen 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 6A and 6B)

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General Instructions

1. The test is of 3 hours duration and the maximum marks is 300.

2. The question paper consists of 3 Parts (Part I: Physics, Part II: Chemistry, Part III: Mathematics). Each Part
has two sections (Section 1 & Section 2).
3. Section 1 contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
4. Section 2 contains 5 Numerical Value Type Questions. The answer to each question is an integer ranging
from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
5. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile
phone, any electronic device, etc. inside the examination room/hall.
6. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
7. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty in the
Room/Hall. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.
8. Do not fold or make any stray mark on the Answer Sheet (OMR).

Marking Scheme
1. Section – 1: +4 for correct answer, –1 (negative marking) for incorrect answer, 0 for all other cases.

2. Section – 2: +4 for correct answer, 0 for all other cases. There is no negative marking.

Name of the Candidate (In CAPITALS) :

Roll Number :

OMR Bar Code Number :

Candidate's Signature : Invigilator's Signature

Physics : Rotation, Gravitation
Chemistry : Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium
Mathematics : Binomial Theorem, Straight Lines
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success


This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. A small projectile of mass m is projected with a velocity v0 from ground such that its maximum height
and horizontal range of projectile are equal. Then the angular momentum of the projectile about the point
of projection, when it is at highest point and when it is about to hit the ground are L1 and L2
respectively. Then the ratio is :
1 1
(A) 4 (B) (C) 2 (D)
4 2

2. A rod PQ of mass m is kept suspended in horizontal position, as shown. Linear mass density of rod
varies with distance x from end P as   Kx (here K is a constant). String 1 is now cut. Torque about
point Q , just after the string is cut is :

mgl mgl mgl mgl

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 6

3. Velocities of ends A and B of a rigid rod of length d are shown. Angular speed of the rod is :
(Note that for end B only the direction of velocity is indicated in diagram)

v cos  x  y  v sin  x  y  v sin  x  y  v cos  x  y 

(A) (B) (C) (D)
d cos y d cos y d sin y d sin y

4. For a thin square plate ABCD as shown, consider three axes (marked 1, 2 and 3) in plane of the plate.
Moment of inertia of the plate are I1 , I 2 and I 3 about axis 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

(A) I1  I 2  I 3 (B) I1  I 2  I 3 (C) I 3  I 2  I1 (D) I1  I 3  I 2

Code A | Page 2 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
5. Figure shows a disc of mass M and radius R hinged at the centre.
A small ball of mass M / 2 is attached to point P with a thread of
length 2R and held at rest at position shown. Now, the ball is
released to fall under gravity. With what angular speed the disc starts
turning just after when the string becomes taut.
g g R 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2R R g R

6. A horizontal solid cylinder (of mass m) is pivoted about its longitudinal axis.
To the end of a thread wrapped on the cylinder a block (of mass 2m) is
attached, as shown. If the system is left free, acceleration of the block is :
(String is massless and there is no slipping anywhere)
g 2g 4g
(A) g (B) (C) (D)
5 5 5
7. A plank is hinged on horizontal surface at point A as shown in figure. Find angular velocity of plank
about point A at instant given in figure.
(Solid sphere only translates with velocity v and radius of sphere is R )

  
2v sin 2v cos 2 2v sin 2
2 2 2 2v sin 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8. A solid cylinder rolls down a rough inclined plane without slipping. As it goes down, the force of
(A) decreases its mechanical energy
(B) tries to decrease its translation kinetic energy
(C) decreases its rotational kinetic energy
(D) increases mechanical energy

9. A non-uniform sphere has its centre of mass at a distance r / 2 from the

centre, where r is the radius of the sphere. This sphere rolls without
slipping on a horizontal surface such that the angular velocity is  which
is constant. Consider the instant shown in figure. Select the correct
(A) The speed of the centre of mass is constant
(B) The speed of the centre of mass is  at the instant shown
(C) The speed of the centre C is  at the instant shown
(D) The speed of the center of mass is  at the instant shown

Code A | Page 3 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
10. A wooden cube (of side x) placed on a rough horizontal surface is pushed by a constant horizontal force
F (at height h above the centre of mass C) as shown. Coefficient of friction between surface of the block
and the horizontal ground is . Which of these conditions ensures toppling of the block before sliding ?

 x
(A) Fh  mgx, F  mg (B) 2F  h    mgx, 2F  mg
 2
 x
(C) Fh  mgx, 2 F  mg (D) 2F  h    mgx, F  mg
 2

11. A thin uniform spherical shell and a uniform solid cylinder of the same mass and radius are allowed to
 tsph 
roll down a fixed incline without slipping, starting from rest. The ratio   of times taken by them to
 tcyl 
 
roll down the same distance is :

14 15 3 10
(A) (B) (C) (D)
15 14 10 3
12. A satellite of mass m is in orbit round the earth at a distance of 2.5R above its surface. If the
acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface is g . Calculate the centripetal force acting on the
satellite :
mg 4 mg 4 mg mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 25 49 25
13. The escape velocity from the earth is 11 km/s. The escape velocity form a planet having nine times the
radius and one third of density as the earth is ________ km/s.
(A) 11 (B) 22 3 (C) 33 3 (D) 44 3

14. R is the radius of earth and  is its angular velocity about its axis and g E is the value of acceleration
due to gravity at equator. The effective value of acceleration due to gravity a the latitude   30 will be
equal to :
3 3 2 R 2 R
(A) g E  2 R (B) gE  R 2 (C) gE  (D) gE 
4 4 4 4

15. A particle is projected upwards form the surface of earth (radius  R ) with a speed equal to the orbital
speed of a satellite near the earth’s surface. The height to which it would rise is :
(A) 2R (B) R/ 2 (C) R (D) 2R

Code A | Page 4 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

16. Three equal masses of m each are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side 3a. A
particle of mass 2m is kept at the centroid G of the triangle. Now if mass at vertex A is doubled, then
the force acting on the particle at centroid becomes
Gm 2 2Gm 2 4Gm 2 Gm 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
a2 a2 a2 2a 2

17. When a satellite in circular orbit around earth, with period T , is suddenly stopped and released it will fall

towards earth with an initial acceleration  KT n where K is a constant then n is :

2 4 2 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 3 3
18. A missile is launched with a velocity less than the escape velocity. The sum of its K.E and P.E is :
(A) positive
(B) negative
(C) zero
(D) may be positive or negative depending upon its initial velocity

19. Two planets in elliptical orbits have same angular momentum and same time period. Then the area of the
elliptical paths traced by the planets is in
(A) direct proportion of their masses
(B) inverse proportion of their masses
(C) direct proportion of square of their masses
(D) inverse proportion of square of their masses

20. A planet revolving around the star in a circular orbit of radius R with a time period T is assumed to be
subjected to a gravitational force proportional to R 3 . Then :
(A) T  R2 (B) T  R3/2 (C) TR (D) T  R1/2

Code A | Page 5 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

This section contains Five (05) Numerical Value Type Questions. The answer to each question is an integer
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).

1. A small solid sphere purely rolls from point A as shown in figure on a rough track. Then the
translational speed of sphere when it reaches point P is . Then k is ________.

2. A light rod of length L connects four particles, each of mass M and the particles are placed at equal
distances from each other as shown. Rod is free to rotate about vertical axis passing through one of its
end. The system is initially at rest and starts with a constant angular acceleration of 0.6 radian sec2 ,
then the work done by the external sources on the system in first 5 seconds is ML2 . Then k

3. A planet has of the mass of earth and is at a distance of D from the centre of earth. The distance above
earth, measured towards the planet, where a body will experience equal values of acceleration due to
 kD 
gravity due to earth and due to planet is   R  . Then k is ________. (R is the radius of earth)
 6 
4. Three particles A, B and C each of mass m lie on vertices of an equilateral triangle of side a.
The system is released form rest. The magnitude of linear momentum of particle A when the separation

between the particles remains  a / 2  is kGm3 / 3a . Then k is ________.

5. A hole is dug along a diameter of the Earth, (density  ). If a body is dropped into the tunnel, the
acceleration at a distance x from the centre is Gx n . Then n is _______.


Code A | Page 6 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success


This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. For the following gaseous equation 2HI H2  I2 K p is found to be equal to K c . when temp is :
(A) 0C (B) 0K (C) NTP (D) All

2. Compare the extent of reactions for following reactions if equilibrium concentration 0.33M of every
gaseous species :

(I) N 2  3H 2 2NH3 (II) PCl5 PCl3  Cl2

(III) 2HI H 2  I2
(A) I  II  III (B) I  II  III (C) I  III  II (D) I  III  II

3. Vapour density of NH3 at a certain temperature is 5. Calculate degree of dissociation of NH3 at same
temperature :
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.20 (C) 0.10 (D) 0.70
4. Choose the correct graph :

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

5. Which of the reaction goes almost all the to completion :

(A) N 2  O2 2NO K C  1.9 1019

(B) 2NO  O2 2NO2 K C  1.9 1010

(C) 2HI H 2  I2 K C  1.9

(D) 2NH3 N 2  3H 2 K C  9.11019

6. KC for the reaction M2  N2 2MN is 100. Calculate KC for the reaction

1 1
MN M 2  N 2 at same temperature :
2 2
(A) 10 (B) 10000
(C) 0.1 (D) 100 due to constant temp

Code A | Page 7 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
7. Choose the correct option for Gibb’s free energy :
(A) G  G  nRT ln Q (B) G  G  nRTln K
(C) G  G  RT ln Q (D) G  G  RTln K

8. For the gaseous reaction C3H6  H2 C3H8  H  35.9 kcal  . The equilibrium concentration
of C3H8 can be increased by :
(A) Increasing in temp (B) Removing some H 2
(C) Removing some C3H 6 (D) Increasing the Pressure

C 2
9. At a given temperature for the reaction PCl5 PCl3  Cl2 , K C  where C = concentration
1   
increase in degree of dissociation ( ),
(A) Will increase K C
(B) Will decrease K C
(C) No change on K C

(D) If  2 is domination factor then K C may increase

10. Choose the correct graph for reaction 2NH3 N 2  3H 2 .

(A) (B)

(C) [Con = Concentration]


11. Which has the minimum internal energy at 25° ? (Consider ideal gas)
(A) He gas (B) O 2 gas (C) O 3 gas (D) equal

12. Choose the correct statement of reaction 2SO3 (g)  2SO 2 (g)  O 2 (g).
(A) H  E  RT (B) H  E  RT
(C) H  E  5RT (D) H  E  5RT

Code A | Page 8 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
13. Choose the correct statement for 1 mole of He ideal gas :
 H   E   H   E 
(A)      R (B)    
 T P  T V  T P  T V
 E   H   H 
(C)   0 (D)     R
 V T  T P  V P
14. Which of following option is correct for reversible cooling of ideal gas at constant volume ?
(A) q  0, w   ve, E   ve, H   ve
(B) q  0, w  0, E  0, H  0
(C) q  0, w  0, E  0, H  0
(D) q  0, w   ve, E   ve, H   ve

15. For given reaction at 1000 K

A(g)  B(g)  C(g) E  5Kcal
S  10Cal / K
Calculate value of G.
(A) 3000 cal (B) 3000 Cal (C) 13000 Cal (D) 13 KCal

16. Calculate molar heat capacity of H 2 O at constant pressure and at 0C.

(A) 22.4 JK 1 mole1 (B) 13.7 Cal K 1 mole1

(C) Zero (D) Infinite

17. The net work done during cycle is equal to :

(A) Zero (B) Positive (C) negative (D) we can not predict

18. One mole of H 2 O vapour (non-ideal gas) undergoes change from a state ( 2 atm, 3L ) to a state

 4atm 4L  with 10 atm L change in internal energy. Calculate H of the process in atm L.
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40
19. What is the unit of molar heat capacity ?
(A) J mole1 (B) Cal mole1
(C) Cal mole1 K 1 (D) Cal K mole1
20. If an ideal gas (triatomic non-linear) is subjected to a process where T  11.2V 2 . Calculate molar heat
(A) 3R (B) 2R (C) 4R (D) 3.5R


Code A | Page 9 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

This section contains Five (05) Numerical Value Type Questions. The answer to each question is an integer
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).

1. How many properties are intensive properties among the following ?

Boiling point, entropy, internal energy
Mole, pressure, volume, melting point

2. Calculate the magnitude of work  atm L  for O 2 ideal gas during the expansion from 1L to 2L at
5 atm constant pressure ________.

3. How many reaction have H  E among the following ?

H 2 O s   H 2 O g  (I)

H 2 O l   H 2 O g  (II)

CaCO3  CaO s   CO2 (III)

s g
C2 H 4  H2  C2 H 6 (IV)
g g g
CH 4  2O2  CO2  2H 2O l  (V)
g g g

4. Calculate S  J / K  of a compound at its melting point if H fusion  0.6 KJ mole 1, TMP  27C.

5. C p for CO 2 gas is x  R. What is the value of x ?

Code A | Page 10 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
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This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. Drawn from (1, 2), two mutually perpendicular straight lines forming an isosceles triangle together with
the straight line, x  y  . Then the area of triangle is:

   3 2 (B)
   3 2 (C)
   2 2 (D)
   2 2
3 2 3 2
2. Equation of bisector of the angle between two lines 3x  4 y  12  0 and 12 x  5 y  7  0 which contains
point  1, 4  in its region is:
(A) 21x  27 y  121  0 (B) 21x  27 y  121  0
3x  4 y  12 12 x  5 y  7
(C) 21x  27 y  191  0 (D) 
5 13
3. A ray of light through (2, 1) is reflected at a point A on the y-axis and then passes through the point
(5, 3). Then co-ordinates of A are:
 11   5  11   3
(A)  0,  (B)  0,  (C)  0,  (D)  0, 
 7  11   5  5

4. The combined equation of the pair of lines through (4, – 2) and parallel to the lines 3x 2  5 xy  2 y 2  0
will be :
(A) 3x 2  5 xy  2 y 2  14 x  28 y  0 (B) 3x 2  5 xy  2 y 2  7 x  14 y  0
(C) 3x 2  5 xy  2 y 2  14 x  28 y  0 (D) 3x 2  5 xy  2 y 2  7 x  14 y  0

5. The equation of line segment AB is x  2 y  4  0. If A and B lie on same side of line mirror
3x  y  1  0 then the equation of image of AB with respect to line mirror 3x  y  1  0 is:
(A) 14 x  77 y  143 (B) 14 x  77 y  147
(C) 14 x  77 y  147 (D) 14 x  77 y  143

6. ABC is a variable triangle such that A is  8,1 , B and C lie on 2 x  3 y    0 (where  is variable),
then locus of the orthocenter of triangle ABC is:
(A) 3x  2 y  22  0 (B) 2 x  3 y  22  0
(C) 3x  2 y  22  0 (D) 2 x  3 y  22  0

7. In a ABC, the equations of right bisectors of sides AB and CA are 3x  4 y  20 and 8x + 6y = 65

respectively. If the vertex A be (10, 10), then the area of ABC will be:
(A) 14 (B) 21 (C) 42 (D) 63

8. Consider the triangle OAB where O   0, 0  , A  4,  5  . If orthocenter of triangle is S  2,  5  , then
coordinates of ‘B’ is:
 33   31   32   34 
(A)  0,   (B)  0,   (C)  0,   (D)  0,  
 5  5  5   5 

Code A | Page 11 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
9. On the portion of the straight line, 2 x  y  4  0 intercepted between the axes, a square is constructed on
the side of the line away from the origin. Then the point of intersection of its diagonals has co-ordinates:
(A)  3, 2  (B)  2, 2  (C)  3,3 (D)  3,3
10. A ray of light passing through the point A  7, 2  is reflected at a point B on the y-axis and then passes
through  4,  5  . Then the equation of AB is:
(A) 7 x  11y  26  0 (B) 7 x  10 y  21  0
(C) 7 x  11y  27  0 (D) 7 x  10 y  28  0

11. The line  a  2b  x   4a  b  y  3a  b  0 , for different values of a and b , passes through the fixed
 1 7   1 7  1 7  1 7 
(A)  ,  (B)  ,  (C)  ,  (D)  , 
 9 9   9 9 9 9 9 9 

12. If the lines 2 x  y  1  0;  x  4 y  8  0 and 2 x  y    0, where 7  , are concurrent then:

4 4 4 4
(A)  ,  (B)  , 
49 7 7 49
4 4 4 4
(C)  ,  (D)  , 
7 49 49 7

13. Given the family of lines,   x  y  1    2 x  y  3  0. Among the lines of the family, the number of
2 2
lines situated at a distance of 1  5 from the point Q  ,  is:
3 3
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 

14. Let PQR be a triangle. Let Q be the point  2, 3 , 3x  y  1  0 is the perpendicular bisector of QR and
x  y  0 is the angle bisector of angle P. The equation of PR has slope:
(A) 16 (B) 16 (C) 17 (D) 17
The sum of all the rational terms in the expansion of  5    2   is:
1/4 1/2
 
(A) 1440 (B) 1441 (C) 1442 (D) 1443

16. The coefficient of x 49 in the product  x  5  x  10  x  15  .... x  250  is:

(A) 6374 (B) 6375 (C) 6376 (D) 6370
 1
17. If the fifth term in the expansion of  x1/ 3   does not depend upon x, then n C2  n C14 equals:
 x
(A) 240 (B) 480 (C) 360 (D) 120

18. The number of values of ‘r’ satisfying the equation 29

C2 r 1  29
Cr 2  29
Cr 2 1  29
C2 r is:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

The number of terms in the expansion of  x  2 y  3 z  is m and the number of terms in the expansion of

 a  b  2c 11 is n then n  m will be:

(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23

Code A | Page 12 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

   
53 53
20. The remainder when 24 2 4 is divided by 8 is:

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 5


This section contains Five (05) Numerical Value Type Questions. The answer to each question is an integer
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).

1. Line AB passes through  3, 2  and intersects the negative x-axis and positive y-axis at A  a, 0  and

B  0, b  respectively. If the area of OAB is 16, then the value of a  b is ____ { a and b are integers}

2. The value of 14  6 for which the image of the point    2,   3 w.r.t. the line mirror x  2 y    0
is the point  3  1, 8  9  is _______.

3. The number of real and distinct values of , for which    1 x  2 y  3  0; 2 x  y  5  0 and

x  2 y    0 are concurrent, is ________.

4. The coefficient of x 2021 in the expansion of 1  x 

1  x  x 
2 2018
is ________.

n 3
5. The coefficient of x in  3  x   1  
is ________.
 x


   End of JEE Main - 7 | JEE 2023   

Code A | Page 13 JEE Main-7 | JEE 2023 (Gen 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6A, 6B)

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