CAT 1994 Explanations

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CAT 1994 Actual Paper

Answers and Explanations

1 c 21 b 41 d 61 c 81 d 101 d 121 a 141 c 161 b 181 d

2 b 22 c 42 c 62 a 82 c 102 c 122 d 142 d 162 d 182 c

3 a 23 b 43 a 63 b 83 a 103 d 123 c 143 b 163 a 183 b

4 c 24 b 44 b 64 a 84 c 104 d 124 c 144 c 164 b 184 d

5 d 25 c 45 d 65 b 85 b 105 b 125 b 145 b 165 d 185 a

6 b 26 d 46 b 66 c 86 c 106 b 126 b 146 c 166 d 186 b

7 a 27 a 47 c 67 c 87 b 107 d 127 c 147 c 167 c 187 b

8 c 28 d 48 a 68 d 88 c 108 d 128 b 148 d 168 a 188 c

9 a 29 b 49 b 69 d 89 b 109 d 129 b 149 c 169 d 189 d

10 d 30 a 50 d 70 b 90 c 110 c 130 b 150 b 170 a 190 d

11 b 31 c 51 c 71 b 91 c 111 b 131 d 151 c 171 b

12 c 32 a 52 b 72 a 92 a 112 c 132 c 152 c 172 b

13 d 33 a 53 a 73 b 93 b 113 b 133 b 153 d 173 c

14 b 34 b 54 c 74 d 94 b 114 d 134 a 154 d 174 c

15 a 35 d 55 d 75 a 95 d 115 a 135 c 155 c 175 c

16 a 36 c 56 a 76 b 96 c 116 c 136 a 156 c 176 c

17 b 37 a 57 d 77 c 97 b 117 b 137 b 157 d 177 b

18 d 38 b 58 d 78 c 98 c 118 a 138 c 158 a 178 d

19 d 39 c 59 b 79 d 99 d 119 b 139 a 159 a 179 d

20 a 40 d 60 b 80 a 100 d 120 a 140 d 160 d 180 c

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 1

1. c C. should be the first sentence as it states that the 18. d Both the pairs are pairs of synonyms.
logic presented in 1. is not true. A. and D. talk about the
qualities of a good actor. B. talks about the author’s 19. d C. should precede D. as D. uses ‘they’ to refer to ‘the
own plays and 6. continues with his observation in B. evils of one’s own life’ mentioned in C.B. and A. logically
2. b C. introduces the idea that some comedies have 20. a Only C. uses the noun ‘the writer’, which is referred to
survived over many years. B. gives a reason for it as ‘he’ in all other choices, hence C. should be the first
and A. continues with the reason. one in the series. Also B should logically follow C. So
this makes option (a) correct.
3. a B. introduces ‘an ally of the wind’, hinted at in 1. C.
states that the author did not hear it and A. gives the 21. b The subject of the sentence has been introduced in A.
reason for it. as ‘the masterpiece’, so should be the first part of the
sentence. A masterpiece cannot be a career, or
4. c D. talks about the ‘power’ introduced in 1. A. states untaught genius. Only D. can follow A.
that if ‘it is an anchor in difficulties it should be
remembered in good times too’. C. states the work 22. c C. introduces the central point of the sentence as ‘the
done by some organizations and B. adds to it. public being easily disillusioned’. It should be the first
part in the series. B., D. and then A. logically follow.
5. d A. suggests that seniors should help in showing the
path. B. continues by referring to ‘the seniors’ 23. b D. introduces the subject as ‘the roots of the riots’, B.
mentioned in A. C. and D. state how one should accept states what the roots are related to, C. gives another
the help provided by seniors. point of relation, which has to logically precede A.
6. b C. introduces the idea of making a will, A. gives a 24. b Only ‘happened to be ’ or ‘wasn’t’ can grammatically fit
reason for doing so, B. and D. exemplify it through an here. ‘Wasn’t’ does not give the sentence the
example from author’s life. appropriate meaning.
7. a C. introduces the topic of the passage, A. states how 25. c One ‘launches’ a product.
India is doing what C. has warned against. B. compares
India’s attitude with that of the smaller countries and 26. d ‘Unexpected success’ goes best with ‘fortune was
D. refers to a specific case to prove the point. made’.
8. c C. states a situation, A. contradicts by using ‘but’, D. 27. a The correct idiomatic usage is ‘smothering the flames’,
states that as the trail continues one feels that one which means to extinguish the flames.
would soon see the plain, but B. shows that this hope
is not fulfilled. 28. d Because there is a reference of two peoples Sam
and I, there is a need to use ‘Between’.
9. a D. introduces an idea of using something in tricks. C.
gives an example of one such trick. B. talks of 29. b ‘Hinge upon’ means ‘depends upon’.
something entertainers would do and A. tells us about
something that happened during one such show. 30. a Only ‘come in’ fits here, in the sense of “appear in”.
10. d B. introduces the author, D. says that he enjoys his 31. c C. and D both present facts and no other choice gives
profession, A. and C. continue with it. that as an option.
11. b Privilege can be used in A., B. and D. 32. a A. presents a judgement on part of the author, B. and
C. present facts and D. presents a logical conclusion
12. c Disaster can fit in A., C. and D. based on the facts.
13. d Depression fits in A., B. and D. 33. a B. presents a fact and no other choice gives that as
an option. C. Presents an inference based on a logical
14. b Imagination fits in A. and D. conclusion of the fact that the revenues are already
15. a State fits in A., B. and D.
34. b We can see that B. presents a fact and D. presents an
16. a Perjury is deliberate, willful giving of false evidence
under oath i.e. lying under oath.
Similarly testimony is a statement given under oath.
35. d A. and C. clearly present facts. B. is an opinion of the
17. b Medieval follows prehistoric, just as future follows author based on common sense .D. presents an
present. inference.

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36. c A. is based on common sense. B. is a well known
fact. C. is a logical conclusion based on B.
46. b C a bra
37. a B. is a well known fact which logically leads to the A b ra
inference drawn in C. Other two are opinions of the
author and hence judgements. D a bra

38. b B. and D. clearly present facts. C. presents an

inference based on these facts.

39. c A. and D. present facts, B. presents a logical

conclusion based on these facts and C. presents a C h ain
judgement on part of the author. 47. c
P lan e
M an e
40. d A. is not a fact as it uses the phrase ‘it appears’. C.
and D. clearly present facts.

48. a D o lls
41. d
H e rbivo re
M ea t Toys
N ice

Ve ge tarian

49. b Stru ctu re s

42. c
N e cta r S ky scra pe rs B u ilding s
R o se s

S h rub s

50. d B u cke ts

B in B a ske ts
43. a
A u tu m n
S e ason s
51. c Let x be the number of votes not cast for Praja Party in
the previous polls.
So the number of votes not cast for the party in this
Ye llo w assembly polls would be 1.25x.
44. b
B irds Margin of victory in the previous polls
= (Votes cast) – (Votes not cast)
Fa lcon s = (260000 – x) – x = (260000 – 2x).
Margin of loss in this years polls
= 1.25x – (260000 – 1.25x)
= (2.5x – 260000).
As per the given information,
margin of loss this year = 2 × Margin of victory last
45. d W ire s year.
Therefore, (2.5x – 260000) = 2(260000 – 2x).
H o oks
Spring s ⇒ x = 120000.
So the number of votes cast for the party in assembly
election = 260000 – 120000
= 140000.

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 3

For questions 52 to 54: The data can be represented in the 56. a Let the radius be r cm. Therefore, the height of the
following Venn diagrams. cone and cylinder will be 2r.
∴ The ratio
G an a sh akti A n an d B aza ar A n an d B aza ar 1 2 2 2 2
P a trika P a trika = πr (2r) : πr 2 (2r) : πr 3 = : 2 : = 2 : 6 : 2 = 1: 3 : 1.
(6 ) G an ash akti 3 3 3 3
(4 ) (11 7)
(1 21 )
57. d
6 0 4 83 38 79
Exp end iture o f Expend iture o f
T otal
Option Location T own B
Town A stud ents Exp end iture
G ho sh h ou sin g so ciety D ig h oshp ur students
67x1.2x100 1188+8040
(1 0) (2 00 ) (a) 33 k m from A 33x1.2x30 = 1188
= 8040 = 9228
33x1.2x100 2412+3960
(b) 33 k m from B 67x1.2x 30= 2412
= 3960 = 6372
A n an d B a za ar
P a trika 100x100x1.2
G an a sh akti (c) Town A 0 12000
= 12000
(3 3 ) (3 2)
(d) Town B 30x100x1.2 = 3600 0 3600

20 13 19 Hence, we find that the least expenditure will be

incurred if the school is located in town B.
HINT : Students please note that since there are more
A g ho sh C o lo n y number of students from Town B, to minimise the total
(5 2) expenditure the school should be located as closer to
town B as possible.

52. b Number of persons in Dighoshpur who read only 58. d There are 18 men, 15 women and 6 children.
Ganashakti = 83. Working efficiency of man : woman : child = 6 : 3 : 1.
So the ratio of the work done in a day by 18 men, 15
53.a Number of persons in Aghosh Colony who read both
women and 6 children
the newspapers = 13.
= (18 × 6) : (15 × 3) : (6 ×1) = 108 : 45 : 6.
54. c Number of persons in Aghosh Colony who read only 1 Hence, the daily wage of Rs.1,113 should be divided
newspaper = 20+19 = 39. in this ratio. That makes it, Rs.756 for men, Rs.315 for
women and Rs.42 for children.
55. d log7 log5 ( x + 5 + x ) = 0, Hence, 6 children earn Rs.42 in a day.
So the daily wage of a child should be Rs.7
We know,

loga b = x ⇒ a x = b 59. b Let the radius of the original cone be ‘r’.

π r 2h
∴ log5 ( x+5 + )
x = 70 ∴ The volume of the original cone ( V ) =

( )
⇒ log5 x +5 + x =1 The height and radius of the smaller cone are and

⇒ x + 5 + x = 51 2r
⇒ x+5 =5− x
π  2r  2h 8V
So its volume = × × =
3  3 
Squaring both sides, we get, .
3 27
⇒ x + 5 = 25 + x − 2 × 5 x
 8V  19V
⇒ x + 5 = 25 + x − 10 x ∴ Volume of frustum =  V − 27  = 27 .
 
⇒ 10 x = 20
∴ Ratio of the volumes = 8 : 19.
⇒ x =2

( x)
= (2 )

⇒ x = 4.

Page 4 CAT 1994 Actual Paper

60. b Assume some values of a, b and c such that sum of a, 65. b Since a bucket holds 5 litres of water, water
b and c is 0 where a ≠ b ≠ c, and find the value of the 5
discharged in one minute by tap A, B and C is litres,
given expression. 6
Let a = 1, b = –1 and c = 0.
2 1
a2 b2 c2 1 1 litres and litres respectively
⇒ 2 + + = + + 0 = 1. 3 2
2a + bc 2b2 + ac 2c 2 + ab 2 2 If A, B and C are all opened simultaneously, total

discharge in one minute =  +

5 2 1
61. c The harmonic mean of two numbers x and y is +  = 2 litres
6 3 2
and the geometric mean is xy . So in 2 hours, the discharge would be 240 litres, that
(x + y) is the capacity of the tank.

2xy 66. c It is clear that the ratio of the distances between (Delhi-
(x + y) 12 4xy 144 Chandigarh) : (Chandigarh-Shimla) = 3 : 4.
∴ = , ⇒ = .
( x + y ) 169
xy 13 The ratio of the speeds between (Delhi-Chandigarh) :
(Chandigarh-Shimla) = 3 : 2.
Although this can be simplified to get the answer, the Let the distances be 3x and 4x respectively and
best way to proceed from here would be to look out speeds be 3y and 2y.
for the answer choices and figure out which pair of x
& y satisfies the above equation. You will find the x  2x 
answer is (c). So the time taken will be  y  and  y 
   
HINT : Students please note that this sum is a classic respectively. Average speed
example of how you could have gone for intelligent (Total Distance) (7x) 7y
guess work. Since we know that the denominator of = = = = 49.
(Total Time) x 2x  3
the ratio is the geometric mean, which is xy , the two  + 
y y 
numbers should be in such a ratio that their product Hence, y = 21. So the average speed from
should be a perfect square. The only pair from the Chandigarh to Shimla = 2y = 42 kmph.
answer choices that supports this is 4 & 9, as
4×9 = 36 = 6. 67. c Middle term of an A.P. is average of all the terms in A.P.
Number of terms = 7
62. a If one root of x2 + px + 12 = 0 is 4, then 42 + 4p + 12 = Middle term = Fourth term = 8
0, i.e. p = –7. Therefore, sum of all the terms = 56.
x2 – 7x + q = 0 has equal roots.
68. d If a clock has to strike 4 or 4 times, there are 3 time
( −7) 7 intervals between the 4 strikes (Since the first strike
If both the roots are α , 2α = − = 7, i.e. α = ,
1 2 happens at the zeroth second).
So in 7 seconds the pendulum elapses 3 time intervals.
and q = α2 ⇒ q = . To strike 11, there has to be 10 time intervals, which
10 × 7
will take = 23.33 seconds.
Ma md ( −2 ), mn (md ( −3 ), − 2 ), mn (6, md ( −8 ))
63. b
69. d Let the number of stones be ‘n’.
= Ma  2, mn (3, − 2), mn ( 6, 8 ) = Ma [ 2, − 2, 6 ] = 6. As the person covers 4.8 km, he covers 2.4 km on
one side and 2.4 km on other side.
So total distance covered by him = 20 + 40 + 60 +…….
64. a For a > b, the given equation reduces to
Ma  a , b  = mn a, a  . ∴ 2400 = 2 × 20 + (n − 1) 20  = 10n (n + 1)
If b < a < 0, then b > a > 0 > a > b. (Here n is the number of stones)
After solving, we get n = 15
∴ Ma  a , b  = a and mn a, a  = a.
∴Total number of stones = 15 + 15 + 1 = 31
Hence, option (a) is correct.

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70. b Required number = LCM (8, 11, 24) – 5 = 259.
(54 – x)
Time taken by B = .
71. b Since SP of spirit and solution water = Rs.75/l and 7
there is a profit of 37.5%, CP of spirit and water solution Since they have met at the same time, they would
have travelled for the same time.
= = Rs.54.54/l
1.375 Hence, x = (54 – x) or x = 22.5 kms.
This should indeed be the weighted average of the 5 7
costs of spirit and water. So if we alligate, we can get
the ratio of spirit : water (assuming that cost of water For question 74 to 76 : Let us assume that Alphonso’s total
is 0). property was of Rs.x.

Spirit W a te r Property given to his relatives


Person on death bed

Widow Mother Ben Carl Dave

Aplhonso x/2 - x/6 x/6 x/6 x

5 4.5 4
Ben x/12 - - x/24 x/24 x/6

Carl 5x/48 - - - 5x/48 5x/24

5 4.5 4 5 .45 4 I.e. 10 : 1 .
Dave 15x/96 15x/96 - - - 15x/48

72. a D R C 74. d Since Alphonso’s wife is also the mother of Dave, the
c d x 15x  63x
total share of this lady would be  +  = .
2 96  96
And since, 63x = 1,575000
a 96
⇒ x = Rs.24 lakhs.
A z P x-z B x 24
75. a Carl’s original share was = = Rs.4 lakhs.
x 6 6

Let x and y be the sides of the rectangle ABCD and z 76. b The ratio’s of the property owned by the widows of
be the length of AP.
Then CR = BP = x – z  1 5 15 
the 3 sons =  : :  = 8 : 10 : 15.
By applying Pythagoras Theorem, we have  12 48 96 
in ∆ APO, a2 = OP2 + z2 K (i)
77. c Let log6 216 6 = x.
in ∆ BPO, b = OP + (x – z)
2 2 2
K (ii)
2 2 2
in ∆ CRO, d = OR + (x – z) K (iii)
Then by rule, logb a = x ⇒ b = a we have,
2 2 2
in ∆ DRO, c = OR + z K (iv)
2 2 2 2 6 x = 216 6
Solving above equation, we have a + d = b + c
∴ For any point inside a rectangle as shown,
6 x = 63 × 6 2
a2 + d2 = b2 + c2
∴ Pairing up the distance so that d is to be the maximum, 7

we get 402 + d2 = 502 + 602 ⇒ 6x = 6 2

⇒ d = 67 m. 7
∴x =
73. b Let they meet at a distance x km from X.
So the total distance travelled by A = x.
Total distance travelled by B = 27 + (27 – x) = (54 – x).
Time taken by A = .

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78. c Since the leak can empty the tank in 8 hours, the rate
1 ∴ Area of the parallelogram is twice this area = 3.
of leak = . 2
Since ∠CAD = 60°, ∠DAE = 90°, so ∆EAD is a right
And since the leak along with the tap can empty it in
triangle with side AD = s. Since it is a 30°-60°-90°
12 hours, the equation can be rewritten as:
triangle, hence side AE = s 3.
1 1 1
– =– (where x is the time taken by the tap
x 8 12 (s × s 3 ) s2
∴ Area of this triangle = = 3.
to fill the tank). 2 2
Hence, the required two areas are equal or I = II.
1 1
Simplifying we get, = or x = 24.
x 24 83. a Miguel’s income = 5 + (0.02 × 25) + (0.03 × 25) + (0.04
This means that the tap can fill the tank in 24 hours. × 50) = $8.25.
Since the tap admits 6 litres per hour, it will admit Martin’s commission = $10.
(6 × 24) = 144 litres in 24 hours, which should be the Hence, obviously I > II.
capacity of the tank.

79. d The LCM of 7, 12 and 16 is 336. The closest multiple of AB DE

84. c Since the lines are parallel, = , i.e. AB × EF
336 to 1856 is 1680. So 1684 when divided by 7, 12 BC EF
and 16 leaves a remainder of 4. This is the closest = BC × DE.
such number, less than 1856. Hence I = II.
Hence, the number to be subtracted from 1856 to get
1684, must be the least such number. So the answer 85. b 53 Sundays can occur in a non-leap year, if 1st January
is (1856 – 1684) = 172. is either a Saturday or a Sunday. But 54 Sundays can
never occur.
Alternate method: Hence, I < II.
Subtract options from 1856 and check.
86. c Since it is a relay race, all the runners ran the same
80. a 16 articles sold at priced 12 articles, is equivalent to distance.
Hence, for a same distance,
 16 − 12  
discount of   × 100 = 25%.
 16   ratio of times =
ratio of speeds
Hence, shop keepers offer two discounts of 20% and
25% respectively and still makes a profit of 20%. Hence, ratio of times taken by B & D = 18 : 16 = 9 : 8.
If c is the cost price of an article and m is the marked
Let g ( x ) = be y. So, fog ( x ) = f(y) = 2y + 3.
3 4
price, then 1.2 × c = m × × 87. b
4 5
⇒ m = 2c. x−3
This means that he had marked his goods 100% above Substituting y = , we get
his cost price.
fog( x ) = (x – 3) + 3 = x = = gof ( x ) .
[(2x + 3) – 3]
81. d Since the ages of none of them is mentioned and we 2
have two equations and three unknowns.
Hence, we cannot say anything about the ages of ( x − 3 ) − 3 
any of them. 88. c If 2x + 3 =  , then x = −4.
82. c Since ∠C = 2 ∠E , therefore ∠BCA = 60°. 89. b From Question 87, fog( x ) = gof ( x ) = x, you will realise
Also since ABCD is a parallelogram, that if you were to form a chain of these functions for
AB = CD and AD = BC = AC. even number of times, you would still end up getting x.
Hence, ∆ABC and ∆ACD are equilateral triangles.
E.g. fogofog ( x ) = fog(x) = x. Since both the brackets
Hence, area of this triangle = s 3, have the functions repeated for even number of times,
4 each of their value will be x and their product
where s is the side of the triangle = AB = AD = will be x2.
DC = BC.
90. c From question 87, gof(x) = fog(x) = x.
fo(fog)o(gof)(x) = fo(fog)(x) = f(x) = 2x + 3.

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 7

91. c Statement I tells us that the time taken to cover both The statement I merely suggests that (3x+12) is a
distances is the same, but it does not tell us anything multiple of 2, which means that x is a multiple of 2.
about the speeds at which these are covered. The Nothing concrete can be concluded on the basis of
information is given in second statement, says the this statement.
speed from cinema hall to home is less than that The statement II suggests that (x – 4 + 2 ), (x + 4 – 6
between home to the office. + 2) and (x + 8 – 4) are in GP or (x-2), x and (x+4) is
Hence, by using both the statements we can say that in GP.
the distance between cinema hall to home is less than
∴ x 2 = ( x + 4 )( x − 2 )
that between home to the office.
92. a If the total work is one unit, work done by A and B in
⇒ (3x + 12) = 24
1 1 Question can be answered using statement II alone.
one day will be unit and unit respectively.
a b
98. c The statement I suggests that the number of sheep
n n had increased by 20% last year over the previous
Using statement I: + = 1,
a b year. But it does not suggest whether the rate of
Since ‘n’ is an integer, if both A and B work for n days, increase is annual or not.
work will be completed no matter who starts a work. For eg. 20% increase in a year can also be obtained
Using statement II, nothing can be concluded as total by 9.5% increase over 6 months. i.e. 1.095 x 1.095 =
amount of work is not known. 1.20.
The statement II however suggests that the increase
93. b 2g + 3b = 20. is compounded annually.
Since b & g should be integers the values that satisfy Hence, now we can find the answer.
this equation are (g = 10 & b = 0), (g = 7 and b = 2), If the number of sheep last year was x,
(g = 4 & b = 4), and (g = 1 and b = 6). then x + 400 = x(1.2)2
From the statement I, we can shortlist the last two Hence, x = 909.
possibilities i.e. g =4 or g = 1, but cannot get a unique Thus, we require both statements to answer the
answer. question.
The statement II suggests that the number of girls and
boys have to be equal. Hence, we get a unique answer 99. d From the statement I, we can find out the area that
viz. g = 4 & b = 4. Only statement II is required to needs to be bordered. And from the statement II, we
answer the question. can find out the cost of each tile. But to find the total
cost, we require the total number of tiles and to find
94. b P = (SP – CP) x Sales. From the data given in the this we require the dimension of each tile. Since this
question we can figure out that P1 = (1.1SP – CP) x is not known, we cannot answer the question using
either statements.
P 1.11(SP – CP)
0.9Sales. Hence, = . To find this
P1 (1.1SP – CP) 100. d From the statement I, we can only find the number of
ratio we need to eliminate the variables CP & SP. This mangoes stolen by 4 of the 10 boys.
can only be done if in the denominator, CP is replaced The statement II suggests that the number of mangoes
by 1.1CP. In other words, if the CP increases by 10%, stolen by each of the remaining six boys is more than
4 and less than 40. Although from the two statements
1.11 that are given it is tempting to assume that the number
as in that case our ratio will be = 1.01. Hence,
1.1 of mangoes stolen by the boys must be in AP, since it
only statement II is required to answer the question. is not mentioned explicitly we cannot answer the
95. d As neither average weight of the original members is
not mentioned nor the number of members in original 101. d The passage is basically about how ants communicate.
team, question cannot be answered.
102. c Ants attack strangers who might belong to the same
96. c None of the statement alone is sufficient to answer species.
the question.
Using both statements together: 103. d If they did so they would have been unable to
PQ = PB + BQ and RS = RE + ES communicate with the drunken ants.
If BQ = ES and PB > RE, PQ > PS. 104.d Chloroform killed the ants.

97. b Let the number of toffees with the first, second and 105. b The author has a playful, whimsical way of writing.
third boy be x, (x+4) and (x+8) respectively.
106. b All others can pass through the atmospheric windows
Hence, total number of toffees = (3x+12).
without distortion.

Page 8 CAT 1994 Actual Paper

107. d Clouds from volcanic eruptions do not find a mention 126. b India has the lengthiest constitution in the world.
in the passage.
127. c Israel does not have a written constitution.
108. d Telescope mounting is used to neutralize the Earth’s
rotation relative to the stars. 128. b Presidential cabinet is not even mentioned in the
American constitution.
109. d The precession period of the Earth is 26,000 years.
129. b The constitutions of new states in the US are very
110. c The diurnal spinning is the spinning of the Earth on its concise.
own axis, having no relation to the gravitational force
of the Sun or the Moon. 130. b A normative constitution has the status of supreme
law and is fully activate and effective.
111. b The last passage states that there can be uncertainty
in the rate of orbital motion of the Earth. 131. d Where the written constitution is only nominal, behind
the verbal façade will be found the real constitution
112. c Man made signals can interfere with the radio containing the basic principles according to which
wavelengths between 1cm. And 20m. implying that power is exercised in actual fact.
they also fall in the same range.
132. c Since a long constitution says too many things, on too
113. b US was more concerned with ‘order’ than with reforms many subjects, it has to be amended often.
of any kind.
133. b The presence or absence of a written constitution
114. d Latin Americans regarded it as economic imperialism. makes a difference, but only of a degree.

115. a The Act of Bogota was most closely related to the 134. a The author is concerned about the books and is also
Marshall Plan or Latin America. well informed about the topic.

116. c US preferred dictatorship to the spread of communism 135. c The paper of ‘archival quality’ refers to a long lasting
in Latin America. paper.

117. b The President’s initiative to present financial economic 136. a Wood pulp helped in producing large quantities of
aid to Latin America has been presented as an example paper.
of his efforts to mend his ‘Latin Ameriacn fences’.
Thus he was not acting to continue to keep communism 137. b Paper that is acidic is highly unstable.
from intruding the country.
138. c This is not a reason mentioned in the passage, for
118. a The passage states that speeding up social reforms producing long lasting paper.
implied a risk of revolt, which could be avoided by
maintaining status quo. 139. a Reduction in government funding has not been
mentioned as a reason for curtailing purchase of new
119. b The examination system was the traditional avenue of books.
selecting the officials.
140. d The continued use of wood pulp will not have any
120. a The Restoration statesmen tried to restore the society, effect on the governments.
and not create a new one. They tried to stretch the
traditional ideology in order to make the Confucian 141. c Lignin is a major factor that causes paper to discolour.
system under the new conditions.
142. d Eisaku Sato was the Prime Minister for eight years.
121. a The only similarity was their intent to conserve.
143. b Hirohito has been said to be on throne for 61 years at
122. d None of these philosophers has been mentioned in the time of writing of the passage, which was in 1987.
the passage.
144. c Mr. Tanaka was involved in a bribe scandal.
123. c The aim of the Restoration was to restore to their
original vitality the best of the ancient institutes. 145. b The passage says that Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone is ‘now
bowing out’.
124. c Western conservatism distrusted cosmopolitanism.
146. c He has proved himself more skillful in the game of
125. b The passage is basically about Chinese Conservatism. factional politics and thus his hopes are stronger.

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 9

147. c The author states that how Mr. Takeshita will fare after For questions 156 to 159 : The correct seating arrangement
taking over the reins of the government is not certain, can be depicted as shown below:
and reasons about this in an objective manner.

148. d The quick turnover of Prime Ministers has led to

factionalism in LDP. R

149. c Mr. Takeshita will be the first Prime Minister with humble
rural origins. Mdr J

150. b The three Prime Ministers mentioned by name here are

Mr. Nakasone, Mr. Eisaku Sato and Mr. Kakue Tanaka.

151. c Option Description Solubility

M M o nisha M a dhuri
R R atan Mdr (H ostess)
(a) o 0.4
Potassium Chlorate at 80
(b) Potassium Chloride at 350 C 0.4 U U rm ila
D D hiru bhai J Jackie (H ost)
(c) 0 0.48
Potassium Nitrate at 39 C
(d) Sodium Chloride at 85 0 C 0.4 M a qbool
S S hobh a

Hence (c) is the correct answer.

156. c Jackie is the host and also sitting on Shobha’s right.
152.c At 30oC, solubility of potassium nitrate is 0.38 kg./lt.
Hence (c) is the correct answer.
Hence in 10 litres 3.8 kg.( ≈ 4 kg) of potassium nitrate
can be dissolved.
157. d Shobha is sitting next to Jackie and Dhirubhai. So she
is the only person who is not seated next to a person
153. d Percentage increase in solubility of potassium chlorate
of the same sex.
(0.4 – 0.1) ×100
= = 300%.
0.1 158. a If Ratan would have exchanged seat with a person
four places to his left, which is Shobha, the following
154. d Solubility of potassium chloride at 36oC = 0.4 kg./lt. arrangement would exist.
Hence the amount of Potassium chloride that can be
dissolved in 100 lt. at 36oC = 40 kg.
40 40
Number of moles = ≈ = 533.
0.07456 0.075
As we have approximated 0.07456 as 0.075 and 540
is closest to 533, it should be correct answer. M dr J

155. c From the graph it can be seen that between 15oC &25oC,
solubility of sodium nitrate, potassium chloride, sodium
chloride, is almost constant. It can clearly seen from M D R
graph that solubility of sodium chlorate is maximum.

The first statement is hence true, since no man is

sitting between two woman and no woman is sitting
between two man. However statements II and III are
not true. Hence the answer is (a).

159. a Among the given choices, only Ratan & Monisha are
sitting opposite to each other and hence they must be

Page 10 CAT 1994 Actual Paper

For questions 160 to 163: 163. a The change in the value of exports from 1984-85 to
From the data that is given we can find the following data: (the 1985-86 = (11648 – 11352) = Rs.296 crores.
explanation of how the following values were arrived, is given
after the table). For question 164 – 166:
From the given conditions, the only possible arrangements are
Item 1984-85 1985-86
Food 22% 23%
Case I:
Food (Value) 4928 5934 Left Right
Manufactured 11648 11352 Sushmita Manpreet Aishwarya Rachel Anu
Raw Material 5824 8514 1 2 3 4 5
Total Value of 22400 25800
Exports in Crore Case II:
of Rs.
Left Right
Aishwarya Manpreet Sushmita Rachel Anu
160. d Food related exports in 1985-86 = 0.23x25800 = 5934.
So food related exports in 1984-95 = (5934 – 1006) =
4928. 1 2 3 4 5
Hence, percentage of food related exports in 1984-85
4928 164. b If Aishwarya is standing at the extreme left, case II
= ×100 = 22%.
22400 holds good. Hence Sushmita is standing in the middle.

161. b In 1984-85, Value of Manufactured articles & Raw 165. d Again Case II holds good. So the girl who is standing
materials exports = (22400 – 4928) = Rs.17472 crores. second from left is Manpreet.
Since Export of manufactured goods is twice that of
raw materials, Rs.17472 has to be divided in the ratio 166. d Under the given conditions, the following arrangement
is possible:
Therefore, export of manufactured goods = Rs.11648
crores and Raw materials = Rs.5824 crores.
Left Right
Hence, the difference between raw material and food
= (5824 – 4928) = Rs.896 crores. Sushmita Anu Rachel Aishwarya Manpreet

162. d In 1985-86, the combined percentage of Manufactured 1 2 3 4 5

articles and Raw materials = 77% and this is in the
ratio 4 : 3. Hence, Rachel is standing at the extreme right.
Hence, percentage of Manufactured articles export
is 44% and that of Raw materials export is 33%. 167. c The skin & muscular protein totally constitutes 33% of
Hence, value of manufactured = 0.44 × 25800 the total proteins. The total proteins itself is 15% of the
= Rs.11352 crores total body weight. Hence the percentage of skin &
and the value of Raw materials = Rs.8514 crores. muscular protein as a fraction of the total body weight
Hence, percentage difference between the value of
Raw materials between 1984-85 and 1985-86 = 33% of 15% ≈ 5% = .
 (8514 – 5824) 
=   × 100 = 31.6%.
 8514 
168. a Required Ratio = 25 : 8 ≈ 3 : 1.

169. d We can determine only the percentage of skin protein

in Ghosh Babu’s total body weight. But there is no
data given about the percentage of skin in Ghosh
Babu’s body. Hence the answer is (d).

170. a Proportion of material other than water & protein in

15 3
Ghosh Babu’s body is = .
100 20

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 11

For questions 171 to 174 : For question179 to 182:
The first statement suggests : B is now as old as C was in the The data given the graph can be tabulated as given below :
past. Therefore, B < C. Also sometime in the past, A was twice
as old as D. So A > D. C will be as old as E in future. Hence C College 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91
< E.
Pr ivate Engg. 120 180 250
The second statement suggests : A > F. A was as old as G in
the past. Therefore, A > G. D will be as old as F in future. So F Colle ge
> D. F will be as old as G now in future. This implies G > F. G Govt. Engg. 80 130 130
was as old as B, when A was as old as G. Hence, A = B. Colle ge
Combining both the results, we get : Re gional 40 70 100
E > C > B = A > G > F > D (Note by A = B, it is meant that they are
of similar age group, not necessarily the same).
Colle ge
171. b It could be figured out that E is the eldest brother. IIT 30 40 80
172. b D is the youngest brother.
179. d Total number of students in 1989–90 = (180 + 130 +
173. c Only A and B could probably be twins. 70 + 40) × 100 = 42000.

174. c It could be figured out that only statement (c) is false 180. c Growth rate in number of students in Govt. Engg.
as B has only 2 elder brothers and not 3.
(120 – 80)
College = = 50%
175 – 178: 80
Growth rate in number of students in Private Engg.
175. c Required percentage growth (180 –120)
College = = 50%. Hence the growth rate
(68718 – 42137) × 100 120
= . Students please note that
42137 is equal.
to calculate the exact value of this expression, we
need calculator. Since, options given are not very close 181. d Total number of students in 1990–91 = (250 + 130 +
to each other so we can approximate values. And 100 + 80) 100 = 56000
using approximations we get the value of required Hence the total number of students in 1991-92 = 0.9 ×
56000 = 50400. Hence (d) is the correct answer
(68600 – 42000) ×100 2650
ratio = = = 63%.
42000 42 182. c Percentage of IIT students in 1990 – 91
80 1
176. c = = = 14.28%
Book s 1975 1980
Pe r ce ntage 560 7
gr ow th
Primary 42137 68718 63% 183. b All the sentences are possible except (b) as Grumbs
Secondary 8820 20177 125% have to be used with Ihavitoo and Grumbs cannot be
used in any other type but Bingoes.
Higher 65303 82175 26%
Secondary 184. d Since Grumbs and Harrumphs are the Bingoes and
Graduate 25343 36697 45% Grumbs has to always go with Ihavitoo, so we will
Level have to use Ihavitoo as the Cingo. Since statement I is
true, the answer can only be (a) or (d). So we will
Hence, percentage growth is least for higher secondary only evaluate the option (d). Since we have not used
books viz.26%. Koolodo as Cingo, we can use either Lovitoo or Metoo
or both as Dingos. Hence, statement III is also true, so
177. b Again referring to the above table we can see that the the answer is (d).
percentage growth rate is maximum for secondary
level books viz.125%.
185. a Option (b) uses two Cingo’s instead of one, hence
178. d It can be seen from the given table that though primary grammatically incorrect. Option (c) violates the same
level books have shown a consistent growth, it has rule again and in addition it uses ihavitoo without using
declined in the year 1978. On the other hand even Grumbs. Option (d) again uses two Cingo’s instead of
Secondary and Higher secondary level books have one. Hence, the only option that is grammatically
shown a consistent increase except for the year 1977 correct is (a).
when it had declined. But the graduate level books
have shown a consistent growth over the period.

Page 12 CAT 1994 Actual Paper

186. b If Grumps is the Bingo, then Ihavitoo must also be Third Month :
used. And since Ihavitoo is common to Bingo and Cingo, 10th 11th 12th
Ihavitoo must be used as a Cingo . Also no other Cingo 9th w e e k
w eek w eek w eek
can be used. So obviously Harrumphs must also be
Hours of
used as a Bingo. And since we are not using Koolodo 4 6 4 6
as Cingo, we can use Lovitoo as Dingo. So (a), (c)
and (d) can all be true. So (b) cannot be true. Working
6 4 6 4
For questions 187 to 190: Wage per
Rs.20 Rs.10 Rs.20 Rs.10
The data given in the question can be computed as : hour
Total Wage
Rs.120 Rs.40 Rs.120 Rs.40
187. b From the first week data we can arrive at the following per day
work pattern of Bankatlal for the 1st month. Total Wage
Rs.720 Rs.240 Rs.720 Rs.240
per w eek
First Month :
Fourth Month :
1st w e e k 2nd w e e k 3rd w e e k 4th w e e k
13th 14th 15th 16th
Hours of 2 5 2 7
w eek w eek w eek w eek
Hours of
Working 5 2 5 3 0 8 0 8
Wage per Rs.20 Rs.10 Rs.20 Rs.10 8 0 8 0
Wage per
Total Wage Rs.100 Rs.20 Rs.100 Rs.20 Rs.20 Rs.10 Rs.20 Rs.10
per day
Total Wage
Total Wage Rs.600 Rs.120 Rs.600 Rs.120 Rs.160 0 Rs.160 0
per day
per w eek Total Wage
Rs.960 0 Rs.960 0
Thus his total wage = (600+120+600+120) = Rs.1440 per w eek

188. c Let us compile the data for 2nd, 3rd and 4th month. Total wage for 1st month = Rs.1440
Total wage for 2nd month = (840 +180 +840 +180)
Second Month : = Rs.2040
Total wage for 3rd month = (720 + 240 + 720 + 240)
5th w e e k 6th w e e k 7th w e e k 8th w e e k = Rs.1920
Hours of 3 7 3 7 Total wage for 4th month = (960+960) = Rs.1920
rest Total wage for the 4 months =
Working 7 3 7 3 (1440+2040+1920+1920) = 7320
hrs. 7320
Hence the average salary = = Rs.1830.
Wage per Rs.20 Rs.10 Rs.20 Rs.10 4
Total Wage Rs.140 Rs.30 Rs.140 Rs.30
per day
Total Wage Rs.840 Rs.180 Rs.840 Rs.180
per w eek

CAT 1994 Actual Paper Page 13

189. d Using the above data, we can revise the wage 190. d For the fourth month, the new wage compilation will
compilation for the third month as given below: be as given below :
Third Month : Fourth Month
10th 11th 12th
9th w e e k
w eek w eek w eek 10 th 11 th 12 th
9 th w e e k
Hours of w eek w eek w eek
4 6 4 6
rest Hours of
0 8 0 8
Working rest
6 4 6 4
hrs. Working
8 0 8 0
Wage per hrs.
hour or Rs.25 Rs.12.5 Rs.25 Rs.12.5 Wage per
w ork hour or Rs.25 Rs.12.5 Rs.25 Rs.12.5
Fine per w ork
hour of Rs.5 Rs.5 Rs.5 Rs.5 Fine per
rest hour of Rs.5 Rs.5 Rs.5 Rs.5
Total w age rest
Rs.150 Rs.50 Rs.150 Rs.50
per day Total w age
Rs.400 0 Rs.400 0
Total f ine per day:
Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.20 Rs.30
per day Total f ine
0 Rs.40 0 Rs.40
Ef f ective per day
w age per Rs.130 Rs.20 Rs.130 Rs.20 Ef f ective
day w age per Rs.400 -Rs.40 Rs.400 -Rs.40
Total Wage day
Rs.780 Rs.120 Rs.780 Rs.120
per w eek Total Wage
Rs.2400 -Rs.240 Rs.2400 -Rs.240
per w eek
So now his third month age = (780+120+780+120) =
So now his total wage for the 4th month = (2400 +
2400 – 240 – 240) = Rs.4320.
Previously he used to earn Rs.1920 in the third month.
Since the calculations for the first two months are
Hence change in Bankatlal’s salary for the 3rd month =
made as per the old scheme of things, this has already
(1920 – 1800) = Rs.120.
been computed.
Total wage for 1st month = Rs.1440
Total wage for 2nd month = Rs.2040
Calculation for the third and fourth month are as per
new calculations and they are :
Total wage for 3rd month = Rs.1800
Total wage for 4th month = Rs.4320
Therefore, total salary for the four months
= (1440 + 2040 + 1800 + 4320) = Rs.9600.

Page 14 CAT 1994 Actual Paper

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