Your Communication Style Communication Style Cont

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Your Communication Style cont.

14. Most of the time, when working, you prefer:

a. To do your job quietly on your own.
b. To be an integral part of a team working together.
c. To influence the team in new and creative directions
d. To be the leader and structu
structure-maker for the team

15. When the phone rings do you

a. ...Answer it immediately
tely and talk at length.
b. ...Look
ook forward to the call, but wait a few rings before answering.
c. ...Deal
eal with whoever it is quickly and efficiently.
d. ...Hope
ope someone else wil
will answer it.

16. Your favourite type of clothing to wear:

a Something comfortable, practical and low key.
b. A unique ensemble that makes a statement.
c. An expensive-looking
looking power outfit.
d. Something easy-going
going and nice.

17. Which genre of fiction to you most prefer:

a. Mystery, documentary or science fiction
b. Feel-good
good story or romance
c. Epic, historical or action
d. Comedy, psychological thriller, glitzy

18. Which is more admirable:

a. The ability to organize and be methodical.
b. The ability to take charge in a chaotic situation.
c. The ability to motivate others to succeed.
d. The ability to make people feel comfortable and included.

19. In terms of comedy, I most closely identify with people who can:
a. …Tell a heart
eart warming, funny story.
b. …Tell a good joke.
c. …Create
reate great characters through move
movement, voice, costume, etc.
d. …Tell a witty one-liner,
liner, pun, or wordplay.

20. If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to:

a. …Make
ake sure they underst
understand my position on things.
b. …Make sure the relationship
nship doesn’t get damaged.
c. …Avoid
d that person for a while.
d. …Find
ind a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.
Your Communication Style Quiz - Answers
Circle the answers you chose. Then, count the number of A’s, D’s, N’s, and C’s you have at the bottom

1. a. D b. N c. A d. C

2. a. N b. D c. A d. C

3. a. D b. A c. C d. N

4. a. N b. C c. A d. D

5. a. N b. A c. D d. C

6. a. C b. A c. N d. D

7. a. A b. N c. C d. D

8. a. N b. C c. A d. D

9. a. D b. N c. A d. C

10. a. N b. A c. C d. N

11. a. D b. N c. D d. C

12. a. D b. N c. C d. A

13. a. A b. D c. C d. N

14. a. C b. N c. D d. A

15. a. D b. N c. A d. C

16. a. C b. D c. A d. N

17. a. C b. N c. A d. D

18. a. C b. A c. D d. N

19. a. N b. A c. D d. C

20. a. A b. N c. C d. D

Total A’s ______ Total D’s ______ Your total should come to 20

Total C’s ______ Total N’s ______

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