CHAPTER 3 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum

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3/8 Introduction
In the previous two articles, we focused on the equations of work and energy, which are obtained
by integrating the equation of motion F = ma with respect to the displacement of the particle.
We found that the velocity changes could be expressed directly in terms of the work done or in
terms of the overall changes in energy.
In the next two articles, we will integrate the equation of motion with respect to time rather than
displacement. This approach leads to the equations of impulse and momentum.
These equations greatly facilitate the solution of many problems in which the applied forces act
during extremely short periods of time (as in impact problems) or over specified intervals of time.

3/9 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum

Consider again the general curvilinear motion in space of a particle of mass m, Fig. 3/11, where
the particle is located by its position vector r measured from a fixed origin O.

The velocity of the particle is v = 𝐫̇ and is tangent to its path (shown as a dashed line).
The resultant ΣF of all forces on m is in the direction of its acceleration 𝐯̇ .
We may now write the basic equation of motion for the particle, Eq. 3/3, as

Where the product of the mass and velocity is defined as the linear momentum G = mv of the
Equation 3/25 states that the resultant of all forces acting on a particle equals its time rate of
change of linear momentum.
In SI the units of linear momentum mv are seen to be kg•m/s, which also equals N • s.
In U.S. customary units, the units of linear momentum mv are [lb/(ft/sec2)][ft/sec] = lb-sec.
Because Eq. 3/25 is a vector equation, we recognize that, in addition to the equality of the
magnitudes of ΣF and 𝐆̇, the direction of the resultant force coincides with the direction of the
rate of change in linear momentum, which is the direction of the rate of change in velocity.
Equation 3/25 is one of the most useful and important relationships in dynamics, and it is valid as
long as the mass m of the particle is not changing with time.
We now write the three scalar components of Eq. 3/25 as

These equations may be applied independently of one another.

The Linear Impulse-Momentum Principle

All that we have done so far in this article is to rewrite Newton’s second law in an alternative
form in terms of momentum.
But we are now able to describe the effect of the resultant force ΣF on the linear momentum of
the particle over a finite period of time simply by integrating Eq. 3/25 with respect to the time t.
Multiplying the equation by dt gives ΣF dt = dG, which we integrate from time t1 to time t2 to

Here the linear momentum at time t2 is G2 = mv2 and the linear momentum at time t1 is
G1 = mv1.
The product of force and time is defined as the linear impulse of the force, and Eq. 3/27 states
that the total linear impulse on m equals the corresponding change in linear momentum of m.
Alternatively, we may write Eq. 3/27 as

Which says that the initial linear momentum of the body plus the linear impulse applied to it
equals its final linear momentum.
The impulse integral is a vector which, in general, may involve changes in both magnitude and
direction during the time interval.
Under these conditions, it will be necessary to express ΣF and G in component form and then
combine the integrated components.
The components of Eq. 3/27a are the scalar equations

These three scalar impulse-momentum equations are completely independent.

Whereas Eq. 3/27 clearly stresses that the external linear impulse causes a change in the linear
momentum, the order of the terms in Eqs. 3/27a and 3/27b corresponds to the natural sequence
of events.
While the form of Eq. 3/27 may be best for the experienced dynamicist, the form of Eqs. 3/27a
and 3/27b is very effective for the beginner.

We now introduce the concept of the impulse-momentum diagram.

Once the body to be analyzed has been clearly identified and isolated, we construct three
drawings of the body as shown in Fig. 3/12.
In the first drawing, we show the initial momentum mv1, or components thereof.
In the second or middle drawing, we show all the external linear impulses (or components
In the final drawing, we show the final linear momentum mv2 (or its components).
The writing of the impulse-momentum equations 3/27b then follows directly from these
drawings, with a clear one-to-one correspondence between diagrams and equation terms.
We note that the center diagram is very much like a free-body diagram, except that the impulses
of the forces appear rather than the forces themselves.
As with the free-body diagram, it is necessary to include the effects of all forces acting on the
body, except those forces whose magnitudes are negligible.
In some cases, certain forces are very large and of short duration. Such forces are called impulsive
forces. An example is a force of sharp impact.
We frequently assume that impulsive forces are constant over their time of duration, so that they
can be brought outside the linear-impulse integral.
In addition, we frequently assume that nonimpulsive forces can be neglected in comparison with
impulsive forces. An example of a nonimpulsive force is the weight of a baseball during its
collision with a bat—the weight of the ball (about 5 oz) is small compared with the force (which
could be several hundred pounds in magnitude) exerted on the ball by the bat.
There are cases where a force acting on a particle varies with the time in a manner determined
by experimental measurements or by other approximate means. In this case a graphical or
numerical integration must be performed.
If, for example, a force F acting on a particle in a given direction varies with the time t as indicated
in Fig. 3/13, then the impulse, ∫𝑡1 𝐹 𝑑𝑡, of this force from t1 to t2 is the shaded area under the

Conservation of Linear Momentum

If the resultant force on a particle is zero during an interval of time, we see that Eq. 3/25 requires
that its linear momentum G remain constant. In this case, the linear momentum of the particle
is said to be conserved.
Linear momentum may be conserved in one coordinate direction, such as x, but not necessarily
in the y- or z-direction.
A careful examination of the impulse-momentum diagram of the particle will disclose whether
the total linear impulse on the particle in a particular direction is zero. If it is, the corresponding
linear momentum is unchanged (conserved) in that direction.
Consider now the motion of two particles a and b which interact during an interval of time. If the
interactive forces F and -F between them are the only unbalanced forces acting on the particles
during the interval, it follows that the linear impulse on particle a is the negative of the linear
impulse on particle b.
Therefore, from Eq. 3/27, the change in linear momentum ΔGa of particle a is the negative of the
change ΔGb in linear momentum of particle b. So we have ΔGa = - ΔGb or Δ(Ga + Gb) = 0.
Thus, the total linear momentum G = Ga + Gb for the system of the two particles remains
constant during the interval, and we write

Equation 3/28 expresses the principle of conservation of linear momentum.

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