Written Assemsnet Questions For Senior Gender and Protection Officer-Somali (003

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Senior Gender and Protection Officer – Hunger Crisis Response -Jarar

Written Assessment –
October 2022


This written test is timed at 2:30 hours for the position of Senior Gender and Protection Officer based
in Somali Region and support different response. Please answer all the questions and save your

Written Assessment: -October 22, 2022

Time Allowed: - 2:30hours

1. Why gender matters in emergency? What are the strategies and activities to ensure gender
equality in humanitarian response? 20 points
 Gender is the most important in finding the power privilege, and possibilities which peoples
have in different way .
 To avoid gender bias and inequality during project implantation period to enhance gender
balance .
Starategies and activities.
 Equal structural representation
 Provision and implementation of gender sensitivity during meeting and
distributions .
 Establish concrete gender based indictors .

2. Explain the common gender issues in Somali regional context? what challenges women and girls
face in this area? 10 points
 Mostly in Somali region the common gender issue that mostly they face is unequal
distribution of resource, harmful traditional practice, less of equal participation, as well as
traditional cultural believes. Challenges they might women’s and girls faces are unequal
distribution of resource, gender in equality, gender based violence like abuse, sexual
exploitation and neglect from the community.
 Women and girls fell discriminated and are lobbed for domestic activities
 Discriminated during decision making at the family and household level
 FGM – undergoing of female genital mutilation
 Intimate violence .
 Not providing equal rights compared to the masculine .

3. The WASH project team requires your support to make sure the intervention address the distinct
needs of women, girls, boys and men in vulnerable communities. Briefly explain how you collaborate
with other sector teams for effective gender mainstreaming and what actions you are going to take
from your experience. 10 points
 From my experience point of view having discussion and meeting with other sectors to
identify their plan about their target number that they need to support, in both male and
 Having meeting with the community leaders to share about this issue that wash program
needs to support the vulnerable community through inclusive ways of selection criteria in
regardless of their gender, sex, disability and color.
 Establishment of proper referral mechanism for smooth service mainstreaming .
 Provide capacity building on gender balance during project design and implementation .
 Conduct need assessment to oversee the baseline of the community and gender balancing
status .

4. What steps we follow to build capacity of humanitarian staff and partner to contribute for effective
gender programming? 10 points
 Need assessment on where to focus on capacity of the staffs
 Availability of resource on conducting on such trainings
 Inclusion of capacity building activities during project design
 Through different capacity building trainings and session based on needed
 Through sectorial meeting with humanitarian staff with equal gender balance of female.
 To promote the quality of project performance indictor with other partners
 To provide PSEA to end all types of violence from vulnerable people by humanitarian actors
5. What is the protection mainstreaming principle? (Brief explanation each principle).(10 Points)
 Avoiding causing harm and prioritize safety and dignity to ensure their protection
 Ensuring humanitarian access or assistance.
 Promoting the equal participation and empowerment
 The right to protection and security.

6. According to your understanding, can you briefly explain what do we mean by Protection Analysis
and what is the aims of carrying out such activity? (10 points)
 It’s a methodology used to identify the probability of occurrence and severity of risk trance in
order to know the protection needs.
Aims are:-
 To support the vulnerable peoples based on the project plan.
 Promoting community need protection and understanding the community the important
protection and gender equality

7. The project team asks you to support them during the upcoming Cash distribution, they want to
ensure that the community feels safe and comfortable during the distribution. Prepare a list of points
to guide them. (15 points)
 Access the security you ensure the team to select require area
 Selection of an accessible site
 Pre inform the community on the distribution sites
 Pre inform the community on pre distribution date
 Guide on gender balance during benefices selection and registration
8. A Protection assistant contacts you because her team is being approached by distressed women
and girls who say they are being harassed and assaulted in a community center. They want you to
come to the location urgently, but you are engaged in activities in a different location. Please explain
what advice you will provide the Protection assistant and outline the action steps you will take to
respond to this situation? (15 Points)
 I will access the magnitude of the activity engaged to ,and then compared to the one called
for so that will attend to the priority the case been informed to me .thus attend to the more
action the case deserves .
 If I can’t attend to I will outline the actions below
1. Provide an resource and couching on case management procedure.
2. Inform him to use the case management and implementation,
Documentation of the case should be filled (registration)
Provision of case plan
Cases follow up
Case referral

Good work and luck

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