Weld 111 - Session 26 - Shielding Gases

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Shielding Gases


◦ AWS Handbook Volume 2 – Welding Process Part 1
Online Resources
◦ Linde/Praxair Video: https://youtu.be/6YzHCSVrUVc
Canvas Homework: Shielding Gas Module
Shielding gases for welding
Primary Function of Shielding Gases
◦ Displace reactive atmosphere around the molten weld
◦ Atmosphere: 79% Nitrogen / 20.9% Oxygen
6 Gases are Used for Welding
◦ Argon Inert gases
◦ Helium
◦ Carbon Dioxide
◦ Oxygen Reactive gases
◦ Hydrogen Limited
◦ Nitrogen amounts
Gas flow rate set in CFH
Influence of shielding gas
Shielding gas uniquely effects:
◦ Arc characteristics
◦ Mode of metal transfer
◦ Weld & penetration profile
◦ Travel speeds
◦ Cleaning action
◦ Post-weld mechanical properties
◦ Potential discontinuities
Gas Flow Rates

Gas Categories
Inert Gases
◦ Completely non-reactive
◦ Argon & Helium are common in welding
◦ All noble gases may work – too expensive
Reactive Gases
◦ Reactivity is measurement of gas reaction with weld puddle
◦ Gasses classified by chemical properties:
◦ Oxidizing: Loss of electrons (Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide)
◦ Reducing: Gain of electrons (Hydrogen)
Gas Properties for welding
Ionization Potential
◦ When a gas ionizes, it gives up an electron & conducts electricity
◦ IP=Energy required to remove an electron from a gas atom
◦ Measured in Electron Volts (eV)
◦ Usually eV decreases as molecular weight increases
◦ Meaning: Atoms or Molecules with a higher atomic ionize at a lower voltage
◦ Smaller molecules have less electron shells & a stronger nuclear attraction
◦ Larger molecules have more electron shells & less nuclear attraction
Ionization Potential
Example: Argon vs. Helium
◦ Helium: 2 electrons, 1 electron shell
◦ Argon: 18 electrons, 3 electron shells
◦ Result? Easier to ionize argon – it take less energy
◦ Actual eV ionization potential:
◦ Argon: 15.7 volts
◦ Helium: 24.5 volts
Gas Properties for welding
Thermal Conductivity
◦ The ease that gas conducts HEAT Low Thermal
High Thermal
◦ Higher values deliver more heat
◦ Require more arc voltage
◦ Influences arc width
◦ Energy distribution
◦ Penetration profile
Relative effects of shielding gases
Argon vs. Helium
Other Gas Considerations
Surface Tension: Physics: principles of liquids
◦ Force exits between surface & internal molecules
◦ Creates an inward pressure, resists flowing
◦ Influences weld bead shape
Dissociation & Recombination
◦ Gases atomize under the arc heat
◦ Atoms recombine at the metal surface
◦ Recombination gives off heat energy
Density / Specific Gravity
◦ Effectiveness of shielding based on weight
Comparing Gas Properties
Carbon Nitrogen
Item Oxygen Hydrogen Argon Helium
Symbol O2 H2 CO2 N2 Ar He
Molecular Weight 8 2 44.01 7 39.95 4
Specific Gravity
1.1 0.07 1.53 0.98 1.38 0.14
(Air = 1)
Ionization Potential
13.2 13.5 14.4 14.5 15.7 24.5
Thermal Conductivity
14.05 97.22 8.62 13.93 9.69 85.78
(10-3 BTU/Hr.-Ft.-oF)
Special Shielding applications

Nozzle configurations

Trailing shields

Internal purging
Seal all openings
Install gas inlet
Create a gas vent
Set flow rate
◦ Low flows: 5-10 cfh
◦ Too low: penetration sags
◦ Too high: pushes out on weld
Welding Chambers
Provide completely inert atmosphere
◦ Required for the highest purity welds
◦ Long or hot welds on reactive metals
◦ Titanium often welded in a bubble
◦ Requires shielding to low temps
◦ Like purging, must have a vent!
◦ Takes time to purge
Gas Production
Air Separation Process: Cryogenic Distillation
◦ Argon
◦ Oxygen
◦ Nitrogen
◦ Carbon Dioxide – Also chemically produced

What about Helium & Hydrogen?

◦ Can they be extracted from the air?
◦ When do they “boil” off?
Shielding Gas Storage
High pressure cylinders
◦ Up to 3000 cubic feet (ft3)
◦ Up to 2650 PSI storage pressure
◦ Seamless chrome-moly or manganese steel
Liquid cylinders
◦ 3000 -5500 ft3
◦ Best for replacing multiple cylinders
◦ 60,000-1.2M ft3 or more!
Gas Delivery Systems
Dedicated cylinders
◦ 1 high pressure cylinder per machine
◦ Best for small shops or portable applications
◦ Flexible: Easy to change bottles/mixes
◦ Single source: easy to find leaks
Manifold Systems
◦ 1 gas source piped to dedicated weld stations
◦ Preferred for production & large shops
◦ Increases efficiency: Less time changing cylinders
◦ Saved floor space: Less cylinders being stored
◦ Improves safety: Less cylinder handling
Shielding gas safety
Always follow safety guidelines
◦ Proper handling, storage & use
◦ Equipment operation & maintenance
Key safety sources
◦ Owner/Operator Manuals
◦ Equipment Labels
◦ SDS – Safety Data Sheets
◦ Standards
◦ ANSI Z49.1
◦ Fire Protection
Confined spaces
Welding gases can
cause injury or death.

Do not enter confined

spaces with proper

Unique to shielding gases

◦ Fuel gases are scented
◦ Welding gases are:
◦ Colorless
◦ Odorless
◦ Heavier than air
Confined Space:
◦ Area not intended for occupation
◦ May lack natural ventilation
◦ Air traps collect welding gases
◦ Welding gases displace breathable air GTAW (TIG) welding in a stainless tanker.
Note: red air hose from air compressor
CGA Fittings

Gas Consumption
How much gas have you used in WELD 113 so far?
◦ Given flow rate: 30 ft3/hr
◦ Given weld time: 2.5 hrs x 4 days/week x 14 weeks
◦ Hand-held operator: 20% arc-on time
◦ 140 hours total possible x .20 arc-on time = 28 hours of welding
◦ 28 hours x 30 ft3/hr = 840 ft3

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