Rel Reviewer

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Genesis 2:18-23

"It is not good for the man to be alone"

- Being "alone" is no good for the man because man does not completely realize his essense as a gift. He realizes it oly by
existing with someone- and even more deeply and completely- by existing for someone.

- There is unity between man and woman.

- They have equal dignity though they are unique.

- The human persons are superior to other created living things because they are created by God in His own image, with
intellect and free will.

- By being superior to these creatures, human persons have the responsibility to take care of these creatures in gratitude to
God and as stewards of his creation. This truth highlights the human person's relationship with the nature.

-We are relational beings.

- Relating with one another with love is fullest essence of our beings.

- Being reltional to others is the heart of our dignity as human persons. It is not limited to human persons alone. We are also
connected to the rest of God's creation. As reltional beings, we keep in mind our relationship with fellow human persons and
with the rest of God's creation.

- To deepen our sense of relating and live it to the fullest is found in loving.

- The church continues to teach us that human persons are open and relational. We grow into our full selves as a person by
relating with our fellow human persons.

- In relating with others, we realize that being a person means by others (our conception, birth, upbringing), with others (our
family, friends, neighbors, business associates), and for others (love, service) (CFC 687).


They are community of persons. They relate with one another. Father and Son connotes a relationship, and alsi the Holy Spirit
as the love that prevails in the relationship of the Father and the Son.

- The Church is the people of God

- Through the Chruch, Christ instituted the new covenan that is in His blood calling together a people making them one in the

- As members of the Church, to relate with one another and live in unity an love for our communiy as a community is our duty.

- To encourage one another to do well, to live in peace and harmony despite differences in many aspects, to forgive, to pray for
one anothe, and to love each other as Jesus did are some of our moral responsibilities as God's people.

-The holy spirit wil give us necessay grace to live a truly Christian way of life. We will experience more this grace thrpugh frvent
prayers, reflection of daily life events, full active, and concious participation in the sacraments, especially in the Holy Eucharist,
and meditation on the Word of God.


- Who was Zacchaeus?

> The story of Zaccheaus shows a journey of a person who used human freedom in a sekfish way towards selfless way.

>Zacchaeus change of heart was all because of Jesus Christ Himself.

>Jesus satisfied Zacchaeus' greatest longing more tha his wealth ever did. Which is his salvation because of his conversion.

Understanding deeper Human Freedom

- Intellect and Freewill

- Authentic Freedom is not "the right to say or do anything", but "todo good" (CFC 694). It is a shared freedom with others in
the community. It is found in truth, not in prejudice, deceit, or ignorance (CFC 695).


Freedom from

- Human persons must be free from interior and exterior obstacles that hinder us from becoming the person that we are
according to the image and likeness of God.

Freedom For

-We need to be free from all obstacles for our freedom as a children of God who are children of the light. Our main goal to be
free from these obstacles is directed toward living as children of God who share in the life of Jesus Christ.


Freedom of choice

- A human person can direct his or her moral acts according to personal decisions. It is up to us to do good or evil.

Fundamental Freedom

- Our choice of doing good regularly become the person that we are and meant to be.

- Growing in freedom is both task ad a process. As a task, we need to overcome the obstacles that hinder us from being truly
free. We must sist all that ma enslave us in any way. By doing so, we gradually grow and mature towards fundametal freedom.

-Understanding and growing in authentic freedom is a life-long process and a task that is only possible through the grace and
power of Holy Spirit within us. By constant prayers and cooperation with the grace of the Holy Spirit, we can imitate Jesus in His
ways for a life of the Children og God, a life to the fullest.

-Being authentically free, responsible, and loving are act's of one's own free will. May we constantly obey the promptings of the
Holy Spirit who dwells in us for "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." ( 2 Corinthians 3:17)

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