Las 10 Rel Ed

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Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc.

St. Jude Parish School, Inc.
Governor’s Drive, San Agustin, Trece Martires City, Cavite


Lesson Title: Entering Into Christian Commitment

Learning Target/Competency:
Values/Graduate Attributes:
Reference(s) & Author(s):

Concept Notes:
 Discernment is concerned with finding the will of God in the events of our daily life and with regard to our major
 Christian discernment refers to all Christian reflecting on God’s will for them. We are called to “discern” God’s
will in the many choices that we face and the many words and actions we receive from others.
 Discernment is not only about making choices, but it is also about a framework that enables us to cooperate with
God’s plans for us.

We will refer to the practice of discernment from the Christian spiritual tradition for some guidance in choosing
between good courses of action.
1. An experience of God – Religious experience is any experience that God uses to break into our lives. It is an event in
our life that tells us God is real. He is near, and He loves us. As we grow in our faith, we grow in sensitivity to the
presence of God in our lives.
2. Listening to the Living Word of God - Authentic Christian discernment is always grounded in Sacred Scripture. For it is
through Scripture that the “Father who is in heaven meets his children with great love and speak with them”(Dei Verbum
3. Prayer – Discerning God’s action in our daily lives requires a spiritual sensitivity that comes only from authentic
Christian prayer and worship (CFC 100).
4. Seeking God in Peace – if we want to hear God’s voice we need to be silent and reflect on what the Lord wants us to
do. When we enter into prayerful silence and let go of our fears, insecurities and hang-ups in life, we let the Lord speak to
our hearts.
5. Seeing a Spiritual Director – At times, we only have to listen carefully in silence to detect where we are going astray.
But most often we need some objective help to uncover these defects. Talking about our plans and seeking guidance by
talking to a spiritual director—someone who can properly discern the Lord’s Word to us will help us achieve authentic

Following Christ – the Way, the Truth, and the Life We “walk humbly” with Jesus because in Him, in His life and
through His teachings, we find a perfect human life and the happiness that comes with it. When we renew our baptismal
vows to follow Christ, we are directed to live lives that are fruitful-lives that will make a difference to our families, among
our friends and schoolmates, and eventually to the whole community

This call to discipleship is a call to holiness. All of us are called to a life of holiness, a life of grace that is offered to
everyone by the Father through the Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit. The call to holiness is a call to the fullness of
Christian life and love

What does being a disciple of Christ actually mean? The Gospel of Mark (3:13-15) presents to us the basic and
most significant elements that pertain to discipleship”
1. “I chose you” – Our discipleship is a gift, something that is freely offered to us (Jn 15:16) what makes it beautiful is
that Christ “chose” us in spite of our imperfections and sinfulness.
2. “to be with Me”- Our first calling is to remain with Jesus and go through life’s journey with Him by our side. 4 3. “to be
sent out” – We are chosen for a mission— to go out and bear fruit that will remain—and we are driven by the fire of
God’s love to “love our neighbor.”

DISCIPLESHIP MEANS FORMING AND INTEGRATED FAITH Discipleship entails a personal commitment to
forming an integral faith
1. Knowledge of the Word of God (doctrine)
2. The profession of faith (morals)
3. Celebration of faith in the sacraments(worship) (NCDP414)
Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc. (DICES)
St. Jude Parish School, Inc.
Governor’s Drive, San Agustin, Trece Martires City, Cavite

 Commitment to Believe in Jesus (Doctrine) Whoever believes in Jesus, the Son of God, will also strive
to know and accept the truths that He continues to teach through His church. Every disciple of Jesus
must have an “informed” faith (PCP ll 65)
 Commitment to Follow Jesus (Morals) The call to Christian discipleship is a call to true conversion.
Discipleship is a process of commitment that involves turning from a self-centered self-development.
Conversion and social transformation are not just individual moments of the Christian’s response to
Christ, but a lifelong graced process of learning to follow Jesus daily.
 Commitment to worship Jesus (Worship) Pope Benedict XVl reminds us: “it is time to reaffirm the
importance of prayer in the face of the activism and the growing secularism of many Christians engaged
in charitable work…a personal relationship with God and abandonment to His will can prevent man
from being demeaned and save him from falling prey to the teaching of fanaticism and terrorism” (Deus
Caritas Est 37) Without prayer, our life is not nourished spiritually. Whenever we pray or receive the
sacraments, we open ourselves to divine action.
 Entering the Heart of Christ: Center of the Christian Mystery The inward mystery of man, in biblical and
non-biblical language is expressed by the word “heart’ Christ, the Redeemer of the world, is the one who
penetrated in a unique unrepeatable way into the mystery of man and entered his “heart.” - Redemptor
Hominis 9 Love is the most radiant message of the Gospels. “This revelation of God’s love and mercy
has taken a form and a name: that of Jesus Christ (Redemptor Hominis 9) Christ opens our eyes to the
reality of how much we are loved by God not only through His teachings but especially through
compassionate deeds culminating in His own passion and death for us on the Cross. The Gospel attest to
the compassionate heart of Jesus. He opts especially for the oppressed, the poor, and the lowly.
 Devoting Ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has given
form to these prophetic words of John the evangelist Contemplating the pierced heart (side0 of Jesus
moves us to enter deeply into the love of Christ, true God, and true man. In this devotion, we confirm
and deepen our acceptance of the mystery of the Incarnation–the love of God the Father manifested in
His sending His only begotten Son to become man and to pitch his tent among us.” (Jn 1:14) There is no
other symbol than the Sacred Heart of Jesus that better conveys “the breadth and length and height and
depth” of God’s love (Eph 3:18). Consecrating ourselves to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, then, is our
act as Christian disciples of consciously choosing Christ in the world today and offering and binding
ourselves to our Lord and Savior so that we may truly bring his love to the lost, the least, and the last.
Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc. (DICES)
St. Jude Parish School, Inc.
Governor’s Drive, San Agustin, Trece Martires City, Cavite

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