CES - AU - ICSRR23 - International Conference Brochure

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 Chief Patron
Prof. Dr. R. Velraj
Vice-Chancellor, Anna University, India
 Patron
Prof. Dr. G. Ravikumar
Registrar i/c, Anna University, India DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING (DCE)
Prof. Dr. L. Suganthi ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI - 600 025, INDIA
Dean, CEG, Anna University, India

Prof. Dr. K.P. Jaya Organizes

Head of the Department, Dept. of Civil Engineering
CEG, Anna University, India
 Convenor On
Prof. Dr. S. Kanmani
Director, CES, Department of Civil Engineering SUSTAINABLE RESILIENT
CEG, Anna University, India REMEDIATION
 Organizing Secretary
Dr. Saranya Kuppusamy
Ramanujan Fellow (Assistant Professor Equiv.) ICSRR’23
CES, Department of Civil Engineering
CEG, Anna University, India
 Co-organizing Secretary
Ms. M.S. Keerthana Rani
Assistant Professor
CES, Department of Civil Engineering
CEG, Anna University, India

02.02.2023 & 03.02.2023 (Hybrid Mode)

Muthian Auditorium, CES, CEG, India
Anna University was established on 4thSeptember 1978 as a Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR) is an optimized
unitary type of University. It offers higher education in solution to cleaning up and reusing hazardous waste
Engineering, Technology and Allied Sciences relevant to the sites that limits environmental impacts, maximizes social
current and projected needs of the society. Besides and economic benefits, and creates resilience against the
promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained increasing threat of extreme weather events, sea-level
there from, it fosters cooperation between the academic and rise, and wildfires. In the context of cleaning up
industrial communities. The Department of Civil Engineering contaminated sites, sustainability and resilience can be
(DCE) of Anna University is the oldest in the country. It dates thought of as two sides of the same coin: while
back to 17th May 1794, when the East India Company estab- sustainability considers the remedy’s impact on the
lished a Survey School to train military personnel and environment, resilience considers the environment’s
surveyors. This has grown to a Civil Engineering School in impact on the remedy. But this distinction is not so
1858 and later a Civil Engineering College in 1859. Over the simple. To be truly sustainable, a remedy must maintain
years with the help of dedicated group of people, it expanded functionality for the duration of its design life and do so
to the present level as one of a highly reputed group of Civil by being resilient to extreme events and changing
Engineering Departments in the country. Presently DCE has conditions. The interconnectedness of sustainability and
six well established disciplines - Structures, Water resilience, particularly as they relate to the cleanup of
Resources, Soil Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, contaminated sites, reemphasizes the importance of an
Urban Engineering and Remote Sensing. integrated approach. SRR has attained greater
importance in recent days. Hence, the International
Conference on Sustainable Resilient Remediation
ABOUT CES (ICSRR’23) is aimed to provide platform for academia,
The Centre for Environmental Studies (CES) was established government, civil society, private sector, development
as a Division of Public Health Engineering in the year 1955 practitioners, students and faculty from all over the world
with the assistance from the World Health Organization to come together and focus on the opportunities and
(WHO). It was developed into Centre for Environmental challenges in SRR. We welcome participants from all
Studies in 1982. CES vision is to be a Centre for Excellence in sectors and experience levels.
Environmental Care. CES mission is to be a Centre for
Environmental Protection. CES prepares the next generation
of young leaders focusing on Environmental Sustainability. CONFERENCE THEMES
Our alumni take the best knowledge to serve the environment The following are the proposed themes for the
and well-being of others, along with their academic degree. conference that are in line but not necessarily limited to
The quality of Environmental Engineers/ Managers/ Scientists below-mentioned themes.
we produce is incomparable. Our students render
Environmental Services throughout the world, and CES is  Sustainable and Green Remediation
proud to play essential role in Environmental Care. The - Soil
Centre has made significant contributions in the field of
- Water
Environment and has rich tradition of Teaching, Continuing
Education, Research, Consultancy and Extension - Air
Programmes successfully for the past 67 years.  Integrated Waste Management
 Climate Change Resilience
 Resilient Cleanup Remedies
The conference session will be supported by the invited talk, For Registration : Click here
lead talk, oral presentation and poster presentation by
eminent and leading scientists, teaching faculty, industry
Registration Fees (Including 18% GST)
experts, research scholars and students from India and
abroad on the relevant topics of the international conference
through offline and online mode (Microsoft Teams). National Participants

Delegates from Academia/ : 1500 INR

WHO CAN ATTEND Industry/ R & D Organization
Participation is open to all professionals, researchers,
academia, policymakers, extension functionaries, industries,
students and field officers. Delegates are invited to register Research Scholars & Students : Free
early to enable us plan and make the best possible
arrangements. International Participants

Delegates from Academia/ : 100 USD

Industry/ R & D Organization
Participants are invited to submit abstracts on their original
and unpublished research work (maximum 300 words & 06
keywords) that should be written in Times New Roman font, Research Scholars & Students : Free
double line spacing with 12 font size using Microsoft word.
Corresponding authors must be highlighted by asterisk (*)
with complete mailing address. Selected abstracts will be
allotted for poster/oral presentation and e-poster/ virtual oral IMPORTANT DATES
presentation and published in the conference proceeding.
For Abstract Submission : Click here Last date for abstract : 22.01.2023

SPONSORSHIP Intimation of abstract : 25.01.2023

We welcome applications for sponsorship from all interested
individuals, small business owners, organizations,
associations, groups and services. Please contact the Last date for registration : 27.01.2023
program convenor or organizing secretary about how you
can be involved with ICSRR’23. Communication of program : 30. 01.2023

Communication of : 01.03.2023
e-certificate & e-proceeding
 Dr. Megharaj Mallavarapu, Professor, University of To know more about us and work with us as a Student,
Newcastle, Australia Faculty and Stakeholder, take a look at our website
 Dr. Yong Bok Lee, Professor, Gyeongsang National For CES Website : Click here
University, South Korea
 Dr. K. Sri Bala Kameswari, Senior Principal Scientist,
 Dr. S. V. Srinivasan, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-
CLRI, Chennai
 Dr. G. Janardhanan, Professor and Head i/c, Centre for
Environment Management, NITTTR, Chennai
 Dr. Neppolian Bernaurdshaw, Professor, Department
of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and World Ozone Day Celebration International Symposium on UV
Technology, Kattankulathur 2022 Technology for Wastewater
 Dr. Paromita Chakraborty, Research Associate Treatment
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SRM
Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur
 Dr. P. V. Nidheesh, Principal Scientist, EIS Division,
NEERI, Nagpur
 Dr. George K Varghese, Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut
World Water Day Celebration International Seminar on
 Dr. Kanmani Subramaniam, Associate Professor, KPR Technologies for Energy from
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore Municipal Solid Waste
 Dr. Anantha Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut
 Dr. E. V. Aswathy, Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut WE WELCOME YOU
Tel : 044 - 2235 9010/ 044 - 2235 9011/ 044 - 2235 9013
E-mail : [email protected] ICSRR’23

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