Genocide Project - News Report

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Social Justice 12 Name: _______________________________

Ms. Buckley

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Genocide News Project

You are tasked with becoming a journalist and reporting on a genocide

that has occurred (or is still occurring). You will need to present this
news report as either a newspaper front page or as a video news report.
You can report on the genocide in past tense (if it ended) or can
approach it as if you are living during that time period reporting on the
events as they are unfolding.

Genocides to choose from:

- Myanmar
- Darfur
- Bosnia (Serbrenica)
- Holodomor
- Nigeria
- Cambodia
- Syria
- Uyghur (China)

Need to include the following:

What is the CAUSE of this genocide? What factors caused this to
Information on the stages of genocide that are present in the example
you’ve chosen
Impact overall of the genocide. How have people suffered as a result of
changes made?
Short and long term consequences of this event
Why should people care that this happened (or is happening)?
The reader or viewer should be compelled to care because of how you present
the information!
Social Justice 12 Name: _______________________________
Ms. Buckley

Rubric - Genocide News Report

5 4 3 2 1

Cause and Causes and Causes and Causes and Causes and Causes and
Consequence consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences of
of the genocide of the of the genocide of the genocide the genocide are
are thoroughly genocide are are somewhat are minimally not well examined
examined and examined and examined and examined and and explained to
explained to the explained to explained to the explained to the the reader/viewer
reader/viewer the reader/viewer reader/viewer and/or are
reader/viewer presented in a
confusing way

Research Research on the Research on Research on the Research on the Research on the
genocide is all the genocide is genocide is genocide is genocide is not
from reputable mostly from mostly from somewhat from consistently from
sources and is reputable reputable reputable reputable sources
extremely well sources and is sources and is sources and is and is minimal.
done. A well done. A satisfactory. A basic. More More sources
comprehensive source list is source list is sources are needed or source
source list is included. included. needed on the list is not
included. source list. included.

Overall Information is Information is Information is Information is Information is

Presentation presented very presented presented not clearly confusing and
clearly and clearly and has somewhat presented and is there is little
creatively. Effort some clearly and has lacking creativity. Effort is
is consistent creativity. elements of creativity. Effort not present
throughout the Effort is creativity. Effort is not consistent throughout the
project. The present is somewhat throughout the project.
overall project is throughout the present project.
impressive! project. throughout the

Total = /15

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