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Chapter — 2— Soil — water— Plant lations Sd) - 50) -en) Soule Ns Soil Classification OA) ies —_—_______. 7 gravely Soil > 2mw Sandy Soil 105-2 mun Silty Soil 01002 = 0105 mur clay soil oF -Ww 2 Sw. Wu Vv Ww v | Qe Son — . f- e+" \we > =~ Real Spesiftc gravity Gs) AAS SE [ot Ps Cis SE a) A) bo pal oa CL Gav a ad Ye Css & > seid denity . We ere 7 Gs tw = Wwe Apparent Spesifit gravity (Gp) PAD ox eotss, b& Ws WAALS OF) ars cb wo Gye whem Be — Sie Catt ends Cis Gr, So = HE es Vee Gy % Mos Moistuye by weight (w) ws Me Cwater content by weight ) Ws Vy, Mw Zou We Also ae eee , Vv Ws / CG ke) ‘6 Ws A— SPA gd ep are Ble Vessericssd INN a (42) ao este ricad) ees sete Sele Ops EK OT Sod) «ad Jie Sete SbF os OL) ay SUs dw ame svy DN S59) 51) | oust abld GLA 1 sw Ws _ Ww: ‘ ; Ve ve ve = HA <, Preiouly defined Na, Be Vv Gs Sales ere ce eee [acc Vv ¥ Vv Gs Aso we GOW =p Ww: GsCi-n) w ale Ve. A dP whr yy: tgtel | Volume Az Surbace > oe eek on aud sub, eg @ ¥& +4 Ng- = 8 => Use UCR) —® Wess Ve Gs bw Miles We = VCI-n) Ge du =p Wee Ad Ci-n) Grbu we ww Ww Vw bo Wu Ad CH") GsBua * Ad Cen Gabo Ha 2. TK volume of water tr the yoot-2ore soil Ww is: Vw se WA Clon) Gs Also , Vw = A- ow ware A: soil suthice area w da - Mw 2 WH On) Gs Worm ard é a 0e oo Ext: A moist soil sampk has a volume of! 4 Coe? jin tee natural slate ancl aweight of ZIV. The dy weight A te soil Ik 136N and the vebchie censity of the particles 15 g.¢5. Determine th~ porosty y sei] moisture content, Volumetric moisture* Content amd degree Saturation - Sole pee ae cwolure Gye He a Gs y %o V el. SSS 2 ows 2 26 = 2S wis) Eso #4 B4 Coe 15 = Ss We ae where Why + WoW, = FU-B3g cost LSE 2 5.0988 2587 4.36 ” (ay aQ,w =p We ISS * 00t8S 242-214 Z oO T2214 s- & aa = 99.uy, & Ex2: Fer agiven Soil has aspesific gravity of 2.65. Te weight of soil Sample is eA. AFter rg ing in an oven , tt Wweiats LSA). Compute the sok Appavent spesific qyravity os Us -%u —¢ 3 3 L265 e Ls Uz, = S#-F x10 Wo OY SHH cm Us #1810 w ie Wy = WL Ws lw 2 1g Ss O3N ; . Ss 2 . = a ’ 2 WW Soe 30-6 #10 we ov B06 Cw a x => Vu ago Via Us ey 2 SUH 4 Bob = BE 3 G, = ws cee V So BES «10° % A810 = 1-43 Ex Bt Fed particle density We He soil mass is 4.Sy of ST end Volune> : . mass Us Sel. 7 porticle olemsity = rare ae of 2, Exu 4 Determine fle bulk density ancl particle clensity of agiver soil, tf Weight ob dried sail = 12S) For ScuF soil | Volumt » Mass of particle = 129 for 2S cm unit volume and Fi porosity + ser Its a AK Balk density = — - 2S 9 pom | (&s) Particle density = Ws . 40 syem? bene 12 Se eww 2 Ne bs a * “¥ Vis 1] So iene $b =p n= 2x He” In Hw@: Quen asoil whick has fm follousing clade « Viz teow 5 Wat NV oy Ws = 14S 1; Yu = 1810 pieGry ee Fed + © Apparent spesifie gravity (Ga) @® Te poresity cn) ® Votame of solid (vs) Ans. Gye 1-23 I. : oil hh. 1 e ns sar Hd @ + as 5 Apparent Spesifie Ns = S52 cm gravity equal to bus 9 ds dey weight is VS. The Weight of soil Sample is LAW 4 Ftd the percentage ef water content by Volume: Subsurbace wah << Zone of arcation z Oo Bene of satu rihion = / areation Tom epilator wT qu Sabareter inapervionS Strader Rook tone Boil lie sere geil wel we — wo . = saturate cn L gravitational Wi / len" Cedeia outer) YL. wgerd capac — - - capillary waker * ; (stow Sroinag) perenanent wwii ror S copie ane SS aven dry condo = no Jrainage ) Gravitahseal waker + Ho wsaber tha mores fe © pe sel by gromty Ci Ges by om capillary waher + 1° dle wlaher thak remained Ie the sor) after fhe qrwvitabswatl weer drains 5 ib peronits planks 4° Serave tough pen’ods ob drought. cvs fos a ob ater bald very tightly bey de soil articles hygrescopre wale «i the 8 navailable to ie plant so that ie is ul ‘ 3 soil moisture or waher7 cess water” Viet! epacity s 5 fn, amount fF content bel re te soil obter ©™ C gr itational waker) drained away ama) the rake old Jownwand movement has decreased. thes usually eres ple a lr vivigadion Depending, or texture - + stracture of soil: Ro ew rl (ey vad ote) 2611 old) e» oadily am elt ee AM wrt? CU be ne citi dt oe opt de ee oe ol ab ve Bis Lt 0 ty MP 2 ed Babe ets Sy SI Permanent wilting poi ; ing poinh + 1 71. moisture content beyond ewhich, planks Find Readily available water by volume , Gy = h3¢ and Readily Aw by weight f So Raw = AD *Aw 2 AD CFC" *@b | paws 52, #(tGaISs -18)% 291% bg val. female Aso cea pwP) 3% eg weigh 4 For agiven Soil s Gyz2ug » weight= 184g, ary waght ©1539 , Fad Gy? . err a 3 sol . ha = On Jent a,. Ws ws Ls oye Fe Cae ER, ee 188 ) 246 #| = 62.5 cm? Wy + [64-158 = 319 ye _— slo. 3) ot Sw Viz Vs eUw = 62-543) = ass cm Is Gy. 8 Lea 43.5 *1 —_— Ey: A layered! soil has the followin, : Top layer: Fe =4oy PwP = ig y AD =3S% Depth ef soil = So ce initial water content Ciwe) = 26% by vel. bottom layer 2 Fe = 88% PMP = 20% De f0emK actual water content = 30% byvel, ADeSSZ Fad de required clepth af tvigakin on « sol: Ter layer: Sud = Fe - iwe a sone 650 * \so = tonne ca Aw (ME. 7 “pee ) AD = (HEa1B ) x So 10 4 OBS = BES me low sed FAW est ct ae or evsuuo OW obi Ags ale Better layer : sud = (38-3 ) x60 Ko = AS we 136 AW = (BS=20) * 60% 10 we OSS 2ST Oe \oo On = to + 48 NS 2 BA cel an ee = BES 44 = THT re \s Ext A layered soil has fe Following, Tsk layer Fice 40% P-w-p = 187 bby vel. Vue Cimitial water) 2 26%) Desecn Content eee layer Feo: 35% P.w.p = to% | ley vel. Voce Zod D sboce oer ole Water saddest foie sea), ofr) tecte, Tene h for th. Second layer after this addition of water - Sk 14 layer : Sud 2 Fc — iwe =4o- % = luy by vel. - JY Suid = Te SO¥l0 = Pome = = OD) exha water 2 2oo- Fo = 126 wen will qo to tHe eno) 2nd layer Neyer Stree ee oe ee s2 eo) = By, burch: Smd 2 B x 6ox% lo = Uf me Joo extra water = [3o- UF = FE me will qo as adep Percolation losses CG) QUE — erp) we Ext Gwin asoil of tleagers Tep layer 2 Fee 2327 PrP = Joy by vol ywe = 367% D = 40 ow botlow layer F.c = 327 ied is j Pavel Dao cw jwe = 207 Fad soil water Content 7 by Volume for second lager hn two layers each ameistive loalence SO st we a a ee OE oe Mose BO ye tr £1; cb ASL) Sw) eUSens Few wt wl cos DY ot) Ast layer ; extra water 2 iwe- F.c = ww will =( 36-32) x (35S) * 40 m0 Se te pottow layer 2nd lege ; Sud = Fe-iwe = 32-20 x goxio= FoRrnr 160 Suid aller Cxtra watey = Ft-l6 = Some comes from top lager Ob =) fa, | fer so) = 22.67 by vol ® 32 - $€ x10 Goo EX? Given gsoil Sample * Ve Ib cm? » We 2v , Wee BW > at full Saturation We 2-8” afer all gravity water has beer craimed out y We 22 token all capillary water las been Used» Wel8S Ficd 2 TE apparent spesific gravity (GL) > Gravity Water Z by Vol. > hygroscopic water 7 ly val & AW / byvel Sole i? cee, Oe eee 2 hy ——____ V &w 131 * 7810 S bw Weaay ob aw Cire eo $3 bee So} SMa bes oSIPA USO) ae er Ceres shes Ue » (Figjattran) usb weezy soe dis orgs CRc) DEY Laas WelBSN Bet oy or Medi oe Sb bas oso) - oie A BED, Spd) ob oy bes cose aid ov aw Lio cia) sD us (PuPhe Ie atts us ol pr lBSN a oy» dt5) (Pw Pp) 2- gravity water = water content Wether Content af full seduration at Fick! capacity Qravity Water = Woe = Wee at saturatin 3— Weat = Ye x loo Vee = She. Gear) iF Lge on? Cw 1810 Weat = — x lov = F277, by vol. et Field Capacity :— eee Capacing ai Ww. = Mwy too pe. w. _ (22—1e)x 10° = 408 on Vw Ge \R 40% : Wee = a Xo = 31-2 % by vol. fe qravity Water = FLT _ 3127 = 464 7 by vol. Ir Wd es eA ssdl whe tSebl si (PP) a ioe hy gros copie water = Wry.p ot permanent wilhiy point p.w-p Vow z x Wowie a * be J. . € Ve Ww 2 FBS IE ROS Lc cw? yw 4810 ” w s . sl ag, Pra ieee 3-7 7 by vol. hygrescopie watery = 347 by vel. He Aw = uh aml Wow ze 32 — 3-4 243 7% byvol P

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