Chapter 2

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2.1 Introduction to Procurement

Construction Industry involves procurement and contract management systems in order to ensure fair
competition and distributions of obligations and rights among stakeholders.

Competition helps:

 The Project Owners’’ to acquire the five rights (Counter part, Cost, Time, Quality and Quantity)
s/he is entitled to.

 The Project Financiers and Regulators’’ to value market principles and effective utilization of
finance such that lowest qualified bids takes the project , and

 The Project Providers’’ to get impartial and neutral opportunity for business.

Procurement is a process used to select the lowest competitive and qualified bidder for procuring services
or works or goods from potential competitors based on reasonable relevant criteria. It can also be expressed
as a method used to employ or buy services or works or goods for the value (in the form of money) which
includes reasonable profit. Essentially, a bid or tender is a binding offer or proposal to furnish certain
specified promises for the amount stated in the tender.

Physical infrastructures are cost extensive and appropriate savings obtained through competition are the
main factor behind the procurement process. An effective and efficient procurement method ensures the
following rights called the "Five Rights". These are The Right Quality, The Right Quantity, The Right
Cost / Price /, The Right Counter part and The Right Time.

1) The Right Quality:

It is indeed wasteful and not necessary to spend time, money and all the efforts for procuring unqualified
services or goods or works. Therefore, it is essential to ensure whether such procurements are of the right
quality. Right Quality is always based on two major factors. These are the technical expectation and the
economic consideration, i.e.; Price & Availability. While the technical quality can be insured by the
provisions of specifications and checking their conformance reliability of the intended job; the economic
consideration can be taken into account by the competition initiated using procurement processes. This
implies that a tender document should, as much as possible, clearly specify the quality requirements and
allow participation of qualified and experienced firms for tendering.
2) The Right Quantity:

The quantity should be computed carefully and included in the BOQ correctly. This is because it has an effect
on the project cost and site organization which is the bases for offering the right price. If the quantity is found
mistakenly small, it will have consequential effects such as:

 Project Budgeting will be affected due to excess quantities

 Construction planning will be affected and cause under stocking

 Tenderers can manipulate their offer due to it

 Overzealous contract administration is caused, and

 Contractor cash flow will be affected.

On the other hand if the quantity is mistakenly more, it will cause high stocking, more storing places and
risk of spoilage; unhealthy practices due to over budget provisions; and manipulation in tendering. Therefore,
provisions of the right quantity resolve the occurrences of the above stated effects. Two major factors that
can play important role in providing the right quality are Take-off-Sheet Measurements and Resources

3) The Right Cost/Price/:

In strict terms the right cost usually relates itself very much to the quality expected to accomplish the task.
It is clear to say that it is difficult to get the right cost, however to approach it, is a possibility. That is one of
the causes for procurement to be processed. Tendering together with negotiation and market intelligence
techniques is the only way that ensures the right cost and accomplishing the task successfully. Competition
is the bases for determine the Right Cost or Price.

4) The Right Counter Parts:

This is to guarantee that the parties agreeing to accomplish the task shall be fit to the job. That is, the Project
Owner should know what his needs are as accurately as possible, be competent to act as an Employer and
should possess the finance. The Consultant shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the
performance of his obligations. If authorized to certify, decide or exercise discretion, the Engineer do so
fairly between the client and the third party not as an arbitrator but as an independent professional acts by
his skill and judgment. The contractor shall be able to execute and maintain the task successfully with due
care, diligence and provide all labours including supervision thereof, materials, equipment, etc.

Therefore, with the help of tendering, it is possible to select the right counterparts.
5) The Right Time:

The right time for the provision of resources and accomplishment of obligations of each party shall be set
and agreed. This usually relieves the extra cost incurred on the parties which will make them to suffer.
Besides if the project is not completed at the right time, its effects are devastating. To insure prevention of
such happenings scheduling with regard to right timing is essential.

2.2 Types of procurements

Bases Things Bidders Geographical Procurement Procurement steps

Procured Coverage Coverage Awareness

Goods Competitive International General PN Single

Types Services Negotiated Regional Specific PN Two-Staged

Works National Pre-qualification

Local Post qualification

(A) Classification Based on things to be procured: (Goods Vs Services Vs Works)

Based on things to be procured, procurement types can be classified into three major categories; namely,
Procurement of Goods, Services and Works. Depending on the delivery system chosen during the contract
planning phase, mixed types of procurement types can be adopted.

Procurement of Goods: Physical resources used as components for undertaking consultancy services and/or
construction works such as Materials and equipment’s are made available using Procurement of Goods.

Procurement of Services: In the construction Industry procurement of services are often termed as
consultancy services procurement. These include services like pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, design
and contract administration of projects, Construction management consultancy services, research or study
based consultancy services, etc.

Procurement of Works: In the Construction Industry procurement of works mean the procurement of
contractors to carry out the actual physical infrastructures.
(B) Classification Based on bidders’ Coverage: (Competitive Vs Negotiated Tendering)

Generally, procurement types can be classified into Competitive and Negotiated Tendering when bidders‟
coverage is taken as a basis for classification.

Competitive Tendering: The objective of competitive bidding is to acquire the goods, or works,or services
at the most economic cost to the project owner. This type of tendering is commonly used for the selection of
better and capable winning bidder among the various eligible firms. Competitive bidding can either be Open
or Limited Competitive Bidding in the form their invitations.

As their name implies, while Open competitive bidding allows all eligible bidders to participate; Limited
competitive bidding allows a number of selected firms decided by the Project Owners inconsultation with
concerned parties for qualification. The major difference between open and limited competitive bidding is
the addition of qualifying criteria beyond eligibility imposed on the procurement type for limited competitive

Limited Competitive Bidding is often used when the nature and urgency of the work justifies to do so. In
this case limited numbers of eligible firms are invited to participate for the bid. Commonly short listing is
done based on the firms past performance, work load at present, presence of a firm in the vicinity of the
projects, knowledge of similar type of works before and financial and technical capabilities of the firms.

Besides, the listing shall take into account the renewal of licenses of the firm and the specific requirements
of the employer. These are some of the qualifying criteria used for Limited Competitive Bidding. In such
tendering, bidders cannot be rejected as non-responsive for being unqualified technically. Usually in such
type of procurement, cost of projects might be higher than expected. To minimize such effects, capable and
competent professionals shall negotiate with the winning firm.

Negotiated Tendering: Under certain circumstances, which shall be rare in practice, direct appointment of
an eligible firm can be exercised by Project Owners. The nomination of this direct invitation is usually based
on good performance, acquaintance with the Project Owner, for supplementary agreements, etc. This kind
of tendering is exceptionally exercised when the project under consideration is very urgent or needs special
skill whereby the required skill is rarely available. The main disadvantage of this type of tendering is that
the price offered can usually be higher than the competitive bidding.
(C) Classification Based on geographical Coverage: International Vs Regional VsNational Vs Local

Procurement can be made using any of the four methods based on geographical coverage: these are
International, Regional, National and Local Tendering. Such types of procurements are generally caused
by three major factors. These are Local Capacity, Financial Sources and Globalization. When projects could
not be carried out by local capacity, project owners are forced to make tendering out of their localities.
Policies of the financial sources dictate the typeof tendering.

Geographically. For instance, donor financed projects are often practicing International or Regional
Tendering. The World trend for Globalization and the principles of Free Trade and Trade Liberalization also
encourages international tendering. In practice, Preference Margins in the range of 7% are applied to local,
national or regional tenderers, which imply tender offers higher than 7 % will be given preference to
encourage local participation.

(D) Classification Based on Procurement Awareness:

To enhance proof of competition and increase accessibility, projects are recommended to create awareness
starting from its initiation. Following this requirement, General and Specific Procurement Tendering can be
made. This approach is used for:

a. The Project Owners to:

 Identify interested bidders to issue Invitations by letters and save time;

 Identify bidders relevant for the procurement required; and

 Protect loss of cost in preparing lots of tender documents.

b. The Bidders to:

 Give sufficient time to assess the cost of the project;

 Protect loss of cost only to participate; and

 Encourage competent bidders who wary about law-balling to participate

Procurement Notice (GPN) is of two types.

These two types are based on their purpose why and when they are notified. The first type is when the
purpose is to create awareness and let bidders‟ prior information about upcoming projects such that they can
follow up its developmentand include them in their plan.
This type of GPN is used for procurement of works and goods and is often announced as soon as the design
implementation service is started. The Second type is when the purpose is to determine interested bidders
who could be invited in the form of Limited Competitive Tendering. This type of GPN is used for
procurement of services and is often announced after financial sources are determined. GPN covers the
Employer and its financiers for its project; Description of the project with its probable or planed
implementation time; type of procurement method and address where further information can be obtained.

Specific Procurement Notice (SPN) is an Invitation for Tender or a Request for Proposal when the project
is ready for implementation. SPN can be sent to those interested bidders identified following GPN directly.
Otherwise, it should be advertise on the bases of enlarging opportunities.
E). Classification Based on Procurement Steps

 Single or Two Staged Tendering:

Procurement can be made using a single or two staged tendering process. They are related with
whether tender packaging for submission separately and their evaluations are staged for a single or two
steps when invitations are made.

 Single: Bidders submit single proposal and the evaluation is carried out on the

 Two Staged: When the bidders submit separate proposals and the evaluation will be
carried out separately, usually financial then technical.

 Pre or Post Qualification Tendering: Procurement can also be based on Pre - or Post – Qualification

Prequalification is an internationally accepted practice in procurement management. It would normally be

required for civil works contract of which its nature and cost is large and complex. Itis a procedure in which
eligible bidders are invited to provide evidence of their ability to perform the services required by the
employer. Prequalification is desirable because it enables the Employer to establish the competence of
companies subsequently evaluated. It is also in the interest of contractors since, if prequalified, they will
know that they are competing against a limited number of other firms, all of whom possess the required
competence and capability.

Pre - qualification can be of two types.

The First is when companies are already considered qualified during their licensing requirements which
entitled them for a single stage tendering process. For such types of tendering, the most important tender
evaluation criteria become the low priced bid.

The Second is when two staged tendering is used to pre-qualify tenderers‟ for their technical competency.
Once bidders qualify for the tender, either the lowest priced bidder or the lowest evaluated bidder based on
the weighted average of the technical and financial scores will be recommended for award.
Pre - qualification should be based entirely on the ability of the bidder to carry out the required works
satisfactory. The following criteria are often used in determining this ability of the bidder; Experience and
past performance, Health, Safety and Environment Records, if any, Capability in respect of personnel
and equipment, Organizational arrangement and facilities, Financial Status, and Schedule of Commitments.

According FIDIC, 1994 recommended a procedural Flowchart for Procurement for Prequalification;
however, it is presented here in the following diagram with little modification to suit the current practices.

Post - qualification is a tendering type where Financial Evaluation is carried out first and rank bidders on
the basis of their offer for tender price. That is, Technical Evaluation will be doneafter the Financial
Evaluation. However, Technical Evaluation is performed step by step starting from the lowest financially
evaluated bidder until technically or cumulatively qualified bidder is determined.

The advantage of this approach is not to lose the lowest financially evaluated bidder and to savetime during
technical evaluations. However, Post qualification approaches often cause to fix evaluators on financial
results and be locked and biased for successive technical evaluations.
2.2 Procurement Management

Procurement Management process can be idealized into three major processes. These include Preparation,
Tendering, and Evaluation (including Award Recommendation) Processes (Figure 2.3).

2.3 Procurement and Contract Delivery Systems

Procurement and Contract Delivery system is the way Project Owners together with Project Regulators and
Financiers determine the assignment of responsibilities to Project Stakeholders along the Construction
Process. Procurement and Contract Delivery system is often determined during the Basic Planning phase of
Construction Project.

Generally, there are six types of Procurement and Contract Delivery systems. These are:

 Force Account,

 Design Bid Build (DBB),

 Design Build (DB) or Turnkey,

 Finance / Build Operate System (BOT),

 Construction/Facility Management Consultancy, &

 Alliances and Outsourcing.

Such Procurement and Contract delivery systems are developed overtime and are shown in Fig. 2.4 below.
The development was based on problem solving for the previous type and theDevelopment of the
Construction Industry technologically and management wise.

Figure 2.4 different Procurement and Contract Delivery Systems and their development overtime

Assignment 10%

1.) Write the detail information or detail explanations for each procurement management process.
2.) Generally, there are six types of Procurement and Contract Delivery systems.

 Force Account,

 Design Bid Build (DBB),

 Design Build (DB) or Turnkey,

 Finance / Build Operate System (BOT),

 Construction/Facility Management Consultancy, &

 Alliances and Outsourcing.

 Write the detail description of each Procurement and Contract Delivery systems in a clear way.

 Write short summary about types of project delivery systems and list down merits and demerits of each type.
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