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Thursday 1st April 2010 3 + $ 5 0 $ & < ' $ , / < & 2 0  $ 8

Sydney al
Sydney umni
THE University of Sydney
Cor um to rrepay
Corum epay $5m lloans
oans New PSA ACT pr
ACT es
CATHY Beckhouse has been
Pharmacy Alunmi Association has LISTED pharmacy software a $1m after tax profit for the elected to the position of ACT
extended the closing date for supplier Corum Group has advised current financial year. branch president for the
nominations for two new that it will be repaying almost $5 The official ASX announcement Pharmaceutical Society of
achievement awards for pharmacy million in loans to Westpac on or didn’t give further details on how Australia, after the resignation of
graduates. before 31 May after “extensive Corum will fund the $5m payment. Gabrielle Cooper due to her
The Pharmacy Alumni Award for discussions” with the bank. responsibilities at the University of
Achievement and the Pharmacy
The company said it has Genephar
Genepharmm to Ascent Canberra.
Young Alumni Award for “arrangements in place to ensure it AUSTRALIAN pharmaceutical Currently a National PSA Board
Achievement awards cover can meet these commitments.” but manufacturer Genepharm has Member, Beckhouse comes to the
community, international, voluntary has also activated a dispute changed its name to Ascent presidency with 10 years of
and professional achievements by resolution process because it’s Pharmaceuticals, effective from today. pharmacy experience, and through
nominees both within or outside of disputing Westpac’s entitlement to The move comes as part of her new role hopes to expand
the professional area. a termination payment. Genepharm’s bid to more closely pharmacists’ and pharmacy
Nomination forms are now The negotiations with the bank align the business with its “growing staffers’ knowledge of
available for download at have been ongoing for some time, international brand of Ascent complementary medicines.
www.sydney.edu.au/pharmacy/alumni with Corum having a deficiency of
and are due by the amended current assets of $11.5m on 31 Dec.
Ascent Pharmaceuticals has said
Fish oil rreview
closing date of Fri 16 Apr 2010. Corum also said it was expecting that it plans to remain wholly THE second edition of the TGA’s

Sigma winner’s a grinner Australian owned and managed, Medicines Safety Update has now
“retaining its fully integrated been published, including an article
business model allowing for on the safety of fish oil and omega-
independent control over everything 3 fatty acids whcih concludes that
from R&D through to distribution health professionals should be
and promotional support”. “mindful of the theoretical risk of
CEO Dennis Bastas also bleeding with fish oil when
confirmed that Ascent had forged monitoring patients treated with
an exclusive relationship with Pfizer fish oils and anticoagulants”.
established products which ensures Medicines Safety Update replaces
that “our partner pharmacies will the previous Australian Adverse
be at the forefront of change as Drug Reactions Bulletin.
many products come off patent It’s available for download now at
over the next three years”. www.tga.gov.au.

train hard - eat wise

Endurance Biscuits are a
new Australian-
formulated product
specially created for
customers who cycle, run,
swim or train.
Developed by master
nutritionist Alison Evans, the products meet
Australian food standards for ‘Formulated
ABOVEVE: Sigma recently ran a $250,000.
catalogue promotion for consumers At noon last Fri at Pharmacy Supplementary food’ and are HACCP certified.
which saw the major prize awarded Essentials the overall winner, Kathy • Great taste - chocolate and coffee flavour
to a customer at Pharmacy Jones, chose one of 250 identical
Essentials in Southgate on the Gold envelopes. • High in PROTEIN for repair of tissues and muscle maintenance
Coast in Queensland. Unfortunately Kathy didn’t choose • High in ENERGY
The campaign was based around the $250,000 prize but still walked
the theme “Did you Know?” and away with a cheque for $5000. • Contains ZINC for faster healing and improved immunity
aimed to reinforce the importance Pictured above from left are Joe • Contains CALCIUM for maintaining bone density
of the local pharmacist as a Shepherd, Pharmacy Essentials
valuable resource for qualified Southport manager; Simon • Contains CAFFEINE to enhance performance
advice on health issues. Hambrecht, director, Pharmacy A great addition to the supplements section of any
Weekly prizes of eight Nintendo Essentials; prize winner Kathy
Wii game consoles were on offer for Jones; Sue Kendall, Sigma state pharmacy.
six weeks, while the major prize sales manager Qld; and Shelley Enquiries welcome to [email protected].
winner went into a draw to win Browne, Sigma Territory Manager.

Pharmacy Daily Thursday 1st April 2010 T 1300 799 220 W www.pharmacydaily.com.au page 1
Thursday 1st April 2010 3 + $ 5 0 $ & < ' $ , / < & 2 0  $ 8

New PBS schedul

THE Health Department has PSA welcomes chr
welcomes onic pl
chronic an
plan ',63(16$5<
updated the Schedule of THE Pharmaceutical Society of PSA is now awaiting further
Pharmaceutical Benefits, but the Australia and the Pharmacy Guild details of the new program and
failure of the government’s bid to have both welcomed yesterday’s how pharmacists would be
introduce three new PBS announcement by the govt of a specifically utilised within it. WAR is no place for fast food!
therapeutic groups means that $436m investment in how “PSA looks forward to working Junk food outlets on all US
some of the prices are incorrect. Australians with long-term illnesses with the government to ensure the military bases in Afghanistan have
The changes are published in a are treated. program meets the needs of been ordered to close, after
separate erratum, and there’s also The first disease to be tackled is chronic disease sufferers,” he said. military leaders decreed the area
a list of 12.5% price reductions diabetes, with PSA president The Guild said it would also be was a war zone, not an
including for clopidogrel and Warwick Plunkett saying the working with the government “to amusement park.
clopidogrel with aspirin which are program will allow greater funding ensure that the $250 allocated for According to reports General
effective today. flexibility and coordination between allied health can be allocated to Stanley McChrystal, the man
Bisolvon pr
Bisolvon omotion
promotion health professionals. compliance programs in
community pharmacy”.
behind the healthy movement,
also recently banned alcohol at
“The current funding
BISOLV VON has announced it will Guild President Kos Sclavos said NATO’s Kabul headquarters after
arrangements are structured in
invest more than $1 million in TV community pharmacies “stand he discovered many of the troops
such a way that they do not support
advertising this winter to “educate ready to play their part in the were turning up to work worse for
coordinated services between
consumers on the benefits of proposed new approach to care for wear with a hangover.
health professionals,” he said.
removing excess mucus to relieve patients with diabetes.” The general himself, a big
“Clearly people with chronic
chesty coughs”. He said the Guild’s MedsIndex believer in healthy lifestyle options,
diseases like diabetes need the
Two different ads will be system could highlight poor patient is said to jog 13kms every
services of a range of health
broadcast, with a new 10-second medicine compliance. morning and only eats one meal
professionals, particularly
tag-on to promote the innovative per day - and it’s definitely not a
pharmacists who are the most
Bisolvon Chesty Soluble tablets.
highly skilled in the area of
Somac cor
corrrection Big Mac.
Last year’s Bisolvon TV promo NY COMED has advised that the
medication management.”
saw consumer sales of the product Somac (pantoprazole) 20mg and MONEY can buy a lot of things,
He said PSA sees the initiative as
up by 20% while on air. 40mg granules (PD PD yesterday) are but perhaps not what this patient
an example of how the
not actually off patent. - only the really wants .
collaborative health care model can
20mg and 40mg tablet versions. An Italian man who suffered the
Travel Specials be utilised to benefit patients.
removal of his healthy testicle
NEON BRIGHTS NAIL POLISH UP FOR GRABS during a botched surgery has
WELCOME to Phar macy Dail
Pharmacy Dailyy ’s been awarded €180,000 Euros by
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For your chance to win a Neon Brights nail polish this week,
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before they strike.
Subscribe now Congratulations to yesterday’s lucky winner: Shelley Jeans “Toads are able to detect pre-
from Signet. The correct answer was:’Kaleidoscope’. seismic cues such as the release of
gases and charged particles, and
use these as a form of earthquake
early warning system,” they said.

EDITOR Bruce Piper EMAIL [email protected] ADVERTISING Lisa Maroun EMAIL [email protected] page 2
Pharmacy Daily Thursday 2nd April 2009 T 1300 799 220 W www.pharmacydaily.com.au page 2

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