Bike Exchange

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This Prospectus contains the following offers:

• the offer of 76,923,076 Shares at an issue price of $0.26 Completion of all the Offers under this Prospectus is conditional
per Share to raise $20,000,000 (Public Offer); upon satisfaction of certain conditions (which are set out in
Section 8.1 of this Prospectus) including Shareholders of the
• the offer of up to 177,497,224 Shares at a deemed issue price
Company passing all the Resolutions at the Extraordinary
of $0.26 per Share to the BikeExchange Shareholders as the
General Meeting to be held on or about 18 January 2021 (EGM).
consideration payable by the Company for the acquisition
The Resolutions include a proposed 20 for 1 consolidation
of 100% of the issued capital in BikeExchange TopCo (Consolidation). All securities offered under this Prospectus
(Consideration Offer); and are described and offered on a post‑Consolidation basis.
• the offer of 18,100,000 Options to the Proposed Directors, Issuer
key executives and employees (EIP Offer),
RPro Holdings Limited
collectively, referred to as the Offers. (to be renamed “BikeExchange Limited”) ACN 625 305 240

Lead Manager and Underwriter: Legal Adviser:

Important Notices
Offers You should carefully consider these risks in This Prospectus contains forward looking
This Prospectus is issued by RPro Holdings light of your investment objectives, financial statements which are statements that
Limited ACN 625 305 240 (to be renamed situation and particular needs (including may be identified by words such as “may”,
“BikeExchange Limited”) (Company) for the financial and tax issues) and seek professional “will”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “believes”,
purposes of Chapter 6D of the Corporations guidance from your stockbroker, solicitor, “estimates”, “expects”, “intends”, “plans”,
Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act). accountant, financial adviser or other “anticipates”, “predicts”, “outlook”, “forecasts”,
independent professional adviser before “guidance” and other similar words that involve
The Prospectus contains the Public Offer, deciding whether to invest in the Shares. risks and uncertainties. These statements are
the Consideration Offer and the EIP Offer Some of the key risk factors that should be based on an assessment of present economic
(together, referred to as the Offers). The Public considered by prospective investors are set and operating conditions and on a number of
Offer contained in this Prospectus is an invitation out in Section 6. There may be risk factors in best estimate assumptions regarding future
for you to participate in the initial public offering addition to these that should be considered events and actions that, at the Prospectus Date,
and acquire fully paid ordinary shares in the in light of your personal circumstances. are expected to take place.
Company (Share or Shares). The Consideration
Offer is an offer of Consideration Shares to You should also consider the assumptions No person who has made any forward‑looking
the BikeExchange Shareholders as part of the underlying the Financial Information set out statements in this Prospectus has any intention
consideration payable by the Company for in Section 5 and the risk factors set out in to update or revise forward looking statements,
the acquisition of 100% of the issued capital Section 6 that could affect the Company’s or to publish prospective financial information
in Move Drive Pty Ltd (ACN 626 542 265) business, financial condition and results in the future, regardless of whether new
(BikeExchange TopCo). The EIP Offer is an of operations. information, future events or any other factors
offer of Options to the Proposed Directors, Except as required by law, and only to affect the information contained in this Prospectus,
key executives and employees under the the extent required, no person named other than to the extent required by law.
Company’s proposed Employee Incentive Plan. in this Prospectus, nor any other person, Such forward looking statements are not
See Section 8 for further information on the guarantees or warrants the performance guarantees of future performance and involve
Offers, including details of the securities that of the Company, the repayment of capital known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
will be issued under this Prospectus. by the Company or the payment of a return assumptions and other important factors,
on the Shares. many of which are beyond the control of the
The Public Offer is fully underwritten by the Company, the directors and management
Lead Manager. Exposure Period of the Company. Forward looking statements
Lodgement and Listing The Corporations Act prohibits the Company should therefore be read in conjunction with,
from processing applications to subscribe for, and are qualified by reference to, Sections 5
This Prospectus is dated 16 December 2020 or acquire, Shares Offered under this Prospectus and 6, and other information in this Prospectus.
and was lodged with the Australian Securities (each an Application, together the Applications) The Company cannot and does not give any
and Investments Commission (ASIC) on that in the seven day period after lodgement of assurance that the results, performance or
date (Prospectus Date). this Prospectus with ASIC (Exposure Period). achievements expressed or implied by the
Proposed Transaction This Exposure Period may be extended by forward‑looking statements contained in this
ASIC by up to a further seven days. Prospectus will actually occur and investors
The Company will seek Shareholder approval are cautioned not to place undue reliance
to acquire 100% of the issued capital of The purpose of the Exposure Period is
to enable this Prospectus to be examined on these forward‑looking statements.
BikeExchange TopCo. The proposed acquisition
of BikeExchange TopCo is referred to as the by market participants prior to the raising Morgans Corporate Limited (ABN 32 010 539 607)
Proposed Transaction. As part of the Proposed of funds. The examination may result (Morgans or Morgans Corporate Limited) have
Transaction, the Company proposes to change in the identification of deficiencies in this acted as Lead Manager to the Public Offer and
its name to “BikeExchange Limited”. Prospectus, in which case any Application have not authorised, permitted or caused the
may need to be dealt with in accordance issue or lodgement, submission, dispatch or
Completion of the Proposed Transaction is with section 724 of the Corporations Act. provision of this Prospectus and there is no
subject to several condition precedent including statement in this Prospectus which is based
the Company receiving conditional approval Applications received during the Exposure
Period will not be processed until after the on any statement made by any Lead Manager
from the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or by any of its affiliates or related bodies
in relation to the Listing and successfully expiry of the Exposure Period. No preference
will be conferred on any Applications received corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act)
completing the Offers. See Section 2.1 for (Related Bodies Corporate or Related Body
details of the Proposed Transaction. during the Exposure Period.
Corporate), or any of their respective officers,
Expiry date Photographs and diagrams directors, employees, partners, advisers or
Photographs and diagrams used in this agents. To the maximum extent permitted by
This Prospectus expires on the date that
Prospectus that do not have descriptions law, the Lead Manager, its affiliates and Related
is 13 months after the Prospectus Date
are for illustration only and should not be Bodies Corporate, and any of their respective
(Prospectus Expiry Date). No Shares will
interpreted to mean that any person shown in officers, directors, employees, partners, advisers
be issued or transferred on the basis of this
them endorses this Prospectus or its contents or agents expressly disclaim all liabilities in
Prospectus after the Prospectus Expiry Date.
or that the assets shown in them are owned by respect of, make no representations regarding,
Note to Applicants the Company or BikeExchange. Diagrams used and take no responsibility for, any part of this
in this Prospectus are illustrative only and may Prospectus other than references to their name
The information contained in this Prospectus is
not be drawn to scale or accurately represent and make no representation or warranty as to the
not investment or financial product advice and
the technical aspects of the products. currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness
has been prepared as general information only.
of this Prospectus.
This Prospectus does not take into account Disclaimer and forward‑looking statements
your personal circumstances, investment Statements of past performance
objectives, financial situation or any other No person is authorised to give any information
or make any representation in connection This Prospectus includes information regarding
particular needs (including financial and
with the Offers which is not contained in this the past performance of the Company and
tax issues) of any prospective investor.
Prospectus. Any information or representation BikeExchange. Investors should be aware that
It is important that you read this Prospectus not so contained may not be relied on as past performance should not be relied upon
carefully and in its entirety before deciding having been authorised by the Company’s as being indicative of future performance.
whether to invest in the Company. In particular, directors or any other person in connection
in considering the prospects of the Company, with the Offers. You should rely only on
you should consider the risk factors set out information in this Prospectus.
in Section 6 that could affect the financial or
operational performance of the Company.
Financial information presentation A hard copy of the Prospectus is available free The Company and the Share Registry on their
All references to FY18, FY19 and FY20 of charge during the Offer Period to any person behalf, may collect, hold and use that personal
appearing in this Prospectus are to the financial in Australia by calling the Offer Information Line information to process your Application, service
years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 on 1300 288 664 (toll free within Australia) or your needs as a Shareholder, provide facilities
and 30 June 2020 respectively, unless +61 2 9689 5414 (outside Australia) between and services that you request and carry
otherwise indicated. 8:30am and 5:30pm (Sydney time), Monday out appropriate administration.
to Friday. If you do not provide the information requested
All financial amounts contained in this
Prospectus are expressed in Australian dollars Applications for Shares may only be in the Application Form, the Company and the
unless otherwise stated. Any discrepancies made on the Application Form attached to, Share Registry may not be able to process or
between totals and sums and components or accompanying, this Prospectus in its hard accept your Application.
in tables, figures and diagrams contained copy form, or in its soft copy form available Once you become a Shareholder, the
in this Prospectus are due to rounding. online at, Corporations Act and Australian taxation
together with an electronic copy of this legislation require information about you
The Historical Financial Information has been Prospectus. By making an Application, you
prepared and presented in accordance with (including your name, address and details
declare that you were given access to the of the Shares you hold) to be included
the recognition and measurement principles Prospectus, together with an Application Form.
of Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) on the Share register. In accordance with
(as adopted by the Australian Accounting The Corporations Act prohibits any person from the requirements of the Corporations Act,
Standards Board (AASB)), which are consistent passing the Application Form on to another information on the Share register will be
with International Financial Reporting Standards person unless it is attached to, or accompanied accessible by members of the public.
(IFRS) and interpretations issued by the by, this Prospectus in its paper copy form or the The information must continue to be
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). complete and unaltered electronic version of included on the Share register if you
this Prospectus. cease to be a Shareholder.
Section 5 sets out in detail the Financial
Information referred to in this Prospectus. No cooling‑off rights The Company and the Share Registry
The basis of preparation of the Financial may disclose your personal information for
Cooling off rights do not apply to an investment purposes related to your investment to their
Information is set out in Section 5.2. The Financial in Shares pursuant to the Offer. This means that,
Information in this Prospectus should be read in agents and service providers including those
in most circumstances, you cannot withdraw listed below or as otherwise authorised under
conjunction with, and it is qualified by reference your Application once it has been accepted.
to, the information contained in Section 5. the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth):
No offering where illegal • the Share Registry for ongoing administration
Market and industry data based primarily of the Share register;
on management estimates This Prospectus does not constitute an offer or
invitation in any place in which, or to any person • the Lead Manager in order to assess
This Prospectus, including the Industry to whom, it would not be lawful to make such your Application;
Overview in Section 3 and BikeExchange’s an offer or invitation. No action has been taken
Business Overview in Section 4, contains • printers and other companies for the
to register or qualify the Shares or Options or purposes of preparation and distribution
statistics, data and other information (including the Offers, or to otherwise permit a public
market forecasts and market projections) of documents and for handling mail;
offering of the Shares in any jurisdiction outside
relating to markets, market sizes, market shares, Australia. The distribution of this Prospectus • market research companies for the purpose
market segments, market positions and other (including in electronic form) outside Australia of analysing the Company’s shareholder
industry data pertaining to BikeExchange’s may be restricted by law and persons who base; and
business and markets. BikeExchange has come into possession of this Prospectus • legal and accounting firms, auditors,
obtained significant portions of this information outside Australia should seek advice on and management consultants and other
from third parties. observe any such restrictions. Any failure to advisers for the purpose of administering,
Investors should note that market data and comply with such restrictions may constitute and advising on, the Shares and for
statistics are inherently predictive and subject a violation of applicable securities laws. associated actions.
to uncertainty and not necessarily reflective of This Prospectus does not constitute an offer The Company’s agents and service providers
actual market conditions. There is no assurance to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy, may be located outside Australia where your
that any of the forecasts or projections in the securities in the United States of America. personal information may not receive the
surveys, reports and surveys of any third party This Prospectus has been prepared for same level of protection as that afforded
that are referred to in this Prospectus will be publication in Australia. The Shares and Options under Australian law.
achieved. The Company has not independently to be offered under the Offers have not been,
verified, and cannot give any assurances to the You may request access to your personal
and will not be, registered under the U.S. information held by or on behalf of RPro.
accuracy or completeness of, this market and Securities Act or the securities laws of any
industry data or the underlying assumptions You may be required to pay a reasonable
State or other jurisdiction in the United States of charge to the Share Registry in order to
used in generating this market and industry data. America, and may not be offered or sold in the access your personal information.
Estimates involve risks and uncertainties United States except in transactions exempt from,
and are subject to change based on various or not subject to, the registration requirements You can request access to your personal
factors, including those discussed in the risk of the US Securities Act and applicable US information or obtain further information
factors set out in Section 6. State Securities laws. The Offers are not being about the Company’s privacy practices by
extended to any investor outside Australia, contacting the Share Registry as follows:
Obtaining a copy of this Prospectus other than to certain Institutional Investors and Telephone: (outside Australia)
This Prospectus is available in electronic Employees. With respect to IAIs and the U.S. +61 2 9689 5414
form to Australian residents on the offer Employees, the Prospectus will be accompanied (toll free within Australia)
website, by the U.S. Offering Circular sent by the 1300 288 664
The Offers constituted by this Prospectus in Company only.
electronic form is available only to Australian Address: Automic Pty Ltd
See Section 10.16 for more detail on selling 126 Phillip Street
residents accessing the website within restrictions that apply to the Offers and sale
Australia. Copies of this Prospectus are Sydney NSW 2000
of Shares and Options in jurisdictions outside
not available to persons in any other of Australia. Postal address: GPO BOX 5193
jurisdictions, except to Institutional Investors SYDNEY NSW 2001
and Employees. In particular, this Prospectus Privacy The Company aims to ensure that the personal
may only be distributed in the United States By completing an Application Form, you are information it retains about you is accurate,
to IAIs and U.S. Employees by the Company providing personal information to the Company complete and up‑to‑date. To assist with this,
if accompanied by the U.S. Offering Circular. through the Share Registry, which is contracted please contact the Company or the Share
by the Company to manage Applications. Registry if any of the details you have
provided change.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 1
Important Notices (continued)

Financial Services Guide

The provider of the Investigating Accountant’s
Report on the Financial Information is required
to provide Australian retail clients with
a Financial Services Guide in relation to
that review under the Corporations Act.
The Investigating Accountant’s Report
and accompanying Financial Services
Guide is provided in Section 9.
Intellectual Property
This Prospectus may contain trademarks of
third parties, which are the property of their
respective owners. Third‑party trademarks
used in this Prospectus belong to the relevant
owners and use is not intended to represent
sponsorship, approval or association by or
with us.
Any references to documents included on
the BikeExchange’s website are provided for
convenience only, and none of the documents
or other information on the BikeExchange’s
website, or any other website referred in this
Prospectus, is incorporated in this Prospectus
by reference.
Defined terms and abbreviations
Defined terms and abbreviations used in
this Prospectus, unless specified otherwise,
have the meaning given in the glossary in
Appendix B. Unless otherwise stated or
implied, references to times in this
Prospectus are to Sydney time.
Unless otherwise stated or implied, references
to dates or years are calendar year references.
This document is important and should be read
in its entirety.

Important Notices IFC

Chairman’s Letter 4

Important Dates 6

Key Offer Statistics 7

1 Investment Overview 8

2 Overview of the
Proposed Transaction 24

3 Industry Overview 26

4 Business Overview  40

5 Financial Information 60

6 Risk Factors 87

7 Key Individuals, Interests

and Benefits 95

8 Details of the Offers 113

9 Investigating Accountant’s Report 129

10 Additional Information 135

Appendix A: Significant
Accounting Policies 154

Appendix B: Glossary 164

Corporate Directory IBC

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 3
Chairman’s Letter

Dear Investor,

On behalf of the Directors, it is my pleasure to offer you the opportunity to become a Shareholder in RPro
Holdings Limited (to be renamed “BikeExchange Limited”).

This Prospectus forms part of a broader transaction being undertaken by the Company, under which the
Company seeks to acquire 100% of the issued capital of BikeExchange TopCo. As part of the Proposed
Transaction, the Company proposes to change its name to “BikeExchange Limited”.

Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to several condition precedent including the Company
receiving conditional approval from the ASX in relation to the Listing and successful completion of the Offers
under this Prospectus. See Section 2 of this Prospectus for further details of the Proposed Transaction.

Founded in 2007, BikeExchange is the world’s largest global cycling marketplace operating across
8 countries within four geographic hubs in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), North America, Europe
and Latin America (LATAM). The BikeExchange Group has a network of brands, retailers and distributors
that come together in a single destination marketplace and between FY18‑FY20 originated more than
$26.6 million in Total Transaction Revenue (“TTV”). During the 12‑month period from October 2019 to
September 2020, the BikeExchange Platform was visited by approximately 25.1 million consumers.
This traffic drove e‑commerce transactions and delivered approximately $1.05 billion of inventory and
sales leads to retailers and brands globally. BikeExchange currently has over 1,450 retailers and over
1,500 brands globally available on the platform providing ease, convenience and choice for consumers.

Globally, the cycling market (including accessories) has experienced strong growth due to a number of
factors, as discussed in Section 3, as governments accelerate and plan for changing consumer behaviour.
Further, there is a proactive shift by consumers for increased awareness of environmental, health and
convenience factors that attribute to the positive impacts of cycling whether it be for leisure, commuting
or for health and fitness.

The shift and increase in the online e‑commerce landscape has transformed the way consumers
purchase products and brought about awareness of online being a destination rather than a source
of viewing. Bike Exchange is powered by a global leading, purpose‑built technology platform without
the need for significant ongoing investment as a result of the licensing agreement with Marketplacer,
further discussed in Section 10. BikeExchange’s online model attracts and provides a range of consumers
with choices providing consumers a more convenient, transparent and efficient platform solution relative
to traditional marketplaces.

BikeExchange generates revenue via a subscription based recurring revenue model, through business
member subscriptions with retailers and brands. E‑commerce transactions occur through the platform
generating further scalable revenue through commissions.

BikeExchange has an experienced management team well positioned to deliver on the significant growth
opportunity ahead. The Board and executive team believe that BikeExchange’s growth trajectory is favourable
as it further penetrates the online bicycle and accessories market, broadens its reach into new geographic
areas and capitalise on new revenue opportunities as discussed in Section 4.

The Public Offer is seeking to raise $20 million and the net proceeds raised will be primarily deployed
towards growth initiatives. Please see the detailed use of funds outlined in Section 8.3.1.

This Prospectus contains detailed information about the Offers, the industry in which BikeExchange operates,
BikeExchange’s business and its financial and operating performance.

Key risks associated with an investment in the Company are set out in Section 6. It is important that
you read this Prospectus in its entirety before deciding whether to invest in the Company.

On behalf of the Directors, I look forward to welcoming you as a Shareholder.

Yours Sincerely

Gregg Taylor

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 5
Important Dates

Important dates

Prospectus lodgement date Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Retail Offer opening date Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Retail Offer closing date Monday, 25 January 2021

Settlement of the Public Offer Monday, 1 February 2021

Issue and allotment of Shares under the Public Offer Tuesday, 2 February 2021
(Completion of the Public Offer)

Issue and allotment of Shares under the Consideration Offer Tuesday, 2 February 2021
(Completion of the Proposed Transaction)

Issue and allotment of Options under the EIP Offer Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Expected dispatch of holding statements Friday, 5 February 2021

Expected commencement of trading of Shares on ASX on a normal settlement basis Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Dates may change

The dates above are indicative only and may change without notice.
The Company, in consultation with the Lead Manager, reserves the right to vary the times and dates of the Offers including
to close the Offers early, extend the Offers or to accept late applications, either generally or in particular cases, without
notification. Applications received under the Public Offer are irrevocable and may not be varied or withdrawn except
as required by law.

How to invest
Applications for Shares under the Public Offer can only be made by completing and lodging the Application Form.
Instructions on how to apply for Shares are set out in Section 8 and on the back of the Application Form.

If you have any questions in relation to the Offers, contact the Offer Information Line on 1300 288 664 (toll free within Australia)
or +61 2 9689 5414 (outside Australia) between 8:30am and 5:30pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday. If you are unclear in
relation to any matter, or you are uncertain as to whether the Company is a suitable investment for you, you should seek
professional guidance from your solicitor, stockbroker, accountant or other independent and qualified professional adviser
before deciding whether to invest.

Key Offer Statistics

Key Offer statistics

Offer Price $0.26 per Share

Total proceeds under the Public Offer $20,000,000

Total number of Shares available under the Public Offer 76,923,076

Number of Shares to be held by Existing Shareholders and BikeExchange 216,072,831

Shareholders after the Offers

Total number of Shares on issue at Completion 292,995,907

Market capitalisation at the Offer Price $76,178,936

Total number of Options under the EIP Offer 18,100,000

Total number of Options on issue at Listing 18,100,000

Fully diluted issued share capital 311,095,908

Pro forma net cash at Completion $19,970,000

Enterprise Value at Completion $56,208,936

These figures also assume certain outcomes under the Offer Letter process. The actual outcomes are subject
to completion of the Offer Letter process. These matters are further addressed in Section 8.4 of this Prospectus.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 7
1  Investment Overview

1.1. Introduction
For more
Topic Summary information

What is BikeExchange is an online marketplace that operates globally in eight Section 4

BikeExchange’s countries across four geographical areas. The marketplace provides an
business? efficient, technology‑driven platform to connect consumers with retailers
of bicycle products and accessories through a convenient, transparent
and efficient platform.

Who is RPro? RPro is a special purpose investment vehicle that was incorporated Section 10.5.1
on 23 March 2018. Since its incorporation, RPro has investigated and
performed due diligence on a number of potential business acquisitions
culminating with the Proposed Transaction to acquire BikeExchange
TopCo and with it the BikeExchange Group.

What is Founded in 2007 by Sam Salter and Jason Wyatt, BikeExchange was formed Section 4
BikeExchange’s on the mission of creating an online destination for all things bicycles.

What industry BikeExchange operates in the e‑commerce market of sales of bicycles Section 3
does BikeExchange and accessories.
operate in?
The global bicycle market consists of bicycles, accessories and parts.
Bicycles include traditional ‘manual’ powered options (on‑road, off‑road,
hybrid) and E‑Bikes (pedal assist, throttle and speed pedelecs). Bicycles are
used by consumers in various ways including as a mode of transportation,
as a sport or for leisure and recreational activities.

Impacts of COVID‑19 Consumer behavioural changes have been accelerated and movement Section 3
online and to e‑commerce has benefitted BikeExchange. Consumers
increasingly research and buy cycling products, in particular bicycles,
online. Site traffic has increased by over 187% globally to the BikeExchange
Platform across the first half of the calendar year 2020 versus the previous
year. This resulted in increased organic sourced traffic, with minimal
performance marketing spend.
E‑commerce revenue increased by 492% over the first half of 2020 with
transaction numbers increasing by 292%. Sales lead enquiries also grew
by 334%. This momentum has continued through Q1 FY21.

Why is the Public The purpose of the Public Offer is to provide BikeExchange with the Section 8
Offer being financial flexibility to fund future growth via:
• continuing to invest in its marketplace and e‑commerce platform;
• organic growth opportunities to deliver strategic objectives; and
• provide BikeExchange with the benefits associated with being
a listed entity.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 9
1  Investment Overview (continued)

1.2.  Key features of our business model

For more
Topic Summary information

What is BikeExchange maintains two sides of the marketplace platform, business Section 4
BikeExchange’s customers and consumers:
business model
• Business customers: Bicycle retailers, brands and distributors who can
publish and sell their product inventories on BikeExchange; and
• Consumer audience: Buyers of bicycles, E‑Bikes, parts and accessories.
BikeExchange has developed deep data and insights on the entire bicycle
and bicycle accessories markets from online tracking of consumer usage
behaviours and live inventory integrations across brand and retailer activity.

How big is the The BikeExchange Platform is visited by over 25.1 million consumers Section 4
marketplace? annually (October 2019 to September 2020), where over 600,000 products
are available. This drives e‑commerce transactions and delivers more than
$1.05 billion of inventory and sales leads to retailers and brands globally.
BikeExchange has approximately 1,450 retailers and over 1,500 brands
globally available on the platform with a product database of over 600,000.

How does BikeExchange generates revenue from the following three core sources: Section 4.2.1
Bike Exchange
• Subscriptions: business member subscriptions to retailers and
generate revenue?
cycling‑related manufacturers and brands providing a recurring
monthly revenue stream;
• E‑commerce transactions: transactions completed by consumers
on the BikeExchange Platform; and
• Media and other revenue: revenue generated from sales of media
inventory or content on the BikeExchange Platform sold by brands and
businesses, and revenue from classified listings, feature upgrades for
product listings and other ancillary services.
The data and insights product provides a revenue opportunity for the
development of a subscription product that allows industry to access
the strong data and insights capabilities created by BikeExchange.

1.3.  Key financial metrics
For more
Topic Summary information

What is Pro Forma Aggregated Income Statements Section 5

pro forma historical Pro forma historical
and forecast financial
$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20
Revenue 1 3,911 3,940 3,671
Employee benefits expense 2 (3,679) (3,979) (3,322)
Advertising & Marketing expenses 3 (497) (856) (359)
General & Administration expenses 4 (2,408) (2,994) (2,468)
Profit/(Loss) on Disposal of Assets 5 – (15) 31
EBITDA (2,673) (3,904) (2,448)
Depreciation and Amortisation 6 (149) (315) (390)
EBIT (2,822) (4,219) (2,837)
Finance income/(costs) – net 7 (61) (218) (24)
Share of income/(loss) from Joint
Ventures 8 (23) (104) (46)
Profit/(loss) before tax (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)
Income tax benefit/(expense) 9 – – –
Net profit/(loss) after tax 10 (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)

1 Revenue comprises commissions generated from e-commerce transactions that occur on
the BikeExchange network of websites, retailer account subscription fees, and display and
media advertising sales and other online advertising services.
2 Employee benefits expense comprises all employment related expenses such as payroll
costs including bonus, on-costs (superannuation, payroll taxes and other benefits), annual
leave and long-service leave accruals. In certain geographic markets other employee
benefits are mandatory such as pension contributions, statutory annual leave payments or
healthcare plan provision.
3 Advertising & Marketing expenses relate to the costs associated with advertising such as pay
per click advertising, email and direct marketing activities, sponsorship and trade events.
4 General and Administration expenses relate to all other expenses incurred in the operations,
including overheads, technology licence fees, travel, insurance and professional fees and a
pro‑forma adjustment for listed company costs including ASX annual fees, Director fees,
share registry services, corporate secretarial services, insurance and investor relations
(excluding share options costs.
5 Profit/(Loss) on sale of assets relates to sale of motor vehicles in the historical period.
6 Depreciation and amortisation reflect the depreciation of the BikeExchange’s plant &
equipment, amortisation expense of intangibles (such as software) over useful lives and
amortisation of lease right‑of‑use assets based on AASB 16 Leases.
7 Finance income/(costs) – net relates to interest expense on lease right‑of‑use assets based
on AASB 16 Leases net of interest income.
8 Share of profit or loss from Joint Venture – reflects the equity accounted 50% share of the
loss incurred by the BikeExchange Colombia joint venture.
9 The BikeExchange Group has carry-forward tax losses in various jurisdictions. These tax losses
have not been recognised as a deferred tax asset due to the uncertainty as to the amount and
timing of sufficient taxable profits. The quantum and availability of these carry forward tax
losses for post-IPO periods will be determined by the Company and BikeExchange Group’s
post-IPO financial performance and compliance with relevant tax laws.
10 The Pro Forma profit and loss provided includes the impacts of foreign exchange
movements on monetary items. Foreign exchange gains and losses on translation of the
BikeExchange Group entities statement of financial position are recognised in other
comprehensive income, below net profit/(loss).

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 11
1  Investment Overview (continued)

For more
Topic Summary information

What is The information presented above contains non‑IFRS financial measures, Section 5
BikeExchange’s is intended as a summary only and should be read in conjunction with the
pro forma historical more detailed discussion on the Financial Information disclosed in Section 5
and forecast financial as well as the risk factors set out in Section 6.
Investors should read Section 5 for full details of BikeExchange’s pro forma
and statutory results and the underlying pro forma adjustments made and
reconciliations in Section 5.

1.4.  Investment highlights

For more
Topic Summary information

The world’s • Largest omni‑channel operator in Australia supporting cycling retailers Section 4
largest network and brands.
of cycling (and
• Multi‑region operations with unique leading cycling focussed marketplace
accessories) focussed
positioning in markets with strong and growing cycling audiences. Global
annualised traffic of 25.1 million sessions.

Strong industry • Cycling infrastructure planning and investment accelerating across Section 3
fundamentals the globe.
– the cycling
• Strong growth in cycling activity across active transport and recreational
revolution growth
usage – further increasing the cycling market size with new audience
in the cycling masses.
• Market development is consumer driven with awareness of environmental,
health and convenience benefits and positive impacts of cycling.

Marketplace model • Supports a highly fragmented market of retailers, brands and distributors. Section 4
– capital light, and
• Established, proven model with significant growth opportunities available
has potential for
across both geographies and market product categories.
strong operating
margins • Supports both e‑commerce transactions and sales lead generation
for retailers and brands.
• Scalable market leading technology platform purpose built for BikeExchange
with low capex requirements going forward.

Diversified business • Strong revenue streams with good organic growth potential, Section 4
model with multiple including recurring subscription revenues and commission based
revenue streams in e‑commerce revenues.
multiple geographies
• Model driven by data and insights driving value from industry and
consumer behaviour.
• Geographical market growth in current regions with the opportunity
to replicate in new adjacent countries.

For more
Topic Summary information

Attractive financial • E-commerce transaction value growth of 68% in FY20, AOV increased Section 5
metrics (gross margins, by 58% in FY20.
low CAC, AOV)
• FY20 TTV of $12.3m, Q4 FY20 of $6.2m.
• Business has achieved growth without large amount of capital being
invested to date.

Experienced • Highly experienced senior management team with global experience Section 7
Board and and key management in key geographic areas.
Management team
• At Completion, the Company will have an experienced board of directors.

1.5.  Key risks

For more
Topic Summary information

Contractual Risk As at the date of this Prospectus, the Share Sale Agreement is not signed. Section 6.2.1
– Share Sale In addition, the Share Sale Agreement conditions, specifically no material
Agreement adverse change, may not be fulfilled and in turn, the Proposed Transaction
will not complete.

Growth and BikeExchange’s future growth and profitability is dependent upon consumers Section 6.2.2
profitability and retailers utilising the marketplace. If retailers do not renew their
dependent of subscriptions or consumers do not purchase products, this will affect
active community financial performance.

Customer growth BikeExchange’s revenues depend upon attracting and retaining customers Section 6.2.3
to its platform. A decline in traffic coming to the BikeExchange Platform or
the rate of conversion could adversely impact on its financial performance
and operations.

Fraud perpetrated BikeExchange may face fraudulent activities on the marketplace Section 6.2.4
and fictitious resulting in goods or payment not being received by buyers or sellers.
transactions Negative publicity and user sentiment generated as a result could
severely diminish consumer confidence and impact business
engagement and performance.

Platform risks The BikeExchange Platform is critical to attracting and retaining customers Section 6.2.5
and maximising sales conversion. Any irrecoverable loss would incur a
financial cost. Further, if there is a disruption in hosting services, the
BikeExchange Platform may not be accessible to users.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 13
1  Investment Overview (continued)

For more
Topic Summary information

Reliance on third The BikeExchange Platform and other information technology systems Section 6.2.6
party technology are all hosted on servers owned by third party providers. Thus, the platform
providers may experience interruptions from system failures, service outages or
similar resulting in delays or unavailability. BikeExchange’s service offering
may also become outdated or obsolete through the introduction of superior
technology and/or product offerings.

Cybersecurity and BikeExchange collects and holds a large amount of personal information Section 6.2.7
data protection about its sellers and customers. BikeExchange’s systems may fail or
be subject to disruption as a result of external threats or system errors.
This could result in reputational damage, a loss of system integrity and/or
breach of BikeExchange’s obligations under applicable privacy laws.

Intellectual The commercial value of BikeExchange’s intellectual property is Section 6.2.8

property may dependent in part on operational procedures to maintain confidentiality.
be compromised BikeExchange’s intellectual property may be compromised by breach or
or lost misappropriation by an employee or a third party’s gaining insights or
developing competitive technology.

Breach of Third parties may claim that the technology used in the operation of the Section 6.2.9
third‑party BikeExchange Platform infringes on their intellectual property rights.
intellectual BikeExchange may become the subject of a claim that results in litigation
property rights or a dispute, which in turn, may result in high legal costs.

Competition Existing competitors or new entrants in the market may increase the Section 6.2.10
competitive landscape and in turn, erode BikeExchange’s revenue and
market share. BikeExchange may be unable to respond to such competitive
pressures which in turn will adversely impact BikeExchange’s operational
and financial performance.

BikeExchange may BikeExchange may not successfully execute its strategies, which includes Section 6.2.11
not successfully expanding its subscription model, building strategic partnerships, increasing
execute one or all of advertising revenue and/or launching its data and insights subscription
its growth strategies offerings. This will adversely impact BikeExchange’s financial performance
and growth.

BikeExchange may BikeExchange may not be successful in identifying attractive opportunities. Section 6.2.12
not identify, execute There is also a risk that BikeExchange will not successfully integrate new
and realise benefits businesses or assets into its existing operations in a timely manner, or that
from acquisitions or new businesses or assets do not result in the benefits anticipated.
strategic partnerships

Key personnel The departure of key personnel, or a shortage of skilled employees Section 6.2.13
with adequate expertise, could adversely affect the Business and/or its
future ability to pursue its growth strategies, as under‑resourcing can cause
development delays and reduce the speed at which BikeExchange is able to
deliver new features or enhancements to the market.

For more
Topic Summary information

Reputational risks Maintaining the strength of BikeExchange’s reputation is an important part Section 6.2.14
of retaining and growing its retailer and consumer base as well as
maintaining BikeExchange’s relationships with partners who will assist in
successfully implementing BikeExchange’s strategy. There is a risk that
events may occur that may adversely impact on BikeExchange’s reputation,
which may adversely impact BikeExchange’s retailer and consumer base
as well as the willingness of third parties to partner with BikeExchange
on additional product offerings. This may have a negative impact on
BikeExchange’s future operations, financial performance and/or growth.

Forward looking The forward looking statements, opinions and estimates provided in this Section 6.2.15
statements Prospectus rely on various contingencies and assumptions, some of which
are described in Section 5. Various factors, both known and unknown,
may impact upon the performance of BikeExchange and cause its actual
performance to vary significantly from the expected results. There can be
no guarantee that BikeExchange will achieve its stated objectives or that
any forward looking statement or forecast will eventuate.

COVID‑19 Although BikeExchange has not been negatively materially affected by Section 6.2.16
the COVID‑19 pandemic, there is a risk that further lockdowns or the
implementation of further government restrictions in response to COVID‑19
could have an impact on marketplace engagement in turn causing a
downturn in the Business.

Challenges in As BikeExchange plans to continue expanding its cross‑border operations Section 6.2.17
expanding into existing and new markets, there is a risk that BikeExchange may face
cross‑border challenges (including legal or regulatory) in which it has limited or no
operations experience in dealing with. BikeExchange may be unable to anticipate
competitive conditions or could face other difficulties in attracting a
sufficient number of retailers and consumers in those new markets.

Foreign exchange As BikeExchange has operations in various jurisdictions, the revenues of Section 6.2.18
rate fluctuation entities in the BikeExchange Group are collected in different currencies.
This exposes BikeExchange to fluctuations in exchange rates, which
is beyond BikeExchange’s control. This could adversely impact the
profitability of BikeExchange’s foreign operations.

Continued growth The e‑commerce market may be impacted by a variety of factors outside Section 6.2.19
of E‑commerce BikeExchange’s control which could cause a slowing or contraction in the
market and as a consequence impact BikeExchange directly.

Search engine risks BikeExchange’s website may be excluded from or ranked lower in search Section 6.2.20
engine results due to changes to a search engine’s algorithms or other
ranking criteria that are outside of BikeExchange’s control. This may
decrease traffic to the BikeExchange website and adversely impact
BikeExchange’s financial performance.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 15
1  Investment Overview (continued)

For more
Topic Summary information

Increased cost of The cost of search engine marketing generally increases as the importance Section 6.2.21
and reliance on of online advertising increases, as competition to be ranked higher in
search engine paid listings increases the price of such listings. The Business, financial
marketing performance and operations of BikeExchange may be materially adversely
affected by any increase in the cost of, or reliance on, search engine marketing.

Potential of being Based on the marketing channel providers terms and conditions, Section 6.2.22
banned, restricted BikeExchange may be suspended, restricted or banned from advertising
or suspended from on these marketing channels.
digital marketing

Marketplacer As BikeExchange relies on the Marketplacer Agreements (as described in Section 6.2.23
contractual risk section 10.5.3) and the services provided by Marketplacer to operate there
is a risk that should these services not be available then BikeExchange will
have difficulty operating until such time as that technology and services
were replaced.

1.6.  Directors and senior management

For more
Topic Summary information

Who are the current The Board currently consists of: Section 7.1
and proposed
• Gregg Taylor, Independent Non‑Executive Chairman;
Directors of the
Company? • Bryan Zekulich, Independent Non‑Executive Director;
• Josh May, Non‑Executive Director; and
• Michael Hill, Non‑Executive Director.
As part of the Proposed Transaction, the following Directors will be
appointed to the Board:
• Sam Salter, Non‑Executive Director;
• Andrew Ryan, Non‑Executive Director; and
• Jade Wyatt, Non‑Executive Director.
Prior to Completion, each of Josh May and Michael Hill will resign
as directors of the Company.

For more
Topic Summary information

Who are the RPro will be led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mark Watkin Section 7.2
members of the and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Andrew Demery. Prior to listing,
Company’s senior both Mark Watkin and Andrew Demery were members of the
management? management team of BikeExchange.

Mark Watkin, CEO

• Following Completion, Mark will hold the position of CEO of the Company.
• Prior to listing, Mark was the Global CEO of BikeExchange.
• Mark holds a Diploma in Business and Finance from the University of
Westminster and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies and
Marketing from Middlesex University.
• Mark has over 20 years’ experience in the marketing industry, including
holding multiple senior leadership roles, both in the United Kingdom (UK)
and Australia.
• Mark began his career at Saatchi & Saatchi in London before spending
four years at an independent digital agency, Hyperlink Interactive.
• In Australia, Mark worked for George Patterson Y&R Melbourne for
approximately seven years before becoming Managing Director of TBWA
Melbourne and then Managing Director of BWM Dentsu Melbourne.

Andrew Demery, CFO

• Following Completion, Andrew will hold the position of CFO of the Company.
• Prior to listing, Andrew was the Global CFO of BikeExchange.
• Andrew holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from the University of London
and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
• Andrew has 20 years of listed company financial reporting experience
through executive, auditing and consulting work in Australia and the UK.
• Most recently, Andrew was the CFO of Ltd (ASX: CAR),
an ASX 100 listed group. He was responsible for all global finance
and investor relations activities of the company. Prior to Carsales,
Andrew was an Assurance Director/Senior Manager at PWC which
included transformation initiative roles and M&A.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 17
1  Investment Overview (continued)

1.7.  Significant interests of key people and related party transactions

For more
Topic Summary information

Who are the Existing The below table assumes certain shareholder election outcomes under Section 8.4
Shareholders and the Offer Letter process. The actual outcomes are subject to completion
what will their interest of the Offer Letter process. See Section 8.4 for further details.
in BikeExchange
be immediately Shares held prior Assumed Shares
following Completion? to the Offer held at Completion
Shareholder(s) (%) (million) (%) (million)
GTR Ventures Pty Ltd(a) Nil Nil 12.68% 37,158,107
Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd(a) Nil Nil 17.22% 50,447,670
Saltsam Pty Ltd (b)
Nil Nil 8.58% 25,128,971
Surfwax Pty Ltd (c)
Nil Nil 8.58% 25,128,971
WSG Holdings Pty Ltd (d)
Nil Nil 4.37% 12,793,485
Other BikeExchange
Shareholders Nil Nil 9.16% 26,840,020
Bombora Investment
Management(e) 36.86% 8,250,000 8.34% 24,445,073
Other Existing
Shareholders 63.14% 14,130,534 4.82% 14,130,534
IPO Investors Nil Nil 26.25% 76,923,076
Total 100.0% 22,380,534 100.0% 292,995,907

(a) GTR Ventures Pty Ltd and Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd are both entities associated with
Andrew Ryan, a Proposed Director.
(b) Saltsam Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Sam Salter, a Proposed Director.
(c) Surfwax Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Jason Wyatt, an associate of Jade Wyatt,
a Proposed Director.
(d) In WSG Holdings Pty Ltd, Sam Salter has a 39% beneficial interest and Jason Wyatt
has a 39% beneficial interest.
(e) Bombora Investment Management holds Shares as trustee for the Bombora Special
Investments Growth Fund. At Completion, Bombora Investment Management will hold
24,445,073 Shares, including 16,195,073 BIM Sale Shares to be acquired under the Bombora
Sale Deed as described in Section 10.5.2 and mentioned in Section 10.9.2.

For more
Topic Summary information

What significant Other than as set out below or elsewhere in this Prospectus, no current Section 7.3
benefits and interests or proposed Director or other person connected to BikeExchange or the
are payable to Offers holds as at the time of lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, or
Directors and other has held in the two years before lodgements of this Prospectus with ASIC:
persons connected
• an interest in the formation or promotion of the Company, or in any
with BikeExchange
property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the Company in
or the Offers?
connection with its formation or promotion or in connection with the
Offers; and
• no amounts have been paid or agreed to be paid, nor has any benefit
been given or agreed to be given to any such person for services in
connection with the formation or promotion of the Company or the
Offers or to any Proposed Director to induce them to become, or qualify
as, a director of the Company.

Will there be a The Directors do not expect any Shareholder to control (as defined in Section 8.5
controlling interest section 50AA of the Corporations Act) BikeExchange on Completion.
in BikeExchange?

Will any Shares Yes. Section 10.9

be subject to
Subject to the Company being admitted to the Official List, the Company
restrictions on
anticipates that certain Shares and Options on issue prior to the Listing will
disposal following
be classified by ASX as restricted securities and will be required to be held
in escrow for up to 24 months from the Listing Date.
Shares held by certain Existing Shareholders on Completion are expected
to be subject to voluntary escrow arrangements. Each Escrow Shareholder
will enter into an escrow deed in respect of their Escrowed Shares, which
will prevent them from disposing of their respective Escrowed Shares for
the escrow period.
At Completion, it is expected that at least approximately 161 million Shares,
representing 55.05% of the total issued capital of the Company on an
undiluted basis, will be subject to either ASX mandatory escrow or voluntary
escrow arrangements.

Are there any Other than as disclosed in this Prospectus, the Company or BikeExchange Section 7.6
other related party are not party to any material related party arrangements.
Andrew Ryan, Gregg Taylor and Sam Salter are directors of both Marketplacer
and the Company. In addition, Jason Wyatt, the spouse of Proposed Director
Jade Wyatt, is a director of Marketplacer.
As such, the Company considers that the Marketplacer Agreements are
related party arrangements. A summary of these agreements is set out
in Section 10.5.3.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 19
1  Investment Overview (continued)

1.8.  Overview of the Offer

For more
Topic Summary information

Who is the issuer RPro Holdings Limited (to be renamed “BikeExchange Limited”) Important
of this Prospectus? (ACN 625 305 240). notices

What are the Offers? The Offers are comprised of: Section 8.2
• Public Offer – the Offer of 76,923,076 Shares at an issue price of
$0.26 per Share to raise $20,000,000; and
• Consideration Offer – the Offer of up to 177,497,224 Shares at a deemed
issue price of $0.26 per Share to the BikeExchange Shareholders as
consideration payable by the Company for the acquisition of 100%
of the issued capital in BikeExchange TopCo; and
• EIP Offer – the Offer of 18,100,000 Options to the Proposed Directors,
key executives and employees.

What are the The Offers are conditional upon: Section 8.1
main conditions
• the Shareholders approving all Resolutions at the EGM;
to the Offers?
• a minimum of $20,000,000 being raised under the Public Offer;
• the Company being in a position to complete the acquisition of
BikeExchange TopCo pursuant to the Proposed Transaction; and
• the ASX providing conditional approval for the Company’s application
to be admitted to the Official List.
In the event that the conditions above are not satisfied or waived, the Offers
will not proceed, and no Shares will be issued under this Prospectus. If this
occurs, all Application Monies received will be refunded (without interest) in
accordance with the Corporations Act.

Who can participate Investors that have a registered address in Australia can participate in the Section 8
in the Offers Public Offer.
Only BikeExchange Shareholders will be invited to participate in the
Consideration Offer.
Only the Proposed Directors, key executive and employees of the
Company will be invited to participate in the EIP Offer.

What is the Successful Applicants under the Public Offer will pay the Offer Price, Section 8.6
consideration being $0.26 per Share.
payable for
the Shares?

For more
Topic Summary information

What is the proposed The Company intends to apply funds raised from the Public Offer: Section 8.3.1
use of proceeds
• brand and customer acquisition marketing;
raised in connection
with the Public • product development and technology;
• investment in resources to scale the business;
• working capital; and
• to pay for costs and expenses associated with the Offers.

How is the Public • The Public Offer comprises: Section 8.3

Offer structured?
• the Institutional Offer, which consists of an invitation to bid for Shares
made to Institutional Investors in Australia, New Zealand and a number
of other eligible jurisdictions.
• the Retail Offer, consisting of the:
– Broker Firm Offer, which is open only to Australian resident investors
who are not Institutional Investors and who have received an invitation
from their Broker to participate; and
– Priority Offer, which is open to selected investors in Australia and
certain other jurisdictions who have received a Priority Offer Invitation.

Is the Public Offer Yes. The Lead Manager has agreed to fully underwrite the Public Offer. Sections 8.13
underwritten? Details are provided in Sections 8.13 and 10.8. and 10.8

What is the The allocation of Shares between the Retail Offer and the Institutional Offer Sections 8.7.4,
allocation policy? will be determined by the Company and the Lead Manager. 8.8.4 and 8.10.2
For Broker Firm Offer participants, the relevant Broker will decide as to how
they allocate Shares among their retail clients.
The allocation policy relating to the Broker Offer and Priority Offer are outlined
in Sections 8.7.4 and 8.8.4, respectively.
The allocation of Shares among Applicants in the Institutional Offer will be
determined by the Company and the Lead Manager.

Who is the Lead The Lead Manager and Underwriter is Morgans Corporate Limited Important
Manager and (ABN 32 010 539 607). notices
for the Public Offer?

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 21
1  Investment Overview (continued)

For more
Topic Summary information

Will the Shares be The Company will apply to ASX within seven days of the Prospectus Date Section 8.16.1
quoted on the ASX? for admission to the official list of, and quotation of its Shares by, ASX under
the code “BEX”.
Completion is conditional on ASX approving this application. If approval is
not given within three months after such application is made (or any longer
period permitted by law), the Offers will be withdrawn and all Application
Monies received will be refunded without interest, as soon as practicable,
in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act.

Is there any brokerage, No brokerage, commission or stamp duty is payable by Applicants on the Section 8.6
commission or stamp acquisition of Shares under the Public Offer.
duty payable by

What are the Summaries of certain Australian income tax, GST and stamp duty Section 10.14
tax implications consequences of participating in the Offers and investing in Shares are
of investing in set out in Section 10.14.
the Shares?
The tax and duty consequences of any investment in Shares will depend
upon an investor’s particular circumstances. Applicants should obtain their
own tax advice prior to deciding whether to invest.

How can I apply? Broker Firm Offer Applicants Sections 8.7,

Broker Firm Offer Applicants may apply for Shares by completing the 8.8 and 8.10
Application Form included in or accompanying this Prospectus and lodging
it with the Broker who invited them to participate in the Offer.

Priority Offer Applicants

Applicants under the Priority Offer may apply for Shares by following
the instructions on how to apply in the Priority Offer invitation.

Institutional Offer Applicants

The Lead Manager will separately advise Institutional Investors of the
Application procedure under the Institutional Offer.
To the extent permitted by law, an Application received under the Offer
is irrevocable.

What is the minimum Broker Firm Offer Sections 8.7

Application size? • $
 2,000 of Shares in aggregate. There is no maximum Application and 8.8
size under the Broker Firm Offer, however, the Company and the Lead
Manager reserves the right to reject any Application or to allocate to
an Applicant a lesser number of Shares than that applied for.

Priority Offer
• $
 2,000 of Shares in aggregate. Priority Offer Applicants may apply
for up to the value of Shares indicated in their Priority Offer invitation.

For more
Topic Summary information

When will I receive It is expected that initial holding statements will be mailed to successful Section 8.6
confirmation that Applicants by post on or about 5 February 2021.
my Application has
been successful?

When can I sell my Normal settlement trading is expected to commence on or about Section 8.6
Shares on the ASX? 9 February 2021.
It is the responsibility of each Applicant to confirm their holding before
trading in Shares. Applicants who sell Shares before they receive an
initial holding statement do so at their own risk.

Can the Offers RPro may withdraw the Offers at any time before the issue of Shares Important
be withdrawn? to successful Applicants or bidders under Offers. notices
If the Offers, or any part of it, do not proceed, all relevant Application Monies
will be refunded (without interest).

Where can I find out If you have any questions in relation to the Offers, contact the Offer Important
more information Information Line on: notices
about this Prospectus
• 1300 288 664 (toll free within Australia); or Key dates
or the Offers?
• +61 2 9689 5414 (outside Australia);
between 8:30am and 5:30pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.
If you are unclear in relation to any matter, or are uncertain as to whether
RPro is a suitable investment for you, you should seek professional guidance
from your solicitor, stockbroker, accountant or other independent and
qualified professional adviser before deciding whether to invest.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 23
Overview of the
Proposed Transaction
2  Overview of the Proposed Transaction

2.1.  Acquisition of BikeExchange TopCo

RPro proposes to enter into the Share Sale Agreement with the BikeExchange Shareholders to acquire 100% of the issued
capital in BikeExchange TopCo (Proposed Transaction). Pursuant to the Restructure, BikeExchange TopCo will be the
ultimate holding company of the BikeExchange Group, which operates a business that facilitates an online marketplace
for the sale and distribution of bicycles and related products. The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo pursuant to the
Restructure as the ultimate holding company of the BikeExchange Group is being undertaken in order to streamline
the corporate structure and regulatory obligations of the BikeExchange Group. The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo
is not dependent or conditional on the Listing or the Proposed Transaction.
The Restructure will be affected by way of the Share Exchange Agreement. A summary of the material terms of the Share
Exchange Agreement is set out at Section 10.4.

Pursuant to the Share Sale Agreement, as consideration for the sale of 100% of the issued capital of BikeExchange TopCo,
the Company proposes to issue scrip consideration, being 177,497,224 Consideration Shares at an issue price of $0.26 per
Share (on a post‑Consolidation basis) to the BikeExchange Shareholders. The specific scrip consideration is subject to
completion of the Offer Letter process. The elections made by BikeExchange Shareholder under the Offer Letter process
will be reflected in the Share Sale Agreement and the Bombora Sale Deed.

Conditions precedent
Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions precedent being satisfied or waived, including
the raising of capital (which is being conducted under this Prospectus) and receipt of Shareholder approval at the upcoming
EGM, which is expected to be held on or around 18 January 2021.
A summary of the material terms of the draft Share Sale Agreement is set out at Section 10.5.1.

2.2.  Shareholder approval

The Company plans to hold the EGM on or around 18 January 2021. At the EGM, Shareholders will be asked to approve
the following resolutions which relate to the Proposed Transaction and listing of the Company on ASX:
• consolidation of the Company’s existing share capital on a 1 for 20 basis;
• acquisition of a relevant interest above 20% in the Company by the BikeExchange Shareholders pursuant to the terms
of the draft Share Sale Agreement;
• adoption of a new constitution;
• adoption of an employee incentive scheme entitled the “Employee Incentive Plan”;
• appointments of Jade Wyatt, Sam Salter and Andrew Ryan to the board as Directors;
• resignation of Michael Hill and Josh May as directors of the Company; and
• change of the Company’s name to “BikeExchange Limited”.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 25
3  Industry Overview

3.1. Introduction
BikeExchange is a leading global online marketplace connecting retailers, brands and consumers through the sale of cycling
products and related cycling content. BikeExchange operates in the retail e‑commerce industry and offers over 600,000
products from over 1,500 brands across four geographic hubs servicing ANZ, the EU, North America and LATAM.
The global bicycle market consists of sales of bicycles (both manual powered and E‑Bikes), accessories and parts. Bicycles
are used by consumers as a mode of transportation, for sport or exercise, and for leisure and recreational activities.
A number of significant drivers are accelerating the growth of the bicycle industry, including:
• Health benefits: consumer preferences are shifting towards cycling as a sport, leisure, and cardio activity, with increased
awareness of the personal health benefits of cycling.
• Cycle tourism: increased focus on cycling tourism is accelerating the growth of the bicycle industry, with significant
expenditure on cycle tourism by tourists and tourism providers.
• Cycling for transport/commuting: as cities are becoming more crowded and car traffic lengthens commuting time,
commuters are increasingly turning to bicycles which may be faster than commuting via car or public transport.
Employers and local governments in key BikeExchange markets are supporting this shift towards bicycle commuting
through development of cycling infrastructure and incentives/initiatives.
• Cost effective: bicycles are a highly economical mode of transport, requiring no fuel or insurance and lower maintenance
costs than other personal modes of transport.
• Environmental‑consciousness: bicycles are environmentally sustainable and leave a limited impact with respect to air
pollution, noise pollution, and Greenhouse Gas emissions compared to auto transport.
These benefits of bicycles are expected to boost cycling adoption among end‑users and consequently drive the growth of
the market, which are discussed in Section 3.3.
Bicycles are typically sold directly to consumers through traditional bricks and mortar retailers (via distributors), or via online
channels direct to consumers. Major brands have embraced omni‑channel strategies to offer an improved customer
experience, and to streamline different channels such as click & collect, drop‑shipment and availability at independent
bicycle distributors (IBDs) as further discussed in Section 3.5.1.

Figure 1: BikeExchange’s position in the industry

Retail Market

Bricks and
E‑commerce mortar retailers


Online direct Omni‑channel

sellers retailers

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 27
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.2.  Overview of the global bicycle market

The global bicycle market including sales of parts and accessories was estimated to be US$60.3 billion in 2019. This market
is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.1% to US$80 billion in 2026. The global E‑Bike market
was estimated to be US$14.1 billion in 2019 and is forecast to grow at a faster CAGR of 9.1% to US$25.9 billion in 20251.

Figure 2: Global total bicycle market and E‑Bike market (US$ billion)
Global Bicycle Market (including Parts & Accessories, US$B)1,2 Global E‑Bike Market (US$B)3 4
$90.0 $90.0
CAGR 2019‑2026: 4.1%
$80.0 $80.0
$70.0 $70.0
$60.0 $60.0
CAGR 2019‑2025: 9.8%
$50.0 $50.0
$40.0 $40.0
CAGR 2019‑2023: 7.8%
$30.0 $30.0
$20.0 $20.0
$10.0 $60.3 $80.0 $10.0 $14.8 $20.0 $25.9
$0.0 $0.0
2019 2026 20193
2023 3

The introduction of E‑Bikes has been one of many drivers of increased cycling participation globally. E‑Bikes now represent
the largest category of bikes sold in key EU markets.5 Over the next 5‑7 years there is significant E‑Bike growth potential in
the US, Australia and the UK where E‑Bike adoption is still in its infancy6.

3.2.1.  Australia and New Zealand (ANZ)

The Australian bicycle market including sales of parts and accessories was estimated at $780 million in FY20. The total
market is forecast to grow at 0.7% CAGR to FY257 reflected in Figure 3 below.
Approximately 1.2 million bicycles were sold in Australia in FY20. An estimated two‑thirds are sold via big box retailers and
sporting merchants such as Kmart, Big W, Target, Rebel Sport, Anaconda, and Decathlon. The remainder, approximately
400,000 bicycles, were sold via specialist retailers.
As specialist retailers sell higher‑quality branded bicycle and higher priced E‑Bikes, specialist retailers account for a greater
share of total market value versus big box retailers and sporting merchants8. BikeExchange operates a marketplace for
higher‑quality branded bicycles and E‑Bikes.

1 Management estimates based on an independent report.

2 Persistence Market Research (July 2019, May 2020).
3 Management estimate based on an independent report.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.

Figure 3: The Australian bicycle retail market (A$ million)
Bicycle Retail Market Value (FY20‑25)9 Bicycle Retail Market by Product/Service (FY20)

527 70%
Parts & Accessories
113 15%
Repair & Maintenance
116 15%

780 806

FY20 FY25

The average unit import value for bicycles into Australia has been increasing as per Figure 4 below, driven partially by the
introduction of E‑Bikes which have a higher retail value.

Figure 4: Average unit value of Australian bicycle imports10 (A$)

$200 $209 $214 $216 $214
$150 $160



FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20

E‑bikes are set to show significant growth in Australia, driving total market value growth11:
• Segment in infancy: E‑Bikes in Australia are a small share of new bicycle sales (3% of total sales in FY19 – approximately
25,000 units) compared to 8% EU wide and over 20% in some EU markets.
• Rapid growth projected: It is estimated that E‑Bikes sales will increase by 100% to 6% of new bicycle sales in FY20
(approximately 50,000 units), and the industry is targeting 10% share by FY23.
• Most sold by specialty retailers: Approximately 12% of all bicycles sold through the specialty channel are E‑Bikes.
The New Zealand bicycle market is estimated at NZD$92 million, with approximately 256,000 bicycles imported and sold
in the year to June 201912. From the 256,000 sold, E‑Bikes and scooters represent approximately 24.4% of bicycles imported
and sold, with a combined value of NZD$63.5 million, being 69% of the industry value13.
In New Zealand, 48,000 people use cycling as their main means of travel to work, making cycling the fastest growing mode
of transport in many cities. Approximately 73 million cycle trips are made each year within New Zealand. In a government
survey conducted in 2019, 19% of people had reported cycling in the past month14.

9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Management estimates based on data from Bicycle Industries Australia (BIA), October 2020.
12 The Register, Wheels in Motion – How the bicycle category is booming, December 2019 (accessed October 2020).
13 Ibid.
14 Cycling Action Network, Cycling facts, accessed November 2020 from

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 29
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.2.2.  North America (US)

The North American bicycle market is dominated by the US which represents 60% market share.
The US bicycle market was worth approximately A$8.5 billion in 2019, with the greater North American market forecast to
grow at 5.5% CAGR to 202515.

Figure 5: The North American and US bicycle markets

US Bicycle Market Value (US$ billion)16 North American Bicycle Market by Country (2019)17

United States
Rest of North America

5.8 6.2

2013 2019

E‑Bikes are driving growth in the US bicycle market:

• approximately 263,000 E‑Bikes were sold in the US in 2019 with over 400,000 expected for 202018;
• over US$207 million in sales in the 12 month period up to September 201919; and
• the North American E‑Bike market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 19.7% to 202420.
Specialty retail represented 52% of the market in 2018, the largest distribution category by value in the North American
bicycle market, driven in part by the growth of E‑Bikes sales21.
Average prices for bicycles differ greatly between channels, with mass merchant bicycle prices averaging under $100,
chain sporting/outdoor specialty averaging between $250‑$500, and specialty retail averaging over $750 (with E‑Bikes
averaging over $1,500)22.

15 Management estimates.
16 Ibid.
17 The Latz Report, Letter from America, October 2019.
18 Management estimates.
19 Baird Investment Banking, Cycling Industry Outlook, accessed October 2020.
20 OPTO Trading Intelligence, “What investment opportunities are in the booming e-bike market”, accessed 20 August 2020.
21 NBDA, A look at the Bicycle Industry’s Vital Statistics, 2015, accessed October 2020,
22 Bicycle‑Guider, Bike Statistics & Facts for 2020,, accessed October 2020.

3.2.3.  European Union (EU)
BikeExchange operates currently in three growing EU markets: Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium see Section 4.1
for more information.
Bicycles are used by a significant portion of the population in these markets as a method of commuting and for leisure.
E‑Bike penetration is higher in the EU than the rest of the world, with over 3 million E‑Bikes sold in the EU in 2019 and
8% already owning an E‑Bike. It is estimated that approximately 17% of people who live in Europe intend to buy or use
an E‑Bike in 202023.

Figure 6: Bicycle usage by selected EU countries

10% 14% 31% 36% 37% 45% 46% 47% 48% 54% 67% 77%
UK France Norway Spain Sweden Germany Italy Switzerland Denmark Poland Netherlands
Current Bike Exchange market

Sources: Shimano Steps “State of the Nation Report” (2020).

The shift to E‑Bikes and the related increase in average bicycle unit value has driven market value size and growth. Markets
with a high share of E‑Bike sales such as Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, have higher market values. These markets
are already BikeExchange’s core markets in Europe. Secondary markets such as France, Spain, Denmark and Sweden,
with increasing volumes of E‑Bike growth and share24, would potentially provide an opportunity for BikeExchange to expand
its current operations to support future growth.
Germany’s bicycle market is valued at approximately €7 billion and has grown at a CAGR of 14.9% from 2015 to 2019,
Being driven by E‑Bike sales. There are currently 75.9 million bicycles in Germany, of which 5.4 million are estimated
to be E‑Bikes. The E‑Bike segment is anticipated to increase to up to 40% of share in the medium term25.
In 2019, the market for bicycles in the Netherlands was worth €1.3 billion and this has since grown at a CAGR of 8.2%
between 2014 to 201926. In 2019, 75% of bicycles sold in the Netherlands were via specialist bicycle dealers and shops
that typically sell higher value bicycles than those purchased through department or warehouse stores27.
In 2019, approximately 470,000 bicycles were sold in Belgium, 47% of which were E‑Bikes, the highest share of E‑Bike sales
of any European market28.

23 Bike Europe, Interest in e‑bikes reaches record levels, July 2020,
24 Management estimates.
25 Management estimates.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 31
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.2.4. Colombia
Colombia has focused on regulatory measures and government incentives to make bicycling the country’s primary means
of transportation29. By prioritising the development of integrated transportation systems and providing riders with rights on
the roadway30, Bogota was ranked the 12th most bicycle‑friendly city in the world in 201931.

Figure 7: Percentage of households owning a bicycle (2030)32







66% 43% 43% 32% 17%
Chile Argentina Colombia Brazil Mexico
Current Bike Exchange market

Source: Statista, via Euromonitor (2020).

3.3.  Key demand drivers for cyclists

3.3.1. Commuting
The use of bicycles for commuting is a significant driver of bicycle usage, especially in the EU and in key cities in Australia
and the US. Commuting by bicycle in the EU, particularly in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, is common
and represents a significant portion of the population.

Percentage of journeys taken wholly or partly by bicycle (Top 22 cities, 2019, %)33
45% 41%
35% 32%
25% 23%
20% 16% 16%
15% 13%
9% 8% 8%
6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3%














New Delhi


Buenos Aires



Current Bike Exchange market

Source: Deloitte Insights “Technology, Media and Telecommunications Predictions 2020”; European Cycling Foundation.

29 Management estimates based on, Colombia’s Visionary Bicycle Legislation, September 2020.
30 Ibid.
31 Management estimates.
32 Ibid.
33 Management estimates.

Globally, governments are increasing incentives to commute by bicycle and adding infrastructure to support bike
commuting34. In Australia and the US, commuting by bicycle is on the rise as government incentives increase, E‑Bikes
become more prevalent and cycling infrastructure is put in place.
There is ample room for growth as ~1% of commutes in the US and Australia are by bicycle compared to 30‑40% or more
in Belgium or the Netherlands35. As E‑Bikes increasingly penetrate the Australian and US markets, commuting will be
more attractive as mid‑range distances between work and home are more feasible on an E‑Bike.
The proportion of people globally who cycle to work during the three years from 2019 to 2022 is predicted to increase
by 1%36. Key cities have goals to increase cycling share by significant proportions as shown in Figure 8 below.

Figure 8: Cycling share goals by city37

25% 25% 25%



7% 7%
2% 3% 3%
1% 0.20
Philadelphia Adelaide Canberra Hannover Hamburg Portland
(by 2020) (by 2022) (by 2026) (by 2025) (by 2030) (by 2050)
Current Target

Consumers, industry and governments are increasingly recognising the value and benefits of cycling. Globally, cycling
participation is increasing, driven by riding for commuting, leisure and exercise with E‑Bikes further expanding the cycling
participation rates. Local and federal governments are providing subsidies and incentives to drive cycling take‑up and
developing action and infrastructure plans to support increases in cycling activity.

3.3.2.  Environmental benefits38

Environmental awareness of active transport (cycling and walking) is increasing as a way for commuters to reduce CO2
emissions, air pollution and noise pollution. In the EU alone, it is estimated that cycling saves more than 16 million tonnes
of CO2 equivalents and corresponding fuel savings.

3.3.3.  Health benefits39

Cycling, and more broadly exercise, reduces mortality and morbidity, helps to prevent chronic disease and supports good
mental health. In the EU alone, it is estimated that cycling prevents approximately 18,000 premature deaths per year,
corresponding to an economic value of €52 billion annually.

34 European Cyclists Federation, The benefits of Cycling – Unlocking their potential for Europe, December 2018, accessed
35 Management estimates.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.
38 European Cyclists Federation, The benefits of Cycling – Unlocking their potential for Europe, December 2018, accessed
39 Ibid.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 33
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.3.4.  Convenience benefits40

In many cities, it is faster and cheaper to cycle to work compared with driving or public transport. Bicycles typically require
lower maintenance compared with other forms of transport and are space efficient, with a single car spot able to fit up to
15 bicycles at one time.

3.3.5.  Cycle tourism

Experiential tourism has been increasing over the past decade, and cycle tourism is a fast‑growing segment. There are an
estimated 2.3 billion cycle tourism trips per year in the EU, with an economic value of €44 billion41. In New Zealand, more
than 1.3 million cycle trips were taken by approximately 400,000 trail users in 2018. Cycle tourism contributed $37.4 million
towards the New Zealand Cycle Trail in 201642. Within North America, for the US economy cycle tourism contributed
USD$83 billion in 2017 to the domestic economy43.

3.3.6.  Financial incentives

Incentive programs which promote the purchase and use of both bicycles and E‑Bikes have been implemented in certain
EU countries and New Zealand. Figure 9 provides a high‑level summary of key initiatives in the markets BikeExchange
operates in.

Figure 9: Financial incentives for bicycles and E‑Bikes in target markets

Market Incentive

Belgium44 • Businesses sign up to the scheme, and employees receive an allowance in addition to their
salary (average allowance in 2018 was €252).
• 550,000 people received a bicycle allowance in 2018, up from 432,000 in 2016.

The Netherlands45 • Interest‑free loans to purchase E‑Bikes, lease bicycles from employers and receive
reimbursement for kms ridden on E‑Bikes.
• Employers can provide employees with a ‘company bike’.

New Zealand46 • Public sector subsidy and private sector interest‑free loans are available for E‑Bike purchases.
• Discounts range from 10 to 50%, or between $300 to $1,200, off the cost of an E‑Bike.

40 Ibid.
41 The Register, Wheels in Motion - How the bicycle category is booming, December 2019 (accessed October 2020).
42 Adventure Cycling Association, International Studies, accessed November 2020,
43 Ibid.
44 The Brussels Times, Belgian employees tale advantage of increase in bike allowances, September 2019, accessed
45 BikeNews, Tax Breaks Set to Boost Netherlands E-Bike use, January 2020, accessed
46 The Register, Wheels in Motion: 20 workplaces take up e-bike subsidy scheme, August 2020,

3.3.7.  Infrastructure Investment
Local, state and federal governments in Australia and Europe have been investing in infrastructure to support increased cycling
participation. ‘Cycling strategies’ are a key component of transport planning including in the target markets of BikeExchange.

Figure 10: Examples of cycling infrastructure investment in target markets

Market Detail

Belgium47 • The city centre of Brussels has been turned into 20kph zone with pedestrians and cyclists
allowed to use full width of the road and given full priority.
• Additional cycle paths (40km in length) installed throughout the city.
• In Liege 35km of road is to be prioritised for pedestrians and cyclists.

Melbourne48 • ” Cycling superhighway” to create hundreds of kms between CBD and suburbs backed by
Infrastructure Australia, with Melbourne and Yarra Councils fast‑tracking investment in 40km
of new bike lanes due to COVID‑19.

Sydney49 • Target 10% of all trips in Sydney to be by bicycle by 2030, promoted by 4 priorities: connecting
the network, supporting people to ride, supporting businesses and leadership/advocacy.
• Spending on bicycle‑related projects increased from 8.9% of budget to 24.3% of transport
budget (FY19 vs. FY20), and increase of 33% per capita.

Perth50 • $55 million expenditure between FY20‑24 through the State Government’s WA Bicycle
Network Plan, establishing cycle and shared paths.
• $64 million to retrofit older shared path.
• $4 million in funding for local governments for cycle upgrades in FY20.

New Zealand51 • $120 million investment in the New Zealand Cycle Trail to create a continuous touring route
running the length of New Zealand.

47 Bike-EU, Initiatives across Europe support cycling as mobility solution, May 2020.
48 Bicycle Network “Infrastructure Australia back plan for Melbourne cycling superhighways” (Feb 2020).
49 City of Sydney “Cycling Strategy Action Plan 2018-2030), March 2018.
50 Fairfax Domain “Perth could become a cycling city through a multimillion dollar bike path spend”, November 2019.
51 The Register, Wheels in Motion – How the bicycle category is booming, December 2019 (accessed October 2020).

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 35
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.4. E‑Commerce
Traditional retailers are beginning to use e‑commerce to transact online and generate a larger sales presence. A greater
acceptance of online shopping together with a wider range of sporting and physical recreation products available online,
is creating robust consumer demand52.
E‑commerce markets in the countries BikeExchange is targeting are exhibiting strong growth characteristics.
Australia’s e‑commerce market has grown at a CAGR of 16.6% from 2015 to 2019 and is forecast to continue growing at a
CAGR of 4.7% from FY21 to FY25 to over $37 billion. From 2015 to 2019 e‑commerce sporting and physical recreation goods
sales grew at a CAGR of 11.0% and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% between FY21 and FY25 to $738.3 million.
In the US, sporting goods e‑commerce was valued at USD$19 billion and grew at a CAGR of 15.4% between 2015 and 2018,
outpacing the growth of the wider US e‑commerce market with a CAGR of 14.5%53. In Australia, sporting and recreational
goods e‑commerce grew at a CAGR of 11.0% and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% between FY21 and FY25 to
$738.3 million54.
The German e‑commerce market grew at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2015 to 2019 and represented approximately €59 billion
in 2019. Over this same period, the Netherlands e‑commerce market grew 12.6% and represented approximately €26 billion
in value in 201955. Belgium’s e‑commerce market grew to approximately €11 billion in 2019, representing an 8.6% CAGR
between 2015 and 2019.
Colombia’s e‑commerce market has demonstrated high growth, with a CAGR of 49.9% for the period between 2015 to 2019
and represented approximately USD$5.2 billion56.

Figure 11: International e‑commerce markets 2018 (AU$ billions)

$840 3-year

$120 10%
$60 3-year
CAGR 17%
3-year 9%
$40 CAGR 3-year 47%
CAGR 3-year
$20 CAGR
USA Germany Netherlands Australia Belgium Colombia

3.5.  Competitive landscape

The majority of bicycle market sales value is through specialty retailers, but there are significant regional differences.
EU tends to have higher share of volume through specialty retailers, while the US and Australia volumes are mainly through
mass market.

52 Management estimates.
53 United States Census Bureau, Quarterly E‑Commerce Report, November 2020.
54 Management estimates.
55 Based on exchange rate as at 4 December 2020.
56 Ibid.

Figure 12: Bicycle retailers Types57

Mass Market Chain Sporting

Retailers Goods Outdoor Specialty Specialty Bicycle

Description Multi‑category mass Multi‑category stores Multi‑category stores Specialist bicycle

merchants that sell that cater to a broad that focus on outdoor retailers that focus on
a wide variety of range of sporting good sporting goods bicycles, with vast
products, from majority of sales from
groceries to clothing cycling (may have
to whitegoods scooters, for example)

Average bicycle Low Low/Med Low/Med Med/High


Breadth of cycling Low Low/Med Low/Med High

products (bikes,

Examples Walmart (US) Decathlon (Europe,AU) REI (US) Highly fragmented

Kmart (US/AU) Dick’s Sporting Goods Anaconda (AU) with many small chain/
(US) single stores

Details • USA1: 74% units/ • USA1: 6% units/ • USA1: 3.5% units/ • USA1: 13% units/
32% value; avg unit 8% value; avg unit 8% value; avg unit 49% value (2015);
price US $89 (2015) price US $266 (2015) price US $464 (2015) avg unit price
US $753 (2015)
• Australia3: ~65% • Spain : 12%

• Netherlands2: 75%
• Germany4: 8% • France6: 55%
units/36% value • Germany4: 68%
• Spain5: 8%
• Spain5: 80%
• France6: 18% units/
7% value • France6: 22% units/
49% value

Internet • Most retailers, across channels, offer online sales of bicycles

• Online sales share of total volume differs by market, ranging generally from ~3% to 10%

1. “NBDA ”The 2015 NBDA Bicycle Industry Statpak”.
2. RAI/Bovag “Kerncijfers: Tweewielers 2020”.
3. Bicycle Industries Australia interview.
4. Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV) Fahrradmarkt in Deutschland 2019.
5. AMBE “El Sector de la Bicicleta en Cifras: 2019”.
6. Union Sport & Cycle “Observatoire du Cycle Marche 2019”; Statista.

As E‑Bikes are primarily sold via the specialty segment and have higher unit values, the specialty retail share of the market
is also expected to grow in line with E‑Bike sales growth. In markets where E‑Bikes have a significant share of new volume
such as Belgium and the Netherlands consumers are more likely to purchase a bicycle online, whereas in less developed
E‑Bike markets such as Australia, US and UK consumers are likely to use a ‘bricks and mortar’ touchpoint, for advice, testing,
purchase, pick‑up or a combination.

57 Management estimates.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 37
3  Industry Overview (continued)

3.5.1.  Channel Distribution

Figure 13: Channel Distribution

Business Model Description Examples

Omni‑channel • Omni-channel retailers offer consumers the opportunity 99 Bikes (AU)

retailers to transact through a physical store as well as online.
Bikeforce (AU)
These businesses typically originated as traditional ‘bricks and
mortar’ retailers and added a transactional website over time. Pushys (AU)
• Omni‑channel retailers may leverage their store footprints (GER)
as a separate delivery channel for their online operations,
offering services such as ‘click and collect’ and ‘ship to store’.
• Omni‑channel retailers can also offer bicycle servicing.

Online direct sellers • Source and purchase products from suppliers, which can BicyclesOnline (AU, US)
increase working capital risks associated with holding inventory.
MyRide (AU)
• Greater margin available, however reduced by higher operating
Velgear (ANZ)
costs associated with holding inventory, warehousing, and the
need to provide a higher degree of customer support compared Wiggle (Multi‑region)
to online marketplaces.
Chain Reaction (Multi‑region)
• Able to sell their products and services via online marketplaces.
Bikester (EU)
Jenson (US)
Bike24 (GER)

Online marketplaces • Sellers and consumers are connected by completing transactions BikeExchange (Multi‑region)
via an online marketplace.
Bike‑angebot (GER)
• Revenue is generated from commission charged on the value
of transactions completed.
• Offers sellers transaction services including processing payments
and fraud protection.
• Increased exposure and brand awareness for sellers.
• Capital light model as no warehousing or inventory required.
• Provides both online direct sellers and omni‑channel retailers
another channel to sell their products.

There is a rise in “Direct to Consumer” (DTC) oriented models, with DTC bicycle sales forecast to increase from low single
digits today to 10% or more by 202558.
Major brands have embraced omni‑channel strategies to provide a DTC channel to complement IBD and specialty retail
channels in multiple regions, examples include:
• Specialised: initially launched an integrated marketplace in EU (UK, the Netherlands and Belgium) and US, and is
expanding to Germany, Australia, Switzerland and Luxembourg59; and
• Trek US: continues to invest in innovation and building its e‑commerce program, allowing customers to purchase online
and pick up their assembled bicycle at a local Trek dealer.

58 Management estimates.
59 Bike Europe, Interest in e‑bikes reaches record levels, July 2020,

This allows customers to interact directly with the brand and its dealers, both online and offline, bringing together different
channels: physical trade, click & collect, drop shipment, availability at IBDs and rider‑direct.
BikeExchange’s relationship with brands, IBDs and end consumers provide retailer and consumer flexibility:
• brands can ensure their products are delivered and tailored to the specific consumer via physical IBD locations,
or extend their DTC delivery via the extended reach of the BikeExchange marketplace;
• IBDs can leverage BikeExchange’s reach, with leads that they may otherwise not have access to; and
• consumers get broader visibility of products that are available, with the ability to purchase directly from an IBD
or via the BikeExchange e‑commerce Platform.

3.6.  Regulatory market

Australia does not manufacture bicycles domestically, with imported products subject to Australian standards.
Some accessories, specifically helmets, must be certified to Australian standards so are purchased onshore60.
Australia imposed a 5% tariff on most imported E‑Bikes (for example those imported from Taiwan and Europe) in January 2018,
however the growth of E‑Bikes has not been significantly impacted to date. Import tariffs into the EU to prevent Chinese
‘dumping’ of bikes are having limited impact on the market from a consumer perspective given over 60% of bicycles sold are
manufactured locally, with Chinese imports only representing approximately 4% of the market. Anti‑dumping duties have been
in place since 1993, with a current import tariff of up to 48.5% for non‑electrical bikes. Additional import duties have been in
place since 2013 for bicycles coming from other southeast Asian markets. In January 2019, duties of up to 79.3% were levied
on imports of Chinese E‑Bikes61.

3.7  COVID‑19 Industry Impact

COVID‑19 has accelerated growth in the market due to the increase in leisure and exercise cycling and workers’ desire
to reduce use of public transport. Further impact of COVID‑19 to BikeExchange’s operations is discussed in Section 4.3.

Figure 14: Monthly US Sales Growth for key bicycle categories62


Dollars % Change YOY





Traditional Children's Transit/ Front Lifestyle/ Stationary Helmets
Fitness Suspension Mtn. Leisure

Jan ‘19 vs. Jan ’20 Feb ‘19 vs. Feb ’20 Mar ‘19 vs. Mar ’20 Apr ‘19 vs. Apr ’20

Source: The NPD Group/U.S. Retail Tracking Service/Dollar Sales/January‑April 2020 vs. 2019.

60 The Latz Report, Letter from America, October 2019.

61 Management estimates.
62 Ibid.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 39
4  Business Overview

4.1.  Overview of BikeExchange

The BikeExchange Platform is one of the world’s largest online cycling marketplaces. The BikeExchange Platform
enables a network of brands, retailers and distributors to connect via a single destination marketplace.
BikeExchange was founded in Australia in 2007 with the simple purpose: “to fuel the passion for riding by making
it easy to buy and sell products and services related to cycling”. Since that time BikeExchange has grown to be a
systemised and scalable platform, now operating across eight countries servicing four geographic hubs in ANZ, EU,
North America and LATAM.
During the 12‑month period from October 2019 to September 2020, the BikeExchange Platform was visited by approximately
25.1 million consumers. This has driven e‑commerce transactions and delivered approximately $1.25 billion of inventory
sales leads to retailers and brands.
Currently, there are approximately 1,450 retailers and over 1,500 brands offering over 600,000 products on the BikeExchange
Platform providing ease, convenience and choice for consumers, and is proven at scale.

Figure 15: How BikeExchange works

39.21 Million Consumers


Country Domains
8 Countries 4 Geo Hubs

Admin Site
600,000+ Products

Sellers: Retailers
& Brands 1,450+

Seller Portal & Pre‑Built

System Connectors 650+

$1.05 billion annual global sales leads in FY20

1 Annualised traffic from Q4FY20

BikeExchange primarily offers member subscriptions to retailers and brands delivering recurring revenue. E‑commerce
transactions also occur through the BikeExchange Platform generating commission revenue.
BikeExchange connects retailers and brands to consumers within minutes, with efficient integration between a seller’s Point
of Sale (POS) system and the BikeExchange Platform. Growth and global expansion to date has been achieved with limited
capital. BikeExchange has established a strong foundation to accelerate available growth opportunities and achieve
additional scale with the disciplined application of growth capital.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 41
4  Business Overview  (continued)

4.1.1.  Corporate history

Figure 16: Corporate Timeline

Launch USA
Launch NZ and Telstra 1,250 business Launch Colombia sales leads
Business of the Year members January 2018

2007 2014 2015 2017 2020

First $1m turnover and 8.5m annual Launch Belgium Launch Canada 1,450+ business
2.5m annual traffic traffic and Netherlands July 2018 members

Launch Launch 39.2M group

Australia Germany annualised traffic

Figure 17: Overview of BikeExchange operations



Traffic 5.1m & 9.9M Traffic 8.1m & 12.3M Traffic 6.4m & 12.8M
(USA & CA.) (AUS & NZ. (DE, BE, NL)
AUS founding area)


Traffic 2.5m & 4.4M Traffic (0.23M & 0.35M)
(Separate Apparel
Focus Site)
(TRAFFIC: 1st Figure is FY20: 2nd figure
is Q4FY20 Annualised)
Global Traffic FY20: 22.33M Sessions
Q4FY20 Annualised 39.2M Sessions

Region Launch Dates

USA Jan ‘15; DE Jan ’14; COL Apr ‘18; CA July ’18; AUS ‘07; BE & NL Jul ’15; NZ Jul ‘13

BikeExchange was founded in Australia in 2007. BikeExchange has established itself in four regional hubs across eight
countries with 40 employees. The expansion into other countries has occurred since 2014 on limited capital funding
(approximately $15 million) but significant work and effort has gone into establishing the businesses, networks,
relationships and sites. In particular BikeExchange has focused on:
• signing up cycling retailers and brands on a subscription basis to list their product inventories. Subscriptions represented
70% of revenue in FY20;
• activating integrations with the leading POS systems around the world; and
• developing strong traffic organically year on year – October 2018 to September 2019 vs. October 2019 to September 2020
saw a 53% increase in traffic globally to over 25.1 million visits and signed up members increasing to over 300,000 across
the eight markets.
This strong establishment and presence across the markets, in particular EU and US, will assist the Business significantly
in this new growth phase.
The strength of the BikeExchange proprietary platform technology has been demerged into a separate and standalone
business named “Marketplacer Pty Ltd” further discussed in Section 4.4.1.

4.2.  BikeExchange’s Business Model
4.2.1. Overview
BikeExchange aims to enable and consolidate the cycling industry into one destination for the benefit of consumers.
BikeExchange maintains two profiles of the marketplace platform:
1. Business customers: bicycle retailers, brands and distributors who can publish and sell their product inventories
on BikeExchange; and
2. Consumer audience: buyers of bicycles, E‑Bikes, parts and accessories. BikeExchange has developed deep data
and insights on the entire bicycle and bicycle accessories markets from online tracking of consumer usage behaviour
and live inventory integrations across brand and retailer activity.
BikeExchange’s business model generates revenue from three core activities:
1. Subscriptions: business member subscriptions to retailers and cycling‑related manufacturers and brands providing
a recurring monthly revenue stream;
2. E‑commerce transactions: transactions completed by consumers on the BikeExchange Platform; and
3. Media and other revenue: revenue generated from media sales of media inventory or content on BikeExchange
sold by brands and businesses; and revenue from classified listings, feature upgrades for product listings and other
ancillary services.
The data and insights product provides a revenue opportunity for the development of a subscription product that allows
industry to access the strong data and insights capabilities created by BikeExchange.

Figure 18: BikeExchange TTV revenue by category FY18 to FY20

12,000 667

8,000 6,964

895 9,132
3,251 3,727

2,000 2,731
2,746 2,550
FY18 FY19 FY20
Subscription Revenue Gross E-Commerce Media and Other Revenue

Figure 19: BikeExchange TTV revenue total and by BikeExchange region FY18 to FY20

8,000 6,964

1,896 2,108

4,000 1,869 2,438

2,000 3,199 3,839

FY18 FY19 FY20
ANZ Europe North America

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 43
4  Business Overview  (continued) Business Subscriptions
BikeExchange charges retailers and brands a monthly subscription fee which enables these business customers to list their
product inventories through the live product integration feeds that the business has created. Monthly fees range between
$100 and $5,000 depending on the type of retailer, brand or service levels included within the subscription.
The subscriptions enable retailers and brands to:
• access their own administration site for their presence on the BikeExchange Platform;
• publish and maintain their product listings on their retail or brand store within the BikeExchange Platform;
• access and view consumer enquiries and sales leads on their products;
• manage transactions and fulfill orders;
• trade and run promotions and other campaign activities on the BikeExchange Platform; and
• participate in promotions and campaign activities led by BikeExchange on a site‑wide basis e.g. targeted communications
to relevant audience profiles.
As of June 2020, BikeExchange had approximately 1,450 active and paying retailer and brand subscription accounts. In FY20
subscription revenue generated $2.6m representing 70% of revenue.

Figure 20: BikeExchange Active Business Customers as at Nov 2020

800 1,448
504 577
200 284
Australia & New Zealand North America Europe Colombia Total

Figure 21: Business customer journey with BikeExchange

Retailer/Brand Integration between Retailer/brand is live on Consumers
Signs up to BikeExchange BikeExchange BikeExchange with their research, enquire
subscription options Database & retailer/brand Store presence and own & buy products through
through sales & Point Of Sale system for live Admin site access. They can BikeExchange
customer team inventory on BikeExchange publish products, monitor sales,
enquiries & fulfil orders

Figure 22: Subscription revenue by geography

ANZ 41%
Europe 29%
North America 30% E‑commerce
The BikeExchange Platform facilitates e‑commerce transactions. Products are available across a range of options
which include buy online, click and collect, deposit payment, pre‑order and enquiry only.
When a consumer visits the site, at the point of purchase BikeExchange receives full payment from the consumer.
The retailer receives funds instantly from BikeExchange upon the fulfilment of the order, less a commission fee retained
by BikeExchange for the order enablement.

Figure 23: E‑commerce transaction journey on BikeExchange

Research, Enquiries BikeExchange Order is Retailer/Seller

Consumer & Buys Products Marketplace confirmed

Retailer Fulfils Order

To Consumer

The product mix available on BikeExchange covers over 600 categories across bicycles, parts, accessories and apparel.
Commission rates vary globally and are dependent on the type of product. High value items such as bicycles have commission
rates which can be as low as 5%. Accessories can generate commission rates up to 25%. BikeExchange believes there is
elasticity to develop the commission levels further through different categories and markets. BikeExchange does not hold
any products as stock.
From July 2019 to June 2020, the Business enabled 20,954 e‑commerce transactions representing a 55% increase over
the previous corresponding period. This resulted in total e‑commerce gross transaction value of $9,100,000, representing
an 145% increase over the previous corresponding period.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 45
4  Business Overview  (continued)

Figure 24: BikeExchange e‑commerce revenue mix by geography

ANZ 32%
Europe 52%
North America 16%

In August 2019, BikeExchange launched a Concierge Service to assist consumers with their cycling purchases. Concierge
staff match a consumer’s requirements with the right bicycles and retailers. The successful transactions occur on the
BikeExchange Platform with the option of full e‑commerce, click and collect, deposit payment or pre‑ordering on models
yet to arrive. This service will be developed further as both an embedded service and paid for service.
Based on the testing completed to date and applying dedicated tech‑enabled team resources, the Concierge Service is
anticipated to significantly improve conversion levels of enquiries to transactions on BikeExchange. Media and other revenue

Media revenue
BikeExchange generates media revenue through:
• the automated purchase and management of digital advertising campaigns on a programmatic display media platform
implemented in the first half of FY20. The implementation of the programmatic display media platform has generated
ongoing revenue and increases based on traffic volumes;
• direct media deals with brands and industry. BikeExchange is yet to focus on direct media revenue to date however the
Business has progressed a key media partnership in the US which will assist with direct media deals in the region; and
• leveraging consumer database activity with specific communications and campaigns to support the platform, specific
brands and other activities such as site wide promotions.
COVID‑19 has affected the direct media industry in general in FY20 and thus far in FY21 at the date of this Prospectus.
The Business remains cautious with the media revenue but still see it as a tertiary revenue stream, albeit much smaller
than the subscription and E‑commerce components of the Business.

Other Revenue
Other revenue includes classified income from private second bicycle listings, fees for upgrading to feature product listings
on site (larger and more prominent positions) and some design service for brands and retailers to support their presence on the
BikeExchange Platform.
Media and other revenue generated $667,000 in FY20, representing 18% of net revenue.

Additional Revenue Opportunities

BikeExchange has created a significant data and insights capability. A central database contains all site activity across all
business customers and consumer activities. This data and insights capability has been utilised internally to help with
performance, trends and planning.
The industry wide, multi‑market nature of the data and insights is a unique capability. The data covers both cycling industry
relevant insights and consumer behaviours across search, enquiry and purchasing. The significant integrations with POS
systems has enabled visibility of live inventory and products available on the BikeExchange Platform, further deepening
the quality of insights related to stock availabilities and product trends.

BikeExchange has been redeveloping the existing data and insights visualisation dashboard with a view to creating a
subscription product providing deep insights across all eight markets aimed at brands and brand owners in the cycling
industry. This is intended to be launched before the end of the calendar year 2020 or beginning of the calendar year 2021.
The development of periodical reports is also considered as a significant growth opportunity with a subscriber fee
payable for access.
BikeExchange is also developing tools for deeper customer segmentation and personalisation in the form of a single
customer view product which will allow complete segmentation of the BikeExchange audience and relevant product
targeting to those consumers, based on their search, enquiry and purchasing history with the objective to ultimately
help increase conversion to sales and greater customer lifetime values.

4.2.2. BikeExchange Competitive Advantage BikeExchange has established a network that enables both the cycling industry (retailers, brands and
distributors) to sell their products and scale their businesses and for consumers to have a dedicated destination
to research, enquire and buy cycling products.

Figure 25: BikeExchange network



DISTRIBUTORS BikeExchange supports independent retailers in an omni‑channel offering, by displaying the retailers’
inventories to a wider audience and enabling multiple transaction options including e‑commerce, click and collect,
deposit payment and pre‑order. This channel supports the retailers’ ability to build larger and deeper customer
relationships and improve foot traffic in store.
BikeExchange works with the brands and distributors to further enable the retailer and dealer network where
appropriate with transactions, allowing the consumers to shop by locality through BikeExchange. BikeExchange Platform provides a low‑cost entry for retailers and brands and enables a competitive
e‑commerce solution which:
• enables BikeExchange’s business customers to create a strong and scalable e‑commerce solution without
needing to invest in and maintain their own standalone e‑commerce solution;
• opens immediate access to a large cycling focussed consumer audience who have strong buying intent;
• provides a fast and straightforward onboarding process supported by a dedicated customer team;
• provides simple and easily budgeted monthly subscription charges, including communications support
together with regular site wide consumer activities;
• uses a transparent e‑commerce commission model together with sales leads enquiry generation;
• gives dedicated customer support and service for business customers and consumers; and
• allows full control of product listings and ability to manage the account through the dedicated administration
site. The individual account administration site allows business customers to access their listings, fulfill orders
and obtain performance metrics across sales and enquiries.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 47
4  Business Overview  (continued) Ease, convenience and choice for consumers. For many consumers purchasing a bicycle can be a time
consuming and lengthy process. BikeExchange simplifies this process by bringing together brands and products
in a single destination providing a convenient and easy way for consumers to research and ultimately make a
buying decision. The BikeExchange Platform as at October 2020 maintains a central categorised and searchable
product database with more than 600,000 product entries. Maintained significant growth on a capital light basis. BikeExchange has managed to scale and grow
on limited capital investment to date, and with small marketing budgets. The emphasis has been on:
• signing up cycling retailers and brands on a subscription basis to list their product inventories and ensure good
consumer experience from a search to purchase. Subscriptions represented 70% of revenue in FY20;
• launched into a total of eight major markets across four global regions; the significant work in establishing and
generating momentum with each marketplace instance has been done in the EU, US and Colombian markets.
The Business sees a strong foundation to build off with appropriate capital growth;
• organic growth and search optimisation across products, category pages and content that helps the consumers
find what they need on their specific journey;
• significant integrations work with POS systems around the world to enable easy sign up, onboarding and
go‑live of retailers and brands onto the BikeExchange site; and
• working with brands and distributors to further connect up stock with the retailer and dealer networks.
This provides a seamless experience for consumers when shopping by location and further strengthens
the brand and dealer networks with stock and product availability.
Consumer traffic growth of consumer traffic in the six months to September 2020 grew by 90% to approximately
18 million compared to the same period in the prior year. FY20 traffic totalled approximately 23 million, a 35%
increase on FY19. This was all achieved without any significant performance marketing spend.
Total searches on site have increased 60% between October 2018 and September 2019 to October 2019 and
September 2020 with a total of 142 million searches. In the top 5 major categories (Mountain, Road, e‑bicycles,
children’s and commuting bikes) in the last quarter of FY20 vs PY searches increased by 128%.

Figure 26: Traffic Growth (millions)

15.2 0.03 15.7 17.0 22.8 0.25 39.7
2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 Q4 Annualised BikeExchange Customers
i. Customer acquisition and onboarding
For business customers (cycling retailers, brands and distributors) the sign‑up process is straightforward and streamlined.
BikeExchange customers have a tiered subscription option to choose from and sign up to.
A dedicated sales and customer success team around the world manage the sales and onboarding process. The sign‑up
process from acceptance through to go‑live is made simple allowing for activation within days in many cases.

BikeExchange has made this process simple through the development of a broad range of integrations around the world
for POS systems. This allows live integrations of inventory from retailers POS systems to BikeExchange via Application
Program Interfacing (API). This makes it convenient for business customers to publish their products on the BikeExchange
Platform. These integrations are automated once a business customer has set up an existing account and allows for easy
updates and visibility of pricing and stock levels.
BikeExchange has created a purpose‑built connection panel in Europe to manage the specific POS systems in the region.
The BikeExchange Group utilise this across regions as well as a second connection panel in Australia.
BikeExchange has also integrated into brands and distributors, some requiring bespoke work. This creates greater positive
impacts, not only for inventory and product lines but also with the dealer networks that work with the brands and distributors.
The work invested in the integrations and development of the connection panels is a strong competitive advantage across
regions for BikeExchange, assisting any further scaling of the business.

ii. Customer site management

Each business customer has an administration site that provides easy control and ongoing maintenance of their respective
products. Their individual administration site also allows for full visibility and control of customer orders through BikeExchange.

Figure 27: BikeExchange Administration Site For Retailers & Brands

iii. Customer Technology Solution

BikeExchange offers a range of technology products and services to cycling retailers and brands on a subscription basis
aiming to enable them to sell more products and reach more consumers. These include:
• Retail store: A retail presence on the BikeExchange site that allows retailers to publish, list and sell – all controlled
centrally on their own administration site.
• Brand store or Brand Multistore: A presence on the BikeExchange site that allows brands to showcase their product
range for consumers. The brand multistore product allows a parent brand company or distributor to integrate with
their retailers and dealer networks. This allows consumers to further shop by location through their local retailers.
• Webstore: A standalone website utilising the same technology product suite. Retailers can publish their inventory
centrally from the central product database across both their BikeExchange account and their own website. The site
aims to make it easy for retailers to manage their entire online presence leveraging the dedicated BikeExchange
consumer audience.
• Media, Content and Design Support: An automated programmatic display advertising platform enabling brands,
retailers and wider industry to advertise on the BikeExchange Platform and reach their audience. Content editorial
across product reviews and wider informative cycling related content can also be published. BikeExchange focuses
on developing evergreen content that assists in the consumer journey when searching and looking to purchase a
specific cycling product.
• Data and insights: BikeExchange has developed a differentiated data and insights capability. This has been built over
the lifetime of the Business across cycling industry data and consumer behaviours. BikeExchange has the ability to
see data and insights across product searches, sales lead enquiries and sales across all categories, brands and retailers.
BikeExchange’s data and insights has the capability to assist with stock and inventory planning, demands and trends
within cycling.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 49
4  Business Overview  (continued)

BikeExchange has the opportunity to develop appropriate organic growth of the current average annual subscription
revenue per account (ARPA) of $2,955 by offering new technology products and wider integrated services to its business
subscription base. An example is the Webstore product which has organically been taken up by bicycle retailers and brands
as an additional subscription charge.

iv. Sales lead generation process and enquiries

BikeExchange generated over 550,000 sales leads and enquiries in FY20 into retailers and brands. On an annualised basis
from Q4FY20 this equates to 1.4 million sales leads and enquiries. These sales leads and enquiries are from active consumers
who are looking at individual product listings on BikeExchange. The consumers are at a highly considered point in the overall
consumer journey looking for a cycling related product.
Email sales leads and enquiries are all tracked through the BikeExchange administration site. Both individual retailers and
BikeExchange can monitor these enquiries.
The individual phone numbers of retailers require a consumer to click on it to reveal the full number and then call to speak
with the retailer or brand. While this is not completely attributable to a converted sale currently, BikeExchange has been
running attribution trials on phone call enquiries to track when consumers are viewing a product listing on BikeExchange
and then calling the retailer. The extensive trials over 16 weeks saw over 1,600 calls tracked over eight trial stores in the study.
The addresses of individual retailers are also revealed by consumers similar to that of the phone numbers, if the consumer
wishes to visit the store in person.
These enquiries are one key area of the business model and are important for retailers and brands either if they have
not enabled e‑commerce on the store account (enquiries only) or to support the e‑commerce functionality they have
on BikeExchange. The conversion of these sales leads and enquiries into sales is seen as one of the largest growth
opportunities of the Business. BikeExchange consumer audience

Some statistics of the BikeExchange Platform are set out below:
• 39.2 million global annualised sessions on site;
• the average time spent on the sites (globally) is 3m 45s and 5.9 pages are viewed with each visit; and
• there is a 71%/29% male/female average audience split (based on Google Analytics FY20 across the markets in Australia,
Germany, US and Colombia).
Consumers come to the site either through knowledge of the site and are signed‑up members or 72.7% of traffic comes
organically through search engines and well optimised terms, categories and content.

Figure 28: BikeExchange global traffic by source

























Sessions Email Social Referral Paid Search Direct Organic

Consumers can search for any of their cycling needs through a diverse category and product range aggregated from
the available retailers and brands. BikeExchange aims to help the consumer by providing ease, convenience and choice.
Consumers can choose to:
• buy online;
• click and collect in store;
• pay a deposit on a product;
• pre‑order on some new products (for future delivery);
• enquiry only – driving a sales enquiry into a retailer; or
• review and research products as part of the consumer journey. Audience Demographics by Region

Figure 29: BikeExchange region demographics

BikeExchange Australia
Age Gender
29.16% of Total users 28.26% of Total users

Male 72.1%

Female 27.9%

18‑24 25‑34 35‑44 45‑54 55‑64 65+

BikeExchange Germany
Age Gender
33.29% of Total users 33.01% of Total users

Male 71.7%

Female 28.3%

18‑24 25‑34 35‑44 45‑54 55‑64 65+

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 51
4  Business Overview  (continued)

BikeExchange USA
Age Gender
29.44% of Total users 30.28% of Total users

Male 76.6%

Female 23.4%

18‑24 25‑34 35‑44 45‑54 55‑64 65+

BikeExchange Colombia
Age Gender
46.84% of Total users 47.53% of Total users

Male 62.8%

Female 37.2%

18‑24 25‑34 35‑44 45‑54 55‑64 65+

BikeExchange Belgium/Netherlands
Age Gender
36.01% of Total users 36.67% of Total users

Male 57.1%

Female 42.9%

18‑24 25‑34 35‑44 45‑54 55‑64 65+

52 Marketing Activities
The Business undertakes a number of marketing activities summarised below:


Electronic Direct Regular EDMs are sent to subscribed The Business is currently developing its
Mail (EDM)s consumer members with specific products, segmented audience capability further,
offers and promotions by geographical market. with a single customer view tool. This will
allow further personalisation and relevance
Segmented audience EDM communication
of products with the consumer base.
is also sent within the Australian market with
good engagement of 36.12% and average Click The business will also be developing a
Through Rate (CTR) of 4.14%. The segmented consumer membership model that rewards
and personalisation activity has significant loyalty. This is targeted in the second half
potential with the appropriate implementation of FY21.
and investment.

Organic Approximately 85% of the traffic that arrives Maintain a well optimised site surrounding
Search Traffic at the BikeExchange Platform is organic. products and content will continue to drive
Well optimised products, category pages and organic traffic.
evergreen content reviews have all contributed
to the long tail of organic traffic. For example,
BikeExchange Australia has over 28,400
ranking key words in positions 1 to 10.

Direct access to Traffic from direct usage of the BikeExchange As further awareness, education and advocacy
BikeExchange name and domain suffix (dependent on region) of BikeExchange develops the Business would
domains in search engines and web browsers. expect a growth in direct traffic.

Social Media BikeExchange has grown a sizable following Build on the modest growth to date with more
across Facebook of approximately 130,000 dedicated resourcing and strategies to build
followers, and Instagram of approximately audiences across markets. The Business also
50,000 followers globally that creates traffic sees transaction growth as an opportunity
and referrals to the site. enabled through the social channels and is
currently trialing this in the Australian market.

Mitchelton‑Scott BikeExchange is a named sponsor of the This important partnership and sponsorship
BikeExchange Mitchelton‑Scott BikeExchange Pro Cycling will continue to assist with global audience
Pro Cycling Team Team for both men and women. awareness, of the BikeExchange brand.
BikeExchange was featured heavily in the Tour BikeExchange will be working with the
De France coverage in August and September Mitchelton‑Scott team to evolve the partnership
of 2020 and has further World Tour and UCI races further in the second half of FY21 and into the
to come as part of a two‑year sponsorship. next FY.
Previously BikeExchange has sponsored
the Orica BikeExchange team in 2016.

Earned Media BikeExchange has enjoyed coverage through The Business will be developing a more
editorial articles in relation to the business strategic public relations approach for
and industry which assists with awareness both business‑to‑business (B2B) and
and some traffic. business‑to‑consumer (B2C) audiences.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 53
4  Business Overview  (continued)


Search Engine Some paid and sponsored traffic across The Business has commenced a partnership
Marketing (SEM) Google Shopping has been undertaken. with a 3rd party supplier, Surge Global, to
This has been limited while the business develop the paid/performance marketing
focussed on other areas. Testing, particularly strategy and execution. A test and learn
in the German market has shown favourable phase commenced in October 2020.
returns. This is a key channel of activity with
further opportunities for conversion and
growth in different geographical markets.

Social Media Paid and promoted posts have been trialled As above.
Advertising in each market with good engagement and
conversion. To date, it has not been a focus
of the Business, but it is seen as a key channel
of activity to assist with further conversion
and growth.

Sponsorship BikeExchange has sponsored trade events and The Business will continue this activity
races – notably the Tour Down Under, Eurobike which will typically focus on the trade and
(Trade Fair) and Sea Otter US (Trade Fair). B2B audience.
This activity is mainly for business‑to‑business
awareness but also business‑to‑consumer
where races are a part of the event.

Above The Line In the last 5 years there has been no above the The business will assign an appropriate media
(ATL) Marketing line marketing spend across channels such as budget across markets and utilise the global
TV, Radio, Outdoor & Print. Appropriate usage brand and product campaign assets already
of the ATL to broaden awareness and produced. A significant focus will be in the EU
understanding of BikeExchange for both and US markets.
B2C and B2B audiences will be a component
The aim of the campaign will be threefold:
of activity. Particularly in the European and
USA markets, where the growth potential 1. Education and awareness of BikeExchange
is significant. (B2B and B2C);
BikeExchange has a fully produced, global 2. Product and category focussed driving the
brand and product campaign with over 140 business proof points (B2B and B2C); and
campaign assets available, across channels.
3. Retail focussed advertising around
Budget has not been assigned to the media
promotions (B2B and B2C).
buy component of this activity historically.
The assets have been used on owned media
(website, communications, collateral and both
trade and cycling events).

Figure 30: E‑commerce orders by region FY20
Orders by Region (FY ‘20)






Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Australia USA Europe Colombia

Figure 31: E‑commerce orders by total FY20

Total Global Orders Total (FY ‘20)








Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Figure 32: Average order value for FY19‑20 globally

600 548

405 385 403



FY20 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 55
4  Business Overview  (continued)

Figure 33: Regional average enquiry by volume FY19 to FY20

Regional ave enquiry by volume FY19‑20







Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Figure 34: Regional average enquiry by value FY19 to FY20

Regional ave enquiry by value FY19‑20 (In AUD)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Figure 35: Global average enquiry by volume FY19 to FY20

Global ave enquiry by volume FY19‑20
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Average order value between FY19 and FY20 increased by 58% from $275 to $436 globally and the number of transactions
increased by 55% between FY19 and FY20

4.3.  COVID‑19 Trading
During 2020, the impact of COVID‑19 has generated strong consumer interest in cycling as a category for commuting,
leisure, and exercise. The many benefits of cycling have been emphasised by the COVID‑19 pandemic, whether for getting
around and commuting, health and recreation and family riding.
Consumer behavioural changes have been accelerated and movement online and to e‑commerce has benefitted
BikeExchange. Consumers increasingly research and buy cycling products, in particular bicycles, online. Site traffic
increased by over 187% globally to BikeExchange Platform across the first half of the calendar year 2020 against the
previous year. This resulted in increased organic sourced traffic, with minimal performance marketing spend.
E‑commerce gross transaction value increased by 253% over the first half of calendar year 2020 compared to the first
half of calendar year 2019, with transaction numbers increasing by 123% for the same period. Sales lead enquiries also
grew by 90%. This momentum has continued through Q1 FY21.
Prior to COVID‑19 the Business had been working hard with onboarding quality retailers and brands ensuring good
products and ranges were available. This work has helped with the overall experience and growth with the increased
platform visitations.
The Business is encouraged by the ongoing behavioural changes that are being seen of the pandemic. Traffic visitation has
continued to be higher than the previous year’s volumes at 25.1 million (October 2019 to September 2020 a 53% increase
and e‑commerce TTV has also continued to grow.
The Business has continued with very modest marketing spends ($359,000 globally across all activities in FY20) but is
planning very targeted and strategic performance marketing to assist with further conversion of e‑commerce transactions
on site for retailers and brands as well as new purchasers on site.
With the application of capital growth in areas outlined in the growth strategy, BikeExchange is confident that the demand
and growth that has been experienced, through the pandemic, will continue. This is further supported with the shift of
consumer online behaviour, active transport and every day cycling usage, as well as investment in cycling infrastructure
being accelerated by cities and countries around the world.

4.4.  Technology platform

4.4.1.  Marketplace Core Technology
BikeExchange licenses from Marketplacer, the Marketplacer technology platform, a dedicated marketplace technology.
Each country domain runs a separate instance of the platform to accommodate the regional distribution of cycling products
globally and the country specific retailers.
The Marketplacer core technology platform was created by Marketplacer for BikeExchange and was initially built for the
cycling category. BikeExchange now benefits from wider functionality and feature updates with the platform from a variety
of categories – together with its own requests and enhancements.
The platform is fully supported by Marketplacer and benefits from on‑going functionality enhancements and new features
provided by Marketplacer that assist both the paying business subscribers and consumers.
The platform has a high degree of customisation capability for BikeExchange to help with the day‑to‑day running of the
business. The Marketplacer API allows BikeExchange to integrate with many partner services and businesses for both
inventory needs, additional functionality and services and other areas.
The Marketplacer Agreements each have a 5‑year term with an automatic renewal for 24 months, unless the BikeExchange
Hub issues a termination notice three months’ prior to the initial expiry date. The agreement also allows for first rights on new
markets of expansion for the BikeExchange brand and platform, see Section 10.5.3 for further information.

4.4.2.  BikeExchange Integrations with POS Systems

BikeExchange has invested in integrations with 32 separate POS systems and 811 separate integrations with retailers
and brands globally.
BikeExchange has developed its own connections panel which allows POS systems to interact with the BikeExchange
product database. BikeExchange has integrations with leading POS systems including Lightspeed, Ascend, Woo Commerce,
Shopify, Magento, Cycle Software, Tridata, Adsoft, Big Commerce, Neto, e‑vendo, velo.port, Magento and Retail Express.
This has created convenient access to live inventory and makes product listings relevant and real‑time on site.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 57
4  Business Overview  (continued)

This significant piece of work in building the connections panel greatly assists with the further scaling of retailers and
brands through automated product uploads from their own accessible BikeExchange administration site. These integrations
provide a largely seamless process for making products live on site and representing cycling brands and products
appropriately, with accurate and consistent product descriptions, specifications, imagery and availabilities with stock levels.

4.4.3.  Payment Platforms:

BikeExchange offers payment options through:
• Braintree (Australia and US) which allows for payments across Visa, Mastercard and American Express, Kount fraud
protection is built within the Braintree platform;
• Adyen (EU) which allows for payments across Visa, Mastercard and Amex;
• Zooz/ePayco (Colombia) which allows for payments across Visa, Mastercard and Amex;
• Paypal for Paypal (all markets) transactions and credit card transactions; and
• Afterpay for buy now pay later instalment payments (Australia and US).

4.4.4.  BikeExchange Central Product Database

BikeExchange manages a central product database of over 600,000 cycling products. This makes it easy for products to be
enabled and published on BikeExchange when integrations with the many POS systems are made with retailers and brands.

4.4.5.  Mobile Site and BikeExchange App

The BikeExchange website is fully dynamic for usage on mobile devices. BikeExchange has developed a native mobile
application, the BikeExchange App, of which it owns the intellectual property. The mobile app has been downloaded
approximately 95,000 times since 1 July 2015 (86% IOS and 14% Android downloads). Beyond maintenance, there has been
limited investment in the mobile app over the last four years and BikeExchange is planning to further invest and redevelop the
mobile application to enhance it and expected to provide an even stronger consumer experience in the third quarter of FY21.

4.5.  Growth strategies

BikeExchange has demonstrated a track record of customer and revenue growth. BikeExchange plans to continue to grow
its revenue organically by capturing a greater market share in existing geographies and subscription segments of the bicycle
market. BikeExchange is focussed on seven key growth initiatives, which include:
1. conversion of sales leads enquiries;
2. increase business customer accounts and subscriptions;
3. strategic partnerships with brands and industry;
4. personalisation and loyalty program for consumers and app redevelopment;
5. data and insights subscriptions product launch;
6. further appropriate country expansion; and
7. strategic acquisitions within the industry to help scale the Business.

4.5.1.  Conversion of sales leads enquiries

Converting the substantial sales leads and enquiries, totalling $1.05 billion in value for FY20, generated through the
BikeExchange Platform into e‑commerce transactions is a key area of focus through Concierge team members and
some automation enhancements on site.
A strategic and focussed use of performance marketing across digital channels, in particular retargeting of audiences
who have visited BikeExchange is planned for the second half of FY21. The Business is currently running global trials
around targeting and converting of existing audiences on site across multiple channels, e.g. Google and Facebook
with positive results. Information gained from these trials will be used in longer term campaign activity.
The Business also sees scope in reviewing commission levels taken on e‑commerce transactions and increasing them
appropriately across different categories of products therefore increasing the overall commission rates that contribute
to net revenue.

4.5.2.  Increase business customer accounts and subscriptions
The Business will prioritise customer acquisition and organic growth of quality retailers and brand accounts through
customer success teams. This will grow both underlying subscription revenues and e‑commerce consumption revenues
through commissions.
Focussing on retailers and brands that onboard good ranges of products can enhance the customer experience with
additional convenience and choice.
More premium subscriptions with brand stores and brand multistores will also continue to be a growth area. The Business
will support these store presences as the brand multistores provide significant benefit to the dealer networks, connecting
them with the parent brands and further generating both sales and leads to them. This also provides a greater pool of live
and trading individual retailers on the BikeExchange Platform.

4.5.3.  Data and insights subscription product launch

Data and insights generated to date have been utilised internally to help with performance and trends. BikeExchange is
packaging the data and insights into a usable subscription product and service for the cycling industry. It will provide deep
insights into category activity, trends and consumer behaviour (across search, enquiry and purchasing activity) across all
eight markets.

4.5.4.  Strategic partnerships with brands and industry

Targeting more industry partnerships that work with brands to help them sell more of their products while mobilising
and engaging their retailer network will play an important role as BikeExchange continues to grow.
BikeExchange has announced (in September 2020) a key partnership with Trek USA to enable their dealer network of 1,500
cycling stores to join the BikeExchange Platform and sell specific model lines and to ship across states in the US. This is an
important growth strategy in the US market with a quality brand and retailer footprint. A description of this agreement is
outlined in section 10.6 of this Prospectus.

4.5.5.  Personalisation and loyalty program for consumers and app redevelopment
The core aim is to offer relevance in products and increase the overall customer lifetime value with BikeExchange through
further purchases and ongoing loyalty by the customer base. To date customer segmentation and personalisation has only
been lightly done but trialled with success through targeted email marketing to segmented audience groups. Implementing
an always on customer personalisation approach, through data, will:
• enhance the experience for consumers through relevance;
• increase e‑commerce transactions on BikeExchange; and
• increase average order values by market (Global Average Order Value $436) and the ongoing customer lifetime value.
A consumer loyalty program, on the product roadmap for FY21, will aim to reward the most active and valuable consumers.
The BikeExchange native application redevelopment, on the product roadmap for FY21, is targeted to enhance consumer
experience and enable greater personalisation strategies.

4.5.6.  Further appropriate country expansion

The BikeExchange Platform and model can be replicated in new markets as clearly demonstrated over the Business’
lifetime. While the focus is on growing markets and regions to an optimum level first, appropriate market expansion
is an important future growth strategy.
Leveraging the Business’ presence in Colombia to service other LATAM markets centralises sales resources while
maximising marketing potential. EU expansion would also likely evolve on a similar model as BikeExchange currently
operate in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands and could potentially service other countries in the region.

4.5.7.  Strategic acquisitions within the industry to help scale the business
The appropriate acquisition of key businesses and services that can enhance the BikeExchange proposition, helping both
the growth and the customer experience of the Business will be considered.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 59
5  Financial Information

5.1. Introduction
As set out in Section 2 of this Prospectus, the Proposed Transaction includes the Company acquiring 100% of the share
capital of BikeExchange TopCo as part of the IPO process. Pursuant to the Restructure described in Section 10.4, BikeExchange
TopCo will acquire 100% of the share capital of BikeExchange Pte Ltd, which holds the investments in BikeExchange’s
various trading subsidiaries. The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo is being undertaken in order to streamline the
corporate structure and regulatory obligations of the BikeExchange Group. The interposition is not dependent or conditional
on the Listing.
The Aggregated Historical Financial Information referred to below is for the BikeExchange Group, which at 30 June 2020 did
not share a common parent entity, and therefore consolidated financial information could not be prepared. The Aggregated
Historical Financial Information does not include the Company’s historical income statements, statement of cash flows or
statement of financial positions as the Company is an investment vehicle and the only material balance sheet item is cash
and cash equivalents (refer to Figure 5.12) and therefore the Company’s historical financial information is not considered
meaningful in the context of assessing BikeExchange’s performance.
The financial information contained in this Section 5 includes the Aggregated Historical Financial Information and Pro Forma
Aggregated Historical Financial Information for the financial years ended 30 June 2018 (FY18), 30 June 2019 (FY19) and
30 June 2020 (FY20), being the Financial Information (Financial Information) as summarised in Figure 5.1 below.

Figure 5.1: Overview of the Financial Information

Aggregated Aggregated Historical Financial Information, which is audited, comprises the following:
Historical Financial
• Aggregated Historical Income Statements for FY18, FY19 and FY20 (Aggregated Historical
Income Statements);
• Aggregated Historical Cash Flows for FY18, FY19 and FY20 (Aggregated Historical
Cash Flows); and
• Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020
(Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position).

Pro Forma Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial Information comprises the following:
• Pro Forma Aggregated Income Statements for FY18, FY19 and FY20 (Pro Forma Aggregated
Historical Financial
Historical Income Statements);
• Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Cash Flows for FY18, FY19 and FY20 (Pro Forma Aggregated
Historical Cash Flows); and
• Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020
(Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position).

The Financial Information should also be read in conjunction with the risk factors set out in Section 6, the significant
accounting policies of BikeExchange as set out in Appendix A and the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Also summarised in this Section 5 are:
• the basis of preparation and presentation of the Financial Information (Section 5.2) including the application of accounting
standards in the Aggregated Historical Financial Information (Section 5.2.3);
• an explanation of certain financial measures that are neither recognised by the Australian Accounting Standards Board
(AASB) or under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB) that are used by BikeExchange and included in this Prospectus to assist investors in understanding the
financial performance of BikeExchange’s business (Section (non‑IFRS financial measures);
• a summary of BikeExchange’s key pro forma operating and financial metrics (Section 5.3.2);
• the pro forma adjustments to the Aggregated Historical Financial Information and reconciliations to the Pro Forma
Aggregated Historical Financial Information (Section 5.3.3);
• details of BikeExchange’s liquidity, capital resources and indebtedness as at 30 June 2020 (Sections 5.6.2 and 5.6.3);

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 61
5  Financial Information (continued)

• Management discussion and analysis of the Pro Forma Aggregated Financial Information (see Section 5.8); and
• a summary of BikeExchange’s proposed dividend policy (see Section 5.14).
The Financial Information has been reviewed by Deloitte Corporate Finance (Investigating Accountant) in accordance with
the Australian Standard on Assurance Engagements (ASAE) 3450 Assurance Engagements involving Corporate Fundraisings
and/or Prospective Financial Information, as stated in its Investigating Accountant’s Report on the Financial Information.
Investors should note the scope and limitations of the Investigating Accountant’s Report on the Financial Information
(refer to Section 9).
All amounts disclosed in the tables are presented in Australian dollars and unless otherwise noted, are rounded to
the nearest thousand dollars. Rounding of figures provided in the Financial Information may result in some immaterial
differences between the sum of components and the totals outlined within tables and percentage calculations.

5.2.  Basis of preparation and presentation of the financial information

5.2.1. Overview
The Directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Financial Information.
The Financial Information included in this Prospectus is intended to present potential investors with information to assist
them in understanding the historical financial performance, cash flows and financial position of BikeExchange.
The Aggregated Historical Financial Information has been prepared and presented in accordance with the recognition
and measurement principles of Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) issued by the AASB, which are consistent with
IFRS and interpretations issued by the IASB, except for the requirements of the AAS listed below:
• AASB 3 – Business Combinations
• AASB 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements
• AASB 133 – Earnings Per Share
The Significant Accounting Policies (SAP) adopted in the preparation of the historical financial information are set out in
Appendix A and have been consistently applied throughout the financial periods presented in this Prospectus unless
stated otherwise.
The Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial Information has been prepared solely for inclusion in this Prospectus
and has been derived from the Aggregated Historical Financial Information, adjusted for:
i. certain transactions including completion impacts of the transaction with the Company;
ii. the exclusion of certain transactions that occurred in the relevant periods; and
iii. the impact of certain transactions as if they occurred on or before 30 June 2020 in the Aggregated Historical
Financial Information.
The Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial Information does not represent the actual financial position, financial
performance or cash flows of BikeExchange. The Company believes that the Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial
Information provides useful information as it permits investors to examine what it considers to be the underlying financial
performance and cash flows of the business presented on a consistent basis.
The Financial Information is presented in an abbreviated form insofar as it does not include all the presentation and
disclosures required by the AAS and other mandatory professional reporting requirements applicable to general purpose
financial reports prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act.
In addition to the Financial Information, Section describes certain non‑IFRS financial measures that are used to
manage and report BikeExchange’s business that are not defined under or recognised by AAS or IFRS.

5.2.2.  Segment Information

BikeExchange’s geographic business segments are the Australian & New Zealand, European, North American and
Colombian operations. The business segments qualify as operating segments under AASB8 Operating Segments.
The Directors assess the financial performance of each segment of BikeExchange for the purposes of managing and
allocating resources. Segmental analysis of BikeExchange’s performance is set out throughout Section 5.4 and 5.8.

5.2.3.  Preparation of the Financial Information
The Aggregated Historical Financial Information has been extracted from the aggregated financial statements for the
BikeExchange Group for FY18, FY19 and FY20 respectively (Aggregated Financial Statements). The Aggregated Financial
Statements were audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu issued an unmodified audit opinion on the Aggregated Financial Statements.
In preparing the Special Purpose Aggregated Financial Statement for the BikeExchange Group the requirements of the
following AAS have not been fully complied with: AASB 3 Business Combinations; AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements;
and AASB 133 Earnings Per Share. AASB 3 and AASB 10 were applied to the fullest extent possible to transactions occurring
and in the presentation of the Aggregated Financial Statements, but could not be fully complied with, as there was no
common controlling entity for the Company and the BikeExchange Group at 30 June 2020. No Earnings per Share measure
was disclosed as there was no single controlling entity (and therefore number of shares) to apply to the aggregated group
at 30 June 2020.
The Aggregated Financial Statements have been prepared for the BikeExchange Group as at 30 June 2020, which was
before the acquisition of BikeExchange TopCo by the Company had been completed, and therefore for FY18, FY19 and
FY20 there is no common parent entity for the Company and the BikeExchange Group to allow consolidated financial
statements to be prepared.
As such, the Aggregated Historical Financial information includes the following companies:

Name Principal place of business/Country of incorporation

BikeExchange TopCo Australia

BikeExchange Pte Ltd Singapore

BikeExchange Pty Ltd Australia

BikeExchange Inc USA

BikeExchange DE Vertriebs GmbH Germany

BikeExchange Colombia Colombia

Each company is directly or indirectly owned 100% by BikeExchange TopCo, with the exception of BikeExchange Colombia,
which is owned 50% and equity accounted in the Aggregated Historical Financial Information.
Bike Exchange Pte Ltd owns 100% of the share capital of BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK) and BikeExchange Limited
(Ireland). These entities are not consolidated in the Aggregated Historical Financial Information as they had ceased trading
prior to 30 June 2020 and their inclusion would not provide additional information in assessing the historical performance
of BikeExchange.
The historical financial information for the Company has been extracted from the Company’s statutory financial statement
for the year ended 30 June 2020 which has been audited by Crowe in accordance with AAS. Crowe issued an unmodified
audit opinion on these statutory financial statements.
The Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial Information has been prepared for the purposes of inclusion in this Prospectus
and has been derived from the Aggregated Historical Income Statements and the Aggregated Historical Cash Flows and
Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position after reflecting the following pro forma adjustments:
• the removal of impairment charges and losses on disposal incurred following the sale of investments in Cycling Tips
Media Pty Ltd, Cycling Tips Media Inc. and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd in FY18 and FY19;
• the removal of impairment charges in relation to of BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK) and BikeExchange Limited
(Ireland) following the decision in FY20 to liquidate these companies;
• the impact of the Offers, including Offer costs that are expensed and other historical adjustments made as a result of
completion impacts;

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 63
5  Financial Information (continued)

• the inclusion of the estimated incremental costs of being a publicly listed company, including additional Board and
governance costs, incremental audit, tax, legal and compliance costs, and ASX listing fees (excluding share options
costs); and
• the inclusion of the income tax effect of the above pro forma adjustments.
Investors should note that past results are not a guarantee of future performance.
Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 set out the pro forma adjustments made to the Aggregated Historical Income Statements and a
reconciliation of the Aggregated Historical Income Statements to the Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Income Statements.
Figure 5.9 sets out the pro forma adjustments made to the Aggregated Historical Cash Flows and a reconciliation of the
Aggregated Historical Cash Flows to the Pro Forma Historical Cash Flows.
The Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial Position is derived from the Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial
Position, and is adjusted to reflect the impact of the Offers, including
• the acquisition by the Company (which, subject to completion to of the Proposed Transaction and confirmation under
AASB 3 – Business Combinations, will be treated as a reverse acquisition for accounting purposes);
• the funds to be raised under the Public Offer; and
• the costs directly attributable to the Offers as if it had occurred as at 30 June 2020.
Under the Proposed Transaction, the Company will acquire 100% of the share capital of BikeExchange TopCo. The acquisition
of BikeExchange TopCo (the legal acquiree) by the Company (the legal acquirer) is deemed to be a reverse acquisition,
since the substance of the Proposed Transaction is such that all BikeExchange Shareholders will collectively obtain control
of the Company.
Figure 5.12 sets out the pro forma adjustments made to the Historical Statement of Financial Position and a reconciliation
of the Historical Statement of Financial Position to the Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial Position.
The Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial Position is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not represented
as being necessarily indicative of the future financial position of BikeExchange. Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange rates used to translate foreign currency amounts of transactions and balances used in the financial
statements over the historical period into Australian dollars are provided in Figure 5.2 below.

Figure 5.2: Foreign Exchange rates for the Historical period

Average Average Average

Currency 30‑Jun‑17 FY18 30‑Jun‑18 FY19 30‑Jun‑19 FY20 30‑Jun‑20

USD 0.8041 0.8113 0.7714 0.7508 0.7332 0.6878 0.6863

Euro 0.7049 0.6831 0.6664 0.6575 0.6449 0.6217 0.6111 Disposal of business/businesses ceasing trading

BikeExchange’s investments in Cycling Tips Media Pty Ltd, Cycling Tips Media Inc. and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd were disposed
of in FY19. Impairments were made against the equity investments and funding loans in the FY18 and FY19 income statements.
A pro‑forma adjustment has been made to the Aggregated Historical Financial Information to remove the recorded loss
on disposal.
Bike Exchange Pte Ltd owns 100% of the share capital of BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK) and BikeExchange Limited
(Ireland). These entities operated separate BikeExchange marketplaces in the UK and Ireland respectively. The directors
of BikeExchange Pte Ltd decided to exit these markets in October 2019, with operations ceasing by March 2020.
These entities are both in the process of being liquidated. A pro‑forma adjustment has been made to the Aggregated
Historical Financial Information to remove the impairment loss incurred in relation to the above entities based on the
decision to liquidate the companies.

64 Critical accounting policies and judgements
Preparing financial statements in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) requires the use of critical
accounting estimates. It also requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions in the application
of accounting policies that affect the reported amounts in the aggregated financial statements. Management continually
evaluates its judgements and estimates in relation to assets and liabilities, contingent liabilities, revenues and expenses.
Management bases its judgements, estimates and assumptions on historical experience and on other various factors,
including expectations of future events management believes to be reasonable under the circumstances. The resulting
accounting judgements and estimates will seldom equal the related actual results. Uncertainty about these assumptions
and estimates could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets or liabilities
affected in future periods.
The judgements, estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
amounts of, assets and liabilities within the next financial year include determining the lease term of contracts with renewal
and termination options (BikeExchange as lessee) and provisions for make good; recovery of deferred tax assets; estimation
of useful lives of assets; impairment of non‑financial assets; provision for expected credit losses of trade receivables and
contract assets; employee benefits and leases – estimating the incremental borrowing rate, as described in the significant
accounting policies adopted in Appendix A. Forecast Financial Information

The Directors have considered the requirements of ASIC Regulatory Guide 170 ‘Prospective Financial Information’ (RG170)
to determine if forecast financial information should be included in this Prospectus. The Directors have determined that,
as at the date of this Prospectus BikeExchange does not have a reasonable basis to reliably forecast future earnings or cash
flows and accordingly forecast financial information is not included within this Prospectus.
The international retail environment, consumer confidence and consumer spending are expected to remain volatile in a
COVID‑19 environment throughout 2021. Explanation of certain non‑IFRS measures

BikeExchange uses certain measures to manage and report on business performance that are not recognised under AAS
or IFRS. These measures are collectively referred to in this Section 5 and under ASIC Regulatory Guide 230 Disclosing
non‑IFRS financial information as “non‑IFRS financial measures”.
These non‑IFRS financial measures do not have a prescribed definition under AAS or IFRS and therefore may not be directly
comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other entities. These should not be construed as an indication of, or an
alternative to, corresponding financial measures determined in accordance with AAS or IFRS.
Although BikeExchange believes these non‑IFRS financial measures provide useful information for measuring the financial
performance and condition of the business, they should be considered as supplements to the Aggregated Historical Income
Statement and Aggregated Historical Cash Flows measures that have been presented in accordance with the AAS and IFRS,
nor as a replacement for them.
Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any non‑IFRS financial measures included in the Prospectus.
The non‑IFRS financial measures that are referred to in this Prospectus include the following:
• Total Transaction Value is the aggregate of revenues, net of sales taxes, generated from display/media sales, retail
subscriptions and other online sales and the gross merchandise value for e-commerce transactions that are executed
on the BikeExchange network of websites.
• Average Revenue per account is the total annual revenue for subscriptions and e-commerce commissions earned
from retailers and affiliates divided by the average annual number of paying retailers accessing BikeExchange network of
websites, and does not include revenues or accounts relating to BikeExchange’s 50% interest in BikeExchange Colombia.
• Average Order Value is the gross merchandise value for e-commerce transactions that transact on the BikeExchange
network of websites divided by the number of e-commerce transactions for the financial year.
• E-commerce transactions are the total number of e-commerce transactions occurring on BikeExchange network of
websites in each year. A transaction is defined as a single item or basket of items paid for in a single payment transaction
through the BikeExchange network of websites.
• Capital expenditure is a combination of capitalised development costs and other costs primarily related to property,
plant and equipment.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 65
5  Financial Information (continued)

• Marketing expenses means the costs associated with advertising such as pay per click advertising, email and direct
marketing activities, sponsorship and trade events.
• Net cash flow means Net cash flow before Offers impacts of proceeds from issue of shares, repayments of borrowings
and costs of the Offers.
• Working capital means the sum of current trade and other receivables, less the sum of trade and other creditors,
provisions and advance payments from customers.
• EBITDA means earnings before interest, tax depreciation and amortisation (discussed in Section 5.3.3).
• EBIT means earnings before interest and tax.
• Net cash/indebtedness means cash and cash equivalents less loans, borrowings, liabilities associated with equipment
under financing/hire purchase arrangements and lease liabilities associated with property rental and hardware & operations
equipment recognised on adoption of AASB 16 Leases.

5.3.  Historical income statements

5.3.1.  Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Income Statements
Figure 5.3 sets out the Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Income Statement for FY18, FY19 and FY20. The Pro Forma
Aggregated Historical Income Statement is reconciled to the Aggregated Historical Income Statements (which are set out
in Section 5.3.4). Investors are referred to Section 5.8, which provides a description and management discussion and analysis
of the income statement categories.

Figure 5.3: Pro Forma Aggregated Income Statements

Pro forma historical

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Revenue 1 3,911 3,940 3,671

Employee benefits expense 2 (3,679) (3,979) (3,322)

Advertising & Marketing expenses 3 (497) (856) (359)

General & Administration expenses 4 (2,408) (2,994) (2,468)

Profit/(Loss) on Disposal of Assets 5 – (15) 31

EBITDA (2,673) (3,904) (2,448)

Depreciation and Amortisation 6 (149) (315) (390)

EBIT (2,822) (4,219) (2,837)

Finance income/(costs) – net 7 (61) (218) (24)

Share of income/(loss) from Joint Ventures 8 (23) (104) (46)

Profit/(loss) before tax (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)

Income tax benefit/(expense) 9 – – –

Net profit/(loss) after tax 10 (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)

1 Revenue comprises commissions generated from e-commerce transactions that occur on the BikeExchange network of websites, retailer account
subscription fees, and display and media advertising sales and other online advertising services.
2 Employee benefits expense comprises all employment related expenses such as payroll costs including bonus, on-costs (superannuation, payroll taxes
and other benefits), annual leave and long-service leave accruals. In certain geographic markets other employee benefits are mandatory such as pension
contributions, statutory annual leave payments or healthcare plan provision.

3 Advertising & Marketing expenses relate to the costs associated with advertising such as pay per click advertising, email and direct marketing activities,
sponsorship and trade events.
4 General and Administration expenses relate to all other expenses incurred in the operations, including overheads, technology licence fees, travel,
insurance and professional fees and a pro‑forma adjustment for listed company costs including ASX annual fees, Director fees, share registry services,
corporate secretarial services, insurance and investor relations (excluding share options costs.
5 Profit/(Loss) on sale of assets relates to sale of motor vehicles in the historical period.
6 Depreciation and amortisation reflect the depreciation of the BikeExchange’s plant & equipment, amortisation expense of intangibles (such as software)
over useful lives and amortisation of lease right‑of‑use assets based on AASB 16 Leases.
7 Finance income/(costs) – net relates to interest expense on lease right‑of‑use assets based on AASB 16 Leases net of interest income.
8 Share of profit or loss from Joint Venture – reflects the equity accounted 50% share of the loss incurred by the BikeExchange Colombia joint venture.
9 The BikeExchange Group has carry-forward tax losses in various jurisdictions. These tax losses have not been recognised as a deferred tax asset due to
the uncertainty as to the amount and timing of sufficient taxable profits. The quantum and availability of these carry forward tax losses for post-IPO
periods will be determined by the Company and BikeExchange Group’s post-IPO financial performance and compliance with relevant tax laws.
10 The Pro Forma profit and loss provided includes the impacts of foreign exchange movements on monetary items. Foreign exchange gains and losses
on translation of the BikeExchange Group entities statement of financial position are recognised in other comprehensive income, below net profit/(loss).

5.3.2.  Key Pro Forma Operating and Financial Metrics

Set out in Figure 5.4 is a summary of the BikeExchange Group’s key operating and financial metrics for FY18, FY19 and FY20
derived from the Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Financial Information.

Figure 5.4: Pro Forma Aggregated Historical key operating and financial metrics

Pro forma historical

Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Key operating metrics

Total Transaction Value ($ thousands) 1 6,964 7,353 12,349

Total Transaction Value – growth % 2 5.6% 68.0%

e-Commerce Transactions 3 14,572 13,542 20,954

e-Commerce Transactions – growth % 4 (7.1%) 54.7%

Average Order Value (AOV) ($) 5 223 275 436

Average Annual Revenue per Subscription Account ($) 6 2,911 2,725 2,955

Key financial metrics

Revenue growth 0.8% (6.8%)

Marketing expense (as % of revenue) (12.7%) (21.7%) (9.8%)

EBITDA margin (68.3%) (99.1%) (66.7%)

1 Total Transaction Value (TTV) is the aggregate of revenues generated from display/media sales, retail subscriptions and other online sales, and the gross
merchandise value for e-commerce transactions that is executed on the BikeExchange network of websites. TTV does not include transactions relating
to BikeExchange’s 50% interest in BikeExchange Colombia. In FY20 TTV of BikeExchange Colombia was $1.7m.
2 The percentage growth of TTV over the prior corresponding period.
3 E-commerce transactions – The total number of e-commerce transactions occurring on BikeExchange network of websites in each year. A transaction
is defined as a single item or basket of items paid for in a single payment transaction through the BikeExchange network of websites.
4 E-commerce transactions growth – The percentage growth of the e-commerce transactions on BikeExchange network of websites on the prior
corresponding period.
5 Average Order Value is the gross merchandise value for e-commerce transactions that transact on the BikeExchange network of websites divided
by the number of e‑commerce transactions for the financial year.
6 Average annual revenue per subscription account is calculated as the total all subscription revenue over the period divided by the average retail
subscription paying accounts for the period.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 67
5  Financial Information (continued)

5.3.3.  Pro Forma adjustments to the Aggregated Historical Income Statements

Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 below set out the pro forma adjustments to reconcile the Historical Aggregated Income Statements
with the Pro forma Aggregated Historical Income Statements.

Figure 5.5: Pro Forma Adjustments to Aggregated Historical EBITDA

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Aggregated EBITDA (5,989) (4,617) (1,944)

Public company costs 1 (905) (905) (905)

Loss on Disposal of Business 2 2,893 1,015 –

Impairment of Investment 3 1,328 603 402

Pro forma EBITDA (2,673) (3,904) (2,448)

1 Reflects the incremental listed public company costs and include increase in personnel payroll (excluding employee share option costs), Directors’ fees,
ASX annual fee, insurance, company secretarial, additional audit and compliance costs, share registry and other additional costs associated with running
a listed company. No pro-forma adjustment has been made for the changes to BikeExchange’s short term incentive or long term incentive plans. The
maximum annual expense for each incentive plan (based on the fair value of the awards under each plan) is as follows: short term incentive – $500,000,
one‑time Pre-IPO Options: $1,146,000, LTIP Options to executives: $267,000).
2 Removal of the loss on disposal of business includes the removal of impairment charges and losses on disposal incurred following the sale of investments
in Cycling Tips Media Pty Ltd, Cycling Tips Media Inc and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd in FY18 and FY19 (as set out in section 5.2.3).
3 Impairment of investment/Loans in other business include impairments in relation investments/loans in BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK)
and BikeExchange Limited (Ireland) as set out in Section 5.2.3.

Figure 5.6: Pro Forma Adjustments to Aggregated Historical Profit/(Loss) after tax

Pro forma aggregated historical

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Aggregated profit/(loss) after tax (6,221) (5,363) (2,638)

Public company costs 1 (905) (905) (905)

Loss on Disposal of Business 2 2,893 1,015 -

Impairment of Investment 3 1,328 603 402

Finance cost on borrowings converted into equity 4 – 109 234

Income tax benefit/(expense) 5 – – –

Pro forma profit/(loss) after tax (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)

1 Reflects the incremental listed public company costs and include increase in personnel payroll (excluding employee share option costs), Directors’ fees,
ASX annual fee, insurance, company secretarial, additional audit and compliance costs, share registry and other additional costs associated with running
a listed company. No pro forma adjustment has been made for the changes to BikeExchange’s short term incentive or long term incentive plans.
The maximum annual expense for each incentive plan (based on the fair value of the awards under each plan) is as follows: short term incentive
- $500,000, one-time Pre-IPO Options: $1,146,000, LTIP Options to executives: $267,000)
2 Removal of the loss on disposal of business includes the removal of impairment charges and losses on disposal incurred following the sale of investments
in Cycling Tips Media Pty Ltd, Cycling Tips Media Inc and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd in FY18 and FY19 (as set out in section 5.2.3).
3 Impairment of investment includes the removal of impairment charges in relation to BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK) and Bikeexchange Limited
(Ireland) following the decision in FY20 to liquidate these companies.
4 Finance costs on borrowings converted to equity, are adjustments to the aggregated historic Profit and loss related to capitalised interest as a result
of loans to which capitalised interest accrued being converted to equity upon completion.
5 Income tax benefit/(expense), there is no income tax benefit or expense recognised in respect of the proforma adjustments given the brought forward
tax losses of the BikeExchange Group for which no deferred tax asset has been recognised.

5.3.4.  Aggregated Historical Income Statements
Figure 5.7 sets out the Aggregated Historical Income Statement

Figure 5.7: Aggregated Historical Income Statements

$ thousands FY18 FY19 FY20

Revenue 3,911 3,940 3,671

Employee benefits expense (3,319) (3,619) (2,962)

Advertising & Marketing expenses (497) (856) (359)

General & Administration expenses (1,863) (2,449) (1,923)

Loss on Disposal of Business (2,893) (1,015) –

Impairment of Investment (1,328) (603) (402)

Profit/(Loss) on Disposal of Asset – (15) 31

EBITDA (5,989) (4,617) (1,944)

Depreciation and Amortisation (149) (315) (390)

EBIT (6,138) (4,932) (2,334)

Finance costs – net (61) (327) (259)

Share of income/(loss) from Joint Ventures (23) (104) (46)

Profit/(loss) before tax (6,221) (5,363) (2,638)

Income tax benefit/(expense) – – –

Net profit/(loss) after tax (6,221) (5,363) (2,638)

5.4.  Segment Analysis

BikeExchange’s geographic business segments are the Australian & New Zealand, European, North American and Colombian
operations. The following information is provided to the Global CEO to assess the performance of the business.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 69
5  Financial Information (continued)

Figure 5.8: Pro Forma aggregated historical segmental reporting for FY18 to FY20

FY20 and New North
$ thousands Notes Zealand Europe America Colombia Unallocated Total

Total Transaction Value (TTV) 1 3,839 5,800 2,710 826 – 13,175

Revenue 1,510 1,130 1,031 – – 3,671
EBITDA 2 (1,395) (416) (668) – 31 (2,448)
Finance costs – net – – – – (24) (24)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (245) (9) (135) – – (390)
Share of income/(loss) from JV – – – (46) – (46)
Income tax expense – – – – – –
(Loss)/Profit for the year (1,639) (425) (804) (46) 7 (2,907)

FY19 and New North
$ thousands Notes Zealand Europe America Colombia Unallocated Total

Total Transaction Value (TTV) 1 2,807 2,438 2,108 237 – 7,590

Revenue 1,626 1,135 1,180 – – 3,940
EBITDA 2 (2,491) (482) (916) – (15) (3,904)
Finance costs – net – – – – (218) (218)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (171) (15) (129) – – (315)
Share of income/(loss) from JV – – – (104) – (104)
Income tax expense – – – – – –
(Loss)/Profit for the year (2,662) (497) (1,045) (104) (233) (4,541)

FY18 and New North
$ thousands Notes Zealand Europe America Colombia Unallocated Total

Total Transaction Value (TTV) 1 3,199 1,869 1,896 9 – 6,973

Revenue 1,800 1,028 1,083 – – 3,911
EBITDA 2 (1,201) (567) (905) – – (2,673)
Finance costs – net – – – – (61) (61)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (63) (22) (64) – – (149)
Share of income/(loss) from JV – – – (23) – (23)
Income tax expense – – – – – –
(Loss)/Profit for the year (1,264) (590) (969) (23) (61) (2,906)
1 Total Transaction Value is presented including BikeExchange’s 50% economic share of BikeExchange Colombia’s Total Transaction Value as this is the
basis on which management analyse the performance of the business.
2 All of the pro forma adjustment in respect of public listing costs has been recorded against the Australia and New Zealand Segment.

5.5.  Historical cash flows
5.5.1.  Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Cash Flows
Figure 5.9 sets out the Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Cash Flows for FY18, FY19 and FY20. The Pro Forma Aggregated
Historical Cash Flows is reconciled to the Aggregated Historical Cash Flows (which are set out in Section 5.5.2). Investors
are referred to Section 5.8., which provides a management discussion and analysis of the cash flow line items.

Figure 5.9: Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Pro forma historical

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Net profit/(loss) after tax (2,906) (4,541) (2,907)

Non-cash expenses/items 1 172 325 201

Change in working capital 2 (113) 721 1,800

Operating cash flow (2,846) (3,495) (907)

Net cash flow on disposal of business/Investments 3 – – –

Proceeds on Disposal of Asset 4 – 7 208

Capital expenditure – PP&E and Intangible assets 5 (103) (35) (8)

Other investing cash flows 6 68 (118) (28)

Operating cash flow after capital expenditure (2,882) (3,641) (735)

Net proceeds/(repayments) of borrowings 7 489 4,179 1,051

Cash flows from share capital issues 8 5,777 346 –

Lease payments 9 (271) (141) (450)

Net cash flow 3,113 744 (134)

1 Non‑cash expenses includes depreciation, amortisation, share of profit and loss from Joint Ventures.
2 Change in working capital includes movements in trade receivables, payables and provisions. The key driver of changes in working capital is the timing
of customer payments. Customers pay for e-commerce transactions when they order goods and retailers are paid for these goods (less BikeExchange’s
commission revenue) 7-14 days after the goods have been collected/shipped. Changes in working capital exclude the impact of non-cash adjustments
such as liabilities settled by the issuance of equity.
3 Net cash flow on disposal of business/Investments includes the cash flows on disposal of Cycling Tips Media Pty Ltd and Cycling Tips Media Inc
and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd – this has been adjusted as a pro forma adjustment (see Section 5.5.2).
4 Proceeds on Disposal of Asset includes disposal of property, plant and equipment in the ordinary course of business.
5 Capital expenditure represents cash flows to purchase intangible assets (such as software) and property plant and equipment (such as general plant
and leasehold improvements).
6 Other investing cash flows include cash payments to Joint Ventures and other cash flows relating to cash deposits.
7 Net proceeds/(repayments) of borrowings represents the net cash flows from related party loan funding received in the period. The majority of these
loans were converted to equity to settle.
8 Cash flows from share capital issues reflect cash flows received for the issue of new shares in BikeExchange Pte Ltd.
9 Lease payments reflect the capital portion of lease payments for property and motor vehicles.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 71
5  Financial Information (continued)

5.5.2.  Pro Forma adjustments to the Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Figure 5.10 sets out the pro forma adjustments to reconcile the Historical Aggregated Cash Flows with the Pro forma
Aggregated Cash Flows.

Figure 5.10: Pro Forma Adjustments to the Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Pro forma historical

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Operating cash flow after capital expenditure (6,039) (4,233) (1)

Public company costs 1 (905) (905) (905)

Net cash flow on disposal of business/Investments 2 4,062 1,497 171

Finance cash flows on borrowings converted into equity 3 – – –

Pro forma operating cash flow after capital expenditure (2,882) (3,641) (735)

1 Public company cost reflects the incremental listed public company costs include increase in personnel payroll (excluding employee share option
costs), Directors’ fees, ASX annual fee, insurance, company secretarial, additional audit and compliance costs, share registry and other additional costs
associated with running a listed company as set out in Section 5.3.3 above.
2 Disposal of business includes the cash flows on disposal of Cycling Tips Media Pty Ltd and Cycling Tips Media Inc and BikeFix Mobile Pty Ltd and
BikeExchange’s legacy investments in BikeExchange Marketplace Ltd (UK) and BikeExchange Limited (Ireland).
3 Interest charged on borrowings converted to equity was capitalised into the outstanding loan balance and converted to equity and therefore there
is no pro forma cash flow adjustment in respect of this item.

5.5.3.  Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Figure 5.11 sets out BikeExchange’s Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Figure 5.11: Aggregated Historical Cash Flows

Aggregated historical

$ thousands FY18 FY19 FY20

Net profit/(loss) after tax (6,221) (5,363) (2,638)

Non-cash expenses/items 4,393 2,052 837

Change in working capital (113) 721 1,800

Operating cash flow (1,941) (2,590) (2)

Net cash flow on disposal of business/Investments (4,062) (1,497) (171)

Proceeds on Disposal of Asset – 7 208

Capital expenditure – PP&E and Intangible assets (103) (35) (8)

Other investing cash flows 68 (118) (28)

Operating cash flow after capital expenditure (6,039) (4,233) (1)

Net proceeds/(repayments) of borrowings 489 4,179 1,051

Cash flows from share capital issues 5,777 346 -

Lease payments (271) (141) (450)

Net cash flow (44) 152 600

5.6.  Statement of Financial position
5.6.1.  Aggregated Historical and Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Statements of Financial Position
Figure 5.12 sets out the Aggregate Historical Statement of Financial Position and the pro forma adjustments that have been
made to prepare the Pro Forma Aggregate Historical Statement of Financial Position of BikeExchange. These adjustments
take into account the effect of the acquisition of BikeExchange TopCo by the Company, offer proceeds, transaction costs
and the exercising of all outstanding share options on issue in the Company prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction
as if the Listing had occurred as at 30 June 2020.
The Pro Forma Aggregate Historical Statement of Financial Position is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not
represented as being necessarily indicative of BikeExchange’s view of its financial position upon Completion or at a future date.

Figure 5.12: Aggregated Historical and Pro Forma Aggregated Historical Statements of Financial Position
as at 30 June 2020
Pro forma Adjustments

Bike Post
Exchange balance Post
Topco sheet balance
Group debt- sheet
Balance RPro equity financial RPro Net Pro forma
Sheet balance conver- liability Options proceeds Historical
$ thousands 30‑Jun‑20 sheet sion repayment Exercised of Offers 30‑Jun‑20
Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cash and cash equivalents 1,043 2,720 – (796) 420 16,720 20,107
Trade and other receivables 353 5 – – – – 358
Financial assets 45 – – – – – 45
Total current assets 1,441 2,725 – (796) 420 16,720 20,510
Property, plant and equipment 262 – – – – – 262
Investments – JV – – – – – – -
Total non-current assets 262 – – – 262
Total Assets 1,703 2,725 – (796) 420 16,720 20,772
Trade and other payables 2,793 3 – – – – 2,796
Lease liabilities 90 – – – – – 90
Borrowings 5,560 - (4,764) (796) – – –
Provisions 182 – – – – – 182
Total current liabilities 8,625 3 (4,764) (796) – – 3,068
Lease liabilities 137 – – – – – 137
Provisions 56 – – – – – 56
Total non-current liabilities 193 – – – – – 193
Total liabilities 8,818 3 (4,764) (796) – – 3,261
Total net assets (7,115) 2,722 4,764 – 420 16,720 17,511
Contributed equity 20,572 2,879 4,420 – 420 17,210 45,501
Reserves (11,950) 60 – – – – (11,890)
Accumulated losses (15,737) (217) 344 – – (490) (16,100)
Total Equity (7,115) 2,722 4,764 – 420 16,720 17,511

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 73
5  Financial Information (continued)

1 Aggregated Historical Statement of Financial Position of BikeExchange TopCo as at 30 June 2020.
2 Historical Statement of Financial position of the Company as at 30 June 2020 which is reverse acquisition accounted in the pro forma Historical balance sheet.
3 Adjustments to share capital reflects shares issued to debt holders upon conversion of debt principal and capitalised interest to contributed equity and
Accumulated losses.
4 Adjustment reflects repayment of borrowings post balance sheet date of 30 June 2020.
5 RPro options represents anticipated cash proceeds of the exercise of existing options over shares in the Company at the cash exercise price of $420,000,
and the value of the equity issued being measured at the Offer Price with the intrinsic value of the options being recognised in the RPro pro forma
income statement.
6 Net proceeds of Offers reflect the Cash and cash equivalents adjustment related to the impact of the Offers, being cash proceeds of $20.0m net of the
estimated transaction costs of $3.3m. Pro Forma Aggregated Statement of Financial Position recognises costs associated with the Offers of $0.5 million
within accumulated losses and the remainder of transaction costs of $2.8 million have been offset against issued capital based on costs offset against
equity raised.

5.6.2. Indebtedness
Figure 5.13 sets out the pro forma indebtedness of BikeExchange derived from the Aggregated Historical Statement of
Financial Position. The pro forma adjustments reflect the intended capital structure following the Completion as if it had
occurred on 30 June 2020.
The pro forma indebtedness as at 30 June 2020 does not reflect the change in cash position between 30 June 2020 and
Completion, which will occur as a result of various anticipated cash generation and other cash requirements of the business
over this period.

Figure 5.13: Pro Forma Indebtedness

historical as at Pro Forma Pro Forma at
$ thousands Notes 30 June 2020 adjustment 30 June 2020

Cash and Cash Equivalents 1 1,043 19,064 20,107

Long Term Debt

Non-current loans and borrowings – – –

Lease liabilities 2 (137) – (137)

Short term debt

Lease liabilities 2 (90) – (90)

Current loans and borrowings 3 (5,560) 5,560 –

Net cash/(debt) (4,654) 24,624 19,970

1 Reflects cash raised from the Offers net of expenses, the exercise of options in the Company by Bombora Investment Management prior to completion
of the Proposed Transaction and the repayment of existing financial indebtedness prior to Completion.
2 Reflects current and non‑current lease liabilities on AASB16 lease assets.
3 Reflects conversion of part of existing borrowings to equity ($4.764m) and repayment of other borrowings ($0.797m) post 30 June 2020 but prior to

5.6.3.  Liquidity and Capital Resources
Following the Completion, BikeExchange’s principal sources of funds will be cash held at Completion and cash flow from
operations. The Company expects that BikeExchange will have sufficient cash resources to meet its business needs and
will have sufficient working capital to carry out its stated objectives.
BikeExchange’s ability to generate sufficient cash depends on its future performance which, to a certain extent, is subject
to a number of factors beyond the Company’s control including general economic, financial and competitive conditions.

5.7.  Net asset deficiency as at 30 June 2020

The Aggregated Statement of Financial Position had a net current deficiency of $7.1 million and a net asset deficiency of
$7.1 million on an aggregated basis as at 30 June 2020 primarily resulting from the loans from related parties. Following
completion of the Offers, BikeExchange will not have a net current or net asset deficiency.

5.8. Management discussion and analysis of the Pro Forma Aggregated

Historical Financial Information
5.8.1. Overview
This Section 5.8 sets out a discussion of the main factors which affected BikeExchange’s operating and financial performance
in FY18, FY19 and FY20.
The discussion of these general factors is intended to provide a brief summary only and does not detail all the factors that
affected historical operating and financial performance, nor everything which may affect BikeExchange’s operating and
financial performance in the future. Unless otherwise stated, all metrics and financial information presented in this section,
and the related commentary is on a pro forma basis only. Investors should refer to section 5.3.2 for key operating metrics.
The information in this section should be read in conjunction with the risk factors set out in Section 6 and the other
information contained in this Prospectus

5.8.2.  Total Transaction Value (“TTV”)

TTV is the total dollar value of all transactions that are executed on the BikeExchange Platform (stated exclusive of GST
or other sales taxes) and represents the aggregate gross value of all e-commerce transactions and sales revenue that are
captured on the platform. TTV in absolute value and trend terms is considered by management to be the most important
operating metric to manage and predict the overall performance of the business.
TTV is based on the following categories of transactions:
• total e-commerce gross transaction value, which is calculated as the gross merchandise value of all orders transacted
on the BikeExchange network of websites including postage fees but net of any sales discounts and taxes.
• total subscription revenue, which is calculated as the total of all subscription fees paid by Retail Subscription Accounts
(RSA) (and their affiliates) that advertise on the BikeExchange network of websites; and
• total media and other revenue, which includes display and media advertising sales and other online sales.
Figure 5.14 below represents the TTV that occurred on the platform over the historical period.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 75
5  Financial Information (continued)

Figure 5.14: TTV by category – FY18 to FY20

12,000 667

8,000 6,964

895 9,132
3,251 3,727

2,000 2,731
2,746 2,550
FY18 FY19 FY20
Subscription Revenue Gross E-Commerce Media and Other Revenue

TTV has grown from $7.0 million in FY18 to $12.3 million in FY20 representing a CAGR of 33.2% over the period. Gross
e-commerce transaction value is the main driver of growth in TTV over the period, which has grown from $3.3 million in
FY18 to $9.1 million in FY20 representing 67.6% CAGR over the period reflecting the performance in each geographic region,
as discussed further below. In FY20 e-commerce transaction value represented 74.0% of TTV. The growth in TTV from
e-commerce transaction value over the period was slightly offset by reductions in subscription and other revenue.
As set out in section 5.11 on a lookthrough basis BikeExchange’s 50% share of TTV and revenue for BikeExchange Colombia
for FY20 was $0.8 million and revenue was $0.3 million.
Gross e-commerce transaction value is the main driver of TTV growth and dependent on website traffic levels, conversion
rates of traffic to sales and the average e-commerce transaction value.
Based on the unaudited management accounts, growth in TTV and revenue accelerated in Q4 FY20 with BikeExchange
recording TTV of $6.2 million and revenue of $1.04 million in that period. On a lookthrough basis, BikeExchange’s 50% share
of TTV and revenue for BikeExchange Colombia for Q4 FY20 was $0.4 million and revenue was $0.15 million.
Figure 5.15 illustrates TTV by geographic region.

Figure 5.15: TTV by geographic region – FY18 to FY20

8,000 6,964

1,896 2,108

4,000 1,869 2,438

2,000 3,199 3,839

FY18 FY19 FY20
ANZ Europe North America

Europe comprised the largest segment of TTV accounting for 47.0% in FY20 and is the fastest growing geographic segment,
achieving a CAGR of 76.2% over the historical period. The European business has benefitted from strong demand for bikes
for transportation and in particular e‑bikes. In addition, Europe generally has a higher average order value, as the European
websites sells a higher proportion of bikes and e‑bikes compared to parts, accessories and apparel, in part reflecting the
local retailers strong support for online transactions on higher value bikes. The European business has also placed focus
on further integrations with POS systems and product database work enabling more retailers and products to be advertised
on the BikeExchange Platform.

ANZ TTV declined by 12% between FY18 to FY19 reflecting a reduction in the number of retail subscribers, this resulted in
negative impact on goods available for e‑commerce during the period. The business sought to focus on high quality retailer
accounts and introduced new brand and multistore products. Brand/multistore accounts are umbrella parent accounts
linked to a single brand, distributor or retailer group which allows related retailers to the parent account to list relevant
inventory through a single destination webpage (as set out further in section 4.2.2). Overall retail account numbers grew
throughout FY19 driving stronger subscription revenues in FY20.
North America TTV grew 11% in FY19 and 27% in FY20, primarily driven by higher e‑commerce transaction volumes
reflecting improved traffic levels and conversion rates, with subscription and other revenues remaining broadly flat over the
historical period.
All regions benefitted from strong COVID‑19 influenced demand for e‑commerce in FY20, Q4 FY20 grew strongly on
previous periods.

5.8.3. Revenue
BikeExchange achieves revenue from the TTV categories described in section 5.8.2 being:
• commission revenue received from an e-commerce transaction, whereby a percentage of a transaction order value is
retained by the Company from the retailer as payment for enabling the product sale.
• subscription revenue is generated from fees paid by RSA (including affiliates), brand stores and brand multistores.
• media and other revenue which includes:
– media revenue from an automated programmatic display system which trades the global inventory available;
– direct media sales consisting of media inventory or content displayed on the platform on behalf of brand and
retail customers;
– other revenue which includes private sale of second‑hand bikes through classified listing, feature listing upgrades
for product listings and other ancillary services.
BikeExchange generates revenue in all categories in each of the three geographic regions to which the Pro Forma
Aggregated Historical Income Statement relates. Revenues generated in these geographic regions are based on transaction
denominated in local currency, which are converted to the Australian Dollar equivalent at the foreign currency rates set out
in Section
Figure 5.16 represents the historical revenue by category of BikeExchange over the historical period.

Figure 5.16: Revenue by category – FY18 to FY20


3,911 3,940
4,000 3,671
198 314
967 895
3,000 667

2,746 2,731

FY18 FY19 FY20
Subscription Revenue Media and Other Revenue E-Commerce Commissions

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 77
5  Financial Information (continued)

Revenue increased from FY18 to FY19 by 0.8% to $3.9 million. For the period FY19 to FY20 revenue declined by 6.8% to
$3.7 million. The reduction in revenue over the most recent period is mainly attributable to a reduction in subscriptions
revenues driven by the re‑focussing of the subscriber base globally to high quality retailer accounts and a shift in the
composition of retailer revenues away from fixed subscriptions to including variable e‑commerce transaction fees for those
retailers offering goods for purchase online. In addition, other revenues declined which was primarily driven by a reduction
in direct media revenues. E-commerce revenues increased significantly over the historical period driven by higher
e‑commerce transaction volumes.
Consumer behavioural changes during COVID‑19 accelerated the movement online and to e‑commerce which has
benefitted BikeExchange. Consumers increasingly research and buy cycling products, in particular bicycles, online resulting in
increased organic sourced traffic to the network of websites which has been achieved on limited performance marketing spend. Subscription revenue
Subscription revenue is historically the largest contributor to revenue and represented 69.5% of total revenue in FY20.
Subscription revenue decreased from $2.7 million in FY18 to $2.6 million in FY20 representing a CAGR of ‑6.6% over the period.
Subscription fees are generated for the period that the BikeExchange hosts the store on its website. Revenue in this
segment is generally influenced by the number of active subscriber accounts advertising on the site and the quantum
of monthly fee charged to accounts.
Subscription revenues have decreased slightly from $2.7 million in FY18 to $2.6 million in FY20 as the mix of subscription
types and the rates of subscription have altered across markets. BikeExchange has focused on increasing the quality of its
partnerships over the period, driving improved focus on retailers growing brand, multistores and web stores, and making
more products e-commerce enabled on the platform. This strategy has resulted in smaller retailers as a percentage of total
retailer numbers falling over the period supplemented by growing numbers of multistore and brand account numbers
(particularly in ANZ across FY20). Multistore and brand account stores pay an umbrella subscription fee for a network of
linked retailers and grew over 8x between FY19 and FY20.

Retail Subscriber Numbers

Figure 5.17 below illustrates the average number of retail subscriber accounts for that financial year over the historical period.
This metric only includes retailers directly paying subscriptions and does not include all active accounts on the platform
connected through the brand multistores or other products.

Figure 5.17: Average Retail Subscriber Accounts – FY18 to FY20



500 943 1,002 863

FY18 FY19 FY20
Average – Retail Subscriber Accounts

The mix of retail accounts shifted particularly in FY20 towards higher quality retailers and multistores resulted in a reduction
in the overall number of subscribers. This headline reduction in subscriber account numbers is partly offset by an increase
in multistore and brandstores globally where the affiliate retail accounts linked to the parent do not pay direct subscriptions
(which are included in the parent multistore/brandstore umbrella subscription fees) and therefore these retail accounts are
not included in the retail subscriber account numbers (but do contribute e‑commerce enabled inventory to the websites).

Average Annual Revenue per Subscriber Account
Average Annual subscription revenue per account is calculated by taking total subscription revenue and dividing this by the
average annual number of subscription accounts.
The quantum of monthly fee paid by a retailer is influenced by several factors, the most important of which is whether the
retail store is choosing to enable e-commerce transactions (versus enquiry only listings) creating subscription and commission
fees on transactions. Subscribers may also bundle additional services such as communications support and activity on site
and to the BikeExchange consumer database.
Average annual revenue per subscription account has grown across the BikeExchange Group over the period to an average
of $2,955 in FY20. The increase is driven by the increase in multistore subscription revenues, offset by a reduction due to
some active subscription stores and brands enabling e‑commerce orders on their inventory and therefore combining a
lower cost monthly subscription plan with the introduction of e‑commerce fees. The subscription rate for such customers
combining subscriptions with e‑commerce to encourage greater numbers of higher quality stores and products, as well
as generating a separate e‑commerce revenue stream.
Figure 5.18 below illustrates the average annual revenue per subscription account over the historical period.

Figure 5.18: Average annual revenue per subscription account – FY18 to FY20




$1,600 $2,955


FY18 FY19 FY20
Average Annual Revenue per Subscription Account ($) E-commerce revenue
During the period e-commerce TTV and net revenue was the fastest growing category with E-commerce net revenue
having increased from $0.2 million in FY18 to $0.5 million in FY20 representing a CAGR of 44.5% over the period. Total
e-commerce TTV has increased by $5.9 million between FY18 and FY20.
E-commerce revenue is the commission generated from a retailer when a consumer visits the BikeExchange websites and
orders goods through the platform (either for shipment, or collection at a retailer). At the point of purchase BikeExchange
receives the full payment from the consumer. The retailer then receives funds immediately from BikeExchange upon the
fulfilment of the order, less the commission fee retained by BikeExchange for enablement of the order. The three main
drivers of this revenue are:
• the number of e-commerce transactions;
• the commission rate applied to the transactions; and
• the average order value of those transactions.

Number of e-commerce transactions

E-commerce revenue has been primarily driven by growth in the number of transactions over the historical period and is
illustrated in Figure 5.19 below.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 79
5  Financial Information (continued)

Figure 5.19: Total e-commerce Transactions – FY18 to FY20




10,000 20,954

FY18 FY19 FY20
Total e‑commerce transactions

Total e-commerce Transactions has increased from 14,572 in FY18 to 20,954 in FY20, representing a CAGR of 19.9% over the
period. Growth in transactions over the period was primarily driven by increases in traffic sessions being up 6% from FY18
to FY19 and 36% from FY19 to FY20 to a total of 21.8 million traffic sessions for the FY20 year. In particular, the 4th quarter of
FY20 was responsible for the majority of the growth in traffic with traffic up 144% on Q4 FY19 to 9.8 million traffic sessions.
Traffic growth in Q4 FY20 was primarily organic, paid search marketing was immaterial over this period.
In addition, conversion rate of traffic to orders has increased throughout the period reflecting improved quality of products
on the site, improvements to the consumer experience and journey and particularly in Q4 FY20 an increased willingness of
retailers to make goods available for online transactions and consumer demand for goods during COVID‑19 lockdowns and
restriction periods. This has continued as the calendar year has progressed and restrictions have been lifted. Average order value

Average order value (AOV) is an important metric that the BikeExchange uses to track the nature of the purchasing activity
on site and determine appropriate levels of commission rates to apply to retailers and each category of products that
retailers advertise.
AOV is calculated by dividing the total value of e-commerce transactions by total transaction numbers over the period.

Figure 5.20: Average order value (AOV) – FY18 to FY20





FY18 FY19 FY20
Average Order Value ($ AOV)

AOV increased from $223 in FY18 to $436 in FY20, the increase has been driven predominantly by a higher proportion of
total e-commerce orders being for bikes over parts, accessories and apparel in FY20 compared to the previous financial
years. This change was driven by improvements in the sales and customer success teams in encouraging more retailers and
brands/distributors to enable e‑commerce on their bike inventory, as well as the introduction of features such as click and
collect, deposit payments and concierge (which is where technology and employees assist consumers to purchase goods
through the website).

80 Media and other revenue
Media and other revenue represented 18.2% of total revenue in FY20. Media and other revenue decreased from $1.0 million
in FY18 to $0.7 million in FY20 representing a CAGR of ‑25.6% over the period.
Media and other revenue is generated from an automated programmatic platform trading the global inventory available
and direct media sales consisting of media inventory or content displayed on the platform on behalf of brand and retail
customers. Other revenue which includes private sale of second‑hand bikes and parts through classified listing, feature
upgrades for product listings and other ancillary services.
The programmatic display platform launched in September 2019 and is largely automated. The reduction in revenue over
the most recent period is mainly attributable to the business’s reduced resource allocation to supporting the direct media
sales component, which had historically contributed to this revenue stream. Revenue by geographic segment

BikeExchange operates in three geographic regions, three via 100% owned Subsidiaries and the fourth via a 50% a joint
venture based in the following locations:
• ANZ – Operations are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia supporting BikeExchange’s Australian and New Zealand
websites. This business also includes any head office costs (including from BikeExchange’s holding companies being
BikeExchange Pte Ltd (domiciled in Singapore) and BikeExchange TopCo (domiciled in Australia).
• Europe – Operations are headquartered in Wurzburg, Germany with a sales office in Belgium. The German office
supports BikeExchange’s websites that offer services to customers in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
• North America – Operations are headquartered in California, USA. This office supports BikeExchange’s websites that
offer services to customers in the USA and Canada.
• Colombia – BikeExchange holds a 50% investment in a joint venture entity BikeExchange Colombia which operates from
Medellin, Colombia, and principally services the Colombian market. This investment is accounted for on an equity basis
and so BikeExchange does not recognise revenue for this investment in BikeExchange’s financial statements, only
BikeExchange’s share of the net profits/losses after tax.
Figure 5.21 below represents the aggregated historical revenue by geographic region for the historical period.

Figure 5.21: Revenue by geographic region – FY18 to FY20

3,911 3,940
4,000 3,671
3,500 1,083 1,180

1,028 1,135
2,000 1,130

1,000 1,800 1,626 1,510
FY18 FY19 FY20
ANZ Europe North America

As at June 30 2020, the mix of revenue by geographic region was that ANZ was the largest contributor representing 42.5%
of total revenues, with Europe growing from 26% to 30% of total revenues from FY18 to FY20 and North America consistent
at 27% of revenues between FY18 and FY20.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 81
5  Financial Information (continued)

5.8.4. Expenses
BikeExchange reports three categories of operating expenses:
• Employee benefits expense
• General & administration expense
• Advertising & marketing expense
Figure 5.22 below illustrates the total historical operating expenses as a percentage of revenue for the historical period.

Figure 5.22: Operating Expenses – FY18 to FY20

12,000 250%
168% 168%
8,000 856

6,000 2,994 359

2,408 2,468 100%

3,979 50%
2,000 3,679 3,322

0 0%
FY18 FY19 FY20
Employee benefits expense General & Administration expenses
Advertising & Marketing expenses Total Expenses as a % of revenue

During the year ended 30 June 2017 BikeExchange commenced investing in the cost base to support both geographic
expansion into new markets including scaling the North America and Europe businesses, entering the UK and Ireland
markets and diversifying into adjacent markets through the Cycling Tips and BikeFix Mobile businesses. This led to costs
growing across all categories through FY18 and into FY19. A strategic review in the second half of FY19 identified the
potential for scaling e-commerce across BikeExchange’s core markets which resulted in Management executing a
significant restructure of the business to refocus on the core revenue streams of subscriptions and e-commerce.
The primary outcomes of the strategic review were to dispose of the BikeExchange’s investments in Cycling Tips and
BikeFix Mobile, and the decision to exit the UK and Irish markets where trading ceased in FY20. These actions resulted in a
reduction in the cost base of the business through removing staff and overhead involved in non‑core operating areas and a
focus on the four key regional hubs (ANZ, Europe, North America and the joint venture in Colombia).
As a result of the restructure BikeExchange is more focussed on core markets, revenue streams and execution of
e-commerce strategy. Operating costs reduced significantly in FY20 from FY19 across all categories.
Details of the nature and quantum of the expenses are set out in the sections below. Employee benefits expense

Employee benefits expense is the largest operating expense item and represented 54.0% of total operating expenses
in FY20.

Figure 5.23: Employee Benefits expense – FY18 to FY20

4,200 101.0% 102.0%

4,000 100.0%
94.1% 96.0%
3,600 94.0%

3,979 90.5%
3,400 92.0%
3,679 90.0%
3,000 3,322
2,800 84.0%
FY18 FY19 FY20
Employee benefits expense Employee benefits expense % of revenue

Employee benefits expense comprises all employment related expenses such as payroll costs including bonus, on‑costs
(superannuation, payroll taxes and other benefits), annual leave and long‑service leave accruals. In certain geographic
markets other employee benefits are mandatory such as pension contributions, statutory annual leave payments
or healthcare plan provision.
The primary areas of headcount are in sales and customer success, site administration and maintenance, marketing
and social media, and general administration (including executive functions).
As set out in section 5.8.4 the restructuring that followed the strategic review in the second half of FY19 reduced overall
headcount within BikeExchange in FY20 with the primary headcount reductions in non‑customer facing roles in each
Geographic market and a reduction in the media production, sales and content team. This significantly reduced employee
expenses from FY19 to FY20. There were no long‑term incentive plans (cash or share based payments) in place during the
period. No employee benefits were capitalised on the balance sheet during the period. General & administration expense

General and administration expenses is the second largest expense item and represented 40.1% of total operating expenses
in FY20.

Figure 5.24: General & Administration expense – FY18 to FY20

5,000 76.0% 80%

67.2% 70%
4,000 61.6%

2,994 40%
2,408 2,468

0 20%
FY18 FY19 FY20
General & Administration expenses General & Administration expense % of revenue

General and administration expenses comprises all other operating expenses including occupancy expenses (including
outgoings on leases), direct technology costs and licence fees, communications, travel, professional services, insurance,
utilities and other office costs. The pro forma listed company operating costs are also included with General and
Administration Costs.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 83
5  Financial Information (continued)

As set out in section 5.8.4 the restructuring in FY19 that resulted in a reduction in overall headcount within the BikeExchange
Group in FY20 also resulted in a reduction in general and administration costs, such as occupancy and travel. BikeExchange
also enacted a program to reduce all discretionary costs across the business and the relocation to the four geographic hubs
(including the equity accounted Joint Venture in Colombia) further reduced cost through consolidation of operations. Advertising & marketing expenses

Figure 5.25: Advertising and Marketing Expenses – FY18 – FY20

2,000 25.0%
1,600 20.0%
1,200 12.7% 15.0%

1,000 9.8%
800 10.0%
400 856 5.0%
497 359
0 0.0%
FY18 FY19 FY20
Advertising & Marketing expenses Advertising & Marketing expenses % of revenue

Advertising and Marketing expenses is the smallest contributor to total expenses. Advertising and Marketing expenses
across all marketing spend categories has declined to $359,000 in FY20 from $856,000 in FY19.
In FY19 Advertising and marketing was focussed on trade event activity, sponsorship of bike and trade events, media
content production to support own marketing and media advertising sales and some performance marketing activity.
In FY20 expenditure was curtailed due to overall management of costs and refocussing the business around the core
business areas and maximising the opportunity presented by BikeExchange’s strong organic traffic.

5.8.5.  Earnings Before Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) loss
BikeExchange’s EBITDA loss for each of the financial periods, along with the EBITDA margin (defined as EBITDA loss divided
by revenue) is set out in Figure 5.26.

Figure 5.26: EBITDA – FY18 – FY20

FY18 FY19 FY20

0 0%

(2,673) (2,448)

(3,000) (68%) (67%)

(5,000) (120%)

As a result of the restructuring implemented in FY19 BikeExchange’s EBITDA loss reduced significantly in FY20, with
consequent improvements in the EBITDA margin.

5.9.  Depreciation and amortisation
Depreciation is a non‑cash expense that predominantly relates to use of leased assets under AASB16, as well as a small
number of BikeExchange owned assets (primarily fixtures and fittings and trade related equipment).
Amortisation is recorded against BikeExchange’s purchased software. Amortisation increased over the historical period as
BikeExchange accelerated the amortisation of the intangible assets reflecting a reduction in their useful economic life as
these capitalised assets are expected to be replaced with significantly improved software over the course of the years
ending 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2022.

5.10.  Finance costs

Pro forma net finance costs primarily reflects the interest element in relation to the accounting for the property lease
in accordance with AASB 16. Other finance costs include fees and charges relating to short term loan and other
banking facilities.

5.11.  Share of Results of Joint Venture

Figure 5.27 sets out the underlying performance metrics for BikeExchange Colombia in which BikeExchange owns a 50%
interest. All figures are for 100% of BikeExchange Colombia unless otherwise stated.

Figure 5.27: BikeExchange Colombia Summary Performance Metrics

Aggregated historical

$ thousands Notes FY18 FY19 FY20

Total Transaction Value 1 18 474 1,653

Revenue 2 2 82 558

Profit (loss) for the year 3 (180) (265) (95)

Group's share of profit/(loss) for the year (50%) 4 (48) (132) (48)

Group's share of profit/(loss) for the year recognised

in the aggregated financial statements 5 (46) (104) (23)

1 Reflects 100% of the Total Transaction Value for BikeExchange Colombia.
2 Reflects 100% of the Revenue for BikeExchange Colombia.
3 Reflects 100% of the net losses for BikeExchange Colombia for each financial year.
4 Represents BikeExchange’s 50% share of the net loss of BikeExchange Colombia.
5 BikeExchange’s carrying amount of the investment in BikeExchange Colombia S.A.S is $nil at 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019 as the entity was in a net
deficit position and there is no contractual obligation on BikeExchange to remedy the deficit position, and consequently equity accounting BikeExchange’s
share of losses ceases when the carrying amount of the investment reached $nil.

BikeExchange Colombia commenced trading in April 2018 has demonstrated strong growth in TTV and Revenue through the
period as the business built scale in the Colombian market. In particular, based on the unaudited management accounts,
growth was strong in Q4 FY20 with TTV of $0.8m and revenue of $0.3m in that period (BikeExchange’s 50% share
representing TTV of $0.4 million and revenue was $0.15m).

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 85
5  Financial Information (continued)

5.12.  Operating Cash flow

Operating cash flow improved across all periods and is greater than EBITDA in FY19 and FY20. Operating Cash Flow is
primarily impacted by working capital movements. Working capital has improved over the historical period principally
due to e-commerce transactions being paid in advance of any associated costs and fulfilment of delivery. Subscription fees
are generally paid toward the end of a calendar month.

5.13.  Contingent Liabilities

Notwithstanding that the BikeExchange group of companies have incurred operating losses in every jurisdiction in which
they operate, for the respective periods 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020, as at the date of this prospectus,
certain required tax filings have not been lodged with the respective taxation authorities.
As a result of the incomplete tax filings, there may be a potential for the respective taxation authorities to levy penalties
and interest upon the BikeExchange group of companies for failing to lodge the tax filings within the prescribed period
(notwithstanding the fact that the group has incurred operating losses).
Should such penalties and interest be levied, the Directors intend to seek remission of the penalties and interest. The
potential liability, which is considered to be contingent and therefore has not been recognised by the Directors, is estimated
to be in the range of $0.2m to $0.3m in respect of the US business and is not considered material in respect of other
jurisdictions the Group operates in.
Aside from the items referred to above the Group has no other material contingent liabilities.

5.14.  Dividend policy

The Directors have no current intention to pay dividends on Shares, as it is their intention to reinvest all cash flow into the
business in order to maximise its growth. Accordingly, no dividends are expected to be paid in the near term following
the Listing.
The payment of dividends by the Company (if any) is at the discretion of the Directors and will be a function of a number
of factors (many of which are outside the control of the Directors), including the general business environment, the financial
results of the business, cash flows and financial condition of the Company, future funding requirements, considerations,
any contractual, legal or regulatory restrictions on the payment of dividends by the Company and other factors the Board
deems relevant. The Directors do not provide any assurance in respect of the future level of dividends paid by the Company
(nor the level of franking of, or conduit foreign income attaching to, any future dividends paid by the Company).

6  Risk Factors

6.1. Introduction
The Company is subject to risk factors that are both specific to its business activities and of a more general nature. Each of
the risks set out below could, in isolation or in combination, if they eventuate, have a material adverse impact on the Company’s
business, financial condition and results of operations. Investors should note that this Section 6 does not purport to list every
risk that may be associated with an investment in Shares now or in the future, and that the occurrence or consequences
of some of the risks described in this Section 6 are partially or completely outside the control of the Company, its Directors
and management.
The selection of risks has been based on an assessment of a combination of the probability of the risk occurring and impact
of the risk if it did occur. The assessment is based on the knowledge of the Directors as at the Prospectus Date, but there is
no guarantee or assurance that the importance of risks will not change or other risks will not emerge.
Before applying for Shares, you should satisfy yourself that you have a sufficient understanding of these matters and should
consider whether the Shares are a suitable investment for you, having regard to your own investment objectives, financial
circumstances and taxation position. If you do not understand any part of this Prospectus or are in any doubt as to whether
to invest in the Shares, it is recommended that you seek professional guidance from your stockbroker, solicitor, accountant,
tax adviser or other independent and qualified professional adviser before deciding whether to invest.

6.2.  Risks specific to an investment in the Company

6.2.1.  Contractual risk – Unexecuted Share Sale Agreement
Pursuant to the draft Share Sale Agreement, the Company proposes to acquire 100% of the issued capital of BikeExchange
TopCo subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, including but not limited to, no material adverse change and conditional
approval by the ASX to list the Company on the Official List. There is a risk that the Share Sale Agreement conditions are not
fulfilled and, in turn, the Proposed Transaction will not complete.
If the Proposed Transaction does not complete, the Offers and the listing of the Company will not proceed.

6.2.2.  Growth and profitability dependent of active community

As BikeExchange operates a two‑sided marketplace, BikeExchange’s future growth and profitability is dependent on
that marketplace being vibrant and active. The Business relies on both consumers utilising the BikeExchange Platform to
purchase bicycles and related products and on retailers to subscribe to the BikeExchange Platform and deliver the relevant
products. There is a risk that if either retailers do not renew their respective subscriptions to use the platform, or consumers
do not purchase products from the platform, or both, the activity of the marketplace offered by the BikeExchange Platform
will decline. This may in turn affect the financial performance of BikeExchange.

6.2.3.  Customer growth

BikeExchange’s revenue and the success of its growth initiatives depend upon attracting and retaining customers (both
businesses and consumers) to the BikeExchange Platform and converting those customers into both new and repeat
customers. Various factors can affect website traffic and conversion. A decline in traffic coming to the BikeExchange
Platform or the rate of conversion could adversely impact BikeExchange’s ability to achieve its stated objectives and
could have a materially adverse impact on the Business, financial performance and/or operations of BikeExchange.

6.2.4.  Fraud perpetrated and fictitious transactions

BikeExchange may face risks with respect to fraudulent activities on the BikeExchange Platform and periodically receive
complaints from either buyers who may not have received the goods that they have purchased, or sellers who have not
received payment for the goods that a buyer has contracted to purchase.
Negative publicity and user sentiment generated as a result of actual or alleged fraudulent or deceptive conduct on the
BikeExchange Platform could severely diminish consumer confidence in and use of the BikeExchange Platform, reduce
BikeExchange’s ability to retain current or attract new sellers and customers, damage its reputation, diminish the value of
its brand names, and/or materially adversely impact BikeExchange’s performance, financial condition and/or operations.

6.2.5.  Platform Risks
The BikeExchange Platform incorporating its website, databases and systems are critically important to BikeExchange’s
ability to attract and retain customers, as well as maximise sales conversion from those customers. Any irrecoverable loss
would cause a financial cost to the Company as well as damage the reputation of the Business. Further, BikeExchange
is reliant on Amazon Web Services (AWS), through the Marketplacer Agreements, to host the BikeExchange Platform.
If there is any disruption to these hosting services, the platform may not be accessible to users. AWS may terminate
its hosting services on 30 days’ notice or no notice in certain circumstances as summarised at Section 10.5.3.

6.2.6.  Reliance on third party technology providers

BikeExchange licenses the platform from Marketplacer across all regions it operates in, being the BikeExchange Hubs
further described at Section 10.5.3. The Marketplacer Agreement has a 5‑year term and atomically renews for a further
period of 24 months, unless the BikeExchange Hub issues a termination notice at least three months’ prior to the initial expiry
date. The Marketplacer Agreement also allows for first rights on new markets of expansion for the BikeExchange brand and
BikeExchange Platform. All support for the BikeExchange Platform is provided by the Marketplacer team. Front end design
work is carried out by the BikeExchange team. New functionality and features are released regularly by Marketplacer.
BikeExchange has developed the BikeExchange App, which is both IOS and Android based. BikeExchange owns 100% of
the Intellectual Property (IP) relating to the BikeExchange App. Support and maintenance of the BikeExchange App is carried
out by external developers and internal team members are responsible for minor changes. It is proposed that the Business
will redevelop the BikeExchange App in the first quarter of 2021 calendar year.
The satisfactory performance, reliability and availability of the BikeExchange Platform and other information technology
systems are integral to BikeExchange’s operations. The BikeExchange Platform and other information technology systems
are all hosted on servers owned by third party providers. There is a risk that the BikeExchange Platform and other information
technology systems may experience downtime or interruption from system failures, service outages, corruption of information
technology networks or information systems as a result of computer viruses, bugs or cyberattacks, as well as natural disasters,
fire, power outages or other events outside of the control of the Company or its third party providers. Such events may result
in delays in transaction processing and website slowdown or unavailability, which if sustained or regular, could adversely
affect BikeExchange’s operations and financial performance, reputation and/or growth.
BikeExchange’s service offering may also become outdated or obsolete through the introduction of superior technology
and/or product offerings. BikeExchange may be required to invest substantial capital to update or improve its current
information technology systems to remain competitive in the market. This could have a material adverse impact on
BikeExchange’s financial performance and/or growth.

6.2.7.  Cybersecurity and data protection

Given the nature of the Business, BikeExchange collects and holds a large amount of personal information about its sellers
and customers. BikeExchange has systems in place to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal information and
confidential data that is collected. The measures taken include firewalls, cybersecurity and anti‑virus software programs,
network separation, penetration testing, vulnerability scanning and restricted access to confidential personal data. However,
BikeExchange’s systems, or those of its third‑party service providers, may fail, or be subject to disruption as a result of external
threats or system errors.
If any data security breaches occur or BikeExchange fails to protect confidential information (including through cyber‑attacks),
this could result in reputational damage, a loss of system integrity and/or breach of BikeExchange’s obligations under
applicable privacy laws. This may have a materially adverse effect on BikeExchange’s operations, financial performance
and/or growth.
In addition, laws relating to data and privacy are constantly evolving. If data privacy standards are adopted in Australia which
are more stringent than those which BikeExchange’s systems are currently designed to comply with, then this could lead to
BikeExchange incurring additional costs and/or BikeExchange’s financial performance declining.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 89
6  Risk Factors (continued)

6.2.8.  Intellectual property may be compromised or lost

BikeExchange owns the IP for the BikeExchange App which was developed 5 years ago.
The BikeExchange logo device and supporting line are owned and trademarked by BikeExchange.
Content and editorial articles are written on the site to support the consumer journey in buying a bike or product.
The BikeExchange connections panel allows integrations of POS systems around the world. This allows for easy integrations
with retailer and brand POS systems for live inventory and accurate product information displayed on BikeExchange.
The commercial value of BikeExchange’s IP is dependent in part on the operational procedures used to maintain its
confidentiality and legal protections provided by a combination of confidentiality obligations imposed on employees
and third parties and other IP rights.
There is a risk that BikeExchange’s IP may be compromised in a number of ways, including:
(a) BikeExchange’s employees may breach operational procedures, or employees or third parties may breach their
confidentiality obligations, infringe or misappropriate BikeExchange’s IP, which may compromise BikeExchange’s
competitive advantage;
(b) BikeExchange’s third‑party sellers may gain insights into BikeExchange’s IP, including BikeExchange’s proprietary
systems, and may use these finding to develop alternative technologies which will compete with BikeExchange; and
(c) third parties may develop non‑infringing competitive technology.
Any such breaches or competing technologies could erode BikeExchange’s competitive position, which could have
a materially adverse impact on BikeExchange’s operations, financial performance and/or growth.

6.2.9.  Breach of third‑party IP rights

There is a risk that third parties may claim that the technology used for the BikeExchange Platform or BikeExchange’s
service offerings infringes on their IP rights. BikeExchange may become the subject of a claim that results in litigation or
a dispute, which in turn, may result in high legal costs, adverse monetary judgments and/or damage to BikeExchange’s
reputation, all of which may have an adverse effect on the financial performance of BikeExchange.

6.2.10. Competition
BikeExchange considers that it has a competitive advantage in being the leading bicycle marketplace in the industry.
However, there is a risk that existing competitors or new entrants in the market (Australian based or international) may
increase the competitive landscape and in turn, erode BikeExchange’s revenue and market share.
Existing competitors and new entrants in the market may engage in strategic partnerships or acquisitions, develop superior
products and/or technology, increase marketing activity and/or offer competitive pricing. There is a risk that BikeExchange
may be unable to respond to such competitive pressures and this may materially and adversely impact BikeExchange’s
operational and financial performance.

6.2.11.  BikeExchange may not successfully execute one or all of its growth strategies
BikeExchange plans to achieve high rates of growth by executing its strategies, which includes expanding its subscription
model, building strategic partnerships, increasing advertising revenue and/or launching its data and insights subscription
offerings. However, there is no guarantee that all or any of such strategies will be successfully implemented nor deliver
the expected returns or profitability. There is also a risk that the growth strategies may be subject to unexpected delays
and/or additional implementation costs.
BikeExchange may also fail to adopt and execute growth strategies which reflect changes in the preferences of bicycle
retailers and customers. Failure to do so could result in retailers or customers choosing BikeExchange’s competitors who
better satisfy their requirements, and such choice may have an adverse impact on BikeExchange’s financial performance
and growth.

6.2.12. BikeExchange may not identify execute and realise benefits from acquisitions
or strategic partnerships
BikeExchange may pursue acquisitions or joint ventures and/or enter into strategic partnerships, in order to realise benefits
including inorganic growth, accelerated development or delivery of service offerings, increased customer base and/or
delivering new service offerings.
There is a risk that BikeExchange may not be successful in identifying attractive opportunities. Further, the identification,
evaluation and negotiation of these opportunities may require significant time and effort from key management and
employees and this may in turn, disrupt the Business. There is also a risk that BikeExchange’s competitors may have a
greater willingness and ability to pay for opportunities that BikeExchange is interested in.
There is also a risk that BikeExchange will not successfully integrate new businesses or assets into its existing operations in a
timely manner, or that new businesses or assets do not result in the benefits anticipated. BikeExchange cannot guarantee
that every acquisition, joint venture or partnership entered into will result in favourable outcomes.

6.2.13.  Key personnel

Given the competitive environment in which BikeExchange operates, there is an ongoing requirement to continuously
improve the BikeExchange Platform and service offerings to ensure that it remains innovative and relevant to the market
and is not superseded by the offerings of its competitors. BikeExchange’s ability to ensure that the BikeExchange Platform
and services are continually improving relies on the expertise of its skilled workforce, particularly its technology team.
The departure of key personnel, or a shortage of skilled employees with adequate expertise, could adversely affect
BikeExchange’s business and/or its future ability to pursue its growth strategies, as under‑resourcing can cause
development delays and reduce the speed at which BikeExchange is able to deliver new features or enhancements
to the market. Further, there is a risk that BikeExchange is unable to develop new products or initiatives to target identified
market opportunities, as a result of a constrained resource pool.
In addition, BikeExchange’s ability to retain key personnel, including the management team, is affected by BikeExchange’s
capacity to maintain competitive remuneration packages. The loss of personnel may also impose significant costs to
BikeExchange in the form of loss of investment in employee training, possible loss of proprietary knowledge to competitors
and recruitment and employee commencement costs, each of which may have an adverse impact on BikeExchange’s
operations, financial performance and/or growth.

6.2.14.  Reputational risk

Maintaining the strength of BikeExchange’s reputation is an important part of retaining and growing the retailer and
consumer base and maintaining BikeExchange’s relationships with partners that will assist in successfully implementing
BikeExchange’s strategy. There is a risk that events may occur that may adversely impact on BikeExchange’s reputation,
which may adversely impact BikeExchange’s retailer and consumer base as well as the willingness of third parties to work
with BikeExchange on additional product offerings. This may have a negative impact on BikeExchange’s future operations,
financial performance and/or growth.

6.2.15.  Forward looking statements

The forward looking statements, opinions and estimates provided in this Prospectus rely on various contingencies and
assumptions, some of which are described in Section 5. Various factors, both known and unknown, may impact upon the
performance of BikeExchange and cause its actual performance to vary significantly from expected results. There can be no
guarantee that BikeExchange will achieve its stated objectives or that any forward looking statement or forecast will eventuate.

6.2.16. COVID‑19
The ongoing COVID‑19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Australian and global economy and the ability
of individuals, businesses, and governments to operate. Across Australia and the world, travel, trade, business, working
arrangements and consumption have been materially impacted by the pandemic. In addition, events relating to COVID‑19
have resulted in significant volatility across financial, commodity and other markets, including in the prices of securities
trading on the ASX and on other foreign securities exchanges.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 91
6  Risk Factors (continued)

Although BikeExchange has not been materially affected by the COVID‑19 pandemic, there is a risk that further lockdowns
or the implementation of further government restrictions in response to COVID‑19 could have an impact on marketplace
engagement. This could materially affect BikeExchange’s operations, financial performance and/or growth, or a
combination of these.

6.2.17. Challenges in expanding cross‑border operations

As BikeExchange plans to continue expanding its cross‑border operations into existing and new markets, there is a risk that
BikeExchange may face challenges (including legal or regulatory) in which it has limited or no experience in dealing with.
BikeExchange may be unable to anticipate competitive conditions or could face other difficulties in attracting a sufficient
number of retailers and consumers in those new markets. The expansion of BikeExchange’s cross‑border business will
also expose it to risks relating to managing cross‑border operations, including but not limited to, staffing, increased costs
to protect intellectual property, differing and potentially adverse tax consequences, increased and conflicting regulatory
compliance requirements, challenges caused due to distance, language and cultural differences, exchange rate risk and
political instability. Accordingly, any efforts BikeExchange makes to expand its cross‑border operations may not be successful,
and in turn, this may materially affect BikeExchange’s operations and financial performance.

6.2.18.  Foreign exchange rate fluctuation

As BikeExchange has operations in different jurisdiction, the revenues of entities in BikeExchange are collected in different
currencies. This exposes BikeExchange to fluctuations in exchange rates, which is beyond BikeExchange’s control.
This could adversely impact the profitability of BikeExchange’s foreign operations.

6.2.19.  Continued growth of E‑commerce

There is no guarantee that the growth in the retail e‑commerce market and the bicycle and bicycle accessories segments
will continue into the future. The emergence of COVID‑19 has brought about changes in consumer behaviour, including
an increased migration towards online shopping, however it is not yet known whether these changes will be long‑lasting.
The e‑commerce market may be impacted by a variety of factors outside BikeExchange’s control which could cause a
slowing or contraction in the market and as a consequence impact BikeExchange directly.

6.2.20.  Search engine risks

Many customers access BikeExchange through a search engine. BikeExchange’s website may be excluded from or ranked
lower in search engine results due to changes to a search engine’s algorithms or other ranking criteria that are outside of
BikeExchange’s control. If BikeExchange’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) activities are no longer effective for any reason,
the traffic coming to the BikeExchange’s website could significantly decrease which could have a material adverse impact
on BikeExchange’s business, financial performance and operations.

6.2.21.  Increased cost of and reliance on search engine marketing

The cost of search engine marketing generally increases as the importance of online advertising increases, as competition
to be ranked higher in paid listings increases the price of such listings. BikeExchange’s business, financial performance and
operations may be materially adversely affected by any increase in the cost of, or reliance on, search engine marketing.

6.2.22.  Potential of being banned, restricted or suspended from digital marketing channels
Potential of being banned, restricted or suspended from digital marketing channels BikeExchange relies on digital marketing
channels such as Google ads and Facebook ads (to name a few) to market the BikeExchange Platform on social networking
sites, search providers and other marketing channels. There is a risk, that based on the marketing channel providers terms
and conditions, BikeExchange may be suspended, restricted or banned from advertising on these marketing channels.
Any such ban, restriction or suspension could have an adverse impact on the reputation, brand and revenue of BikeExchange
which could materially adversely affect BikeExchange’s business, financial performance and operations.

6.2.23.  Marketplacer contractual risk

As BikeExchange relies on the Marketplacer Agreements (as described in section 10.5.3) and the services provided by
Marketplacer to operate the BikeExchange Platform, there is a risk that should these services not be available then
BikeExchange will have difficulty operating until such time as that technology and services were replaced.

6.3.  General risks
6.3.1.  Price of Shares
Once the Company becomes a publicly listed company on the ASX, it will be subject to general risks applicable to all
securities listed on a stock exchange. This may result in fluctuations in the Share price that are not explained by the
performance of the Company.
The price at which Shares are quoted on the ASX may increase or decrease due to a number of factors. These factors may
cause the Shares to trade at prices below the Offer Price. There is no assurance that the price of the Shares will increase
following quotation on the ASX, even if BikeExchange’s earnings increase.
Some of the factors which may affect the price of the Shares include:
• fluctuations in the domestic and international markets for listed stocks;
• general economic conditions, including interest rates, inflation rates, exchange rates, commodity and oil prices,
changes to government;
• changes in fiscal, monetary or regulatory policies, legislation or regulation;
• inclusion in or removal from market indices;
• the nature of the markets in which BikeExchange operates; and
• general operational and business risks.

6.3.2.  Trading and liquidity in Shares

Prior to the Offers, there has been no public market in the Shares. Once the Shares are quoted on the ASX, there can be
no guarantee that an active trading market for Shares will develop or that the price of Shares will increase. There may be
relatively few potential buyers or sellers of Shares on the ASX at any time. It is important to recognise that, on a disposal,
Shareholders may receive a market price for their Shares that is less than the price that they paid under the Offers.
Further, following Completion, it is assumed that the Existing Shareholders and the BikeExchange Shareholders will hold
up to 73.75% of the Shares, which may also impact liquidity.
Subject to the Company being admitted to the Official List, the Company anticipates that certain Shares on issue prior to the
Listing will be classified by ASX as restricted securities and will be required to be held in mandatory escrow for up to 24 months
from the Listing Date as described in 10.9.1. In addition, it is assumed that certain BikeExchange Shareholders and Bombora
Investment Management will enter into voluntary escrow arrangements in relation to their Shares as described in Section 10.9.2.
The absence of any sale of these mandatory or voluntary escrowed Shares during their respective mandatory or voluntary
escrow period may cause, or at least contribute to, limited liquidity in the market for Shares.
Following release from escrow, Shares that are subject to these escrowed Shares will be able to be freely traded on the
ASX. A significant sale of Shares by holders of these Shares, or the perception that such sales have occurred or might occur,
could adversely impact the price of Shares. The interests of these holders of restricted Shares may be different from the
interests of investors who acquire Shares in the Public Offer.

6.3.3.  BikeExchange may be subject to changes in tax law

The application of and changes in relevant tax laws (including income tax, goods and services taxes (or equivalent) and
stamp duties), or changes in the way tax laws are interpreted, may impact the Company’s and/or BikeExchange Group’s tax/
duty liabilities and financial performance or the tax/duty treatment of a Shareholder’s investment. An example of such a tax
change that could have an adverse impact on the financial performance of the BikeExchange Group is the manner in which
countries tax e-commerce or digital based sales.
An interpretation or application of tax laws or regulations by a relevant tax authority that is contrary to the Company’s or
the BikeExchange Group’s view of those laws may increase the amount of tax/duty paid or payable by the Company or the
BikeExchange Group. Both the level and basis of tax may change. Any changes to the current rate of company income tax
(in Australia or other countries relevant to BikeExchange Group’s business or operations) and/or any changes in tax rules
and tax arrangements (again in Australia or other countries relevant to the BikeExchange Group’s business or operations)
may have an adverse impact on the BikeExchange Group’s financial performance, may increase the amount of tax paid or
payable by the BikeExchange Group, may also impact Shareholder returns and could also have an adverse impact on the
level of dividend franking/conduit foreign income and Shareholder returns.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 93
6  Risk Factors (continued)

6.3.4.  Force majeure events

Events may occur within or outside Australia that could impact upon the global, Australian and other local economies,
the operations of BikeExchange and the price of the Shares. These events include but are not limited to acts of terrorism,
an outbreak of international hostilities, fires, floods, water contamination, earthquakes, labour strikes, civil wars, natural
disasters, outbreaks of disease or other man‑made or natural events or occurrences that can have an adverse effect on
the demand for BikeExchange’s services and its ability to conduct business. BikeExchange has only a limited ability to
insure against some of these risks.

6.3.5.  Accounting Standards

AAS are set by the AASB and are outside the control of BikeExchange and its Directors. The AASB may, from time to time,
introduce new or refined AAS, which may affect future measurement and recognition of key statement of profit or loss
and other comprehensive income, and statement of financial position items, including revenue and receivables and lease
obligations. There is also a risk that interpretation of existing AAS, including those relating to the measurement and
recognition of key statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, and statement of financial position items,
including revenue and receivables, may differ. Changes to the AAS issued by the AASB or changes to the commonly held
views on the application of those standards could materially adversely affect the reported financial performance and
position of BikeExchange.

6.3.6.  Shareholder dilution

In the future, BikeExchange may elect to issue Shares to raise further funding. While BikeExchange will be subject to
the constraints of the ASX Listing Rules regarding the percentage of its capital it is able to issue within a 12 month period
(other than where exceptions apply), Shareholders may be diluted as a result of such fundraisings.

6.3.7. Inability to pay dividends or make other distributions or potential for dividends paid not to be
franked or attach conduit foreign income
There is no guarantee that dividends will be paid on Shares in the future, as this is a matter to be determined by the Board in
its discretion and the Board’s decision will have regard to, amongst other things, the financial performance and position of
the Company, relative to its capital expenditure and other liabilities.
Moreover, to the extent that the Company pays any dividends, the Company may not have sufficient franking credits in the
future to frank dividends or sufficient conduit foreign income in the future to declare an unfranked dividend (or the unfranked
portion of a partially franked dividend) to be conduit foreign income.
Alternatively, the franking system and/or the conduit foreign income system may be subject to review or reform.
The extent to which a dividend can be franked will depend on the BikeExchange Group’s franking account balance (which is
expected to be nil at Completion) and its level of distributable profits. The BikeExchange Group’s franking account balance is
contingent on the BikeExchange Group making Australian taxable profits and will depend on the amount of Australian income
tax paid by the BikeExchange Group on those Australian taxable profits. The BikeExchange Group’s Australian taxable profits
may fluctuate, making the payment of franked dividends unpredictable.
As the BikeExchange Group continues to expand overseas outside of Australia, this may or is likely to reduce the Australian
income tax paid on the BikeExchange Group’s income and profits, which may reduce the Company’s ability to frank
The value and availability of franking credits to a Shareholder will differ depending on the Shareholder’s particular tax
The extent to which an unfranked or partially franked dividend can be declared to be conduit foreign income will depend
on the BikeExchange Group’s conduit foreign income balance (which will be nil at Completion of the Offers) and its level of
distributable profits. The BikeExchange Group’s conduit foreign income balance will depend, among other things, on the
structure of the Group’s foreign operations and the level of non‑Australian income tax paid by the BikeExchange Group on
those operations.
The value and/or availability of franking credits and conduit foreign income to a Shareholder will differ depending on the
Shareholder’s particular tax circumstances. Shareholders should also be aware that the ability to use franking credits, either as
a tax offset or to claim a refund after the end of the income year will depend on the individual tax position of each Shareholder.
No assurances can be given by any person, including the Directors, about payment of any dividend and the level of franking
or conduit foreign income on any such dividend.

Key Individuals,
Interests and
7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits

7.1.  Proposed Board of Directors

Subject to shareholder approval as described in Section 2.2, the proposed composition of the Board of Directors, following
completion of the Proposed Transaction, is set out below.

Name Position

Gregg Taylor Independent Non‑Executive Chairman

Sam Salter Non‑Executive Director

Andrew Ryan Non‑Executive Director

Jade Wyatt Non‑Executive Director

Bryan Zekulich Independent Non‑Executive Director

The Proposed Directors bring to the Board relevant experience and skills, including sector and business knowledge,
financial management and corporate governance experience. The qualifications and experience of the Proposed Directors
are set out in the table below.

Proposed Director Experience and background

Gregg has been a director of the Company since October 2018.

Gregg has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Wollongong and was a CFA
Charter holder.
Gregg has 20 years of international business experience in financial markets, technology,
sports administration, media and retail. He has founded and managed multiple global operating
businesses in sports, retail and media sectors.
Gregg is currently the Co‑Chief Investment Officer and an executive director of Bombora
Gregg Taylor Investment Management, a boutique investment house. In the last 8 years, Gregg played a key role
Independent in introducing 7 new companies to the ASX and raising significant equity growth capital for various
Non‑Executive ASX and NZX listed companies.
Gregg has also served on boards across numerous industries including technology, marketplaces,
construction, compliance, financial services. He is currently a non‑executive director of Acrow
Formwork and Construction Services Limited (ASX: ACF) and Marketplacer Pty Limited.

Sam is the co‑founder of BikeExchange and a director of BikeExchange Pte Ltd. Sam is also the
co‑founder and a director of Marketplacer, which operates a global technology SAAS platform that
creates online marketplaces to connect consumers, retailers, wholesalers and private sellers.
Sam has over 13 years’ experience developing marketplaces for businesses.
Sam holds a Bachelor of Psychology and Sociology from the Victorian University of Technology.

Sam Salter

Proposed Director Experience and background

Andrew’s career over the past 20 years has spanned across a wide variety of industries including
manufacturing, distribution, agriculture, hospitality, sport and tourism.
Andrew is an active director in a number of companies such as Mitchelton Wines, Jayco,
Mitchelton-SCOTT professional cycling team, My Local Broker, Marketplacer and the Prince
Hotel and has been on the board of BikeExchange Pte Ltd since May 2020.
Andrew holds a degree in Business Advertising from RMIT and an Executive MBA from Bond University.
He is a committee member of ‘The Million Dollar Lunch’ which fundraises and networks in support
Andrew Ryan of the Children’s Cancer Foundation.

Jade has over 23 years’ experience in the specialty retail sector.

Jade is a long‑term employee of the Just Group. Her most recent roles have been Group General
Manager of Portmans and she is currently Group Apparel Executive working across multiple brands.
Jade’s customer focused product led strategic approach to retail has resulted in driving strong
results and increased shareholder value.

Jade Wyatt

Bryan has been a director of the Company since August 2019.

Bryan was the managing partner of Ernst & Young’s Private Equity Sector for over 15 years. Bryan
is also a board member, the treasurer and the company secretary of the Australian Investment
Council (formerly the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association).
Bryan is currently the portfolio manager and partner of Bombora Investment Management.
Bryan has significant experience in the Australian M&A market including in respect of mergers &
acquisitions, divestments, strategic finance, capital raisings and advising on ASX listing requirements.
Bryan Zekulich
Bryan has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia. He is also a fellow
of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and a fellow of the Financial Services Institute
of Australia.

The proposed composition of the Board committees and details of its key corporate governance policies are set out in
Sections 7.7 and 7.8.
Each Proposed Director above has confirmed to the Company that they anticipate being able to perform their duties as
a Non‑Executive without constraint from other commitments.
The Board considers an independent Director to be a Non‑Executive Director who is free of any interest, position,
association or relationship that might influence, or reasonably be perceived to influence, his or her capacity to bring an
independent judgement to bear on issues before the Board and to act in the best interests of the Company and its security
holders generally. The Board will consider the materiality of any given relationship on a case‑by‑case basis and has adopted
guidelines to assist in this regard. The Board reviews the independence of each Director in light of interests disclosed to the
Board from time to time. In assessing independence, the Board will have regard to the requirements for independence
which are set out in Principle 2 of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 97
7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

The Board considers that each of Gregg Taylor and Bryan Zekulich are free from any interest, position, association or
relationship that might influence, or reasonably be perceived to influence, the independent exercise of the Director’s
judgement and that each of them is able to fulfil the role of independent Director for the purpose of the ASX Corporate
Governance Principles.
Sam Salter, Andrew Ryan and Jade Wyatt are currently considered by the Board not to be independent.

7.2.  Executive management

Following completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Company will be managed by an experienced executive team.
The qualifications and experience of the proposed executive team are set out in the table below.

Proposed executive Experience and background

Mark is currently the Global Chief Executive Officer of the BikeExchange Group.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies and Marketing from Middlesex
University and a Diploma in Business and Finance from the University of Westminster.
Mark has over 20 years’ experience in the marketing industry, including holding multiple senior
leadership roles, both in the UK and Australia.
Mark began his career at Saatchi & Saatchi in London before spending four years at an independent
digital agency, Hyperlink Interactive. In Australia, Mark worked for George Patterson Y&R
Mark Watkin Melbourne for approximately seven years before becoming Managing Director of TBWA
Global Chief Melbourne and then Managing Director of BWM Dentsu Melbourne.
Executive Officer

Andrew is currently the Global Chief Financial Officer of the BikeExchange Group.
Andrew holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from the University of London and is a member of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Andrew has 20 years of listed company financial reporting experience through executive, auditing
and consulting work in Australia and the UK.
Most recently, Andrew was the CFO of Ltd (ASX: CAR) (Carsales), an ASX 100 listed
group. He was responsible for all global finance and investor relations activities of the Company.
Andrew Demery Prior to Carsales, Andrew was an Assurance Director/Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers,
Chief Financial which included transformation initiative roles and M&A.

7.3.  Interests and benefits
This Section 7.3 sets out the nature and extent of the interests and fees of certain persons involved in the Offers.
Other than as set out below or elsewhere in this Prospectus, no:
• Director or Proposed Director of the Company;
• person named in this Prospectus and who has performed a function in a professional, advisory or other capacity
in connection with the preparation or distribution of this Prospectus;
• promoter of the Company; or
• underwriter to the Offers or financial services licensee named in this Prospectus as a financial services licensee
involved in the Offers,
holds as at the time of lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, or has held in the two years before lodgement of this
Prospectus with ASIC, an interest in:
• the formation or promotion of the Company;
• property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the Company in connection with its formation or promotion
or the Offers; or
• the Offers,
and no amount (whether in cash, Shares or otherwise) has been paid or agreed to be paid, nor has any benefit been given
or agreed to be given, to any such person for services in connection with the formation or promotion of the Company
or the Offers or to any Proposed Director to induce them to become, or qualify as, a director of the Company.

7.3.1.  Interests of advisers

The Company has engaged the following professional advisers in relation to the Offers:
• Morgans have acted as lead manager and underwriter to the Public Offer and the fees payable to the Lead Manager
pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement are described in Section 10.6;
• Automic Legal has acted as Australian legal advisor to the Company in relation to the Offers. The Company has paid,
or agreed to pay, approximately $150,000 (excluding disbursements and GST) for these services up until the Prospectus
Date. Further amounts may be paid to Automic Legal in accordance with its normal time‑based charges;
• Talbot Sayer Lawyers has acted as the M&A legal advisor to the Company in relation to the Proposed Transaction.
The Company has paid, or agreed to pay, approximately $48,000 (excluding disbursements and GST) for these
services up until the Prospectus Date. Further amounts may be paid to Talbot Sayer in accordance with its normal
time‑based charges;
• Deloitte Corporate Finance has acted as the investigating accountant in connection with the Public Offer and has
performed work in relation to the Investigating Accountant’s Reports. The Company and BikeExchange Pte Ltd have
paid, or agreed to pay, approximately $260,000 (excluding disbursements and GST) for these services up until the
Prospectus Date. Further amounts may be paid to Deloitte Corporate Finance in accordance with its normal
time‑based charges;
• Deloitte Tax has acted as the Australian taxation advisor(other than in relation to the EIP Offer and the Employee Incentive
Plan and any options issued under those offers/plans). The Company and BikeExchange Pte Ltd have paid, or agreed
to pay, approximately $230,000 (excluding disbursements and GST) for these services up and until the Prospectus
Date. Further amounts may be paid to Deloitte Tax in accordance with its normal time-based charges; and
• Silvercloud has acted as the corporate advisor in relation to the Offers. BikeExchange Pty Ltd and the Company
has agreed to pay a fee equal to 1.5% of the gross proceeds from the IPO (excluding disbursements and GST) for
these services.
These amounts, and other expenses of the Offers, will be paid by the Company out of funds raised under the Public Offer
or available cash. Further information on the use of proceeds from the Public Offer and payment of expenses of the Offers
is set out in Sections 8.3.1 and 10.10.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 99
7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

7.3.2.  Proposed Directors’ interests and remuneration Director Remuneration
Prior to the Prospectus Date, each of the Proposed Directors, who are all Non‑Executive Directors, have executed
appointment letters with the Company, which outline the terms of the appointments, their roles and responsibilities
and the Company’s expectations of them as Directors.
Under the Constitution, the Company in general meeting may determine the maximum aggregate remuneration to be
provided to or for the benefit of all Non‑Executive Directors as remuneration for their services as a Non‑Executive Director.
Further, under the ASX Listing Rules, the total amount paid to all Non‑Executive Directors for their services must not exceed
in aggregate in any financial year the amount fixed by the Company’s members in general meeting.
The proposed maximum aggregate Non‑Executive Directors’ remuneration is $500,000 per annum subject to shareholder
approval as mentioned in Section 2.2.
The annual Directors’ fees (including fees for any additional services performed on the Company’s sub‑committees)
currently agreed to be paid by the Company are $120,000 (inclusive of superannuation) to the Chairman and $60,000
(inclusive of superannuation) to each of the other Non‑Executive Directors.
All Proposed Directors are also receiving the IPO Options as described in Sections to Proposed Directors’ interests in Shares and other securities

The Proposed Directors are not required by the Constitution to hold any Shares.
The Proposed Directors’ interests in Shares and other securities in the Company as at the Prospectus Date are set out
in the table below.

Shares held Options held

Proposed Director on Completion(f) on Completion

Gregg Taylor Nil(a) 2,000,000

Bryan Zekulich 473,500(b) 1,000,000

Sam Salter 30,118,430(c) 1,000,000

Jade Wyatt 30,118,430(d) 1,000,000

Andrew Ryan 50,447,670(e) 1,000,000

(a) Gregg is the Co-Chief Investment Officer and a Director of Bombora Investment Management. Bombora Investment Management currently holds 36.86%
of the total issued capital in the Company on an undiluted basis as the corporate trustee of the Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund and such
holding will drop to 8.34% at Completion. Although Gregg holds shares in Bombora Investment Management and interests in the Bombora Special
Investments Growth Fund, he does not have power to exercise or control the exercise of Bombora Investment Management’s rights to vote attached
to the Shares or to dispose the Shares held by Bombora Investment Management. As such, Gregg does not have any relevant interests in the Shares.
(b) Bryan’s interests in Shares are held directly by himself and indirectly through Zeka Pty Limited, which is an entity controlled by Bryan and his spouse.
It is noted that Bryan also holds shares in Bombora Investment Management and interests in the Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund, but he does
not have power to exercise or control the exercise of Bombora Investment Management’s rights to vote attached to the Shares or to dispose the Shares
held by Bombora Investment Management.
(c) Sam’s interests in Shares will be indirectly held through two BikeExchange Shareholders, being Saltsam Pty Ltd, which is an entity controlled by Sam,
and WSG Holdings Pty Ltd, in which Sam has a 39% beneficial interest.
(d) Jade’s interests in Shares will be indirectly held through two BikeExchange Shareholders, being Surfwax Pty Ltd, which is an entity controlled by Jade’s
spouse, Jason Wyatt, and WSG Holdings Pty Ltd, in which Jason has a 39% beneficial interest.
(e) Andrew’s interests in Shares will be indirectly held through a BikeExchange Shareholder, Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd.
(f) The figures in the above table assume certain outcomes under the Offer Letter process. The actual outcomes are subject to completion of the Offer Letter

The Proposed Directors are entitled to apply for Shares under the Public Offer. The above table does not take into account
any Shares the Proposed Directors may acquire under the Public Offer.

100 Other information about Directors’ interests and benefits
Directors will be entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable travel, accommodation or other expenses incurred as a result
of them carrying out their duties as a Director. Deeds of access, insurance and indemnity

The Company will enter into a deed of access, indemnity and insurance with each Proposed Director.
Each deed will contain the Proposed Director’s right of access to certain books and records of the Group Company for
permitted purposes including to discharge the Proposed Director’s duties as an officer of the Group Company or in
connection with certain relevant claims that involve the Proposed Director.
Pursuant to the Constitution, the Company must indemnify all Directors and executive officers on a full indemnity basis and
to the full extent permitted by law against all losses, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Officer as an
officer of the Group Company. Under the deed of access, insurance and indemnity, the Company, to the extent permitted
by law, indemnifies each Proposed Director against any and all liabilities incurred by the Proposed Director as an officer
of the Group Company or incurred by or on behalf of the Proposed Director as a consequence of the Proposed Director
complying with his or her obligations in relation to a relevant claim under the deed of access insurance and indemnity.
Pursuant to the Constitution, the Company may purchase and maintain insurance for its Directors to the extent permitted
by law. Under the deed of access, insurance and indemnity, the Company or its Related Body Corporate must maintain a
director and officer insurance for the Proposed Director for the period from the date of the deed until seven years after the
Director ceases to hold office of the Group Company.

In this summary, “Group Company” means the Company or a subsidiary of the Company.

7.4.  Executive remuneration

Following completion of the Proposed Transaction, the key management personnel of the Company will be as set out below:

Name Position

Mark Watkin Global Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Demery Chief Financial Officer

7.4.1.  Global Chief Executive Officer

Details regarding the terms of the employment contract of Mark Watkin are set out below:

Term Description

Employer The Company.

Fixed annual Under the terms of his employment contract, Mark is entitled to fixed annual remuneration
remuneration of $350,000 per annum, exclusive of superannuation contributions.

Short term Mark is eligible for an annual bonus of up to $191,625 in cash per annum, inclusive of
incentive superannuation. The payment of the bonus is at the discretion of the Board and is subject
to Mark’s achievement of certain agreed performance criteria, and the financial performance
of the Company.

Long term Mark is eligible to participate in the Employee Incentive Plan. Mark is entitled to receive certain
incentive Options under the EIP Offer as set out in Section

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 101

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

Term Description

Other benefits The Company will provide Mark with a mobile phone and laptop for business use and will pay
all costs associated with use of those items for business purposes.

Notice period, Mark’s employment contract may be terminated by either party on provision of 6 months’ notice.
termination and The Company may elect to pay Mark in lieu of all or party of any notice period. Mark’s employment
termination contract may also be terminated by the Company without notice (or payment in lieu of notice)
payments in the case of serious misconduct.
To the extent permitted by law, any payment made to Mark in respect of the cessation of
the Executive’s employment, satisfies (in whole or in part) any of the Executive’s statutory
entitlements to payments in lieu of notice but not redundancy pay.

Non‑solicitation/ For a period of 2 years following the termination of Mark’s employment, he will be subject to
restrictions of a restraint, which will prohibit Mark from, directly or indirectly:
future activities
• engaging in any material business or activity which is the same or similar or is in competition
with the whole or part of the business activities of BikeExchange;
• inducing, soliciting, canvassing, approaching or accepting any approach from any person
who was at any time during the 12 months preceding the termination of Mark’s employment,
a customer, partner, client or supplier of BikeExchange’s business with a view to entering into
an arrangement that is the same or similar or is in competition with the whole or part of the
business activities of BikeExchange;
• interfering with the relationships between BikeExchange and its customers, partners, clients,
suppliers, referrers, third party investors, financiers, employees or contractors in a manner
which is adverse to BikeExchange;
• inducing, encouraging or soliciting any of BikeExchange’s customers, partners, clients or
suppliers with whom Mark has had contact in the 12 months preceding the termination of
Mark’s employment, to end or restrict their trade relationships with BikeExchange;
• doing or saying anything harmful to the reputation of BikeExchange which may lead a person
to stop, curtail or alter the terms of its dealings with BikeExchange;
• inducing, encouraging or soliciting, or helping to induce, any employee, officer, contractor
or agent of BikeExchange to terminate their engagement with BikeExchange; or
• seeking to engage, or engaging, the services of any employee, contractor or agent of
These restraints are expressed to apply to the whole of Australia and to any area which is within
a 50km radius from any premises from which BikeExchange’s business is conducted as at the
termination of Andrew’s employment.

7.4.2.  Chief Financial Officer

Details regarding the terms of the employment contract of Andrew Demery are set out below:

Term Description

Employer The Company.

Fixed annual Under the terms of his employment, Andrew is entitled to fixed annual remuneration of
remuneration $300,000 per annum, exclusive of superannuation contributions.

Term Description

Short term Andrew is eligible for an annual bonus of up to $164,250 in cash per annum, inclusive of
incentive superannuation. The payment of the bonus is at the discretion of the Board and is subject to
Andrew’s achievement of certain agreed performance criteria, and the financial performance
of the Company.

Long term Andrew is eligible to participate in the Employee Incentive Plan. Andrew is entitled to receive
incentive certain Options under the EIP Offer as set out in Section

Other benefits The Company will provide Andrew with a mobile phone and laptop for business use and will
pay all costs associated with use of those items for business purposes.

Notice period, Andrew’s employment contract may be terminated by either party on provision of 6 months’
termination and notice. The Company may elect to pay Andrew in lieu of all or partly of any notice period.
termination Andrew’s employment contract may also be terminated by the Company without notice
payments (or payment in lieu of notice) in the case of serious misconduct.

Non‑solicitation/ For a period of 2 years following the termination of Andrew’s employment, he will be subject
restrictions of to a restraint, which will prohibit Andrew from, directly or indirectly:
future activities
• engaging in any material business or activity which is the same or similar or is in competition
with the whole or part of the business activities of BikeExchange;
• inducing, soliciting, canvassing, approaching or accepting any approach from any person
who was at any time during the 12 months preceding the termination of Andrew’s employment,
a customer, partner, client or supplier of BikeExchange’s business with a view to entering into
an arrangement that is the same or similar or is in competition with the whole or part of the
business activities of BikeExchange;
• interfering with the relationships between BikeExchange and its customers, partners, clients,
suppliers, referrers, third party investors, financiers, employees or contractors in a manner
which is adverse to BikeExchange;
• inducing, encouraging or soliciting any of BikeExchange’s customers, partners, clients or
suppliers with whom Andrew has had contact in the 12 months preceding the termination of
Andrew’s employment, to end or restrict their trade relationships with BikeExchange;
• doing or saying anything harmful to the reputation of BikeExchange which may lead a person
to stop, curtail or alter the terms of its dealings with BikeExchange;
• inducing, encouraging or soliciting, or helping to induce, any employee, officer, contractor
or agent of BikeExchange to terminate their engagement with BikeExchange; or
• seeking to engage, or engaging, the services of any employee, contractor or agent of
These restraints are expressed to apply to the whole of Australia and to any area which is within
a 50km radius from any premises from which BikeExchange’s business is conducted as at the
termination of Andrew’s employment.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 103

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

7.5.  Employee incentive plans

Subject to shareholder approval as mentioned in Section 2.2, the Company proposes to establish a new umbrella
equity‑based long‑term incentive plan (Employee Incentive Plan) to assist in the attraction, motivation, retention and
reward of key management, and other eligible employees.
The aggregate pool of Options under the Employee Incentive Plan is intended to be limited to an interest in a maximum
of 29,299,590 Shares, being 10% of the total issued capital in the Company on an undiluted basis at Completion.

7.5.1.  Plan Rules

Under the rules of the Employee Incentive Plan (Employee Incentive Plan Rules), the Board has a discretion to offer any
of the following awards to senior management, Directors or other nominated key employees:
• options to acquire Shares (Options);
• performance rights to acquire Shares; and
• Shares, including to be acquired under a limited recourse loan funded arrangement,
in each case subject to service‑based conditions and/or performance hurdles (collectively, the Awards).
The terms and conditions of the Employee Incentive Plan are set out in comprehensive rules. A summary of the key rules
of the Employee Incentive Plan is set out below:

Eligibility and grant

• the Employee Incentive Plan is open to Directors, and any other employees of the Group Company or any other natural
person providing services to the Group Company, as determined by the Board;
• the Board may determine the type and number of Awards to be issued under the Employee Incentive Plan to each
participant and other terms of issue of the Awards including vesting hurdles, exercise price, forfeiture conditions and any
fees to be paid;
• Options and performance rights granted under the Employee Incentive Plan will only vest and be exercisable if the
applicable vesting condition or performance hurdles or both (as applicable) have been satisfied, waived by the Board
or are deemed to have been satisfied under these rules;
• each vested Option and performance right enable the participant to be issued or to be transferred one Share upon
exercise (Resulting Share), subject to the Employee Incentive Plan Rules and the terms of any particular offer;
• participants holding Options or performance rights are not permitted to participate in new issues of securities by the
Company but adjustments may be made to the number of Shares over which the options or performance rights are
granted and/or the exercise price (if any) to take into account changes in the capital structure of the Company in
accordance with the Employee Incentive Plan Rules and the ASX Listing Rules;
• the Employee Incentive Plan allows for cashless exercise of options; and
• the Employee Incentive Plan limits the number of Awards that the Company may grant without Shareholder approval,
such that the sum of all Awards on issue (assuming all options and performance rights were exercised) do not at any
time exceed in aggregate 10% of the total issued capital of the Company as at the date of the proposed new Awards.

Cessation of employment
• In relation to vested Awards, if a participant ceases employment or office with any Group Company:
– all vested Options held by the participant will be retained by the participant and continue to remain exercisable until
the relevant expiry date for those options;
– all vested performance rights held by the participant which have not been exercised will continue in force and
remain exercisable;
– the participant will be entitled to continue to hold all vested Shares or loan funded Shares.
• In relation to unvested Awards, the Board may determine in its sole and absolute discretion, the manner in which any
unvested Awards held by the participant will be dealt with including, but not limited to:

– allowing some or all of those unvested Awards to continue to be held by the Participant, and be subject to existing
performance hurdles and vesting conditions;
– undertaking a buy‑back of some or all of the unvested Options, performance rights, Shares or loan funded Shares
(as the case may be); or
– requiring that any remaining unvested options, performance rights, Shares or loan funded Shares automatically lapse
or be automatically surrendered (as the case may be) by the participant in accordance with the Employee Incentive
Plan Rules.

Forfeiture and clawback

• The Board may determine any criteria, requirements or conditions which, if met (notwithstanding the satisfaction or
waiver of any performance hurdles and vesting conditions) will result in the lapsing of options or performance rights
or a participant surrendering Shares, loan funded Shares or Resulting Shares.
• In addition, where in the reasonable opinion of the Board, a participant has obtained an unfair benefit as a result of an act
which constitutes fraud, dishonest or gross misconduct, a breach of his or her duties to the Group, wilful disobedience or
any other conduct justifying termination of employment without notice, the Board may do one or more of the following:
– deem all Resulting Shares, Shares and loan funded Shares held by the participant be surrendered in accordance with
the Employee Incentive Plan Rules;
– deem all Options and performance rights held by the participant to be lapsed;
– clawback any or all of the participant’s Awards or Resulting Shares which have been sold by that participant, requiring
that participant to pay requiring the participant repay the net proceeds of the sale.

Change of Control
• A “change of control” will occur if a person becomes a legal or beneficial owner of 50% of the Company’s issued share
capital in the Company. In the event of a Change of Control Event, and unless the Board determine otherwise in its sole
and absolute discretion:
– Awards granted will vest where the vesting conditions and performance hurdles applicable to those Awards have
been satisfied, but that vesting will occur only on a pro rata basis based on the period which has elapsed from the
grant date to the date of the Change of Control Event when compared to the relevant overall vesting period and based
on actual performance;
– any Options and performance rights which the Board determines will not vest will automatically lapse; and
– any Shares and loan funded Shares which the Board determines will not vest will automatically be surrendered by the
Participant in accordance with the Employee Incentive Plan Rules.

Amendment of the rules

• As long as the rights of a participant are not materially reduced (other than if the an amendment is made primarily to
comply with present or future laws applicable to the Employee Incentive Plan), the Board may at any time, in its absolute
discretion, amend the Employee Incentive Plan Rules or the terms and conditions upon which Awards have been issued
under the Employee Incentive Plan. The Board must provide written notification to participants so affected. EIP Offer
Pursuant to this Prospectus, the Company makes an EIP Offer under the Employee Incentive Plan.
The EIP Offer comprises the following two types of grants:
a) a one‑off grant of Options to all Proposed Directors, key executives and employees in connection with the IPO under
this Prospectus (IPO Grant); and
b) a long‑term incentive grant of Options to key executives and employees (LTIP Grant).
Overall, 18,100,000 Options are offered under the Employee Incentive Plan pursuant to this Prospectus.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 105

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued) IPO Grant
The IPO Grant is a one‑off grant made under the Employee Incentive Plan pursuant to which all Proposed Directors,
certain key executives and employees will be granted Options in connection with the IPO (IPO Options).
Key features of the IPO Options are set out below:

Feature Description

Grant Date Immediately after completion of the Proposed Transaction.

Entitlement Each IPO Option will enable the participant to be issued one (1) Shares.
to Shares

Issue Price Nil.

Exercise Price The exercise price will be equal to the Offer Price.

Exercise Date The day which is 12 calendar months after the Listing Date.

Expiry Date The earlier of:

a) the date that is 72 calendar months after the Listing Date; and
b) the date that the participant ceases to be an employee of the Group Company.

Exercise Period The period from the Exercise Date until 5:00pm (Sydney time) on the Expiry Date.

Vesting Conditions N/A.

Trading restrictions Other than restrictions imposed by the Company’s securities trading policy (or restrictions
imposed by the ASX, including under any restriction deed, or any voluntary escrow deed
entered into by the participant, in connection with the Offers), the IPO Options will be subject
to no trading restrictions.

Under the IPO Grant, the Company offers the following IPO Options to the following Proposed Directors, key executives
and employees:

% of the total issued capital

Number of of the Company on a fully
Participant IPO Options diluted basis at Listing

Gregg Taylor 2,000,000 0.64%

Sam Salter 1,000,000 0.32%

Bryan Zekulich 1,000,000 0.32%

Jade Wyatt 1,000,000 0.32%

Andrew Ryan 1,000,000 0.32%

Mark Watkin 1,300,000 0.42%

Andrew Demery 500,000 0.16%

Other key executives and employees 1,300,000 0.42%

Total 9,100,000 2.93%

106 LTIP Grant
The LTIP Grant is a grant made under the Employee Incentive Plan pursuant to which certain key executives and employees
will be granted Options (LTIP Options) as long‑term incentives. Key features of the LTIP Options are set out as below:

Feature Description

Grant Date Immediately after completion of the Proposed Transaction.

Entitlement Each LTIP Option will enable the participant to be issued one (1) Shares.
to Shares

Issue Price Nil.

Exercise Price The exercise price will be $0.45 per LTIP Option.

Exercise Date The day which is 36 calendar months after the Listing Date.

Expiry Date The earlier of:

• the date that is 72 calendar months after the Listing Date; and
• the date that the participant ceases to be an employee of the Group Company.

Exercise Period The period from the Exercise Date until 5:00pm (Sydney time) on the Expiry Date.

Vesting Conditions The LTIP Options are subject to the following vesting conditions:
• one‑third of the LTIP Options will vest on the first anniversary of Grant Date, subject
to the CAGR of the Group being achieved as set out in the below table in the same line
as the first anniversary;
• one‑third of the LTIP Options will vest on the second anniversary of Grant Date, subject
to the CAGR of the Group being achieved as set out in the below table in the same line
as the second anniversary;
• one‑third of the LTIP Options will vest on the third anniversary of Grant Date, subject
to the CAGR of the Group being achieved as set out in the below table in the same line
as the third anniversary.

CAGR Revenue
Anniversary requirement target

First 150% $6.03m

Second 225% $9.05m

Third 338% $13.57m

Post‑vesting Other than restrictions imposed by the Company’s securities trading policy (or restrictions
trading restrictions imposed by any restriction agreement or voluntary escrow deed entered into by the participant
in connection with the Offers), the LTIP Options will be subject to no disposal restriction.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 107

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

The following grants of LTIP Options will be made to the following key executives and employees:

% of the total issued capital

Number of of the Company on a fully
Participant LTIP Options diluted basis at Listing

Mark Watkin 3,600,000 1.16%

Andrew Demery 1,800,000 0.58%

Other key executives 3,450,000 1.11%

Key employees 150,000 0.05%

Total 9,000,000 2.89%

7.6.  Related Party Transaction

Other than as disclosed in this Prospectus, the Company or BikeExchange are not party to any material related party
Certain Proposed Directors, namely Andrew Ryan, Gregg Taylor and Sam Salter, are directors of both Marketplacer and the
Company. In addition, Jason Wyatt, who is the spouse of a Proposed Director, Jade Wyatt, is a director of Marketplacer.
The Marketplacer Agreements are related party arrangements. A summary of these agreements is set out in Section 10.5.3.

7.7.  Corporate governance and the Board

This Section 7.7 explains how the Board oversees the management of the Company’s business. The Board is responsible for
the overall corporate governance of the Company, including establishing and monitoring key performance goals. The Board
monitors the operational and financial position and performance of the Company and oversees its business strategy, including
approving the strategic goals of the Company and considering and approving an annual business plan (including a budget).
The Board is committed to maximising performance, generating appropriate levels of Shareholder value and financial return,
and sustaining the growth and success of the Company. In conducting the Company’s business with these objectives, the
Board seeks to ensure that the Company is properly managed to protect and enhance Shareholder interests, and that
the Company and its Directors, officers and personnel operate in an appropriate environment of corporate governance.
Accordingly, the Board has created a framework for managing the Company, including adopting relevant internal controls,
risk management processes and corporate governance policies and practices which it believes are appropriate for the
Company’s business and which are designed to promote the responsible management and conduct of the Company.
The Company is seeking a listing on the ASX. The ASX Corporate Governance Principles promote investor confidence and to
assist companies in meeting stakeholder expectations. The ASX Corporate Governance Principles are not prescriptions, but
guidelines. However, under the ASX Listing Rules, the Company will be required to provide a statement in its annual report
disclosing the extent to which it has followed the ASX Corporate Governance Principles in the reporting period. Where the
Company does not follow a recommendation, it must identify the recommendation that has not been followed and give
reasons for not following it.
Copies of the Company’s key policies and practices and the charters for the Board and each of its committees will be
available at

7.7.1  Board Charter

The Board Charter adopted by the Board sets out the responsibilities of the Board in greater detail. It provides that the
Board should comprise Directors with the appropriate mix of skills, experience, expertise and diversity which are relevant
to the Company’s businesses and the Board’s responsibilities. The Board assumes responsibilities including, but not
limited to the following:
• approving and monitoring the Company’s strategy, business performance and financial performance objectives;
• overseeing and monitoring the establishment of systems of risk management by approving risk management policies,
operational risk policies and procedures and systems of internal controls;

• overseeing the process for making timely and balanced disclosure of all material information and continuous disclosure
of information to the investment community;
• approving the Company’s annual budget and major capital expenditure, acquisitions and overseeing capital management;
• approving the Company’s periodic financial statements and reports, remuneration policy and dividend policy;
• appointing and evaluating the performance of, determining the remuneration of, and planning the succession of, the
Board, its committees and individual directors; and
• monitoring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, ethical standards and generally, safeguarding the
reputation of the Company.
The Board Charter allows the Board to delegate powers and responsibilities to committees established by the Board.
The Board retains ultimate accountability to Shareholders in discharging its duties.

7.7.2.  Board committees

The Board may from time to time establish appropriate committees to assist in the discharge of its responsibilities.
The Board has established an Audit and Risk Management Committee and a Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Other committees may be established by the Board as and when required. Membership of Board committees will be
based on the needs of the Company, relevant legislative and other requirements, and the skills and experience of
individual Directors.

7.7.3.  Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee Charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee. The role of
the Audit and Risk Committee is to assist the Board in the effective discharge of its responsibilities for corporate governance
and overseeing the Company’s financial reporting, internal control structure, risk management systems and internal and
external audit functions. This includes confirming the quality and reliability of the financial information prepared by the
Company, working with the external auditor on behalf of the Board and reviewing non‑audit services provided by the
external auditor to confirm they are consistent with maintaining external audit independence.
The Audit and Risk Committee provides advice to the Board and reports on the status and management of the risks to the
Company. The purpose of the Committee’s risk management process is to assist the Board in relation to risk management
policies, procedures and systems and ensure that risks are identified, assessed and appropriately managed.
The Audit and Risk Committee will comprise of Bryan Zekulich (Chair) and Andrew Ryan.
The Audit and Risk Committee will meet at least four times annually or as frequently as required to undertake its role
effectively. All meetings will be minuted by the company secretary of the Company and made available to inspection
by any Director. The Audit and Risk Committee will regularly report to the Board about committee activities.

7.7.4.  Remuneration and Nominations Committee

The Remuneration and Nominations Committee Charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Remuneration and
Nominations Committee. The role of the Remuneration and Nomination and Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board
in the effective discharge of its responsibilities for corporate governance and overseeing the Company’s nomination and
remuneration policies and practices.
This includes reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on remuneration packages and policies related to the
Directors and senior executives. The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is also responsible for administering short
term and long‑term incentive plans (including any equity plans). In addition, the Committee is responsible for reviewing and
making recommendations in relation to the composition and performance of the Board and its committees and ensuring
that adequate succession plans are in place (including for the recruitment and appointment of Directors and senior
management). Independent advice will be sought where appropriate.
The Committee will comprise of Sam Salter (Chair) and Jade Wyatt.
Remuneration and Nominations Committee will meet at least two times annually or as frequently as required to undertake
its role effectively. All meetings will be minuted by the company secretary of the Company and made available to inspection
by any Director. The Remuneration and Nominations Committee will regularly report to the Board about committee activities.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 109

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

7.8.  Corporate governance policies

The Board has adopted the following corporate governance policies, each of which has been prepared having regard to the
ASX Corporate Governance Principles.

7.8.1.  Continuous Disclosure Policy

As an ASX‑listed entity, the Company will be subject to continuous disclosure requirements set out in the ASX Listing Rules
and the Corporations Act. Subject to the exceptions contained in the ASX Listing Rules, the Company will be required to
disclose to ASX any information concerning the Company which is not generally available and which a reasonable person
would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of the Company’s securities.
The Company has adopted a Continuous Disclosure Policy to:
• set out procedures for identifying and assessing information for disclosure to the ASX to enable the Company to fulfil its
continuous disclosure obligations; and
• to ensure the provision of accurate, balanced and timely announcements which allows investors to appropriately assess
the impact of the information when making investment decisions.
The policy also sets out the processes for dealing with external communications that seek to ensure, among other things,
that market sensitive information is immediately disclosed to ASX before being communicated to third parties.

7.8.2.  Shareholder Communication Policy

The Company recognises that potential investors and other interested stakeholders may wish to obtain information about
the Company from time to time. The Company has adopted a Shareholder Communications Policy to ensure that the
Company provides timely and accurate information equally to all Shareholders and market participants in relation to the
Company’s financial performance, objectives, activities and governance. To achieve this, the Company will communicate
information regularly to Shareholders and other stakeholders through a range of forums and publications, including the
Company’s website, media releases, at the Company’s annual general meeting and through the Company’s annual report
and ASX announcements.

7.8.3.  Securities Trading Policy

The Company is committed to complying with insider trading laws and establishing a best practice for dealing in securities.
The Company has adopted a Securities Trading Policy to:
• ensure that all Directors, employees and contractors of the Company (and their associates) are aware of the Australian
insider trading laws as they apply to trading in the Company’s securities; and
• set out additional restrictions on trading in the Company’s securities that apply to Directors, senior executives and certain
restricted employees.
The policy explains what inside information is and what trading is prohibited and allowed under the Corporations Act.
Additionally, the Company understands that Directors, senior executives and certain other employees may be in a position
where they may be or perceived to be in possession of inside information. To protect the reputation of the Company and to
avoid any misconceptions, misunderstandings or suspicions that may arise, the policy imposes additional restrictions that
apply to Directors, senior executives and certain restricted employees, who must not deal in the Company’s securities
during any of the following blackout periods:
• between the end of the full and half year and until the trading day after the release of the Company’s results for that
period; and
• any other period that the Board specifies from time to time.
In addition, Directors, senior executives and certain restricted employees must obtain prior approval for any proposed
dealing in the Company’s securities. The policy specifies exemptions to certain types of trading, which include disposals
arising as a result of acceptance of a takeover bid or equal access buy‑back, acquisitions under a dividend reinvestment
plan and acquisitions under an employee incentive plan.

7.8.4.  Code of Conduct
The Company is an organisation which strives to act with honesty and integrity in its business and to be respected in the
industry and the communities in which it operates. The Company has adopted a formal Code of Conduct which outlines
how the Company expects its employees to behave and conduct business in the workplace. The Code of Conduct applies
to all employees, regardless of employment status or work location. In addition, the Directors, in the Board Charter, have
committed to abiding by the Code of Conduct as it applies to the Board.
The Code of Conduct is designed to:
• provide guidance on the standard of behaviour expected of Company employees and ensure that the highest of ethical
standards are maintained within the Company;
• promote a healthy, respectful and positive workplace and environment for all employees of the Company;
• ensure that employees understand their obligations and comply with laws, regulations, policies and procedures relevant
to the Company’s operations, including workplace health and safety, anti‑discrimination, privacy, fair trading and conflicts
of interest;
• ensure that there is an appropriate mechanism for team members to report conduct which breaches the Code of
Conduct; and
• ensure that team members are aware of the consequences if they breach the Code of Conduct.

7.8.5.  Diversity Policy

The Company recognises the value inherent in a diverse workforce and is committed to the maintenance and promotion
of workplace diversity. The Board has approved a Diversity Policy, which sets out a framework for implementing new and
existing diversity related initiatives in the business. Amongst other things, the Company will set measurable objectives
relating to diversity (including gender diversity) at all senior executive roles and leadership roles. The Company will include
in its corporate governance statement each year details of the measurable objectives set under the Diversity Policy of the
year to which the corporate governance statement relates, and a summary of the Company’s progress and metrics towards
achieving those measurable objectives.

7.8.6.  Privacy Policy

The Company takes the privacy of shareholders seriously. The Company has adopted a Privacy Policy which sets out how
the Company collects, uses and discloses personal information obtained from Shareholders and their rights attached to
their personal information. In accordance with the policy, the Company will only collect, use and disclose personal
information from shareholders for the following purposes:
• to ensure compliance with laws on the maintenance of registers and other legal reporting requirements;
• provide communications to shareholders including to offer further shares or company securities; and
• to facilitate shareholder participation in the company.

7.8.7.  Whistle‑blower Policy

The Company is committed to the highest standards of conduct and integrity in all of its business activities and to safeguard
a culture of honest and ethical behaviour, compliance and good corporate governance. The Company has adopted a
Whistle-blower Policy to:
• establish a system for the reporting, investigation and rectification of wrongdoing;
• encourage the reporting of wrongdoing and ensure that any such reports are dealt with appropriately; and
provide a safe and confidential environment where whistle‑blowers can raise concerns about suspected fraud, corrupt
conduct or any other form of inappropriate behaviour without fear of reprisal or detrimental treatment.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 111

7  Key Individuals, Interests and Benefits (continued)

7.8.8.  Anti‑bribery and corruption policy

The Company has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption in any form. The Company has adopted an Anti‑bribery and
corruption Policy to set out the responsibilities of the Company and its personnel in observing and upholding the Company’s
position, corruption and related improper conduct. Under the policy, employees must not:
• offer, promise, give or solicit or accept any bribes, facilitation payments or secret commissions;
• offer to provide gifts, hospitality or other benefits to public officials without the prior written approval of the compliance
department of the Company, or to provide or receive gifts or hospitality which do not comply with the guidelines set out
in the policy;
• make any political or charitable donations on behalf of the Company which are or could be perceived to be a bribe or
contrary to the policy; and
• falsify any books, records or accounts relating to the Company.
The policy also provide information and guidance on how to recognise, deal with and report instances of bribery and
corruption and establishes a process for the reporting of any instances of bribery, corruption or material breaches of the
policy and ensure that any such reports are dealt with appropriately

Details of
the Offers
8  Details of the Offers

8.1.  Conditional Offers on a post‑Consolidation basis

Completion of the Offers is conditional upon:
• Shareholder approving all Resolutions at the EGM;
• a minimum of $20,000,000 being raised under the Public Offer;
• the Company being in a position to complete its acquisition of BikeExchange TopCo pursuant to the Proposed
Transaction; and
• the ASX providing condition approval for the Company’s application to be admitted to the Official List.
Accordingly, this Prospectus has been prepared on the basis that the Consolidation has been completed by the Company.
In the event that the conditions above are not satisfied or waived, the Offers will not proceed, and no securities under any of
the Offers will be issued under this Prospectus. If this occurs, all Application Monies received will be refunded (without interest)
in accordance with the Corporations Act.

8.2.  The Offers

This Prospectus relates to the following offers:
• Public Offer – an initial public offering of 76,923,076 Shares at the Offer Price of $0.26 to raise approximately $20,000,000;
• Consideration Offer – the offer of up to 177,497,224 Shares at a deemed issue price of $0.26 per Share, to the
BikeExchange Shareholders; and
• EIP Offer – the offer of 18,100,000 Options to the Proposed Directors, key executives and employees under the IPO Grant
and the LTIP Grant as described in Sections and
The Offers are made on the terms, and are subject to the conditions, set out in this Prospectus.

8.3.  Structure of the Public Offer

The Public Offer comprises:
• the Retail Offer, consisting of the:
– Broker Firm Offer, which is open only to Australian resident investors who are not Institutional Investors and who
have received an invitation from their Broker to participate;
– Priority Offer, which is open to selected investors in Australia and certain other jurisdictions who have received
a Priority Offer Invitation; and
• Institutional Offer, which consists of an invitation to bid for Shares made to Institutional Investors in Australia and
New Zealand and a number of other eligible jurisdictions.
No general public offer of Shares will be made under the Public Offer. Members of the public wishing to apply for Shares
under the Public Offer must do so through a Broker with a firm allocation of Shares under the Broker Firm Offer.
The allocation of Shares between the Broker Firm Offer, Priority Offer and the Institutional Offer was determined by the
Company and the Lead Manager.
The Public Offer has been fully underwritten by the Lead Manager. A summary of the Underwriting Agreement, including
the events which would entitle the Lead Manager to terminate the Underwriting Agreement, is set out in Section 10.8.

8.3.1.  Purpose of the Offers
The purpose of the Public Offer is to:
• provide the Company with the financial flexibility to fund product development and invest in technology advancements;
• fund working capital of the Group;
• invest in resources to scale and expand the business operations; and
• provide the Company with the benefits associated with being a listed entity.
At the Offer Price, the Public Offer will raise approximately $20,000,000. The proceeds of the Public Offer will be received
by the Company and applied as set out in the table below:

Uses of funds $ million %

Brand and Customer Acquisition Marketing 6 30%

working capital 5 25%

Product Development and Technology 3 15%

Investment in Resources to scale the business 3 15%

Costs of the Offers and Listing 3 15%

Total uses 20 100%

The purpose of the Consideration Offer is to qualify the Consideration Shares issued to the BikeExchange Shareholders
for secondary trading.
The purpose of the EIP Offer is to incentivise and reward the Proposed Directors, key executives and employees of the
Company, and to align their interests with the Shareholders.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 115

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

8.4.  Shareholding structure

The details of the ownership of Shares immediately prior to the Offers, and the assumed ownership of Shares on Completion
of the Proposed Transaction and the Offers, are set out in the table below. The table assumes certain shareholder election
outcomes under the Offer Letter process. The actual scrip election outcomes are subject to completion of the Offer Letter
process and will be reflected in the Share Sale Agreement.

Assumed Shares held

at Completion of the Offers
Shareholder(s) Shares held prior to the Offers on an undiluted basis

number number
% of shares % of shares

GTR Ventures Pty Ltd(a) Nil Nil 12.68% 37,158,107

Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd(a) Nil Nil 17.22% 50,447,670

Saltsam Pty Ltd(b) Nil Nil 8.58% 25,128,971

Surfwax Pty Ltd(c) Nil Nil 8.58% 25,128,971

WSG Holdings Pty Ltd(d) Nil Nil 4.37% 12,793,485

Other BikeExchange Shareholders Nil Nil 9.16% 26,840,020

Bombora Investment Management(e) 36.86% 8,250,000 8.34% 24,445,073

Other Existing Shareholders 63.14% 14,130,534 4.82% 14,130,534

IPO Shareholders Nil Nil 26.25% 76,923,076

Total 100.0% 22,380,534 100% 292,995,907

(a) GTR Ventures Pty Ltd and Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd are both entities associated with Andrew Ryan, a Proposed Director.
(b) Saltsam Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Sam Salter, a Proposed Director.
(c) Surfwax Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Jason Wyatt, an associate of Jade Wyatt, a Proposed Director.
(d) In WSG Holdings Pty Ltd, Sam Salter has a 39% beneficial interest and Jason Wyatt has a 39% beneficial interest.
(e) Bombora Investment Management holds Shares as trustee for the Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund. At Completion, Bombora Investment
Management will hold 24,445,073 Shares, including 16,195,073 BIM Sale Shares to be acquired under the Bombora Sale Deed as described in Section 10.5.2
and mentioned in Section 10.9.2.

At Completion, none of the Shares held by the IPO Shareholders, representing 26.25% of the total issued capital on an undiluted
basis, will be subject to escrow arrangements (i.e. in the opinion of the Company, the free float of Shares at the time of Listing
on the Official List will not be less than 20% of Shares on issue at that time).

At Completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Company expects to have the following Options on issue:

% of total
issued capital
at Listing on
Number of a fully diluted
Optionholders Options basis

Proposed Directors 6,000,000 1.93%

Key executives and employees 12,100,000 3.89%

Total 18,100,000 5.82%

At Completion, certain Shares and Options as set out in the tables above in this Section 8.4 are expected to be subject to
either ASX mandatory escrow or voluntary escrow arrangements. Further details of such proposed escrow arrangements
are set out in Section 10.9.

8.5.  Control implications of the Offers

The Directors do not expect any Shareholder to control (as defined in section 50AA of the Corporations Act) BikeExchange
on Completion.

8.6.  Terms and conditions of the Offers

Topic Summary

What is the In respect of the Public Offer and the Consideration Offer, fully paid ordinary shares in
type of security the Company.
being offered?
In respect of the EIP Offer, options to acquire fully paid ordinary shares in the Company.

What are the A description of the Shares, including the rights and liabilities attaching to them, is set
rights and liabilities out in Section 8.17 below.
attached to the
A description of the Options, including the rights and liabilities attaching to them, is set
securities being
out in Section above.

What is the Successful Applicants under the Public Offer will pay the Offer Price, being $0.26 per Share.
The BikeExchange Shareholders will be offered Consideration Shares at a deemed issue price
payable for
of $0.26 per Share as the consideration payable by the Company for the acquisition of 100%
each security
of the issued capital in BikeExchange TopCo under the Consideration Offer.
being Offered?
Eligible Applicants under the EIP Offer will be invited to apply for the IPO Options and the LTIP
Options for nil consideration.

What is the The key dates, including details of the Offer Period, are set out on page 6.
Offer Period?
No securities will be issued on the basis of this Prospectus later than the expiry date
of 13 months after the Prospectus Date.

What are the $20 million will be raised under the Public Offer based on the Offer Price.
cash proceeds
to be raised?

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 117

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

Topic Summary

What is the The minimum Application under the:

minimum and
• Broker Firm Offer is $2,000 of Shares in aggregate. There is no maximum Application size
under the Broker Firm Offer, however the Company and the Lead Manager reserves the right
to reject any Application or to allocate to an Applicant a lesser number of Shares than that
size under
applied for; and
the Public Offer?
• Priority Offer is $2,000 of Shares in aggregate. Priority Offer Applicants may apply for up
to the value of Shares indicated in their Priority Offer invitation.

What is the The allocation of Shares between the Institutional Offer and Retail Offer, including Broker Firm
allocation policy? Offer and Priority Offer, will be determined by the Lead Manager and the Company, having
regard to the allocation policy outlined in Sections 8.7.4, 8.8.4 and 8.10.2.
The allocation of Shares among applicants in the Institutional Offer will be determined by
agreement between the Lead Manager and the Company.
In respect of the Broker Firm Offer, it is a matter for the Broker to determine how they will allocate
Shares among their eligible retail clients.
The final allocation of Shares under the Priority Offer will be determined by the Company,
in consultation with the Lead Manager.

Will the securities The Company will apply to ASX within seven days of the Prospectus Date for admission to the
be quoted on official list of, and quotation of its Shares by, ASX under the code ‘BEX’. The Company will not
the ASX? seek quotation of the IPO Options and the LTIP Options on the ASX.
As described in Section 8.1 completion of the Offers is subject to several conditions including the
ASX conditionally approving this application. If the Shares have not been admitted for quotation
on the Official List within three months after such application is made (or any longer period
permitted by law), the Offers will be withdrawn and all Application Monies received will be
refunded without interest as soon as practicable in accordance with the requirements of the
Corporations Act. If the Shares have not been admitted for quotation on the Official List within
three months after such application is made (or any longer period permitted by law), the Offers
will be withdrawn and all Application Monies received will be refunded without interest as soon
as practicable in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act.
The Company will be required to comply with the Listing Rules, subject to any waivers obtained
by the Company from time to time.
ASX takes no responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus or the investment to which it
relates. The fact that ASX may admit the Company to the Official List is not to be taken as an
indication of the merits of the Company or the Shares Offered for subscription.

When are the It is expected that trading of the Shares on ASX will commence on or about 9 February 2021
securities expected on a normal settlement basis.
to commence
It is the responsibility of each Applicant to confirm their holding before trading in Shares.
Applicants who sell Shares before they receive an initial holding statement do so at their
own risk. The Company and the Lead Manager disclaim all liability, whether in negligence or
otherwise, to persons who sell Shares before receiving their initial holding statement, whether
on the basis of a confirmation of allocation provided by any of them, by the Company Offer
Information Line, by a Broker or otherwise.

Topic Summary

When will I receive It is expected that initial holding statements will be mailed to successful Applicants on or about
confirmation of 5 February 2021.
whether my
Refunds (without interest) to Applicants who make an Application and receive an allocation of
Application has
Shares, the value of which is smaller than the amount of the Application Monies, will be made
been successful?
as soon as practicable after Completion of the Public Offer.

Is the Public Offer Yes. The Lead Manager has fully underwritten the Public Offer. Details are provided in Section 8.13.

Are there Yes. Details are provided in Section 10.9.

any escrow

Has any ASIC relief As at the date of this Prospectus, the Company has not applied to ASIC to seek any exemption
or ASIC waiver or or any form of relief and the Company has lodged an application to seek a waiver from the ASX
modification been in regards to aspects of the mandatory escrow provisions. Details are provided in Section 10.13.
obtained or been
relied on?

Are there The tax consequences of any investment in the Shares will depend upon an investor’s
any taxation particular circumstances. Applicants should obtain their own tax advice prior to deciding
considerations? whether to invest. Refer to Section 10.14 for a description of general Australian income tax,
GST and stamp duty considerations.

Are there any No brokerage, commission or stamp duty is payable by Applicants on the acquisition of Shares
brokerage, under the Public Offer.
or stamp duty

What should you do All enquiries in relation to this Prospectus should be directed to the Offer Information Line
with any enquiries? on +61 2 9689 5414 (toll free within Australia) 1300 288 664 (outside Australia) between
8:30am to 5:30pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
If you are unclear in relation to any matter or are uncertain as to whether Shares are a suitable
investment for you, you should seek professional guidance from your solicitor, stockbroker,
accountant or other independent and qualified professional adviser before deciding whether
to invest.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 119

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

8.7.  Broker Firm Offer

8.7.1.  Who may apply?
The Broker Firm Offer is open to clients of participating Brokers who have a registered address in Australia and who received
an invitation from a Broker to acquire Shares under this Prospectus and are not in the United States of America. You should
contact your Broker to determine whether you can receive an allocation of Shares under the Broker Firm Offer.

8.7.2.  How to apply?

If you have received an invitation to apply for Shares from your Broker and wish to apply for those Shares under the Broker
Firm Offer, you should contact your Broker for information about how to submit your Broker Firm Application Form and for
payment instructions. Applicants under the Broker Firm Offer must not send their Broker Firm Application Forms or payment
to the Share Registry.
Applicants under the Broker Firm Offer should contact their Broker to request a copy of this Prospectus and Broker Firm
Offer Application Form, or download a copy at Your Broker will act as your agent
and it is your Broker’s responsibility to ensure that your Broker Firm Application Form and Application Monies are received
before 5:00pm (Sydney time) on the Closing Date or any earlier closing date as determined by your Broker.
Broker clients should complete and lodge their Broker Firm Offer Application Form with the Broker from whom they received
their invitation to participate in the Broker Firm Offer. Broker Firm Offer Application Forms must be completed in accordance
with the instructions given to you by your Broker and the instructions set out on the Broker Firm Offer Application Form.
By making an Application, you declare that you were given access to this Prospectus, together with a Broker Firm Offer
Application Form. The Corporations Act prohibits any person from passing an Application Form to another person unless
it is attached to, or accompanied by, a hard copy of this Prospectus or the complete and unaltered electronic version of
this Prospectus.
The Company, the Lead Manager and the Share Registry take no responsibility for any acts or omissions committed by your
Broker in connection with your Application.
The Broker Firm Offer opens at 9:00am (Sydney time) on 29 December 2020 and is expected to close at 5:00pm (Sydney
time) on 25 January 2021. The Company and the Lead Manager may elect to close the Broker Firm Offer or any part of it
early, extend the Broker Firm Offer or any part of it, or accept late Applications either generally or in particular cases. The
Broker Firm Offer, or any part of it, may be closed at any earlier date and time, without further notice. Your Broker may also
impose an earlier closing date. Applicants are therefore encouraged to submit their Applications as early as possible after
the Public Offer opens. Please contact your Broker for instructions.

8.7.3.  How to pay?

Applicants under the Broker Firm Offer must pay their Application Monies in accordance with the instructions received from
their Broker.

8.7.4.  What is the Broker Firm Offer allocation policy?

The allocation of Shares to Brokers will be determined by the Lead Manager, in consultation with the Company, in their
absolute discretion. Shares which are allocated to Brokers for allocation to their Australian retail resident clients will be
issued to the Applicants nominated by those Brokers (subject to the right of the Company and the Lead Manager to
reject, aggregate or scale back Applications). It will be a matter for the Broker as to how they allocate Shares among their
clients, and they (and not the Company or the Lead Manager) will be responsible for ensuring that retail clients who have
received an allocation from them receive the relevant Shares.

8.7.5.  Acceptance of applications

An Application in the Broker Firm Offer is an offer by you to the Company to apply for the amount of Shares specified in
the Application Form at the Offer Price on the terms and conditions set out in this Prospectus (including any supplementary
or replacement document) and the Application Form. To the extent permitted by law, an Application by an Applicant
is irrevocable.

An Application may be accepted in respect of the full amount, or any amount lower than that specified in the Application
Form, without further notice to the Applicant. Acceptance of an Application will give rise to a binding contract on allocation
of Shares to Successful Applicants.
The Lead Manager, in agreement with the Company, reserve the right to reject any Application which is not correctly
completed or which is submitted by a person who they believe is ineligible to participate in the Broker Firm Offer, or to
waive or correct any errors made by an Applicant in completing their Application.

8.8.  Priority Offer

8.8.1.  Who can apply?
The Priority Offer is open to selected investors nominated by the Company in eligible jurisdictions who have received
a Priority Offer invitation to acquire Shares under the Prospectus. The Priority Offer may include directors and certain
employees of the Company in eligible jurisdictions. If you are a Priority Offer Applicant, you will receive a personalised
invitation to apply for Shares in the Priority Offer. The Priority Offer is not open to persons who are in the United States
of America.
Your personalised invitation will indicate an amount of Shares that you may apply for.

8.8.2.  How to apply?

If you have received a personalised invitation to apply for Shares under the Priority Offer and you wish to apply for all or
some of those Shares, you must apply in accordance with the instructions provided in your personalised invitation to apply.
Recipients of the Priority Offer invitation should read the separate offer letter and this Prospectus carefully and in their
entirety before deciding whether to apply under the Priority Offer. If you are unclear in relation to any matter or are uncertain
as to whether Shares are a suitable investment for you, you should seek professional guidance from your accountant,
financial adviser, stockbroker, lawyer or other professional adviser before deciding whether to invest.
To apply under the Priority Offer, you must complete the online Priority Offer Application Form in accordance with the
instructions provided in your Priority Offer invitation and on the website containing the Application Form.
By making an Application, you declare that you were given access to this Prospectus, together with an Application Form.
The Corporations Act prohibits any person from passing an Application Form to another person unless it is attached to,
or accompanied by, a hard copy of this Prospectus or the complete and unaltered electronic version of this Prospectus.
Applications must be received by no later than 5:00pm (Sydney time) on 25 January 2021 and it is your responsibility to
ensure that this occurs.

8.8.3.  How to pay?

Applicants under the Priority Offer must pay their Application Monies by Bpay® in accordance with the instructions on the
personalised Priority Offer Application Form.
When completing your Bpay® payment, please make sure to use the specific biller code and unique CRN provided to you
or generated by the online Application Form. Application Monies paid via Bpay® must be received by the Share Registry by
no later than 5:00pm (Sydney time) on 25 January 2021 and it is your responsibility to ensure that this occurs. You should be
aware that your financial institution may implement earlier cut‑off times with regard to electronic payment and you should
therefore take this into consideration when making payment. Neither the Company nor the Lead Manager take any
responsibility for any failure to receive Application Monies or payment by Bpay® before the Priority Offer closes arising
as a result of, among other things, delays in processing of payments by financial institutions.

8.8.4.  What is the Priority Offer allocation policy?

The allocation of Shares among Applicants in the Priority Offer will be determined by the Company, in consultation with
the Lead Manager. There is no assurance that any Applicant will be allocated any Shares, or the number of Shares for which
the Applicant applied.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 121

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

8.8.5.  Acceptance of applications

An Application in the Priority Offer is an offer by an Applicant to the Company to apply for Shares in the amount specified
the Application Form at the Offer Price on the terms and conditions set out in this Prospectus (including any supplementary
or replacement prospectus) and the Priority Offer Invitation (including the terms and conditions in Section 8.6 and the
acknowledgements in Section 8.12). To the extent permitted by law, an Application by an Applicant under the Public Offer
is irrevocable.
An Application may be accepted by the Company and the Lead Manager in respect of the full number of Shares specified
in the Application Form or any of them, without further notice to the Applicant. Acceptance of an Application will give rise
to a binding contract.

8.9.  Applications Monies

The Company reserves the right to decline any Application in whole or in part, without giving any reason. Applicants under
the Priority Offer whose Applications are not accepted, or who are allocated a lesser number of Shares than the amount
applied for, will receive a refund of all or part of their Application Monies, as applicable. Interest will not be paid on any
monies refunded.
Applicants whose Applications are accepted in full will receive the whole number of Shares calculated by dividing the
Application Monies provided by the Offer Price. Where the Offer Price does not divide evenly into the Application Monies,
the number of Shares to be allocated will be rounded down and any excess refunded (without interest).
If the amount of your Application Monies that you pay via Bpay® is less than the amount specified on your online Application
Form, you may be taken to have applied for such lower Australian dollar amount of Shares as for which your cleared Application
Monies will pay (and to have specified that amount on your online Application Form) or your Application may be rejected.

8.10.  Institutional Offer

8.10.1.  Invitations to bid
The Company and the Lead Manager have invited certain Institutional Investors in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore
and other eligible foreign jurisdictions to bid for Shares in the Institutional Offer.

8.10.2.  Allocation policy under the Institutional Offer

The allocation of Shares between the Institutional Offer was determined by the Company and the Lead Manager.
The Company and the Lead Manager have absolute discretion regarding the basis of allocation of Shares among Institutional
Investors and there was no assurance that any Institutional Investor would be allocated any Shares, or the number of Shares
for which it has bid.
Participants in the Institutional Offer will be advised of their allocation of Shares, if any, by the Lead Manager.
The allocation policy was influenced by a number of factors including:
• the number of Shares bid for by particular bidders;
• the timeliness of the bid by particular bidders;
• the Company’s desire for an informed and active trading market following listing on ASX;
• the Company’s desire to establish a wide spread of institutional shareholders;
• the overall level of demand under the Broker Firm Offer, Priority Offer and the Institutional Offer;
• the size and type of funds under management of particular bidders;
• the likelihood that particular bidders will be long term Shareholders; and
• any other factors that the Company and the Lead Manager considered appropriate.

8.11.  EIP Offer
Members of the public cannot apply for Options and under the EIP Offer. The EIP Offer is open to selected individuals
nominated by the Company in eligible jurisdictions who have received an EIP Offer invitation to acquire Options under the
Prospectus. The Company proposes to grant Options to the Proposed Directors, key executives and certain employees
pursuant to the Employee Incentive Plan under the IPO Grant and the LTIP Grant. If you are an EIP Offer Applicant,
you will receive a personalised invitation to apply for Options in the EIP Offer.
Your personalised invitation will indicate an amount of Options that you may apply for. The terms and conditions of the
Options under the EIP Offer are set out in Sections to

8.12. Acknowledgements
Each Applicant under the Public Offer will be deemed to have:
• agreed to become a member of the Company and to be bound by the terms of the Constitution and the terms
and conditions of the Public Offer;
• acknowledged having personally received a printed or electronic copy of the Prospectus (and any supplementary
or replacement prospectus) including or accompanied by the Application Form and having read them all in full;
• declared that all details and statements in their Application Form are complete and accurate;
• declared that the Applicant(s), if a natural person, is/are over 18 years of age;
• acknowledged that, once the Company or a Broker receives an Application Form, it may not be withdrawn;
• applied for the number of Shares at the Australian dollar amount shown on the front of the Application Form;
• agreed to being allocated and issued the number of Shares applied for (or a lower number allocated in a way described
in this Prospectus), or no Shares at all;
• authorised the Company and the Lead Manager and their respective officers or agents, to do anything on behalf
of the Applicant(s) necessary for Shares to be allocated to the Applicant(s), including to act on instructions received
by the Share Registry upon using the contact details in the Application Form;
• acknowledged that, in some circumstances, the Company may not pay dividends, or that any dividends paid may
not be franked;
• acknowledged that the information contained in this Prospectus (or any supplementary or replacement prospectus)
is not financial product advice or a recommendation that Shares are suitable for the Applicant(s), given the investment
objectives, financial situation or particular needs (including financial and tax issues) of the Applicant(s);
• agreed and acknowledged that the Company may only make any payments electronically (and has no obligation
to make any payment by any other method) and that any payments may be delayed or not made if current electronic
payment details have not been supplied by the Applicant(s) or Shareholder(s) at the relevant time;
• agreed and acknowledged that, to the maximum extent permitted by law from time to time (and subject to any legal
requirement to make a paper copy document available upon request), the Company may only provide notices, reports
and communications to Applicant(s) and Shareholders(s) in electronic form or by email, and has a discretion to hold any
general or class meeting on a virtual platform;
• declared that the Applicant(s) is/are a resident of Australia (except as applicable to the Institutional Offer or the Priority Offer);
• acknowledged and agreed that the Public Offer may be withdrawn by the Company or may otherwise not proceed in the
circumstances described in this Prospectus; and
• acknowledged and agreed that if Listing does not occur for any reason, the Public Offer will not proceed.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 123

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

Each Applicant under the Broker Firm Offer and Priority Offer and each person to whom the Institutional Offer has been
made under this Prospectus, will be taken to have represented, warranted and agreed as follows:
• it understands that the Shares and Options have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act or
the securities laws of any state of the United States and may not be offered or sold in the United States, except in
a transaction exempt from, or not subject to, registration under the U.S. Securities Act and any other applicable
securities laws;
• it has not sent and will not send the Prospectus or any other material relating to the Public Offer to any person in the
United States;
• if you are outside of Australia but you are not an Institutional Investor, you are an Employee;
• if you are an IAI, you have completed and returned a U.S. Institutional Investor Certificate; and
• if you are a U.S. Employee, you have completed and returned a U.S. Investor Certificate.

8.13.  Underwriting agreement

The Public Offer is fully underwritten pursuant to an Underwriting Agreement under which the Lead Manager has been
appointed to arrange, manage and underwriter the Public Offer. The Lead Manager agrees, subject to certain conditions
and termination events, to underwrite Applications for all Shares under the Offers.
The Underwriting Agreement is subject to a number of conditions precedent and sets out a number of circumstances under
which the Lead Manager may terminate the Underwriting Agreement and their underwriting obligations. A summary of certain
terms of the agreement and underwriting arrangements, including the conditions precedent and termination provisions,
is provided in Section 10.8.

8.14.  Restrictions on distributions

No action has been taken to register or qualify this Prospectus, the Shares, Options or the Offers or otherwise to permit
a public offering of the Shares or Options in any jurisdiction outside Australia.
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer or invitation to apply for Shares or Options in any jurisdiction in which,
or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer or invitation or issue under this Prospectus.
This Prospectus may not be released or distributed in the United States (except to IAIs and U.S. Employees under the
U.S. Offering Circular), and may only be distributed to persons to whom the Offers may lawfully be made in accordance
with the laws of any applicable jurisdiction.
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States of
America. The Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act or the securities laws of any
state of the United States of America and may not be Offered or sold in the United States of America except in accordance
with an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act and any
other applicable securities laws.

8.15.  Discretion regarding the Offers

The Company may withdraw the Offers at any time before the issue of Shares to BikeExchange Shareholders and
successful Applicants under the Offers. If the Offers, or any part of it, does not proceed, all relevant Application Monies
will be refunded (without interest).
The Company and the Lead Manager also reserve the right to, subject to the Corporations Act, extend the Public Offer or
any part of it, accept late Applications or bids either generally or in particular cases, reject any Application or bid, or allocate
to any Applicant or bidder fewer Shares than the amount applied or bid for.

8.16.  ASX listing, registers and holding statements
8.16.1.  Application to ASX for listing and quotation of Shares
The Company will apply to ASX within seven days of the Prospectus Date, for admission to the Official List and quotation
of the Shares on ASX under the code ‘BEX’.
The ASX takes no responsibility for this Prospectus or the investment to which it relates. The fact that ASX may admit
the Company to the Official List is not to be taken as an indication of the merits of the Company or the Shares Offered
for subscription.
If approval is not given within three months after such application is made (or any longer period permitted by law), the Offers
will be withdrawn and all Application Monies received will be refunded without interest, as soon as practicable in accordance
with the requirements of the Corporations Act.
Upon Listing, the Company will be required to comply with the ASX Listing Rules, subject to any waivers obtained by the
Company from time to time.

8.16.2.  CHESS and issuer sponsored holdings

The Company will participate in ASX’s Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) and will comply with the ASX
Listing Rules and ASX Settlement Operating Rules. CHESS is an electronic transfer and settlement system for transactions
in securities quoted on ASX under which transfers are affected in an electronic form
When the Shares become approved financial products (as defined in ASX Settlement Operating Rules), holdings will
be registered in one of two sub‑registers, being an electronic CHESS sub‑register or an issuer sponsored sub‑register.
For all successful Applicants, the Shares of a Shareholder who is a participant in CHESS or a Shareholder sponsored by
a participant in CHESS will be registered on the CHESS sub‑register. All other Shares will be registered on the issuer
sponsored sub‑register.
Following Completion, Shareholders will be sent a holding statement that sets out the number of Shares that have been
allocated to them. This statement will also provide details of a Shareholder’s Holder Identification Number (HIN) for CHESS
holders or, where applicable, the Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) of issuer sponsored holders. Shareholders will
subsequently receive statements showing any changes to their Shareholding. Certificates will not be issued.
Shareholders will receive subsequent statements during the first week of the following month if there has been a change
to their holding on the register and as otherwise required under the ASX Listing Rules and the Corporations Act. Additional
statements may be requested at any other time either directly through the Shareholder’s sponsoring broker in the case of a
holding on the CHESS sub‑register or through the Share Registry in the case of a holding on the issuer sponsored sub‑register.
The Company and the Share Registry may charge a fee for these additional issuer sponsored statements.

8.17. Summary of rights and liabilities attaching to Shares and other material

provisions of the Constitution
8.17.1. Introduction
All Shares issued under the Public Offer and the Consideration Offer pursuant to this Prospectus will rank equally with
existing fully paid ordinary Shares in the Company.
The rights and liabilities attaching to ownership of Shares are:
• detailed in the Constitution; and
• in certain circumstances, regulated by the Corporations Act, the ASX Listing Rules, the ASX Settlement Operating Rules
and the general law.
A summary of the significant rights, liabilities and obligations attaching to the Shares and a description of other material
provisions of the Constitution are set out below. This summary is not intended to be exhaustive and is qualified by the fuller
terms of the Constitution. This summary does not constitute a definitive statement of the rights and liabilities of Shareholders.
The summary assumes that the Company is admitted to the Official List.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 125

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

8.17.2.  Meeting of members

Each Shareholder is entitled to receive notice of and, except in certain circumstances, to attend and vote at general meetings
of the Company and receive all financial statements, notices and other documents required to be sent to shareholders
under the Constitution, the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules. At least 28 days’ notice of a meeting must be given
to shareholders.

8.17.3.  Voting at a general meeting

At a general meeting of the Company, every Shareholder present in person or by proxy, attorney or representative has
one vote on a show of hands and on a poll, one vote for each Share held.
On a poll, every member (or his or her proxy, attorney or representative) is entitled to vote for each fully paid share held
(with adjusted voting rights for partially paid shares). The Chairperson does not have a casting vote.

8.17.4. Dividends
Subject to the Corporations Act, the Constitution and any special terms and conditions of issue, the Directors may, from
time to time, pay, resolve to pay, or declare any interim or final dividend as, in their judgement, the financial position of the
Company justifies.
The Directors may fix the amount, time and method of payment of the dividends. The payment, resolution to pay,
or declaration of a dividend does not require any confirmation by a general meeting.

8.17.5.  Transfer of Shares

Subject to the Constitution and to the rights or restrictions attached to any shares or class of shares, a member may transfer
all or any of the member’s shares by:
• a Proper ASTC transfer (as that term is defined in the Corporations Regulations); or
• an instrument in writing in any usual form or in any other form that the Directors approve, as permitted by the Corporations
Act and ASX Listing Rules.
The Company may, in circumstances permitted under the ASX Listing Rules or ASX Settlement Operating Rules, decline
to register a transfer of Shares or apply a holding lock to prevent a transfer of Shares. If the Directors decline to register a
transfer, the Company must give the party lodging the transfer written notice of the refusal and the reason for refusal.

8.17.6.  Issue of further Shares

Subject to the Constitution, the ASX Listing Rules, the ASX Settlement Operating Rules and the Corporations Act, the Directors
may issue shares or grant options over unissued shares to any person and they may do so at such times and on the
conditions they think fit.

8.17.7.  Preference shares

The Company may issue preference shares including preference shares which are liable to be redeemed or convertible
to ordinary shares. The rights attaching to preference shares are those set out in the Constitution unless other rights have
been approved by special resolution of the Company.

8.17.8.  Rights on winding up

If the Company is wound up, then subject to the Constitution and to the rights or restrictions attached to a class of shares,
any surplus assets must be divided among the Company’s members in proportion to the shares held by them (irrespective
of the amounts paid or credited as paid on the shares), less any amounts which remain unpaid on these shares at the time
of distribution.

8.17.9.  Sale of non‑marketable parcels
Provided that the procedures set out in the Constitution are followed, the Company may sell the shares of a shareholder
who holds less than a marketable parcel of those shares. A marketable parcel of shares is defined in the ASX Listing Rules
and is, generally, a holding of shares with a market value of less than $500.

8.17.10.  Variation of class rights

Subject to the Corporations Act and the terms of issue of a class of shares, wherever the capital of the Company is divided
into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class of shares may be varied with:
• the written consent of the holders of at least three quarters of the issued shares in the particular class; or
• the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of shares in that class.

8.17.11.  Future increase in capital

Subject to restrictions on the issue or grant of new Shares contained in the ASX Listing Rules, the Constitution and the
Corporations Act, the Board may issue Shares, Options, and other securities with rights of conversion to Shares on any
terms, to any person, at any time and for any consideration, as the Board resolves.

8.17.12.  Reduction of share capital

Subject to the Constitution, Corporations Act and ASX Listing Rules, the Company may reduce its share capital in any way
permissible by the Corporations Act.

8.17.13.  Proportional takeover provisions

The Constitution contains provisions requiring shareholder approval before any proportional takeover bid can proceed.
The provision will cease to have effect three years from the date of adoption of the Constitution unless it is renewed by
special resolution of shareholders in a general meeting.

8.17.14.  Dividend reinvestment plan

The Constitution contains a provision allowing Directors, on the terms and conditions they think fit, to implement a dividend
reinvestment plan (under which any Shareholder or any class of shareholders may elect that the dividends payable by the
Company be reinvested by a subscription for Shares in the Company).

8.17.15.  Directors – appointment and removal

Under the Constitution, the minimum number of Directors is three (3) and the maximum is eight (8) or otherwise authorised
by general meeting of the Company’s members.
Directors are elected or re‑elected by resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders. The Directors may also appoint a
Director to fill a casual vacancy on the Board or in addition to the existing Directors, who (other than the managing director)
will then hold office until the next annual general meeting of the Company and is then eligible for election at that meeting.
No Director (other than the managing director) may hold office without re‑election after three years or beyond the third
annual general meeting following the meeting at which the Director was last elected or re‑elected (whichever is later).

8.17.16.  Directors – voting

Questions arising at a meeting of Directors will be decided by a majority of votes of the Directors present at the meeting
and entitled to vote on the matter. In the case of an equality of votes on a resolution, the chair of the meeting has a casting
vote, unless there are only two Directors present or qualified to vote, in which case the proposed resolution is taken as
having been lost.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 127

8  Details of the Offers (continued)

8.17.17.  Directors’ and officers’ indemnity

The Company, to the extent permitted by law, indemnifies each person who is a current or former Director, executive officer,
officer or auditor of the Company, and such other officers or former officers of the Company or its Related Bodies Corporate
as the Directors in each case determine, against any losses or liability incurred by that person as an officer or auditor of
the Company or of a Related Body Corporate of the Company including, but not limited to, a liability for negligence or
for legal costs.
The Company, to the extent permitted by law, may enter into and pay premiums on a contract insuring any person who is a
current or former Director, executive officer, officer or auditor of the Company, and such other officers or former officers of
the Company or its Related Bodies Corporate as the Directors in each case determine, against any liability incurred by the
person as an officer or auditor of the Company or of a Related Body Corporate of the Company including, but not limited
to, a liability for negligence or for legal costs.
The Company will enter into deeds of access, insurance and indemnity with each Proposed Director, which are summarised
in Section

9  Investigating Accountant’s Report

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty

ACN 003 833 127
AFSL 241457
477 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3000
16 December 2020
Tel: +61 3 9671 7000

RPro Holdings Limited

Level 5, 126-130 Phillip Street
New South Wales 2000

Dear Directors,



This report has been prepared at the request of the directors of RPro Holdings Limited (to be renamed “BikeExchange
Limited”) (ACN 625 305 240) (the Company) for inclusion in a Prospectus to be issued by the Company in respect of
the initial public offering of fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (the Offer) and subsequent listing the Company
on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited is wholly owned by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and holds the appropriate
Australian Financial Services licence under the Corporations Act 2001 for the issue of this report.

References to the Company and other terminology used in this report have the same meaning as defined in the
Glossary of the Prospectus.


Historical Financial Information

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited has been engaged by the Directors of the Company to review the following
financial information of the BikeExchange Group:

• the historical aggregated income statements for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019, and
30 June 2020;
• the historical aggregated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020; and
• the historical aggregated cash flows for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019, and 30 June

as set out in Figures 5.7, 5.12 and 5.11 respectively in Section 5 of the Prospectus (together the Historical Financial

The Historical Financial Information has been prepared in accordance with the stated basis of preparation, being the
recognition and measurement principles contained in Australian Accounting Standards and the BikeExchange Group’s
adopted accounting policies.

The Historical Financial Information has been extracted from the special purpose aggregated financial information of
the BikeExchange Group for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020.

The special purpose aggregated financial information of the BikeExchange Group was audited by Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu issued a modified audit

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the
“Deloitte organisation”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent
entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more.

©2020 Deloitte Corporate Finance. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

opinion in respect of the special purpose aggregated financial information for the years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June
2019 and 30 June 2020 to include an emphasis of matter paragraph in relation to the ‘Basis of Preparation and
Restriction on Distribution and Use’ which draws attention to the notes to the financial report that set out the basis of
accounting used including the principles of aggregation of the accounts.

The Historical Financial Information is presented in the Prospectus in an abbreviated form, insofar as it does not include
all of the presentation and disclosures required by Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional
reporting requirements applicable to general purpose financial reports prepared in accordance with the Corporations
Act 2001 (Cth).

Pro forma Historical Financial Information

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited has been engaged by the Directors of the Company to review the following
financial information of the BikeExchange Group:

• the pro forma historical aggregated income statements for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June
2019, and 30 June 2020;
• the pro forma historical aggregated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020; and
• the pro forma historical aggregated cash flows for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019, and
30 June 2020,

as set out in Figures 5.3, 5.12 and 5.9 respectively in Section 5 of the Prospectus (together the Pro forma Historical
Financial Information).

The Pro forma Historical Financial Information has been derived from the Historical Financial Information Statements
after adjusting for the effects of pro forma adjustments set out in Figures 5.5, 5.12 and 5.10 respectively in Section 5
of the Prospectus (the Pro Forma Adjustments).

The stated basis of preparation used in the preparation of the Pro forma Historical Financial Information is the
recognition and measurement principles contained in Australian Accounting Standards applied to the Historical
Financial Information and the events or transactions to which the Pro Forma Adjustments relate, as if those events or
transactions had occurred as at the date of the Historical Financial Information. Due to its nature, the Pro forma
Historical Financial Information does not represent the Company’s actual or prospective financial performance,
financial position and/or cash flows.

Directors’ Responsibility

The Directors are responsible for:

• the preparation and presentation of the Historical Financial Information and the Pro forma Historical Financial
Information, including the selection and determination of Pro Forma Adjustments made to the Historical
Financial Information and included in the Pro forma Historical Financial Information; and
• the information contained within the Prospectus.

This responsibility includes for the operation of such internal controls as the Directors determine are necessary to
enable the preparation of the Historical Financial Information and the Pro forma Historical Financial Information that
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Our Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion on the Historical Financial Information and the Pro forma
Historical Information based on the procedures performed and the evidence we have obtained. We have conducted

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 131

9  Investigating Accountant’s Report (continued)

our engagement in accordance with Australian Standard on Assurance Engagement (ASAE) 3450 Assurance
Engagements involving Corporate Fundraisings and/or Prospective Financial Information.

A review consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and
applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and consequently does not enable us to obtain reasonable assurance
that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in a reasonable assurance engagement.
Accordingly we will not express an audit opinion.

Our engagement did not involve updating or re-issuing any previously issued audit or review report on any financial
information used as a source of the financial information.

We have performed the following procedures as we, in our professional judgement, considered reasonable in the

Historical Financial Information

• consideration of work papers, accounting records and other documents of the BikeExchange Group , including
those dealing with the extraction and compilation of Historical Financial Information from the audited
aggregated financial information of the BikeExchange Group for the financial years ended 30 June 2018, 30
June 2019 and 30 June 2020;
• analytical procedures on the Historical Financial Information;
• a consistency check of the application of the stated basis of preparation, as described in the Prospectus, to
the Historical Financial Information;
• a review of the work papers, accounting records and other documents of the BikeExchange Group and its
• a review of the application of Australian Accounting Standards; and
• enquiry of the Directors, management and other relevant persons in relation to the Historical Financial

Pro forma Historical Financial Information

• consideration of the appropriateness of the Pro Forma Adjustments described in Figures 5.5, 5.12 and 5.10 in
Section 5 of the Prospectus;
• enquiry of the Directors, management, personnel and advisors of the BikeExchange Group;
• the performance of analytical procedures applied to the Pro forma Historical Financial Information;
• a review of work papers, accounting records and other documents of the BikeExchange Group and its
auditors; and
• a review of the accounting policies adopted and used by the BikeExchange Group over the relevant periods
for consistency of application.


Historical Financial Information

Based on our review, which is not an audit, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the
Historical Financial Information is not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the stated basis of
preparation, as described in section 5.2.3 of the Prospectus.

Pro forma Historical Financial Information

Based on our review, which is not an audit, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Pro
forma Historical Financial Information is not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the stated
basis of preparation as described in Section 5.2.3 of the Prospectus.

Restrictions on Use

Without modifying our conclusions, we draw attention to Section 5.1 and the ‘Important Notices’ pages of the
Prospectus, which describes the purpose of the Financial Information, being for inclusion in the Prospectus. As a
result, the Investigating Accountant’s Report may not be suitable for use for another purpose.


Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited has consented to the inclusion of this limited assurance report in the Prospectus
in the form and context in which it is included.

Disclosure of Interest

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited does not have any interest in the outcome of this Offer other than the
preparation of this report and participation in the due diligence procedures for which normal professional fees will be

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is the auditor of the BikeExchange Group.

Yours faithfully,


Stephen Lomas Clive Mottershead

Authorised Representative of Authorised Representative of
Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited
(AFSL Number 241457) (AFSL Number 241457)
AR number 1276530 AR number 469532

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 133

9  Investigating Accountant’s Report (continued)

March 2020

Financial Services Guide (FSG)

What is an FSG? Apart from these fees, DCF, our directors and officers, and any
An FSG is designed to provide information about the supply of related bodies corporate, affiliates or associates, and their
financial services to you. directors and officers, do not receive any commissions or other
Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited (DCF) (AFSL 241457)
provides this FSG to you, so you know how we are remunerated All employees receive a salary, and, while eligible for annual salary
and who to contact if you have a complaint. increases and bonuses based on overall performance, they do not
receive any commissions or other benefits as a result of the
Who supplies the financial services? services provided to you.
We provide this FSG to you where you engage us to act on your The remuneration paid to our directors reflects their individual
behalf when providing financial services. contribution to the organisation and covers all aspects of
Alternatively, we may provide this FSG to you because our client
has provided financial services to you that we delivered to them. We do not pay commissions or provide other benefits to anyone
who refers prospective clients to us.
The person who provides the financial service to you is our
Authorised Representative (AR) and DCF authorises the AR to Associations and relationships
distribute this FSG. Their AR number and contact details are in
The Deloitte member firm in Australia (Deloitte Touche
the document that accompanies this FSG.
Tohmatsu) controls DCF. Please see
What financial services are we licensed to provide? for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte
We are authorised to provide financial product advice and to Touche Tohmatsu.
arrange for another person to deal in financial products in relation
We, and other entities related to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, do
to securities, interests in managed investment schemes,
not have any formal associations or relationships with any
government debentures, stocks or bonds, to retail and wholesale
entities that are issuers of financial products. However, we may
clients. We are also authorised to provide personal and general
provide professional services to issuers of financial products in
financial product advice and deal by arranging in derivatives and
the ordinary course of business.
regulated emissions units to wholesale clients, and general
financial product advice relating to derivatives to retail clients. What should you do if you have a complaint?
General financial product advice Please contact us about a concern:

We provide general advice when we have not taken into account The Complaints Officer
your personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and you PO Box N250
would not expect us to have done so. In this situation, you should Grosvenor Place
consider whether our general advice is appropriate for you, having Sydney NSW 1220
regard to your own personal objectives, financial situation or [email protected]
needs. Phone: +61 2 9322 7000
If we provide advice to you in connection with the acquisition of a
If an issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a
financial product, you should read the relevant offer document
dispute with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
carefully before making any decision about whether to acquire
AFCA provides fair and independent financial services dispute
that product.
resolution free to consumers.
Personal financial product advice
When we give you advice that takes into account your objectives, 1800 931 678 (free call)
financial situation and needs, we will give you a Statement of Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
Advice to help you understand our advice, so you can decide GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001
whether to rely on it.
What compensation arrangements do we have?
How are we remunerated? Deloitte Australia holds professional indemnity insurance that
Our fees are usually determined on a fixed fee or time cost basis covers the financial services we provide. This insurance satisfies the
plus reimbursement of any expenses incurred in providing the compensation requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
services. Our fees are agreed with, and paid by, those who engage
Clients may request particulars of our remuneration within a
reasonable time after being given this FSG.

Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited, ABN 19 003 833 127, AFSL number 241457 of Level 1 Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally
separate and independent entity.

10  Additional Information

10.1. Registration
The Company was registered in New South Wales on 29 March 2018.

10.2.  Company tax status and financial year

The Company will be subject to tax at the Australian corporate tax rate.
The Company’s financial year for taxation purposes ends on 30 June.
The Company may form an Australian income tax consolidated group with effect from on or around completion of the
Proposed Transaction. A full assessment of the income tax consolidation implications will be completed following Completion
of the Proposed Transactions and the Company will make a choice at that time whether it is in the best interests of the
Group to form an income tax consolidated group. It is the Company’s intention not to form an income tax consolidated
group to the extent that it results in material adverse financial impacts to the Group.

10.3.  Corporate structure

The following diagram shows the entities in the corporate structure of the Group at Listing.

Rpro Holdings Ltd


BikeExchange TopCo

BikeExchange Pte Ltd


BikeExchange Pty Ltd BikeExchange Inc BikeExchange DE BikeExchange Colombia

(Australia) (USA) Vertribes GmbH S.A.S (50% owned)
(Germany) (Colombia)

10.4. Restructure
Prior to the Offer Letter process and the subsequent entering into of the Share Sale Agreement (reflecting the elections
under the Offer Letter process), BikeExchange will undertake the Restructure. The Restructure will replace BikeExchange,
a company incorporated in Singapore, with a new interposed Australian proprietary company, being BikeExchange TopCo.
The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo is being undertaken in order to streamline the corporate structure and regulatory
obligations of the BikeExchange Group. The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo is not dependent or conditional on the Listing.
It is proposed that the Restructure will be effected by way of a share exchange agreement to be entered into by
BikeExchange TopCo, BikeExchange Pte Ltd and the BikeExchange Shareholders (Share Exchange Agreement).
The draft Share Exchange Agreement contains certain conditions precedent to completion, including:
• variation of the class rights attached to the shares in BikeExchange Pte Ltd; and
• completion of a share consolidation, as a result of which there will be only be one (1) share on issue in BikeExchange TopCo.
Consideration payable to the BikeExchange Shareholders in respect of the sale of their shares in BikeExchange Pte Ltd
will be scrip consideration (and nothing else). The BikeExchange Shareholders will a number of shares in BikeExchange
TopCo in proportion to their current shareholding in BikeExchange Pte Ltd.
Completion under the Share Exchange Agreement will take place on the date on which the conditions precedent listed in
the Share Exchange Agreement are satisfied or waived.

10.5.  Material Contracts
The Directors consider that the material contracts described below are those which an investor would reasonably regard
as material and which investors and their professional advisors would reasonably expect to find described in this Prospectus
for the purpose of making an informed assessment of an investment in the Company under the Public Offer.
This Section contains a summary of the material contracts and their substantive terms which are not otherwise disclosed
elsewhere in this Prospectus.

10.5.1.  Share Sale Agreement

The Company proposes to enter into the Share Sale Agreement with the BikeExchange Shareholders to acquire 100% of the
issued capital in BikeExchange TopCo. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Share Sale Agreement is in draft form.

Pursuant to the Share Sale Agreement, as consideration for 100% of the issued shares of BikeExchange TopCo, the Company
will issue, on a post‑Consolidation basis, 177,497,224 Consideration Shares, at a deemed issue price of $0.26 per Share, to the
BikeExchange Shareholders. The specific scrip consideration is subject to completion of the Offer Letter process. The elections
made by BikeExchange Shareholder under the Offer Letter process will be reflected in the Share Sale Agreement and the
Bombora Sale Deed.

Conditions precedent
Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions precedent being satisfied or waived, including:
• receipt of valid applications for a minimum subscription of $20,000,000 under the Public Offer;
• no material adverse change occurs in respect of the BikeExchange Group prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction;
• the Company not becoming aware of a breach of any of the warranties given by the BikeExchange Shareholders that will,
or is likely to, result in a material adverse change;
• the BikeExchange Group obtaining all necessary consents in connection with the Proposed Transaction;
• the Company obtaining all necessary approvals and waivers to give effect to the terms of the Share Sale Agreement,
including without limitation, obtaining Shareholder approval at the upcoming EGM;
• the Company resolving to adopt a new constitution;
• completion of the Share Exchange Agreement;
• following completion of the Share Exchange Agreement, the completion of the acquisition of shares in BikeExchange
TopCo by Bombora Investment Management;
• the conditional approval by ASX to quote the securities of the Company to trade on the ASX on terms reasonably
acceptable to the Company and the allotment of Shares to subscribers under the Offers;
• each of the BikeExchange Shareholders entering into any restriction deed that may be required by the ASX and
certain BikeExchange Shareholders entering into a voluntary escrow deed in relation to all or some of their respective
Consideration Shares; and
• the Company being satisfied with the customary legal, financial and tax due diligence investigations undertaken in
respect of the BikeExchange Group.

It is proposed that the Share Sale Agreement may be terminated by:
• the Company or jointly the BikeExchange Shareholders if any of the conditions precedents are not satisfied or waived
on or before the cut‑off date; or
• the Company if the BikeExchange Group or any BikeExchange Shareholder is affected by or is likely to be affected
by an insolvency event.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 137

10  Additional Information (continued)

Other terms of the Share Sale Agreement

The Share Sale Agreement contains other terms considered standard for an agreement of this nature, including obligations
of the parties before, on and after completion of the Proposed Transaction, confidentiality, warranties, covenants and
indemnities provided by the parties.
The proposed warranties and indemnities provided by the BikeExchange Shareholders are proposed to expire on Listing.

10.5.2.  Bombora Sale Deed

The Bombora Sale Deed is in draft as at the date of this Prospectus. Under the draft Bombora Sale Deed, it is currently
assumed that each of GTR Ventures Pty Ltd and Smartequity EIS Pty Ltd propose to sell 13,869,995 and 2,325,078 shares
in BikeExchange TopCo (together, the BIM Sale Shares), respectively to Bombora Investment Management, free from
encumbrances, in exchange for cash consideration. This sale will occur prior to the Company acquiring all the shares in
BikeExchange TopCo (including from Bombora Investment Management) under the Share Sale Agreement. The specific
cash consideration and those BikeExchange Shareholders that will be entitled to receive the cash consideration is subject
to completion of the Offer Letter process. The elections made by BikeExchange Shareholder under the Offer Letter process
will be reflected in the Share Sale Agreement and the Bombora Sale Deed.
Completion under the Bombora Sale Deed is conditional on the same conditions of the Share Sale Agreement (except for
the condition relating to the completion of the Bombora Sale Deed), the change of name of BikeExchange TopCo and ASX
approval to the Bombora Sale Deed (if required). Completion of the Bombora Sale Deed will occur after the Restructure
and immediately prior to completion of the Consideration Offer.

10.5.3.  Marketplacer Agreements

Marketplacer currently provides business services to the Group. Marketplacer proposes to engage each of:
a. BikeExchange Pty Ltd;
b. BikeExchange S.A.S;
c. BikeExchangeDE Vertribes GmbH; and
d. BikeExchange Inc.,
(together, the BikeExchange Hubs) being each of the BikeExchange Hubs, by entering into a business services agreement
to formalise this arrangement (together, the Marketplacer Agreements).
The Marketplacer Agreements are currently in draft form and are drafted on substantially the same terms. The key terms
of the Marketplacer Agreements is set out below.

Under the Marketplacer Agreement, services provided by Marketplacer to each of the BikeExchange Hubs include:
• platform services allowing the relevant BikeExchange Hub to operate the Marketplacer platform through its websites to
sell and market its goods and services. The BikeExchange Hub may use the platform on a software‑as‑a‑service basis
and on a limited, non‑exclusive and non‑transferable basis;
• data analytics services; and
• service level agreement services as set out in Annexure 6 of the agreement, including services relating to the availability
of the Marketplacer platform.
The services do not include implementation services, operational services or solution proposal services.

The fees payable under each Marketplacer Agreement included a fixed monthly fee and a service fee, calculated as a
percentage per transaction on the BikeExchange Platform.
The fees in relation to the Marketplacer Agreement with BikeExchange Pty Ltd includes:
• a fixed service fee of $10,000 per month;
• revenue share of 1% per transaction; and
• $30 per connection per month.
The fees structure is materially the same under each Marketplacer Agreement.

The initial term is a period of 5 years commencing from the date of the Marketplacer Agreement, unless terminated prior.
The term automatically renews for a further period of 24 months unless the BikeExchange Hub issues a notice to terminate
at least three months prior to the expiry date.

Termination for convenience

The during the initial term, the BikeExchange Hub may terminate by giving three months’ written notice to Marketplacer and
paying a termination fee equivalent to 50% of the service fees that would have been payable by BikeExchange between the
last day of the notice period and the expiry date.

10.5.4.  Colombian JV Agreement

On 16 October 2017, BikeExchange, Ideum S.A.S and BikeExchange Colombia entered into a shareholders agreement
(Colombian JV Agreement). Under the Colombian JV Agreement, BikeExchange and Ideum S.A.S. are equal shareholders,
each holding 50%, of the share capital in BikeExchange Colombia.
Each of BikeExchange and Ideum may appoint a maximum of 2 directors, and the current directors are Jason Wyatt and
Sam Salter (appointed by BikeExchange) and Felipe Arango and Andres Jimenez (appointed by Ideum S.A.S).
All directors and shareholders (except Marketplacer and its directors) must assign to BikeExchange Colombia all intellectual
property rights developed in relation to the BikeExchange Colombia business on or after the date of the Colombian
JV Agreement.
The Colombian JV Agreement provides that a change of control in a shareholder triggers a transfer notice under the
pre‑emptive share transfer provision. Accordingly, the consent of Ideum S.A.S will be obtained prior to the Acquisition.
The Colombian JV Agreement will terminate by way of agreement, upon BikeExchange Colombia being subject to an insolvency
event or is deregistered or upon an exit event, being an IPO or the sale of the business conducted by BikeExchange Colombia.
The Colombian JV Agreement also contains customary provisions relating to a joint venture arrangement, including drag
and tag rights, access to financials, exit events, restraint and shareholder and director approval procedures.

10.6.  Trek USA

BikeExchange Inc is party to a binding memorandum of understanding with Trek in respect of advertising and selling
Trek products on the BikeExchange Inc website (Trek Agreement).
Under the Trek Agreement, BikeExchange Inc agrees to promote the partnership with Trek, including by offering Trek
and Trek dealers onboarding and training in regards to the BikeExchange Platform and dedicated account management
and support. Trek agrees to help BikeExchange to contact and communicate information about the BikeExchange
partnership through the Trek dealer portal and facilitate communication with Trek territory managers.
The Trek Agreement applies to USA and Canada and the term is a period of one year.

10.7.  Cyclesoftware Agreement

BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH. entered into an agreement with Cyclesoftware on 9 November 2020 (Cyclesoftware
Agreement). The agreement enables Cyclesoftware dealers to connect, advertise and sell products through the
BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH. website.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 139

10  Additional Information (continued)

The Cyclesoftware Agreement is for a period of 14 months and ends on 31 December 2021. BikeExchange will aim to
promote Cyclesoftware as its preferred partner in the Netherlands and Belgium. Cyclesoftware will also aim to promote
the partnership, including by actively promote BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH. as its preferred online marketplace
partner, communicate all customer leads and support BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH. with sales and content
marketing activities.
BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH. agrees to pay a monthly connection fee to Cyclesoftware for all new shop connections
from the date of the agreement.

10.8.  Underwriting Agreement

The Public Offer is fully underwritten by the Lead Manager pursuant to an underwriting agreement dated on or about the
date of the Prospectus between the Lead Manager and The Company (Underwriting Agreement). Under the Underwriting
Agreement, the Lead Manager has agreed to arrange, manage and underwrite the Public Offer.
Pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement, the Company has appointed the Lead Manager on an exclusive basis to:
• arrange and manage the Public Offer and settlement of the Institutional Offer and settlement with Brokers as part of the
Broker Firm Offer in compliance with the Corporations Act; and
• underwrite the Offer on the terms and conditions set out in the Underwriting Agreement.
For the purposes of this Section 10.6, the offer documents means the documents issued or published by or on behalf of the
Company in respect of or relating to the Public Offer including:
• the pathfinder prospectus and any document that supplements or replaces the pathfinder prospectus (including any
addendum to the pathfinder prospectus);
• this Prospectus, any Application Form and any other supplementary prospectus;
• a letter to confirm an Institutional Investor’s or Broker’s commitment to participate in the Public Offer in the form
acceptable to the Lead Manager, including any forms or confirmation and acceptance advice attached to that letter;
• any communications (whether written or electronic) that are presented or provided to prospective investors (including
any roadshow and management presentations or other investor presentations) by or on behalf of the Issuer,
including any amendments, supplements, replacements or updates to any of the above.

10.8.1.  Commission, Fees and expenses

The Company has agreed to pay the Lead Manager:
• a management and selling fee of 3.00% (excluding GST, if any) of the underwritten amount, being up to $20,000,000; and
• a selling/underwriting fee of 1.00% (excluding GST, if any) of the underwritten amount, being up to $20,000,000.
The underwriting and management fees will become payable by the Company on the date of Settlement of the Public Offer.
In addition to the fees described above, the Company has agreed to reimburse the Lead Manager for certain other agreed
costs and expenses, including legal costs and reasonable out‑of‑pocket expenses, incurred by the Lead Manager in relation
to the Public Offer.

10.8.2.  Termination events not subject to materiality (aka “hair trigger” termination events)
The Lead Manager may, at any time after the date of the Underwriting Agreement until on or before the date of issue and
transfer of Shares under the Public Offer, terminate the Underwriting Agreement without cost or liability by notice to the
Company if any of the following events occur:
(failure to lodge) if the Company fails to lodge the prospectus to ASIC on 16 December 2020 in a form approved by the
Lead Manager;
(disclosures in offer documents) a statement in the offer documents is or becomes misleading or deceptive or is likely
to mislead or deceive (including by omission), or a matter required to be included is omitted from the Prospectus;
(non‑compliance) the offer documents do not comply with the Corporations Act, Listing Rules or applicable law;

(forward looking statements incapable of being met) any forecast or forward looking statement in the Prospectus
or other offer document becomes incapable of being met or unlikely to be met in the projected time;
(ASX approval) unconditional approval (or conditional approval subject only to customary conditions) is refused or not
granted by ASX to the Company’s admission to the Official List of ASX or the official quotation of all of the Company’s Shares
on ASX, on or before 29 January 2021, or if granted, the ASX approval is subsequently withdrawn, qualified (other than by
customary conditions) or withheld;
(Supplementary Prospectus) the Company issues or is required to issue a supplementary prospectus to comply with
section 719 of the Corporations Act, or lodges a supplementary prospectus with ASIC in a form and substance that has not
been approved by the Lead Manager;
(Escrow Documents) Any of the escrow documents are withdrawn, varied, terminated, rescinded, altered or amended,
breached or failed to be complied with;
(withdrawal) the Company withdraws the Prospectus or any Supplementary Prospectus or the Public Offer;
(fraud) The Company or any of their respective directors or officers (as those terms are defined in the Corporations Act)
engage, or have engaged since the date of this Agreement, in any fraudulent conduct or activity whether or not in
connection with the Public Offer;
(new circumstance) A new circumstance occurs in relation to the Issuer that has arisen since the Prospectus was lodged
with ASIC that would have been required to be included in the Prospectus if it had arisen before the Prospectus was lodged
with ASIC and which is materially adverse from the point of view of an investor within the meaning of section 719 of the
Corporations Act and such omission is not cured by the lodgement of a Supplementary Prospectus with ASIC in accordance
with the Corporations Act;
(Government Agency action) ASIC or any other government agency commences or threatens to commence any hearing,
inquiry, investigation, proceedings or prosecution, or takes any regulatory action or seeks any remedy, in connection with
the Company, the Public Offer, the offer documents or the Restructure;
(Proceedings – persons other than ASIC) A person other than ASIC or any other government agency commences any
inquiry, investigation or proceedings, or takes any regulatory action or seeks any remedy, in connection with the Company,
the Public Offer, the offer documents or the Restructure;
(judgment) A judgment in an amount exceeding $250,000 is obtained against the Company or a Related Body Corporate
and is not set aside or satisfied within 21 days;
(notifications) any of the following notifications are made in respect of the Public Offer:
(a) ASIC issues an order (including an interim order) under section 1324B or under section 739 of the Corporations Act;
(b) ASIC holds a hearing under section 739(2) of the Corporations Act;
(c) an application is made by ASIC for an order under Part 9.5 of the Corporations Act in relation to the Public Offer or an
offer document or ASIC commences any investigation or hearing under Part 3 of the Australian Securities and Investments
Commission Act 2001 (Cth) in relation to the Public Offer or an offer document;
(d) any person (other than the Lead Manager) who has previously consented to the inclusion of its name in any Prospectus
withdraws that consent;
(e) any person (other than the Lead Manager) gives a notice under section 730 of the Corporations Act in relation to the
Prospectus; or
(f) ASX withdraws, revokes or amends any ASX Approval or ASIC withdraws, revokes or amends any ASIC Modification;
(Market Fall) at any time before the Settlement of the Public Offer, the S&P/ASX 200 Index falls to a level that is 10% or more
below of the level as at the close of trading on the business day immediately prior to the date of the Underwriting Agreement
and closes at or below that level for two consecutive business days;
(Timetable) an event specified in the Timetable is delayed by more than 2 business days (other than a delay agreed to
between the Company and the Lead Manager);
(repayment of Application Monies) Any circumstance arises after lodgement of the Prospectus that results in the Company
either repaying the Application Money (other than to applicants whose Applications were not accepted in whole or in part
or which were rejected in accordance with this Agreement) received from applicants or offering applicants an opportunity
to withdraw their Applications and be repaid their Application Moneys;

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10  Additional Information (continued)

(Restructure) the Restructure does not occur, any document relating to the Restructure is terminated or breached or the
Restructure documents are amended without the Lead Manager’s prior written consent;
(Certificate not provided) A party (other than the Underwriter) does not provide a Certificate as and when required by
this Agreement;
(insolvency) An Insolvency Event occurs with respect to the Company or, any other member of the Group;
(unable to issue Shares) the Company is prevented from allotting and issuing the Shares within the time required by the
timetable for the Public Offer, the offer documents, the ASX Listing Rules, an order of a court of competent jurisdiction
or a Governmental Authority, or any other applicable laws;
(actions against directors or senior management) any of the following occur:
(a) a director or senior executive of the Group is charged with an indictable offence relating to a financial or corporate matter;
(b) any government agency commences any public action against a director or senior executive of the Group;
(c) any director of the Company is disqualified from managing a corporation under Part 2D.6 of the Corporations Act; or
(d) any director of the Company engages in any fraudulent conduct or activity.

10.8.3.  Termination events subject to materiality

The Lead Manager may, at any time after the date of the Underwriting Agreement until on or before the issue and transfer of
Shares under the Public Offer (without any cost or liability by notice to BikeExchange), terminate the Underwriting Agreement
without any cost or liability by notice to BikeExchange if any of the following events occur and the Lead Manager has
reasonable grounds to believe the event:
• has or is likely to have a materially adverse effect on the success, settlement or marketing of the Public Offer, or on the
ability of the Lead Manager to market, promote or settle the Public Offer, or on the likely price Shares will trade at on
the ASX following the Public Offer, or the willingness of investors to subscribe for Shares under the Public Offer; or
• will, or is likely to, give rise to a liability of the Lead Manager under, or a contravention by the Lead Manager or its affiliates
being involved in a contravention of, any applicable law.
(disclosures in due diligence) The legal due diligence report relating to the BikeExchange Group or any other information
supplied by or on behalf of the Company to the Lead Manager in relation to the legal due diligence process, Shares offered
under the Public Offer, the Group, the Public Offer, or the offer documents is or becomes untrue, incorrect, misleading or
deceptive (including by omission);
(material adverse change) Any material adverse change occurs, or an event occurs which is likely to give rise to a material
adverse change in or affecting the general affairs, management, assets, liabilities, financial position or performance, profits,
losses, prospects or condition, financial or otherwise of the Company or the Group, including:
(a) any change in the earnings, prospects or forecasts of the Company or the Group from those disclosed in the Prospectus;
(b) any change in the nature of the business conducted by the Group or proposed to be conducted by the Company and
the Group;
(c) the insolvency or voluntary winding up of the Issuer or a member of the Group or the appointment of any receiver,
receiver and manager, liquidator or other external administrator;
(d) any material adverse change to the rights and benefits attaching to the Shares; or
(e) any change in the assets, liabilities, financial position or performance, profits, losses or prospects of the Issuer from those
respectively disclosed in the Prospectus;
(Material Contracts) A material contract referred to in the Prospectus:
(a) is, without the prior written consent of the Lead Manager (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld), amended
or varied;
(b) is breached;
(c) is terminated (whether by breach or otherwise);
(d) ceases to have effect, otherwise than in accordance with its terms; or

(e) is or becomes void, voidable, illegal, invalid or unenforceable (other than by reason only of a party waiving any of its
rights) or capable of being terminated, rescinded or avoided or of limited force and affect, or its performance is or
becomes illegal;
(official quotation) Any ASX condition affecting the ASX in giving final approval to the official quotation of the underwritten
shares is not completed, fulfilled or waived by ASX so as to result in the underwritten shares being not granted official
quotation by the date specified in the Timetable;
(change in laws) Any of the following occurs which does or is likely to prohibit, restrict or regulate the Public Offer or
materially reduce the level or likely level of Valid Applications or materially affects the financial position of the Company
or has a material adverse effect of the success of the Public Offer:
(a) the introduction of legislation into the parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, any State or Territory of Australia,
New Zealand, or the United States of America;
(b) the public announcement of prospective legislation or policy by the Australian Federal Government or the Government
of any Australian State or Territory; or
(c) the adoption by ASX, ASIC, or the Reserve Bank of Australia, or any of their respective delegates, of any regulations
or policy;
(breach of law or regulations) The Company, any member of the Group contravenes the Corporations Act, the Constitution,
Listing Rules or any other applicable law or regulation;
(general trading suspension) Trading in securities generally has been suspended or materially limited, for at least one
trading day, by any of the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange or the ASX (excluding due to a suspension
due to an electronic malfunction, technological malfunction, a power outage or technology hacking attack);
(warranties untrue) Any of the warranties or representations by the Issuer in the Underwriting Agreement or the Mandate
Letter are breached or are or become false, misleading or incorrect;
(breach) The Company is in default of any of the material terms and conditions of the Underwriting Agreement or breaches
any undertaking or covenant given or made by it under the Underwriting Agreement and that default or breach is either
incapable of remedy or is not remedied within ten business days after being given notice to do so by the Lead Manager;
(restricted activities) Without the prior written consent of the Lead Manager, the Company or the Group:
(a) disposes, or agrees to dispose, of the whole, or a substantial part, of its business or property other than as contemplated
in the Prospectus;
(b) ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business;
(c) alters its capital structure (debt or equity), other than as contemplated in the Prospectus and Restructure;
(d) amends the Constitution or any other constituent document of the Company; or
(e) amends the terms of issue or transfer the Shares issued under the Public Offer;
(adverse change in financial markets) Any of the following occurs:
(a) a general moratorium on commercial banking activities in Australia, the United States of America or the United Kingdom
is declared by the relevant authority in any of those countries, or there is a disruption in commercial banking or security
settlement or clearance services in any of those countries;
(b) any adverse change or disruption to the existing financial markets, political or economic conditions of, or currency
exchange rates or controls in, Australia, the United States of America, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, or the international
financial markets or any adverse change in national or international political, financial or economic conditions, in each
case the effect of which is that, in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter, it is impracticable to market the Public Offer
or to enforce contracts to issue, allot or transfer the Shares or that the success of the Public Offer is likely to be adversely
affected; or
(c) after the date of the Underwriting Agreement, a change or development (which was not publicly known prior) involving
a prospective adverse change in taxation affecting the Group or the Public Offer occurs;
(hostilities) There is an outbreak of hostilities, political or civil unrest (whether or not war or a national emergency has been
declared) not presently existing, or a major escalation in existing hostilities, political or civil unrest occurs, or a major act of
terrorism occurs in or involving any one or more of the following:
(a) Australia;

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10  Additional Information (continued)

(b) New Zealand;

(c) the United Kingdom; and
(d) the United States of America.
(force majeure) There is an event or occurrence, including any statute, order, rule, regulation, directive or request (including
one compliance with which is in accordance with the general practice of persons to whom the directive or request is
addressed) of any government agency which makes it illegal for the Lead Manager to satisfy an obligation under the
Underwriting Agreement, or to market, promote or settle the Public Offer;
(change in board or management) Other than as contemplated in the Prospectus, a change to the board of directors of the
Issuer occurs, or Greg Taylor, Sam Salter, Andrew Ryan, Jade Wyatt or Bryan Zekulich cease to be an officer of the Group,
or give notice of their intention to cease employment or being an officer (as the case may be), with the Group;
(prescribed occurrence) Except as contemplated by the Prospectus, an event specified in section 652C(1) or section 652C(2)
Corporations Act, but replacing ‘target’ with ‘the Company’;
(Encumbrances) A member of the Group charges or agrees to charge or creates any encumbrance over, the whole, or a
substantial part of its business or property, other than as disclosed in the Prospectus;
(Certificate incorrect) A statement in any certificate referred to In the Underwriting Agreement is false, misleading,
inaccurate or untrue or incorrect;
(public statements) The Company or an entity in the Group issues a public statement concerning the Public Offer after the
date of the Underwriting Agreement which has not been approved by the Lead manager, acting reasonably.

10.8.4.  Representations, warranties, undertakings and other terms

The Underwriting Agreement contains certain standard representations, warranties and undertakings by BikeExchange
the Lead Manager.
The representations and warranties given by BikeExchange relate to matters such as conduct of BikeExchange, power and
authorisations, information provided by BikeExchange, financial information, information in this Prospectus, the conduct of
the Public Offer, compliance with laws, the ASX Listing Rules and other legally binding requirements.
BikeExchange also provides additional representations and warranties in connection with matters including, but not limited
to, as power and authorisation, validity of obligations, status, compliance, offer documents, financial information, disclosure,
due diligence, litigation, conduct, licences, title to property, anti‑money laundering.
BikeExchange’s undertakings include, among other things, that it will:
• complete the Restructure in accordance with the terms of the Restructure documents and enforce the terms of the
relevant Restructure Document against the relevant parties;
• ensure that the BikeExchange Group is owned by the Company prior to the commencement of trading on ASX
of the Company in accordance with the respective terms of the relevant Proposed Transaction documents on
or prior to Completion;
• immediately notify the Lead Manager if it becomes aware of any breach of any term of the Underwriting Agreement
(including any breach of any warranty) or of any material contract or Restructure document;
• not make any material public statement concerning the Public Offer without the prior written consent of the Lead Manager,
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, except where the Issuer is required to do so by law or by the
Listing Rules; and
• not, within a period of six months from Completion, issue any Shares or any other securities (including convertible securities)
without the prior written consent of the Lead Manager, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed (unless
issued to vendors of companies or businesses acquired by the Issuer or the Group in accordance with its strategy for
growth outlined in the Prospectus including shares issued for consideration to raise capital consistent with the strategy
for growth outlined in the prospectus or any incentive securities (including options, loan shares, performance shares
or performance rights) under any incentive plan approved by the Issuer and disclosed in the Prospectus).

10.8.5. Indemnity
Subject to certain customary exclusions (including negligence, wilful misconduct or fraud of an indemnified party),
BikeExchange agrees to keep the Lead Manager and certain affiliated parties indemnified from losses suffered in
connection with the Public Offer.

10.9.  Escrow arrangements
As at the date of this Prospectus, the escrow arrangements in relation to Shares are set out in this Section 10.9.
At Completion, it is expected that at least approximately 161 million Shares, representing 55.05% of the total issued capital
of the Company on an undiluted basis, will be subject to either ASX mandatory escrow restrictions or voluntary escrow

10.9.1.  ASX Restricted Securities

Subject to the Company being admitted to the Official List, the Company anticipates that certain Shares and Options on
issue prior to the Listing will be classified by ASX as restricted securities and will be required to be held in escrow for up
to 24 months from the Listing Date.
The Company has made submissions to the ASX in regards to mandatory escrow arrangements. As at the date of this
Prospectus, the Company has not received any response to these submissions.
The Company will announce to the ASX full details (quantity and duration) of the Shares and Options required to be held
in escrow prior to the Shares commencing trading on the ASX.

10.9.2.  Voluntary Escrow Arrangements

It is anticipated that Shares held by certain BikeExchange Shareholders and Bombora Investment Management (each an
Escrow Shareholder) on Completion will be subject to voluntary escrow arrangements.
Subject to ASX’s confirmation on mandatory escrow arrangements as mentioned in Section 10.9.1, it is assumed that each
Escrow Shareholder will enter into an escrow deed in respect of their Escrowed Shares, which will prevent them from
disposing of their respective Escrowed Shares for the applicable Escrow Period set out in the table below.
The following table assumes that no ASX mandatory escrow restrictions will be imposed on the Shares held by the Escrowed
Shareholders. In the event that the ASX imposes mandatory escrow restrictions on the Shares held by Escrowed Shareholders,
the number of Escrowed Shares will reduce by the number of Shares subject to mandatory escrow restrictions.

% of total
issued capital
at Listing on an
Escrowed Shareholder Escrowed Shares undiluted basis Escrow Period

GTR Ventures Pty Ltd(a) 33,052,357 11.28% 12 months

Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd(a) 50,447,670 17.22% 12 months

Saltsam Pty Ltd(b) 25,128,971 8.58% 12 months

Surfwax Pty Ltd(c) 25,128,971 8.58% 12 months

M & R Watkin Pty Ltd(d) 2,612,846 0.89% 24 months

Zeka Pty Ltd(e) 148,500 0.05% 12 months

Bryan Zekulich 325,000 0.11% 12 months

Bombora Investment Management(f) 24,445,073 8.34% 12 months

Total 161,289,388 55.05%

(a) GTR Ventures Pty Ltd and Emerson Ryan Pty Ltd are both entities associated with Andrew Ryan, a Proposed Director.
(b) Saltsam Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Sam Salter, a Proposed Director.
(c) Surfwax Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Jason Wyatt, an associate of Jade Wyatt, a Proposed Director.
(d) M & R Watkin Pty Ltd is an entity controlled by Mark Watkin, the proposed Global CEO.
(e) Zeka Pty Ltd is an entity associated with Bryan Zekulich, a Proposed Director.
(f) Bombora Investment Management holds Shares as trustee for the Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund and the number of Escrowed Shares
of Bombora Investment Management as set out in the table is subject to completion of the Bombora Sale Deed described in Section 10.5.2.

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10  Additional Information (continued)

The above table assumes certain outcomes under the Offer Letter process. The actual Escrowed Shareholders and
the number of Escrowed Shares of each Escrowed Shareholder are subject to completion of the Offer Letter process.
The Company will announce to the ASX the final escrow positions prior to the Shares commencing trading on the ASX.
The restriction on ‘disposing’ is broadly defined and includes, among other things, selling, assigning, transferring or otherwise
disposing of any legal, beneficial or economic interest in the Escrowed Shares, encumbering or granting a security interest
over the Shares (except to the extent permitted by the deed as outlined in this Section 1), doing, or omitting to do, any act if
the act or omission would have the effect of transferring effective ownership or control of any of the Shares or agreeing to
do any those things.
The Escrowed Shareholders may be released early from these escrow obligations to enable:
• the Escrowed Shareholders to accept an offer under a takeover bid in relation to its Escrowed Shares if holders of at least
half of the Shares the subject of the bid that are not held by the Escrowed Shareholders have accepted the takeover bid;
• the Escrowed Shares held by the Escrowed Shareholders to be transferred or cancelled as part of a merger by scheme
of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act;
• Escrowed Shareholders to participate in an equal access buy-back or equal return of capital or other similar pro rata
• a transfer of any Escrowed Shares with the prior written consent of the Company;
• During the Escrow Period, the Escrowed Shareholders whose Shares are subject to escrow may also:
– dispose of their Shares to immediate family members and certain other related entities; and
– deal in any of their Shares to the extent the dealing is required by applicable law (including an order of a court of
competent jurisdiction).

10.10.  Costs of offers

The total cost of the Offers and Listing is approximately $3,300,000 (including GST). This includes advisory, legal, audit,
investing accountant and taxation adviser fees, listing and administrative fees, independent expert fees, the Underwriter’s
management and underwriting fees, Prospectus design and printing, advertising, marketing, Share Registry and other
expenses. These costs have been, or will be, borne by the Company from the proceeds of the Offers.

10.11.  Litigation and claims

BikeExchange may, from time to time, be party to litigation and other claims and disputes incidental to the conduct of its
business, including employment disputes, contractual disputes, indemnity claims and occupational and personal claims.
Such litigation, claims and disputes, including the costs of settling claims and operational impacts, could materially
adversely affect BikeExchange’s business, operating and financial performance.
As far as the Directors are aware, however, there is no current or threatened civil litigation, arbitration proceeding or
administrative appeal, or criminal or Governmental prosecution of a material nature in which a Group Company is directly
or indirectly concerned which is likely to have a material adverse impact on the business or financial position of the Group.

10.12.  Ownership restrictions

The sale and purchase of Shares in Australia are regulated by a number of laws that restrict the level of ownership or control
by any one person (either alone or in combination with others). This Section 10.13 contains a general description of these laws.

10.12.1.  Corporations Act

The takeover provisions in Chapter 6 of the Corporations Act restrict acquisitions of shares in listed companies, and unlisted
companies with more than 50 members, if the acquirer’s (or another party’s) voting power would increase to above 20%,
or would increase from a starting point that is above 20% and below 90%, unless certain exceptions apply. The Corporations
Act also imposes notification requirements on persons having voting power of 5% or more in BikeExchange either themselves
or through an associate.

10.12.2.  F
 oreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) and Federal Government Foreign
Investment Policy
Generally, the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA) applies to acquisition of shares and voting power
in a company of 20% or more by a single foreign person and its associates (Substantial Interest), or 40% or more by two
or more unassociated foreign persons and their associates (Aggregate Substantial Interest), where the acquisition meets
a threshold value (which varies by investor type and industry). Where a foreign person holds a Substantial Interest in a
company or foreign persons hold an Aggregate Substantial Interest in a company will be a “foreign person” for the purposes
of FATA.
In addition, FATA applies to acquisitions of a direct interest in an Australian company by foreign governments and their
related entities irrespective of the acquisition value. A “direct interest” is an interest of 10% in the entity but may also include
an interest of less than 10% where the investor has entered into business arrangements with the entity or the investor in
a position to influence or participate in the management and control or policy of the entity. There are exemptions which
can apply to certain acquisitions.
Where FATA applies to the acquisition, the acquisition may not occur unless notice of it has been given to the Federal
Treasurer and the Federal Treasurer has either notified that there is no objection to the Proposed Transaction (with or without
conditions) or a statutory period has expired without the Federal Treasurer objecting.
An acquisition to which the FATA applies may be the subject of a divestment order by the Federal Treasurer unless the
process of notification, and either a non‑objection notification or expiry of a statutory period without objection, has occurred.
Criminal offences and civil penalties can apply to failing to give notification of certain acquisitions, undertaking certain
acquisitions without no objection notification or contravening a condition in a no objection notification.

10.13.  Regulatory relief

10.13.1.  ASIC exemptions and relief
As at the date of the Prospectus, the Company has not applied to ASIC to seek any exemption or form of relief.

10.13.2.  ASX waivers and confirmation

The Company has lodged an application to seek a waiver from the ASX in regards to aspects of the mandatory escrow
provisions. As at the date of the Prospectus, the Company has not received a response to the waiver application.

10.14.  Australian Taxation considerations

This Section provides a general overview of the Australian tax and stamp duty consequences for investors who acquire
Shares through the Public Offer under this Prospectus. The comments in this Section are based on the Australian taxation
laws (including established interpretations of those laws) as at the date of this Prospectus, which may change.
This Section is general in nature and is not intended to be an authoritative or a complete statement of the Australian taxation
laws. It should be noted that the Australian taxation laws are complex and the investor’s own circumstances will affect the
taxation outcomes of making an investment in Shares through the Public Offer. It is therefore recommended that investors
seek independent professional advice, having regard to their own specific circumstances, in considering an investment in
Shares through the Public Offer.
The categories of investors considered in this summary are limited to individuals, complying superannuation entities and
certain companies, trusts or partnerships, each of whom holds their shares on capital account. This Section is also limited
to Australian income tax, GST and stamp duty. This summary does not cover any non‑Australian taxes or duties.
This summary does not consider the consequences for investors who are insurance companies, banks, investors that hold
their shares on revenue account or carry on a business of trading in shares, investors who acquired (or acquire) shares or
options in connection with an employee share/incentive plan/scheme (including, without limitation, under the EIP Offer
and/or the Employee Incentive Plan), or investors who are exempt from Australian tax.
This summary also does not cover the consequences for investors who are subject to Division 230 of the Income Tax
Assessment Act 1997 (the Taxation of Financial Arrangements or TOFA regime). Both resident and non‑resident investors
should seek professional advice to determine if Shares are held in this capacity (and the corresponding income tax
implications should this apply).
This summary also does not cover the consequences for:

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10  Additional Information (continued)

• Shareholders who acquire Shares under the Consideration Offer (i.e. BikeExchange Shareholders who acquire Shares
under the Proposed Transaction); and
• Option holders who acquire Options under the EIP Offer and/or the Employee Incentive Plan (or any other employee
incentive plan/scheme).
Such Shareholders or Option holders are advised to seek independent professional taxation advice regarding the acquisition
of their Shares or Options, having regard to their own specific circumstances.
Deloitte Tax, a registered tax agent, has provided the tax comments below. Deloitte Tax is not licensed under Chapter 7 of
the Corporations Act to provide financial product advice. Taxation issues, such as those covered by this Section, are only
some of the matters you need to consider when making a decision about a financial product. You should consider taking
advice from someone who holds an AFSL before making such a decision.

10.14.1.  Dividends on a Share – Australian tax residents

Dividends may be paid to Shareholders in respect of their Shares. “Franking credits” may be attached to such dividends.
Franking credits broadly represent the extent to which a dividend is paid out of profits that have been subject to Australian
income tax. It is possible for a dividend to be fully franked, partly franked or unfranked.
Australian tax resident Shareholders will be required to include dividends in their assessable income in the income year in
which the dividends are paid. To the extent that the dividends are franked, subject to the comments below, the associated
franking credits should also be included in the Australian tax resident Shareholder’s assessable income (i.e. the dividends
are required to be “grossed‑up”). In such circumstances, Shareholders are subject to tax at their applicable rate of tax on the
grossed‑up dividends received (but may be entitled to a tax offset for the associated franking credits as discussed below).
To the extent that the dividends are unfranked, there is no gross‑up (or tax offset) and Australian tax resident Shareholders
are subject to tax at their applicable rate of tax on the unfranked dividends received.
The distribution statement for the dividends paid should advise of the franking status of the dividends. Australian resident individuals and complying superannuation entities

To the extent that the franking credits received by Shareholders that are Australian tax resident individuals or complying
superannuation entities exceeds the amount of total income tax payable, those Shareholders should be entitled to a refund
from the ATO of any excess franking credits over and above total income tax payable in an income year. Where the franking
credits are less than the tax payable on the dividends, those Shareholders will need to pay an additional amount of tax. Trusts and partnerships

In relation to Shareholders that are trusts (other than trustees of complying superannuation entities or trusts treated as
companies for tax purposes) or partnerships, such Shareholders should include any franking credits in determining the net
income of the trust or partnership. The relevant beneficiary or partner may then be entitled to a corresponding tax offset,
subject to certain requirements being satisfied.
In relation to trusts or partnerships, including limited partnerships, the rules surrounding the taxation of dividends are
complex and advice should be sought to confirm the appropriate taxation considerations and treatment. Corporate Shareholders
Shareholders that are Australian tax resident companies (including those which are deemed to be companies) are also
entitled to a tax offset equal to the amount of franking credits received, however unlike non‑corporate Shareholders,
they are unable to claim refunds for excess franking credits. Where excess franking credits exist, a corporate Shareholder
should be entitled to have the surplus credits converted into carry forward tax losses.
Corporate Shareholders (including those which are deemed to be companies) should also be entitled to a franking credit
in their franking accounts equal to the franking credits received in respect of the dividends. A corporate Shareholder may
be able to then use the credits to make franked distributions to its Shareholders. Qualified person rules

There are certain limitations imposed by the Australian taxation law which may prevent a Shareholder from obtaining the
benefit of any franking credits. In this regard, Shareholders seeking to claim tax offsets for franking credits must be “qualified
persons” in respect of the relevant dividends.

In broad terms, Shareholders who have held their Shares “at risk” for at least 45 days (excluding the dates of acquisition and
disposal) should be qualified persons and should be able to claim a tax offset for the amount of franking credits received.
Special rules apply to arrangements which involve the making of related payments to pass on the benefit of any dividends
paid, or in the context of franked dividends received via trusts or partnerships. Under the related payment rule, a different
testing period applies where an investor or an associate of the investor has made, or is under an obligation to make, a related
payment in relation to a dividend. A related payment is one where an investor or their associate effectively passes on the
benefit of the dividend to another person.
Individual Australian Shareholders whose total franking tax offsets (for all franked distributions received in the income year)
do not exceed $5,000 for the income year should generally be deemed to be qualified persons (provided also that no
related payments are made with respect to the dividend).
Investors should seek professional advice to determine if these requirements, as they apply to them, have been satisfied. Integrity rules
A specific integrity rule prevents taxpayers from obtaining a tax benefit from franking credits where dividends are received
as a result of “dividend washing”. Dividend washing is a practice through which taxpayers seek to claim two sets of franking
credits by selling shares held on the ASX ex‑dividend and then effectively re‑purchasing a substantial equivalent parcel of
shares cum‑dividend on a special ASX trading market.
Shareholders should consider the impact of these provisions (and other dividend tax integrity provisions) having regard to
their own personal circumstances.

10.14.2.  Dividends on a Share – non‑Australian tax residents

Generally, unfranked dividends paid to Shareholders that are non‑Australian tax residents should be subject to dividend
withholding tax. To the extent that distributions to non‑residents include unfranked dividends (which are not declared to
be conduit foreign income – see below), there is a requirement for the payer to withhold tax at the rate applicable to each
non‑Australian tax resident Shareholder. Australian dividend withholding tax is levied at a flat rate of 30% on the gross
amount of the dividends unless a Shareholder is a tax resident of a country that has an applicable double tax treaty with
Australia. In these circumstances, the withholding tax may be reduced (usually to 15%), although in certain cases, depending
on the Shareholder’s country of residence and the size of their shareholding, the rate may be reduced further.
Fully franked dividends are not subject to Australian dividend withholding tax. No other Australian tax is applicable.
It is recommended that non‑Australian tax resident Shareholders consider the tax implications of receiving dividends in respect
of shares paid in Australia under their local tax regimes, including if a credit is available for any dividend withholding tax. Conduit foreign income

To the extent that unfranked dividends are declared in the distribution statement for the dividends to be conduit foreign
income, the unfranked dividends paid to non‑Australian tax resident Shareholders should not be subject to Australian
dividend withholding tax. Conduit foreign income is broadly foreign income paid to the Australian company where that
foreign income is exempt from Australian income tax, such as certain branch profits, dividends and interest from subsidiaries.
Unfranked dividends declared to be conduit foreign income should be subject to tax in the same manner as other unfranked
dividends for Australian tax resident Shareholders.
It is noted that, based on present activities, future unfranked dividends paid by the Company may be declared to be conduit
foreign income (particularly as a result of continued business expansion into foreign jurisdictions in the future).

10.14.3.  Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

The comments in this Section do not consider the taxation implications of Shareholders participating in a DRP. If a DRP is
activated at a future time, Shareholders are advised to seek advice prior to participating in the DRP.

10.14.4.  Taxation of Share disposals – Australian tax resident

Australian tax resident Shareholders who hold their Shares on capital account will be required to consider the impact of the
CGT provisions in respect of the disposal of their Shares.
Where the capital proceeds received on the disposal of the Shares exceed the CGT cost base of those Shares, Australian
tax resident Shareholders will derive a capital gain. The CGT cost base of the Shares should generally be equal to the issue

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10  Additional Information (continued)

price or acquisition price of the Shares plus, amongst other things, incidental costs associated with the acquisition and
disposal of the Shares. In respect of the CGT cost base of the Shares, this amount may be reduced as a result of receiving
non‑assessable distributions from the Company, such as returns of capital.
Conversely, Australian tax resident Shareholders may recognise a capital loss on the disposal of Shares where the capital
proceeds received on disposal are less than the reduced CGT cost base of the Shares.
All capital gains and losses recognised by an Australian tax resident Shareholder for an income year are aggregated.
To the extent that a net gain exists, such Shareholders should be able to reduce the net gain by any amount of unapplied net
capital losses or revenue losses carried forward from previous income years (provided the relevant loss recoupment tests
are satisfied) or current year revenue or capital losses. Any remaining net gain (after the application of any carried forward
tax losses or current year revenue losses) will then be required to be included in the Australian tax resident Shareholder’s
assessable income (subject to comments below in relation to the availability of the CGT discount concession) and taxable
at the Shareholder’s applicable rate of tax. Where a net capital loss is recognised, the loss should only be deductible against
capital gains and are capable of being carried forward indefinitely, provided the relevant loss recoupment tests are satisfied.
Non‑corporate Shareholders may be entitled to a concession which discounts the amount of capital gain that is assessed.
Broadly, the concession is available where the Shares have been held for 12 months or more prior to disposal. The concession
results in a 50% reduction in the assessable amount of a capital gain for an individual Shareholder and a one‑third reduction
of a capital gain for an Australian tax resident complying superannuation entity Shareholder (including generally where a
flow through trust or partnership distributes to such shareholders), after offsetting any current or carried forward losses.
The concession is not available to corporate Shareholders (including those deemed to be companies).
In relation to trusts or partnerships including limited partnerships, the rules surrounding capital gains and the CGT discount
are complex, but the benefit of the CGT discount may flow through to relevant beneficiaries or partners, subject to certain
requirements being satisfied.
Australian tax resident investors who hold Shares on revenue account should seek separate independent professional advice.

10.14.5.  Taxation of Share disposals – non‑Australian tax residents

Non‑Australian tax resident Shareholders who hold their Shares on capital account should not generally be subject to the
Australian CGT regime upon disposal of their Shares except in limited circumstances, for example where the Shares relate
to a business carried on by the foreign resident through a permanent establishment in Australia or where the Shares are
“indirect Australian real property interests”. The Shares should be indirect Australian real property interests to the extent that,
broadly, the following two requirements are satisfied:
• the Company is considered “land rich” for Australian income tax purposes (i.e. greater than 50% of the market value
of the Company’s underlying assets is principally derived from Australian real property or certain interests in relation
to Australian minerals); and
• the non‑resident Shareholder has an associate‑inclusive interest of at least 10% in the Company (either at the time
of disposal or throughout a 12 month period that began no earlier than 24 months before the disposal).
Relevant non‑resident Shareholders will need to determine if the above requirements are met at the time of disposal
of their Shares.
It is noted that it is unlikely that the Company is considered “land rich” for Australian income tax purposes as at the
Prospectus Date but this analysis is required to be undertaken at the time of disposal.
Non-Australian resident investors who hold Shares on revenue account should seek separate independent professional advice. Non‑resident CGT withholding

Rules can apply to the disposal of certain taxable Australian property, whereby, a 12.5% non‑final withholding tax may be
applied. However, the rules should not apply to the disposal of a Share on the ASX (in accordance with a specific exemption).

10.14.6.  Tax File Number (TFN) and Australian Business Number (ABN)
An Australian tax resident Shareholder is not obliged to quote a TFN, or where relevant, ABN, to the Company. However,
if a TFN or ABN is not quoted and no exemption is applicable, income tax is required to be deducted by the Company
at the highest marginal rate (currently 45% plus Medicare levy of 2%) from certain dividends paid. Australian tax resident
Shareholders may be able to claim a tax credit/rebate (as applicable) in respect of any tax withheld on dividends in their
income tax returns.
No withholding requirement applies in respect of fully franked dividends paid in respect of the Shares or to unfranked
dividends paid to non‑Australian tax residents (as described above, the dividend withholding tax regime should instead
apply in this situation).

10.14.7.  Stamp duty

No stamp duty should be payable by a Shareholder on the acquisition or disposal of Shares. Further, under current stamp
duty legislation, stamp duty should not ordinarily be payable on any subsequent acquisition of Shares by a Shareholder
provided the Company remains listed on the ASX (and provided the acquisition is less than 90% of the Shares in the Company).

10.14.8.  Goods and services tax (GST)

GST is not applicable to the acquisition or disposal of Shares. The ability of Shareholders to recover any GST incurred as
an input tax credit in relation to costs associated with the Offers (such as costs relating to professional advice obtained by
Shareholders regarding the Offers) would vary according to individual circumstances and as such this should be reviewed
by Shareholders prior to making any claim.
No GST should be payable by Shareholders on receiving dividends (or other distributions) paid by the Company.

10.15.  Selling restrictions

This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of Shares in any jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful. In particular, this
document may not be distributed to any person, and the Shares may not be Offered or sold, in any country outside Australia
except to the extent permitted below.

10.15.1.  Hong Kong

WARNING: This document has not been, and will not be, registered as a prospectus under the Companies (Winding Up
and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32) of Hong Kong, nor has it been authorised by the Securities and Futures
Commission in Hong Kong pursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of the Laws of Hong Kong (the “SFO”).
No action has been taken in Hong Kong to authorise or register this document or to permit the distribution of this document
or any documents issued in connection with it. Accordingly, the Shares and Options have not been and will not be offered or
sold in Hong Kong other than to “professional investors” (as defined in the SFO and any rules made under that ordinance).
No advertisement, invitation or document relating to the Shares and Options has been or will be issued, or has been or will
be in the possession of any person for the purpose of issue, in Hong Kong or elsewhere that is directed at, or the contents
of which are likely to be accessed or read by, the public of Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws
of Hong Kong) other than with respect to the Shares and Options that are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons
outside Hong Kong or only to professional investors. No person allotted the Shares or Options may sell, or offer to sell,
such securities in circumstances that amount to an offer to the public in Hong Kong within six months following the date
of issue of such securities.
The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any Hong Kong regulatory authority. You are advised to exercise
caution in relation to the Offers. If you are in doubt about any contents of this document, you should obtain independent
professional advice.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 151

10  Additional Information (continued)

10.15.2.  New Zealand

This document has not been registered, filed with or approved by any New Zealand regulatory authority under the Financial
Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the “FMC Act”). The Shares and Options are not being offered or sold in New Zealand (or allotted
with a view to being offered for sale in New Zealand) other than to a person who:
• is an investment business within the meaning of clause 37 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act;
• meets the investment activity criteria specified in clause 38 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act;
• is large within the meaning of clause 39 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act;
• is a government agency within the meaning of clause 40 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act; or
• is an eligible investor within the meaning of clause 41 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act.

10.15.3. Singapore
This document and any other materials relating to the Shares and Options have not been, and will not be, lodged or
registered as a prospectus in Singapore with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Accordingly, this document and any other
document or materials in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of Shares and Options,
may not be issued, circulated or distributed, nor may the Shares and Options be offered or sold, or be made the subject of
an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore except pursuant to and in
accordance with exemptions in Subdivision (4) Division 1, Part XIII of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore
(the “SFA”), or as otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of any other applicable provisions of the SFA.
This document has been given to you on the basis that you are (i) an “institutional investor” (as defined in the SFA) or (ii) an
“accredited investor” (as defined in the SFA). If you are not an investor falling within one of these categories, please return this
document immediately. You may not forward or circulate this document to any other person in Singapore.
Any offer is not made to you with a view to the Shares and Options being subsequently offered for sale to any other
party. There are on-sale restrictions in Singapore that may be applicable to investors who acquire Shares and Options.
As such, investors are advised to acquaint themselves with the SFA provisions relating to resale restrictions in Singapore
and comply accordingly.

10.15.4.  European Union

This document has not been, and will not be, registered with or approved by any securities regulator in the European Union.
Accordingly, this document may not be made available, nor may the Shares and Options be offered for sale, in any member
state of the European Union except in circumstances that do not require a prospectus under Article 1(4) of Regulation (EU)
2017/1129 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (the “Prospectus Regulation”).
In accordance with Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation, an offer of Shares and Options in each member state of the
European Union is limited:
• to persons who are “qualified investors” (as defined in Article 2(e) of the Prospectus Regulation);
• to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than qualified investors); or
• in any other circumstance falling within Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation.
Investors in the Netherlands should note:

10.15.5. Colombia
No offer or invitation to subscribe for Shares may be made to the public in Colombia.

10.15.6.  United Arab Emirates
This document does not constitute a public offer of securities in the United Arab Emirates and the Shares and Options may
not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, to the public in the UAE. Neither this document nor the Shares nor the Options
have been approved by the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) or any other authority in the UAE.
This document may be distributed in the UAE only to “qualified investors” (as defined in the SCA Board of Directors’
Chairman Decision No. 37 RM of 2019, as amended) and may not be provided to any person other than the original recipient.
No marketing of the Shares and Options has been, or will be, made from within the UAE other than in compliance with the
laws of the UAE and no subscription for any securities may be consummated within the UAE.
No offer or invitation to subscribe for the Shares or Options is valid, or permitted from any person, in the Abu Dhabi Global
Market or the Dubai International Financial Centre.

10.16.  Consents to be named and statement of disclaimers of responsibility

Each of the parties listed below in this Section 10.17, each a consenting party, to the maximum extent permitted by law,
expressly disclaims all liabilities in respect of, makes no representations regarding and takes no responsibility, for any
statements in or omissions from this Prospectus, other than the reference to its name in the form and context in which
it is named and a statement or report included in this Prospectus with its consent as specified below.
Each of the parties listed below has given and has not, at the time of lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, withdrawn
its written consent to the inclusion of statements in this Prospectus that are specified below in the form and context in which
the statements appear:
• Morgans Corporate Limited has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC,
its written consent to be named in this Prospectus as the Lead Manager to the Public Offer in the form and context
in which it is named;
• Automic Legal has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent
to be named in this Prospectus as Australian legal adviser (other than in relation to taxation and stamp duty matters) to the
Company in relation to the Offers in the form and context in which it is named;
• Deloitte Corporate Finance has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its
written consent to be named in this Prospectus as Investigating Accountant to the Company in relation to the Financial
Information in the form and context in which it is named and to the inclusion of its Investigating Accountant’s Report on
the Financial Information set out in Section 9 in the form and context in which it appears in this Prospectus;
• Deloitte Tax has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent
to be named in this Prospectus as tax adviser to BikeExchange in the form and context in which it is so named;
• Deloitte Audit has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent
to be named in this Prospectus as auditor to the BikeExchange Group in the form and context in which it is so named;
• Crowe has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to be
named in this Prospectus as auditor to the Company in the form and context in which it is so named;
• Silvercloud has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent
to be named in this Prospectus as corporate advisor to the BikeExchange Group in the form and context in which it is
so named; and
• Automic Registry has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent
to be named in this Prospectus as Share Registry of BikeExchange in the form and context in which it is named.

10.17.  Governing law

This Prospectus and the contracts that arise from the acceptance of the Applications and bids under the Prospectus are
governed by the laws applicable in New South Wales, Australia and each Applicant submits to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.

10.18.  Statement of directors

This Prospectus is authorised by each director and proposed director of the Company who consents to its lodgement
with ASIC and its issue.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 153

Appendix A:  Significant Accounting Policies

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements are set out below. These policies
have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.

(a)  Principles of Aggregation

The BikeExchange listed group will be created through the formation of a new company that will become both the
ultimate parent of the BikeExchange Group, through acquisition of the ownership interest of all the entities presented in
this aggregation, and the Company. These financial statements aggregate all of the operating entities which will form part
of BikeExchange at Listing.
As explained above the financial statements are aggregated financial statements and are not consolidated financial
statements as required by AASB 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’. As at 30 June 2020, there is no basis for the
preparation of consolidated financial statements as there is no common ownership of the entities which make up
BikeExchange. The aggregated financial statements incorporate the assets and liabilities of all entities of the BikeExchange
Group as at 30 June 2018, 2019 and 2020 and the results of these entities for the year then ended.
The term ‘BikeExchange Group’ refers to the aggregation of the entities set out in Section 5.2.3. The Income Statement and
Statement of Financial Position for all entities have been presented to a 30 June Financial year end.
In preparing the aggregated financial statements, the following transactions and balances have been eliminated:
• all intercompany balances between entities within the aggregated BikeExchange Group, including any unrealised profits
or losses.
• all intercompany dividends and distributions have been eliminated in the aggregated entity.
• all intercompany transactions between entities in the aggregated BikeExchange Group.
As a consequence of the financial report being prepared on an aggregated basis, no eliminations have occurred in relation
to equity balances for any entities not held within the aggregated BikeExchange Group, specifically: issued capital, retained
earnings and reserves.

(b)  Basis of Preparation

The Aggregated Historic Financial Information has been prepared in accordance with the basis of accounting and disclosure
requirements specified by all Australian Accounting Standards applicable to Tier 1 entities, except the requirements of the
Australian Accounting Standard listed below:
• AASB 3 Business Combinations
• AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements
• AASB 133 Earnings Per Share
AASB 3 and AASB 10 have been applied to the fullest extent possible to transactions occurring and in the presentation
of the aggregated financial statements, but cannot be fully complied with as there is no common controlling entity for the
BikeExchange Group at 30 June 2020. No Earnings Per Share measure has been disclosed as there is no single controlling
entity (and therefore number of shares) to apply to the aggregated BikeExchange Group at 30 June 2020.
The company is a for‑profit entity for financial reporting purposes under Australian Accounting Standards.
The financial statements, except for the cash flow information, have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based
on historical costs, modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non‑current assets, financial
assets and financial liabilities. The amounts presented in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest dollar.
All amounts are presented in Australian dollars, unless otherwise noted. The functional and presentation currency of the
BikeExchange Group is the Australian Dollar.

(c)  Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures

An associate is an entity over which the BikeExchange Group has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to
participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 155

Appendix A:  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

A joint venture is a type of joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights
to the net assets of the joint venture. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which
exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Under the equity method, the investment in an associate or a joint venture is initially recognised at cost. The carrying amount
of the investment is adjusted to recognise changes in the BikeExchange Group’s share of net assets of the associate or joint
venture since the acquisition date. Goodwill relating to the associate or joint venture is included in the carrying amount of the
investment and is not tested for impairment separately.
The statement of profit or loss reflects the BikeExchange Group’s share of the results of operations of the associate or joint
venture. Any change in Other Comprehensive Income of those investees is presented as part of the BikeExchange Group’s
Other Comprehensive Income. In addition, when there has been a change recognised directly in the equity of the associate
or joint venture, the BikeExchange Group recognises its share of any changes, when applicable, in the statement of changes
in equity. Unrealised gains and losses resulting from transactions between the BikeExchange Group and the associate or
joint venture are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the associate or joint venture.
The aggregate of the BikeExchange Group’s share of profit or loss of an associate and a joint venture is shown on the face
of the statement of profit or loss outside operating profit and represents profit or loss after tax and noncontrolling interests
in the subsidiaries of the associate or joint venture.
The financial statements of the associate or joint venture are prepared for the same reporting period as the BikeExchange
Group. When necessary, adjustments are made to bring the accounting policies in line with those of the BikeExchange Group.
After application of the equity method, the BikeExchange Group determines whether it is necessary to recognise an
impairment loss on its investment in its associate or joint venture. At each reporting date, the BikeExchange Group
determines whether there is objective evidence that the investment in the associate or joint venture is impaired. If there is
such evidence, the BikeExchange Group calculates the amount of impairment as the difference between the recoverable
amount of the associate or joint venture and its carrying value, and then recognises the loss within ‘Share of profit of an
associate and a joint venture’ in the statement of profit or loss.
Upon loss of significant influence over the associate or joint control over the joint venture, the BikeExchange Group
measures and recognises any retained investment at its fair value. Any difference between the carrying amount of the
associate or joint venture upon loss of significant influence or joint control and the fair value of the retained investment
and proceeds from disposal is recognised in profit or loss.

(d)  Revenue from Contracts with Customers

The BikeExchange Group is in the business of providing a dedicated e-commerce bicycle marketplace, connecting
bike enthusiasts to retailers and suppliers. Revenue from contracts with customers is recognised when the associated
performance obligations from contracts with customers is satisfied. This may occur at a point in time or progressively over
time. Revenue is measured at an amount that reflects the consideration to which the BikeExchange Group expects to be
entitled in exchange for the satisfactory completion of its performance obligations.

E-commerce revenue
The BikeExchange Group has concluded that it is the agent for its e-commerce revenue arrangements because the supplier
controls the goods before transferring them directly to the end customer and not the BikeExchange Group. The BikeExchange
Group facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers but is not a party to that transaction. E-commerce revenue is the
net amount of commission and other fees that the BikeExchange Group is entitled to retain in return for its services as the
agent in facilitating the transaction. Revenue is recognised at a point in time being when the performance obligation for
service as an agent is satisfied, which is typically at the point the goods are dispatched by the supplier.

Subscription fees are charged in relation to the provision of e-commerce retail stores for retailers in the BikeExchange
marketplace. Subscription fees are charged on a monthly basis. Subscription fee revenue is recognised over the period
that the website hosts the e-commerce store for the retailer.

Media and other revenue
Media and other revenue is recognised on the satisfactory completion of associated performance obligations, which are
typically based on either time periods (e.g. for sponsorship campaigns) or as impressions are displayed on the BikeExchange
Group’s network of websites.
All revenue is stated net of the amount of taxes.

(e)  Segmental Reporting

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision
maker. The chief operating decision maker has been identified as the CEO. Management has determined the reporting
segments based on the reports reviewed by the CEO that are used to make strategic decisions.

(f)  Income Tax

Current tax
Current tax is calculated by reference to the amount of income taxes payable or recoverable in respect of the taxable
profit or loss for the period. It is calculated using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted
by reporting date. Current tax for current and prior periods is recognised as a liability (or asset) to the extent that it is
unpaid (or refundable).

Deferred tax
Deferred tax is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method on temporary differences arising from differences
between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax base of
those items.
In principle, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are recognised to
the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable amounts will be available against which deductible temporary differences
or unused tax losses and tax offsets can be utilised. However, deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the
temporary differences giving rise to them arise from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities (other than as a result of
a business combination) which affects neither taxable income nor accounting profit. Furthermore, a deferred tax liability
is not recognised in relation to taxable temporary differences arising from goodwill.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period(s) when the
asset and liability giving rise to them are realised or settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by reporting date. The measurement of deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that
would follow from the manner in which the consolidated entity expects, at the reporting date, to recover or settle the
carrying amount of its assets and liabilities.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax and when the
balances relate to taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the BikeExchange Group intends to settle its tax assets
and liabilities on a net basis.

Current and deferred tax for the period

Current and deferred tax is recognised as an expense or income in the statement of comprehensive income, except
when it relates to items credited or debited to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognised directly in equity, or
where it arises from initial accounting for a business combination, in which case it is taken into account in the determination
of goodwill or excess.

(g)  Foreign Currencies

The BikeExchange Group’s financial statements are presented in Australian Dollars, which is also the BikeExchange Group’s
functional currency. For each entity, the BikeExchange Group determines the functional currency and items included in the
financial statements of each entity are measured using that functional currency. The BikeExchange Group uses the direct
method of consolidation and on disposal of a foreign operation, the gain or loss that is reclassified to profit or loss reflects
the amount that arises from using this method.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 157

Appendix A:  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Transactions and balances

Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded by the BikeExchange Group’s entities at their respective functional
currency spot rates at the date the transaction first qualifies for recognition.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the functional currency spot rates of
exchange at the reporting date.
Differences arising on settlement or translation of monetary items are recognised in profit or loss with the exception of
monetary items that are designated as part of the hedge of the BikeExchange Group’s net investment in a foreign operation.
These are recognised in Other Comprehensive Income until the net investment is disposed of, at which time, the cumulative
amount is reclassified to profit or loss. Tax charges and credits attributable to exchange differences on those monetary
items are also recognised in Other Comprehensive Income.
Non‑monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange
rates at the dates of the initial transactions. Non‑monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated
using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value is determined. The gain or loss arising on translation of
non‑monetary items measured at fair value is treated in line with the recognition of the gain or loss on the change in fair
value of the item (i.e., translation differences on items whose fair value gain or loss is recognised in Other Comprehensive
Income or profit or loss are also recognised in Other Comprehensive Income or profit or loss, respectively).

(h)  Cash and Cash Equivalents

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in banks and investments in money
market instruments with original maturities of three months of less, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts
are shown within borrowings in current liabilities on the statement of financial position.

(i)  Accounts Receivable and Other Debtors

Trade and other receivables include amounts due from customers for services performed in the ordinary course of business.
A receivable is recognised if an amount of consideration that is unconditional is due from the customer (i.e. only the passage
of time is required before payment of the consideration is due).

(j)  Property, Plant and Equipment

Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost less, where applicable, accumulated depreciation and any
impairment losses.

Plant and equipment

Plant and equipment, leasehold improvements and equipment under finance lease are stated at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the item. In the event
that settlement of all or part of the purchase consideration is deferred, cost is determined by discounting the amounts
payable in the future to their present value as at the date of acquisition.
Depreciation is provided on property, plant and equipment, leasehold improvements and equipment under finance lease.
Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis so as to write off the net cost of each asset over its expected useful life to
its estimated residual value. Leasehold improvements are depreciated at the rate equivalent to the term of the lease using
the straight line method. The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method is reviewed at the end of each
annual reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.
The following estimated useful lives are used in the calculation of depreciation:
• Motor Vehicles 5 years
• Other Property, Plant and Equipment 3‑5 years
The gain or loss arising on disposal or retirement of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined as the difference
between the sales proceeds and the carrying amounts of the asset and is recognised in profit or loss.

(k)  Intangible Assets
Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. The cost of intangible assets acquired in
a business combination is their fair value at the date of acquisition. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried
at cost less any accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. Internally generated intangibles, excluding
capitalised development costs, are not capitalised and the related expenditure is reflected in profit or loss in the period in
which the expenditure is incurred.
The useful lives of intangible assets are assessed as either finite or indefinite.
Intangible assets with finite lives are amortised over the useful economic life and assessed for impairment whenever there
is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. The amortisation period and the amortisation method for an
intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at the end of each reporting period. Changes in the expected
useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset are considered to
modify the amortisation period or method, as appropriate, and are treated as changes in accounting estimates. The
amortisation expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognised in the statement of profit or loss in the expense
category that is consistent with the function of the intangible assets. There are no indefinite lived intangible assets.
An intangible asset is derecognised upon disposal (i.e., at the date the recipient obtains control) or when no future economic
benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising upon derecognition of the asset (calculated as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the statement of profit
or loss.

Software and licences

Significant costs associated with software are deferred and amortised on a straight‑line basis over the period of their
expected benefit, being their finite life of 5 years.

(l) Leases
The BikeExchange Group assesses at contract inception whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. That is, if the contract
conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
The BikeExchange Group applies a single recognition and measurement approach for all leases, except for short‑term
leases and leases of low‑value assets. The BikeExchange Group recognises lease liabilities to make lease payments and
right‑of‑use assets representing the right to use the underlying assets.

Right of use assets

The BikeExchange Group recognises right‑of‑use assets at the commencement date of the lease (i.e., the date the underlying
asset is available for use). Right‑of‑use assets are measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses,
and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease liabilities. The cost of right‑of‑use assets includes the amount of lease liabilities
recognised, initial direct costs incurred, and lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease
incentives received. Right‑of‑use assets for both property leases and motor vehicles are depreciated on a straight‑line basis
over the lease term unless the estimated useful lives of the assets is shorter.
If ownership of the leased asset transfers to the BikeExchange Group at the end of the lease term or the cost reflects the
exercise of a purchase option, depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful life of the asset.
The right‑of‑use assets are also subject to impairment. Refer to the accounting policies in section (n) Impairment of
Non-Financial Assets.

Lease liabilities
At the commencement date of the lease, the BikeExchange Group recognises lease liabilities measured at the present
value of lease payments to be made over the lease term. The lease payments include fixed payments (including in
substance fixed payments) less any lease incentives receivable, variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
and amounts expected to be paid under residual value guarantees. The lease payments also include the exercise price of
a purchase option reasonably certain to be exercised by the BikeExchange Group and payments of penalties for terminating
the lease, if the lease term reflects the BikeExchange Group exercising the option to terminate. Variable lease payments
that do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised as expenses (unless they are incurred to produce inventories) in
the period in which the event or condition that triggers the payment occurs.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 159

Appendix A:  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

In calculating the present value of lease payments, the BikeExchange Group uses its incremental borrowing rate at the lease
commencement date because the interest rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable. After the commencement
date, the amount of lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion of interest and reduced for the lease payments
made. In addition, the carrying amount of lease liabilities is remeasured if there is a modification, a change in the lease term,
a change in the lease payments (e.g., changes to future payments resulting from a change in an index or rate used to
determine such lease payments) or a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset.
The BikeExchange Group’s lease liabilities are included in Interest‑bearing loans and borrowings.
The BikeExchange Group applies the short‑term lease recognition exemption to its short‑term leases (i.e., those leases that
have a lease term of 12 months or less from the commencement date and do not contain a purchase option). It also applies
the lease of low‑value assets recognition exemption to leases of office equipment that are considered to be low value.
Lease payments on short‑term leases and leases of low value assets are recognised as expense on a straight‑line basis
over the lease term.

(m)  Financial Instruments

Financial instruments, incorporating financial assets and financial liabilities, are recognised when the entity becomes
a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Financial assets
Initial recognition and measurement
Financial assets are classified, at initial recognition, as subsequently measured at amortised cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income, and fair value through profit or loss.
The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the financial asset’s contractual cash flow
characteristics and the BikeExchange Group’s business model for managing them. The BikeExchange Group’s financial
assets consist of cash and trade receivables that do not contain a significant financing component. Trade receivables that
do not contain a significant financing component are measured at the transaction price
In order for a financial asset to be classified and measured at amortised cost, or fair value through other comprehensive
income, it needs to give rise to cash flows that are ‘solely payments of principal and interest (SPPI)’ on the principal amount
outstanding. This assessment is referred to as the SPPI test and is performed at an instrument level. Financial assets with cash
flows that are not SPPI are classified and measured at fair value through profit or loss, irrespective of the business model.
The BikeExchange Group’s business model for managing financial assets refers to how it manages its financial assets in
order to generate cash flows. The business model determines whether cash flows will result from collecting contractual
cash flows, selling the financial assets, or both. Financial assets classified and measured at amortised cost are held within
a business model with the objective to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows while financial assets
classified and measured at fair value through other comprehensive income are held within a business model with the
objective of both holding to collect contractual cash flows and selling.

Subsequent measurement
For purposes of subsequent measurement, financial assets are classified in four categories:
• Financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments)
• Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income with recycling of cumulative gains and losses
(debt instruments)
• Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income with no recycling of cumulative gains
and losses upon derecognition (equity instruments)
• Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments)
Financial assets at amortised cost are subsequently measured using the effective interest (EIR) method and are subject
to impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the asset is derecognised, modified or impaired.
The BikeExchange Group’s financial assets at amortised cost includes trade receivables, and a term deposit.
The BikeExchange Group does not hold any financial assets classified as fair value through other comprehensive income, or
fair value through profit or loss.

A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a BikeExchange Group of similar financial assets)
is primarily derecognised (i.e., removed from the BikeExchange Group’s consolidated statement of financial position) when:
• The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
• The BikeExchange Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to
pay the received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a ‘pass‑through’ arrangement; and either
(a) the BikeExchange Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the BikeExchange
Group has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred
control of the asset.
When the BikeExchange Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a
passthrough arrangement, it evaluates if, and to what extent, it has retained the risks and rewards of ownership. When it
has neither transferred nor retained substantially all of the risks and rewards of the asset, nor transferred control of the
asset, the BikeExchange Group continues to recognise the transferred asset to the extent of its continuing involvement. In
that case, the BikeExchange Group also recognises an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability
are measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the BikeExchange Group has retained.
Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at the lower of the original
carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the BikeExchange Group could be required
to repay.

The BikeExchange Group recognises an allowance for expected credit losses (ECLs) for all debt instruments not held at fair
value through profit or loss. ECLs are based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance with
the contract and all the cash flows that the BikeExchange Group expects to receive, discounted at an approximation of the
original effective interest rate. The expected cash flows will include cash flows from the sale of collateral held or other credit
enhancements that are integral to the contractual terms.
ECLs are recognised in two stages. For credit exposures for which there has not been a significant increase in credit risk
since initial recognition, ECLs are provided for credit losses that result from default events that are possible within the next
12‑months (a 12‑month ECL). For those credit exposures for which there has been a significant increase in credit risk since
initial recognition, a loss allowance is required for credit losses expected over the remaining life of the exposure, irrespective
of the timing of the default (a lifetime ECL).
For trade receivables, the BikeExchange Group applies a simplified approach in calculating ECLs. Therefore, the
BikeExchange Group does not track changes in credit risk, but instead recognises a loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs
at each reporting date. The BikeExchange Group has established a provision matrix that is based on its historical credit loss
experience, adjusted for forward‑looking factors specific to the debtors and the economic environment.
The BikeExchange Group considers a financial asset in default when contractual payments are 90 days past due. However,
in certain cases, the BikeExchange Group may also consider a financial asset to be in default when internal or external
information indicates that the BikeExchange Group is unlikely to receive the outstanding contractual amounts in full before
taking into account any credit enhancements held by the BikeExchange Group. A financial asset is written off when there is
no reasonable expectation of recovering the contractual cash flows.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 161

Appendix A:  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Financial liabilities
Initial recognition and measurement
Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition, as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans
and borrowings, payables, or as derivatives designated as hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate.
All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in the case of loans and borrowings and payables,
net of directly attributable transaction costs.
The BikeExchange Group’s financial liabilities include trade and other payables, loans and borrowings.

Subsequent measurement
For purposes of subsequent measurement, financial liabilities are classified in two categories:
• Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
• Financial liabilities at amortised cost (loans and borrowings)

Financial liabilities at amortised cost (loans and borrowings)

This is the category most relevant to the BikeExchange Group. After initial recognition, interest‑bearing loans and borrowings
are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Gains and losses are recognised in
profit or loss when the liabilities are derecognised as well as through the effective interest rate amortisation process.
Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an
integral part of the effective interest rate. The effective interest rate amortisation is included as finance costs in the statement
of profit or loss.
This category generally applies to interest‑bearing loans and borrowings.
The BikeExchange Group does not hold any financial liabilities classified as fair value through profit or loss.

A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expires. When an
existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an
existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as the derecognition of the original
liability and the recognition of a new liability. The difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognised in the
statement of profit or loss.

Offsetting of financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the consolidated statement of financial
position if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle
on a net basis, to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

(n)  Impairment of Non‑Financial Assets

At the end of each reporting period, the BikeExchange Group reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible
assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have been impaired. If such an indication exists, the
recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use, is compared
to the asset’s carrying amount. Any excess of the asset’s carrying amount over its recoverable amount is recognised in
profit or loss.
Where the future economic benefits of the asset are not primarily dependent upon the asset’s ability to generate net cash
inflows and when the entity would, if deprived of the asset, replace its remaining future economic benefits, value in use is
determined as the depreciated replacement cost of an asset.
Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an asset’s class, the entity estimates the recoverable amount
of the cash‑generating unit to which the class of assets belong.
Where an impairment loss on a revalued asset is identified, this is recognised against the revaluation surplus in respect of
the same class of asset to the extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the amount in the revaluation surplus for
that class of asset.

(o)  Accounts Payable and Other Payables
Accounts payable and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and
services received by the company during the reporting period which remain unpaid. The balance is recognised as a current
liability with the amounts normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.

(p)  Employee Benefits

Short‑term employee benefits
Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non‑monetary benefits, annual leave and long service leave expected to be
settled within 12 months of the reporting date are recognised in current liabilities in respect of employees’ services up to
the reporting date and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled.

Other long‑term employee benefits

The liability for annual leave and long service leave not expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date are
recognised in non‑current liabilities, provided there is an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability. The liability
is measured as the present value of expected future payments to be made in respect of services provided by employees
up to the reporting date using the projected unit credit method. Consideration is given to expected future wage and salary
levels, experience of employee departures and periods of service. Expected future payments are discounted using market
yields at the reporting date on national government bonds with terms to maturity and currency that match, as closely as
possible, the estimated future cash outflows.

(q) Provisions
Provisions are recognised when the economic entity has a legal, equitable or constructive obligation to make a future sacrifice
of economic benefits to other entities as a result of past transactions of other past events, it is probable that a future sacrifice
of economic benefits will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

(r)  Goods and Services Tax

Revenues, expenses, and assets are recognised net of the amount of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Sales Taxes, except
where the amount of GST or Sales Taxes incurred is not recoverable from the taxation authority. In these circumstances, the
GST or Sales Taxes are recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense.
Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST and Sales Taxes included. The net amount of GST and Sales
Taxes recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of receivables or payables in the balance
sheet. Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis.
The GST and Sales Taxes components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which are recoverable
from, or payable to, the taxation authority are classified as operating cash flows.

(s)  Issued Capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity.
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax,
from the proceeds

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 163

Appendix B:  Glossary

Term Meaning

AAS Australian Accounting Standards.

AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board.

Aggregated Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Cash

Aggregated Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Financial

Aggregated Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Income

Aggregated Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Statement
of Financial Position

Aggregated Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Statement of
Financial Position

Aggregate Has the meaning given in Section 10.12.2.

Substantial Interest

AIFRS Australian International Financial Reporting Standards.

ANZ Australia and New Zealand.

Anti‑bribery and Has the meaning given in Section 7.8.8.

corruption policy

AOV Average Order Value.

API Application Programming Interface.

ARA Active Retail Accounts.

ARPA Average Revenue Per Account.

ARSA Active Retail Subscriber Accounts.

Applicant A person who submits an Application.

Application An application made to subscribe for Shares or Options offered under this Prospectus.

Application Form The application form attached to or accompany this Prospectus (including the electronic
form provided by an online application facility).

Application Monies The amount of money accompanying an Application Form submitted by an Applicant.

ASAE Australian Standard on Assurance Engagements.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 165

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

ASX Australian Securities Exchange.

ASX Corporate The fourth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles
Governance and Recommendations as revised in 2019.

ASX Listing Rules The rules of the ASX that govern the admission, quotation and removal of securities from the
Official List.

ASX Settlement The settlement rules of ASX as amended, varied or waived from time to time.
Operating Rules

ATL Above the Line.

ATO Australian Tax Office.

Audit and Risk The committee described in Section 7.7.3.


Australian Australian Accounting Standards and other authoritative pronouncements issued by the
Accounting Australian Accounting Standards Board and Urgent Issues Group interpretations.

Automic Legal Automic Legal Pty Ltd ACN 147 418 942.

Automic Registry Automic Pty Ltd ACN 152 260 814.

Award means:
• an option to acquire Shares;
• a performance right to acquire Shares; or
• a Share, including to be acquired under a limited recourse loan funded arrangement,
as the case may be, granted under terms and conditions of the Employee Incentive Plan
as described in Section 7.5.1.

AWS Amazon Web Services.

AOV Average order value.

B2B Business to business.

B2C Business to consumer.

BikeExchange means:
• prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction, the BikeExchange Group; and
• post completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Company and its Subsidiaries,
where the context requires, the business conducted by those entities.

Term Meaning

BikeExchange Has the meaning given in Section

Administration Site

BikeExchange App The mobile application developed by BikeExchange.

BikeExchange BikeExchange Colombia S.A.S.


BikeExchange the entities within the “BikeExchange group” prior to the IPO, being:
• BikeExchange TopCo;
• BikeExchange Pte Ltd;
• BikeExchange Inc;
• BikeExchange Pty Ltd;
• BikeExchange DE Vertribes GmbH.; and
• BikeExchange Colombia.

BikeExchange Hubs Has the meaning given in Section 10.5.3.

BikeExchange The online platform which BikeExchange operates from including its website, databases
Platform and systems.

BikeExchange All shareholders of the BikeExchange Pte Ltd, who will also be all shareholders of BikeExchange
Shareholders TopCo. As the context requires, it also includes any entities that become shareholders of
BikeExchange TopCo prior to completion of the acquisition of BikeExchange TopCo by RPro.

BikeExchange Move Drive Pty Ltd (ACN 626 542 265).


BIM Sale Shares Has the meaning given in Section 10.5.2.

Board or Board The board of directors of the Company.

of Directors

Board Charter Has the meaning given in Section 7.7.1.

Bombora Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 625 413 390.

Bombora Sale Deed Has the meaning given in Section 10.5.2. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Bombora Sale
Deed is in draft. The consideration elections made by BikeExchange Shareholders under the
Offer Letter process will be reflected in the executed Bombora Sale Deed.

Bombora Special A fund which has beneficial interests in the Company and is managed by Bombora
Investments Investment Management.
Growth Fund

Broker Any ASX participating organisation selected by the Lead Manager and the Company to act
as a Broker to the Public Offer.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 167

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

Broker Firm Means the application form for the Broker Firm applicant for the Public Offer.
Application Form

Broker Firm Offer The offer of Shares under this Prospectus to Australian and New Zealand resident retail clients
of Brokers who have received a firm allocation from their Broker.

Broker Firm Offer A person who submits an Application under the Broker Firm Offer.

Business The business carried on by the BikeExchange Group.

CAC Customer Acquisition Cost.

CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate.

Carsales Ltd (ACN 074 444 018).

CEO Chief Executive Officer.

CFO Chef Financial Officer.

CGT Capital Gains Tax.

Chairman the chairman of the Company.

Change of Control An event where a person becomes a legal or beneficial owner of 50% of the Company’s issued
Event share capital in the Company.

CHESS Clearing House Electronic Subregister System, operated in accordance with the ASX Listing
Rules and the ASX Settlement Operating Rules.

Closing Date The date on which the Retail Offer is expected to close, being 25 January 2021. This date may
be varied without prior notice.

Code of Conduct Has the meaning given in Section 7.8.4.

Colombian JV Has the meaning given in Section 10.5.4.


Company RPro Holdings Limited ACN 625 305 240.

Completion The completion of all Offers being the earliest day on which the Public Offer, Consideration Offer
and EIP Offer have completed.

Concierge Service A service provided to assist consumers with their cycling purchases.

Consideration Offer The offer of Consideration Shares to the BikeExchange Shareholders pursuant this Prospectus.

Consideration Up to 177,497,224 new Shares that is presumed to be issued to BikeExchange Shareholders

Shares as consideration payable by the Company for the acquisition of 100% of the issued capital in
BikeExchange TopCo.

Term Meaning

Consolidation means the 20 for 1 consolidation of the existing issued capital of the Company, which will
be implemented in accordance with the relevant resolution to be approved by Shareholders
at the EGM. Notably, all Securities pursuant to this Prospectus are being offered on a
post‑Consolidation basis.

Constitution The proposed constitution of the Company subject to shareholder approval as described
in Section 2.2.

Corporations Act Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Corporations Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth).


COVID‑19 The virus formally known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Crowe Crowe Sydney ABN 97 895 683 573.

CRN Customer reference number.

CTR Click Through Rate.

Cyclesoftware Cyclesoftware B.V.

Cyclesoftware Has the meaning given in Section 10.7.


Deloitte Audit Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ABN 74 490 121 060.

Deloitte Corporate Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited ACN 003 833 127.

Deloitte Tax Deloitte Tax Services Pty Ltd ACN 092 223 240.

Directors A member of the Board.

Diversity Policy Has the meaning given in Section 7.8.5.

DRP Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

DTC Direct to Consumer.

EBIT Earnings before interest and tax.

EBITDA Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.

E‑Bikes Electric bikes.

EDM Electronic Direct Mail.

EGM Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, which is expected to be held on or around
18 January 2021.

EIP Offer Means the offer of 18,100,000 Options to the Proposed Directors, key executives and employees
made under this Prospectus as described in Sections to

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 169

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

Employee Means an employee of the Company in the European Union (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands),
the United States and Colombia.

Employee The Company’s equity‑based long‑term incentive plan for employees of the Company,
Incentive Plan as described in Section 7.5.

Employee Incentive The rules in respect of the operation of the Employee Incentive Plan, as amended from time
Plan Rules to time and includes all addendums and schedules to these rules.

Enterprise Value The sum of market capitalisation at the Offer Price and pro forma net debt.

Escrowed Shares Certain Shares held by the Escrowed Shareholders on Completion of the Offer
Each of the Shares held by Escrowed Shareholders immediately following Completion of
the Offer which are subject to voluntary escrow arrangements as described in Section 10.9.2.

Escrow Certain BikeExchange Shareholders and Bombora Investment Management as described

Shareholders in Section 10.9.2.

Exercise Date Means the respective exercise date of an Option as set out in Section 7.5.

Exercise Price Means the respective exercise price of an Option as set out in Section 7.5.

Existing Shareholder A Shareholder at the date of this Prospectus.

Expiry Date Means the respective expiry date of an Option as set out in Section 7.5

Exposure Period The seven‑day period after the Prospectus Date, which may be extended
by ASIC for up to an additional seven days.

FATA Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth).

Federal Treasurer Has the meaning given in the FATA.

Financial Has the definition given in Section 5.1.


FY Financial Year.

Global CEO Global Chief Executive Officer.

Global CFO Global Chief Financial Officer.

Group means the Company and all of its Related Body Corporate.

Group Company means any one of the entities in the Group.

GST goods and services tax.

HFY Half Financial Year.

HIN Holder Identification Number.

Term Meaning

IAI means an institutional “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501(a)(1), (2), (3) or (7) under
the U.S. Securities Act.

IBD Independent Bicycle Dealership.

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards.

Institutional Investors who are:

• persons in Australia who are wholesale clients under section 761G of the Corporations Act and
either “professional investors” or “sophisticated investors” under sections 708(11) and 708(8) of
the Corporations Act; and
• institutional or professional investors in Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and the United
States, as agreed by the Company and the Lead Manager to whom offers of Shares may
lawfully be made without the need for a lodged or registered prospectus or other form of
disclosure document or filing with, or approval by, any governmental agency, and in particular:
(a) in Hong Kong, it (and any person for whom it is acting) is a “professional investor” as defined
under the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong, Chapter 571 of the Laws of
Hong Kong;
(b) in New Zealand, it (and any person for whom it is acting) is a person who (i) is an investment
business within the meaning of clause 37 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act, (ii) meets the
investment activity criteria specified in clause 38 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act, (iii) is large
within the meaning of clause 39 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act, (iv) is a government agency
within the meaning of clause 40 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act or (v) is an eligible investor
within the meaning of clause 41 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act (and, if an eligible investor,
have provided the necessary certification);
(c) in Singapore, it (and any person for whom it is acting) is an “institutional investor” or an
“accredited investor” (as such terms are defined in SFA);
(d) in the United States, it (and any person for whom it is acting) is an IAI.

Institutional Offer The invitation to Institutional Investors under this Prospectus to acquire Shares, as described
in Section 8.10.

Institutional Offer A person who submits an Application under the Institutional Offer.

IASB International Accounting Standards Board.

Investigating Deloitte Corporate Finance.


Investigative The Investigating Accountant’s report as set out in Section 9.

Accountant’s Report

IP Intellectual Property.

IPO Initial public offering.

IPO Grant A one‑off grant made under the Employee Incentive Plan as part of the EIP Offer, pursuant
to which all Proposed Directors, certain key executives and employee will be granted Options
in connection with the IPO as described in Section

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 171

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

IPO Options Each Option offered under the IPO Grant.

Issuer The Company.

ITAA 1936 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth).

ITAA 1997 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth).

LATAM Latin America.

Lead Manager Morgans Corporate Limited ACN 010 539 607.

Legal Advisor Automic Legal.

Listing Admission of the Company to the official list of the ASX.

Listing Date the date on which the Listing takes place.

LTIP Grant A grant made under the Employee Incentive Plan as part of the EIP Offer, pursuant to which
certain executives and employee will be granted Options as long‑term incentives as described
in Section

LTIP Option Each Option offered under the LTIP Grant.

Management The executive management team of BikeExchange.

Mandate Letter mandate letter between the Company and the Lead Manager dated 30 September 2020.

Marketplacer Marketplacer Pty Ltd ACN 161 625 789.

Marketplacer Has the meaning given in Section 10.5.3 and Marketplacer Agreement mean any one of the
Agreements Marketplacer Agreements.

Monetary Authority Monetary Authority of Singapore established under the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act,
of Singapore Chapter 186 of Singapore.

Morgans or Morgans means the Lead Manager.

Corporate Limited

NOM Notice of Meeting.

Non‑Executive A member of the Board who does not form part of the Company’s management.
Director or NED

Non‑Executive A member of the Board who does not form part of the Company’s management
Chairman but acts as Chairman.

NPAT Net profit after tax.

Offers Each of the Public Offer, Consideration Offer and the EIP Offer.

Offer Information +61 2 9689 5414 (within Australia) or 1300 288 664 (outside Australia) between
Line 8:30am and 5:30pm (Sydney Time), Monday to Friday.

Term Meaning

Offer Letter The letter to be provided to each BikeExchange TopCo shareholder (current or future) by the
Company under which the Company will offer to acquire the shares in BikeExchange TopCo
on the same terms for all shareholders and under which each BikeExchange TopCo shareholder
will elect the form of consideration they wish to receive (within the terms of the offer).

Offer Period The period from the Opening Date, and ending on the Closing Date.

Offer Price $0.26 per Share.

Official List The official list of the ASX.

Opening Date The date on which the Retail Offer is expected to open, being 29 December 2020. This date may
be varied without prior notice.

Option An option to acquire a Share.

POS point of sale.

Priority Offer The component of the Retail Offer under which investors who have received a Priority Offer
Invitation are invited to apply for Shares, as described in Section 8.8.

Priority Offer An application form relating to the Priority Offer.

Application Form

Priority Offer A person who submits an Application under the Priority Offer.

Priority Offer The invitation under this Prospectus to selected investors in Australia, New Zealand and certain
Invitation other jurisdictions to participate in the Priority Offer on a firm basis up to the allocation of Shares
determined by BikeExchange.

Privacy Policy Has the meaning given in Section 7.8.6.

Pro Forma Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Cash

Pro Forma Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Financial

Pro Forma Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Income

Pro Forma Has the meaning given in Section 5.1.

Historical Statement
of Financial Position

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 173

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

Pro Forma Historical Has the meaning given in Section 5.2.3.

Cash Flows

Pro Forma Historical Has the meaning given in Section 5.2.3.

Statement of
Financial Position

Proper ASTC Has the meaning given in the Corporations Regulations.


Proposed Director A proposed director of the Company following completion of the Proposed Transaction.

Proposed the proposed acquisition of 100% of the issued capital in BikeExchange TopCo pursuant
Transaction to the Share Sale Agreement.

Prospectus This document and its annexures (including the electronic form of this Prospectus) and any
supplementary or replacement prospectus in relation to this document.

Prospectus Date The date on which this Prospectus was lodged with ASIC, being 16 December 2020.

Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

Prospectus The date which is 13 months after the Prospectus Date.

Expiry Date

Public Offer The offer of 76,923,076 new Shares at an issue price of $0.26 per Share.

Related Body has the meaning given in the Corporations Act.


Remuneration Has the meaning given in Section 7.7.4.

and Nominations

Resolution Each of the resolutions set out in the NOM.

Restructure The restructure of the BikeExchange Group, whereby under the Share Exchange Agreement
the BikeExchange Shareholders will exchange their shares in BikeExchange Pte Ltd for shares
in BikeExchange TopCo and as a result will become shareholders of BikeExchange TopCo.
The interposition of BikeExchange TopCo is being undertaken in order to streamline the
corporate structure and regulatory obligations of the BikeExchange Group. The interposition
of BikeExchange TopCo is not dependent or conditional on the listing of BikeExchange TopCo
or RPro on the ASX.

Restructure Has the definition given in the Underwriting Agreement, which means the Share Exchange
Documents Agreement and all other ancillary documents whereby the BikeExchange Group is acquired
by the Company.

Resulting Share has the definition given in the Employee Incentive Plan Rules, which means a Share that is
granted to a participant as a result of exercising the participant’s Option or performance right.

Retail Offer Together, the Broker Firm Offer and Priority Offer.

Term Meaning

RG170 ASIC Regulatory Guide 170.

RPro The Company.

RSA Retail Subscription Accounts.

SAP Significant Accounting Policies.

Saltsam Pty Ltd Saltsam Pty Ltd ACN 127 436 748.

SCA The Securities and Commodities Authority of the UAE.

Section A section of this Prospectus.

Securities Trading Means BikeExchange’s securities trading policy, as adopted by the Board.

SEM Search Engine Marketing.

SEO Search Engine Optimisation

Settlement The settlement in respect of the Shares the subject of the Offer occurring under the
Underwriting Agreement and associated settlement support arrangements.

SFA the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore.

SFO the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of the Laws of Hong Kong.

Share A fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company.

Shareholder A holder of a Share.

Share Sale The share sale agreement to be entered into between the BikeExchange Shareholders and the
Agreement Company, under which the Company will acquire 100% of the issued capital of BikeExchange
TopCo subject to certain conditions.

Share Exchange Share Exchange Agreement to be entered into by BikeExchange TopCo, BikeExchange Pte Ltd
Agreement and the BikeExchange Shareholders.

Share Registry Automic Registry.

Silvercloud Silvercloud Advisory Pty Ltd ACN 634 961 701.

SRN Securityholder Reference Number.

Subsidiaries has the meaning given in the Corporations Act.

Substantial Interest Has the meaning given in Section 10.13.2.

Successful An Applicant who is issued or transferred Shares under the Public Offer.

Surfwax Pty Ltd Surfwax Pty Ltd ACN 127 436 78.

BikeExchange Limited Prospectus 175

Appendix B:  Glossary (continued)

Term Meaning

Talbot Sayer Talbotsayer Pty Ltd ABN 93 168 129 075.


TOFA Taxation of Financial Arrangements.

TFN Tax file number.

Trek Trek Bicycle Canada ULC.

Trek Agreement Has the meaning given in Section 10.6.

TTV Total Transaction Value.

UAE United Arab Emirates.

UK United Kingdom.

Underwriter Morgans.

Underwriting The underwriting agreement dated on or about the date of this Prospectus between
Agreement the Company and the Lead Manager as described in Section 10.8.

U.S. Employee means an Employee resident in the United States.

U.S. Institutional means an investor certificate signed by an IAI.

Investor Certificate

U.S. Investor means an investor certificate signed by a U.S. Employee.


U.S. Offering means the offering circular that must accompany any distribution of the Prospectus in the
Circular United States to IAIs and Employees.

U.S. Person Has the meaning given in Rule 902(k) of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.

U.S. Securities Act U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Valid Applications An application made to subscribe for Shares offered under this Prospectus.

Webstore Has the meaning given in Section

Whistle-blower Has the meaning given in Section 7.8.7.


WSG Holdings WSG Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 133 112 964.
Pty Ltd

Application Fo
be supplied.
Hi-res PDF to
tion Form
for an Applica
ge s ha ve be en allocated us e th e stock
(4 pa is be ca
d a du pl icate form. This ct us , an d must
an pe
di ffe rs fro m the main Pros pu rp os es .)
used ding
section for bin
be a 4-page
Application Fo
be supplied.
Hi-res PDF to
tion Form
for an Applica
ge s ha ve be en allocated us e th e stock
(4 pa is be ca
d a du pl icate form. This ct us , an d must
an pe
di ffe rs fro m the main Pros pu rp os es .)
used ding
section for bin
be a 4-page
Application Fo
be supplied.
Hi-res PDF to
tion Form
for an Applica
ge s ha ve be en allocated us e th e stock
(4 pa is be ca
d a du pl icate form. This ct us , an d must
an pe
di ffe rs fro m the main Pros pu rp os es .)
used ding
section for bin
be a 4-page
Application Fo
be supplied.
Hi-res PDF to
tion Form
for an Applica
ge s ha ve be en allocated us e th e stock
(4 pa is be ca
d a du pl icate form. This ct us , an d must
an pe
di ffe rs fro m the main Pros pu rp os es .)
used ding
section for bin
be a 4-page
Corporate Directory

Company’s registered office Offer Information Line

RPro Holdings Limited Toll free within Australia
Level 16 1300 288 664
56 Pitt Street
Outside Australia
Sydney NSW 2000
+61 2 9689 5414
Between 8:30am and 5:00pm (Sydney time),
Lead Manager
Monday to Friday
Morgans Corporate Limited
Level 21, Aurora Place
88 Phillip Street
Offer website
Sydney NSW 2000

Australian Legal Advisor Share Registry

Automic Legal Pty Ltd Automic Pty Ltd
Level 5 Level 5
126 Phillip Street 126 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Sydney NSW 2000

M&A Legal Advisor Investigating Accountant

Talbot Sayer Lawyers Deloitte Corporate Finance Pty Limited
Level 27, Riverside Centre
477 Collins Street
123 Eagle Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Melbourne VIC 3000

GPO Box 799

Brisbane QLD 4001 Auditor
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Tax Advisor 477 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Deloitte Tax Services Pty Ltd
477 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000 #BIK0001

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