a) This section specifies the engineering, furnishing and installation of complete and ready
for operation electric traction elevator systems described herein and as indicated on the
specification table.
b) Items listed in the singular apply to each and every elevator in this specification except
where noted.
c) Passenger Elevators shall be Brand new, overhead gearless traction type; with Variable
Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) microprocessor based control system with
regenerative drive, duplex car full collective automatic operation and power operated
center opening car and landing doors.
a) Approval by the Contracting Officer is required for products and services of proposed
manufacturers, suppliers and installers and shall be contingent upon submission by
Contractor of certificates stating the following:
I. Elevator contractor is currently and regularly engaged in the installation of
elevator equipment as one of his principal products.
II. Elevator contractor shall have years of successful experience, trained
supervisory personnel, and facilities to install elevator equipment specified
III. The installers shall be a trained Elevator Mechanic and electrician with technical
qualifications of at least five years of successful experience. Educational
Certificates and CV shall be submitted for all workers employed in this capacity.
IV. Elevator contractor shall submit a list of three or more prior passenger elevator
installations. Where all the elevator equipment he proposes to furnish for this
project functioned satisfactorily to serve varying apartment traffic.
V. Provide a list of apartment/building that have the equipment in operation for two
years preceding the date of this specification. Provide the names and addresses
of the apartment/building and the names and telephone numbers of the
apartment/building administrators.
b) Approval of Elevator Contractor’s equipment will be contingent upon their identifying an
elevator maintenance service provider that shall render services within two hours or less
of receipt of notification. In addition to this, a certification that the quantity and quality of
replacement parts stock is sufficient to warranty continued operation of the elevator
c) All electric traction elevators shall be the product of the same manufacturer.
d) The Contractor shall provide and install only those types of safety devices that have
been subjected to tests witnessed and certified by an independent professional testing
laboratory. This testing laboratory is not a subsidiary of the firm that manufactures
supplies or installs the equipment.
a) The publications listed below form a part of this specification. Elevator installation shall
meet the requirements of the latest editions published.
b) Ethiopian building code and standards (EBCS )
c) International Building Code (IBC)
d) American Welding Society (AWS):
D1.1-10---------Structured Welding Code Steel
e) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
f) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
IEC60034-1 rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance.
IEC60034-5 Rotating electrical machines – Part 5: Degrees of protection
provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) –
IEC60034-6 rotating electrical machines – Part 6: Methods of cooling (IC code).
IEC60034-9 rotating electrical machines – Part 9: Noise limits.
IEC60034-11-1 rotating electrical machines – Part 11-1: Thermal protection.
IEC60034-14 rotating electrical machines – Part 14: Mechanical vibration of
certain machines – Limits of vibration.
g) European standards for lifts: EN 81-71 or the latest version of this standard
EN 81-71 : Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts
Note that: Manufactures free to use the latest version of this standard; EN 81-
20 defines the technical requirements for the construction of lifts and EN 81-50
defines design rules, calculations and tests of lift components.
The bidder shall submit the following listed details, but not limited to:
a) Submit the Quality assurance and/or third party certification of the product:CECertificate
for the Elevator Assembly (certificate of conformity to EN 81-71), Original Equipment
c) Log book
The supplier shall provide a log book(s), which shall be kept in the Lift Machine Room(s).
All maintenance, inspection, breakdowns, adjustments, etc. shall be recorded in the log
book(s), which shall be dated and initialed by the supplier service engineer.
d) Submit in accordance with EN81-71 Specification for the details in Part I, II, III, IV and V
(Specification and detail futures of the elevator), DETAIL DRAWINGS, PRODUCT
Note that: All data on the DETAIL DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, and DETAIL
WORKING SCHEDULE & SAMPLES are must be the same as the data written
on your specification table that will be submitted under section III.
One each of stainless steel, 75 mm x 125 mm and its test certificate
One car guide rail , 100 mm and its test certificate
One counterweight guide rail , 100 mm and its test certificate
One each car and landing Braille plate sample
One each car and landing button sample
One each car and landing control panel sample
One each car and landing lantern/position indicator sample.
One each car lighting sample.
The entire site is an extremely busy with many working people around. Attention
should be given to safety precautions while equipment is installed and in particular
with regard to securing all openings to the elevator shafts at landing to prevent
The elevator contactor shall include all civil and electrical work cost that required for
the successful accomplishment of this work. Particular attention should be given to
the already finished building lift shaft.
The elevator contractor must confirm by submitting details that the existing load bearing
areas of the structure are capable of withstanding the structural and dynamic loadings
from the new elevator installation.
1.12. DAMAGE
The elevator contractor will be held responsible for any damage caused to the building in
the course of the works. This should be reinstated at his cost to the client’s satisfaction.
The manufacturer shall submit the list of required spare parts for all elevators which are
used for three years (that will be counted after the warranty period) of service and/or
maintenance work (the cost shall be included with each elevator)
1.15. TOOLS
The manufacturer shall submit the list of required tools for all elevators which are used
for operation, servicing and/or maintenance work (the cost shall be included with each
Note that: these tools are supplied with every elevator during commissioning (one
set of tools for every elevator)
Duplex (Two elevator per Project-16 If you count each elevator car
3. Ground + 7 (shaft 198 396
building controlled by single Project-17 shaft ; number of elevator are 396
shear Wall)
controller) Project-12
Basement + Ground + 7 Duplex(Two elevator per building Project-11 If you count each elevator car
5. 27 54
(shaft shear Wall) controlled by single controller) Project-17 shaft ; number of elevator are 54
Addis Ketema
Bole Arabsa
Project -15
Duplex (Two elevator per If you count each elevator car
6. Ground + 7 (Shaft HCB 22 44 Kirkose
building controlled by single shaft ; number of elevator are 44
Wall) LidetaMelesoMalemat
Duplex (Two elevator per Bole Arabsa
Basement + Ground + 7 If you count each elevator car
7. 3 building controlled by single 6 Lideta
(shaft HCB Wall) shaft ; number of elevator are 6
Bole Bulbula(OlD)
Tulu Dimtu
G+7(shaft shear
LOT- 1 Project-11 22 22 Duplex 22 44 44
1 Wall)
G+7(shaft shear
2 LOT- 2 Project-11 125 125 Duplex 125 250 250
5 B+G+7(shaft HCB Project-17
LOT- 5 27 54
Wall) Project-16 Duplex 54
27 27
Addis Ketema
Bole Arabsa
Project -15
B+G+7(shaft shear
6 LOT- 6 Kirkose 22 22 Duplex 22 44 44
Total Number of building in all site 468 Total Number of elevator in all site
Bole-Bulbula Arada 13 13 26
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
22 (duplex System) at Bole Bulbula, Tulu Dimtu,(lot 1)
Quantity M
1 Initial site
Delivery Period M <270 Days (For Lot one , for all topologies in all sites)
15 Others
Three years warranty with one year free service &
maintenance starting from the final date of commissioning
Warranty Period
M (The minimum warranty period will be three years. Supplier who
( write the warranty period with respect to
substantial completion) present a warranty period less than three years will be
automatically rejected from the computation)
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
Tools M List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
that are used for operation, service and/or
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
No of building Elevator
Lots Qty in the
Total Qty in the form of Total Number
Topology Site Qty System form of
Qty single elevator of Elevator
G+7 KOY-FICH Project -16 50 50 Duplex 50 100 100
Wall) Project-17 79 79 79 158 158
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
Quantity M 198(duplex System) at Koye-fiche(lot3) site
1 Initial
Delivery Period M <270 Days (For Lot three , for all topologies in all sites)
3 Quality assurance CE Certificate for the Elevator Assembly M Attach The Document
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
No of building Elevator
Lots Qty in the Qty in the form
Total Syste Total Number of
Topology Site Qty form of of single
Qty m Elevator
assembly elevator
23 23 23 46
Koye- 46
B+G+7 fiche
Addis Duplex
LOT- 4 (shaft Shear 48 48 96 96
Wall) Ketema) 48
2.5.1. SPE
Note: The detail, additional description of this part (the specification) is indicated on Part I, Part III, and Part IV of this document; therefore,
when you read this specification please consider those three parts of the document as part of this specification.
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
1 Initial Quantity M 71 (duplex System) at Koye-fiche(lot4) site
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
B+G+7 fiche Project-
LOT- 5 (shaftShear 17 27 Duplex 27 54
2.6.1. SPE
Note: The detail, additional description of this part (the specification) is indicated on Part I, Part III, and Part IV of this document; therefore,
when you read this specification please consider those three parts of the document as part of this specification.
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
Quantity M 27(duplex System) at Koye-fiche(lot 5) site
1 Initial
Delivery Period M <270 Days (For Lot five , for all topologies in all sites)
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
No of building Elevator
Lots Qty in the
Total Qty in the form of Total Number of
Topology Site Qty System form of
Qty single elevator Elevator
LOT-6 Kirkos 2 22 Duplex 22 44
HCB Wall) 44
omalmat Lideta 3
N.B .These blocks are not shear wall but HCB walls .The rates provided should consider the steel structure which may be required
for fixing
the lifts .The structure to be steel according to EBSCS CODES.
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
44 (duplex System) at Bole Arabsa and Lideta
Quantity M melsomalmat
1 Initial
lot 6 site
Delivery Period M <270 Days (For Lot Six , for all topologies in all sites)
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
No of building Elevator
Lots Qty in the
Total Qty in the form of Total Number of
Topology Site Qty System form of
Qty single elevator Elevator
B+G+7 Bole Arabsa
LOT- 7 (shaft HCB 3 3 Duplex 3 6
Wall) Lideta
S/N Particular Features Desired Technical Features
Quantity M 3(duplex System) at Bole Arabsa lot 7 site
1 Initial <270 Days (For Lot seven , for all topologies in all
Delivery Period M
4 Brochure/Catalogue Elevator Assembly Brochure/Catalogue M Attach the original hardcopy and Soft Copy
and Manual (The data presented on the
(In English or Amharic) Brochure/Catalogue must be the same
as the data presented in the offered
Spare parts for 3 years of service and/or List of spare parts which must be submitted with each
maintenance(after warranty paired) elevator. ( To Be Specified By Bidders)
List of Tools which will be submitted with each elevator
Tools M that are used for operation, service and/or
maintenance.(To Be Specified By Bidders)
Gearless type drive with traction (sheaves and ropes) and brake drum mounted
directly on the motor shaft
The motor shall be designed for elevator service
The lift shall be provided with a braking system, which operates automatically:
in the event of loss of the main power supply,
in the event of the loss of the supply to control circuits
Braking system shall be spring applied and electrically released electro-
mechanical brake, but can, in addition, have other braking means.
Measures shall be taken to prevent their displacement using a frame in which the fillers are
Guide rails for car shall be planed drawn steel T-sections and weigh 27.5kg/m.
Guide rails for counterweight shall be planed drawn steel T-sections weigh
12.0kg/m but both Guide rails and counterweight weight must have standard
weigh depending rated load we specified.
Securely fasten guide rails to the brackets or other supports by heavy duty steel
rail clips.
Provide necessary car and counterweight rail brackets and counterweight
spreader brackets of sufficient size and design to secure substantial rigidity to
prevent spreading or distortion of rails under any condition.
Guide rail anchorages in pit shall be made in a manner that will not reduce
effectiveness of the pit waterproofing.
Guide rails shall be clean and free of any signs of rust, grease, or abrasion
before final inspection. Paint the shank and base of the T-section with two field
coats of manufacturer’s standard enamel.
After completion of car safety testing during final inspection, all marks left on
rails by application of car safety shall be filed smooth
Provide elevator with the required number and size of ropes to ensure adequate
traction for the range of loads with a factor of safety not less than that required
by EN 81-1:1998 Annex N.
Switches shall function with any load up to and including 125 percent of
rated elevator capacity at any speed obtained in normal operation.
Switches, when opened, shall permit operation of elevator in reverse
direction of travel.
After final stopping switches have been adjusted, through bolt switches to guide
‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ landing call buttons should be provided on all floors except
the lowest floor which has an ‘UP’ button, and the highest floor which has a
‘DOWN’ button.
Landing call buttons should illuminate when pressed to indicate call is
3.18.1. FEATURES :
The control system drive shall be VVVF control type, and that shall
synchronously execute operation with other systems and equipment of the
passenger lift (like the motor drive nominal running frequency, motor map, etc).
The control system shall be arranged with advanced microprocessor controller
designed for continuously controlling varying and heavy traffic.
The control system shall be programmable for load and overload control, full
automatic door open/closing timing, and other programming for reliable
operation (comply with international standard). It shall provide software to
log/database, organize and analyze traffic and performance patterns of the lift
so that fine tuning of the system is possible.
-Protect the complete power circuit and specifically the power semi-
conductors from failure under short circuit (bolted fault) conditions.
- Protect against limited faults arising from partial grounds, partial shorts in
the motor armature or in the power unit itself.
- Protect the drive motor against sustained overloads. A solid state
overload circuit shall be used.
- Protect motor and power unit against instantaneous peak overload.
- Provide semi-conductor transient protection.
- Provide phase sequence protection to ensure incoming line is phased
- Removable printed circuit boards shall be provided for the VVVF control.
Design tabs so boards cannot be reversed.
The Total Power Factor of a motor drive circuit measured at the isolator
connecting the lift/elevator equipment to the building’ s feeder circuit or the
power source shall not be less than 0.85.
Temporary Use: Temporary use of elevators for construction purposes is not permitted.
The contractor shall submit the detail supply, installation, testing, training and
commissioning schedule for every elevator. But the schedule is must be within the
recommended date on the specification table.
Give the detail features of your electric traction elevator that you are computing
for, as the specification described in detail Under Part III of this document. (Use
the table below).
Note: Failure to fill these detail features/ descriptions may entail automatic rejection of
your offer.
Table Filled by Bidder’s (Fill this table for all elevators for each LOT)
Detail Features/Descriptions
(Bidder’s Response)
Car Door
Landing Door
Car Operating Panel (COP)
Landing Operating Panel
Control Unit
AAHDPO Bidder’s
Features and Particulars Criteria
Requirement Response
Supplier Profile
How long have you been working as a supplier and/or
Attach Supportive
manufacturer, as per your current license for the item Point
you are participating for? (Year)
Please attach supporting document for the item you are Attach Supportive
participating for to prove it is your main business line. Documents
Please indicate your annual sales volume (attach audit Attach Supportive
report and/or financial statement) Documents
If You are a local partner/supplier in Ethiopia, do you
have direct relationship/partnership with the
manufacturer for the item you are participating for?
Describe and Attach Mandatory
If your answer is yes, attach Supportive Documents
including original manufacturer authorization
Did you supply & install the items you propose in this bid
document to any other organization in Ethiopia? Describe and Attach Point
If your answer is yes, attach the later of satisfaction
Service Quality
Number of full time technicians of the local partner / Attach Supportive Point
Procurement Supply and Installation of Passenger Elevators (ICB)Page81 of 85
suppliers (Please attach CVs with relevant credentials
and evidence and document verifying that they are
paying income tax for the last six consecutive months at
your company)
By using the above listed staff compositions, how much
parallel projects will be run at a time? Please show us Describe and Attach Mandatory
your staff composition for one lift installation.
Please attach your planed detail working schedule. The
schedule must include the following activities: Import,
Installation, testing, training and commissioning. Describe and Attach Mandatory
For every activity you have to show required time,
machinery/equipment used, staff composition, etc
Warranty Period (Minimum)
>3 Year
Attach a latter which is authorized by officials to shows
Describe and Attach
as you are agreed to give the indicated warranty.
Alternative No.:
Addis Ababa
1. Descriptive technical literature in accordance with ITB Clause 17, (if required in BDS);
2. Description of the organization of the warranty offered in accordance with the conditions laid
down in GCC Clause 23;
3. Manufacturer Authorization Letter in accordance with ITB Clause 5.6.
5. Delivery and Completion Schedule
Place and Date
Alternative No.:
Addis Ababa
Delivery / Completion
Item Description of Goods or Unit of period
Qty Delivery Location/Site
RelatedService Measure
1 2 3 4 5 6
In the capacity of .