NUPC 110 LEC (1) Exam

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advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert


Km. 2, 8400 Surigao City, Philippines
College of Nursing

NAME: Michelle Loayon DATE: June 04, 2022 SCORE________

I. INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the
correct answer in each item. ABSOLUTELY NO ERASURES!!!

B 1. This model of nursing informatics is the intersection between the discipline-specific science
and the area of informatics.
a. Graves and Corcoran’s Model c. Schiwirian’s Model
b. Turley’s Model d. Benner’s Level of expertise

A 2. According to this model, nursing informatics as the linear progression, from data into
information and knowledge.
c. Graves and Corcoran’s Model c. Schiwirian’s Model
d. Turley’s Model d. Benner’s Level of expertise

C 3. Provides nurses knowledge of many aspects organized for effective and efficient healthcare
a. SNOMED Reference Terminology c. Clinical Information System(CIS)
b. Terminology Model d. Computer based tools

D 4. The following are major clinical information system requirements for nursing, EXCEPT:
a. Administer a nursing department c. Assist nursing education
b. Assist the management of nursing practice d. Nursing research is not essential

C 5. The preliminary analysis to determine if the proposed problem can be solved by the
implementation of a CIS or component application.
a. Feasibility study c. System analysis
b. Planning d. None of the above

C 6. Highlights how to use the system and describes what outputs the system can produce.
a. Reference manual c. Operator’s maintenance manual
b. User manual d. RLE manual

D 7.Used by the project team members to understand how the system works.
a. Reference manual c. Operator’s maintenance manual
b. User manual d. RLE manual

D 8. Enables operators to keep the system up and running by providing the functional and
specifications needed for the system.
a. Reference manual c. Operator’s maintenance manual
b. User manual d. RLE manual

D 9. Areas were patients require complex assessment and continuous therapy and interventions.
a. Emergency care c. Intensive care units
b. Critical care applications d. All of the above

D 10. Who is responsible to ensure that critically ill patients are seriously conditioned
a. Nurse aid b. midwife c. nursing assistant d. critical care nurse

C 11. Area of expertise within nursing that focuses specifically with human responses to life
threatening problems.
a. Critical care nursing c. Psychiatric care nursing
b. Emergency care nursing d. Forensic nursing
C 12. All are advantages of critical care information system, EXCEPT:
a. Provide clinical decision support system.
b. Provide access to vital patient information.
c. Effective in disease tracking.
d. Creates trends analysis with graphical representation of results.

B 13. Emphasizes the prevention of the disease, medical interventions and public awareness.
a. Ambulatory care information system c. Critical care information system
b. Community health information system d. Intensive care information system

D 14. Covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not
admitted overnight to a hospital.
a. Ambulatory care c. Community health care
b. Critical care d. Outpatient department

D15. What is the basic objective of the automated ambulatory care information system?
a. To increase the need for continuous support.
b. To enhance public awareness and information.
c. To integrate and support other system.
d. To easily integrate the data to other data and easily translate these data into information.

B 16.Provide nurses knowledge of many aspects organized for effective and efficient health care
a. SRIS b. MIS c. CIS d. all
D17.Begins once an organization has determined that an existing need or problem may be filled
or solved by the development of a CIS.
a. Planning phase c. System design
b. System analysis d. Development
C 18.The fact finding phase of developing a CIS.
a. Planning phase c. System design
b. System analysis d. Development
A 19.Used by the project team members to understand how the system works, describes what
data are input, how data base process the data and the mechanism used to generate outputs.
a. Operator’s Maintenance manual c. User Manual
b. Reference Manual d. RLE Manual
A 20.Areas where patients require complex assessment, high intensity medications, continuous
therapy and interventions, and unrelenting nursing attention and continuous watchfulness.
a. Critical care applications c. Health Centers
b. Ambulatory Care centers d. Health Clinics
B 21.An area of expertise in nursing that focus specifically with human responses to life-
threatening problems.
a. Community health nursing c. Ambulatory care nursing
b. Critical care nursing d. Home care nursing
A 22.Responsible to ensure that critically ill patients are seriously conditioned individuals.
a. Critical care nurse c. Ambulatory care nurse
b. Community health nurse d. Home care nurse
B 23.Automated collection and management of medical information is the important task of:
a. Community health information system c. Critical Care information system
b. Ambulatory care information system d. None of the above
A 24.Emphasizes the prevention of disease, medical intervention and public awareness.
a. Community health information system c. Critical Care information system
b. Ambulatory care information system d. None of the above
D 25.Which of the following is NOT the primary focus of Community health information
a. Educating and empowering individuals to adopt healthy lifestyle.
b. Effective transformation of data into information
c. Facilitate he retrieval of data.
d. Health services for patients who are not admitted overnight to a hospital.
B 26.Used to collect quantitative information about items in a population to establish certain
information from the obtained data.
a. Health statistical surveys c. Demographic data
b. Community assessment tool d. All of the above
D 27.Covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not
admitted overnight to a hospital.
a. Ambulatory care c. Community health nursing
b. Critical care d. Health care centers

C 28.One of the following is the advantage of ambulatory care information system.

a. Disease tracking c. Real-time and easy access to patients
records by health care providers.
b. Control of spread of disease d. Increased accountability

TEST II. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is
incorrect in the space provided for each item. ABSOLUTELY NO ERASURES!!!

T 1.Clinical information databases and systems must be designed for system-wide and
discipline-specific needs.
T 2. Evaluation phase begins once organization has determined that an existing need or
problem may be filled or solved by the development of a CIS.
T 3. The active involvement of the nurse executive is considered a critical success factor
of any CIS implementation or upgrade.
F 4. The second phase of developing a CIS is the testing phase.
T 5. The most familiar disease terminology is the international Classification of Disease.
T 6. The most familiar disease terminology is the International Classification of Disease
T 7. Clinical information databases and systems are not designed for system-wide and discipline-
specific needs.
F 8. Electronic mail continues to be the “killer app” of the internet.
T 9. The active involvement of the nurse executive is considered a critical success factor
of any CIS implementation or upgrade.
F 10. The implementing phase is the final and ongoing step in the implementing process.


One of the theories or models used in nursing informatics is Benner’s Level of
Expertise Model. Basing on the table below write the 5 levels of expertise and describe each
briefly. (18 points)
Levels of Expertise (5 points) Description (10 points)

1.novice novice stage in the model is one in which the individual

has had no previous experience with the situation at
hand. This stage is where new nurses are taught simple,
objective attributes that are easily identified. Applicability
of the novice stage in the leadership realm is the first
management job or experience an individual has and
tends to be limited and inflexible, which requires further
professional growth and development

describes the advanced beginner as an individual

who has been involved in enough real-world
situations that the recurrent component is easily
identified.The main problem the advanced beginner
2.Advanced Beginner faces is that, although the individual may have
some clinical knowledge, the focus is on the rules
and guidelines that have been taught. The
advanced beginner needs assistance and support
in the clinical area by setting priorities to ensure
that important patient needs do not go unattended
(Benner, 1982). An advanced beginner nurse
leader has had some experience, but may need the
influence and guidance of a mentor (Shirey, 2007).
Shirey (2007) suggests that mentors dealing with
protégés in this phase will help with setting
priorities and provide constructive feedback.

The competent nurse or nurse manager is able to

prioritize tasks at hand by utilizing past
experiences. Benner (1982) describes the
competent individual as someone who has been on
the job two or three years and is able to see actions
in terms of goals or plans. The competent individual
is able to work in an efficient and organized manner
due to conscious, deliberate planning (Benner,
1982). The competent leader is one who lacks the
multi-tasking talents and flexibility of proficient
leaders, but is able to consciously plan using
abstract and analytic principles that focus on long-
term goals or plans (Shirey, 2007).

3. Competent
proficient stage is entered. During this stage, the
individual’s performance is guided by maxims due
to seeing a situation in its entirety (Benner, 1982).
Benner (1982) describes maxims as pieces of
evidence that can provide direction to what is
important in the situation. The proficient nurse or
administrator has a holistic understanding of the
situation at hand, which allows for a more improved
decision-making process (Shirey, 2007).

The expert individual has an extensive knowledge

of situations that allows for confidence and an
intuitive grasp of complex patient situations (Dale et
al., 2013). Rules, guidelines, and maxims are no
longer relied upon during the expert stage because
the individual is able to grasp the situation and
understand what needs to be accomplished at this
point (Benner, 1982).

4. Proficient
5. Expert

IV. ESSAY (7 Points)

Explain and discuss the role of the nurse using information system in the
ambulatory care system?

The ambulatory care nurse focuses on patient safety and the quality of nursing care by applying
appropriate nursing interventions, such as identifying and clarifying patient needs, performing
procedures, conducting health education, promoting patient advocacy, coordinating nursing and
other health services, assisting the patient to navigate the health care system, and evaluating
patient outcomes. The ambulatory care covers a wide range of services that can be offered to
patients that needs medical attention. by integrating the ambulatory care information system in
the nursing practice will really help in making the work easy like the processing of data and
information and the billing & charges and etc. there are advantages of the ambulatory care
information system like first, the access of medical records of patients to health care providers,
second, the nurses will be able to give quality care and improve workflow, reduce medical errors,
and lastly the management and monitoring of the billing, doctors fees, prescriptions and many
more. one of the most important responsibility of a nurse is to make sure that the patient receives
the care that he/she needed and with the use of this system i believe the quality of care can be

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