MEPC.1-Circ.902 - List of Certificates and Documents RequiredTo Be Carried On Board Ships, 2022 (Secretariat)

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27 June 2022



1 The Facilitation Committee, at its forty-sixth session, the Marine Environment

Protection Committee, at its seventy-eighth session, the Maritime Safety Committee, at its
105th session, and the Legal Committee, at its 109th session, approved the List of certificates
and documents required to be carried on board ships, 2022, as set out in the annex.

2 This work was carried out in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of the annex
to the FAL Convention concerning formalities required of shipowners by public authorities on
the arrival, stay and departure of ships. It is reiterated that these provisions should not be read
as precluding a requirement for the presentation for inspection by the appropriate authorities
of certificates and other documents carried by the ship pertaining to its registry, measurement,
safety, manning, classification and other related matters.

3 Since the issuance of FAL.2/Circ.131-MEPC.1/Circ.873-MSC.1/Circ.1586-LEG.2/Circ.3,

several instruments addressed in that circular have been amended. It is recognized that the list
should be periodically updated in pursuance to the aforesaid provisions of the FAL Convention.

4 This circular lists only the certificates and documents that are required under IMO
instruments and it does not include certificates or documents required by other international
organizations or governmental authorities.

5 The certificates and relevant record books may be in electronic form. In this
connection, the Guidelines developed by the Organization should be taken into account.

6 This circular should not be used in the context of port State control inspections for
which convention requirements should be referred to.

7 Member Governments are invited to note the information provided in the annex and
take action as appropriate.

8 This circular supersedes FAL.2/Circ.131-MEPC.1/Circ.873-MSC.1/Circ.1586-LEG.2/Circ.3.


Refer to the Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates (FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2) and Guidelines for the use
of electronic record books under MARPOL (resolution MEPC.312(74)).

Annex, page 1




(Note: All certificates to be carried on board must be valid and drawn up in the form corresponding
to the model where required by the relevant international convention or instrument)

No. Contents Reference

1 All ships to which the referenced convention applies

International Tonnage Certificate (1969) Tonnage 1969,
An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall be article 7
issued to every ship, the gross and net tonnage of which
have been determined in accordance with the

International Load Line Certificate LL 1966,

An International Load Line Certificate shall be issued article 16;
under the provisions of the International Convention on LL PROT 1988,
Load Lines, 1966, to every ship which has been surveyed article 16
and marked in accordance with the Convention or the
Convention as modified by the 1988 LL Protocol, as

International Load Line Exemption Certificate LL 1966,

An International Load Line Exemption Certificate shall article 16;
be issued to any ship to which an exemption has LL PROT 1988,
been granted under and in accordance with article 6 of article 16
the Load Line Convention or the Convention as modified
by the 1988 LL Protocol, as appropriate.

Exemption Certificate SOLAS 1974,

When an exemption is granted to a ship under and in regulation I/12;
accordance with the provisions of SOLAS 1974, a SOLAS PROT 1988,
certificate called an Exemption Certificate shall be issued regulation I/12
in addition to the certificates listed above.

SLS.14/Circ.115, Add.1, Add.2 and Add.3 refer to the issue of exemption certificate.

Annex, page 2

No. Contents Reference

Coating Technical File SOLAS 1974,
A Coating Technical File, containing specifications of the regulation II-1/3-2 and
coating system applied, where applicable, to dedicated II-1/3-11;
seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and resolution MSC.215(82),
double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers of 150 m in as amended by
length and upwards and cargo oil tanks of crude oil resolution MSC.341(91)
tankers, record of the shipyard's and shipowner's coating and MSC.1/Circ.1381;
work, detailed criteria for coating sections, job resolution MSC.288(87),
specifications, inspection, maintenance and repair, shall as modified by circular
be kept on board and maintained throughout the life of MSC.1/Circ.1381 and
the ship. amended by resolution

Emergency Towing Procedure SOLAS,

All ships shall be provided with a ship-specific emergency regulation II-1/3-4;
towing procedure. Such a procedure shall be carried on MSC.1/Circ.1255
board the ship for use in emergency situations and shall
be developed based on the guidelines developed by the

Construction drawings SOLAS 1974,

A set of as-built construction drawings and other plans regulation II-1/3-7;
showing any subsequent structural alterations shall be MSC/Circ.1135
kept on board a ship constructed on or after
1 January 2007.

Ship Construction File SOLAS 1974,

A Ship Construction File with specific information should regulation II-1/3-10;
be kept on board oil tankers of 150 m in length and above MSC.1/Circ.1343
and bulk carriers of 150 m in length and above,
constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper
side tanks in cargo spaces, excluding ore carriers and
combination carriers:

.1 for which the building contract is placed on or

after 1 July 2016;

.2 in the absence of a building contract, the keels

of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 July 2017; or

.3 the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2020

shall carry a Ship Construction File containing
information in accordance with regulations and
guidelines and updated as appropriate throughout the
ship's life in order to facilitate safe operation,
maintenance, survey, repair and emergency measures.

Annex, page 3

No. Contents Reference

Noise Survey Report SOLAS 1974,
Applicable to new ships of 1,600 gross tonnage and regulation II-1/3-12;
above, excluding dynamically supported crafts, Noise Code, section 4.3
high-speed crafts, fishing vessels, pipe-laying barges,
crane barges, mobile offshore drilling units, pleasure
yachts not engaged in trade, ships of war and troopships,
ships not propelled by mechanical means, pile driving
vessels and dredgers.

A noise survey report shall always be carried on board

and be accessible for the crew.

For existing ships, refer to section "Other certificates and

documents which are not mandatory – Noise Survey
Report" (resolution A.468(XII).

Stability information and loading information SOLAS 1974,

Every passenger ship regardless of size and every cargo regulations II-1/5 and
ship of 24 m and over shall be inclined on completion and II-1/5-1;
the elements of their stability determined. The master LL 1966, regulation 10;
shall be supplied with stability information to the LL Protocol 1988,
satisfaction of the Administration as is necessary to regulation 10
enable him, by rapid and simple procedures, to obtain
accurate guidance as to the stability of the ship under
varying conditions of service to maintain the required
intact stability and stability after damage. For ships
constructed from 1 January 2010, the intact and damage
stability information required by SOLAS regulation
II-1/5-1 shall be presented as consolidated data and
encompass the full operating range of draught and trim.
The stability information, and loading information related
to ship strength when required under regulation 10 of
LL Protocol 1988, shall also be carried on board at all
times, together with evidence that the information has
been approved by the Administration. For bulk carriers,
the information required in a bulk carrier booklet may be
contained in the stability information.

Damage control plans and booklets SOLAS 1974,

On passenger and cargo ships, there shall be regulation II-1/19;
permanently exhibited plans showing clearly for each MSC.1/Circ.1245, as
deck and hold the boundaries of the watertight amended by
compartments, the openings therein with the means of MSC.1/Circ.1570
closure and position of any controls thereof, and the
arrangements for the correction of any list due to
flooding. Booklets containing the aforementioned
information shall be made available to the officers of the

Annex, page 4

No. Contents Reference

Manoeuvring booklet SOLAS 1974,
The stopping times, ship headings and distances regulation II-1/28
recorded on trials, together with the results of trials to
determine the ability of ships having multiple propellers
to navigate and manoeuvre with one or more propellers
inoperative, shall be available on board for the use of the
master or designated personnel.

Evaluation of the alternative design and SOLAS 1974,

arrangements regulations II-1/55.4.2,
Where applicable, a copy of the documentation, as II-2/17.4.2, and III/38.4.2
approved by the Administration, indicating that the
alternative design and arrangements comply with this
regulation, shall be carried on board the ship.

Maintenance plans SOLAS 1974,

The maintenance plan shall include the necessary regulations II-2/14.2.2,
information about fire protection systems and fire-fighting II-2/14.3 and II-2/14.4
systems and appliances as required by regulation
II-2/14.2.2. For tankers, additional requirements are
referred to in regulation II-2/14.4.

For passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers,

the maintenance plan should include low-location lighting
and public address system as required by SOLAS
regulation II-2/14.3.

Onboard training and drills record SOLAS 1974,

Fire drills shall be conducted and recorded in accordance regulation II-2/
with the provisions of regulations III/19.3 and III/19.5.

Fire safety training manual SOLAS 1974,

A training manual shall be written in the working regulation II-2/15.2.3
language of the ship and shall be provided in each crew
mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin.
The manual shall contain the instructions and information
required in regulation II-2/ Part of such
information may be provided in the form of audiovisual
aids in lieu of the manual.

Annex, page 5

No. Contents Reference

Fire control plan/booklet SOLAS 1974,
General arrangement plans shall be permanently regulations II-2/15.2.4
exhibited for the guidance of the ship's officers, showing and II-2/15.3.2
clearly for each deck the control stations, the various fire
sections together with particulars of the fire detection and
fire alarm systems and the fire-extinguishing appliances,
etc. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Administration,
the aforementioned details may be set out in a booklet, a
copy of which shall be supplied to each officer, and one
copy shall at all times be available on board in an
accessible position. Plans and booklets shall be kept up
to date; any alterations shall be recorded as soon as
practicable. A duplicate set of fire-control plans or a
booklet containing such plans shall be permanently
stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure
outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shoreside
fire-fighting personnel.

Fire safety operational booklet SOLAS 1974,

The fire safety operational booklet shall contain the regulation II-2/16.2
necessary information and instructions for the safe
operation of the ship and cargo handling operations in
relation to fire safety. The booklet shall be written in the
working language of the ship and be provided in each
crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew
cabin. The booklet may be combined with the fire safety
training manuals required in regulation II-2/15.2.3.

Operations manual for helicopter facility SOLAS 1974,

Each helicopter facility, if fitted, shall have an operations regulation II-2/18.8.1
manual, including a description and a checklist of safety
precautions, procedures and equipment requirements.
This manual may be part of the ship's emergency
response procedures.

Statement of acceptance of the installation of SOLAS 1974,

replacement release and retrieval system to an regulation III/1.5;
existing lifeboat LSA Code,
For all ships, no later than the first scheduled dry-docking paragraph;
after 1 July 2014, but no later than 1 July 2019, lifeboat MSC.1/Circ.1392 and
on-load release mechanisms not complying with Corr.1, as amended by
paragraphs to of the LSA Code shall MSC.1/Circ.1584
be replaced with equipment that complies with the Code.

Annex, page 6

No. Contents Reference

Muster list and emergency instructions SOLAS 1974,
All ships shall be provided with muster list and regulations III/8 and III/37
emergency instructions, which shall comply with the
requirements of regulation 37 and be exhibited in
conspicuous places throughout the ship including the
navigation bridge, engine-room and crew
accommodation spaces. In the case of passenger ships,
these instructions shall be drawn up in the language(s)
required by its flag State and in the English language.

Ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery of SOLAS 1974 regulation,

persons from the water III/17-1;
All ships shall have ship-specific plans and procedures for resolution MSC.346(91);
recovery of persons from the water. Ships constructed MSC.1/Circ.1447
before 1 July 2014 shall comply with this requirement by
the first periodical or renewal safety equipment survey of
the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2014, whichever
comes first.

Ro-ro passenger ships which comply with regulation III/26.4

shall be deemed to comply with this regulation.

The plans and procedures should be considered as a

part of the emergency preparedness plan required by
paragraph 8 of the ISM Code.

Training manual SOLAS 1974,

The training manual, which may comprise several regulation III/35
volumes, shall contain instructions and information, in
easily understood terms illustrated wherever possible, on
the life-saving appliances provided in the ship and on the
best methods of survival. Any part of such information
may be provided in the form of audiovisual aids in lieu of
the manual.

Radio record SOLAS 1974,

A record shall be kept, to the satisfaction of the regulation IV/17
Administration and as required by the Radio Regulations,
of all incidents connected with the radiocommunication
service which appear to be of importance to safety of life
at sea.

Minimum safe manning document SOLAS 1974,

Every ship to which chapter I of the Convention applies regulation V/14.2
shall be provided with an appropriate safe manning
document or equivalent issued by the Administration as
evidence of the minimum safe manning.

Annex, page 7

No. Contents Reference

Voyage data recorder system – certificate of SOLAS 1974,
compliance regulation V/18.8
The voyage data recorder system, including all sensors,
shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The
test shall be conducted by an approved testing or
servicing facility to verify the accuracy, duration and
recoverability of the recorded data. In addition, tests and
inspections shall be conducted to determine the
serviceability of all protective enclosures and devices
fitted to aid location. A copy of the certificate of
compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date
of compliance and the applicable performance
standards, shall be retained on board the ship.

AIS test report SOLAS 1974,

The automatic identification system (AIS) shall be regulation V/18.9;
subjected to an annual test by an approved surveyor or MSC.1/Circ.1252
an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the test
report shall be retained on board and should be in
accordance with a model form set out in the annex to

Nautical charts and nautical publications SOLAS 1974,

Nautical charts and nautical publications for the intended regulations V/ and
voyage shall be adequate and up to date. An electronic V/27
chart display and information system (ECDIS) is also
accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of
this sub-paragraph.

LRIT conformance test report SOLAS 1974,

A conformance test report should be issued, on regulation V/19-1;
satisfactory completion of a conformance test, by the MSC.1/Circ.1307
Administration or the ASP who conducted the test acting
on behalf of the Administration and should be in
accordance with the model set out in appendix 2 of

International Code of Signals and a copy of Volume SOLAS 1974,

III of IAMSAR Manual regulation V/21
All ships required to carry a radio installation shall carry
the International Code of Signal; all ships shall carry an
up-to-date copy of Volume III of the International
Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue
(IAMSAR) Manual.

Annex, page 8

No. Contents Reference

Records for pilot ladders used for pilot transfer SOLAS 1974
All pilot ladders used for pilot transfer shall be clearly regulation V/23.2.4
identified with tags or other permanent marking so as to
enable identification of each appliance for the purposes
of survey, inspection and record keeping. A record shall
be kept on the ship as to the date the identified ladder is
placed into service and any repairs effected.

Records of navigational activities SOLAS 1974,

All ships engaged on international voyages shall keep regulations V/26
on board a record of navigational activities and incidents and V/28.1
including drills and pre-departure tests. When such
information is not maintained in the ship's logbook, it shall
be maintained in another form approved by the

Cargo Securing Manual SOLAS 1974,

All cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes, regulations VI/5.6
cargo units and cargo transport units, shall be loaded, and VII/5;
stowed and secured throughout the voyage in MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.2
accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual approved
by the Administration. In ships with ro-ro spaces, as
defined in regulation II-2/3.41, all securing of such
cargoes, cargo units and cargo transport units, in
accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual, shall be
completed before the ship leaves the berth. The Cargo
Securing Manual is required on all types of ships
engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid
and liquid bulk cargoes, which shall be drawn up to a
standard at least equivalent to the guidelines developed
by the Organization.

Material safety data sheets (MSDS) SOLAS 1974,

Ships carrying oil or oil fuel, as defined in regulation 1 of regulation VI/5-1;
annex 1 of the International Convention for the resolution MSC.286(86)
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by
the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, shall be provided
with material safety data sheets, based on the
recommendations developed by the Organization, prior
to the loading of such oil as cargo in bulk or bunkering of
oil fuel.

Annex, page 9

No. Contents Reference

Safety Management Certificate SOLAS 1974,
A Safety Management Certificate shall be issued to every regulation IX/4;
ship by the Administration or an organization recognized ISM Code,
by the Administration. The Administration or an paragraph 13
organization recognized by it shall, before issuing the
Safety Management Certificate, verify that the company
and its shipboard management operate in accordance
with the approved safety management system.

Document of compliance SOLAS 1974,

A document of compliance shall be issued to every regulation IX/4;
company which complies with the requirements of the ISM Code,
ISM Code. A copy of the document shall be kept on paragraph 13

Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) SOLAS 1974,

Every ship to which chapter I of the Convention applies regulation XI-1/5
shall be issued with a Continuous Synopsis Record. The
Continuous Synopsis Record provides an onboard
record of the history of the ship with respect to the
information recorded therein.

Ship security plan and associated records SOLAS 1974,

Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan regulation XI-2/9;
approved by the Administration. The plan shall make ISPS Code, part A,
provisions for the three security levels as defined in part A sections 9 and 10
of the ISPS Code. Records of the following activities
addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on board
for at least the minimum period specified by the

.1 training, drills and exercises;

.2 security threats and security incidents;
.3 breaches of security;
.4 changes in security level;
.5 communications relating to the direct security of the
ship such as specific threats to the ship or to port
facilities the ship is, or has been, in;
.6 internal audits and reviews of security activities;
.7 periodic review of the ship security assessment;
.8 periodic review of the ship security plan;
.9 implementation of any amendments to the plan; and
.10 maintenance, calibration and testing of any security
equipment provided on board, including testing of
the ship security alert system.

Annex, page 10

No. Contents Reference

International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or SOLAS 1974,
Interim International Ship Security Certificate regulation XI-2/9.1.1;
An International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) shall be ISPS Code, part A,
issued to every ship by the Administration or an section 19 and
organization recognized by it to verify that the ship appendices
complies with the maritime security provisions of SOLAS
chapter XI-2 and part A of the ISPS Code. An interim
ISSC may be issued under the ISPS Code, part A,
section 19.4.

Exemption Certificate for UNSP Barges MARPOL Annex I,

An unmanned non-self-propelled (UNSP) barge, as regulations 3.7 and 9.2;
defined in regulation 1.40 of MARPOL Annex I, MARPOL Annex IV,
regulation 1.16 of MARPOL Annex IV, and regulations 3.2 and 7.2;
regulation 2.1.32 of MARPOL Annex VI, may be granted MARPOL Annex VI,
exemption from the survey and certification requirements regulations 3.4 and 8.4;
under MARPOL Annexes I, IV and VI. In this connection, MEPC.1/Circ.892
the exemption certificate(s) for a UNSP barge should be
issued by the Administration, using the forms set out in
the appendices of MARPOL Annexes I, IV and VI, taking
into account the Guidelines for exemption of unmanned
non-self-propelled (UNSP) barges from certain survey
and certification requirements under the MARPOL
Convention (MEPC.1/Circ.892).

Note: the amendments to MARPOL Annexes I and IV, as

adopted by resolution MEPC.330(76), and MARPOL
Annex VI, as adopted by resolution MEPC.328(76), will
enter into force on 1 November 2022.

International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate MARPOL Annex I,

An international Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall regulation 7
be issued, after survey in accordance with regulation 6 of
Annex I of MARPOL, to any oil tanker of 150 gross
tonnage and above and any other ship of 400 gross
tonnage and above which is engaged in voyages to ports
or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other
Parties to MARPOL. The certificate is supplemented with
a Record of Construction and Equipment for Ships other
than Oil Tankers (Form A) or a Record of Construction
and Equipment for Oil Tankers (Form B), as appropriate.

Annex, page 11

No. Contents Reference

Oil Record Book MARPOL Annex I,
Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and regulations 17 and 36
every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above other than an
oil tanker shall be provided with an Oil Record Book,
part I (Machinery space operations). Every oil tanker of
150 gross tonnage and above shall also be provided with
an Oil Record Book, part II (Cargo/ballast operations).

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan MARPOL Annex I,

Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and regulation 37;
every ship other than an oil tanker of 400 gross tonnage resolution MEPC.54(32),
and above shall carry on board a Shipboard Oil Pollution as amended by
Emergency Plan approved by the Administration. resolution MEPC.86(44)

International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate MARPOL Annex IV,

An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate regulation 5;
shall be issued, after an initial or renewal survey in MEPC/Circ.408
accordance with the provisions of regulation 4 of
Annex IV of MARPOL, to any ship which is required to
comply with the provisions of that Annex and is engaged
in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the
jurisdiction of other Parties to the Convention.

Document of approval for the rate of sewage MARPOL Annex IV,

discharge regulation 11.1.1;
Untreated sewage from ships other than passenger ships resolution MEPC.157(55)
in all areas and from passenger ships outside special
areas that has been stored in holding tanks shall be
discharged at a moderate rate approved by the
Administration based upon the standards developed by
the Organization.

Garbage management plan MARPOL Annex V,

Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every Regulation 10.2;
ship which is certified to carry 15 persons or more, and resolution MEPC.220(63)
fixed or floating platforms shall carry a garbage
management plan which the crew shall follow.

Garbage Record Book MARPOL Annex V,

Every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and every regulation 10.3
ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons
engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under
the jurisdiction of other Parties to the Convention and
every fixed and floating platform shall be provided with a
Garbage Record Book.

Annex, page 12

No. Contents Reference

SOx Emission Compliance Certificate and Exhaust MARPOL Annex VI,
Gas Cleaning (EGC) System Technical Manual regulation 4;
For ships where an EGC system unit is fitted as an resolution MEPC.259(68)
alternative compliance method to meet the requirements
of MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14 in accordance with
regulation 4 of MARPOL Annex VI, the SO x Emission
Compliance Certificate, together with the EGC System
Technical Manual, should be carried on board the ships.
The certificate is valid for the life of the EGC System unit,
subject to surveys in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the 2015 Guidelines for exhaust gas
cleaning systems (resolution MEPC.259(68)).

Annex, page 13

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) MARPOL Annex VI,

All ships of 400 gross tonnage and above, excluding regulation 5.4.5, 5.4.6
platforms (including FPSOs and FSUs) and drilling rigs, 26, 27 and 28;
regardless of their propulsion, shall keep on board a MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.6;
ship-specific Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan MEPC.1/Circ.876;
(SEEMP). This may form part of the shipʹs safety resolution MEPC.346(78)
management system (SMS). In the case of a ship of
5,000 gross tonnage and above, the SEEMP shall
include a description of the methodology that will be used
to collect the data required by regulation 27.1 of
MARPOL Annex VI and the processes that will be used
to report the data to the ship's Administration.

The Administration shall ensure that for each ship to

which regulation 27 applies, the SEEMP complies with
regulation 26.2 of MARPOL Annex VI. This shall be done
prior to collecting data under regulation 27 of MARPOL
Annex VI in order to ensure the methodology and
processes are in place prior to the beginning of the ship's
first reporting period. Confirmation of compliance shall be
provided to and retained on board the ship.

For a ship of 5,000 gross tonnage and above, which falls

into the categories as indicated in regulation 26.3 of

.1 on or before 1 January 2023, the SEEMP shall

include contents as specified in regulation 26.3, including
methodology to calculate the attained annual CII, the
required annual operational CII, implementation plan with
regard to the required annual operational CII and a
procedure for self-evaluation and improvement;

.2 for a ship rated as D for three consecutive years

or rated as E, in accordance with regulation 28 of
MARPOL Annex VI, the SEEMP shall be reviewed in
accordance with regulation 28.8 of this Annex to include
a plan of corrective actions to achieve the required
annual operational CII; and

.3 the SEEMP shall be subject to verification and

company audits taking into account the guidelines to be
adopted by the Organization.

The Administration shall ensure that for each ship to

which regulation 28 applies, the SEEMP complies with
regulation 26.3.1 of this Annex. This shall be done prior
to 1 January 2023. Confirmation of compliance shall be
provided to, and retained on board, the ship.

Annex, page 14

No. Contents Reference

Note: the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, as
adopted by resolution MEPC.328(76), will enter into force
on 1 November 2022.

International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate MARPOL Annex VI,

Ships constructed before the date of entry into force of regulation 6
the Protocol of 1997 shall be issued with an International
Air Pollution Prevention Certificate. Any ship of 400 gross
tonnage and above engaged in voyages to ports or
offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties
and platforms and drilling rigs engaged in voyages to
waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of other
Parties to the Protocol of 1997 shall be issued with an
International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate.

International Energy Efficiency Certificate MARPOL Annex VI,

An International Energy Efficiency Certificate for the ship regulation 6
shall be issued after a survey in accordance with the
provisions of regulation 5.4 to any ships of 400 gross
tonnage and above before that ship may engage in
voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the
jurisdiction of other Parties.

Annex, page 15

Statement of Compliance – Fuel Oil Consumption MARPOL Annex VI,

Reporting and Operational Carbon Intensity Rating regulations 6, 27 and 28

From calendar year 2019, each ship of 5,000 gross

tonnage and above shall collect the data specified in
appendix IX to MARPOL Annex VI, for that and each
subsequent calendar year or portion thereof, as
appropriate. Upon receipt of reported data pursuant to
regulation 27 of MARPOL Annex VI, the Administration
or any organization duly authorized by it shall determine
whether the data has been reported in accordance with
regulation 27 and, if so, issue a Statement of Compliance
related to fuel oil consumption to the ship in accordance
with the provisions of regulation 6 of MARPOL Annex VI.
In every case, the Administration assumes full
responsibility for this Statement of Compliance,
according to the methodology included in the SEEMP.

After the end of calendar year 2023 and after the end of
each following calendar year, each ship of 5,000 gross
tonnage and above, which falls into the categories
indicated in regulation 28 of MARPOL Annex VI, shall
calculate the attained annual operational CII over
a 12-month period from 1 January to 31 December for
the preceding calendar year, using the data collected in
accordance with regulation 27 of this Annex, taking into
account the guidelines to be developed by the
Organization. Upon receipt of reported data pursuant to
regulation 27.3 of this Annex and attained annual
operational CII pursuant to regulation 28.2 of this Annex,
the Administration or any organization duly authorized by
it shall verify data and determine the operational carbon
intensity rating of the ship, in accordance with the
provisions of regulation 6 of the MARPOL Annex VI and,
when appropriate, issue a Statement of Compliance
related to fuel oil consumption reporting and operational
carbon intensity rating to the ship no later than 5 months
from the beginning of the calendar year, upon
determination and verification pursuant to regulations
6.6.1 to 6.6.3 of the Annex. In every case, the
Administration assumes full responsibility for this
Statement of Compliance.

The Statement of Compliance shall be drawn up in a form

corresponding to the model given in appendix X to

Note: the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, as

adopted by resolution MEPC.328(76), will enter into force
on 1 November 2022.

Annex, page 16

No. Contents Reference

Ozone-depleting substances record book MARPOL Annex VI,
Each ship subject to MARPOL Annex VI, regulation 6.1 regulation 12.6
that has rechargeable systems that contain
ozone-depleting substances shall maintain an
ozone-depleting substances record book.

Logbook or electronic record book – nitrogen oxides MARPOL Annex VI,

emission regulations 13.5.1 and
The tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines 13.5.3
installed on board a ship to which MARPOL Annex VI,
regulation 13.5.1 applies which are certified to both Tier
II and Tier III or which are certified to Tier II only shall be
recorded in such logbook or electronic record book, as
prescribed by the Administration at entry into and exit
from a NOx Tier III emission control area, or when the
on/off status changes within such an area, together with
the date, time and position of the ship.

Fuel oil changeover procedure and logbook (record MARPOL Annex VI,
of fuel changeover) regulation 14.6
Those ships using separate fuel oils to comply with
MARPOL Annex VI, regulation 14.3 and entering or
leaving an emission control area shall carry a written
procedure showing how the fuel oil changeover is to be
done. The volume of low-sulphur fuel oils in each tank as
well as the date, time and position of the ship when any
fuel oil changeover operation is completed prior to the
entry into an emission control area or commenced after
exit from such an area shall be recorded in such logbook
or electronic record book as prescribed by the

Manufacturer's operating manual for incinerators MARPOL Annex VI,

Incinerators installed in accordance with the regulation 16.7
requirements of MARPOL Annex VI, regulation 16.6.1
shall be provided with a manufacturer's operating
manual, which is to be retained with the unit.

Bunker delivery note and representative sample MARPOL Annex VI,

Bunker delivery note and representative sample of the regulations 18.6
fuel oil delivered shall be kept on board in accordance and 18.8.1
with the requirements of MARPOL Annex VI,
regulations 18.6 and 18.8.1.

Annex, page 17

No. Contents Reference

EEDI Technical File MARPOL Annex VI,
Applicable to ships and the categories as specified in regulation 22
regulation 22.1 of MARPOL Annex VI.

EEDI Technical File contains the information necessary for

the calculation of the attained EEDI and that shows the
process of calculation.

Note: the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, as

adopted by resolution MEPC.328(76), will enter into force
on 1 November 2022.

EEXI Technical File MARPOL Annex VI,

regulation 23
Applicable to ships and the categories as specified in
regulation 23.1 of MARPOL Annex VI.

EEXI Technical File contains the information necessary

for the calculation of the attained EEXI and that shows
the process of the calculation.

Note: the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, as

adopted by resolution MEPC.328(76), will enter into force
on 1 November 2022.

Technical File NOX Technical Code

Every marine diesel engine installed on board a ship shall 2008,
be provided with a Technical File. The Technical File paragraph 2.3.4
shall be prepared by the applicant for engine certification
and approved by the Administration, and is required to
accompany an engine throughout its life on board ships.
The Technical File shall contain the information as
specified in paragraph 2.4.1 of the NOx Technical Code,

Record Book of Engine Parameters NOx Technical

Where the Engine Parameter Check method in Code 2008,
accordance with paragraph 6.2 of the NOx Technical paragraphs 2.3.7 and
Code, 2008 is used to verify compliance, if any
adjustments or modifications are made to an engine after
its pre-certification, a full record of such adjustments or
modifications shall be recorded in the engine's record
book or electronic record book of engine parameters.

Annex, page 18

No. Contents Reference

Certificates for masters, officers or ratings STCW 1978, article VI,
Certificates for masters, officers or ratings shall be issued regulation I/2;
to those candidates who, to the satisfaction of the STCW Code, section A-I/2
Administration, meet the requirements for service, age,
medical fitness, training, qualifications and examinations
in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the 1978
STCW Convention and STCW Code. Formats of
certificates are given in section A-I/2 of the STCW Code.
Certificates must be kept available in their original form
on board the ships on which the holder is serving.

Fishing vessel personnel serving on board seagoing STCW-F 1995, article 6,

fishing vessels shall be certificated in accordance with regulation 3
the provisions of STCW-F Convention 1995. Formats of
certificates are given in appendix 1, 2 and 3 of the

Records of daily hours of rest STCW Code,

Records of daily hours of rest of seafarers shall be section A-VIII/1;
maintained on board. IMO/ILO Guidelines for
the development of
tables of seafarers'
shipboard working
arrangements and
formats of records of
seafarers' hours of work
or hours of rest

International Anti-fouling System Certificate AFS 2001,

Ships of 400 GT and above engaged in international regulation 2(1) of annex 4
voyages, excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs and
FPSOs, shall be issued after inspection and survey an
international Anti-fouling System Certificate together with
a Record of Anti-fouling Systems.

Declaration on Anti-fouling System AFS 2001,

Ships of 24 m or more in length, but less than 400 GT regulation 5(1) of annex 4
engaged in international voyages, excluding fixed or
floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, shall carry a
declaration signed by the owner or owner's authorized
agents. Such a declaration shall be accompanied by
appropriate documentation (such as a paint receipt or a
contractor invoice) or contain appropriate endorsement.

Annex, page 19

No. Contents Reference

International Ballast Water Management Certificate BWM 2004,
Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which the regulation E-2
BWM 2004 applies, excluding floating platforms, FSUs
and FPSOs, shall be issued the certificate after
successful completion of a survey conducted in
accordance with regulation E-1.

Ballast water management plan BWM 2004,

Each ship shall have on board and implement a ballast regulation B-1;
water management plan. Such a plan shall be approved resolution
by the Administration taking into account guidelines MEPC.127(53), as
developed by the Organization. amended by resolution

Ballast water record book BWM 2004,

Each ship shall have on board a ballast water record regulation B-2
book that may be an electronic record system, or that
may be integrated into another record book or system
and which shall at least contain the information specified
in appendix II of the Convention. The ballast water record
book entries shall be maintained on board the ship for a
minimum period of two years after the last entry has been
made and thereafter in the Company's control for a
minimum period of three years.

Type Approval of Certificate for Ballast Water BWMS Code (resolution

Management System (BWMS) MEPC.300(72));
A copy of Type Approval Certificate shall be carried on resolutions
board a ship fitted with this ballast water management MEPC. 125(53),
system, for inspection on board the ship. If the Type MEPC.174(58) and
Approval Certificate is issued based on approval by MEPC.279(70)
another Administration, reference to that Type Approval
Certificate shall be made.

Annex, page 20

No. Contents Reference

Certificate of insurance or other financial security in Bunkers 2001, article 7
respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution
Certificate attesting that insurance or other financial
security is in force in accordance with the provisions of
this Convention shall be issued to each ship having a
gross tonnage greater than 1,000 after the appropriate
authority of a State Party has determined that the
requirements of article 7, paragraph 1 have been
complied with. With respect to a ship registered in a State
Party such certificate shall be issued or certified by the
appropriate authority of the State of the ship's registry;
with respect to a ship not registered in a State Party it
may be issued or certified by the appropriate authority of
any State Party. A State Party may authorize either an
institution or an organization recognized by it to issue the
certificate referred to in article 7, paragraph 2. This
compulsory insurance certificate shall be in the form of
the model set out in the annex to the Convention.

Certificate of insurance or other financial security in Nairobi WRC 2007,

respect of liability for the removal of wrecks article 12
Certificate attesting that insurance or other financial
security is in force in accordance with the provisions of
the Convention shall be issued to each ship of 300 gross
tonnage and above by the appropriate authority of the
State of the ship's registry after determining that the
requirements of article 12.1 have been complied with.
With respect to a ship registered in a State Party, such
certificate shall be issued or certified by the appropriate
authority of the State of the ship's registry; with respect
to a ship not registered in a State Party it may be issued
or certified by the appropriate authority of any State
Party. This compulsory insurance certificate shall be in
the form of the model set out in the annex to the

2 In addition to the certificates listed in section 1

above, passenger ships shall carry:
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate SOLAS 1974,
A certificate called a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate regulation I/12;
shall be issued after inspection and survey to a SOLAS PROT 1988,
passenger ship which complies with the requirements of regulation I/12
chapters II-1, II-2, III, IV and V and any other relevant
requirements of SOLAS 1974. A Record of Equipment for
the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (Form P) shall be
permanently attached.

Annex, page 21

No. Contents Reference

Decision support system for masters SOLAS 1974,
In all passenger ships, a decision support system for regulation III/29
emergency management shall be provided on the
navigation bridge.

Search and rescue cooperation plan SOLAS 1974,

Passenger ships to which chapter I of the Convention regulation V/7.3
applies shall have on board a plan for cooperation with
appropriate search and rescue services in the event of
an emergency.

List of operational limitations SOLAS 1974,

Passenger ships to which chapter I of the Convention regulation V/30
applies shall keep on board a list of all limitations on the
operation of the ship, including exemptions from any of
the SOLAS regulations, restrictions in operating areas,
weather restrictions, sea state restrictions, restrictions in
permissible loads, trim, speed and any other limitations,
whether imposed by the Administration or established
during the design or the building stages.

Special Trade Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, STP 71, rule 5

Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate
A Special Trade Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
issued under the provisions of the Special Trade
Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971.

A certificate called a Special Trade Passenger Ship SSTP 73, rule 5

Space Certificate shall be issued under the provisions of
the Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade
Passenger Ships, 1973.

Annex, page 22

No. Contents Reference

Certificate of insurance or other financial security in PAL 1974 as modified by
respect of liability for the death of and personal PAL PROT 2002,
injury to passengers article 4bis;
A certificate attesting that insurance or other financial resolution A.988(24);
security is in force in accordance with the provisions of Circular Letter No.2758
this Convention shall be issued to each ship that is
licensed to carry more than 12 passengers, after the
appropriate authority of a State Party has determined that
the requirements of article 4bis paragraph 1 have been
complied with. With respect to a ship registered in a State
Party, such certificate shall be issued or certified by the
appropriate authority of the State of the ship's registry;
with respect to a ship not registered in a State Party it
may be issued or certified by the appropriate authority of
any State Party. A State Party may authorize an
institution or an organization recognized by it to issue the
certificate. The certificate shall be in the form of the
model set out in the annex to the Convention.

Pursuant to resolution A.988(24), States are

recommended to ratify the Athens Protocol as soon as
possible, with the reservation that they reserve the right
to issue and accept insurance certificates with such
special exceptions and limitations as the insurance
market conditions at the time of issue of the certificate
may necessitate, examples being the biochemical clause
and terrorism-related clauses (Circular Letter No.2758

3 In addition to the certificates listed in section 1

above, cargo ships shall carry:

Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate SOLAS 1974,

A certificate called a Cargo Ship Safety Construction regulation I/12;
Certificate shall be issued after survey to a cargo ship SOLAS PROT 1988,
of 500 gross tonnage and over which satisfies the regulation I/12
requirements for cargo ships on survey, set out in
regulation I/10 of SOLAS 1974, and complies with the
applicable requirements of chapters II-1 and II-2, other
than those relating to fire-extinguishing appliances and
fire-control plans.

Annex, page 23

No. Contents Reference

Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate SOLAS 1974,
A certificate called a Cargo Ship Safety Equipment regulation I/12;
Certificate shall be issued after survey to a cargo ship SOLAS PROT 1988,
of 500 gross tonnage and over which complies with the regulation I/12
relevant requirements of chapters II-1 and II-2, III and V
and any other relevant requirements of SOLAS 1974.
A Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety
Equipment Certificate (Form E) shall be permanently

Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate SOLAS 1974,

A certificate called a Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate regulation I/12,
shall be issued after survey to a cargo ship of 300 gross as amended by the
tonnage and over, fitted with a radio installation, including GMDSS amendments;
those used in life-saving appliances, which complies with SOLAS PROT 1988,
the requirements of chapter IV and any other relevant regulation I/12
requirements of SOLAS 1974. A Record of Equipment
for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Form R) shall
be permanently attached.

Cargo Ship Safety Certificate SOLAS PROT 1988,

A certificate called a Cargo Ship Safety Certificate may regulation I/12
be issued after survey to a cargo ship which complies
with the relevant requirements of chapters II-1, II-2, III, IV
and V and other relevant requirements of SOLAS 1974
as modified by the 1988 SOLAS Protocol, as an
alternative to the Cargo Ship Safety Construction
Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. A Record of
Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form C)
shall be permanently attached.

Ship Structure Access Manual SOLAS 1974,

This regulation applies to oil tankers of 500 gross regulation II-1/3-6
tonnage and over and bulk carriers, as defined in
regulation IX/1, of 20,000 gross tonnage and over,
constructed on or after 1 January 2006. A ship's means
of access to carry out overall and close-up inspections
and thickness measurements shall be described in a
Ship Structure Access Manual approved by the
Administration, an updated copy of which shall be kept
on board.

Annex, page 24

No. Contents Reference

Cargo Information SOLAS 1974,
The shipper shall provide the master or his regulations VI/2
representative with appropriate information, confirmed in and XII/10;
writing, on the cargo, in advance of loading. In bulk MSC/Circ.663
carriers, the density of the cargo shall be provided in the
above information.

Bulk Carrier Booklet SOLAS 1974,

To enable the master to prevent excessive stress in the regulations VI/7
ship's structure, the ship loading and unloading solid bulk and XII/8;
cargoes shall be provided with a booklet referred to in BLU Code
SOLAS regulation VI/7.2. The booklet shall be endorsed
by the Administration or on its behalf to indicate that
SOLAS regulations XII/4, 5, 6 and 7, as appropriate, are
complied with. As an alternative to a separate booklet,
the required information may be contained in the stability

Document of authorization for the carriage of grain SOLAS 1974,

and grain loading manual regulation VI/9;
A document of authorization shall be issued for every Grain Code, section 3
ship loaded in accordance with the regulations of the
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk.
The document shall accompany or be incorporated into
the grain loading manual provided to enable the master
to meet the stability requirements of the Code.

Enhanced survey report file SOLAS 1974,

Bulk carriers and oil tankers shall have a survey report regulation XI-1/2;
file and supporting documents complying with 2011 ESP Code
paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 of annex A/annex B, (resolution A.1049(27),
part A/part B, 2011 ESP Code. as amended)

Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual MARPOL Annex I,

Every product carrier of 40,000 tonnes deadweight and regulation 18.8;
above delivered on or before 1 June 1982, operating with resolution A.495(XII)
dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be provided with a
Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual
detailing the system and specifying operational
procedures. Such a Manual shall be to the satisfaction of
the Administration and shall contain all the information
set out in the Specifications referred to in
sub-paragraph 8.2 of MARPOL Annex I regulation 18. If
an alteration affecting the dedicated clean ballast tank
system is made, the Operation Manual shall be revised

Annex, page 25

No. Contents Reference

Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) Statement of MARPOL Annex I,
Compliance, CAS Final Report and Review Record regulations 20 and 21;
A Statement of Compliance shall be issued by the resolution MEPC.94(46),
Administration to every oil tanker which has been as amended by
surveyed in accordance with the requirements of the resolutions MEPC.99(48),
Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) and found to be in MEPC.112(50),
compliance with these requirements. In addition, a copy MEPC.131(53),
of the CAS Final Report which was reviewed by the resolution MEPC.155(55),
Administration for the issue of the Statement of and MEPC.236(65)
Compliance and a copy of the relevant Review Record
shall be placed on board to accompany the Statement of

Subdivision and stability information MARPOL Annex I,

Every oil tanker to which regulation 28 of Annex I of regulation 28
MARPOL applies shall be provided in an approved form
with information relative to loading and distribution of
cargo necessary to ensure compliance with the
provisions of this regulation and data on the ability of the
ship to comply with damage stability criteria as
determined by this regulation.

Record of oil discharge monitoring and control MARPOL Annex I,

system for the last ballast voyage regulation 31
Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of
regulation 3 of MARPOL Annex I, every oil tanker
of 150 gross tonnage and above shall be equipped with
an oil discharge monitoring and control system approved
by the Administration. The system shall be fitted with a
recording device to provide a continuous record of the
discharge in litres per nautical mile and total quantity
discharged, or the oil content and rate of discharge. The
record shall be identifiable as to time and date and shall
be kept for at least three years.

Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control (ODMC) MARPOL Annex I,

Operational Manual regulation 31;
Every oil tanker fitted with an Oil Discharge Monitoring resolution A.496(XII);
and Control system shall be provided with instructions as resolution A.586(14), as
to the operation of the system in accordance with an amended by resolution
operational manual approved by the Administration. MEPC.24(22);
MEPC.108(49), as
amended by resolution

Annex, page 26

No. Contents Reference

Crude Oil Washing Operation and Equipment Manual MARPOL Annex I,
(COW Manual) regulation 35; resolution
Every oil tanker operating with crude oil washing systems MEPC.81(43)
shall be provided with an Operations and Equipment
Manual detailing the system and equipment and
specifying operational procedures. Such a Manual shall
be to the satisfaction of the Administration and shall
contain all the information set out in the specifications
referred to in regulation 35 of Annex I of MARPOL.

STS operations plan and records of STS operations MARPOL Annex I,

Any oil tanker involved in STS operations shall carry on regulation 41
board a plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations
(STS operations plan) not later than the date of the first
annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be
carried out on or after 1 January 2011. Each oil tanker's
STS operations plan shall be approved by the
Administration. The STS operations plan shall be written
in the working language of the ship.

Records of STS operations shall be retained on board for

three years and be readily available for inspection.

VOC Management Plan MARPOL Annex VI,

A tanker carrying crude oil, to which MARPOL Annex VI, regulation 15.6
regulation 15.1 applies, shall have on board and
implement a VOC Management Plan.

Document of approval for the stability instrument IBC Code para. 2.2.6;
All ships, subject to the IBC, IGC, BCH and GC Codes, IGC Code para. 2.2.6;
should be fitted with a stability instrument capable of BCH code para.;
verifying compliance with intact and damage stability GC Code para. 2.2.4;
approved by the Administration, at the first scheduled 2008 IS Code;
renewal survey of the ship on or after 1 January 2016, MSC.1/Circ.1229;
but not later than 1 January 2021, having regard to the MSC.1/Circ.1461
performance standards recommended by the
Organization. The Administration should issue a
document of approval for the stability instrument.

Certificate of insurance or other financial security in CLC 1969,

respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage article VII
A certificate attesting that insurance or other financial
security is in force shall be issued to each ship carrying
more than 2,000 tonnes of oil in bulk as cargo. It shall be
issued or certified by the appropriate authority of the State
of the ship's registry after determining that the
requirements of article VII, paragraph 1, of the CLC
Convention have been complied with.

Annex, page 27

No. Contents Reference

Certificate of insurance or other financial security in CLC 1992,
respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage article VII
A certificate attesting that insurance or other financial
security is in force in accordance with the provisions of
the 1992 CLC Convention shall be issued to each ship
carrying more than 2,000 tonnes of oil in bulk as cargo
after the appropriate authority of a Contracting State has
determined that the requirements of article VII,
paragraph 1, of the Convention have been complied with.
With respect to a ship registered in a Contracting State,
such certificate shall be issued by the appropriate
authority of the State of the ship's registry; with respect
to a ship not registered in a Contracting State, it may be
issued or certified by the appropriate authority of any
Contracting State.

4 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1 and

3 above, where appropriate, any ship carrying
noxious liquid chemical substances in bulk shall

International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the MARPOL Annex II,

Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk regulation 9
(NLS Certificate)
An international pollution prevention certificate for the
carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk
(NLS Certificate) shall be issued, after survey in
accordance with the provisions of regulation 8 of Annex II
of MARPOL, to any ship carrying noxious liquid
substances in bulk and which is engaged in voyages to
ports or terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties
to MARPOL. In respect of chemical tankers, the
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk and the International Certificate of
Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk,
issued under the provisions of the Bulk Chemical Code
and International Bulk Chemical Code, respectively, shall
have the same force and receive the same recognition
as the NLS Certificate.

Cargo Record Book MARPOL Annex II,

Ships carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk shall be regulation 15.1
provided with a Cargo Record Book, whether as part of
the ship's official logbook, as an electronic record book
which shall be approved by the Administration taking into
account Guidelines developed by the Organization, or
otherwise, in the form specified in appendix II to Annex II.

Annex, page 28

No. Contents Reference

Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A MARPOL Annex II,
Manual) regulation 14;
Every ship certified to carry noxious liquid substances in resolution MEPC.18(22),
bulk shall have on board a Procedures and as amended by
Arrangements Manual approved by the Administration. resolution MEPC.62(35)

Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for MARPOL Annex II,

noxious liquid substances regulation 17;
Every ship of 150 gross tonnage and above certified to resolution MEPC.85(44),
carry noxious liquid substances in bulk shall carry on as amended by
board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for resolution MEPC.137(53)
noxious liquid substances approved by the

5 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1 and 3

above, where applicable, any chemical tanker shall
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous BCH Code,
Chemicals in Bulk section 1.6
A certificate called a Certificate of Fitness for the
Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, the model
form of which is set out in the appendix to the Bulk
Chemical Code, should be issued after an initial or
periodical survey to a chemical tanker engaged in
international voyages which complies with the relevant
requirements of the Code.

Note: The Code is mandatory under Annex II of MARPOL

for chemical tankers constructed before 1 July 1986.

International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of IBC Code,

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk section 1.5
A certificate called an International Certificate
of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk, the model form of which is set out in the appendix
to the International Bulk Chemical Code, should be
issued after an initial or periodical survey to a chemical
tanker engaged in international voyages, which complies
with the relevant requirements of the Code.

Note: The Code is mandatory under both chapter VII of

SOLAS 1974 and Annex II of MARPOL for chemical
tankers constructed on or after 1 July 1986.

Annex, page 29

No. Contents Reference

6 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1 and
3 above, where applicable, any gas carrier shall

Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied GC Code,

Gases in Bulk section 1.6
A certificate called a Certificate of Fitness for
the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, the model form
of which is set out in the appendix to the Gas Carrier
Code, should be issued after an initial or periodical
survey to a gas carrier which complies with the relevant
requirements of the Code.

International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of IGC Code,

Liquefied Gases in Bulk section 1.4
A certificate called an International Certificate of Fitness
for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, the model
form of which is set out in the appendix to the
International Gas Carrier Code, should be issued after an
initial or periodical survey to a gas carrier which complies
with the relevant requirements of the Code.

Note: The Code is mandatory under chapter VII of

SOLAS 1974 for gas carriers constructed on or after
1 July 1986.

Cargo Operations Manuals IGC Code,

The approved cargo operations manuals, including regulations 18.2.1 and
relevant procedures for ESD system and emergency
isolating operations of PRVs shall be provided on board.
7 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2
or 3 above, where applicable, any high-speed craft
shall carry:
High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate SOLAS 1974,
A certificate called a High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate regulation X/3;
shall be issued after completion of an initial or renewal 1994 HSC Code,
survey to a craft which complies with the requirements of section 1.8;
the 1994 HSC Code or the 2000 HSC Code, as 2000 HSC Code,
appropriate. section 1.8

Permit to Operate High-Speed Craft 1994 HSC Code,

A certificate called a Permit to Operate High-Speed Craft section 1.9;
shall be issued to a craft which complies with the 2000 HSC Code,
requirements set out in paragraphs 1.2.2 to 1.2.7 of section 1.9
the 1994 HSC Code or the 2000 HSC Code, as

Annex, page 30

No. Contents Reference

8 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2 or 3
above, where applicable, any ship carrying dangerous
goods shall carry:

Document of compliance with the special SOLAS 1974,

requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods regulation II-2/19.4
The Administration shall provide the ship with an
appropriate document as evidence of compliance of
construction and equipment with the requirements of
regulation II-2/19 of SOLAS 1974. Certification for
dangerous goods, except solid dangerous goods in bulk,
is not required for those cargoes specified as class 6.2
and 7 and dangerous goods in limited quantities.

9 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2

or 3 above, where applicable, any ship carrying
dangerous goods in packaged form shall carry:

Transport information SOLAS 1974,

Transport information relating to the carriage of regulation VII/4.1
dangerous goods in packaged form and the
container/vehicle packing certificate shall be in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the IMDG
Code and shall be made available to the person or
organization designated by the port State authority.

Dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan SOLAS 1974,

Each ship carrying dangerous goods in packaged form regulations VII/4.2 and
shall have a special list or manifest setting forth, in VII/7-2.2;
accordance with the classification set out in the MARPOL Annex III,
IMDG Code, the dangerous goods on board and the regulation 4
location thereof. Each ship carrying dangerous goods in
solid form in bulk shall have a list or manifest setting forth
the dangerous goods on board and the location thereof.
A detailed stowage plan, which identifies by class and
sets out the location of all dangerous goods on board,
may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. A
copy of one of these documents shall be made available
before departure to the person or organization
designated by the port State authority.

Annex, page 31

No. Contents Reference

10 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2
or 3 above, where applicable, any ship carrying
INF cargo shall carry:

International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of SOLAS 1974,

INF Cargo regulation VII/16;
A ship carrying INF cargo shall comply with the INF Code
requirements of the International Code for the Safe (resolution MSC.88(71),
Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium as amended),
and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships paragraph 1.3
(INF Code) in addition to any other applicable
requirements of the SOLAS regulations and shall be
surveyed and be provided with the International
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo.

11 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2

or 3 above, where applicable, any Nuclear Ship shall

Operating manual for nuclear power plant SOLAS 1974,

A fully detailed operating manual shall be prepared for regulation VIII/8
the information and guidance of the operating personnel
in their duties on all matters relating to the operation of
the nuclear power plant having an important bearing on
safety. The Administration, when satisfied, shall approve
such operating manual and a copy shall be kept on board
the ship. The operating manual shall always be kept up
to date.

A Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Nuclear SOLAS 1974,

Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, in place of the regulation VIII/10
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Passenger Ship
Safety Certificate, as appropriate
Every nuclear powered ship shall be issued with the
certificate required by SOLAS chapter VIII.

12 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2

or 3 above, where applicable, any ship operating in
polar waters shall carry:

Polar Ship Certificate Polar Code,

Every ship to which the Polar Code applies shall have on part I-A, section 1.3
board a valid Polar Ship Certificate. The certificate shall
include a supplement recording equipment required by
the Code.

Annex, page 32

No. Contents Reference

Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM) Polar Code,
Every ship to which the Polar Code applies shall have on part I-A, section 2.3
board a Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM) as
required in part I-A, section 2.3 of the Code.

13 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, 2 or

3 above, where applicable, any ship using gases or
other low-flashpoint fuels shall carry:

Maintenance procedures, emergency procedures IGF Code, regulation

and operational procedures 18.2
The maintenance procedures and information for all
gas-related installations, and the suitable emergency
procedures, and the operational procedures including a
suitably detailed fuel handling manual, shall be provided
on board.
Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory

Special purpose ships

Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate 1983 SPS Code

In addition to SOLAS certificates as specified in (resolution A.534(13), as
paragraph 7 of the Preamble of the 1983 SPS Code and amended);
2008 SPS Code, a Special Purpose Ship Safety 2008 SPS Code
Certificate should be issued after survey in accordance (resolution MSC.266(84),
with the provisions of paragraph 1.6 of the 1983 SPS as amended),
Code and 2008 SPS Code. The duration and validity of SOLAS 1974,
the certificate should be governed by the respective regulation I/12;
provisions for cargo ships in SOLAS 1974. If a certificate SOLAS PROT 1988,
is issued for a special purpose ship of less than 500 gross regulation I/12
tonnage, this certificate should indicate to what extent
relaxations in accordance with 1.2 were accepted.

The 2008 SPS Code applies to every special purpose

ship of not less than 500 GT certified on or after 13 May

Offshore support vessels

Offshore Supply Vessel Document of Compliance Resolution MSC.235(82),

The Document of Compliance should be issued when as amended by
satisfied that the vessel complies with the provisions of resolution MSC.335(90)
the Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore
supply vessels, 2006.

Annex, page 33

No. Contents Reference

Certificate of Fitness for Offshore Support Vessels OSV Chemical Code
A Certificate of Fitness, the model form of which is set (resolution A.1122(30))
out in the appendix to the Code for the transport and MARPOL Annex II,
handling of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in regulation 11.2
bulk on offshore support vessels (OSV Chemical Code),
should be issued and suitably endorsed to certify
compliance with the provisions of the OSV Chemical
Code after an initial survey to an offshore support vessel
to which the OSV Chemical Code applies.

The certificate issued under the OSV Chemical Code

should have the same force and receive the same
recognition as the certificate issued under regulation 7 of
MARPOL Annex II and regulations VII/10 and VII/13 of
Diving systems

Diving System Safety Certificate Resolution A. 831(19),

A certificate should be issued either by the Administration as amended by
or any person or organization duly authorized by it after resolution MSC.185(79),
survey or inspection to a diving system which complies section 1.6
with the requirements of the Code of Safety for Diving
Systems. In every case, the Administration should
assume full responsibility for the certificate.

Passenger submersible craft

Safety Compliance Certificate for Passenger MSC/Circ.981, as

Submersible Craft amended by
Applicable to submersible craft adapted to accommodate MSC/Circ.1125
passengers and intended for underwater excursions with
the pressure in the passenger compartment at or near
one atmosphere.

A Design and Construction Document issued by the

Administration should be attached to the Safety
Compliance Certificate.

Dynamically supported craft

Dynamically Supported Craft Construction and DSC Code

Equipment Certificate (resolution A.373(X), as
To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with amended),
paragraph 1.5.1(a) of the Code of Safety for Dynamically section 1.6
Supported Craft.

Annex, page 34

No. Contents Reference

Mobile offshore drilling units

Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate 1979 MODU Code

To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with (resolution A.414(XI), as
the provisions of the Code for the Construction and amended),
Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1979, or, for section 1.6;
units constructed on or after 1 May 1991, but before 1989 MODU Code
1 January 2012, the Code for the Construction and (resolution A.649(16), as
Equipment of Drilling Units, 1989, or for units constructed amended),
on or after 1 January 2012, the Code for the Construction section 1.6;
and Equipment of Drilling Units, 2009. 2009 MODU Code
(resolution A.1023(26),
as amended),
section 1.6

Wing-in-ground (WIG) craft

Wing-in-ground Craft Safety Certificate MSC.1/Circ.1592

A certificate called a WIG Craft Safety Certificate should
be issued after completion of an initial or renewal survey
to a craft, which complies with the provisions of the
Guidelines for wing-in-ground craft.

Permit to Operate WIG Craft MSC.1/Circ.1592

A permit to operate should be issued by the
Administration to certify compliance with the provisions
of the Guidelines for wing-in-ground craft.

Noise levels

Noise survey report Resolution A.468(XII),

Applicable to existing ships to which SOLAS II-1/3-12 section 4.3
does not apply.

A noise survey report should be made for each ship in

accordance with the Code on Noise Levels on Board



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