Eexi Rec 172 New June 2022
Eexi Rec 172 New June 2022
Eexi Rec 172 New June 2022
No. EEXI Implementation Guidelines
(June 2022)
(cont) Introduction
These guidelines have been developed by IACS in response to the Resolutions MEPC.333
(76), MEPC.334 (76), and MEPC.335 (76) relating to EEXI. The document may be updated
whenever new issues are brought to the attention of IACS.
1 Capacity
- For ships where the capacity refers to deadweight, the deadweight of the ship should
be taken as the one in the approved stability information or loading manual.
- For ships where the capacity refers to gross tonnage, the gross tonnage is to be
taken from the International Tonnage Certificate.
- EEXI calculation using the deadweight at maximum (summer) draught as per IEEC
- Flag Administration to advise whether the remaining Load Lines certificates on board
are required to be assessed.
2 Ship Type
The ship type should match the ship type mentioned in the IEE Certificate, except for LNG
Carriers that were categorised as Gas Carriers under Phase 1 of EEDI. Some ship sizes may
have only an Attained EEXI without a Required EEXI. The reduction factor of Required EEXI
for Cruise passenger ships with conventional propulsion is not specified in MARPOL
Convention at this stage. Cruise passenger ships with conventional propulsion are excluded
from Attained and Required EEXI.
The EEDI Technical File (EEDI TF) can be submitted for EEXI verification in case the
Attained EEDI, as documented in the IEE Certificate regardless of the guideline applied at the
time of construction, complies with Required EEXI. If verification is based on EEDI TF, the
supporting documentation should include:
- Cover letter explaining that the ship has not undergone major changes which would
affect the final achieved EEDI
- For ships subject to the NOx Technical Code: In case of change of engine critical
settings or components, affecting NOx Technical File, then NOx Technical File to be
amended. A statement from engine maker may be considered as acceptable
supporting documentation and filed together with NOx Technical File.
The following flowchart explains the route to the issuance of the new IEE Certificate with
Survey to be
EEXI Technical File documented
approval without any
Note: Provisions refer to the requirement that the power limitation as described in the EEXI
Technical File will be installed.
Unless advised otherwise by Flag Administration, the approval of EEXI Technical File &
Onboard Management Manual (OMM) will be carried out based on the IMO resolutions and
IACS guidelines.
1. Model tests/ CFD calculation: Curves are determined for both drafts, so that the relation
is known.
3. The formula in MEPC.333(76) para A factor is calculated from the relation of
the deadweight of both drafts.
Only model test or CFD calculation can be applied for the transfer from trimmed ballast draft
to the EEXI draft. Admiralty equation and the formula in MEPC.333(76) para can only
be used for the transfer from design or service draft on even keel to EEXI draft.
Although MEPC.333(76) para refers to the service power point only, the speed/power
curve in design load draft should be considered for the transfer to the EEXI draft following the
formula in MEPC.333(76) para
Applying the actual speed/power curve from model tests or sea trials gives more accurate
results than applying the cubic law as included in Admiralty equation and in the formula in
MEPC.333(76) para for the transfer from service speed power to PME.
The whole speed/power curve is shifted along the x-axis (speed) by multiplying each speed
point with the constant factor calculated from Admiralty equation or the formula in
MEPC.333(76) para as given in the next paragraphs.
Figure 4.1 Shift of design/service draft model test curve to EEXI draft
Only if no curve is given in the report, then a cubic curve is drawn through the given point,
transferred to EEXI draft and then the speed for the EEXI relevant power can be taken from
this curve.
This relation can be applied to calculate the influence of different draft on power and ship
Case A
The curve at design load draft (service) is available. At this draft the speed Vd is derived at
the PME. Subsequently, the Vref at EEXI draft is calculated based on the formula below:
𝛥 ,
𝑉 ∗𝑉
Case B
The curve at design load draft (service) is not available and only one service point is available
(Ps,service, Vs,service). The Vref at EEXI draft is calculated based on the formula below:
𝛥 , 𝑃
𝑉 ∗ 𝑉, ∗
𝛥 𝑃,
Applicability criteria
For case B
Vref to be within the performance margin mV of 𝑉 , ∗
In case the curve at design load draft (service) is available, the speed Vd is derived at the
PME. Subsequently, the Vref at EEXI draft is calculated based on the formula below:
𝑉 𝑘 ∗ ∗𝑉
In case the curve at design load draft (service) is not available and only one service point is
available (Ps,service, Vs,service), then the Vref at EEXI draft is calculated based on the formula
𝑉 𝑘 ∗ ∗𝑉, ∗
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑃,
In MEPC.333(76) there is no limit for the DWT relation given when applying the formula in
MEPC.333(76) para The service draft to be on even keel, a trimmed draft cannot be
applied for the formula in MEPC.333(76) para
If more than one speed-power curve is available for a loaded draft on even keel (e.g. design
draft and scantling draft before DWT increase), the curve of the draft that is closer to EEXI
draft is to be applied for the transfer to EEXI draft. The even keel definition to be taken as the
one described at the sea trial analysis ISO standard applicable at the time.
4.1.3 Containerships
Admiralty equation not to be applied for containerships. For containerships, the formula in
MEPC.333(76) para with scale coefficient k as defined in MEPC.333(76) can be
applied to transfer the speed-power curve from a draft that is different from the EEXI draft.
For containerships this different draft might be larger or smaller than the EEXI draft which is
defined by 70% DWT.
Service draft to be on even keel. There is no limitation for the relation of the DWT for both
drafts, but trimmed conditions cannot be accepted.
If more than one speed-power curve is available for a loaded draft on even keel (e.g. design
and scantling draft), the curve of the draft that is closer to EEXI draft is to be applied for the
transfer to EEXI draft.
The Vref at EEXI draft is calculated based on the containership size as per table below.
In the table below the term DWT refers to the DWT at the summer load draft (and not the
DWTs,service) and the term Capacity refers to MEPC.308(73) chapter 2.2.3.
- The new speed may be derived following the application of Admiralty equations as
described earlier, or
- Vref,app, or
- Vref as per the formula in MEPC.333(76) para, extrapolating from design draft to
new EEXI draft or from the old EEXI draft to new EEXI draft.
The maximum summer load draft deadweight is to be used, according to paragraph 2.2.4 of
MEPC.308(73). In absence of the speed power curve at summer load draft, reference can be
made to the so-called “scantling draft” speed power curve, which is to be adjusted as per
In case the final Vref is below or above the range of speeds from the sea trials and/or model
tests and/or numerical analysis, an extrapolation of the speed power curve can be used
based on power law (power exponent) 𝑒. 𝑔. 𝑃 𝑎 ∗ 𝑉 .
- Service Power = or
- with NCR = CSR, as shown in the sea trial and/or model test report and/or ship’s
technical specification
- and SM stands for Sea Margin as per the sea trial and/or model test and/or ship’s
technical specification
A sister ship is one built in a series by same shipyard with identical main dimensions, body
lines, appendages, and propulsion system.
For pre-EEDI ships it was common practice to perform detailed sea trials for the lead ship of
a series whilst for the rest of sister ships a reduced scope was applied, i.e. one double run. In
such case, results from model tests or numerical calculation can be considered for the whole
series. Whilst for the lead ship the model test curve can be calibrated by the sea trial results if
adequately documented, for the sister ship the calibration of the model test curve to the sea
trial result should not be carried out in case only a single double run was performed as in
such case the tidal current was ignored.
MEPC.334(76) states that sea trial results are acceptable when in accordance with “ISO
15016:2002 or equivalent”. Equivalence is difficult to define, especially in regard of the fact
that the 2015 version of the guideline follows a different approach than the 2002 version. For
example, the BSRA method is similar with ISO 15016:2015 but different from ISO
15016:2002. The minimum requirement to a pre-EEDI sea trial report is that double runs were
performed, and the results of the single runs can be identified.
For Pre-EEDI ships, the sea trial analysis report at the time, can be considered as valid
supporting documentation for the EEXI calculation, even if the speed-power curve is
uncorrected at a weather condition. In such case, a re-evaluation of sea trial report with
regard to weather conditions is not acceptable. If the sea trial analysis report contains the
speed-power curve from model tests, the Vref derived from this curve would be acceptable.
4.6 Pre-EEDI ship with Sea Trial Report and Model Tests Report
In case the ship has a model tests report and a sea trials report based on ISO 15016:2002 or
equivalent, then the EEXI calculation can be based on a speed-power curve from either the
model tests report or the sea trial report.
- Sea trial analysis can be carried out only if relevant data at EEXI draft and sea trial draft
are available from model tests and/or numerical calculations.
- The sea trial analysis software program utilized must be acceptable to Class.
- The EEXI Technical File will include the sea trial analysis and the Surveyor’s statement
are to be submitted as supporting documentation along with the EEXI Technical file.
In case of retrofitted propulsion improvement device (PID) where comparative model tests
have been carried out, the Vref derived from the following recommended processes will be
acceptable. Other processes where the propulsion power savings from comparative model
tests are applied for the derivation of Vref, may be acceptable to Verifier’s consideration. For
instance, when the original speed-power curve is available, then that can be applied instead
of a cubic curve approach.
2b - Original sea trial - Comparative model tests design draft with and without
No. design draft without PID power savings percentages at different speeds
PID - At these speeds, the original sea trial at design draft is
172 - Comparative model calibrated
(cont) tests design draft with - Apply the formula in MEPC.333(76) para
and without PID including the k scale factor
3 - Original sea trial with - Derive deviation between the original sea trial design
design draft without draft and the comparative model tests design draft
PID WITHOUT PID power deviation percentage at
- Comparative model different speeds
tests with design and - The power deviation percentage is applied to the EEXI
EEXI drafts, with and draft WITH PID from the comparative model tests
without PID
4 - Original sea trial with - Derive deviation between the original sea trial ballast
ballast draft without draft and the comparative model tests ballast draft
PID WITHOUT PID power deviation percentage at
- Comparative model different speeds
tests with ballast and - The power deviation percentage is applied to the
design drafts, with and design draft WITH PID from the comparative model
without PID tests
- Apply the formula in MEPC.333(76) para
including the k scale factor
5 - Original sea trial with - Derive deviation between the original sea trial ballast
ballast draft without draft and the comparative model tests ballast draft
PID WITHOUT PID power deviation percentage at
- Comparative model different speeds
tests with ballast and - The power deviation percentage is applied to the EEXI
EEXI drafts, with and draft WITH PID from the comparative model tests
without PID
6 - No sea trials are - Apply the model tests results at design draft with PID
available - Apply the formula in MEPC.333(76) para
- Comparative model including the k scale factor
tests at design draft
with and without PID
7 - No sea trials are - Apply the model tests results at EEXI draft
- Comparative model
tests at EEXI draft,
with and without PID
Note: for ship types other than bulk carriers, tankers and containerships where the formula in
MEPC.333(76) para including the k scale factor approach is not applicable, the
formula per para 4.1.1 should be applied
- Trailing edge pitch reduction will not be considered as affecting the ship’s performance.
In other words, the original sea trials will be considered valid for EEXI calculations and
supporting documentation.
- Cropping off blades remaining in the cropped condition, will be treated as “new
propeller”. In such case the original sea trials are no longer valid for EEXI calculation.
This infers that as in the case of “new propeller” the Owner will need to consider
submitting supporting documentation, which may be new model tank tests and/or
comparative numerical analysis. Alternatively, the Vref will be based on the Vref,app
formula which in most cases results to a lower conservative value.
In case of lower friction hull coatings, which are considered an EET (Energy Efficiency
Technology) in Category A as per IMO MEPC.1/Circ 896, the Vref can only derived by sea
5 SFC considerations
In case of new type of fuel nozzles or optimization of injection:
(cont) - the new SFC specified by the main engine designer is acceptable, provided the
approved NOx Technical File of the engine is amended accordingly.
- In case where the main engine designer is involved, the main engine designer to
provide SFC at new PME, based on interpolation from test bed measurements ISO
corrected and this is to be shown in the main engine designer’s power limitation report.
The SFC value at PME to be used in the EEXI calculation is to be to the satisfaction of
the Verifier.
- In case the main engine designer is not involved, the SFC value at PME to be used in
the EEXI calculation to be confirmed by the Verifier.
The EEXI calculation should be based on the SFC value based on the following options:
Options 1 2 3 4
Parent Member Parent Engine Member engine
Engine ISO engine ISO not ISO not ISO
corrected is corrected is corrected is corrected is
available available available but available but
corrected as corrected as
best as possible best as possible
based on based on
available data available data
(e.g. LCV) (e.g. LCV)
Pre-EEDI with Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
power limitation
Pre-EEDI without To be used Acceptable Acceptable only Acceptable only
power limitation only in case in case of 1 is in case of 1 is
of 1 is not not available not available
EEDI with power Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
EEDI without Value used in EEDI TF to be used
power limitation
- If fuel flow (e.g. gr/h) is only available (instead of SFC) this can be converted to SFC.
This is equivalent to measured SFC.
- If two or more sets of measurements at the same rating are submitted for the various
loads of the same engine, then the average to be used.
- If shop test results and/or NOx Technical file for ME or AE of individual ship and parent
engine are not available, those of a sister ship can be used.
- Scrubber retrofits are not considered to affect EEXI calculation in terms of SFC.
6 Power Limitation
In MEPC.335(76) IMO defines measures to limit the propulsion power to be considered in the
172 EEXI calculation. It is distinguished between two different power limitation methods: EPL and
(cont) SHaPoLi. EPL limits the engine power by restricting the fuel rack (mechanically controlled
engines) or the fuel index (electronically controlled engines). Besides, EPL might directly limit
the power in electronically controlled engines. SHaPoLi measures the shaft power with an
independent torque meter and the limitation is based on this value. The power limitation as
described in MEPC.335(76) is defined as overridable.
IACS agrees to consider all power limitation measures that are equivalent to power limitation
as described in MEPC.335(76) regarding limitation method, meaning that PME is 83% of
This means in detail that all limitation of the fuel rack is considered in this way, independent
from whether the crew can easily remove the blockage by breaking a seal or a tool is needed
to remove the mechanical blockage.
When there is no modification on engine side, but the propulsion system is limited to a certain
power, e.g. by propeller retrofit, PME is calculated according MEPC.308(73) chapter,
option 2, meaning that PME is 75% of the power the propulsion system is limited to. Whilst this
option was limited to propulsion arrangements with a PTO in the EEDI regime, IACS agrees
that the option is applicable to all propulsion arrangements regarding EEXI.
The term “propeller retrofit” infers the case where shaft power limitation has or will be applied
to avoid damage. The new maximum power after the propeller retrofit is documented in the
propeller description or certificate. If for EEXI purposes, the power needs to be reduced
below the new maximum power, then the case will be considered as overridable.
1. The 83% approach is applicable to overridable power limitation cases. Password protected
172 systems are to be considered as overridable.
2. The 75% approach is applicable.
Depending on the power limitation method, different MCR values are to be considered in the
EEXI formula according to the following table:
Source Overridable 1 other than
Parameter Variable propeller
retrofit 3
retrofit 2
Reference Chapter function of function of function of
PME MEPC.333(76) 2.2.1 MCRlim 83% MCRlim
MEPC.308(73) 75% MCRlim
MEPC.308(73) 75% MCRlim
fj,ICE MEPC.308(73) MCR MCR MCRlim MCR
fj,RoRo MEPC.333(76) 2.2.6 Vref,F 75% MCR
MEPC.308(73) Vref
f(MCRlim) f(MCRlim)
fj,GeneralCargo MEPC.308(73) Vref PME= f(MCRlim)
f(MCRlim) f(MCRlim)
6.1 PTO
For cases with shaft generator PTO and overridable power limitation, the formula for
PME is as follows, unless it is decided otherwise at IMO.
The rated output of the electric propulsion motors MPP can be identified with the quantity
noted PPTI,Shaft in MEPC.308(73) for the calculation of the EEXI value:
∑ 0.75 ∙ 𝑀𝑃𝑃 𝑖
𝜂 ∙𝜂
∑ 0.75 ∙ 𝑀𝑃𝑃 𝑖
𝜂 ∙𝜂
The diesel engines of the cruise ship are considered as auxiliary engines. The SFC is taken
at 75% of MCR power of the diesel engines as the PAE value is significantly different from
total power used at normal seagoing (MEPC.308(73), chapter The SFC is
independent from potential limitation of the electric engines.
For LNG carriers with diesel electric propulsion, the propulsion power of the electric engines
MPPMotor(i) is the relevant power for the EEXI calculation. A limitation of this electric power by
technical means (e.g. restriction of current) is an EPL with relevant power MPPlim.
Alternatively, the propulsion power can be limited by measuring the shaft power with a
SHaPoLi system.
𝑃 0.83 ∙
𝑃 0.83 ∙
The diesel engines of the LNG carrier are called main engines. The SFCME is taken at 75% of
MCR power of the diesel engines. The SFCME is independent from potential limitation of the
electric engines.
The same diesel engines of the LNG carrier are considered as auxiliary engines at the same
No. time. The SFCAE is taken at 75% of MCR power of the diesel engines.
172 In case of overridable power limitation, PAE is to be kept constant as in the original unlimited
(cont) power case.
- For pre-EEDI bulk carriers, tankers, and combination carriers of 20,000 tonnes
deadweight and above, there is no requirement for Minimum Propulsion Power
Assessment as per Circular 850, unless the ship has undergone a major modification
which is so extensive that the ship is regarded by the Administration as a newly
constructed ship. In the latter case, the Minimum Propulsion Power Assessment to be
verified according to Circ 850 latest revision at the time of modification.
- For EEDI bulk carriers, tankers, and combination carriers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight
and above, there is no need to reassess the Minimum Propulsion Power Assessment
as per Circ 850.
- For both EEDI and pre-EEDI bulk carriers, tankers, and combination carriers of 20,000
tonnes deadweight and above, the Minimum Propulsion Power Assessment is to be
verified according to Circ 850 latest revision at the time of modification.
6.5 Maneuvering
- The stopping times and distances, and the data of the turning circles as per SOLAS
Reg. II-1/28.3 and Res.MSC.137(76) respectively, to be recorded on new trials where
applicable. Also, the existing maneuvering booklet, if available, and the maneuvering
information displayed on the navigating bridge (pilot card and wheelhouse poster) to be
The OMM should clearly define this confirmation of the alarm as the deliberate action in
agreement with requirement in chapter 2.2.1.
- A SHaPoLi / EPL system (or each sub system) in the context of section 2.2 of
MEPC.335(76), is considered tamper-proof if it prevents the following actions:
Overriding the limitation without authorization, from any operating or control
If applicable, intentionally disabling the alerting-monitoring system;
In case of SHaPoLi, intentionally disabling sensors, control unit, data recording and
processing devices.
- Regarding Resolution MEPC.335(76), section “for EPL, a fuel index sealing
system or power limitation system which can indicate and record the use of unlimited
mode.” : It is clarified that the indication and recording can be addressed via fuel index
alarm set up and recording as per ship’s existing systems, if suitable, provided these
are stated in the OMM.
- The surveyor may issue the IEEC after the EPL/OMM survey where the Surveyor
verifies that the arrangements indicated in the OMM are in place.
6.7 NOx
Amendme Change EIAPP OMM MPP (see
172 nt to NOx engine certificate to note 2)
(cont) TF name be reissued
EPL or SHaPoLi No (see No No Yes No
note 1)
Turbocharger cut-out by butterfly Yes No No Yes No
Non-overridable (permanent
during ship operation)
Propeller retrofit with restricted No No No No Yes (Level 2
shaft power to prevent damage assessment
is required)
Turbocharger dismantling Yes Yes Yes No Yes
1. For EPL or SHaPoLi, in case of change of engine critical settings or components, affecting
NOx Technical File (NTF), then NTF to be amended. A statement from engine maker may
be considered as acceptable supporting documentation and filed together with NTF.
2. Minimum Propulsion Power Assessment as per Circular 850 is applicable only to bulk
carriers, tankers, and combination carriers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above.
7 LNG Carriers
7.1 Treatment of LNG Carriers
(cont) EEXI requirement is applied based on the definitions in Regulation 2 of MARPOL Annex VI
as they will stand when EEXI enters into force, i.e. separate definitions and ship categories
for gas carriers (regulation 2.26) and LNG carriers (regulation 2.38).
For the purposes of compliance with EEXI, an LNG carrier will be an LNG carrier regardless
of when ship has been delivered and the ship type applied when her Attained EEDI was
It is recognized that there may be confusion in case ship was delivered before 1 September
2019 with an IEEC stating Gas Carrier as ship type. For all other cases the ship is anyway
considered as LNG Carrier.
Therefore, to clarify the case when an LNG Carrier delivered before 1 September 2019 with
an IEEC stating Gas Carrier as ship type, the requirements are shown in the table below as
When the new IEEC is issued during 1st survey in 2023, the IEEC ship type will be changed to
LNG Carrier
According to MEPC.333 (76) par. 2.2.1, the power from combustion of excessive natural boil-
off gas in the engines or boilers to avoid releasing to the atmosphere or unnecessary thermal
oxidation, should be deducted from PME(i) with the approval of the verifier.
The formula for the Attained EEXI for steam turbine LNG carriers becomes straightforward as
according to MEPC.308(73) no separate term for the auxiliary power is needed:
𝑃 ∙ 𝑆𝐺𝐶 ∙ 𝐶 ,
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝐸𝑋𝐼
In case of power limitation and after deduction of the power from combustion of excessive
natural boil-off gas, the formula changes as follows:
𝑃 _ ∙ 𝑆𝐺𝐶 𝑃 _ ∙𝐶 ,
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝐸𝑋𝐼
𝐷𝑊𝑇 ∙ 𝑉 𝑃 _
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating (Value of MCR specified on the Steam
172 Heat Balance and Flow Diagram as Maximum Propulsion Power)
PME 0.83 MCR
SGC Specific gas consumption, the result of SFC’s correction to the value
of LNG using the standard lower calorific value of the LNG (48,000
kJ/kg) at SNAME Condition (condition standard; air temperature 24°C,
inlet temperature of fan 38°C, sea water temperature 24°C)
MCRlim The new MCR to which the propulsion system must be limited to
comply with the Required EEXI
PBOG Is the nominal power generated by consuming all boil-off gas from the
cargo tanks
PME_revised The relevant power value after deduction of PExcessive. This value will
be used in the calculation of the Attained EEXI,
𝐵𝑂𝑅 0.000864 𝑉
VCargo Cargo Tank Volume to be taken as the 100% net volume, as per
capacity plan, in m3
Based on the daily boil-off rate BORLNG and inputs from the ship’s Steam Heat Balance and
Flow Diagram, PBOG can be determined.
Steam Heat Balance and Flow Diagram provides the Fuel Oil Consumption at Different
Power Levels in kg/h (minimum 4 points) or the corresponding fuel oil rate in g/kWh. The Fuel
Oil Consumption is converted to Daily LNG Consumption using the ratio of the Lower Calorific
No. values as stated by IMO in MEPC.308 (73).
172 Daily LNG consumption (tons LNG/day) is calculated at the different power levels as follows:
𝐿𝑁𝐺 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
PBOG can be read from the relation between the calculated Daily LNG consumption and the
corresponding power. Typical curves given as example in following figure.
Figure 7.2.1 Example of SFC vs Power from heat balance and Corresponding Power vs
Daily Gas Consumption curves for a typical steam ship.
Once the power of the ship’s engine is limited, this results in a limited power, namely MCRlim.
The calculation of the MCRlim is an iterative process as a reduction factor Rf ( Rf < 1) shall be
applied to the documented MCR until the Attained EEXI is less than or equal to the Required
Regarding the Specific Gas Consumption (SGC) calculation for the steam-turbine LNGs, in
most cases the specific gas consumption at varying loads is not available in the Steam Heat
Balance & Flow Diagram drawing. In case the gas consumption is available at the Steam
Heat Balance & Flow Diagram drawing (3 or more load points), then these values are to be
The Fuel Oil Consumption (FOC) to be corrected to the value of LNG as per MEPC.308 (73)
para The FOC should be multiplied with the ratio of the lower calorific values (LCV)
of the respective Fuel oil and LNG. Conversion of SFOC to SGC, is taken as follows:
According to MEPC.333 (76) par. 2.2.1, the power from combustion of excessive natural boil-
off gas in the engines or boilers to avoid releasing to the atmosphere or unnecessary thermal
oxidation, should be deducted from PME(i) with the approval of the verifier. This deduction is
only acceptable if no reliquefication plant is installed. In case a reliquefication plant is installed
then the additional auxiliary power to be used.
The below methodology considers LNG as the primary fuel. DFDEs are fitted with dual fuel
auxiliary engines with no dedicated LNG fuel tanks.
The formula for the Attained EEXI for Diesel Electric LNG carriers is the below:
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝐸𝑋𝐼
𝑃 . 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶 𝑃 . 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 . 𝑉
𝑃 𝑃 . 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝐸𝑋𝐼
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 . 𝑉
This simplification is justified since DFDEs – do not have separate MEs & AEs but have a
number of 4-stroke Dual Fuel Gensets all acting as MEs. Thus,
In case of shaft power limitation (motor power limitation) and after deduction of the power
from combustion of excessive natural boil-off gas, the formula changes as follows:
𝑃 _ 𝑃 . 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶 𝐶 . 𝑆𝐹𝐶
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝐸𝑋𝐼
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 . 𝑉 𝑃
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
(cont) MPP Rated output of motor (kW)
electrical 0.913
SFCME(i)_Pilotfuel Specific fuel consumption of pilot fuel for dual fuel ME at 75% MCR
according to testbed result
MPPlim The new MPP to which the motor must be limited to comply with the
Required EEXI
PBOG Is the nominal power generated by consuming all boil-off gas from the
cargo tanks
PME_revised The relevant power value after deduction of PExcessive , This value will
be used in the calculation of the Attained EEXI,
PME revised = 0.83 MPPlim / electrical - PExcessive
𝐵𝑂𝑅 0.000864 𝑉
Based on the daily boil-off rate BORLNG and inputs from the Gensets NOx Technical File
(Parent Engine), PBOG can be determined. The SFCMEgas to be used is the weighted average
corresponding to the 75% of the engines’ MCR values.
𝑃 [kW]
Figure 7.5.1 Example of daily LNG consumption vs Power for a typical DFDE ship.
Once the power of the ship’s engine is limited, this results in a limited power, namely MPPlim.
The calculation of the MPPlim is an iterative process as a reduction factor Rf ( Rf < 1) shall be
applied to the documented MPP until the Attained EEXI is less than or equal to the Required
According to MEPC.308(73), in cases where the cruising time is defined, the primary fuel can
be decided based on the corresponding gas volume and cruising time. However, in case
where the cruising time is not defined, for LNG carriers with dual fuel engines (e.g. all the
diesel-electric ships) LNG can be considered as primary fuel provided cargo tanks and
engines/boilers are connected.
End of Document