Gearbox Design For Hoisting Machines

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The primary gratitude goes to the almighty God who has kept us going all thing way next. We
would like to give our thank and our gratitude to our genuinely hard-working instructor Mr. Aklilu
T. for the series of mentor and eye-opening concepts. We finally thank our close friends and fellow
students for sharing resources and ideas.

The design first begins with generation of concept which have their own characteristics and
working principle. Based on concept evaluation we select the one for which the design procedure
is followed. Procedure to geometric analysis we can able to get important geometry for next
analysis named force analysis. It is a base for strength analysis through which we are able to find
geometry which couldn`t be solved through the geometric analysis. We select a material based on
different criteria. After finding it safe from failure we select a material based on different criteria.
The design reaches its end by selecting standard materials which will fit the already got gear and
shaft geometry.

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter one .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Background and history ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Definition ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Types of gear box ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.1 Bevel:............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.2 Spur: ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.3 Worm: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.4 Helical:.......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Function of gearbox ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.5Application ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Parallel shat gear: - ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 Intersecting shaft gear: - .............................................................................................................. 7
1.5.3 Non-intersecting (non-parallel) shafts: ........................................................................................ 7
1.6 Material selection ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Statement of problem......................................................................................................................... 8
1.8 Purpose of the project ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.9 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.9.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.9.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter two .................................................................................................................................................. 9
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Structural formula ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 STRUCTURAL DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Speed ray diagram ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Number of teeth on gears ............................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Gearing diagram................................................................................................................................ 13
2.5 ACTUAL GEARING DIAGRAM............................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Deviation diagram ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.7 Gear Geometry ................................................................................................................................. 17

2.8 Geometry analysis of synchronizer ................................................................................................. 24
Triple cone synchronizer between 1st and 2nd gear ........................................................................... 24
2.7 Criteria to design synchronizer ..................................................................................................... 28
2.8 Geometry of shaft ............................................................................................................................. 28
2.8.1 Material selection ...................................................................................................................... 29
2.9 force analysis .................................................................................................................................... 30
2.9 Bearing and Retaining ring selection ............................................................................................... 32
2.9.1 Bearings: - .................................................................................................................................. 32
2.9.2 retaining rings............................................................................................................................ 34
2.10 GEARBOX HOUSING ........................................................................................................................ 36
2.11 LUBRICATION .................................................................................................................................. 37
Chapter three .............................................................................................................................................. 39
3.1 conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 39
3.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................................. 39
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Standard material specification .............................................................................................................. 41
Assembly and part drawing .................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter one

1.1 Background and history
Gears were a logical continuation of the invention of the wheel. That gears are called the biggest
invention after the wheel is not unthinkable. In any case, we can’t live a normal day in our lives
without gears: without gears no production, no energy and no transport. The use of gears is so
obvious that we never dwell on where they come from. In this article, out of respect for the gear,
we will detail the interesting history.
Until now, the Greeks were given the honor of the invention of the wheel. Estimated that they were
first used 300 years BC in Alexandria for the first time this mechanism. Antikythera mechanism
from unofficial writings show that in China already 800 B.C. differentials (a system of gears) were
made. The first gears were made of wood, with wooden rods and teeth. Worn teeth could thus be
replaced separately. By the year 100 B.C. the Greeks used metal gears with cylindrical teeth in
complex computing equipment and astronomical calendars. We know this by the discovery of the
Antikythera Mechanism (see picture), the oldest known gear machine. This around 100 B.C.
produced mechanism was found in 1900 in a wreck off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera.
The mechanism contains more than 30 gears for complicated astronomical calculations of time.
Was this actually the first computer/ In later centuries, the gear was one of the most important
parts of modern technology, incorporated into almost all the mechanisms, machines and vehicles.
The first primitive gears can be traced back to over 3000 years ago where early gears were made
from wood. They were made of wood and had teeth of engaged pins. Early Greeks used metal
gears with wedge shaped teeth; Romans used gears in their mills; stone gears were used in Sweden
in the Middle Ages (Gears Manufacturers). All of these cultures found reasons to use basic gearing
to convert energy or motion in one form to a form they could use in devices for the technological
advancement of their societies. Gears have existed since the invention of rotating machinery.
However due to their force multiplying proportions, early engineers used them for hoisting heavy
loads such as building materials. The mechanical advantage of gears was also used for ship anchor
hoist and catapults

1.2 Definition
Gear-boxes are sets (assemblies) of gears mounted on shaft in which power and speed are
transmitted. They are mostly installed in motor vehicles in which they take the input power and
speed from the flywheel of an engine which stores energy and emit it regularly.
The input shaft holding an input gear turn then layout shaft which is the longest of the three shaft
rotates at constant speed but the gear meshes at different points of the output and layout shaft result
in different speed and torque.

1.3 Types of gear box
1.3.1 Bevel:
Bevel gears are used to transmit power between two shafts or Bevel gears are used to connect two
intersecting shafts. The bevel gears are cut on cones. If the teeth are cut parallel to the cone axis,
they are called straight tooth bevel gear and if the teeth at an angle to the cone axis, they are called
spiral bevel gear. The spiral bevel gears run quitter and smoother than straight bevel gears. they
are straight and spiral teeth. Possible applications are: Power plants, steel plants, automotive.
1.3.2 Spur:
Spur gears or straight-cut gears are the simplest type of gear. They consist of a cylinder or disk
with teeth projecting radially. Though the teeth are not straight-sided (but usually of special from
to achieve a constant drive ratio, mainly involute but less commonly cycloidal), the edge of each
tooth is straight and aligned parallel to the axis of rotation. they consist of straight teeth mounted
on parallel shafts and they are mainly used to decrease the speed with high output torque. They
can be used in different applications including speed control, packaging and power plants.
1.3.3 Worm:
The worm gears are widely used for transmitting power at high velocity ratios between
nonintersecting shafts that are generally, but not necessarily, at right angles. It can give velocity
ratios as high as 300: 1 or more in a single step in a minimum of space, but it has a lower efficiency.
The worm gearing is mostly used as a speed reducer, which consists of worm and a worm wheel
or gear. The worm (which is the driving member) is usually of a cylindrical form having threads
of the same shape as that of an involute rack. The threads of the worm may be left-handed or right-
handed and single or multiple threads. The worm wheel or gear (which is the driven member) is
similar to a helical gear with a face curved to conform to the shape of the worm. The worm is
generally made of steel while the worm gear is made of bronze or cast iron for light service. The
worm gearing is classified as non-interchangeable, because a worm wheel cut with a hob of one
diameter will not operate satisfactorily with a worm of different diameter, even if the thread pitch
is same. The following are the two types of worms: 1. Cylindrical or straight worm, and 2. Cone
or double enveloping worm.
they can withstand high shock loads, moreover they are quiet and maintenance-free. The worm
can turn the gear but not the other way round. Mining, escalators and elevators and presses are the
main applications.
they are called like this due to their similarity to the solar system. They consist of a sun gear in the
center, a ring gear – which is the outer ring – and the planetary gears, which rotate around the
center gear mesh with the other two components. Among all applications, lifts, cranes and machine
tools are the main ones.
1.3.4 Helical:
Helical gearing, in which the teeth are cut at an angle with respect to the axis of rotation, is a later
development than spur gearing and has the advantage that the action is smoother and tends to be

quieter. In addition, the load transmitted may be somewhat larger, or the life of the gears may be
greater for the same loading, than with an equivalent pair of spur gears. Helical gears produce an
end thrust along the axis of the shafts in addition to the separating and tangential (driving) loads
of spur gears. Where suitable means can be provided to take this thrust, such as thrust collars or
ball or tapered-roller bearings, it is no great disadvantage.
used for quiet and smooth operations. Elevators, oil industry and cutters are some of the various
applications for which they can be used.
All types of gearboxes work in a similar way. Gear rotation direction relies on the input orientation
and direction of the gear. If the former rotates in a clockwise direction the latter will rotate in a
counter clockwise direction. The output torque and the shaft speed depend on two main elements:

1.4 Function of gearbox

➢ Increase or reduce speed
➢ Multiply torque
➢ A gearbox is precisely bored to control gear and shaft alignment.
➢ It is used as a housing/container for gear oil.
➢ It is a metal casing for protecting gears and lubricant from water, dust and other

1.5.1 Parallel shat gear: -
The gears that mesh in the same plan and used for transmission of rotary motions between parallel
shafts. The gear used offer maximum transmission of power and high efficiency. The gears that
can be used for parallel shafts are spur gear, helical gear, and herring bone gears.
1.5.2 Intersecting shaft gear: -
Bevel, strait bevel, zero bevel and spiral gear can be employed for connecting intersecting shafts.
Such gears should be design for the efficient transmission of power and motion between
intersecting shafts at an angle.
1.5.3 Non-intersecting (non-parallel) shafts:
Non-intersecting gear provides on effective answer for power transmission application requiring
high ratio speed reduction in a limited space using nonintersecting shafts. These for applications
requiring only limited load capacity. The gears that can be used for non-intersecting shafts hypoid
gears, crossed helical gears and worm gears.

1.6 Material selection
The selection should be based up on understanding material properties and applications
requirements. Gear material should have
✓ High strength to prevent static failure.
✓ High endurance strength to prevent fatigue.
✓ Good wear resistances to endure contact stress which causes pitting and scoring.
✓ Should have low coefficient of frictions and good manufacturability.
✓ Ability to operate without lubrication.
✓ Should have specific damping qualities.

1.7 Statement of problem

Gearboxes are designed for many purposes among them for hoisting mechanism which is used to
lift different kind of loads with different kind of speed. The existing hoist are bulky and don’t have
different kind of speed and their materials are not well advanced. So, this is to design the most
advanced and suitable gearbox to handle hoisting loads and also to design different aspect of speed

1.8 Purpose of the project

The purpose of this project is to design gearbox for hoisting machine. Our design consideration is
based on material properties, material availability, advance, cost, and ease of manufacture. This
design can be implemented.

1.9 Objective
1.9.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design and analysis of gearbox for hoisting mechanism
1.9.2 Specific objectives
➢ To design parts of gearbox
➢ To use lubricants with appropriate parameter
➢ To determine forces and stress
➢ To design with low cost

Chapter two


2.1 Structural formula
Mathematical expression giving distribution of number speed steps in each stage
Z= P1+ P2+ P3…………………………………………………Pn
Where, P; number of speed steps
n; stage number

Assume z= 4 =2*2=P1*P2
Z=P1(X1) *P2(X2) *P3(X3).………………………………. Pn*(Xn)
Where X1 number of speed steps by which two adjacent speed steps in first stage are separated
X1=1, X2=P1=2
X3=P1*P2=2*2=4, Xn=P1*P2……………..….……PN-1
X1=1, X2=2, X3=4
Z= P1 (X1) * P2 (X2) *P3(X3)

Z=2(1) +2(2)
Z=2(2) * 2(1)
Structural diagram is Graphical representation of structural formula.
• Draw (N+1) number of vertical lines
• Draw 2 numbers of horizontal lines
• From mid-point of shaft, I, draw P1 number of lines of shaft II separated by X
• From each point on shaft II, draw P2 number of lines on shaft III separated by X2 and so




2(1) 2(2)
Fig1. Structural diagram
Transmission range of a stage
maximum transmission ratio in stage
(ig) stage =
𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
(ig) stage ≤ 8
Stage 1
𝑛3 1
𝑛𝑥 ∅2
(ig) stage = 𝑛2 = 1 =Φ
𝑛𝑥 1 2

The geometric progression ratio is

1 1
𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑥 1000
Φ= ( ) 𝑍−1 =[ ]
𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑛 100

Φ= 2.1544 ≤ 8…………………………………acceptable
Stage 2
𝑛3 Φ
Ig (stage) = 𝑛2 = 1 = Φ2
𝑛3 Φ
= 4.622 ≤ 8…………….…………….……acceptable

Table1. Node method of optimization
Structural Highest node number I mode
diagram Shaft I Shaft II Shaft III no
1 2.5 3 4 9.5
2.3 Speed ray diagram

Fig2. speed ray diagram

2.3 Number of teeth on gears

Table2, design guideline for number of teeth
no Guideline reason
1 For 20⁰ full depth, involute system, number of teeth on Avoid interference
the smallest gear ≥8
2 In a stage some of number of teeth on a gear pair must
Maintain center distance
be the same between two shafts
3 Minimum difference between number of teeth on Clashing of addendum
adjacent gear block must be 4 circles of gears during gear
change operation
4 Deviation between actual spindle speeds from Achieving accurate spindle
calculated speed spindle must not exceed 10(Φ-1) % speed with in permissible
5 Axial spacing between two adjacent gears must be Complete disengagement of
greater than twice the face width previous gear prior to
engagement of next gear

From structural formula
𝑛2 𝑛1 𝑛4
= = = 𝑘 = Φ = 2.1544
𝑛1 𝑛2 𝑛3
N1=100 rpm
• The second speed becomes,
= 2.15,
= 2.1544
100 𝑟𝑝𝑚
• For the third speed,

= = 2.1544
2154 𝑟𝑝𝑚

n3=464.14 rpm
n4=1000 rpm
Table3. Speed representation
Z Speed (rpm)
n motor 1500 RPM
n4 1000
n3 464.14
n2 21544
n1 100

• For unknown speed nx

nx= the speed between n3 and n2 is
𝑛3 1
= 𝛷2

nx=316.2 rpm

2.4 Gearing diagram

𝑇1𝑖 𝑛3
= = 1.46
𝑇10 𝑛𝑥

Shaft I Shaft II

𝑇2𝑖 𝑛2
= = 0.68
𝑇20 𝑛𝑥

𝑇3𝑖 𝑛4
= = 2.15
𝑇30 𝑛𝑥

Shaft II Shaft III

𝑇4𝑖 𝑛2
= = 0.47
𝑇40 𝑛𝑥

Fig3. gearing diagram

Calculate number of teeth
• For the first stage and first mating,
𝑇1𝑖 𝑛3
= 𝑛𝑥 = 1.46 , let T1o=20 from guide line table

T1i= 29.21=29
• For the first stage and second mating,
𝑇2𝑖 𝑛2
= 𝑛𝑥 = 0.68 , let T2i = 20 from guide line table

T2o = 29.2 = 29
• For the second stage and first mating,
𝑇3𝑖 𝑛4
= 𝑛3 = 2.15 , let T3o = 18, from guide line table

T3i = 38.7 = 38
• For the second stage and second mating,
𝑇4𝑖 𝑛2
= 𝑛3 = 0.47 , let T4i=18 from guide line table

T2o = 38.29 = 38
Table 4. Input and output gear numbers
T1i=29 T10=20
T2i=20 T20=29
T3i=38 T30=18
T4i=18 T40=38


𝑇1𝑖 𝑇3𝑖
= 1.45 = 2.11
𝑇10 𝑇30


𝑇2𝑖 𝑇4𝑖
= 0.68 = 0.47
𝑇20 𝑇40

Now we can calculate the actual speed of gear box
• First shaft speed or nx is
nx = 316.22 rpm
• For the first stage,
➢ n1’= nx (𝑇10) = 316.22 ∗ 1.4

n1’ = 458.51 rpm

➢ n2’ = nx(𝑇20) = 316.22 ∗ 0.68

n2’ = 216.02 rpm

• for the second stage or final output speeds are
➢ n1 = n1’ (𝑇30) = 458.51 𝑟𝑝𝑚 ∗ 2.11

n1 = 967.45 rpm
➢ n2 = n1’ *(𝑇40)= 458.51*0.47

n2 = 215.49 rpm
➢ n3 = n2’*𝑇30 = 216.02*2.11

n3 = 455.8 rpm
➢ n4 = n2’ = 216.02*0.47

n4 = 101.52 rpm

2.6 Deviation diagram

As we know from the guideline table the deviation difference actual spindle speed from calculated
spindle speed must not exceed 10(Φ − 1)%
Checking that
𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑−𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑
% deviation = %
𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑

% deviation <10(2.15-1) %
%deviation <11.5 %
Actual speeds are
➢ n1=101.52rpm, n2=215.49
➢ n3=455.8, n4=967.45

• For speed one or n1
%deviation= %

% deviation =0.01%<11.5 %, The design is acceptable for n,

• For speed two
% deviation = %

% deviation =0.00023<11.5 %, Which is acceptable

• For speed three
% deviation = %

% deviation=-0.017<11.5 %, Which is acceptable

• For speed four
Deviation = %

% deviation =-0.03<11.5%, which is acceptable.

Deviation in speed


Spindle speed step

Fig 4. deviation diagram

2.7 Gear Geometry
Assumption: - Module = 3
• Transverse diametric pitch
1 1
Pt = 𝑀 = 3

Pt = 0.33 teeth/mm
• Normal diametric pitch
Pn = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛷

By taking, ψ(helix angle) = 30°, φn(Normal pressure angle) = 20° and for full depth K = 1
0,33 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ
Pn = = 0.385
𝑐𝑜𝑠30° 𝑚𝑚

• Transverse pressure angle

𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛷𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑛30°
Φt = tan-1( ) = tan-1( ) = 22.8°
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛷 𝑐𝑜𝑠30°

• Base helix angle = tan-1 (tan ψ * tan Φt) = 28°

1 1
• Addendum = a = = = 2.597 mm
𝑝𝑛 0.385
𝛷 2.15
• Deddendum = b = = = 5.584 mm
𝑝𝑛 0.385
• The diameters of the 1st gear become
d2i = M(T2i) = 3(20) = 60 mm
d2o = 1.45(60) = 87 mm
• Center to center distance
C= = 𝑑2𝑖+𝑑20
2 2
60𝑚𝑚 +87𝑚𝑚
C= = 73.5mm

This is the distance between input shaft and the 2nd input shaft, so it is always constant.
For gear one T1i
• Base diameter
Db = d2i cos Φt = 60mm cos 22.8 = 55.31 mm
• Root diameter
Dr = d2i – 2b = 60mm – 2(5.584mm) = 48.832 mm

• Outer diameter
Do = d2i + 2a = 60mm + 2(2.597mm) = 65.194mm
Similarly, we can find the mating gear geometry using the above formulas.
For the mating gear T2o
• base diameter,
Db = d2o = cos Φt = 87mm × 22.8° = 80.2mm
• Root diameter
Dr = d2o – 2b = 87mm – 2(5.584mm) = 75.832 mm
• Outer diameter
Do = d2o + 2a = 87mm +2(2.597mm) = 92.194 mm
• Length of the line of action Z
Z = (ro2 – rb2)0.5 +(Ro2 – Rb2)0.5 – C sin Φt
ro – T2i outside radius
rb - T2i base radius
Ro - T2o outside radius
Rb - T2o base radius
C - Center distance
Z = (32.5972 – 27.6552)0.5 +(46.0972 – 40.12)0.5 – 73.5 mm sin 22.8
Z = 11.509 mm
𝑍 11.509
• Contact ratio = =
𝑝𝑐𝑜𝑠Φn 16.752+𝑐𝑜𝑠20
• P (circular pitch) = Mb = 3(5.584) = 16.752mm, Then,
Contact ratio =

• Clearance = b-a

For meshing gear T1i and T10
Throughout analysis the module, helix angle, normal pressure angle is constant. Here only the gear
ratio and no of teeth for pinion and no of teeth for pinion and for larger gear are changed.
From the previous calculation, C=73.5mm and 𝑇10=1.45

• The diameter of T10 is,

𝐶= , d1i = (T1i/T1o) d1o, substituting

• diameter of T1i
d1i=𝑇10 ∗ 𝑑10 = 1.45 ∗ 60𝑚𝑚

for output gear T1o
• base diameter
Db=d1ocos Ɵ𝑡
=60mm cos 22.8
• Root diameter
Dr = 60mm-2(5.584mm)
• Outer diameter

For the pinion gear T1i
• Base diameter
Db=d1i cost Ɵ𝑡
Db=87mm cos 22.8⁰
• Root diameter
Dr = 87mm-2(5.584mm)
Dr = 75.832mm
• Outer diameter
Do = 87mm+2(2.597mm)
Do = 92.194mm
• Length of lines action is also similar to the previous value
• Contact ratio = Cr = 0.731
• Clearance = 2.987mm
For the meshing gears T3i and T30
= 2.11
• The diameter of the pinion gear on 3rd shaft (output)is
d3o = 3(18)
• The diameter of the mating gear input:-


• Center to center distance
C= 2
C= 2

This is the distance between the 2nd input shaft and output shaft, so it is always constant,
For T30
• Base diameter
Db=d30 cosƟ𝑡
Db=54mm* cos 22.8⁰
• Root diameter
• Outer diameter
Do = 54mm+2(2.597mm)
Do = 65.194mm
Now we can find the mating gear geometry
For mating gear T3i
• Base diameter
Db = d3i cosƟ𝑡
Db = 113.94mm cos 22.8⁰
Db = 105.03mm
• Root diameter
Dr = 113.94mm-2(5.584mm)

Dr = 102.772mm
• Outer diameter
Do =113.94mm+2(2.597mm)
• Length of the line of action Z
1 1
Z = (𝑟02 − 𝑟𝑏2 )2 +(𝑅02 − 𝑅𝑏2 )2 -C sinƟ𝑡
1 1
Z = (29.5972 − 24.892 )2 +(59.5672 − 52.5152 )2 -83.97 sin22.8⁰
• Contact ratio=𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑠Ɵn
• P (circular pitch) = Mn
P = 16.752mm
Contact ratio = 16.72∗𝑐𝑜𝑠20°

Cr = 0.736mm
For mashing gears T4i and T40
• From previous values
And =𝑇40 = 0.47
C= 2
2C = ( )d40+d40

2(83.97mm) =0.47d40+d40
2(83.97mm) =1.47d40
d40=113.94, output gear diameter
• For the input gear T4i
d4i = (𝑇40)*d40

d4i = 0.47(113.94)
d4i = 54mm
For pinion gear T4i
• Base diameter
Db=d4i cos∅𝑡
=54mm cos 22.8⁰
• Root diameter
• Outer diameter
Do=D4i +2a
Do = 54mm+2(2.597mm)
For mating gear T40
• Base diameter
Db=d40 cos ∅𝑡
Db =113.94mm cos 22.8⁰
• Root diameter
Dr =113.94mm-2(5.584mm)
• Outer diameter
Do =113.94mm+2(2.597mm)

• Length of line action is similar to T30 to T3i
Contact ratio (Cr)=0.736

Input shaft
Output shaft

Counter shaft

Fig 5. simple gearing diagram of the gearbox

2.8 Geometry analysis of synchronizer

We use dual cone synchronizer between 3rd and 4th gear
Triple cone synchronizer between 1st and 2nd gear
Parts of synchronizer
Triple cone synchronizer between 1st and 2nd gear
It is a type of synchronizer used when the engine speed difference is greater and high torque exists
in the synchronizer a friction sun gale is formed between the frictional cone in the synchro-shed
gear and inner ring then the second one between the inner ring and intermediating and the third
one between synchronizer ring and intermediate ring
The axis of the dog teeth of hub, teeth of synchronizer ring and splines in the synchronizer body
is the same. This helps to create smooth engagement and dis engagement.

The geometric analysis shown below is based on the gear geometry, the shaft geometry and
recommended standard clearance.
Synchronizer body assumptions based on gear geometry
Db=110mm, hub diameter
db =49mm, diameter of inner spline
tb=35mm, thickness of hub
Bb=4mm, width of cone
Synchronizer rings
name Ring 3 Ring 2 Ring 1
Dr 82.2 94.35 110
dr 90.2 92.3 94.4
tr 5mm 5 3
∝r 6.5 6.8 7

2nd gear hub clearance synchronizer ring

∆h=110 Ca=1.1
Clearance synchronizer body clearance
Cb=0.9 cb=0.9
synchronizer ring clearance hub
Cn=1.8 ∆h=110

• The total length of synchronizer
X triple=th + ca + tri + cb + tb + cb + tri + ca + th
Xtriple = 63mm
• Sleeve
Dual cone synchronizer between 3rd and 4th gear
• Synchromzer body
Synchronizer rings
Ring 1 Ring 2
Dr 75 55
dr 55.02 53.32
tr 3 5
∝r 6.5 6.8

D1=90 ts=25 t4=4
Ds=75 t1=11
Bs=12.5 t2=t3=3

Input gear hub clearance synchronizer ring clearance
∆h=75 Ca=1.1 Cb=0.9
Synchronizer body clearance synchronizer ring clearance
Cb=0.9 Ca=1.1
Hub 3rd gear
• Total length
X double= th+Ca+tr1+Cb+b+tr1+Ca+th
X double= 61mm

2.7 Criteria to design synchronizer
➢ function
synchronisable, ease of use
➢ service life
• mechanical stress on the selection teeth
• mechanical stress on the synchronizer ring
• thermal stress on the function surface
• nominal service life
criteria for selecting synchronizer material
➢ low slipping time
from table 9.4 (automotive transmission Gishet) permissible manual effort is below 120N for
passenger car and permissible slipping time tr is below 0.25sec
➢ reliable functioning under all operating condition
➢ forcing the gear in before speed one synchronized should be difficult or impossible
➢ shift stroke is a short as possible
➢ ensure positive locking and prevent gear dropout
➢ low working temperature
➢ quick shift
➢ reduced space required
multi –cone synchronizers accordingly offer low gear shift effort or greater torque capacity, than
single cones system. Multi disk synchronizers have smooth friction surface. There is no shift
effort adaptation as there in with taper systems the power handling capacity increase and the shift
effort decreased with the number of friction surface but the overall length of the unit increase.

2.8 Geometry of shaft

For the geometry of the main shaft, we started by selecting a bearing (tapper roller) at B and needle
roller at A as a reference.
Then we proceed by considering
Force width
Bored diameter
Needle bearing between gear and shaft
Assembly of components
Retaining rings of standard groove
For counter shaft
• Face width = 3*circular pitch
= 3*16.752
= 50.256mm
The counter shaft is lifted to one side of casing (B) by normal ball bearing and on the other side
(A)by force fit
• The overall length of the counter shaft is
Lt=4(50.250mm) +20mm+10mm+10mm+1.1684mm+1mm
Output shaft
• The overall effective length of the main (output)shaft is
Lt=2(50.256mm) +61mm+1.7272+1.7272+10+10
Input shaft
• The effective length of input from the edge of casing is
Lt=2(50.256mm) + 30mm + 63mm + 20mm
2.8.1 Material selection
The pairing of material affects the service life and reliability of synchronizer
The main requirements of a frictional pairing are
• almost non wearing with high friction coefficient
• low Material cost
• almost constant friction coefficient throughout the service life
• resistance to overloading
Based on the above criteria, we select a material for friction surface of the synchronizer hub
for the case
• hardened steel 16MnCrSEh with 60HRC because it highly resistant
for friction surface of the synchronizer ring
• uncoated special brass rings
This in commonly used material for synchronizer rings.
In order to say that the synchronizer is safe or can work properly for each synchronizer we check
• Ft is greater than 0 or less than assumed Man shift force then if ft<Fa the design is safe

• In order to prevent the tappers from self-locking tan alpha>H

2.9 force analysis

For the first gear mesh (Fi)
• Tangential force
Ft= 𝑑 , where Mt= transmitted torque (NM)

D= pitch circle diameter (m)

Ft= 87

• Then the axial force
Fa= Ft tan ∅
= 5.74 tan 30
• Radial force
Fr=Ft(tan ∅𝑡)
=5.74 tan 22.5
Fr=2.41 KN
For mating gear F10(T10)
• Tangential force
Ft= 𝑑

= 𝑑60

=8.33 KN
• Axial force
Fa=Ft tan ∅
=8.33 tan 30
• Radial force
Fr=Ft tan ∅𝑡
=8.33 tan 22.8
For the second meshing gear
For gear T2i
• Tangential force
FT = 𝑑2𝑖

= 𝑑60

=8.33 KN
• Axial force
Fa =Ft tan∅
=8.33 * tan 30 =4.81 KN
• Radial force
Fr=Ft tan ∅t
=8.33 tan 22.8
=3.5 kN
For gear T20
• Tangential force
FT = 𝑑

FT = 87

=5.74 KN
• Axial load
Fa= Ft tan ∅
=5.74 tan 30 = 3.32 kN
• Radial force
Fr=Ft tan ∅t

=5.74 (tan 22.8)
=2.41 KN
Then the reaction of the bearing becomes
∑m = 0
R2y (2215mm) + 3.5 kN(164mm) + 2.41KN (50.123) = 0
R2y=35KN (164) +2.41(50.123)/215mm
• The reaction force of the second bearing in y direction is
R1y+R2Y-(F21r +f43r)=0
R1y=2.68 KN

• The reaction force of the first bearing along x axis is

R1x=8.13 kN

2.9 Bearing and Retaining ring selection

2.9.1 Bearings: Are mechanical element used to transfer load in rolling contact. They are also in
our design of manual gearbox, we used needle bearing, ball bearing and tapper roller bearings can
take both radial and thrust load.
Failure of bearings: -
If a bearing is clean and properly lubricated, is mounted and sealed against the entrance of dust
and dirt, is operated at reasonable temperatures the metal fatigue will be the only cause of failure.
ABMA standard state that the failure criterion is the first evidence of fatigue.
Bearing material
The most widely used bearing material
✓ AISI 52100 steel, which has a very high carbon content (0.9 – 1.1) %, along with 1.2% to
1.6% chromium, 0.25% to 0.45% manganese, 0.2% to 0.35% silicon and another alloying
element with low, but controlled amount.
Load and life relationship
Despite using steels with very high strength, all bearing have a finite life and will eventually fail
due to fatigue because of the high contact stresses. But obviously the lighter the load, the longer
the life.
In selecting a bearing for a given application it is necessary to relate the desired load life
requirement to the published catalogue load rating corresponds to the catalogue rating life
𝐿𝐷 𝑛𝐷 60𝑎
C10=Fd 𝐿𝑅 𝑛𝑅 60

a= 10/3 for cylindrical and taper roller

a= 3 for ball bearing
FD………desired radial load (KN)
LD………...desired life (hr)
nD………...desired speed (rev/min)
LR………...rating life in (hr)
nR………...rating speed (rev/min)
C10…….…. catalogue rating (kN)
The above formula is used to find C10 for a bearing reliability =90% from gear strength analysis
each gear is designed with reliability =0.9 bearing under their gear will also have reliability =0.9.
the bearing used as a support totally have reliability =0.9 this implies each bearing at the shaft end
will have reliability =√0.9=0.95
The inner ring of bearing can only be rotating if and only if the shaft is rotating. the shaft rotates
in different speed when different gear is selected. the shaft will rotate fast when input gear is
With no =1500 rpm
Bearing under radial load only
Needle bearing are ball bearing in the gear box one under radial load only
Reliability for the
needle bearing =0.9
ball bearing = 0.95
from the table of recommended design lift for bearing, design life ranging 1500-5000 hrs is used
for hoisting gearbox. So, the average value taken LD=3250 hr

a=internal diameter
Di Do b=outer diameter
k=standard bearing class for metric catalogue
• Needle bearing at the place of 1st gear
𝐿𝐷 𝑛𝐷 60𝑎





• from the catalogue next higher C10 value =19.5

Both bearings are tapered roller bearing but only one is subjected to take axial load. the need for
making both tapered roller bearing is due to stability. The shaft becomes stable when supported
by two tapper roller bearings.
2.9.2 retaining rings
retaining rings weighs which in frequently used instead by a shaft shoulder or a sleeve to axially
position a component on shaft or in a housing bore. For sizes, dimension and axial load ratings the
manufacture catalog should be cumulated for rings to seat nicely in the bottom of the groove must
be reasonably sharp, typically about 1/10th of the groove width. The cause comparatively high
valves for stream concentration factors
ie, around 5 for bending and axial and Kf=3
for torsion
we select carbon spring steel due to
• this steel is known for its high strength and reliability in retaining ring applications and
high ductility
• high temperature resistant
• since carbon spring steel is subjected to corrosion. rotor clip treats all such rings with a
protective coating to ensure some corrosion protection a zinc plating or non-metallic finish
should be applied over the steel which effectively eliminate hydrogen embrittlement
• we select the external type retaining rings for out shaft since the assembly must retain on
shaft and are bowed shape. (BSH) because they are shaped like elbow to compensate

The gearbox housing is a non-rotating member of the gearbox. It is the center part of the gearbox,
to fix all the components like bearings, flanges, shafts and spiral bevel gears. The base to fit the
gears with a defined tooth bearing and backlash are the angle of the housing and the offset of axis
of the holes. This guarantees the optimum running of the gears and quality of transmission to run
smoothly without any disruptions occurring. Gearbox housings are generally made from plastic
called nylon. The heat is normally dissipated by radiation through the gearbox housing surfaces
and through convection to the surrounding air, surrounding structures and components. There is a
bearing pocket in the gearbox housing. An additional bearing is inserted into it that centers the
shaft ensuring proper alignment and a permanent seal. The gearbox housing alignment should be
inspected well at periodic intervals.
The housing gearbox material that has been chosen is; AISI1010 (cold rolled) 6/6 with long
fiberglass fill.

Fig 5. sample of the gearbox housing:

lubricants are generally used to reduce friction between moving parts. In addition to the
lubricating function, gearbox oil also serves as a coolant, corrosion protector, and method of
removing contaminants from the filter. In other words, gearbox oil holds the same importance to
a gear that blood holds for humans. Loss of any essential function of the motor oil will lead to
serious gearbox damage if not treated. Through the oxidation of transmission oil, its essential
functions are destroyed. This degradation usually begins to cause severe transmission damage.

Fig 6. grading system of oil

Gear oil consideration for selecting

1. kinematic viscosity at 100 c
2. viscosity index
3. flash point (coc)
4. pour point c max
5. channel point

Table 6. Lubrication additive types

In analysis the temperature rise will first be estimated. this allows for the viscosity to determine
from the chart when the value is 111.7 cst. With the value of the viscosity the analysis is performed
where the temperature is computed.

Chapter three

3.1 conclusion
To summery, synchromesh gear boxes are with a latest version. they have many things that make
them more suitable for the current and modern automotive technology. Among the different
characteristics that thin gearbox positively have double declutching in the one and fundamental
lubrication type, the material used, the geometry, the type of synchronizer used (single cone, dual
cone, multiple cone) the type of bearing selected all this determines the gear boxes well-
functioning so special attention must be paid for them when designing.

3.2 Recommendation
It is recommended to further study the behavior and analysis of each component which is safe
under given loading condition and make sure that its working stress are less than yield stress, which
is improve the design life of each component and also, we can reduce the weight of each
component by selecting proper gear material in minimum cost. This project is limited to few
components and assumptions were made accordingly so that the bigger scope is recommended as
it gives better design.

i. Richard G. Budynas,” 2011 Shingley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, Ninth
ii. Report on “Economic Design of EOT Cranes, Ashutosh Kumar, 2013
iii. S.N. Trikha “Machine Design Exercises”Edition 1973.
iv. Indian standard Design, erection and testing (structural portion) of cranes and
hoists code of practice (second revision), IS 807:2006.
v. Indian standard code of practice for EOT cranes and gantry cranes other than
steel work cranes (second revision). IS 3177:1999.
vi. Rajendra parmanik “Design of hoisting arrangement of EOT crane” posted on
July 26, 2008.
vii. Dhaval H. Kanjariya “A Review on Design and analysis of Hoisting Machinery in
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viii. Dr. Frank jauch, “care, use & Maintenance of Wire Ropes on Cranes”, Crane
Industry Council of Australia (CICA) 2012.
ix. Pradyumnakesharimaharana, “Computer Aided Analysis and Design of hoisting
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Standard material specification

Assembly and part drawing


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