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BS EN ISO 16808:2014

BSI Standards Publication

Metallic materials — Sheet

and strip — Determination
of biaxial stress-strain curve
by means of bulge test with
optical measuring systems (ISO

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN ISO
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee ISE/101/2, Ductility testing.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by BSI Standards
Limited 2014
ISBN 978 0 580 76890 3
ICS 77.040.10
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 August 2014.
Amendments issued since publication
Date Text affected

ICS 77.040.10

English Version

Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of biaxial

stress-strain curve by means of bulge test with optical measuring
systems (ISO 16808:2014)

Matériaux métalliques - Tôles et bandes - Détermination de Metallische Werkstoffe - Bleche und Bänder - Bestimmung
la courbe contrainte-déformation biaxiale au moyen de der biaxialen Spannung/Dehnung-Kurve durch einen
l'essai de gonflement hydraulique avec systèmes de hydraulischen Tiefungsversuch mit optischen
mesure optiques (ISO 16808:2014) Messsystemen (ISO 16808:2014)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 4 July 2014.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
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© 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 16808:2014 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
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EN ISO 16808:2014 (E)


This document (EN ISO 16808:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 164 “Mechanical
testing of metals” in collaboration with Technical Committee ECISS/TC 101 “Test methods for steel (other
than chemical analysis)” the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
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According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
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Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 16808:2014 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 16808:2014 without any modification.

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ISO 16808:2014(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Symbols and abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................ 1
3 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Test equipment....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Optical measurement system................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Test piece....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Application of grid................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8 Evaluation methods for the determination of the curvature and strains at the pole.................... 7
9 Calculation of biaxial stress-strain curves.................................................................................................................................. 8
10 Test report.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (informative) International comparison of symbols used in the determination of the
bulge test flow curve.......................................................................................................................................................................................11
Annex B (normative) Test procedure for a quality check of the optical measurement system............13
Annex C (informative) Computation of the curvature on the basis of a response surface.........................16
Annex D (informative) Determination of the equi-biaxial stress point of the yield locus and the
hardening curve..................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 164, Mechanical testing of metals, Subcommittee
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Metallic materials — Sheet and strip — Determination

of biaxial stress-strain curve by means of bulge test with
optical measuring systems

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for determination of the biaxial stress-strain curve
of metallic sheets having a thickness below 3 mm in pure stretch forming without significant friction
influence. In comparison with tensile test results, higher strain values can be achieved.
NOTE In this document, the term “biaxial stress-strain curve” is used for simplification. In principle, in the
test the “biaxial true stress-true strain curve” is determined.

2 Symbols and abbreviated terms

The symbols and designations used are given in Table 1.

Table 1
Symbol Designation Unit
ddie Diameter of the die (inner) mm
dBH Diameter of the blank holder (inner) mm
R1 Radius of the die (inner) mm
h Height of the drawn blank (outer surface) mm
t0 Initial thickness of the sheet (blank) mm
t Actual thickness of the sheet mm
p Pressure in the chamber MPa
rms Standard deviation (root mean square) -
ρ Radius of curvature mm
r1 Surface radius for determining curvature mm
r2 Surface radius for determining strain mm
r1_100 Surface radius to determine curvature with a die diam- mm
eter of 100 mm
ai , bi Coefficients for response surface -
σΒ Biaxial stress MPa
e Engineering strain -
ε1 Major true strain -
ε2 Minor true strain -
ε3 True thickness strain -
εΕ Equivalent true strain -
ls Coordinate and length of a section mm
dz Displacement in the z-direction mm
dzmv Displacement after movement correction mm

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3 Principle
A circular blank is completely clamped at the edge in a tool between die and blank holder. A bulge is
formed by pressing a fluid against the blank until final fracture occurs (Figure 1). During the test,
the pressure of the fluid is measured and the evolution of the deformation of the blank is recorded by
an optical measuring system.[1],[2],[3] Based on the recorded deformation of the blank, the following
quantities near the centre of the blank are determined: the local curvature, the true strains at the
surface, and, by assuming incompressible deformation of the material, the actual thickness of the blank.
Furthermore, assuming the stress state of a thin-walled spherical pressure vessel at the centre of the
blank, the true stress is calculated from the fluid pressure, the thickness and the curvature radius.
NOTE In addition to the bulge test procedures with optical measurement systems introduced in Reference [1]
and described in the following, there are also laser systems[4],[5],[6] or tactile systems[7],[8],[9] valid for bulge test
investigation, which are not covered in this International Standard.

h height of the drawn blank (outer surface) ρ radius of curvature
p pressure in the chamber t0 initial thickness of the sheet (blank)
ε3 true thickness strain (at the apex of the dome) t actual thickness of the sheet
ddie diameter of the die (inner)

Figure 1 — Principle of the bulge test

The coordinate origin shall be in the centre of the blank holder. The XY-plane should be parallel to the
surface of the blank holder (parallel to the clamped metal sheet before forming). Herein, the x-direction
corresponds to the rolling direction. The z-direction shall be normal to the clamped metal sheet before
forming, with the positive direction towards the optical sensor.

4 Test equipment

4.1 The bulge test shall be carried out on a machine equipped with a die, a blank holder and a fluid
chamber. The proposed equipment is illustrated in Figure 2.

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1 deformation measurement system 3 chamber with fluid
2 lock bead 4 pressure measurement system

Figure 2 — Proposal of a testing equipment (principle drawing)

4.2 The lay out of the test equipment shall be such that it is possible to continuously measure the
outside surface of the test piece continuously during the test, i.e. to be able to determine the deformation
of the geometry by recording the evolution of X, Y, Z coordinates of a grid of points on the bulging blank
surface, in order to calculate the shape and the true strains in the central area of interest until failure

4.3 During the test, the system shall be able to measure optically (without contact) the X, Y, Z coordinates
of a grid of points on the bulging surface of the specimen. Out of these coordinates, the true strains ε1 and
ε2 for each point of the selected area, the thickness strain ε3 and the curvature radius ρ for the apex of the
dome are calculated.

4.4 The system should be equipped with a chamber fluid pressure measurement system. An indirect
measurement system is also possible. Starting from 20 % of the maximum measured pressure value, the
precision should be 1 % of the actual measured value.

4.5 The die, the blank holder and the fluid chamber shall be sufficiently rigid to minimize deformation
during testing. The blank-holder force shall be high enough to keep the blank holder closed. Any movement
of the test piece between the blank holder and die should be prevented. Typically during the test, the
bulge pressure is acting on parts of the blank holder reducing the effective blank-holder force. This shall
be taken in consideration when defining the necessary blank-holder force.

4.6 The fluid shall be in contact with the blank surface (without any air bubbles) to prevent energy
storage during the test through compressed air bubbles which would lead to higher energy release and
greater oil splashing at failure. No fluid shall be lost through the blank holder, die and sheet or elsewhere
during the test until failure occurs.

4.7 A lock bead (or comparable geometry in the circular surface), designed to suppress any material
flow, is recommended. The lock bead shall not initiate cracks in the material. The lock bead shall be located
between blank holder and die. A location close to the die radius is recommended. The lock bead geometry
should avoid a curvature and a wrinkling of the blank when closing the tool and prevent the sliding of the
blank during the test.

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4.8 It is recommended to place glass plates in front of the lenses and the illumination in order to protect
the optical measuring system from oil splashing due to blank failure at the end of the test.[7],[12] The
plates can be fixed on the blank holder (thick glass) or near the camera lenses and illumination (thinner
glass); see Figure 3. The inserted protection shall not to disturb the optical measurement quality (see
Clause 5). After each test, the glass plates shall be well cleaned without damaging or scratching them and
precisely repositioned to not alter calibration. Typically, a calibration of the optical system including the
protection increases the measurement quality.

4.9 The smallest die diameter recommended should have a ratio of die diameter to initial thickness
ddie / t0 ≥ 33 (see Figure 2). The radius of the die should not lead to cracks in the blank during the test. A
recommendation is (5 × t0) to (15 × t0) (maximum 15 mm).

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a) b)


1 lamp 4 test piece
2 cameras 5 fluid
3 glass plates

Figure 3 — Examples for possible positions of oil shielding plates and lamps

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5 Optical measurement system

For the determination of the radius of curvature ρ, and the true strains ε1 and ε2, an optical-deformation
field measurement system with the following characteristics is recommended:
— Optical sensor based on two or more cameras;
— Measurement area, whereas dmeasurement area ≥ 1/2 ddie;
The used measurement area should be larger than a concentric diameter of half the diameter of the
blank holder. This area should be observable during the entire forming process for all heights of the
drawn blank.
— Local resolution (grid distance between the independent measurement points): The distance gmax
between two adjacent points on the unformed blank should follow the requirement:
d die
gmax ≤
— The determination of the curvature requires an accuracy of the z-coordinates in an area with a
diameter of 1/2 ddie concentric to the blank holder of
rms(dz ) ⋅ 100 mm
rms(dz )n = ≤ 0, 015 mm
d die
NOTE The accuracy of the shape measurement can be checked with a test of the optical measurement system
(see Annex B).

Accuracy for strain measurement:      rms (ε1) = 0,003          rms (ε2) = 0,003

For each real strain value for the mentioned rms (ε) above, the acceptable measurement values are:

      εreal = 0        acceptable measurement range:     –0,003 … 0,003

      εreal = 0,5        acceptable measurement range:     0,497 … 0,503

— Missing measurement points: In order to avoid unbalanced curvature approximations, only the
absence of less than 5 % of the measurement points in the concentric area with a diameter = 1/2 ddie
is acceptable (without interpolation). If adjacent points are missing, the inscribed circle of this area
shall not be larger than 2 points.

6 Test piece

6.1 General
The test piece shall be flat and of such shape that the blank is clamped and material flow is stopped. The
use of lock beads is recommended. The edge of the blank shall be outside the lock bead.
The preparation of the blank does not influence the results as long as the surface of the test piece was
not damaged (scratches, polishing). The dimension of the outer edges can be circular (preferred) or

6.2 Application of grid

6.2.1 Type of grid

For optical full-field measurement devices, the grid shall fulfil two objectives:
a) the curvature radius determination of the specimens’ surface;

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b) the strain calculation of the material deformation.

6.2.2 Grid application

Deterministic grids (e.g. squares, circles, dots) should have a strong contrast and have to be applied
without any notch effect and/or change in microstructure. Some common application techniques are:
— electrochemical etching, photochemical etching, offset printing and grid transfer,
— stochastic (speckle) patterns which can be applied by spraying paint on the surface of test piece
surfaces. Paint adherence to the surface after deformation should be checked. It is possible first to
spray a thin, matt, white base layer to reduce reflections from the test piece surfaces, then to spray
a cloud of randomly distributed black spots (e.g. black spray paint or graphite). The spray shall be
both elastic and tough enough not to crack or peel off during deformation. The random distribution
of the fine sprayed spots allows the determination of each point of the virtual grid on the specimen.
The pattern should have sufficient black/white density and appropriate size features in each point
position search area as required by the optical system used.

7 Procedure

7.1 The test shall be carried out at ambient temperature of (23 ± 5) °C.

7.2 Determine the initial thickness of the test piece to the nearest 0,01 mm.

7.3 Clamp the test piece between blank holder and die. Avoid air bubbles between test piece and fluid
to prevent formation of compressed air during testing, leading to stronger oil splashing at failure.

7.4 A constant strain rate of 0,05 s−1 is recommended. If a constant strain rate is not possible, a constant
forming velocity of the punch or fluid should be guaranteed. In order to avoid big influences in the biaxial
stress-strain curve of temperature or strain rate sensitive materials, the bulge test should be conducted in
(2 to 4) min. This time frame guarantees slow and acceptable strain rates and a cost-effective testing time.

The plot of the strain rate versus time is recommended.

7.5 Measure the fluid pressure during the test.

7.6 Measure the X, Y, Z coordinates of the grid on the test piece surface during the test.

7.7 The fluid pressure data and forming data shall be measured and saved at the same time scale. A
minimum of 100 values is recommended. In order to represent the whole strain and pressure development,
at least 100 images of the bulge testing are recommended.

7.8 The failure of the test piece shall be considered as obtained when a through crack, i.e. a crack which
goes through the thickness of the test piece, has occurred. The failure is detected by decreasing fluid
pressure; this defines the end of the test.

7.9 A sufficient number of test pieces should be prepared in order to achieve at least three valid tests.

8 Evaluation methods for the determination of the curvature and strains at the
For the following explanation of the calculation of the curvature and strains, a spherically shaped surface
near the pole is assumed (best-fit sphere). On the last image before failure, as defined in 7.8, the area of
the dome with the highest deformation is selected and defined as the position where to determine the

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true stress and the true thickness strain ε3. To obtain a stable radius of curvature of the dome, a best-
fit sphere can be calculated based on a selected area of points. For this selection, a radius r1 is defined
around the apex of the dome in the last image before bursting and the fit is performed for all forming
stages with the same selection of points (Figure 4).
A certain number of the first forming stages (images) are rejected, since the specimen is still too flat
for a reliable determination of the best-fit sphere, since the bending radius is very high and the fit is
not stable. For robust values of the true strain and thinning in the apex, the average value of a number
of selected points is taken. Therefore, a second area is defined by a radius r2 in a similar manner (see
Figure 4).
Based on this procedure, for every forming stage (image) the radius of curvature, the average thickness
strains, as well as the corresponding thickness and stress values at the dome apex are calculated. This
evaluation can be carried out for different r1 and r2 values (see Figure 4).
For a good convergence and robust values, the recommended range of r1 and r2 is defined:
r1 = (0,125 ± 0,025) × ddie (1)

r2 = (0,05 ± 0,01) × ddie (2)

Figure 4 — Choice of r1 and r2 for calculation of true stress and true strain for each forming

An alternative proposal for the calculation of the curvature and strains is given in the Annex C.

9 Calculation of biaxial stress-strain curves

For the calculation of the biaxial stress-strain curves, a simple membrane stress state of a thin-walled
spherical pressure vessel is assumed at the centre of the blank. This implies the following simplifications:
a) equi-biaxial stress state:
σ1 =σ2 =σ B (3)

b) representation of the curvature by the mean curvature radius:

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1 
ρ =  (1 ρ 1 + 1 ρ 2 ) (4)
2 
Then the biaxial true stress can be calculated according to the following equation
σB = (5)
using the fluid pressure p, the curvature radius ρ and the actual thickness t, with
t = t 0 exp(ε 3 ) (6)

Assuming plastic incompressible deformation of the material and neglecting elastic strains, the total
thickness strain for the calculation of the actual thickness can be approximated by the total major and
minor true strain:
ε 3 ≈ −ε 1 − ε 2 .

Based on the plastic work principle, the biaxial stress-strain curve is a function of the plastic thickness
strain: σ B ( −ε 3pl ) , see also Annex D. Assuming an isotropic linear elastic material behaviour and plastic
incompressibility, the plastic thickness strain is then given by:
1 −ν
ε 3pl = −ε 1 − ε 2 + 2 σ B .

For the elasticity modulus E and the Poisson ratio ν, literature values are generally sufficient to subtract
the elastic contribution, e.g. E = 210 GPa and ν = 0,33 for steel, respectively E = 70 GPa and ν = 0,33 for
aluminium alloys.
The ratio of die diameter to thickness should be reasonably high to ensure a near membrane stress
state in the test piece, and a negligible influence of bending. For die diameter to thickness ratios lower
than 100, it is recommended to check if the bending strains are relatively small compared to the actual
thickness strain result ε3 using the following estimate for the bending strains:

 t 
ε bending ≈ − ln  1 − 0 exp(ε 3 )  (9)
 2ρ 
NOTE The biaxial stress-strain curve is obtained without any assumption on the type of yield criterion. This
biaxial stress-strain curve can be used to identify the equi-biaxial stress point of the yield locus as well as to
approximate the material hardening curve beyond uniform elongation.

Annex D gives a proposal for the determination of the equi-biaxial stress point of the yield criterion and
for using the biaxial stress-strain curves of hydraulic bulge tests to extrapolate an equivalent stress-
strain curve which is based on uniaxial tension tests.

10 Test report
The test report shall contain at least the following information:
a) reference to this International Standard;
b) identification of laboratory that measured the bulge test values, including the name of operator;
c) identification of material;

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d) initial thickness of blank;

e) grid, camera system and software used;
f) position of the protective glasses;
g) geometries of the test equipment;
h) bulge / piston speed;
i) bulge test evaluation method, respectively the parameters for identification of the curvature and
the average of strain;
j) number of replications;
k) for each bulge test, a table of values with the history of time, radius ρ, pressure p, absolute value of
plastic thickness strain and biaxial true stress;
l) biaxial stress-strain curves of all bulge tests as a plot.

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Annex A

International comparison of symbols used in the determination of

the bulge test flow curve

English French German American Unit
Diameter of the die Diamètre (intérieur)
Matrizendurchmesser ddie ddie mm
(inner) de la matrice
Radius of the die Rayon (intérieur) de
Matrizenkantenradius R1 R1 mm
(inner) la matrice
Hauteur du flan
Height of the drawn
embouti Ziehtiefe / -höhe h h mm
blank (surface)
(surface extérieure)
Initial thickness of Epaisseur initiale du
Ausgangsblechdicke t0 t0 mm
the sheet (blank) flan
Actual thickness of Epaisseur instan-
Aktuelle Blechdicke t t mm
the sheet tanée
Pressure in the cham- Pression dans la
Druck im Werkzeug p p MPa
ber chambre
Diameter of the blank Diamètre (intérieur) Durchmesser des Nieder-
dBH dBH mm
holder (inner) du serre-flan halter
Standard deviation Ecart-type (moy-
Standardabweichung mF rms -
(root mean square) enne quadratique)
Radius of Curvature Rayon de courbure Krümmungsradius ρ ρ mm
Rayon de la surface
Kuppenradius der Fläche
Radius of area used to de la zone utilisé
zur Bestimmung der r1 r1 mm
determine curvature pour déterminer la
Rayon de la surface
Kuppenradius der Fläche
Surface radius of area de la zone utilisé
zur Bestimmung der r2 r2 mm
to determine strain pour déterminer la
Coordinate and Coordonnée et lon- Koordinate und Länge
ls ls mm
length of a section gueur d’une section einer Schnittlinie
Displacement in the z Déplacement selon Verschiebung in z-Rich-
dz dz mm
direction l’axe des z tung
Déplacement après
Displacement after Verschiebung nach Bewe-
correction du mou- dzmv dzmv mm
movement correction gungskorrektur
Contrainte biaxiale
Biaxial true stress Wahre biaxiale Spannung σB σB MPa
Major true strain Hauptumformgrad φ1 ε1 -
majeure vraie
Minor true strain Nebenumformgrad φ2 ε2 -
mineure vraie

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English French German American Unit
Déformation vraie Umformgrad in Dicken-
True thickness strain φ3 ε3 -
dans l’épaisseur richtung
Equivalent true strain Vergleichsformänderung φE εE -
équivalente vraie

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Annex B

Test procedure for a quality check of the optical measurement


B.1 Test procedure

Regarding the recommended quality of the optical measurement system (see Clause 5) and the setup for
example according to Figure 3, it shall be taken into account that the additional glass plates in the optical
path can have a significant influence. For a check of the final quality for the complete experimental
setup, the following procedure (see Figure B.1) is recommended.

1 lamp 4 sheet metal
2 cameras 5 reference plate
3 glass plates 6 maximum height

Figure B.1 — Quality check of optical measurement system

A rigid test object (e.g. plate, 3 dimensional curved surface) with a diameter ≥ 1/2 ddie shall be used. The
object shall not to be deformed during the test procedure. The object should have an appropriate surface
for the measurement system.
The test object shall be measured on the initial sheet clamping position once without protection glass
plates (reference measurement).
The test object shall be measured with the complete measurement setup (including the protection
glass plate) in different positions (5 to 10) between initial sheet clamping position and the maximum
estimated bulge height hmax (see Figure B.1).

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B.2 Post-processing
The coordinates for all measurement points in all stages shall be determined.
A rigid body movement correction shall be done by a least square fit, the 3D coordinates from each stage
are aligned to the reference measurement. For this fit, a concentric area with a diameter of 1/2 ddie shall
be used.
The remaining deviations in the z-direction (dz) describe the loss of quality. An example of a test plate
measured in nine different positions is shown in Figures B.2 and B.3.

X ls (in mm)
Y dz (in mm)

Figure B.2 — Original displacement dz of a cross section of the reference plate (ddie = 200 mm)

X ls (in mm)
Y dzmv (in mm)

Figure B.3 — Displacement dz of a cross section of the reference plate after movement


B.3 Determination of the normalized standard deviation

The standard deviation for z, ε1 and ε2 (see Clause 5) shall be determined for a concentric area with
the diameter of 1/2 ddie. In Figure B.4, the determined rms (dzmv) is shown based on the given example

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X dz (in mm) 1 original
Y rms (dzmv) (in mm) 2 normalized

Figure B.4 — Original standard deviation rms (dz) and normalized standard deviation rms (dzmv)
n after movement correction

For the example in Figure B.4 with a diameter ddie = 200 mm, the normalized standard deviation for all
positions is smaller than the limit [rms (dzmv)n ≤ 0,015 mm].

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Annex C

Computation of the curvature on the basis of a response surface

C.1 General
The following expression illustrates a response surface based on a full quadratic polynomial function
for the determination of the curvature in the dome apex (based on the coordinate system defined
in Clause  3). The linear parameters ai are determined by minimizing the sum of squared residuals.
The residuals are defined by the difference between the z-coordinates of the measured shape and
corresponding fitted values provided by the response surface.

z( x , y ) = a0 x 2 + a1 y 2 + a2 xy + a3 x + a 4 y + a5 (C.1)

This procedure is performed for each measured state, selected for the evaluation of the biaxial
stress-strain curve. The parameter identification of the response surface is performed on the basis of
measurement points, which are inside a sphere (r1). The point of the measured grid, which exhibits the
maximum deformation with respect to the drawing direction, is taken as the midpoint of this sphere
and the radius r1 is given below.
r1 _ 100
r1 = ⋅ d die (C.2)
r1 _ 100 ″ 10 mm

The coordinate of the dome apex (xD, yD, zD) is the stationary point of the response surface. The second
formula gives the radius with respect to the dome apex (x = xD, y = yD).
ρ= (C.3)
κ x +κ y κ1 +κ2
κ= = (C.4)
2 2
κx = 3
1 + (2a x + a y + a )2 2
 0 p 2 p 3 
κy = 3
1 + (2a y + a x + a )2  2
 1 p 2 p 4 

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C.2 Computation of the material thickness at the dome apex

A sphere (r2) defines the strain states, which are taken into account for the computation of the material
thickness. The midpoint of the sphere is coincident with the dome apex. The radius r2 is derived from the
side length of the measurement grid (SLMG).
r2 = 3 ⋅SLMG (C.7)

The computation of the material thickness is based on the ε3 field, defined by the coordinates x and y and
given at discrete points, depending on the measurement grid. The ε3 field is determined on the basis of
computed ε1 and ε2 values under the assumption of the plastic incompressibility and by neglecting the
elastic strain contributions. Subsequently, a response surface function is given, which approximates the
ε3 field.

ε 3( x , y ) = b0 x 2 + b1 y 2 + b2 xy + b3 x + b4 y + b5 (C.8)

The parameters bi are determined by minimizing the sum of squared residuals. The residuals are
defined by the difference between the ε3 values, obtained from the response surface, and the discrete
field resulting from measurement data. The coordinates xD and yD are coincident with the dome apex.
The following expression, gives the relation between the ε3 strain at the dome apex and the thickness.
ε 3( x , y )
t = t0 ⋅e D D (C.9)

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Annex D

Determination of the equi-biaxial stress point of the yield locus

and the hardening curve

D.1 General
From the bulge test, equi-biaxial stress-strain curves are obtained where the average of the major and
minor stress from the bulge tests is plotted against the absolute value of the plastic true thickness
strain. Usually, the true-stress true-strain curve determined from uniaxial tensile test data in rolling
direction is used as a reference for material hardening and the calculation of the stress points of the
yield locus. By comparing the curves of the stress-strain data of the equi-biaxial stress state with the
uniaxial reference curve, the equi-biaxial stress point can be calculated and the equi-biaxial stress-
strain curve can be transformed to an equivalent stress-strain curve which provides work hardening
data at strains higher than the uniform strain of the tensile test. A procedure for how to determine the
equi-biaxial stress ratio and how to scale bulge test results to extend the uniaxial stress-strain curve
beyond uniform elongation is described in D.2.

D.2 Procedure
The method described here is one of many procedures for handling the stress-strain data from a bulge
test. It is the responsibility of the user to check if the underlying assumptions are sufficiently fulfilled,
such that this method is in coherence with the actual material behaviour. If in doubt, it is strongly
recommended to consult experts in this field.
In this procedure, the following assumptions are made:
— isotropic hardening;
— the yield locus shape does not change with the strain;
— the work hardening is independent from the strain path (loading path);
— the loading path and strain path of the test is constant;
— the strain rate and temperature of the bulge test is close to the strain rate and temperature of the
tensile test. If this condition is not fulfilled, the effect of strain rate and temperature on the material
strength should be known, to decide whether a correction is necessary or not.
As a starting point in order to enable extrapolation in the post uniform strain range of the tensile test,
the true plastic strain at uniform elongation of the tensile tests, ε 1−UE ,in the rolling direction is chosen
as a reference value for the equivalent strain, ε E−ref .
ε E−ref = ε 1−UE (D.1)

This is considered to be the last valid point of the true stress true strain curve of the tensile test, from
where the hardening curve will be extrapolated using bulge test data. Accordingly, the stress at the
uniform strain of the tensile tests is used as the reference flow stress, σ f −ref , i.e. the ultimate tensile

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strength transformed to a true stress. The corresponding reference stress value of the bulge test, σ B − ref
are looked up in the following way.

σ B−ref ⋅ ε 3−ref = σ f −ref ⋅ ε E−ref (D.2)

In Formula (D.2), ε 3−ref is defined as the corresponding reference thickness strain for the bulge test.
In the last part of this annex, the theoretical background of this method is explained. Since the bulge test
curve is given by discrete values, there will not be a pair of stress and strain which perfectly satisfies
condition shown in Formula (D.2). Therefore, the point m in the bulge test data matches the following

σ B,m ⋅ ε 3,m ≤ σ f −ref ⋅ ε E−ref (D.3)


σ B,m+1 ⋅ ε 3,m+1 ≥ σ f −ref ⋅ ε E−ref (D.4)

The requested reference stress of the bulge test can now be computed by simple linear interpolation:
σ B,m+1 − σ B,m
σ B−ref = σ B,m +
σ B,m+1 ⋅ ε 3,m+1 − σ B,m ⋅ ε 3,m
( )
⋅ σ f −ref ⋅ ε E−ref − σ B,m ⋅ ε 3,m (D.5)

The value of the biaxial stress ratio is obtained by

σ B−ref
f bi = (D.6)
σ f −ref
With the biaxial stress factor defined in Formula (D.6), the bulge test curve can be transformed into an
equivalent strain-stress curve. In combination with uniaxial stress-strain curves from tensile tests, this
transformed curve can be used to generate a hardening curve with data extrapolated beyond strain at
uniform elongation.

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X ε Ε, Iε 3I 1 σf from the uniaxial test
Y σf (in MPa), σΒ (in MPa) 2 σΒ from the bulge test
3 σf from the bulge test

Figure D.1 — Example of the uniaxial stress strain and the equi-biaxial stress-strain curve of a
material including the biaxial stress calculation of the reference point and the hardening curve
based on scaled bulge test results

In Table D.1, it is demonstrated how the equi-biaxial stress factor is calculated and how the uniaxial
stress-strain curve is extrapolated by using the bulge test data. Extrapolation is realised by adding
the bulge tests data at equivalent strains (given in the columns 9 and 10 in Table D.1) larger than the
uniform strain of the tensile test to the uniaxial stress strain curve (given in the columns 2 and 3 in
Table D.1). In Table D.2, the example shown in Figure D.1 is represented as a table of numbers according
to the procedure of Table D.1.

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Table D.1 — Description of the procedure for the calculation of the yield locus parameters and
the extrapolation of the hardening curve

Uniaxial curve (RD) Equi-biaxial curve from the bulge test

i a εi = εE σf i σf i•ε i k b |ε3 k| σB k σB k •|ε3 k| εE k = |ε3 k|• f bi σ f k = σB k/ f bi
1 ε1 = 0 σf 1 0 1 |ε3 1| σB1 0 εE 1 = 0 σf 1
2 ε2 σf 2 σ f 2⋅ε2 2 |ε3 2| σB 2 σB 2 •|ε3 2| εE 2 σf 2
3 ε3 σf 3 σ f 3⋅ε3 3 |ε3 3| σB 3 σB 3 •|ε3 3| εE 3 σf 3
… … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … …
m |ε3 m| σB m σB m •|ε3 m| εE m σf m
|ε3 m+1| σB m+1 σB m+1 •|ε3 m+1| εE m+1 σ f m+1
n ε n = εE-ref σ f n = σ f-ref σ f n⋅εn … … … … … …
… … … … … …
… … … … … …
… … … … … …
The following quantities in this table are determined as:
n = the last strain point of the uniaxial test being the reference point for the determination of the biaxial stress
factor according to Formula (D.5);
M = the last strain point of the bulge test;
m = the point where the following condition is valid for the bulge-test data:
σB m⋅|ε3 m| ≤ σ f n⋅ε n and σB m+1⋅|ε3 m+1| > σ f n⋅ε n
The biaxial stress factor is obtained by calculation of a reference biaxial stress point via interpolation of data
point m and m+1
σ B m+1 − σ B m
σ B−ref = σ B m +
σ B m+1 ⋅ ε 3m+1 − σ B m ⋅ ε 3m
⋅ σ f n ⋅ ε n − σ B m ε 3m ) and f bi =
σ B−ref
σ fn

a i = the index for the points of the uniaxial stress-strain curve determined from the tensile test in rolling direction.
b k = the index for the points of the equi-biaxial stress-strain curve determined from the bulge test.

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Table D.2 — Example of the procedure for the calculation of the yield locus parameters and
the extrapolation of the hardening curve according to Table D.1, graphically represented in
Figure D.1

Uniaxial curve (RD) Equi-biaxial curve from the bulge test

i a εi = εE i σf i σf i•εi k b |ε3 k| σB k σB k•|ε3 k| εE k = |ε3 k|• f bi σf k = σB k/ f bi
1 0,000 351,7 0,0 1 0,000 306,7 0,0 0,000 297,4
2 0,010 437,1 4,4 2 0,010 441,0 4,4 0,010 427,6
3 0,020 488,7 9,8 3 0,020 502,9 1,1 0,021 487,5
4 0,030 529,0 1,9 4 0,030 546,4 1,4 0,031 529,7
5 0,040 561,9 2,5 5 0,040 579,8 23,2 0,041 562,1
6 0,050 589,4 2,5 6 0,050 607,3 30,4 0,052 588,7
7 0,060 612,7 3,8 7 0,060 629,8 37,8 0,062 610,6
8 0,070 632,6 44,3 8 0,070 649,2 45,4 0,072 629,4
9 0,080 649,8 52,0 9 0,080 666,2 53,3 0,083 645,8
10 0,090 664,8 59,8 10 0,090 681,0 61,3 0,093 660,2
11 0,100 677,8 67,8 11 0,100 694,3 69,4 0,103 673,1
12 0,110 689,2 75,8 12 0,110 706,1 77,7 0,113 684,6
13 0,120 699,2 83,9 13 0,120 717,0 86,0 0,124 695,1
14 0,130 708,1 92,1 14 0,130 726,8 94,5 0,134 704,6
15 0,140 716,1 100,2 15 0,140 735,8 10,0 0,144 713,3
16 0,150 723,1 108,5 16 0,150 744,0 11,6 0,155 721,3
17 0,160 729,5 116,7 17 0,160 751,6 12,3 0,165 728,6
18 0,170 735,2 125,0 18 0,170 758,5 128,9 0,175 735,4
19 0,180 740,4 133,3 19 0,180 764,9 137,7 0,186 741,5
20 0,190 745,2 141,6 20 0,190 770,9 146,5 0,196 747,4
21 0,200 749,5 149,9 21 0,200 776,6 155,3 0,206 752,9
22 0,210 782,1 164,3 0,217 758,3
23 0,220 787,4 173,2 0,227 763,4
24 0,230 792,5 182,3 0,237 768,3
25 0,240 797,4 191,4 0,248 773,1
26 0,250 802,3 200,6 0,258 777,8
27 0,260 806,9 209,8 0,268 782,2
28 0,270 811,3 219,1 0,279 786,5
29 0,280 815,7 228,4 0,289 790,8
30 0,290 819,9 237,8 0,299 794,8
31 0,300 824,0 247,2 0,309 798,8
32 0,310 826,0 256,1 0,320 800,8
33 0,320 830,0 265,6 0,330 804,6
34 0,330 833,7 275,1 0,340 808,3
35 0,340 837,4 284,7 0,351 811,8
36 0,350 840,9 294,3 0,361 815,2
a i = index for the points of the uniaxial stress-strain curve
b k = index for the points of the equi-biaxial stress-strain curve

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Table D.2 (continued)
Uniaxial curve (RD) Equi-biaxial curve from the bulge test
i a εi = εE i σf i σf i•εi k b |ε3 k| σB k σB k•|ε3 k| εE k = |ε3 k|• f bi σf k = σB k/ f bi
37 0,360 844,3 304,0 0,371 818,5
38 0,370 847,8 313,7 0,382 821,9
39 0,380 851,0 323,4 0,392 825,0
40 0,390 854,2 333,1 0,402 828,1
41 0,400 857,5 343,0 0,413 831,3
42 0,410 860,6 352,9 0,423 834,3
The following quantities in this table are determined according to the procedure described in Table D.1:
n = 21, the last strain point of the uniaxial test;
M = 42, the last strain point of the bulge test;
m = 20, the point where the following condition is valid for the bulge-test data: σbi m⋅εbi m ≤ σ f n⋅εn and σbi m+1⋅εbi
m+1 > σ f n⋅εn
The biaxial stress factor is obtained by calculation of a reference biaxial stress point via interpolation of data
point m and m+1
σ B m+1 − σ B m
σ B−ref = σ B m +
σ B m+1 ⋅ ε 3m+1 − σ B m ⋅ ε 3m
( ) 73, 1 and f bi =
⋅ σ fn ⋅ ε n − σ B m ⋅ ε 3m = 77
σ B−ref
σ fn
= 1, 032

a i = index for the points of the uniaxial stress-strain curve

b k = index for the points of the equi-biaxial stress-strain curve

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The afore-mentioned method for extrapolation of the hardening curve is explained in the coming part
of this Annex. The plastic work principle of the equivalent strain definition is used as a starting point:
σ f ⋅∂ε E = σ 1 ⋅∂ε 1 + σ 2 ⋅∂ε 2 + σ 3 ⋅∂ε 3 (D.7)


∂ε E is the equivalent plastic strain increment;

σf is the plastic flow stress;

σ 1 , σ 2 ,σ 3 are the principal stresses in the principal directions 1, 2 and 3;

∂ε 1 , ∂ε 2 , are the corresponding principal strain increments.

∂ε 3

For the uniaxial tensile test, σ2 = σ3  =  0. So Formula  (D.7) reduces for uniaxial tensile tests to the
following equation:
σ f ⋅∂ε E = σ 1 ⋅∂ε 1 (D.8)

For the bulge test, it is assumed that the two in plane stresses are equal: σ 1 = σ 2 = σ B and σ 3 = 0 . Using
the plastic incompressibility condition ∂ε 1 + ∂ε 2 + ∂ε 3 = 0 in addition, then the following is valid for
bulge tests for Formula (D.8):

σ f ⋅∂ε E = σ B ⋅∂ε 1 + σ B ⋅∂ε 2 = −σ B ⋅∂ε 3 = σ B ⋅ ∂ε 3 (D.9)

Assuming isotropic hardening means that a fixed ratio exists between uniaxial stress and the plastic
flow stress fun = σ1/σf and also a fixed ratio exists between the biaxial stress and the plastic flow
stress f bi = σB/ σf .. The uniaxial stress-strain curve in the rolling direction (RD) is the reference for the
equivalent stress-strain curve so by definition fun = σ1/σf = 1.

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For the uniaxial tensile test in the rolling direction, the following is valid

∂ε E = ⋅ ∂ε 1 ⇔ ∂ε E = f un ⋅ ∂ε 1 = ∂ε 1 (D.10)
For the bulge tests, the following expression is valid:

∂ε E = ⋅ ∂ε 3 ⇔ ∂ε E = f bi ⋅ ∂ε 3 (D.11)
The equivalent strain for the bulge tests is obtained by integration of Formula D.11. With the assumption
of isotropic hardening, i.e. a constant f bi, this leads for bulge tests to:

εE ε3

∫ ∂ε E = ∫ f bi ⋅ ∂ε 3 ⇔ ε E = f bi ε 3 (D.12)
0 0
Comparison of Formula  (D.12) with Formula  (D.11) leads to the insight that the strain increment in
Formula (D.10) is replaced by total strain in Formula (D.11) as a consequence of the isotropic hardening
assumption. Applying this insight in Formula (D.9) leads for bulge tests to the following result:

σ f ⋅ε E = σ B ⋅ ε 3 (D.13)

With Formula  (D.13) and with the definition of f bi, the biaxial stress-strain curve from bulging can
be transformed into an equivalent stress-strain curve for bulging as described in Formulae  (D.1) to
(D.6). For the calculation of f bi being the fixed ratio between the equi-biaxial stress and the uniaxial
stress in the rolling direction, it is assumed that the yield surface is defined by stress points at constant
equivalent strains.
Using advanced yield criteria often requires the biaxial strain ratio r bi = εTD/εRD as input.
NOTE There is general agreement among experts that this parameter cannot be determined directly from a
bulge test with the evaluation methods described in this standard.

There are more general methods, as e.g. proposed by Kuwabara,[10] Barlat,[11] Yoon[12] and Sigvant,[13]
which are based on total plastic work and which are not restricted to purely isotropic hardening. With
the present method, the assumption of isotropic hardening can be tested by comparing the equivalent
stress-strain curve derived from the bulge test and the uniaxial stress-strain curve in the strain domain
ε E ≤ ε E − ref = ε 1 − UE . It is advisable to report deviations larger than 2  % in the strain domain
0, 02 < ε E ≤ ε E − ref .
In the bulge test, the data at low strain are generally less accurate. For this reason, using the initial
part of the curve should be done with caution. It is not advisable to determine the biaxial stress ratio
for the initial yield point directly. Using the present method also requires that the stress-strain curves
do not fluctuate too much because only one stress point is used for the determination of the biaxial
stress factor in Formula (D.6). A cause for such fluctuations may be the occurrence of dynamic strain
ageing such as in magnesium based aluminium alloys. In such cases, smoothing of the basic stress-strain
curves is required.

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[10] Kuwabara T., Van Bael B., Iizuka E. Measurement and analysis of yield locus and work hardening
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[12] Yoon J.H., Cazacu O., Yoon J.W., Dick R.E. Earing predictions for strongly textured aluminium
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[13] Sigvant M., Mattiasson K., Vegter H., Thilderkvist P. A viscous pressure bulge test for the
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2009, 2, pp. 235–242

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