Cocontinuous Cellulose Acetate Polyurethane Electrospinning

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Cocontinuous Cellulose Acetate/Polyurethane

Composite Nanofiber Fabricated Through


Chunyi Tang,1 Pingping Chen,1 Haiqing Liu1,2,3

College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 35007, China

Fujian Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials, Fuzhou 350007, China

Laboratory of Cellulose and Lignocellulosic Chemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China

Cocontinuous cellulose acetate (CA)/polyurethane (PU) down to submicrometers or even 10s of nanometers [1].
composite nanofibers were obtained through electro- Nanofiber possesses the characteristic features of high
spinning of partially miscible CA and PU in 2:1 N,N- length-to-diameter ratio and specific surface areas, ena-
dimethylacetamide (DMAc)/acetone mixture solvent.
Their structures, mechanical, and thermal properties bling it to be applied for protective clothing, filter, cata-
were characterized by scanning electron microscopy lyst support, reinforced composite, and tissue engineering
(SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and dif- [2]. Recently, there is growing interest in the design and
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The structures and preparation of novel composite nanofiber with improved
morphologies of the nanofibers were affected by com- properties, because it may combine the merits of each
ponent ratio in the binary mixtures. PU component not
only facilitated the electrospinning of CA at CA concen- component. One type of composite nanofibers reported so
tration down to 12 wt%, but reinforced the tensile far are prepared by multiple-jet electrospinning [3, 4],
strength of CA/PU nanofibrous mats, while semirigid mainly because a cosolvent is hard to be found for each
component CA in the composite nanofibers could component. For instance, cellulose acetate (CA)/poly(vi-
greatly improve the rigidity and dimensional stability of nyl alcohol) (PVA) composite nanofiber was generated by
CA/PU nanofibrous mats. In a series of nanofibrous
mats with varied CA/PU composition ratios, CA/PU 20/ side-by-side electrospinning of CA in 2:1 acetone/dime-
80 showed excellent tensile strength and Young’s modu- thylacetamide and PVA in water [4]. It was found that the
lus. The residual product after selective removal of any mechanical properties of the CA nanofibrous mats are sig-
one of the components in CA/PU composite nanofibers nificantly enhanced with the increasing of PVA component
by washing with proper solvent maintained the fiber in the CA/PVA composites [4]. Nevertheless, this type of
structure but greatly reduced the fiber size, suggesting
CA/PU composite fibers showed a cocontinuous nano-
composite nanofibrous mat is composed of two kinds of
fiber structure due to phase separation in the spinning nanofibers formed by individual pure polymers. Another
solution and in the course of electrospinning. POLYM. type of composite nanofiber is synthesized from electro-
ENG. SCI., 48:1296–1303, 2008. ª 2008 Society of Plastics Engineers spinning of polymer blends in a cosolvent. Most composite
nanofibers of this type consist of two components. One
component is hard to be electrospun into nanofiber alone
INTRODUCTION such as chitosan and Bombyx mori silk, and the other is a
good nanofiber-forming polymer such as poly(ethylene ox-
Electrospinning is a simple and versatile technique in
ide) [5–7]. Generally, such nanofibers are of the ‘‘islands-
the generation of continuous ultrafine fibers with diameter
in-the-sea’’ structure with the former dispersing into the
latter, which is continuous fiber morphology due to phase
Correspondence to: Haiqing Liu; e-mail: [email protected] separation and fast solvent evaporation during fiber forma-
Contract grant sponsor: Initiative Fund for the Returned Overseas Chi- tion. Selective removal of the dispersed component often
nese Scholar administered by the State Education Ministry and the Key results in nanoporous nanofibers with higher specific sur-
Project of Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province; contract grant
face areas than untreated nanofibers, whereas the removal
number: E0620001.
DOI 10.1002/pen.21090 of the fiber-forming component would cause complete dis-
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( integration of the composite nanofiber [8, 9]. With special
C 2008 Society of Plastics Engineers design of the spinneret, side-by-side [10] or core-sheath


SCHEME 1. Treatment procedure of CA/PU nanofiber.

[11] bicomponent polymer nanofibers have been reported DMAc and 2:1 (v/v) DMAc/acetone. To facilitate their
as well. Obviously, none of these bicomponent composite capabilities in the fiber formation during electrospinning,
nanofibers presents a well-blended and cocontinuous fiber the latter was chosen as the cosolvent for CA and PU. All
structure within a single nanofiber. materials were used as received.
Cocontinuous composite nanofiber is defined as each
component forms fiber structure in the composite. Com-
paring with the composite nanofibers from the side-by-
side electrospinning, the cocontinuous structure enables
the components in the nanofiber to be blended in the Precalculated amount of CA and PU was dissolved in
nanolevel, and to interact with each other through molec- 2:1 DMAc/acetone mixture solvent to make CA/PU com-
ular forces such as hydrogen bonding. Such structure position ratio of 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, and 0/
would certainly impart new mechanical and thermal prop- 100. The total polymer weight concentrations were 20%
erties for the composite nanofiber. However, little work by weight. It was observed that the miscibility of these
on the cocontinuous composite nanofiber has been found two polymers in solutions is poor, because the blend solu-
so far [9]. In this work, we aim to prepare cocontinuous tions are not completely transparent. The CA/PU spinning
composite nanofibers of CA/PU through electrospinning solution was added to a 10-ml syringe attached to a stain-
their blends in cosolvent N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc)/ less needle with an inner diameter of 0.84 mm. An elec-
acetone. Each component alone is readily to form nano- trode was clamped on the needle and connected to a
fiber through electrospinning. CA nanofibers show poor power supply. Grounded counter electrode was connected
mechanical property with stress of 1.3 MPa, but good to collector aluminum foil. All solutions were electrospun
dimensional stability with strain as small as 0.007% due at ambient temperature, flowing rate at 10 ll/min, 10 kV,
to its semirigid chain structure [12, 13]. Moreover, it can and a 20-cm distance between the collector and needle
be easily deacetylated to regenerate more biocompatible tip. The products were dried under vacuum at 508C for
and reactive cellulose nanofiber [14]. PU nanofiber exhib- 5 h to remove any residual solvents.
its excellent tensile strength of over 10 MPa but high
strain of more than 300% [15]. Depending on the struc-
ture, PU nanofibers have been tested in the application
Selective Removal of One Component from
areas of protective clothing [16] and tissue engineering
CA/PU Nanofiber
[17]. CA/PU cocontinuous composite nanofibers are possi-
ble to exhibit excellent mechanical strength and relative To remove PU component in the composite nanofiber,
stable dimensionality. To test this assumption, the electro- the CA/PU nanofibrous mat was first hydrolyzed in 0.05
spinning of CA/PU is investigated in terms of composi- M NaOH/ethanol solution to turn CA to cellulose at room
tion ratio in the binary mixtures. The structure, morphol- temperature for 24 h. Because cellulose is hard to dissolve
ogy, mechanical behavior, and thermal property of the in many solvents, the hydrolyzed fibrous mats were subse-
CA/PU composite nanofibers are examined. The structure quently immersed in DMAc for 24 h to dissolve PU com-
of residual nanofibers obtained from selective removal of ponent while cellulose nanofiber mat was left behind.
one of the components from the CA/PU composite nano- Such obtained cellulose nanofibrous mat was further
fiber is characterized. washed with DMAc three times, acetone two times to
completely remove PU component. The selective removal
of CA component was achieved by immersing CA/PU
EXPERIMENTAL nanofibrous mat in acetone for 12 h. After it was washed
with acetone five times, PU nanofiber was remained. The
residual cellulose and PU nanofibrous mats were vacuum
dried at 508C for 10 h. The mass of dried nanofibrous
Cellulose acetate (Mn ¼ 3.0 3 104, acetyl content 39.8 mat before and after selective removal of CA or PU com-
wt%) was from Aldrich Chemical Company. Elastollan ponent was measured to calculate the weight loss. Scheme
B64D, a polyester-based polyurethane, was purchased 1 illustrated the preparation and treatment procedure of
from BASF Company. Both CA and PU can dissolve in CA/PU nanofiber.


Characterization with mean diameter of 900 nm was easily fabricated from
2:1 DMAc/acetone mixture solvent (Fig. 1f). Our work
The fiber morphology was examined by scanning elec-
indicates that DMAC/acetone is also a feasible solvent for
tron microscope (SEM, JEOL JSM-6380LV) and trans-
the preparation of PU nanofiber besides the widely used
mission electron microscope (TEM, JEOL JEM-2010).
solvent N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or DMF/tetrahy-
All samples were sputter-coated with gold before SEM
drofuran (THF) [15, 19]. Meanwhile, it is interesting to
observation. For TEM measurement, the fibers were dis-
find that PU fibers adhered together at some bonding sites
persed ultrasonically in ethanol. The tensile strength of
(pointed by the arrows in Fig. 1f). Similar observations
the fibrous mats was measured on Twin Column testing
have been reported in the preparation of PVC/PU nanofib-
machine (LLOYD LR5K) with cross-head speed of 10
ers [19]. These bonding sites are particularly useful for
mm/min at room temperature. Eight replicates were tested
the enhancement of mechanical properties for PU nanofi-
for each sample, and their average value was given. ATR
brous membrane, which will be discussed in the following
was recorded on Thermo-Nicolet 5700 spectrometer. The
section. Because of high Tb at 1648C, DMAc evaporates
thermal properties of the nanofibers were measured on a
slowly in the short course of fiber traveling to the collec-
differential scanning calorimeter (DSC TA Q200) under
tor, resulting in some DMAc remain in the fiber. Given
nitrogen atmosphere. Specimen was first heated to 1208C
that the remaining DMAc is not removed in time, PU
at a heating rate of 208C/min to eliminate the thermal his-
fibers are readily to be redissolved and fused together at
tory. The second scan was recorded at a heating rate of
some locations. In our research, freshly generated thick
108C/min from 2708C to 2708C.
PU nanofibrous mat could transform into film whose mor-
phology is similar to cast-film if it was put in a sealed
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION container, while it could keep nanofibrous mat morphol-
ogy if it was in an open environment.
Morphologies and Structures of CA/PU
Composite Nanofibers Morphologies of CA/PU Composite Nanofibers After
Selective Removal of One Component
The SEM images of CA/PU composite nanofibers are
presented in Fig. 1. CA alone shows beads-on-string mor- To obtain the information on the internal morphology
phology (Fig. 1a), with bead size and fiber diameter in of composite fiber, that is, how each component distrib-
the range of 0.9–2.5 lm and 0.14–0.3 lm, respectively. utes within the composite nanofiber, selective removal of
This morphology is consistent with that found in a previ- one component followed by microscopical analysis is an
ous work [13]. The beads formation is caused by insuffi- established very effective technique [9]. Up to now, two
cient CA chain entanglement in the solution with low very common distribution morphologies, that is, ‘‘islands-
polymer concentration [18]. Although total polymer con- in-the-sea’’ dispersion [8] and core-sheath [20] have been
centration was kept at 20 wt%, the addition of PU could reported. We first analyzed the fiber structure of cellulose
facilitate the bead-free nanofiber formation (Fig. 1b–e). In nanofiber after the selective removal of PU component.
experiment, it was noticed that the addition of PU greatly For CA/PU60/40 and 40/60 nanofibers hydrolyzed in 0.05
increased the viscosity of the CA/PU blend-spinning solu- M NaOH/EtOH, the residual cellulose/PU fiber morphol-
tion, implying that the chain entanglement was enhanced ogy was kept unchanged though average fiber sizes
in the solution. Such enhancement would favor the forma- decreased dramatically from originally 650 nm and 710
tion of less-bead or even no-bead nanofiber. Similar phe- nm to 370 nm and 460 nm, respectively (Fig. 2a and b).
nomenon was observed in the manufacture of PVC/PU With the further removal of PU component by washing
blend nanofiber. Beaded PVC nanofiber became bead-free with DMAc, the morphologies of the resultant cellulose
PVC/PU nanofiber with the addition of PU in the spinning nanofibers were still preserved very well, but the mean di-
solution while the total polymer concentration was kept ameter of nanofibers was further reduced to 280 and 320
constant at 13 wt% [19]. CA/PU80/20 nanofiber was uni- nm, respectively (Fig. 2c and d). It should be pointed out
form in morphology and size of 360 nm (Fig. 1b). With that cellulose nanofibers with uniform diameter of less
further increasing of PU content to 80%, fiber size than 300 nm and defects (beads) free morphology are first
increased but with no significant variation from 700 nm ever synthesized in this work. Cellulose nanofibers from
for CA/PU 60/40, 40/60, and 20/80 (Fig. 1g). It is well the deacetylation of CA nanofibers [12] or from direct
known that solvent system is one of the key factors electrospinning cellulose/DMAc-LiCl [21] or cellulose/
affecting the electrospinning process and the morphology NMMO [22] often exhibit broad fiber size distribution
of nanofiber. 2:1 DMAc/acetone is a poor solvent system and beads defect when average fiber diameter is down to
for the nanofiber formation of CA solutions with concen- 500 nm.
tration less than 25% [13]. The current findings suggest The mass losses of CA/PU nanofibrous mats after
that mixing PU with CA at actual CA concentration down treatment were listed in Table 1. The actual mass losses
to 12 wt% (Fig. 1c) could greatly facilitate the electro- after hydrolysis (data in column 4) were higher than those
spinning of CA in this solvent. Bead-free PU nanofiber of theoretical acetyl content (data in column 2) in the


FIG. 1. SEM images of CA/PU nanofibers (a) 100/0, (b) 80/20, (c) 60/40, (d) 40/60, (e) 20/80, and (f) 0/
100; (g) diameter of corresponding nanofibrous membranes.

composite nanofibers. However, actual PU loss after treat- deacetylation of CA in NaOH/EtOH solution, and the
ment of hydrolyzed mat with DMAc was less than that of deacetylation of CA and PU removal are processed com-
theoretical PU content. Considering that the actual total pletely. In another parallel hydrolysis experiment in
loss closely matches theoretical loss, we believe that part NaOH/H2O (values in the last two rows in Table 1), we
of the polyester-based PU is hydrolyzed along with the found that the actual mass loss is a little bit more than


FIG. 2. Morphologies of CA/PU composite fibers (a) 60/40 and (b) 40/60 hydrolyzed in NaOH/EtOH; (c)
60/40 and (d) 40/60 hydrolyzed in NaOH/EtOH followed by washing with DMAc; (e) 80/20 and (f) 40/60
washed with acetone.

that theoretical acetyl content after hydrolysis, with no results suggest that aq. NaOH has little effect on the hy-
significant hydrolytic degradation of PU. PU is almost drolysis of PU, which is believed to be caused by the
removed in the subsequent treatment with DMAc. These poor penetration of aq. NaOH solution into the hydropho-

TABLE 1. Mass changes of CA/PU nanofibrous membranes after hydrolyzed in NaOH/EtOH or NaOH/H2O and washed in DMAc.

Mass loss after

Cacetyl Theoretical CPU NaOH/EtOH PU loss after Theoretical total Actual total
CA/PU (wt%) (wt%) hydrolysis (wt%) DMAc washing (wt%) mass loss (wt%) mass loss (wt%)

80/20 32 20 39.4 8.3 52 47.7

60/40 24 40 40.9 23.3 64 64.2
40/60 16 60 35.1 41.1 76 76.2
20/80 8 80 36.0 50.0 88 86.0
60/40a 24 40 25.4 35.8 64 61.2
40/60a 16 60 18.4 55.3 76 73.7

The values in the last two rows were from hydrolysis in the NaOH/H2O.


TABLE 2. Mass changes of CA/PU nanofibrous membranes after were observed (Fig. 3b). Similarly, when CA was
washed with acetone. removed from the CA/PU bicomponent fibers, the
CA/PU Theoretical CA content (wt%) Actual mass loss (wt%)
remained PU fiber surface displayed shallow and elon-
gated indents (Fig. 3c). The presence of indents, along
80/20 80 81.4 with fiber size reduction after selective removal of one of
60/40 60 59.3 the components suggested that CA and PU were elon-
40/60 40 39.0 gated together along fiber axis in the electrospinning pro-
cess, and each component formed continuous fiber struc-
ture within the binary composite nanofiber. As mentioned
bic PU nanofiber. In a similar research, it is reported that earlier, the miscibility of CA and PU is poor in solution
alcoholic NaOH is more efficient in the hydrolysis of so that microphase separation took place. Hence, each
hydrophobic CA than aq. NaOH [12]. FTIR results (not microphase separated component in the blend solution is
shown) confirm that acetyl groups and PU were com- elongated to form fiber structure simultaneously under
pletely removed, and cellulose nanofibers were obtained electrical force, resulting in cocontinuous composite nano-
after such treatments. fiber. In the study of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP)/poly-L-
Continuous PU nanofibers were obtained after selective lactide (PLLA) 1:1 composite nanofiber, the selective re-
removal of CA in the composite nanofiber (Fig. 2e and f). moval of component PVP not only greatly reduced the
Because of the loss of 80% CA for the acetone-treated fiber size but also generated porous fiber surface topology.
CA/PU80/20 nanofibrous mat, the resultants are still in fi- The authors concluded that this is a predominant cocon-
brous morphology but they tend to twinning together to tinuous composite nanofiber but some of PVP aggregated
form ‘‘crosslinked’’ fibrous film (Fig. 2e). For treated CA/ to form domains with dimensions in the order of 100–200
PU 40/60, the diameter of the residual PU fiber decreased nm [9]. Because the selective removal of any one of the
from 710 nm to 660 nm after 40% CA was removed (Fig. two components in the CA/PU composite nanofiber did
2f). This insignificant fiber size reduction should result not give rise to noticeable pore structure on the residual
from the swelling of PU in acetone. Upon removal of ace- fiber surface (Fig. 3b and c), we believe that the phase
tone while drying, swelled PU nanofiber tends to collapse separation during fiber formation did not generate compo-
and makes its size look bigger than round morphology. nent domains with dimensions over 10s of nanometers in
This phenomenon is also found for some hydrogel nano- the CA/PU composite nanofiber, instead most part of each
fibers when they are dried from swelled state [23, 24]. It component was elongated by the electrical force, and was
is also found that the residual PU fibers are distorted stabilized due to quick solvent evaporation to form nano-
because of its flexible molecular chains and the loss of fiber structure in the composite. For CA/PU blend cast-
support from semirigid CA. The mass losses of CA/PU film in a wide range of PU content of 25–60 wt%, PU
composite nanofibrous mats after acetone treatment are form domains dispersing in the continuous CA phase
nearly same as the theoretical content of CA in the origi- because of phase separation. During the drying of cast
nal bicomponent fibers (Table 2), suggesting the complete film, the slow solvent evaporation allows PU molecules
removal of CA. reorganize and aggregate to form microphase in the CA
The smooth surface of CA/PU40/60 composite nano- continuous phase [25]. Hence, in the electrospinning tech-
fiber was clearly demonstrated in TEM image (Fig. 3a). nique, the persistent electric drawing force and fast sol-
After the removal of PU, the surface of residual cellulose vent evaporation rate make it possible that CA and PU
nanofiber becomes slightly coarse with shallow and elon- form cocontinuous nanofiber structure in the composite
gated indents with width of several tens of nanometers fiber.

FIG. 3. TEM images of CA/PU 40/60 composite nanofibers. (a) as-electrospun, (b) after hydrolyzed in
NaOH/EtOH and washed with DMAc, and (c) after washed with acetone.


FIG. 4. Stress–strain curves of CA/PU nanofibrous membranes (a) 100/
0, (b) 80/20, (c) 60/40, (d) 40/60, (e) 20/80, and (f) 0/100; (g) 60/40 and
(h) 20/80 after hydrolyzed in aq. NaOH. FIG. 5. DSC curves of CA/PU composite nanofibers. (a) 100/0, (b) 80/
20, (c) 60/40, (d) 40/60, (e) 20/80, and (f) 0/100.

Mechanical Properties of CA/PU Nanofibrous Mats

increased its E to more than 10 folds of CA/PU0/100,
The typical stress–strain relationship of CA/PU nanofi- while without much loss of tensile strength. This result
brous mats is shown in Fig. 4. Unlike smooth stress–strain suggests the semirigid CA molecule chains enhance the
curve for bulk materials such as cast film, characteristic rigidity of the CA/PU nanocomposite materials. For CA/
seesaw curves are presented for nanofibrous mat due to PVA nanofibrous mats composed of two individual pure
the easily slipping and quick reorientation of short nano- component nanofibers from side-by-side electrospinning,
fiber (with length up to several centimeters [13]) in the it has been reported that the presence of CA in the CA/
loosely packed isotropic nanofibrous mat during stretching PVA nanofibrous mats did no good to the mechanical
[15]. The curves of those mats with high PU content such properties of composite mat [4]. Therefore, a cocontinu-
as CA/PU20/80 and 0/100 are in better shape than the ous fiber structure within a single nanofiber with two
others, mainly because the bonding sites among PU nano- components blended in the nanolevel can largely improve
fibers keep them more integral than the loosely packed its mechanical properties. The r of hydrolyzed CA/PU
CA/PU60/40 mat [19]. The mechanical properties of CA/ nanofibrous mat, that is, cellulose/PU60/40 and 20/80 got
PU nanofibrous mats were summarized in Table 3. CA improved greatly comparing with that of corresponding
nanofibrous mat presents very low rb and eb of 0.98 M untreated mat (Fig. 4 and Table 3). The deacetylation of
and 8%, respectively. With increasing of PU content from CA in aq. NaOH regenerates cellulose, in which cellulose
20 to 60% in the composite, the rb and E of correspond- molecule chains tend to reorient along fiber axis to form
ing composite nanofibrous mat increased gradually but monoclinic unit cell with crystallinity in the range of 20–
kept in a narrow range of 2.8–3.2 MPa and 78–105 MPa, 60% [26]. The strong inter- and intra- hydrogen bonding
respectively. As for CA/PU20/80, which has similar fiber and existence of crystalline phase within cellulose make it
diameter to CA/PU 40/60, its rb and E increased substan- possess superior mechanical properties to that of CA with
tially to respective 7.46 MPa and 258 MPa, which is same degree of polymerization. Hence its composite
about 2.5 times that of CA/PU 40/60. Comparing with the nanofibrous mat (cellulose/PU) shows better tensile
mechanical properties of pure PU nanofibrous mat, the strength than that of the CA-reinforced PU mat (CA/PU).
presence of 20% CA in the CA/PU20/80 significantly

TABLE 3. Mechanical properties of CA/PU nanofibrous membranes.

Thermal Properties of CA/PU Composite Nanofibers
CA/PU r (MPa) eb (8C) E (MPa) DSC thermograms of CA/PU composite nanofibers are
presented in Fig. 5. The Tg of CA and PU appeared at
100/0 0.98 6 0.09 8 6 1 39 6 7
80/20 2.80 6 0.35 15 6 1 78 6 11 193.28C (Fig. 5a) and 220.88C (Fig. 5f), respectively. Tg
60/40 2.98 6 0.32 23 6 5 85 6 22 of CA was no longer noticeable in the thermograms of
40/60 3.20 6 0.84 27 6 3 105 6 15 CA/PU composite fiber, because the glass transition his-
20/80 7.46 6 0.64 128 6 17 258 6 9 tory of CA overlapped with the melting of PU component
0/100 8.98 6 0.82 193 6 26 24 6 8
(Fig. 5b and e). In general, Tg of PU increased with the
60/40-Ha 8.52 6 0.46 19 6 1 412 6 45
20/80-Ha 12.63 6 1.50 215 6 28 273 6 17 presence of CA in the composite nanofiber (Table 4), sug-
gesting that the CA phase may partially miscible with PU
Hydrolyzed CA/PU nanofibrous membrane in NaOH/H2O. at the interface. Interaction between CA and PU compo-


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