BLief Shift Unveiling The Lived Experien

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Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6968783, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

BLief Shift: Unveiling the Lived Experience of Self-confessed Homophobic

Young Adults Exposed to Boys’ Love Series

Precious Ivane Q. David*,

Gie Ann Nicole T. Flores, Lee Andrei M. Quiambao, Mayca U. Yabut
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


In a world where heterosexism dominates, homosexuality is perceived as sinful and inappropriate.

Nonetheless, the media, through its proper and positive portrayal of gay men’s lives in Boys’ Love (BL)
Series, has contributed in alleviating such prejudicial attitudes toward sexual minorities among its
homophobic audience. Thus, this qualitative research study utilizing interpretative phenomenological
analysis (IPA) aimed to relive the stories of self-confessed homophobic heterosexual young adult males who
were exposed to at least two (2) positively-represented, non-restricted Thai BL series. Accordingly, ten self-
confessed homophobic young adults who engaged in explicit and/or implicit homophobic behaviors in the
past, and are at present high-grade nonhomophobic were purposively selected to individually take part in a
semi structured in-depth interview. Subsequently, member checking was employed to validate the credibility
of participants' responses, and truthful critique and support were obtained through critical friend technique.
Findings of the study revealed that BL series’ positive portrayal of gay men and homosexuality, and its
lesson-filled stories provided awareness about gay men’s realities which led to the shift in homophobic
young adult’s beliefs.

Keywords: Gay Men, Homosexuality, Homophobic, Boy's Love Series

Introduction television dramas from Thailand has clearly risen as

reflected in the many fans that it has recently garnered
Homophobia has been prevalent in many societies from around the world. BL makes viewers swoon, but
th ro ug ho u t h isto ry due to the belief that it also brings up opportunities for the creation of a
homosexuality, as a sexual orientation, was sinful and more accepting world — one that embraces people
inappropriate. However, with the aim of gaining regardless of who they love or who they want to be. It
acceptance, homosexuals consistently seek is believed that the BL series serves to ignite
understanding which has resulted in the gradual rise of conversations on the culture and queerness in the
the sexual orientation’s acceptance, motivating other community. As culture is dominated by heterosexism,
people to come out of their shells. Various campaigns Thailand’s BL series demonstrates its positive
using different platforms voice out issues and concerns elements by presenting the real-life difficulties of the
for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or LGBTQIA+ community in Southeast Asia that aimed
Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or Ally, and other Non- to direct viewers on what it means to live as a gay man
heterosexual people of the (LGBTQIA+) community (Mampusti, 2020).
for these to be understood. In aiming for recognition
and acceptance of the homosexuals, media is one of The BL series in general is reported to be effective in
the most influential platforms to use. eliciting a change in an individual’s homophobic
Media's main premise is to tell stories. With good attitude and behavior toward homosexuality and
storytelling tactics, every story represents various people characterized by it (Competente, 2020).
kinds of characters and situations that exemplify true
Research Questions
life experiences. As homosexuality had been denied
outright acceptance across cultures, media The purpose of this research study is to relive the
representations can change and influence the attitudes experiences of the “self-confessed” homophobic
people have about homosexuals (Gonta et al., 2017). young adults after being exposed to BL series.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
This is where the researchers decided to include the
popular Boys’ Love (BL) series in the study of
homophobic decline, believing that the BL series has a 1. What are the sources of the participants’ sexual
more vital role in one’s life, aside from merely prejudice toward gay men?
entertaining its audience. The popularity of BL 2. What are the participants’ past behavior toward gay
men, prior to BL series exposure?

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

3. What factors in BL series have influenced the deeds are disgusting.)

participants’ views on gay men?
4. How did the participants’ shift in homophobic Homophobia and its Manifestations
beliefs impact their lives?
5. What are the participants’ realizations? Historians emphasized that sexual or gender binary
emerged in the 19th century, po sition ing
heterosexuality as accepted, natural, and desirable in
Literature Review the society, in contrast with homosexuality, which was
regarded as immoral and out of the natural. The
society expects heterosexuality as compulsory, and it
Lived Experiences of Homophobic Individuals is reflected in the clinical, social, and religious
definitions of homosexuality in which it is defined as
“Being gay was never right,” Karim Jovian, an cursed, perverted, evil, sexually obsessed, and even
American YouTuber once said in his middle school mentally and physically ill (O’Brien, 2001).
years — the time when he asserted himself to be
homophobic. This line probably unveils one of the The negative emotions and attitudes towards
firm ideals of a homophobic individual. Jovian homosexuality have been investigated as forms of both
declared in his account that whenever he sees violence sexual and cultural prejudice (Bernardo, 2013).
against gay men, he never helped. He also believed Lesbians and gay men are mostly the object of such
that having feelings for the same sex is bad and weird. hate and cultural fear because homosexuality does not
Further, he shared that there was an instance when conform to the society’s expectations of gender and of
while he hung out with his close male friend, he heterosexuality (O’Brien, 2001).
became aggressive because of his friend touching and
complimenting him while playing (Storybooth, 2016). According to Funk and Wagnalls (2018), this form of
sexual prejudice towards gay men and lesbians have
Another man named Daniel is another self-confessed been referred to as homophobia, a term that has been
homophobic individual for five years now. In his often used to describe negative attitudes and emotions
experience, he could not drive a car because a gear towards homosexuality or people who are considered
stick looks like a male genital. Even a broomstick is or assumed to be gay. Furthermore, homophobia can
something he could not bring himself to use for the also be a kind of fear of being in contact with a
same reason. Using the stairs also became his concern homosexual (Funk & Wagnalls, 2018).
as he thought that if he used it, a man might be looking
at his buttocks. In line with this, he never picked up In being characterized as having homophobia,
the things he had dropped. In some way, he thought homophobic individuals manifest their homophobic
that bending over could make a person develop a behavior in ways that are lawfully restricted
fantasy about him. He neither used a spoon nor a fork (Anderson, 2016). Expressions of homophobia are
with the thought that using them was like inserting either explicit or implicit.
something in his mouth, an act that he finds
particularly gay (Miller, 2016). Explicit attitudes are feelings and emotions that are
reflected on one’s behavior at the conscious level.
In 2018, a social experiment was conducted by These attitudes have more intense influence on one’s
HumanMeter in the Philippines to test the reactions of decisions and behavior, and such behaviors are
people toward gay couples. In the experiment, two manifested with intent and are clearly stated and
men acted as a gay couple who exposed themselves in expressed (Kimuyu, 2018). The explicit manifestations
a public place. A homophobic man has been eyeing the of homophobic behavior involves all, but are not
two actors for quite a long time, and not long after limited to, bullying, verbal assaults and derisive
confronted them, and said: joking, sexual harassment, damage to property,
negative stereotypical media representations,
“Kayo dapat ang sinusunog sa impiyerno. Buhay pa discrimination in employment, education, housing,
kayo, dapat sinusunog na eh.” (Guys like you should medical research and legal defense, physical attack and
be burned in hell. You should be burned alive.) violence and tacit approval of gay bashing or name-
calling (Anderson, 2016; O’Brien, 2001).
“Dapat nahuhuli kayo eh.” (You should be caught
and put in jail.) On the other hand, implicit attitudes occur without
“Para kayong tanga.” (You appear/act stupid.) conscious awareness. Typically, due to lack of
“Nakakasuka mga pinang-gagagawa niyo.” (Your conscious access, these attitudes are expressed

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

involuntarily. Implicit attitudes might result in onto their children, thus, raising them as homophobic
behaviors that an individual may not be aware of, individuals too (Perry, n.d.; What is Homophobia,
behaviors that cannot be observed directly such as n.d.).
cognitive processes and emotional reaction (Kimuyu,
2018). Homophobic behavior can be derived from the Aside from heterosexism and society, gender conflict
cognitive and affective aspect of a homophobic in some cases is also one main reason for the
individual and can be manifested implicitly. Such occurrence of homophobia. Gender conflict allows the
behavior can manifest because of the homophobic development of homophobia which further leads to
anger which demonstrates anger, disgust, and discrimination and emotional abuse toward
contempt that one feels toward a homosexual. homosexual individuals. Gender conflicts emerge due
Statements such as, “I suppose homosexuals should to an individual’s own gender identity struggles which
have equal rights, but I’m just not comfortable being results in experiences of consistent anxiety. In this
around them,” “When I think about two men holding sense, homophobia is used as a defense mechanism in
hands in public, it makes me sick,” represent affective the form of reaction formation, which causes an
reactions of homophobic individuals. Aside from individual to feel uneasy around homosexuals as a
homophobic anger, affective reactions may also come result of their unresolved gender conflicts (Cuncic,
from homophobic guilt which demonstrates shame and 2021; Perry, n.d.).
guilt. Such emotions were explicitly manifested as
discomfort around homosexual individuals as it may Religion is also emphasized as one of the leading roots
come from one’s repressed feelings (Ernulf & Innala, of homophobia occurrence (Adamczyk & Pitt, 2009;
1987). Cuncic, 2021; Madžarević & Soto-Sanfiel, 2018a;
Madzˇarevic´ & Soto-Sanfiel, 2018b). It is said that
Roots of Homophobia certain religions view homosexuality as a sin. In the
study of Reyes (2019), the Philippines, as a collectivist
The occurrence of homophobia originated from country, holds a strong value on religion where the
heterosexism, society, and gender conflicts. majority are Catholics, and it was reported that the
Heterosexism is the belief that the only normal, higher a person holds religious values and traditional
legitimate, and acceptable sexual experience is the beliefs about gender roles, the higher a person holds a
heterosexual construct. In addition, it refers to the view negative perspective on homosexuality. In addition,
that male-female union is normal and desirable, and the homophobic attitudes of Filipinos toward gay men
anything else that contradicts it is seen as inappropriate are not brought about by intergroup beliefs associated
and unacceptable. Given that it is human nature to be with group dominance-motive, or the desire to
socially accepted, thus, one goes along with beliefs maintain the subordinate status of sexual minorities,
and views that are perceived as acceptable. This and of high social regard; rather, it has been reported
resulted in people lacking understanding of that the sexual prejudice toward gay men in the
homosexual individuals which further leads to the Philippines is rooted in the lack of appreciation for
occurrence of homophobic attitudes (Perry, n.d.). openness to alternative value systems, given that the
Filipinos have been firm in their normative belief
Another reason for the emergence of homophobia is systems (Bernardo, 2013).
the influence of society. One’s environment plays a
vital role in influencing an individual’s perception of Also, it was stated by Kwak et al., (2009) that low self-
homosexuality, homosexuals, and the manner of their esteem may be associated with having homophobia as
interaction with them. Social class has its hold in the according to studies, low self-esteem manifests by
occurrence of homophobia wherein individuals of having less empathy towards others.
lower classes and having lower educational Another study by Hidalgo and Mellado (2019)
attainments are more likely to be homophobic than suggests that homophobia is highly associated with
people who have higher education and belonging in gender and age.
higher social classes because they lack knowledge of
homosexuality (Hidalgo & Mellado, 2019; Perry, n.d.). Homophobia on the Basis of Gender and Age

Along with the influence of society, familial — Researches show that men are more likely to be
especially parental — teachings are also vital in homophobic than females (Adamczyk & Pitt, 2009;
developing either positive or negative attitudes Kwak et al., 2009). The view on gender norms greatly
towards homosexuality among children. If parents are impacts men’s perceptions of masculinity, including
homophobic, they are more likely to instill their views how a man should look and act. Men are also more

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

likely to live by the belief of heterosexism, which of media as a medium to reduce homophobia, finding
leads them to display homophobic attitudes toward suggests that having a homosexual family member
homosexuals (Perry, n.d.). Stein (1999) argues, “The results to lower rates of homophobic attitudes (Kwak,
fear of being perceived as homosexual compels men to et. al., 2009). In relation to this finding, in the study of
enforce standards of appropriate masculine behavior Madzˇarevic´ and Soto-Sanfiel (2018a), participants
that reinforces competition between men, distances who have gay friends and are in contact with gay
men from each other, and maintains derogatory views people were found less homophobic. Such finding was
of women” (p.39). Most men who are heterosexual are also presented in another study of the same authors in
influenced by gender norms and heterosexism which the same year, relating homophobia to film
arises from society. To ensure that they are not appreciation (Madzˇarevic´ & Soto-Sanfiel, 2018b).
perceived as part of the LGBT community, they try Also, another factor that could affect the reduction of
their best to flaunt their masculinity, and stay away homophobia is associated with the educational
from what and who are perceived as gay. attainment of an individual (Adamczyk & Pitt, 2009).
In line with the findings of Adamczyk and Pitt (2009),
In addition, it was reported that homophobia reaches self-expressive values can lessen homophobia more
its extremes during the transition from adolescence to than having survival values aligned with one’s cultural
adulthood. Therefore, this implies that young adults orientation.
possess high levels of prejudicial attitudes toward
homosexuality (Hooghe & Meeusen, 2012; Role of Positive Media Representations on the
Madžarević & Soto-Sanfiel, 2018b). As per the Decline in Homophobic Attitudes
synthesis of Teipe (n.d.), individuals who are
considered as young adults aged 18 to 24 years old. Madžarević and Soto-Sanfiel (2018a) conducted a
Studies on adolescent homophobia always start with study using one film entitled The Parade to explore
the presumption that this mentality will persist into how media narratives can affect and reduce the
adulthood. It has been concluded that individuals with homophobia that the participants hold. Both the
elevated levels of homophobia during adolescence are experimental and the control group were subjected to a
more likely to become much more radical in their pretest and a post-test to measure the level of
attitudes as they enter young adulthood (Hooghe & homophobia they have through a homophobia scale
Meeusen, 2012). within a 30-day gap. However, the experimental
group, before answering the post-test, were made to
Effects of Homophobia watch the film The Parade that positively portrayed
gay men. Results showed that there was a favorable
On the other hand, it is relevant to note that prejudicial decline in the experimental group compared to the
attitude does not only leave an impact on the victim, control group implying that one film is enough to
but also on the one who holds it. It is important for cause decline in one’s homophobic attitudes. In line
homophobic individuals to be freed from their with the previous result, in another study conducted by
homophobic attitudes for these could have negative Madžarević and Soto-Sanfiel in Europe (2018b), the
effects on some aspects of their lives and on the same results have manifested that exposure to gay
community in general. It is said that people with movies builds up positive attitudes toward gay people
prejudicial attitudes keep themselves from learning and lessens homosexual prejudice. Other studies also
and growing. In this sense, their self-growth isn’t only emphasized how positive attitudes toward
affected, but also the growth of their culture and the homosexuality could be generated from high levels of
society they live in (Couillard, 2013). Also, aside from positive exposure to homosexual content and how
its effect on their self-growth, having prejudicial frequent a person watches (Gonta et al., 2017; What is
attitudes negatively affects one’s physical, Homophobia, n.d.; Serpen et al., 2016; Schiappa &
psychological, psychiatric, social, and mental well- Hewes, 2006).
being for homophobia enhances a number of risk
factors associated with such (Seitz, 2011; Wagner, Learning Theories on the Decline in Homophobic
1977). Attitudes

Homophobia Attitude Reduction As this research study focuses solely on how the BL
series changed the way self-confessed homophobic
The internet has a great power and such gay rights young adults view homosexuality, there are two
movement can contribute to the decline of theories on how media influences the viewers leading
homophobia (McCormack, 2012). Aside from the use to changes in behavior.

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

First is the cultivation theory. This suggests that have its own BL series is the popularity of Thailand’s
frequent exposure to a medium can have significant BL series. Such popularity is evident as the favorite
effects such as change in attitude and behavior on a Thailand BL series trends on the twitter platform every
viewer. The viewer perceives real life then in the lens time there is an update on the particular series being
of how the media presents certain situations. In this anticipated (Vercide, 2020). The companies which
case, positive portrayals of homosexuality can affect popularized the BL series are the Grammy Television
one’s thinking and behavior because of its repetitive (GMMTV) and Line TV. The first produces TV series
nature. and other programs while the second provides global
streaming service. Both companies paved the way for
The second is the framing theory. In this theory, the BL series to be known. Thirty-three BL series were
information that is highlighted by the media regarding broadcast under LINE TV, and from 2016 to 2020,
homosexuality affects how homosexuals are viewed in GMMTV continuously aired BL series (Kho Lim,
real life. Framing them positively can encourage 2020).
viewers in ways that could lead to the greater good and
acceptance of homosexuals (Gonta et al., 2017). There is a curiosity as to how influential the sudden
popularity of male homosexual series or also known as
Boys’ Love Series Boy’s Love (BL) Series on self-confessed homophobic
young adults is given that casual viewers believed that
The umbrella term “Boys’ Love'' originally came from the BL series leaves an impact on homosexual
Japan’s specific media namely anime and manga. Such prejudice toward gay men. According to Competente
a term portrays a romantic theme of two men in an (2020), Philippine media, as well, ordinarily presents
intimate relationship (Zsila & Demetrovics, 2017). As heterosexual contents, and BL series, like “2gether the
cited by Zsila and Demetrovics (2017), BL stories Series”, alters the status quo regarding contents that
were specifically written under the genre shōjo manga emphasize heterosexual stories. Such a show became
which aimed to attract young women audience in the an eye-opener to heterosexuals, paving its way for the
1970s (McLelland & Welker, 2015). However, as BL
acceptance and understanding of homosexuality that
series gained popularity, other countries such as
exists in society. Also, several social media posts have
Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian
shown the foreseeable impact of BL series on people’s
countries, according to Fujimoto (2020), took a
views toward homosexuality, such as:
different direction, highlighting the nuances of the
social situations in which LGBTQIA+ people find “I honestly think BL is important in making this [gay
acceptance] happen. When I was kid, I thought you
Ambulo and Batin (2016) grasped the idea from could get AIDS from kissing another boy. Sex Ed. was
previous studies that the BL genre presents a wider not great. 15 years ago, my brother said he was a
scope of concepts regarding romantic relationships to homophobe. Now he goes to gay bars and watches
its heterosexual viewers. Therefore, it also allows the ‘Drag Race.’ Representation matters.” (Robespierre,
audience to explore the less heteronormative norms 2020)
that do not conform with the socially-set standards
wherein one sex must be dominant over the other. “BL (Yaoi) is capable of decreasing homophobia...”
(Origami, 2012)
It has been argued that by sensitively portraying the
diversity of human relationships, BL works are now “I hope PH BL creators will first focus more on the
breaking social expectations, traditional wisdom, and love story, saka nalang yang mga sex scene. Sana
misconceptions. Realistic BL also bridged the gap target muna nila is to change the views of Filipinos
between fiction and reality, and with changes afoot in
about gays especially gay couple. I want them to be
Thailand and Taiwan, BL depicting everyday life may
medium to lessen homophobia in this country.” (I hope
inadvertently enter people's consciousness, ushering in
PH BL creators will first focus more on the love story,
a new age (Yukari, 2020).
rather than the sex scene. I hope their target priority is
Diversity of Boys’ Love Series and its Effects to change the views of Filipinos about gays especially
gay couple. I want them to be a medium to lessen
Filipinos are endlessly curious. Any new thing that homophobia in this country.) (Cheonsanani, 2020)
happens they want to know and experience first hand.
Such curiosity did not let the popularity of the BL It is believed that BL series are welcomed by Filipinos.
series pass. What paved the way for the Philippines to However, little research has been done in exploring its

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

impact on the lives of self-confessed Filipino became a firm label or a stereotype for gay life (Rudy,
homophobic young adults. Therefore, this study 2016).
intends to fill the gaps regarding the scarce evidence of
the presented matter. Therefore, BL series with such explicit contents that
are believed to be sexually gratifying are not
In spite of the fact that BL portrays a romantic genre, considered in this study for such representations might
and romance commonly involves a combination of elicit an exclusive and distorted view of what
emotional, passionate, and sexual interactions, this homosexuality actually is, which would probably
study intends to only acknowledge non-restricted BL affect the study’s findings.
series as sources to which participants are exposed.
Non-restricted BL series are those without nudity and BLief Shift
explicit sexual content as its main focus. Restricted
Category or what the Thailand Movie Rating System The phrase "BLief Shift" written at the beginning of
classified as Hard NC-17 is a motion picture rating this study’s title signifies the drastic change motivated
which is described as prohibitive. It is exclusively for by BL series regarding the sexual prejudice that the
older audiences and is legally restricted compared to self-confessed homophobic young adults hold. The
other ratings. Selling the mentioned Hard NC-17 term “BLief” represents the accustomed views of
products to underaged audiences, as specified on the homophobic young adults regarding homosexuality;
rating description, is considered illegal. In a cinema, the first two letters “BL” were capitalized to give
they may have to ask for proof of their age to be emphasis and associate the phrase to the series. The
admitted to an age-restricted motion picture (Thailand term “Shift” represents the change that takes place in
Movie Rating System, 2021). society’s regard for gay individuals or the community
in general. The shift in belief exemplifies a
Having been exposed to sexual content influences the phenomenon. In this sense, the shift in belief is
attitude of the viewers in a way that such contents have associated with how a homophobic young adult’s firm
the capability to instill in their minds that those view and perspective toward homosexuality could
provided representations are realistically applied in meet an utmost change among viewers due to exposure
real life. It is important that the audience is not being from BL series.
misled on what the actual nature of homosexuality is.
Thus, media representations should be more carefully
constructed in terms of portraying the lives of
homosexuals for these contents have definitely become
sources for research to understand the lives of This qualitative study utilized an interpretative
homosexuals. This is what Nopparat, a Thai BL phenomenological analysis (IPA). It is participant-
producer, is trying to inject into every BL series he oriented; it uses philosophical approaches in
produces. The vast popularity and acceptance of Thai interpretation; and it values the subjective and distinct
BL binds the prerogative to express one’s gender experience of the participant (Smith & Osborn, 2015).
orientation in Thailand. This expression and The research design in this study enabled the
acceptance should be rooted in the realistic lives of researchers to delve in detail on how self-confessed
homosexuals (Koaysomboon, 2020). homophobic young adults assign meanings into their
personal experiences.
However, it is evident that most homosexual films
portray erotic scenes in gay life and that gay characters The utilization of an IPA approach in this research
are being presented as people who always desire sex. study allowed the researchers to explore the lived
Moreover, gay people are pictured as flirtatious, sexy, experiences of self-confessed homophobic young
naughty, people who have no hope and no future, and adults with an idiographic focus wherein they were
rejected by society — which is not necessarily the able to emphasize their own unique personal
focus of homosexual life. As a result, whenever people experience — that of being a previously homophobic
hear the word ‘gay’, they tend to visualize negative individuals who have met a dramatic decline in same
images about it. Some would say that it is identical to homophobic attitude after their exposure to BL series.
porn films; some believe that gay scenes frequently Through IPA, the participants were able to impart their
expose something immoral such as nudity, own insights, understanding, and perceptions about the
promiscuity, orgies, etc. Such representations give the shift in their homophobic beliefs subsequent to BL
audience, and the society at large, a perception that series exposure, and how they created a clear,
homosexuals are promiscuous which apparently significant meaning out of such a novel phenomenon.

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Participants participant and is divided into two sections. The first

section includes the questions for obtaining
Ten (10) participants were recruited from various demographic information from the participants, such
municipalities and cities in Pampanga. These as their personal information which involves age,
participants were purposively selected, meeting the religion, and the titles of BL series watched; their
below-mentioned criteria. In the recruitment process, educational background which includes the school
the researchers first got a hold of the potential attended or currently enrolled in and year level or
participants whom they assume to possibly have educational attainment; and lastly, their family
certain characteristics aligned with the criteria for background which involves their living arrangement.
recruitment. The first potential participants were The second section elicited information regarding the
further asked if they knew and could recommend participant’s own understanding of homophobia, their
certain people with the same characteristics. The self-confession of holding it, and whether they have
researchers also communicated with BL groups’ been exposed to BL series.
administrators on various social media platforms,
specifically Twitter and Facebook, to acquire potential Also, the second section aimed to enumerate the
participants. Subsequently, when the potential completed BL series viewed by the participants and if
participants had been identified, a short conversation such series played the initial role in their homophobic
was done via Messenger to verify if they really display decline. The survey form was utilized as a screening
the characteristics presented in the criteria for instrument and was virtually accomplished by the
recruitment. Afterwards, the survey form or robotfoto prospective participants.
was disseminated as an initial screening. Further
verification was done by utilizing the other screening After choosing the potential qualified participants
tools, namely, the Homophobic Attitude Checklist and using the survey instrument, the qualified participants
the Homophobia Scale to supplementally authenticate were identified using a checklist of both explicit and
the claimed characteristics that the potential implicit homophobic attitudes. Some of the items that
participants have. After the qualified participants were characterize explicit attitude are, “I used to harm gay
finally identified, the researchers asked for their men physically (e.g. hitting, kicking, tripping,
consent to officially participate by providing them pinching, and pushing),” and “I used to stare at gay
with an informed consent form for them to men with insulting expression”. For implicit attitude,
accomplish. on the other hand, some items are, “I used to feel
disgust whenever I see gay men and gay couples,” and
To take part in this research study, the following are
“I used to feel discomfort around gay men”. The
the inclusion criteria: (a) heterosexual male prior to
participants were instructed to answer the checklist on
exposure to BL series; (b) young adult (18 to 24 years
the basis of their previous homophobic attitude
old); (c) a self-confessed homophobic young adult
engagement. The purpose of the checklist was to
prior to BL series exposure; (d) has reported engaging
verify the experienced homophobia of the participants
in at least one (1) explicit and/or implicit homophobic
before their exposure to BL series. The checklist was
behavior before as measured on the Homophobic
subjected for content validation before utilization.
Attitude Checklist; (e) has scored 0-50 on the
Homophobia Scale; and (f) repeatedly viewed one (1) A Homophobia Scale (HS) was also used as a
or viewed two (2) or more positively-represented, non- screening tool for the identification of the qualified
restricted Thai-BL series. Potential participants with
participants. This self-reporting tool was developed by
debilitating medical conditions as they themselves
Lester W. Wright Jr., Henry E. Adams, and Jeffrey
voluntarily revealed were excluded from this research.
Bernat and it consists of 25 statements which the
participants are subjected to answer on a 5-point Likert
Instruments of the Study
scale from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).
The researchers employed a two-phased instrument to HS is divided into three (3) subscales such as
relive the experiences of self-confessed homophobic Behavior/Negative Affect (B/NA) with 10 items,
young adults exposed to BL series. Affect/Behavioral Aggression (A/BA) with another 10
items, and Cognitive Negativism (CN) that consists of
For the initial phase, the screening tool, survey 5 items. Some examples per subscales are: “Gay
instrument via google form that was initially people make me nervous.” (B/NA); “I tease and make
accomplished by the participants served as the jokes about gay people.” (A/BA); and lastly,
robotfoto to establish the characteristics of each “Homosexuality is acceptable to me.” (CN)

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

In scoring the HS, two procedures were performed. Afterwards, the participants were also asked to share a
First, reverse score items 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, brief summary of two BL series of their choice. This
17, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 25. The remaining items left was done to make the participants feel more at ease
unmentioned were not to be scored reversely. Reverse throughout the interview. After the sharing, the
scoring is done by running numerical scoring scales in contents of the informed consent form were discussed
the opposite direction. Thus, in HS, “strongly agree” and explained by the interviewer. This is to settle
with a corresponding value of 1 in the scale would be inquiries, and clarifications from the participants’ end.
scored as 5, and “strongly disagree” with a In general, the orientation served as a means to build
corresponding value of 5 on the scale becomes 1. good rapport between the interviewer and the
When the equivalent scores of each item are participant. After the orientation, one-on-one
determined, the second step is to add the scores on the interviews were conducted virtually at the convenience
items 1-25, then subtract 25 to calculate for the total of the participants. The entire interview session was
HS score. The scores to be computed range from 0 to recorded for transcription. The interviews were
100 which indicate 0 as the least homophobic and 100 transcribed and copies were sent to the participants for
as the most homophobic. To interpret more accurately, verification of their responses. Afterwards, a
a score of 0-25 indicates high-grade nonhomophobia, kamustahan was facilitated as a culminating activity to
26-50 is low-grade nonhomophobia, while 51-75 is assess the conditions of the participants after sharing
interpreted as low-grade homophobia, and 76-100 is their experiences. The researchers employed the basic
high-grade homophobia. The detailed interpretations principles when it comes to Filipino research as
of the HS scores are based on the study of H.E. Adams recommended by Sikolohiyang Pilipino in which the
(1996) as instructed on the HS’ manual. paramount concern of the researchers is the welfare of
the research participants. The researchers made sure
The concurrent validity of the instrument was that, from time to time, the participants were asked
established through the use of Index of Homophobia. about their condition during the data-gathering
Also, it has a reliability of r = .936 which indicates procedure. As deemed required, referral was to be
good internal consistency (Wright et al., 1999). The done for those with concerns requiring professional
purpose of the HS was to measure an individual’s assistance. Fortunately, participants freely shared their
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding experiences and gave assurance that no uncomfortable
homosexuality. However, its role in this research study feelings arose during and after the interview. After the
was mainly to assess if the participants were certainly data gathering, collected data were prepared for
free from their homophobic attitudes at present. explication. The researchers were also planning to
organize an exclusive webinar for the participants to
The second phase was an interview which aimed to attend which would allow the communication of the
acquire information through the use of guide questions study’s findings. Significantly, the soundness of the
and probing questions as deemed necessary. The guide academic paper was ensured through the utilization of
questions were validated by three (3) professionals in a critical friend technique.
the field of Psychology to ensure their alignment with
the research objectives. Moreover, a pilot study and a Ethical Considerations
cognitive interview were first administered to ensure
that the guide questions were understandable from the The researchers sought guidance and approval from
perspective of the participants before the actual data the Ethics Review Board of the university in
gathering. Lastly, the pilot study and cognitive conducting the research study. The researchers had
interview served as a basis for adjustment and recognized a risk in asking information from the
improvement of instruments and data-gathering participants regarding their self-confessed homophobic
procedures. behavior in a way that it might trigger past experiences
that were sensitive for the participants. In order to
Procedures address this risk, the researchers had conducted a
kamustahan as a culminating activity and, as deemed
An online orientation was facilitated mainly to have an necessary, the researchers referred the participants to a
interactive discussion with the participants regarding guidance counselor. Also, before data gathering, the
their held homophobia in the past. The orientation was researchers first constructed and disseminated a
conducted on the same day as the data gathering, on a bilingual informed consent form to make sure that the
one-on-one basis, prior to the interview proper, participant had enough knowledge about the topic
wherein the interviewer first asked the participants to being studied before declaring voluntary participation.
share their own understanding of homophobia. In this consent form, the participants were informed

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

about the nature of the study, how the information with their family members and relatives, while the
elicited from them will be used, and what remaining one (1) participant lives alone. Further, all
consequences could arise from it. Also explained were the participants viewed at least two BL series with
the rights of the participants to have access to their repetitions. In the screening process done prior to data
own information, to ask for further clarification, and to gathering, the number of engaged explicit and implicit
withdraw from the study at any given time. attitudes were presented. Such engagements, either
Participants who were not able to complete the entire explicitly or implicitly, verify that the participants
process expected of them were removed from the pool engaged in such attitudes. Lastly, all participants
of the participants. This was due to early signs and scored between 0 to 25 in the Homophobia Scale,
symptoms of panic attacks and distress when faced indicating that they are high-grade nonhomophobic in
with a situation where their sources of phobia were the present, meeting the needed criteria to participate
being discussed. Moreover, the researchers assured the in the study.
participants of the confidentiality of the information
gathered and of their anonymity through the use of Sources of Prejudice
code names. Information would only be disclosed with
their permission and would be used only for research Table 1 shows the different sources of the participants’
purposes. Only the researchers were able to transcribe prejudice toward gay men prior to the exposure to BL
audio files and had access to all information gathered series. As revealed by the participants, their
from the participants. The information-containing files homophobia developed from direct and indirect
were secured after the completion of the study in a experiences.
folder that is protected with a password for two years.
Disposal of the files and other information gathered Table 1. Sources of Prejudice
may be done through reformatting a disk where the
folder of those files is contained.


This section presents the findings according to the

study's research questions. To understand the Direct experiences
innermost deliberation of the participants’ personal
lived experience, the study of evidence was performed The responses revealed that the participants developed
in three stages— transcription of recordings; homophobic attitudes from direct experiences. A direct
generation of code themes and subthemes; and expert experience denotes an encounter that is gained first
validation. hand. These experiences are those activities which the
participants have been directly engaged in through
This section contains six tables that summarize the their immediate sensory perception. Such direct
findings of the study. Table 1 to 5 presents the experiences comprise the participants’ experienced
significant information to understand and unveil the sexual assault, salacious act, verbal aggression, and
lived experience of self-confessed homophobic young crime-inducing act from gay men.
adults exposed to BL series.
Sexual assault
Participants’ Demographic Profile
Eight (8) responses revealed that the participants’
All of the participants’ ages are between 18 and 24, experience of sexual assault was the source of their
and are all heterosexual males prior to their exposure homophobia. The sexual assault that the participants
in BL series. Majority of them are Roman Catholics. had experienced from a gay man was in the form of
Among the ten (10) participants, five (5) are college sexual molestation, mere touching, and other perverted
undergraduates (UG), three (3) of them are senior high actions that had caused them to develop discomfort,
school graduates (SHS GRAD), and the remaining two fear, and distrust of gay men which elevated into
(2) are junior high school graduates (JHS GRAD). In homophobia.
terms of their schools attended, six (6) participants
attended public schools, and three (3) attended private “Before, I was...I experienced this kind of thing na
schools, while one (1) participant attended both public
and private schools. Nine (9) participants are living

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

kung saan, alam mo yon? May overnight like that, and LGBT group living near my Uncle’s place, you know,
may mga kasama noon kasi hindi na ako he was fond of simple touching which at that time was
comfortable with them e. May isang incident na kung a big deal for me; I was only a child then and so it
saan nagbago na ang tingin ko sa kanila (gay)...may developed a phobia in me.] (P8)
incident na nangyari noon na nagpabago talaga ng
pananaw sa mga ano…and syempre natakot na Salacious act
rin…ano siya e....medyo private.” [Before, I was...I
Aside from the participants’ experience of sexual
experienced this kind of thing wherein, you know? We
assault, five (5) responses also reported that one source
had an overnight stay somewhere, and we were
of their homophobic attitude was their encounter of a
with…like even before, I wasn’t comfortable with
salacious act from a gay. Such salacious acts, as
them. There was an incident that changed my views of
revealed in the two (2) responses, include the
them (gay) incident happened which really participants’ direct encounters with gays being
changed my perception of them…and of course, I also malicious through acting amorous, perverted, and
felt scared…it was a…quite private.] (P1) maniac-like which they found inappropriate and very
unmannerly. In addition to gays being malicious, two
“‘Yung parang nababastusan ako sa mga ginagawa (2) responses revealed that gays offering indecent
nila. Parang ganon. ‘Yung ano, parang…bigla nalang proposals either personally or online was also a factor
silang…ahh...mang-hihipo.” [I find their actions in the development of their homophobic attitude. Such
malicious, if not perverted. They can’t keep their indecent proposals were offered by gays for their own
hands to themselves.] (P2) satisfaction that is sexual in nature, which the
“Actually, group kami ng magpipinsan from mother participants found apparently displeasing.
side. Nagano kami, nag...uminom kami. And syempre,
we got wasted. Tapos iyon, nung ano na lahat...may “Siguro sa mga actions na din. Like, may mga
isa isa amin, ininvite nila actually kasi ka-close nila. ibang...may mga ibang gays kasi na yung sa utak nila
Tapos ako yung katabi non sa higaan. Tapos napansin laging mga private like that. Yung tingin pa lang nila
ko nalang na yung shorts ko is nakababa na.” sa’yo like parang gusto kanilang kainin like that...yung
[Actually, we were a group of cousins from my parang ganon.” [Perhaps because of their actions as
mother’s side. We had…we drank. And of course, we well. Like, there are gays who always have private
got wasted. Then, when everyone was already things going on in their minds. The way they look at
wasted…one of us invited [a gay person], someone you, it seems like they want to eat you.] (P1)
close to them. It so happened that I had unintentionally “...they are all manyakis and manghihipo.” [They are
slept beside him (the gay person) and at some point, I all maniacs in my eyes…] (P8)
woke up and found that my shorts had been pulled
down.] (P3) “Ano, dagdag ko lang. Kasama din ‘yung
pag…parang nambubwiset sila, parang ganon. Yung
“Sa group of friend na parang inuman, tapos may ‘Kuya, kuya, 150!’ parang ganon. Uso na kasi dati
ininvite silang ganon. Yung nanghahawak na parang ‘yun e.” [If I may just add. They tease, such as ‘Kuya,
ganon, parang out of the limits na ganon.” [When kuya, 150!’ That (the teasing offer) was already a fad
drinking with a group of friends, they invited someone even before.] (P2)
who was gay and who overstepped the boundaries “Mayroong nagchachat about, ‘yon nga. Gusto nila
because he was being touchy feely with us.] (P7) ng ganito, ganyan. Pagbibigyan daw.” [There are gay
“Actually noong ano…ah…para din akong kagaya ng who send chats online saying that they want this, and
iba na…wala pa akong…wala pa talaga akong that, requesting that it be granted.] (P3)
muwang ayun, uhm…kasi ‘yung banda sa tito ko uhm
Verbal aggression
‘yung LGBT ganoon, alam mo ‘yong simpleng hipo
ganoon, nagiging big deal. Simpleng paghawak sa iyo
Four (4) responses revealed that a direct experience
ganoon. Ganoon ‘yung nangyari kase e nung bata pa
that the participants had encountered was in the form
ko, kaya ayun. Parang e ano… noong bata pa ako, of a verbal aggression, in which the three participants
mga grade three na noon ako, kaya ayun, may time na- reported that they experienced overhearing words that
develop, na-develop.” [Actually before…ah…it seemed to talk about them and found their manner of
seemed like I was similar to everyone else…I was still speaking as offensive, at times. This experience,
innocent and inexperienced that time. A member of the according to them, led to the development of their

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

homophobic attitude towards gay that is bounded by nalang po kami. Dahil po dun parang nagka trauma
their feeling of being insulted and offended. ako. Yung parang pong...gusto nila kaming habulin,
parang kikidnapin po ganon, di naman po pero parang
“Pero minsan kasi alam ko na sa akin pinaparinggan, gustong molestiyahin ganon.” [Ahh…one day, I was
or, alam mo iyon? May mga instinct kasi tayo, may walking with my brother on the street…there was a
mga feeling kasi tayo na alam mo sa sarili mo na ikaw group of LGBT gay people. They teased us, as if they
yung pinagparinggan like that.” [But sometimes I wanted to do something to us, then we just ran to
know, we get the feeling that when they say something escape from them. Because of that, it seemed like I
it is somehow directed at us, to try to catch our experienced trauma. Because it seemed to me like they
attention. Our instinct tells us that is what they are wanted to chase us, to kidnap us…to molest us like
doing.] (P1) that.] (P6)

“May mga katangian kasi ‘yung mga gays. Like ‘yung “Nag start iyon kasi yung kasambahay naman dati,
pagsasalita nila sobrang diretso. ‘Yung kumbaga which is gay, nagnakaw siya sa amin ng pera ang ng
nakaka-insult, nakakaoffend? ...Masyadong malakas mga gamit. Tapos doon parang nag start na
‘yung spirit nila to talk, to share ‘yung thoughts nila. magkaroon ako ng trust issues sa mga iyon nga, gay
Kaya minsan nakakainsulto ‘yung mga sinasabi nila.” persons.” [It started when our gay house helper stole
[Gays have this characteristic of being straightforward some money and other items from us. That’s when I
when they speak. That is insulting, and offending. began to have trust issues in gay persons.] (P3)
They have a strong tendency to talk directly, and to
share their thoughts. That’s why, at times, I find what Indirect experiences
they are saying is insulting.] (P1)
Aside from the participants' direct experiences,
Crime-inducing act experiences that are indirect were also sources of the
participants’ homophobia as the responses have
Moreover, three (3) responses reported that the revealed. An indirect experience is an encounter that is
participants’ direct encounter with a crime-inducting gained by the participants through the experiences of
act from gay men became a source of their others and through their channeled exposure from
homophobia. Such crime-inducing acts include an influential information. Such indirect experiences
aggressive traumatic experience that they received include the imposed perceptions and beliefs of the
from gay men in the form of teasing and aggressive significant people in the participants’ lives, the views
chasing which had caused them to develop of their community and culture, as well as the
homophobia that is bounded by fear and distrust. influences of media to which a participant was
Aside from an aggressive traumatic experience, one exposed.
(1) response revealed that an experience of theft
became the source of his homophobia. In this Perception of significant people
encounter, he experienced being thieved by their gay
house helper which made him lose his trust in gay men Eight (8) responses claimed that the perceptions of the
that eventually led to his prejudice toward them. significant people in the participants’ lives had shaped
their prejudicial beliefs toward gay men. These
“Naglalaro po ako sa labas, kasama ko po iyong mga significant people include the participants’ family,
kalaro ko. Sa labas mga kapitbahay po, tapos bigla relatives, peers, and acquaintances. As they revealed,
pong may ano? May dumaan po na bakla po ganoon, such perceptions of their family and relatives about
tapos bigla nalang po kaming hinabol.” [My gay men were imposed on them including statements
on how heterosexual relationships are the only
playmates and I were playing outdoors. Then,
acceptable ones, and that gay men might do something
suddenly there was…a gay guy appeared to be passing
harmful to people. Further, responses also revealed
by and then he suddenly just went chasing us.] (P5)
that the views of their peers and acquaintances — their
mocking, beliefs, and judgment about gay men —
“Ahh...ayun po kasi ma’am one day naglalakad kami
were also imposed on them and thus, had shaped their
ni kuya ko sa daan then...ayun po may mga grupo po homophobic attitude.
ng mga LGBT po na gay. Ano po hmm parang pinag
tripan po nila kami, yung parang may gusto silang “Tapos yun po sinabihan po akong [ng parents ko na]
gawin na something ganon, tapos po kami po tumakbo huwag lalapit sa kanila baka anong gawin sa akin.

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Tapos yun po simula po non, doon po nag-start na men and the value of not being open to same sex
hindi na po ako lumapit sa kanila...” [My parents told relationships.
me not to get near gay people for they might do
something to me. Since then, I started to avoid being “So, ‘yun. Ahh...parang na-a-adapt ko yung
near them.] (P5) environment namin, dito sa lugar namin. Kasi mostly,
yung mga tao dito sa amin ano e…parang hate talaga
“I don’t want to blame it pero parang…sa father side nila yung mga ganon (refers to gay men).” [And of
kasi hindi open yung pagdating sa ganyan kaya ayun course, I adopted their opinions and that kind of
hanggang sa na develop…parang na tanim na tapos environment, because most of the people in our place
umusbong na ganon dapat, hindi ka dapat really hate those kinds of people.] (P2)
makihalubilo na baka may gawin sayo ganun, lumaki “...culture shock kasi hindi naman po kami.” [I got
kang ganun.” [I don’t want to blame them, but my culture-shocked, because we are not accustomed to
relatives from my father’s side are not open to that seeing same-sex partners here in the Philippines.] (P3)
(homosexuality), that’s why it (homophobia) “...dahil sa environmental na nakapaligid sakin,
developed in me. That’s what has been instilled in me like…kasi diba hmm alam naman natin yung mga
until it further developed. I was told not to socialize pilipino is hindi ganun ka welcome sa…mga same sex
with them because they might do something to me, or relationship, so parang insult lagi kapag…gay ganyan
you might grow up that way [like them].] (P8) bakla so parang dahil sa environment na kinalakihan
ko ganun, parang nakuha ko rin and…parang na
“I grew up sa family talaga na ano…religious. Yes, at
understand ko na kapag bakla is insult yun.” [Because
the same time hmm yung naging mindset ko talaga
of the environment where I lived…we all know that
is...boy is for girl and girl is only for boy. Yung
Filipinos do not welcome the idea of same-sex
ganong mindset kasi hmm naitatak talaga sakin.” [I
relationships. Hence, it seems like being gay is an
grew up in a really religious family. At the same time,
insult. So, due to the environment where I was raised, I
I always had this mindset that a boy is for a girl, and a
understood and adopted the belief that being gay is an
girl is only for a boy. This mindset is what has been
insult.] (P9)
actually instilled in me.] (P10)
“...dahil din siguro sa mga influence ng mga kaibigan Malicious portrayal of media
ko kaya ko parang na hate yung mga ganon (refers to
gay people)” [Perhaps, I was also influenced by my One (1) response reported that the participant’s
friends to hate gay people.] (P2) exposure to malicious portrayals of gay people on
“...iba ko ring nakilalang homophobic dati gan’on din, television and other media platforms influenced the
so lalo akong na pu-push na...hindi sila magustuhan.” development of his prejudice toward gay men.
[My homophobic acquaintances also pushed me to not Malicious portrayals involve media and television’s
like gay people.] (P4) presentation of gay men as having intentions of doing
harm to others.
“May sinasabi po yung mga kasama ko before na
ganon nga po. Baka may gawin sila sa atin ganon, “'s more on na exposed ako sa mga television…and
huwag mo silang lalapitan...” [My acquaintances were syempre pag television malaki ang influenced
telling me before that gay people might do something niyan…ng technology, ng mga napapanood natin
to us, and warned me not to get near them…] (P5) time talaga may napanood ako nun na ganun
yung naging set up…ng abusement ng mga iba…na
View of the community and culture hmm meron silang other intentions or sa mga friends
nila, or even sa mga katrabaho nila…minsan nga
Another indirect experience that caused the hindi pa natin maiwasan na sa family ganun…and
participants’ homophobia development was revealed until now naman sa mga napapanood ko merong
by four (4) responses. This involved the views held by
ganun kung alam niyo rin yung mga hmm palabas sa
the community and conventions dictated by culture.
ABS and sa GMA which is yung Ipaglaban Mo…yan
The participants reported that the influence of the
Filipino culture and the general views/beliefs held by merong mga stories na ganun kasi, na e-encounter ko
the community where they lived have influenced how parin yun...” [It’s more on because I was exposed to
they perceive gays, homosexuality, and same-sex television…and of course, television, technology, and
relationships. Such views include hate towards gay the contents I’ve watched from them have huge

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

influences. There was a time when I watched a “...[naiisip ko na] parang gusto po nilang...parang
program with that kind of set-up…abuse from some gustong kidnapin ganon. Tapos yung parang gusto ka
(gay)...they have other intentions toward their friends, po nilang saktan ganon.” “...pag nakita ko sila
and even their co-workers. Sometimes, it also cannot parang...always na [naiisip ko na] bad yung gagawin
be avoided in the family…and up until now, those parang momolestiyahin...parang gusto ka po nilang i-
stories are still evident on programs shown on ABS
rape ganon.” [It seems like they want to kidnap and
and GMA such as in ‘Ipaglaban Mo’…I still encounter
hurt you.] [Whenever I see them, I always think that
those kinds of stories.] (P10)
they would do bad things, such as molest you… as if
Past Behavior Toward Gay Men they wanted to rape you.] (P6)
“...yung sa tingin ko na kapag nakakakita ako ng tulad
Table 2 shows the past behavior of the participants nila, anytime, may gagawin sila sa akin. Baka bigla
toward gay men prior BL series exposure. The hipuan ako ganoon, baka bigla, hablutin ka.”
participants revealed the homophobic covert and overt [Whenever I see people like them, I think that anytime,
behaviors they had engaged in toward gay men. The they would do something to me.] (P8)
occurrence of such covert and overt behaviors were
mainly attributable to unfortunate personal experiences Uncomfortable around gay men
with gay men and the influences of others.
Six (6) responses, on the other hand, pointed out that
Table 2. Past Behavior Toward Gay Men the participants felt uncomfortable around gay men,
especially when they were attempting to get too close
to them. With this uncomfortable feeling, some
participants did not let their guard down and ensured
that they have a companion with them whenever they
dealt with gay men.

“...parang kinakabahan na po ako pag marami sila…”

[I feel nervous when there are so many of them.] (P6)
Covert behaviors “...hindi ako makikipag-usap sa kanila na wala akong
kasama…” [I don’t talk to them alone; I made sure I
The participants’ responses revealed their various
had a companion with me.] (P8)
thoughts and feelings regarding gay men. These
thoughts and feelings are considered to be covert “...kaya hmm dumating na rin sa part ko nun na kahit
behaviors. The thoughts represent the participants’ sa groupings lang or…even nga sa circle of friends e,
viewpoints on how they perceived gay men prior to nagkaroon na rin [ng gay people na kasama] and
their exposure to BL series. Specifically, these nandun pa rin naman ako sa part na…its either
thoughts refer to distrust of gay men, thought of gay kasama ko yung mga boys yan…dun ako sumasama
men as deviants, and thought of committing aggression madalas and syempre may… kasama ko din kasi yung
against gay men. On the other hand, feelings denote pinsan ko which is girl so parang bantay ko din siya
what the participants intuitively felt in the presence of kahit papaano dahil babae siya ganun.” [It came to a
gay men. In detail, these feelings are namely being point that in groupings, or even in a circle of friends
uncomfortable, annoyed, and hateful toward gay men.
where there are gay people, I still made sure I was in
Distrust gay men the company of the boys. I would go with them and
also, I had my girl-cousin with me who could act as
Ten (10) responses disclosed that they had distrustful some sort of a security for me.] (P10)
thoughts about gay men as they found them to be
malicious, amorous, and have aggressive intentions. Thought of gay men as deviants

“Yung thought ko, initial thought, is...they would take Further, three (3) responses indicated that gay men are
advantage of you pag wala ka na sa sarili mo.” [My thought of as deviants in the society. Specifically, they
initial thought is…they would take advantage of you are thought to be plagues and sinners. The occurrence
whenever you are addled.] (P3) of these thoughts was caused by the influence of
significant people and the negative event experienced
in the lives of the participants.

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

“I found them na parang sinners talaga.” [I really had experienced around them.
found them to be akin to being sinners.] (P1)
“Siguro before yung ano yung salot [yung naiisip ko “...parang na-hate yung mga ganon.” [I hated them.]
sa kanila].” [Maybe before, as plagues.] (P9) (P2)
“...yung word na “salot” yung ganung part, yun yung “Parang doon po sa bad experienced ko nagalit ako
sa tin g in ko wo rs t na yun na n a g a wa ko sa kanila.” [Because of my bad experience with them,
[pambubully].” [I regarded them by the term “plague’, I hated them.] (P6)
that, I think, was the worst I’ve done.] (P10)
Overt behaviors
Thought of aggressing gay men
Responses revealed that, prior to BL series exposure,
the participants also engaged in overt behaviors. These
Two (2) responses revealed that there were urges of
behaviors were unfriendly actions committed by the
hurting and beating gay men before due to annoyance,
participants toward gay men. Such actions included
and the bad encounter that the participant experienced
avoiding, discriminating, and verbally insulting gay
from gay men.
men. However, contrary to these overt behaviors,
“Tapos gusto ko lagi silang bugbugin, parang ganon.” participants tried to act civilly despite the prejudices
they held, as there were instances where gay men
“Parang gusto ko na silang saktan.” [I have this urge
could not be completely avoided. Overt behaviors, in
to always beat them.] [I feel like I want to hurt them.]
general, refer to the deeds that were explicitly done by
the participants toward gay men.
Annoyed with gay men Avoided gay men

Another two (2) responses also revealed that they had Eleven (11) responses revealed that they consciously
feelings of annoyance toward gay men. Despite the avoided interacting with, and being with gay men.
awareness that gay men are artistic, creative, or Avoidance was done by the participants to negate
confident in themselves which one participant pointed unforeseeable interaction with gay men.
out, such a feeling still surfaced because of the
nonconsensual experience that the participants had “As long as possible gusto ko wala akong kasamang
experienced. ganon. Like iniiwasan ko talaga sila.” [As long as
possible, I want that I don’t have any companion [that
“Actually...sorry ha? Noon kasi, as in, I found them
are gay]. I really avoid them.] (P1)
disgusting... Like, basta marumi, negative yung mga
“...medyo hindi ko na sila pinapansin talaga e. Parang
naano ko though alam ko naman they are artistic, they
ako na ‘yung umiwas sa kanila non para hindi na
are creative, they are confident talaga sa mga sarili
umabot sa ibang… parang ano… parang hindi na
nila. Pero noon kasi talaga, as in, kinaiinisan ko like
magkagulo.” [I don’t really pay attention to them. I
that.” [Actually...I’m sorry [to say]. Before, I found
make an effort to avoid them so trouble may also be
them disgusting. Like they are dirty. I had negative
avoided] (P2)
thoughts about them although I know that they are
artistic, they are creative, they are confident in “Umiiwas ako as long as kaya. Tapos pag may
themselves. Before, I found them really annoying [gay lumalapit, lilipat ako ng lugar, ganon. Ganon, ganon
men].] (P1) ako. As in iwas. Todo iwas.” [I avoid them as long as I
can. If someone approaches me, I move to another
“...dahil sa mga experience ko nga, ‘yung place. That's how I practised extreme avoidance of
parang…ah…parang lagi akong naiinis.” “Sobrang them.] (P3)
inis ko talaga.” [Because of what I’ve experienced, it “...syempre may mga kaklase din naman ako na nasa
seems like I am always annoyed with them. Extremely ano…part ng third sex, kaya medyo that time is…iwas
annoyed.] (P2) ako kahit papaano, even sa groupings yun…” [I also
have classmates who are part of the third sex. And at
Hated gay men that time, I kind of avoided them, even in
group ing s…] (P10)
Lastly, two (2) responses represent the developed
feelings of hatred toward gay men due to what they Tried to be civil toward gay men

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

On the other hand, eight (8) responses revealed that your work and has to be accomplished by this
participants tried to be civil with gay men on some deadline.” At least, somehow, I can show them that I
occasions, such as in school activities and sport team don't favor anyone. That I consider them all even if I
events, as they needed to communicate and collaborate have a problem interacting with some of them, at least,
with them to accomplish their responsibilities and I am able to deal with them as a leader, as a person,
commitments. and as a classmate.] (P10)

“As a school leader. Syempre dapat maging boses ka Verbally insulted gay men
nang mga students. So kumbaga. Inaalis ko na lang sa
isip ko na may nangyari (referring to the bad incident Moreover, five (5) responses specified that the
happened)…” [As a school leader, of course, I have to participants engaged in acts of verbally insulting gay
be the voice of the students. So it’s like, I try not to men. These verbal insults include teasing, arguing,
think of what had happened before.] (P1) confronting, and verbally bullying them due to hatred,
“...dahil nga ano rin ako, player ako. E, volleyball irritation, and influence of friends.
din...ang nangyayari ay ‘yung kapag sa team…ano,
“...pag nakikita ko po sila lagi ko po silang
hanggang training lang, pero outside that hindi ko sila
kayang pakisamahan ganoon. Hanggang usap lang sa kinakantiyaw ganon.” [Whenever I see them, I mock
training...” [Because I am a volleyball player, in them.] (P6)
volleyball, there are teams. [I interact with them] only “...tapos meron akong one time…ano baklang
in training. Outside training, I don’t go with them. I nakaaway. Talagang yung mga nasabi ko sa kanya
talk to them during training, but they have other gay alam ko masasakit, pero yun, gawa din kasi talaga ng
companions, I don’t like it.] (P8) perception ko sa kanila.” [Then there was one time, I
“Hmm diba po…yung iba po kasi parang kailangan argued with a gay guy. I had said hurtful things to him.
kong makisama kasi hmm like friend siya ng parents That’s what my perception of them could do.] (P7)
ko ganun so dapat minsan sa isang bahay “Yung ano sa group of friends, talagang nagkaroon na
makakasama ko sila…” [Sometimes I have to get parang medyo awkwardness kasi kinonfront ko siya
along [with gay men] because they are friends with my talaga don eh. Parang bakit ganyan siya gumalaw
parents. So sometimes, they visit us in our house, and I ganon, bakit ganyan siya humawak, eh di naman kami
cannot avoid their company.] (P9) close. Tapos sinasabi niya, “Ang kj (kill joy) mo
“...nung time na dahil medyo ano na rin ako nun naman.” Tapos ayon, nakuha kong sinabi sa kanya na,
grade conscious…syempre dahil susunod at susunod “Hindi ako kj!”, “Ang landi mo!” ganon-ganon. “Di
ka talaga sa gusto ng professor o teacher during high mo naman ako kilala, bakit ganyan kayo gumalaw,
school, wala akong choice…” [There was a time that I ganyan kayo malalandi kayo.” Tapos iyon nagkaroon
was already grade conscious, of course, I would follow ng problem sa boundaries.” [In [my] group of friends,
what the professor or the teacher required during high there really was awkwardness because I confronted
school. I didn’t have a choice…] (P10) him [a gay man]. Like why does he behave like that,
“ groupings tayo hmm na madalas nagiging why does he touch [me] when in fact we are not close.
leader ako, so dissemination of work loads tayo diba? Then he said that “You’re a kj (kill joy).” And that’s
Ang gagawin ko nalang nun is…hmm meeting and when I was able to say that, “I am not a kj!”, “You’re a
then nakasulat na sa paper ko yung mga work loads flirt!”, “You don’t even know me yet, but why do you
nila yung designated work loads nila and then behave like that? You are all like that, a flirt.] (P7)
announce lang…kunware this is your work kailangan “...syempre dahil sa barka barkada during high school
ganito yung deadline ganun, at least kahit papaano diba di mo maiiwasan na hmm sulsol din or influence
hmm napapakita ko pa rin sa grupo ko na wala akong ng mga barkada mo na mambully ganun…talagang di
pinipili o nako consider ko parin lahat, kahit na nawawala yan yung pambubully sa part ko na ginawa
may…problem din sa akin at least nahahandle ko hmm ko naman din yun, and aminado ako dun.” [Of course,
sa pagiging leader, pagiging tao at pagiging kaklase because of my group of friends during high school, we
kahit papaano...” [In groupings, I am usually the cannot avoid being influenced by friends who prod us
leader. So there is a need for dissemination of to bully [gay men]. I really did bully them and I admit
workloads, right? What I do is, there will be a meeting that.] (P10)
and then, I’ll write on a paper the designated
workloads and announce them. For example, “This is Discrimination of gay men

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Lastly, four (4) responses indicated that gay men were Table 3. BL Series’ Factors that Influenced
immediately judged and were discriminated against by Participants’ Views on Gay Men
the participants. As the responses revealed,
participants thought that gay men engaged in doing
inappropriate actions. Also, they questioned their (gay
men) engagement in same-sex relationships, and
thought that they were people who should not be

“...kapag nakikita ko po sila jinajudge ko po sila

easily, and kung anu-ano po yung pumapasok sa isip Portrayal of homosexuality
ko.” [Whenever I see them, I judge them immediately
and I think a lot of (bad) things about them.] (P5) Responses revealed that BL series’ portrayal of
“Ginawa ko na rin yung ano, nag discriminate din. homosexuality or its depiction of the traits of gay men,
Nagdiscriminate na din ako ng part ng LGBTQIA+, na their realities, and the expression boys’ love have
parang bakit kailangan nilang maglandi ng ganon. Na influenced the participants views on gay men in a way
parang hindi sila finesse ganon, yung parang sa pag that such portrayal helped them gain a better view of
the truths about homosexuality in general, which
sa kalye inappropriate yung mga gawa nila ganon. Na
elicited change in their homophobic attitudes.
parang ang iingay nila ganon…” [I also discriminated
Specifically, through portrayal, the participants have
against some [people who are] part of LGBTQIA+ in a
discovered positive traits of gay men, were able to
way that, I often asked myself “Why do they have to perceive the normal expression of boys’ love, and
flirt?” Like they do not act with finesse. They act lastly, they understood gay men’s realities.
inappropriately in the streets. They are loud.] (P7)
“Hmm siguro more on ‘Bakit sila ganun?’, like kasi Gay men’s positive traits
parang nasanay ako dati sa other sexual relationship
so iniisip ko lagi bakit nila nagawang magka gusto sa Eleven (11) responses revealed that the presented
same sex nila ganun.” [It’s more on, “Why are they positive traits of gay men in BL series’ portrayals have
like that?” I had gotten used to other (conventional) led the participants’ to obtain a shift in their
sexual relationships, that’s why I wondered why they homophobic beliefs and attitudes. As shared through
the responses, good representations of gay men in BL
got to like someone of the same sex.] (P9)
series were observed, leading the participants to see
“...syempre kapag homophobic karin kasi nandun na
gay men as individuals who are kind, decent,
yung part na closed minded ka e. Yung tingin ko sa
passionate, respectful to people, and capable of giving
kanila talaga before is ano hmm…hindi dapat genuine love. Also, contrary to the negative
pakisamahan, kasi meron akong…may takot sakin expectations they previously had that gay men would
na…yan nga yung influence ng media, nakita ko sa always do unsuitable actions like being harsh and
kanila na may intensyon sila…” [Of course, when you malicious, no inappropriate actions were portrayed in
are homophobic, there is that part of you that is closed- BL series, and thus enabled the participants to see gay
minded. I thought one should not be friends with them, men as people having good intentions in being friends
get close to them; they inspired fear in me due to the with other people.
influence of media, which made me think that [gay
men] have [bad] intentions.] (P10) “Meron din namang, na sobrang, like kunware si
Tharn, hindi mo malalaman na gay pala siya? Kasi
BL Series’ Factors that Influenced Participants’ masculine tapos ang gwapo and sobrang bait.
Views on Gay Men Marespeto and mahal niya talaga yung tao.” [There
are those like Tharn (a character in BL series) that you
Table 3 shows the factors in BL series that influenced won’t even know that he’s gay? Because he is
the participants’ views on gay men to change. It was masculine, handsome, and super kind. He also knows
reported that BL series provided awareness about how to respect and he truly loves the person (refers to
homosexuality, same-sex relationships, and gay men’s the other main character.] (P1)
realities through its portrayal of homosexuality, and its
story elements. “Nakita ko na parang yung mga gay doon [sa BL
series], buo sila nagbibigay ng love sa ibang tao, lalo

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

na doon sa straight ba…pinaglalaban nila yung love “...hindi naman ganon ka pangit yung series. Kasi
nila para sa isang tao…kumbaga parang ano e, walang ganong harassment, na parang dalawang
parang mas higit pa yung nakita kong love ng gay lalaki nagkainlove...yung parang naramdaman na
doon sa straight kesa doon sa babae at lalaki dito sa kakaiba, or yung na feel ko about dun sa series,
atin.” [I saw there that gay men can give love parang normal lang na taong nagka-inlovevan.” [The
wholeheartedly to other people, especially to those series is not that bad. Because there is no harassment,
who are straight; they are fighting for their love for it’s like just two men fell in love [with each other]. It
that person. Sort of like, I saw that a gay is more felt different, or [should I say] what I felt about the
loving to the straight one compared to a woman and a series is that it is just people who normally fell in love
man that we know are in a relationship.] (P2) with each other.] (P7)

“Yung parang walang sobrang pagkabakla yung “...pareho lang yung nangyayari sa heterosexual at
galaw. Parang walang malisyoso, walang ano, wala homosexual na walang pinagkaiba na tao sila na
yung inappropriate na galaw nila.” [It’s like there is nagkakagusto din.” [It’s just the same with what
no excessive “gay men behavior.” There is no happens in heterosexual [relationships] and
maliciousness [seen], no inappropriate behaviors, no homosexual [relationships]. There is no difference,
inappropriate scenes.] (P7) that they are people who are capable of liking others,
too.] (P9)
“ part na pagiging friendly nila (gay), tapos ‘yung
uhm…pagiging, uhm…pagkakaroon ng pure intention “May time kasi na kapag yung ka relationship mo is
na gusto nilang maging kaibigan, hanggang doon lang third sex is minsan sinasamantala yan, pineperahan
tapos walang ibang mangyayareng iba...nakita ko don sila pero makikita mo talaga kahit na sa BL series mo
(in BL).” [I saw there [in BL series] showing gay men lang makikita yung pure love na ibinibigay nila…ng
as friendly. That they have this pure intention of mga gay people dun sa taong mahal talaga nila,
wanting to be friends with people, no more, no less.] kumbaga ano lang e, kung irerelate mo lang sa lalake
(P8) at babae pag mahal na mahal nila ang isa’t isa
parang gagawin nila lahat, parang walang pinag
“...kase nakita ko din yung part din ng ano e…ng kaiba…yes gender lang pero yung pagmamahal kasi is
passion nila sa education nila, yung passion nila sa parang wala namang pinag ka iba kasi they gave
music, sa friendship at the same time sa the everything as much as maging okay yung relationship
same time sa part ni Thai na which is dancer siya and nila…hmm kaya nilang ipag malaki, yun yung nakita
we have same passion on that part naman, kaya sabi ko sa kanila na kahit ano man yung case nila, kahit
ko ahh okay ganito pala siya.” [I also saw [in BL ano yung ibigay na hate ng ibang tao yung love…”
series] that their passion for education, their passion [There are times that when you are in a relationship
for music, for their friendship, and at the same time for with the third sex, sometimes they are being taken
their family. Also, in Thai’s (a character in BL series) advantage of, like being asked for money. But in the
part, he is a dancer, we have the same passion, so I BL series, you’ll see that gay people can give pure
was like, “Oh. So this is how it is.”] (P10) love wholeheartedly to those who they truly love. Sort
of like, if you relate it to a man and a woman, when
Normal expression of boys’ love they love one another, they can do everything for the
sake of each other. And there is no difference. Yes, in
Aside from the discoveries of the good traits gay men terms of gender [there is a difference] but in terms of
have as portrayed in BL series, it was also shown the love that they give, it’s just the same. They give
therein that male to male relationship is as normal as everything for their relationship to be okay. They can
heterosexual relationships. Five (5) responses claimed be proud, that’s what I see. That in any case, even if
that the participants were able to perceive the they receive hate from other people, there is love…]
expression of boys’ love as normal as what they have (P10)
witnessed in the BL series they have watched.
Participants' homophobic views were changed as they Gay men’s realities
got exposed to the portrayal of male-to-male
relationships as being no different from how Moreover, BL series helped in understanding the lives
heterosexual relationships work and that only the of gay men through their presented realities in said
gender involved varies. series. Four (4) responses revealed that the

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

presentation of real-life experiences of gays in BL homophobic beliefs toward gay men.

series helped the participants to get better acquainted
with the situation and experiences of the gays. These Lesson-filled stories
enabled them to have a good understanding of how
gay men act, the truth on how they are being treated, Nine (9) responses reported that the participants
and how they feel in certain situations. gained learnings from the series because such series
are lesson-filled. One particular participant even
“Kasi nakikita din nila yung point of view ng isang reported that he was hooked and got emotional as he
tao. Not only in their...kumbaga nakikita nila kung was overwhelmed with the lessons that the stories can
paano umasta ‘to. Kung pano yung galaw nila. Kung bestow on its viewers. Some were able to reflect while
pano nadedegrade actually yung isang tao.” [Because viewing the series, stating that such a series is a reality
BL series allowed them to see the point of view of a slap. Another ascertained the uniqueness in the stories
person. Not only that, for instance, how they act, how presented, confirming that BL series can distinctively
they behave, how they are being degraded.] (P3) present lessons that cannot be seen in any other genre.
In general, such lesson-filled stories directed the
“...about sa mga films like series like the others, participants to look into themselves and understand the
viewpoints of others which in turn changed their
nagiging ano sila…hmm eye opener sa ibang tao na
naiintindihan yung nararamdaman ng ibang tao like
gay people or other gender na alam natin na “Honestly kasi ang daming lessons [sa BL series] e.
commonly mali yung same sex ganyan pero pag yung Hindi ko lang kasi sila maisa-isa. Pero sobrang dami.
mga film na to like napanood mo, naintindihan mo Naiiyak pa nga ako minsan.” [Honestly, there are too
hmm nag reflect ka parang magbabago ka talaga, and many lessons [in BL series]. I can’t just name them
nakakatulong siya kasi somehow you understand the one by one. But there are a lot [of them]. Sometimes, I
world ganun.” [Like the other films, other series, they even get emotional [because of them.]] (P1)
became an eye-opener to other people - that they now
understand how gay men or other gender feel because “Ahh…sa panonood ko kasi ng BL series parang
as we commonly know, same-sex [relationship] is nagbigay sila ng ano…parang kumbaga, slap of
perceived to be wrong. But if you watch this film [BL reality. Kung saan ano…‘yung parang doon nag-start
series], you’ll understand, you’ll reflect to the point na magbago ‘yung pakikitungo ko sa kanila.” [By
that you’ll change, and will help you somehow to watching BL series, they gave me, sort of like a slap of
understand the world.] (P9) reality where I began to change the way I deal with
them.] (P2)
“...commonly pinapakita doon yung ano yung napi feel
nung mga nasa same sex relationship, ano yung “...and parang binigyan ako ng BL series ng lessons to
nararamdaman nila tas parang maiitindihan mo na understand na dapat wag tayong mag-stick sa isang
tao lang talaga sila na nagkagusto sa ibang tao...” [It paniniwala.” [And it’s like BL series made me
is commonly shown there [in BL series] how people in understand that we should not stick to only one belief.]
the same-sex relationship feel and you will understand (P4)
that they are humans too that are also capable of liking
other people [of the same sex.] (P9) “...’yung sa BL kasi iba kasi ‘yung story type niya sa
mga usual romantic, sa mga family, ah… family-
Story elements related na movies or series ganoon. Iba kasi siya, na
may mahahanap ka doon na moral na hindi mo
Apart from the portrayal of homosexuality, BL series’
mahahanap sa mga usual, like ayun nga na,
story elements are another factor that helped the
uhm…‘yung pagiging open sa mga ganyang klaseng
participants to have a change in their beliefs. These
tao, ‘yun.” [BL [series] has different story types,
elements are enumerated as lesson-filled, aversion-
removing stories, and relatable story characters which unlike usual romantic or family-related movies. It is
raised awareness and reflection on the part of the different in a way that you’ll find their moral [values]
participants. Through such elements, the participants that you won’t find usually. [For example,] being open
expressed that they were able to remove feelings of to those kinds people [refers to gay men]. What you
aversion, and were able to associate themselves with will see in the BL series are unusual stories with so
BL characters which contributed in the shift in their many lessons to learn from them.] (P8)

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Aversion-removing stories character. Kasi yung isang character, ganoon din siya.
Homophobic din siya. Pero noong nakilala niya yung
In addition to lesson-filled stories, the participants isang guy na nagpalambot ng puso niya, ayon,
revealed that BL series incorporates aversion- nagbago yung pananaw niya sa mga LGBT persons.”
removing stories. Four (4) responses exemplified that [There are lessons there [in BL series] as if they were
through BL series, participants’ aversion came to an aimed at me. I have the same temperament as one of
end. Such an aversion includes hatred, anger, or the main characters. Because that one character, we’re
annoyance that participants initially felt toward gay the same, he is also homophobic. But when he met the
men prior to BL series exposure. Responses implied
guy, the one who softens his heart, his views about
that viewing of BL series helped the participants to get
LGBT persons changed.] (P1)
rid of their negative feelings toward gay men.
“Nagustuhan ko po yung Tharntype kasi parang nung
“...‘di ko alam ba’t wala akong naramdaman na
napanood ko po yung first episode niya, ‘yon nga po,
ano...wala akong naramdaman na inis? Wala akong
takot din siya sa gay. Parang nakita ko po yung sarili
naramdaman na galit or hindi ko naalala yung
ko before. sa kanya. Tapos nung nalaman ko din po na
nangyari before.” [I don’t know why I didn’t feel any
victim of abuse, sabi ko, “Ah, oo.” Sabi kong ganon,
annoyance. I didn’t feel any anger or, it didn’t even
parang mas naka-relate po ako don sa protagonist sa
bring to mind what had happened before.] (P1)
series na iyon.” [I liked Tharntype because when I
watched its first episode, one of the characters is
“Like parang nahiya ako sa sarili ko na...nahiya ako
scared of gays. I saw myself in there, in that character.
sa sarili ko na ba’t ito hindi ko kinaiinisan? Like, may
And then I knew eventually that he was a victim of
mga kissing scene pero hindi ako nainis like that.” [I
felt ashamed of myself, I was embarrassed of myself abuse and I said to myself, “Ah. yes.” I said that
because [I thought], “Why am I not annoyed by this?” [because] I relate to the protagonist of that series.] (P3)
There are kissing scenes but I didn’t feel any
“...halos sa BL series ko lang din kasi nakita, yun nga
annoyance.] (P1)
dati. Nung dating ayoko sila talaga, yung ginagawa
“...after kong manood ng BL series ganon, yung kong way para hindi sila makasalamuha at lalayo ako,
parang na lessen na yung anger ko sa kanila.” [I felt so hindi ko talaga sila nilalapitan ganon.” [It is
ashamed of myself, I was embarrassed of myself almost in the BL series that I saw the past. The times
because [I thought], “Why am I not annoyed by this?” when I didn’t really like them. When I did not mingle
There are kissing scenes but I didn’t feel any with them, but tried to avoid them.] (P4)
annoyance.] (P7)
Impact of the Shift in their Homophobic Belief
“Nakatulong yung BL sakin, kasi nung una palang
Table 4 shows how the change in belief towards
nanood nakong BL wala ako sigurung naramdaman
homosexuality impact the participants’ lives. Through
na awkwardness...” [BL [series] helped me. The first
their exposure to BL series, the participants obtained
time I watched the BL series, I didn't feel any
interpersonal, and personal development.
awkwardness...] (P7)
Table 4. Impact of the Shift in their Homophobic Belief
Relatable story characters

Lastly, BL series are found to have relatable story

characters. Three (3) responses revealed that the
participants were able to relate and mirror their past
selves in relation to the gay characters in BL series.
The participants were reminded of their homophobic
behaviors before and of their negative experiences.
Such a reflection prompted the participants’ awareness Interpersonal development
of their past actions, leading to a positive change
within themselves. After the participants’ exposure to BL series, their
responses revealed that this experience had impacted
”...may mga lessons doon na parang ako yung
pinapatama. Like kaugali ko yung isang main

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

their interpersonal development. Interpersonal okay pa naman on the run ‘yung start ng pag-open to
development depicts the improvement of the be friends with them.” [...seems to be fine [the way I
participants’ manner of connecting, dealing, and socialize with them]...I had interactions, and had some
listening to gay men. This development that they small talks, I became open and it's fine. It's okay on the
claimed to have obtained involved extending run to start opening a friendship with them.] (P8)
friendships to gay men, becoming allies of the entire
LGBTQIA+ community, acknowledging gay men, and “Parang hindi na limited sa hmm boy or girl yung
interestingly, as one of them reported, even developing mga close friend ko like hmm may mga friends na kong
attraction to people of the same-sex. With this gay, if meron man na dadagdag na ibang gender okay
development fueled by BL series exposure, barriers
lang rin sakin like tao sila okay, pwede silang maging
put against gay men were removed.
bestfriend ko ganun.” [It seems like my close friends
Extended friendship with gay men are not anymore limited to boy or girl because I
already have friends who are gay, if I gain more
Fourteen (14) responses unveiled that participants friends who belong to the third gender, its fine by me.
were able to welcome friendships from and/or extend They’re people, too, and we can be best friends.] (P9)
friendships with gay men, became more comfortable
talking to homosexual males than they were before, Became allies of LGBTQIA+ community
and, also, became more familiar with the LGBTQIA+
community. However, some participants shared that Three (3) responses indicate that they were able to
they are still observing boundaries when it comes to become allies of LGBTQIA+ members in which they
interacting with them. shared that by being their allies, they would be able to
help them.
“Like, sobrang free ko lang to even talk to them, to
even have a conversation to them. Yung kahit nga na “Siguro oo kasi being open minded sa mga bagay na
makipag-ano sa kanila e...ah actually may mga naging ganito, makakatulong ka din sa kanila e. Kasi you can
friends na rin ako hanggang ngayon.” [Like, I just feel help with their problems. Kasi aminin natin sa hindi,
so free in talking to them, even having a conversation minsan, pinagbubuntungan ng problema yung mga
with them. Even if I have to deal with them...ah, I've memb er s ng L G B T Q I A + , d ib a ? Min sa n ,
actually made friends with some of them.] (P1) madaming...madami tayong makikita sa social media
na salot, ganyan. Pero kung yung kaibigan mo is one
“Okay naman, okay sila kasama and masaya...masaya of them, supporting them or being an ally for them is a
pala talaga silang kasama, actually hanggang ngayon big thing already.” [Maybe yes because I am open-
nag iimprove pa yung quality or yung way ng minded to stuff like this, it will be helpful to them
pakikisalamuha ko sa kanila in a good way na anyway. Because you can help with their problems.
appreciate ko na sila ngayon, mas gusto ko na din Admit it or not, sometimes, troubles are common to
silang nakakasama parang wala ng awkward members of the LGBTQIA+, right? Sometimes, there
awkward pag kasama sila.” [It’s okay, they’re are a lot of closed minded people on social media. But
actually okay to be with and it's fun… they’re really if your friend is one of them, supporting them or being
fun to be with. Actually up until now, I am improving an ally for them is already a big (helpful) thing.] (P3)
the way I socialize with them and I really appreciate
them now, and I prefer to be with them most of the “Mas lalo pa po ako naging comfortable towards them
time. And there are no more feelings of awkwardness and if ever man po na may ma eencounter ako na
when I am with them.] (P4) homophobic, I think I can tell them na,”Hindi po sila
kagaya ng nakikita natin sa panlabas. Mas marami pa
“...parang naging open ako yung open na ko sa pong bagay na maganda sa kanila.” [I became more
friendship, pero meron pa din pong limitations yung comfortable towards them and if ever I would
ganun.” [...It seemed like I became more open to be encounter somebody who is homophobic, I think I can
friends with them, but there are still limitations like tell them that there is so much more to them, more
that.] (P6) positive things than what the eyes can see. There are a
lot of good things about them.] (P6)
“...okay na rin naman [yung pakikitungo ko sa
kanila]...may mga nakakasama na rin naman, and may “Ngayon supportado nako sa LGBTQIA+.” [I now
mga nakakausap, ayun naging open and naging okay, support the LGBTQIA+.] (P8)

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Acknowledged gay men their homophobic attitude and change of views about
gay men led to personal development. Personal
Three (3) responses revealed that they learned to development refers to the enhancement of the
acknowledge gay men, which also means they now participants’ inner self, overcoming the negative
give respect to gay men’s rights to have a normal life, thinking and beliefs they hold, leading to better
treat them fairly like they do heterosexual people, and treatment of gay men. Such a development includes
became accepting of gay men as members of the them becoming open-minded, and being freed from
society. hatred.

“‘Yung parang naging equal na ‘yung pakikitungo ko Became open-minded

sa kanila, na kahit lalaki, babae, bakla, o kaya,
tomboy…” [Something like considering them as my Four (4) responses unveiled that watching BL series
equals, regardless of their gender, whether a boy, girl, had opened their minds about gay men’s realities
which allowed them to no longer avoid gay men.
gay or lesbian…] (P2)
“Mas gusto ko yung [life ko] ngayon kasi mas open
“Dahil tao lang naman din po sila na may karapatan
nga yung mind nung tao towards that issue. And wala
mabuhay ng normal sa isang community.” [Because
na din namang ano, kumbaga hindi ka na din---wala
they are also human beings and they have the right to
ka ng masyadong iniiwasan kasi okay na siya eh. Okay
live a normal life in a community.] (P6)
na. The past issue is solved.” [I like life now because
people's minds are becoming more open towards that
Learned lessons from gay men
issue. And there's nothing left, (of the old negative
Further, two (2) responses reported that this experience feelings) --- you don't need to avoid them because it's
allowed them to learn lessons from gay men which okay. It's okay now. The past issue is solved.] (P3)
enabled the participants to change their perceptions
about them and, eventually, accepted them. “Masasabi ko siyang may pagbabago, sa personality
ko rin na mas maging open minded yung hindi agad
“May mga gay people din na nag-teach sa akin ng mag jjudge kung ano lang yung nakikita mo…” [I can
mga iba’t ibang life lessons, like that. And everything say that there really is a change, even in my
talaga nag-change.” […There were gay people who personality, I became more open-minded and I do not
taught me various life lessons. And everything did easily create judgments based on what I see…] (P4)
change.] (P2)
Freed from hatred
“...marami rin kasi akong learnings na nakukuha sa
kanila kaya mas tinanggap ko sila.” […I have learned Three (3) participants stated in their responses, that
a lot from them so it was easier for me to accept them.] through their experiences, obtained personal growth,
which includes freeing themselves from hatred, and
from heaviness of the heart.
Developed attraction to same-sex
“ general. Mas naging ano, alam mo iyon,
mas naging ano yung puso hatred.
One (1) response revealed that his experience…parang walang dark na nararamdaman.” I
influenced him to develop attraction to a person of the
same sex. felt ashamed of myself, I was embarrassed of myself
because [I thought], “Why am I not annoyed by this?”
“Much better of course yung ngayon (participant’s There are kissing scenes but I didn’t feel any
life)… Honestly, may crush ako ngayon and ayon, annoyance.] (P1)
same gender.” [Of course, it's much better now
“Like, yung…yung puso naging maluwag. And ayon,
(participant’s life)… Honestly, I have a crush on
sobrang sarap sa pakiramdam.” [Like, my heart no
someone of the same gender.] (P1)
longer feels heavy. And it really feels good.] (P1)
Personal development
“Tsaka parang gumaan na rin ‘yung loob ko, parang
Aside from their interpersonal development, the ganon ba.” [Also, I feel relieved, something like that.]
participants’ responses revealed that the decline in (P2)

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Realizations from the Experience also be affected.] (P1)

Table 5 shows the realizations of the participants, from “ realized ko po na wag nating lahatin yung mga
being a self-confessed homophobic individual who tao…matutong unawahin muna yung situation bago
was exposed to BL series to experiencing a shift in mag argue yung galit sa isip yung ganun sa kanila.”
their homophobic beliefs. The participants learned and [...I realized that we must not generalize everyone of
understood how to value diversity, acknowledged them (gay people) and learn to understand their
inclusivity in love, and observed people impartially. situation first before arguing with them or expressing
negative attitude towards them.] (P6)
Table 5. Realizations from the Experience
“Saka yung nga narealize ko hindi sila pare-pareho,
in the fact that, na hindi lahat ng bakla may
masamang balak sa iyo ganon.” [Then I realized that
they are not the same, with the idea that not all gays
have bad intentions towards you, like that.] (P7)

“Uhm, siguro nagchange yung perception ko sa kanila

dahil hindi naman pala lahat ng LGBTQ pare-pareho.
Valuing diversity Yung parang hinaharass ka, merong mga malisyoso
gusto gawin sa change yung perception ko sa
The majority of the participants acknowledged that kanila kasi, hindi pala lahat ng LGBTQ, lalo na yung
valuing and knowing diversity was an essential lesson specific na bakla na yun lang yung habol sa iyo. Na
emerging from such an experience. Valuing diversity parang merong din silang damdamin na in a good
recognizes differences among individuals and way, na parang hindi lahat ng part ng LGBTQ ih
acknowledges that these differences are a valuable haharass ka.” [Uhm, maybe my perception about
asset. It describes the significance of not judging gay them has changed because I realized that not all
men whatever their preferences are. Such realizations members of the LGBTQ are the same. Like there are
include refraining from generalizing and recognizing some who harass you, or want to do something
the existence of other non-heterosexual identities, as malicious to you… my perception has changed
their responses indicated. These realizations reflect the because I realized that not all members of the LGBTQ
participants’ discovery of gay men being different have the same intention of getting close to you. That
from what they had thought about them before.
there are also some members who have pure intentions
of friendship, not harass you (verbally or sexually).]
Refrain from generalizing
Twelve (12) responses revealed that the participants
Recognized the existence of different non-
have discovered and realized that not all the members
of the LGBTQIA+ community were like what they heterosexual identities
had thought them to be. Watching BL series paved the
Three (3) responses from the participants reported that
way for them to know and understand that the
they have recognized the existence of different non-
LGBTQIA+ community is diverse. They possess
heterosexual identities. They have recognized that gay
varied characteristics, attitudes, and behavior. Lastly,
people are diverse, they have categories, and have
because of these discoveries, their belief about gay
different attitude and characteristics from one another.
men and in the LGBTQIA+ community had changed
for the better.
“There are many types of---akala ko kasi dati, when a
person likes boys, they’re ano na...they’re gay. Pero
“Siguro yung realization ko is that people change.
there are many ano pala...there are many kinds like
And, alam mo iyon? Hindi siya pack-one-pack-all.
bisexuals, lesbians, ganyan. Then you can be both. You
Like, kapag nagawa ng isa dapat madadamay din
can be pansexual as well. Madami. So homosexuality
yung iba." [Maybe my realization is that people
is a broad spectrum. Hindi lang siya isa.” [There are
change. And, you know that? It’s not pack-one-pack-
many types of---I thought before, when a person likes
all. Like [it’s not], when one does it, the other must
boys, they’re what...they’re gay. But there are
many...there are many kinds like bisexuals, lesbians,

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

ganyan. Then you can be both. You can be pansexual or if you're straight like that. "As long as you have
as well. A lot. So homosexuality is a broad spectrum. feelings for someone, that is hard to fight against.]
He is not the only one.] (P3) (P7)

Acknowledging love inclusivity Observing impartiality

As revealed in the responses, acknowledging love Lastly, the participants emphasized the importance of
inclusivity refers to the realization that love can be observing impartiality as it signifies the realization that
experienced by couples regardless of the gender no side should be overlooked since gay men have the
involved. Participants had realizations regarding the right to be heard and understood as well. As revealed
concept of love, because according to them, in their responses, they have realized the importance of
acknowledging love inclusivity was apparently becoming open-minded, refraining from judging, and
represented in the BL series they had watched. Love being fair and equal.
has no boundaries is their main realization concerning
love inclusivity. Be open-minded

Love has no boundaries Six (6) responses revealed that there is nothing wrong
with being gay or with being part of the LGBTQIA+
Seven (7) responses revealed that the participants community. As the participants reported, they should
realized that love has no gender, love is so flexible, keep an open mind toward gay men because this freed
and love has no boundaries, that no matter what them from heaviness of the heart. Also, the
characteristics your loved one has, whatever they are, participants recognized the importance of being open-
and whoever they are, as long as their heart is pure, minded toward the gay community in order to be able
acceptance is due them. In addition, the participants to help and support them fully.
realized that whatever criticisms, discriminations, and
prejudices the society gives toward same-sex “And mas maging ano lang...mas maging open yung
relationships, love can still be experienced by people heart. Mas maging open yung mind. Kasi doon, kapag
of the same sex. inopen mo yung heart mo, inopen mo yung mind mo,
mas magiging free ka. Mas magiging maluwag yung
“And syempre, love is so flexible. Like kahit na hindi
puso mo. Mas magiging malawak yung pag-iisip mo.”
mo...hindi mo siya maiisip. Pero kapag...kapag yung
[And the more it becomes...the more the heart
puso kasi yung kapag yung puso yung
becomes open. Be more open minded. Because there,
nakaramdam, hindi mo siya mapipigilan.” [And of
when you open your heart, you open your mind, you
course, love is so flexible. Like even if you
will be more free. Your heart will become more open.
don't...think of it. But when...when the heart drives
Your mind will be broader.] (P1)
your when the heart is the one that
feels, you can't stop it.] (P1) “...homosexuality is not a sin. And these people did not
chose to be homosexual na kasalanan iyan ganyan.
“Yun nga, pinaglalaban nila ‘yung love nila para sa
No. It’s not. It’s just, they are showing who they are.
isang tao. Na kahit ano pang sinasabi ng society, ‘yun
We need to accept that because this world is thinking
nga, parang hindi naging hadlang ‘yung…parang we have to be accepting and we have to have
kumbaga, gay ‘yung ano nila, gender ba ‘yung tawag
our mind open.” [...homosexuality is not a sin. And
doon? Sa love nila kasi ‘di ba, love has no boundaries
these people did not choose to be homosexual which is
ba ‘yun?" [That is, they are fighting for their love for
regarded as a sin by others. No, it’s not. It’s just, they
someone. That no matter what society says, it’s like,
are showing who they are. We need to accept that
their gender doesn’t seem to be an obstacle. Their because this world is changing we have to be
love, isn't it, love has no boundaries?] (P2) accepting and we have to have our mind open.] (P3)

“Based din sa BL pinarealized niya sa akin na hindi

Refrain from judging
masamang ma-inlove sa kapwa mo lalaki, or kung
straight ka man ganon. Basta kapag nagkaroon ka ng Five (5) responses from the participants revealed that
feelings sa isang tao, yun yung hindi mo malalabanan they realized the im portance of avoiding
parang ganon.” [Also based on BL, it made me realize discrimination and judgment of gay people. One of the
that "it's not bad to fall in love with your fellow man", participants pointed out that people should not ‘judge a

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

book by its cover’. Some of the phrases mentioned by kind to the people around them, particularly to gay
the participants reflect thoughts of letting gay people people.
be themselves, refraining from judging them, and
lastly, setting gay people free from accusations and “Like, be fair sa lahat ng tao. Like, not everyone can
judgments. In general, they learned that minds and do that. Not everyone are, alam mo iyon, not everyone
hearts must be open for gay people, for they also have kaya nilang gawin yung mga bagay na iyon.” [Like,
the right to live freely. be fair to everyone. Like, not everyone can do that.
Not everyone is, you know that, not everyone can do
“Uhm, siguro parang narealized ko na hindi naman those things.] (P1)
sila dapat pandirian or hindi rin sila dapat katukatan,
hindi rin sila dapat iwasan. Kasi may mga ano din “Na-realize ko na maging mabuti, maging mabait sa
sila, may mga feelings din sila, na huwag agad mag nasa paligid mo. Kahit na magkakaiba man ‘yung mga
judge, kung di ka naman naaapektuhan sa mga gender, syempre kailangan mo silang i-treat na equal,
ginagawa nila. Na parang let them be na kung saan parang ganon.” [I realized that [we should be] kind,
sila masaya kasi, yun sila eh.” [Uhm, maybe I realized kind to those around you. Even if we differ in gender,
that they shouldn't be feared, or ostracized; they of course you have to treat them equally, like that.]
shouldn't be avoided either. Because they also have (P2)
feeling; do not judge them immediately, without any
basis and if you are not adversely affected by what
they do…It's like let them be where they're happy Discussion
because, that's what they are.] (P7)
The viewers of BL series in the present study were
“‘Yung ano, na-try ding kaibiganin ‘yung mga LGBT
self-confessed homophobic young adults who have
na nakakasama natin. Try nating i-open ‘yung sarili experienced a significant change in beliefs as a result
natin from them, na huwag nating ano, huwag nating of their exposure to BL series is. Contrary to the
i-judge agad. Sabi nga, don’t judge the book by its impacts they obtained, these self-confessed
cover, na ano, try nating i-open, maging open-minded, homophobic young adults held prejudices before the
ganoon.” [This, we try to be friends with the members exposure to BL series due to nonideal direct and
of the LGBT. Let’s try to open ‘ourselves’ to them, not indirect experiences. Findings report that direct
to do anything, not to judge immediately. That said, experience is an encounter that the participants had
don’t judge the book by its cover, that’s what, let’s try directly gained. Such an experience was mainly in the
to open, be open-minded, that’s it.] (P8) form of experiencing sexual assault from gay men.
The counseling center of the University of Tennessee
”Yun ang realization ko and media pa rin dahil Knoxville asserted that male individuals who are
marami na kong nakikitang…even personality na may sexually assaulted become fearful and act in ways that
karelasyon silang LGBT members and that's okay, and avoid in general those who are like the perpetrators
kung mahal naman talaga nila yung isa’t isa hmm I (For Male Survivors, 2012). Parallel to the study’s
think we don't have right to judge them or to findings, the participants’ experienced nonconsensual
sexual event has caused them to develop fear,
discriminate them, or to question their love kasi we are
discomfort, and distrust of gay men which eventually
not part of their reasons why they are together now.”
led to the occurrence of their homophobic attitudes.
[That was my realization and because of media I've
seen a lot of… even personalities who have a Moreover, the indirect experience that participants
relationship with LGBT members and that's okay, and gained through the experiences and beliefs of others
if they really love each other hmm I think we don't that were imposed on them markedly stirred up
have the right to judge them or to discriminate against homophobia. Findings revealed that the perception of
them, or to question their love because we are not part the significant people in the lives of the participants,
of their reasons why they are together now.] (P9) namely the family and peers, also had a huge impact
on the participants’ homophobia development by
Be fair and give equal treatment imposing negative beliefs about nonheterosexual
identities. As mentioned by earlier claims in the
Three (3) responses from the participants showed their study’s background, families, specifically the parents
realization that they should be fair and treat everyone who are homophobes, tend to foster such values in
equally. Also, they learned the importance of being their children, raising them to be one of them (Perry,

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

n.d.; What is Homophobia, n.d.). This also mirrors the elements.

claims of Mulcahy (2017) that children exhibit
congruent levels of prejudicial attitudes as those of As stated by the framing theory, what was given
adults to whom they observe the modeled beliefs — emphasis on the portrayal of gay men in BL series can
mainly parents. Also, a child’s level of gender biases greatly affect how viewers perceive gay men in reality
and sexual prejudice would increase once parental — BL series’ portrayal of gay men or homosexuality
influences are reinforced further. Along with family’s in a positive manner made the participants be aware of
influence, participants also learned from their peers as the positive traits that gay men have. With positive
they grew fond of them, letting themselves be representation, there is a significant influence on the
influenced as they go along with norms that their peers viewer, leading to the lessening or eradicating of the
are into (Roi, et al., 2020). homophobic attitudes that one holds. Such a finding
supports the study of Madžarević and Soto-Sanfiel
Such experiences became the reason why they (2018a) that through a film that positively represents
apparently developed homophobic behaviors that were gay men, homophobic behavior significantly declines.
manifested covertly and overtly. Covert behaviors are Further, Zsila and Demetrovics (2017) mentioned
behaviors that are not to be observed directly and can Pagliassotti’s and Mizoguchi’s studies highlighting
only be inferred by the person in engagement. These that positive representation of gay men in Boys’ Love
behaviors have a huge and direct influence on one's media can raise awareness that increases the
manifestation of overt behaviors. Generally, mainly probability of gay men’s acceptance, thus reducing
two examples of covert behaviors are thinking, and homophobia.
feeling (Shrestha, 2017). Hence, in terms of the covert
homophobic behaviors engaged in by the participants, Further, the realities of gay men were portrayed in
in general, include their homophobic thoughts and such series. Wong (2021) stated that BL series has the
feelings, specifically thoughts of distrust, capacity to affect the views of the people in a way that
uncomfortable feelings in the presence of gay men, is favorable to the LGBTQIA+ community as the
and acts of avoidance as a manifestation of one’s past series can present accurate representations of their
unfortunate direct experience with gay men. lives reaching its viewers to gain enlightenment and
Alternatively, preliminary studies reports that the awareness. To further support this claim, a BL series
explicit or observable manifestations of homophobic producer who had numerous experiences in making
behaviors include the act of insulting gay men verbally such series assures the realness of the stories presented
and act of discriminating which supports the studies’ as they not only focus on the romantic relationship but
findings. And these explicit manifestations of also tackles legitimate issues surrounding
homophobic behaviors through actions are regarded as homosexuality (Koaysomboon, 2020; Mamputsi,
overt behaviors, or visible behaviors that can be
directly observed by audiences easily, such as the
As mentioned by Koaysomboon (2020) that real-life
above-mentioned examples (Shrestha, 2017).
issues were also presented in BL series’ stories and its
However, contrary to the above-mentioned
story elements, such issues gave awareness, reflection,
desrtructive behaviors, most of the participants chose
and understanding to the participants on how they
to engage in evasive actions by simply avoiding gay
dealt with gay men, giving them learnings and
men. As reported on one of the preceding paragraphs,
understanding of themselves and of gay men, resulting
developed fear leads to avoidance of people whom
to change. Parallel to this, Yukari (2020) believed that
they perceive as similar to the source of their fear (For the BL series were meant to break social expectations,
Male Survivors, 2012). traditional wisdom, and misconceptions. Through this,
influence of BL series’ exposure can significantly turn
In the face of all the nonideal experiences, exposure to
the tables, eliciting more advantages not only for the
BL series had shifted the homophobic beliefs of self-
gay community but also for individuals who hold
confessed homophobic young adults toward gay men.
prejudices against them.
This has substantially proven the claims of
Competente (2020) that BL series in general is Interestingly, findings suggest that this phenomenon
reported to be effective in eliciting a change in an has left beneficent impacts in the lives of homophobic
individual’s homophobic attitude and behavior toward young adults in two principal life aspects.
homosexuality and people characterized by it. The
shift in belief was interestingly brought about by the In the present study’s background, it was mentioned
gained awareness of homophobic young adults through that having homophobic attitude does not only leave
BL series’ portrayal of homosexuality, and its story destructive impacts on the victim, but also on the

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

person who holds it. It was emphasized that prejudicial support can either be centered around political and
attitudes keep oneself from learning and growing social context.
(Couillard, 2013). The current study revealed that
when the previous homophobic young adults had been Giving interest in the study’s findings, the participants
expo sed to BL series, their views toward became empowered as allies of the LGBTQIA+
homosexuality changed which in turn freed them from community which is a very significant manifestation
their homophobic attitudes. This is also supported by of their interpersonal development. As reported by
the claim of Wong (2021) wherein she declared that Atcheson (2018), to be an ally is not just mere support-
BL series is markedly influential on people with providing, rather, it is bounded by an interpersonal
previous homosexual hostility to later perceive gay connection between the dominant and less-privileged
people and same-sex relationship with approval. This group with which the ally unites itself, providing
freedom from prejudicial attitude toward gay men conscious, intentional, and positive efforts to advocate
brought about by BL series exposure has led them, as and promote a common interest that would benefit the
they revealed, to obtain personal development. Such a less-privileged in its fight against discrimination and
development of oneself mainly involves becoming unfair treatment. When a person becomes an
open-minded, in ways that BL series paved the way for LGBTQIA+ ally, he or she makes a personal
their minds to be enlightened about gay men’s realities commitment to align himself/herself in advocating for
and this allowed them to improve in that they have the needs and rights of the LGBTQIA+ community.
become understanding and non-judgemental toward Being an ally opens an individual to an additional 10%
gays. Such a claim is supported in Wong (2021), opportunities of establishing healthy, close
where it was given emphasis that BL series exhibits a relationships with other people. Further, being an ally
latent capacity to open the minds of its audience elevates the capacity of a person to have genuine and
toward gay men and homosexuality. loving relationships with friends of other genders
(What is an Ally, 2015). In general, allyship is a
Moreover, the impact of the experience to self- representation of interpersonal improvement for it is a
confessed homophobic young adults is not only lifelong process of establishing interpersonal relations
limited to the improvement of oneself. Rather, the with less privileged minority groups and individuals
experience also has impacted the social aspect of their that is bounded by responsibility, consistency,
lives. reliance, and trust (Atcheson, 2018).

The findings of the present study revealed that the From being self-confessed homophobic prior to BL
experience had contributed to the interpersonal series exposure, the dramatic change in the
development of the participants. This improvement in participants’ beliefs had given BL series a novel
their way of interacting with others is not only significance in their lives. This novel experience
particular to gay men, but also to the entirety of the directed the participants to gain realizations about
LGBTQIA+ community. This attainment of the refraining from generalizing gay men as there is
homophobic young adults’ interpersonal development diversity in their characteristics, attitudes, and
is characterized by wanting to extend friendships with behavior.
gay men, and allowed themselves to acknowledge
them. In support of this, Mampusti (2020) stated that Dittrich (2016) attested that through visibility, by
the ultimate impact of Boys’ Love series is that it clearly seeing things as they are, it is non negotiable to
creates an opportunity for a more inclusive society by treat genders not perceived to be normal, differently.
allowing people to acknowledge non-heterosexual Regardless of one’s sexual orientation, each individual
people and the love they choose to have. Further, the has the right to equality and anti-discrimination. Such
experience has also impacted the participants in a way knowledge was realized by the participants,
that some of them became actual allies of the combatting the prejudices they held which led to the
LGBTQIA+ community in general. As reported by the acknowledgement of gay men, and other genders in
study of Lopez (2013), the reduced homophobic general.
attitudes had made LGBTQIA+ members perceive
themselves as acknowledged by the society due to the In addition, the participants acknowledged love
social acceptance they receive. Similarly, as per the inclusivity stating that love can actually be
American Psychological Association (Reducing sexual experienced regardless of the gender involved. A study
prejudice, 2013), the decline in prejudicial attitudes by Pagliassotti in 2008 affirmed the idea that there is
against LGBTQIA+ members has lead to an increased no difference between heterosexual and homosexual
support for the mentioned sexual minority group. This relationships, only the gender varies. With BL

David et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6968783, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

representations of such homosexual relationship, it is observed.

confirmed that BL series can promote acceptance and
supporting attitudes driving the participants to arrive at Acknowledgement
such a realization (Zsila & Demetrovics, 2017).
The researchers are genuinely grateful to Almighty
Lastly, the value of observing impartiality was realized God who has showered them with all His graces,
as it signifies that no one should be socially deprived, provisions, and blessings, and for being the
since gay men have the right to live and to be heard in researchers’ ultimate source of strength in
the society. Evidently, the participants realized the accomplishing this research undertaking. This research
importance of being open-minded. Such a finding is study would not have been attainable without His
supported by Santlago (2019) claiming that mistakes bestowed guidance, and unconditional love. To the
are normal; however, to have a better relationship with following individuals who encouraged, inspired and
the LGBTQ community in general, it is important to motivated the researchers in all ways possible, in
acknowledge one’s mistakes and move forward. With reaching their best to attain their goals for this
such acknowledgement, actions can be taken and it is research, a sincere appreciation and gratitude are what
through being open-minded as a starting point for the authors wish to send you all. To Mr. Noli Franco,
change to happen. Because as one becomes open, the Thesis professor, the researchers are beyond grateful
easier it will be to connect, learn, and communicate for his meticulous guidance, for having had to endure
with the said community. In this study, through BL fewer hours of sleep to guide the researchers toward
series, there occured a change which led the the right path of thesis writing, for inspiring them to do
participants to reflect on their behavior, realize the beyond what they think they can do, and for tirelessly
value of becoming open-minded as gay men are giving the researchers even his little personal time for
humans, too, who should not be neglected and judged the study and sharing his expertise to ensure its
for being the way they are. success. To Ms. Glaiza Pangan, Thesis Consultant, for
believing in what the researchers can do, for giving
them the time, effort, and guidance while heading to a
Conclusion fascinating yet meaningful completion of the research
study. Next is Dr. Edna Calma, the Dean of the School
This study explored the lived experiences of self- of Arts and Sciences for the unending emotional
confessed homophobic young adults exposed to Boys’ support in making the research study an accomplished
Love series. Both direct experiences, mainly in the one, and for consistently checking on the researchers’
form of sexual assault, and indirect experiences, health and well-being. Then, to Ms. Maria Heidi
through the imposed perceptions of significant people Arconado, and Ms. Judy Vinuya, the validators of the
in their lives, were revealed to be the principal sources IGQs, for the encouragement in creating a clearer and
of the participants’ homophobia. This developed richer research questions. To the Participants, the life
homophobia motivated them to engage in derogatory blood of the research, for their cooperation, valuable
attitude, thus having distrustful thoughts, time and intelligent minds in imparting answers to the
uncomfortable feelings, and evasive actions against questions in the study. Lastly to our dearest parents,
gay men. Boys’ Love series does not only provide for the unending support-morally, for the life-
entertainment to its audience, it has also demonstrated lessons; mentally, for the words of encouragement;
an eminent importance for initiating decline in spiritually, for helping strengthen the authors’ faith;
homophobia by its capacity to provide awareness and, financially, for working hard to support the
concerning homosexuality, same-sex relationships, and expense required in the research study.
gay men’s realities in particular. Specifically,
awareness-raising BL series’ portrayal of positive
traits of gay men, and its lesson-filled stories has
influenced the shift in their homophobic beliefs.
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Psychology, 105(3), 440-445.
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