Tle-Computer Systems SERVICING (Grade 10) : First Quarter - Module 2 Components of Computer System Hardware Tools
Tle-Computer Systems SERVICING (Grade 10) : First Quarter - Module 2 Components of Computer System Hardware Tools
Tle-Computer Systems SERVICING (Grade 10) : First Quarter - Module 2 Components of Computer System Hardware Tools
a. Identify the components of the system unit and its function.
b. Classify the computer devices as input, output, process and storage.
c. Apply the concepts of proper usage of the hardware tools.
Introduction / Overview:
This module will help you understand the components of the
computer system. It will give you an idea how the computer and peripheral devices
work. This module will also give details about the inside of the system unit, its
components and functions. The last topic is about the hardware tools. This module
will prepare you to become a good computer technician.
Directions: Encircle 6 components of system unit. Choose your answers in the pool
Processor Mouse
CD/DVD drive
Hard drive
Web camera
Power supply
Computer fan
RAM Monitor
➢ It is the process of encoding information that is external to the system and
entering it into the system.
➢ Input hardware are devices that take information that is external to the system
and coding it into the system. Examples of input devices are:
➢ It is the process of taking information that was in the system and producing it, either in a form
of softcopy or hardcopy.
➢ Softcopy is a type of output that are stored or displayed on a computer such as the monitor
display and the sound from the speaker while hardcopy is a type of output that are printed or
tangible like printed materials.
➢ Output hardware are devices that converts the processed data into something that human can
understand. Examples of output devices are:
➢ Monitors
➢ Printers
➢ Sound cards and speakers
➢ Haptic sensors (for example, mobile device vibrations upon touch input)
➢ A component of computer system that is used to indicate that data will be saved for a period
of time. We store for many reasons: for future reference; to prevent full loss of data; because
we forget to purge. Nowadays storage is very significant.
➢ Examples of storage devices are:
➢ Hard disk drives (HDDs)
➢ Solid-state drives (SSDs)
➢ Optical drives (CDs / BluRay / DVD)
➢ Flash storage devices (USB storage disks)
➢ Floppy disk drives (obsolete in today's world)
➢ Network-attached storage devices (NAS)
1. Chassis
The chassis is the housing that organizes and protects
wholly the components that make up a desktop computer.
2. Motherboard
The motherboard is one of the main internal hardware components of
the system unit. The board is termed ‘mother’
because it holds all the connectors to the other Figure 1. System case
hardware components of the computer system.
3. Microprocessor or CPU
The CPU is a hardware
Figure 3.Motherboard
component in control for all
operations that is processed in
the computer’s system which is
why it is known as the brain of the computer and it is
intact on the motherboard. The CPU has two main units
which are the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic logic unit
(ALU). The CU gets instructions from the memory and
executes them in order to control input and output
devices while the ALU carries out the arithmetic and
logical processes. The processor’s speed is in megahertz
(MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). Figure 2. Microprocessor
4. Random Access Memory
RAM is the main memory of the
computer system whose main function is to store data temporarily. The bigger
the capacity of the RAM, the faster the access to data by the CPU. RAM is volatile,
meaning it stores data while the computer is running and loses all data when the
computer is turned off. The RAM together with the CPU and the hard disk is the
computer’s major source of speed. A computer can utilize more than one RAM
depending on the user’s preference but limited to the number of
Figure 4. Random Access Memory memory slots on the motherboard.
5. Hard drive
The main storage device of the computer system is the hard disk or Hard
drive. Different to the RAM that stores data temporarily, the hard drive stores
information, files and other documents permanently as its main function and also
allows the retrieval of data but it is non-volatile (data is still there even the computer
goes off). Operating system and application software are installed on the hard drive.
The volume of data you can put in a hard drive depend on its capacity. The capacity Figure 5. Hard drive
of the hard drives lately is from 20gigabytes(20GB) to 2terabytes(2TB).
6. Computer fan
Most computers have two fans in the system unit or chassis, others have three.
Those are intended for CPU, for the entire system case and others are for hard drive.
The number of computer fan depends on the manufacturer. When the computer is
being used the CPU produces a lot of heat and heat could always cause damage to
your computer, it is for a reason that the CPU fan is located in a place to maintain
the CPU under the required temperature. The case fan is to keep the entire system
unit cooled. Computer fans’ main function is to cool down and sustain a conducive
temperature within the system unit for smooth operations.
In Computer Systems Servicing, there should always be a complete toolkit that contains all the tools
necessary to complete hardware repairs.
2. Hand Most tools used in the computer assembly/disassembly process are small
tools hand tools. Below are the examples.
• Crimper • Punch-down tool
• Flashlight • Torx screwdriver
• Flat-head screwdriver • Tweezers
• Hex driver • Wire cutter
• Needle-nose pliers • Wire stripper
• Phillips-head screwdriver
3. Cleaning Preparing and using appropriate cleaning tools is important when maintaining
tools and repairing computers. Using the proper cleaning tools helps ensure that
computer components are not damaged during cleaning. Example of cleaning
tools are:
Directions: Draw the examples of the hand tools used in PC repair. Put it in one
short bond paper.
Completeness 60%
Creativity- 30%
Visual Impact- 10%
TOTAL: 100%
I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the components of system unit being described.
__________1. It holds all the connectors to the other hardware components of the computer system.
__________3. It receives and convert the electrical supply to make the components function.
__________4. It is the housing that organizes and protects all the components of the system unit.
__________5. It stores data while the computer is running and loses all data when the computer is turned
II. CLASSIFICATION: Write I if the component is an input device, O, if output device, P, if processing
hardware and S, if storage device.
____1. Mouse
____2. Monitor
____3. DVD
____4. Printer
____5. CPU
____6. Keyboard
____7. Speaker
____8. HDD
____9. Flash Drive
____10. Microphone