Crushing of Coconut Husk

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,586,655 B2

Carrubba (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 19, 2013
EP O786496 A 8, 2004
KR 1020090109025 A 10/2009
(71) Applicant: Vincent Carrubba, Baldwin, NY (US) WO 2006052967 A 5, 2006
WO 2006059339. A 6, 2006
(72) Inventor: Vincent Carrubba, Baldwin, NY (US)
International Search Report for PCT/US2013/020628 dated Mar. 14,
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2013.*
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Bettini et al. “Investigation on the Use of Coir Fiber as Alternative
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Reinforcement in Polypropylene' Journal of Applied Polymer Sci
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Enriquez et al. “Fabrication and Characterization of High-Density
(21) Appl. No.: 13/736,607 Polyethylene-Coconut Coir Composites with Stearic Acid as
Compatibilizer” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,
2010, 23(3), 361-373. (Abstract).
(22) Filed: Jan. 8, 2013 Gu. “Tensile Behaviours of the Coir Fibre and Related Composites
After NaOH Treatment” Materials & Design, 2009, 30(9), 3931
(65) Prior Publication Data 3934. (Abstract).
Haque et al. “Physico-Mechanical Properties of Chemically Treated
US 2013/O178561 A1 Jul. 11, 2013 Palm and Coir Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites'
Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(20), 4903-4906. (Abstract).
Islam et al. “Physico-Mechanical Properties of Chemically Treated
Coir Reinforced Polypropylene Composites' Composites Part A.
Related U.S. Application Data 2010, 41(2), 192-198. (Abstract).
Islam et al. “Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Chemi
(60) Provisional application No. 61/585,035, filed on Jan. cally Treated Coir-Filled Polypropylene Composites' Ind. Eng.
10, 2012. Chem. Res., 2009, 48(23), 10491-10497. (Abstract).
Lai et al. “Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Coconut Coir
Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites' Polymer-Plastics
(51) Int. Cl. Technology and Engineering, 2005, 44(4), 619-634. (Abstract).
B29C 47/00 (2006.01) Sharma et al. "Studies on the Weathering Behavior of Glass Coir
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D21. I/08 (2006.01) Composites, 2009, 28, 2605-2613. (Abstract).
Tanetal. “Effect of Alkali Treatment of Coir Fiber on its Morphology
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D21B I/04 (2006.01) Tan et al. “Effect of Interface Improving on Morphology and Prop
B2B I/O (2006.01) erties of Coir Fiber/LLDPE Bio-Composites.” Advanced Materials
B02C2L/00 (2006.01) Research, 2011, 217-218, 1245. (Abstract).
B07B 700 (2006.01)
* cited by examiner
(52) U.S. Cl. Primary Examiner — Ling Choi
USPC .................. 524/13:524/15: 241/43; 264/115
Assistant Examiner — Ronald Grinsted
(58) Field of Classification Search (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Kramer & Amado P.C.
USPC .................................... 524/13, 15; 428/292.4
See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT
A composite board is manufactured from hydrophobic coco
nut coir fibers which have been treated to remove at least a
(56) References Cited portion of coconut pith therefrom; and a hydrophobic vinyl
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS polymer, such as a polyolefin. The composite board is manu
factured without any step of chemically modifying coconut
5,085,898 A 2f1992 Welteke et al. coir fibers. The composite board is manufactured by remov
8,012,389 B2 9, 2011 Warnes et al. ing at least a portion of coconut pith from coconut coir fibers
2002fOO40557 A1 4/2002 Felton using a cyclonic separator, combining coconut coir fibers
2003/009 1804 A1* 5/2003 Li et al. ...................... 428,292.4 with a hydrophobic polymer to form a mixture; and extruding
2009,013O377 A1 5, 2009 Samanta et al. the mixture to form a composite board.
2010.0056699 A1 3/2010 Dobashi et al.
2011/0250814 A1* 10/2011 Bradley et al. ................ 442/341 17 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 1 of 6 US 8,586,655 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,586,655 B2


AIR --

This as well


FIG. 3
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Will use this. Include

this diagram in re-
lated studies.




FIG. 4

Feed goes from Fig 4

to Fig401

O 402
AIR - G O o O O -Ge. PTH

FIG. 5
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FIG. 6
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U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,586,655 B2


523 y y 529
524 525 c

522 521 \ 526


533 y 534
535 D 538

532 531 \ 536

FIG. 9
US 8,586,655 B2
1. 2
COMPOSITE BOARDS AND A METHOD OF intended to highlight and introduce Some aspects of the vari
MAKING THE SAME ous exemplary embodiments, but not to limit the scope of the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Various embodiments disclosed herein relate to composite
APPLICATIONS boards manufactured from hydrophobic polymers, i.e., PVC
or polyolefins, and hydrophobic coconut coir fibers which
This application is claims priority to U.S. Provisional have been treated to remove coconut pith therefrom. In vari
Application No. 61/585,035, filed on Jan. 10, 2012. The entire ous embodiments, the composite board is manufactured with
disclosure of the prior application is incorporated by refer 10
out any step of chemically modifying coconut coir fibers. In
ence herein in its entirety. various embodiments, the coconut coir fibers have been
treated to remove at least a portion of the coconut pith there
BACKGROUND from. In various embodiments, the coconut coir fibers have
been treated to remove substantially all of the coconut pith
1. Field of the Invention therefrom.
This invention relates generally to fiber-reinforced poly In certain embodiments, the composite board is manufac
mer composites, preferably containing natural fibers, more tured by removing at least a portion of the coconut pith from
preferably coconut coir fibers. coconut coir fibers using a cyclonic separator, combining
2. Description of Related Art coconut coir fibers with a hydrophobic polymer to form a
Fiber-reinforced polymer composites containing synthetic mixture; and extruding the mixture to form a composite
or natural fibers have been used as construction materials in board. In some embodiments, the composite board is manu
the past. Plastics reinforced with synthetic fibers possess high factured by removing substantially all of the coconut pith
strength, but are expensive to produce. Unlike synthetic from coconut coir fibers using a cyclonic separator, combin
fibers, natural fibers are readily available. However, natural ing coconut coir fibers with a hydrophobic polymer to form a
fibers are hydrophilic, which causes them to be incompatible 25 mixture; and extruding the mixture to form a composite
with many hydrophobic polymers, including polyvinyl chlo board.
ride (PVC) and polyolefins. Various embodiments relate to a process of preparing a
Coir is a natural fiber obtained from coconut husks. Coir composite board by removing at least a portion of the coconut
fibers are strong, lightweight, and abundant. In the past, coir pith from coconut coir fibers; combining the coconut coir
fibers have been used as reinforcement in polymeric compos 30
fibers with a polymer to form a mixture, and extruding the
ite materials. However, raw coir is normally hydrophilic, mixture to form a composite board. Removal of at least a
rendering them incompatible with polyolefins and PVC. Spe portion of the coconut pith from coconut coir fibers may be
cifically, raw coir as used in the prior art include coir fibers done by abrading the coir fibers to release pith from the coir
and coconut pith. While coir fibers are comparatively hydro fibers, entraining the coir fibers and pith in a high-velocity
phobic, pith is very hydrophilic and is incompatible with 35
polyolefins and PVC. Complete separation of coir and pith by stream of heated air, and separating coir fibers from the air
physical processes has not been achieved in the prior art. stream in a cyclonic separator. Coir fibers may be collected in
To overcome incompatibility between coir and a polymer a hopper or vessel beneath the cyclonic separator while a
matrix, coir-reinforced composites have been made using high-velocity air stream exiting the cyclonic separator carries
hydrophilic resins, including epoxy resins and polyurethanes. 40 the lightweight pith. The hydrophobic polymer may be an
In many cases, epoxy resins and polyurethanes have reactive olefin homopolymer, an olefin copolymer, polyvinyl chlo
sites, such as epoxide or isocyanate functionalities, which can ride, polyvinylidine chloride, polystyrene, or a mixture
react with hydrophilic sites on the coir fibers. thereof. The polymer may be virgin polymer, recycled poly
Composites made from hydrophilic fibers and/or polymers mer, or regrind polymer. The polymer is preferably polyeth
present the difficulty that they have a tendency to absorb 45 ylene or polypropylene. The polymer is preferably either
water, rendering them unsuitable for use in outdoor construc Virgin polymer or recycled polymer, Such as Virgin polyeth
tion. Attempts to overcome this have been made by using ylene, recycled polyethylene, Virgin polypropylene or
polyolefins as matrix polymers in coir-reinforced materials. recycled polypropylene.
However, since coir used in the past is hydrophilic, this mate In various embodiments, the polymer is combined with the
rial has been found to be incompatible with hydrophobic 50 coconut coir fibers and mixed in an extruder. The mixture of
polymers. As a result, coir-reinforced polyolefin composites the coir fibers and the polymer is mixed in the extruder, and
of the prior art use chemically modified coir. Coir, as used in the resulting coir fiber-polymer mixture is extruded to form a
these composites, has been modified to incorporate hydro composite product. The composite product may be a compos
phobic groups into the coir structure, increasing compatibil ite board. Alternatively, the composite product may be a plu
ity between the coir and the polyolefin. 55 rality of pellets.
The current disclosure relates to fiber-reinforced polymer Pellets formed from the mixture by extruding may be sup
composites containing natural coir fibers and a hydrophobic plied to a second extruder, and melted in the second extruder.
matrix polymer. Compatibility between the coir fibers and the The molten pellets may then be extruded to form a composite
hydrophobic matrix polymer is increased without requiring board.
chemical modification of the fibers. 60 Various embodiments of the current disclosure are directed
to a composite board which has been manufactured from
SUMMARY coconut coir fibers which have been treated to remove at least
a portion of the coconut pith therefrom; and a polymeric
In light of the present need for improved reinforced poly matrix comprising a polymer selected from the group con
mer composites containing natural fibers, a brief Summary of 65 sisting of olefinhomopolymers, olefin copolymers, polyvinyl
various embodiments is presented. Some simplifications and chloride, polyvinylidine chloride, polystyrene, and mixtures
omissions may be made in the following Summary, which is thereof. Preferably, the coconut coir fibers have not been
US 8,586,655 B2
3 4
chemically modified. Preferably, the coconut coir fibers have fibers by abrading the coconut coir; drying the coconut pith
been treated to remove substantially all of the coconut pith and the coconut coir fibers in an air stream, preferably a
therefrom. heated air stream; separating the coconut pith from the coco
In some embodiments, the polymer matrix may include nut coir fibers in a cyclonic separator; and recovering hydro
additives which do not chemically modify the fiber structure. phobic coconut coir fibers from the cyclonic separator.
These additives may include colorants, i.e., pigments or non Various embodiments disclosed in the current disclosure
reactive dyes, or plasticizers. relate to building materials prepared using coir fibers having
In various embodiments, the polymer matrix for the com low pith content or no pith content, contained in a matrix
posite board comprises a thermoplastic material, i.e., poly binder. In various embodiments, the matrix binder is a ther
ethylene or polypropylene, in combination with coconut coir 10 moplastic or thermosetting polymeric binder. The matrix
fibers treated for removal of pith. The polymer matrix may binder may be a thermoplastic binder. The thermoplastic
contain an optional organic filler selected from the group binder may be a polyester, a polycarbonate, a polyolefin,
consisting of ramie fibers, bamboo fibers, rice hulls, wheat polystyrene, a copolymer of at least one olefin having from
husks, linen, jute, bagasse, corn husks, and sawdust. The two to twelve carbonatoms and a second vinyl monomer, i.e.,
polymer matrix may also contain an optional inorganic filler 15 styrene, a vinyl ester, a vinyl halide, or an ester of an unsat
Such as glass fibers, carbon fibers, mineral fibers, silica, alu urated acid; polyvinyl halide, or polyvinylidine halide. The
mina, titania, carbon black, nitride compounds, and carbide thermoplastic binder is preferably a polyolefin, polyvinyl
compounds. halide, or polyvinylidine halide, more preferably polypropy
In various embodiments, the polymer matrix for the com lene, polyethylene, high density polyethylene, low density
posite board contains UV stabilizers which reduce the likeli polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, or medium
hood of the composite board undergoing degradation from density polyethylene. Composites with thermoplastic binders
exposure to ultraviolet light. Such UV stabilizers include may be prepared by extrusion molding.
organic light stabilizers, such as benzophenone light stabiliz The thermosetting binder may be a phenol-formaldehyde
ers, hindered amine light stabilizers, and benzotriazoles; and resin, an epoxy resin, or aurea-formaldehyde resin. In various
inorganic light stabilizers, such as barium metaborate and its 25 embodiments, coir fiber may be used in a composite having a
hydrates. cement, plaster, or other mineral binder. According to various
In various embodiments, the polymer matrix for the com embodiments, composites with thermosetting binders or min
posite board contains antifungal agents which increase resis eral binders, i.e., cement binders, may be prepared by com
tance of the board to mold and other organisms. The antifun pression molding in a press to form large sheets or to form
gal agents may be incorporated into the binder of the 30 planks or boards.
composite board. Useful antifungal agents include copper(II) In various embodiments, the current application is directed
8-quinolinolate; zinc oxide; zinc-dimethyldithiocarbamate: to building materials prepared using a composition contain
2-mercaptobenzothiazole; Zinc salt; barium metaborate; ing from 5% to 70% by weight of coir fibers prepared by the
tributyl tin benzoate; bis tributyl tin salicylate; tributyl tin process described herein; optionally various processing addi
oxide; parabens: ethyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahy 35 tives, including colorants, i.e., dyes or pigments; fillers; plas
droxybenzoate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate and butyl ticizers, and other additives; with the balance of the compo
parahydroxybenzoate; methylene bis(thiocyanate); 1,2-ben sition being athermoplastic, thermosetting, or mineral matrix
Zisothiazoline-3-one: 2-mercaptobenzo-thiazole; 5-chloro binder.
2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone: 2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiaz
olone; zinc 2-pyridinethiol-N-oxide; tetra-hydro-3,5-di 40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
methyl-2H-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione; N-trichloromethyl
thio-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboximide; 2-n-octyl-4- In order to better understand various exemplary embodi
isothiazoline-3-one; 2,4,5,6-tetrachloro-isophthalonitrile; ments, reference is made to the accompanying drawings,
3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate; diiodomethyl-p-tolylsul wherein:
fone, N-(trichloromethyl-thio)phthalimide; potassium N-hy 45 FIGS. 1-4 show mills suitable for grinding coir chunks into
droxy-methyl-N-methyl-dithiocarbamate; sodium 2-pyridi coir fibers and pith:
nethiol-1-oxide: 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole; and FIG. 5 shows a mechanism for entraining coir fibers and
2-4 (-thiazolyl)benzimidazole. pith in an air stream, which may be a heated air stream;
The polymer matrix for the composite board may contain FIG. 6 shows a first embodiment of a cyclonic separator for
additives which help provide strength and scratch resistance 50 separating coir fibers from pith;
to the board surface. Additives which help increase scratch FIG. 7 shows a second embodiment of a cyclonic separator
resistance to the board surface include lubricants and very for separating coir fibers from pith;
hard mineral fillers, including carbide and nitride ceramics. FIG. 8 shows an extruder for mixing coir fibers and poly
The board Surface may also include inorganic pigments, mer and extruding the resulting mixture to form pellets; and
organic pigments, or dyes as colorants. The board Surface 55 FIG. 9 shows an extruder for melting pellets of coir fibers
may be embossed with a decorative pattern, i.e., wood grain and polymer and extruding the molten pellets to form aboard.
or imitation Stone.
The current disclosure also relates to a method of produc DETAILED DESCRIPTION
ing hydrophobic coconut coir fibers by chopping coconut
husks to produce raw coconut coir, releasing hydrophilic 60 Referring now to the drawings, in which like numerals
coconut pith from the coconut coir by abrading the coconut refer to like components or steps, there are disclosed broad
coir, separating the hydrophilic coconut pith from the coco aspects of various exemplary embodiments.
nut coir fibers in a cyclonic separator; and recovering hydro The present disclosure relates to a composite board manu
phobic coconut coir fibers from the cyclonic separator. factured using coconut coir fibers. Coconut coir, in its raw
In certain embodiments, hydrophobic coconut coir fibers 65 state, includes coconut coir fibers, which are comparatively
are prepared by chopping coconut husks to produce raw coco hydrophobic natural fibers, and coconut pith, which is hydro
nut coir, releasing hydrophilic coconut pith from coconut coir philic. The present disclosure uses coconut coir, preferably
US 8,586,655 B2
5 6
dry coconut coir, more preferably coconut coir having a mois 100. A high speed air stream may be passed through the ball
ture content of between 2% and 8%, most preferably coconut mill. As the ball mill grinds the coir chunks into individual
coir having a moisture content of 6%. The coconut coir may coir fibers and pith particles, the coir fibers and pith particles
be dried in a rotating drumheater, preferably a rotating drum are entrained in the air stream and exit the ball mill through
natural gas fired heater. 5 screen 102. Screen 102 retains grinding media 101 in the ball
The current disclosure describes an improved method of mill. The size of the coir fibers and pith particles is controlled
separating coir fibers from pith. In a first step, coconut husk is by the size of the openings in the screen.
chopped to produce coir chunks. In certain embodiments, the Alternatively, coir chunks may be ground or abraded in a
chopping step is carried out in a knife mill. hammer mill, as seen in FIG. 3. Coir chunks are deposited in
In certain embodiments, the knife mill has a rotor powered 10 feed hopper 201, and pass into mill chamber 202. The coir
with an engine, i.e., a gasoline or electric engine, and a plu chunks are reduced in size by impact with rotating hammers
rality of straight knife blades bolted to the periphery of the 204 mounted on a rotor 203. The impact between the ham
rotor. In various embodiments, coconut husk is added to a mers 204 and the coir chunks shatters the coir chunks, releas
knife mill by a conveyer belt. The conveyer belt may include ing pith from coir fibers. As the coir chunks are reduced in size
a slotted orienter to control orientation of coir chunks as they 15 to the desired degree, forming pith particles and coir fibers,
enter the knife mill; control of coir chunk orientation allows the pith particles and coir fibers 207 pass through a screen 205
preparation of coir fibers having consistent lengths. In other into the bottom of the hammer mill and are collected in a
embodiments, coconut husk is added to a knife mill by a container or hopper 206, and then sent to a rotating drum
hopper. The conveyer belt may include a magnet to prevent drier.
wrenches or other loose equipment from killing or damaging Coir chunks may also be ground or abraded to release coir
the knife mill. fibers and pith particles in an oscillating granulator, as seen in
When coconut husk is added to the knife mill, rotation of FIG. 4. Coir chunks are placed in a hopper 300. Below the
the rotor chops the aligned coconut husk into Small pieces or hopper is an oscillating bar 301 which contacts a woven wire
chunks comprising consistent length coconut coir fibers and screen 302. Coir chunks are abraded by shear between the
coconut pith. The coir and pith are not easy to separate from 25 oscillating bar 301 and the woven screen 302 as the bar
these coir chunks. The chopping step is preferably carried out oscillates back and forth. Coir fibers and pith particles pass
on dry coir, preferably coconut coir having a moisture content through the wire screen 302, and are collected in a container
of between 2% and 8%, more preferably coconut coir having or hopper, and may then be sent to a rotating drum drier.
a moisture content of 6%. Alternatively, the chopping step Other devices for abrading or milling large particles may
may be carried out on coir having a higher moisture content. 30 be used to reduce the size of coir chunks and release pith
If chopping is carried out on wet coir, the resulting coir particles from coir fibers.
chunks may be dried prior to further processing. Next, dry coir fibers and pith particles recovered from
To release pith from coir chunks, coir chunks are abraded in abrasion or milling of dry coir chunks, optionally followed by
a mill. In certain embodiments, wet or dry coir chunks are drying in a rotating drum drier, are entrained in a heated air
abraded in a contra-selector mill, as seen in FIG. 1. The 35 stream. If abrasion or milling is performed in a ball mill, this
contra-selector mill includes a rotating screen basket 81. Coir step is preferably accomplished by passing a stream of high
chunks 82 are deposited into the basket from inlet 83. An velocity heated air through the ball mill, as seen in FIG. 2. If
impellor 84 having blades 85 rotates simultaneously with abrasion or milling is performed in a contra-selector mill,
rotation of the basket 81. The impellor 84 and the screen hammer mill, or oscillating granulator, then the Venturi effect
basket 81 may rotate in the same direction, or the impellor 84 40 is used to entrain the coir fibers and pith particles in a heated
and the screen basket 81 may rotate in opposite directions. air stream, as seen in FIG. 5. The coir fibers and pith particles
Preferably, the impellor 84 and the screen basket 81 rotate in 401 are loaded into a hopper or tank 402 with a small hole 403
opposite directions to produce fibers. As the impellor 84 and at its lower end. This hole 403 opens into a tube 404 carrying
the screen basket 81 rotate, coir chunks are ground or abraded a high Velocity air stream. As the air stream passes the hole
between the blades 85 and grinding elements on the inner 45 403 in the hopper or tank 402, producing a partial vacuum in
surface of the basket 81. As the coir chunks are ground, the hole 403 in the hopper or tank, coir fibers and pith particles
centrifugal forces cause the ground particles to pass through from the hopper or tank are Sucked into the high Velocity air
openings in the screen basket 81. The fiber size may be stream. The high velocity air stream carries the coir fibers and
controlled by adjusting the rotation speed of the impellor 84 pith particles into a cyclonic separator, discussed below. The
and the screen basket 81, and/or the size of the openings in the 50 cyclonic separator separates heavy coir fibers from the air
screen basket 81. The ground particles comprise coir fibers stream, producing an air stream with entrained lightweight
and coconut pith, and fall into a trough or hopper where they pith particles. It is important to note the importance of drying
are collected after passing out of the screen basket. coir prior to introducing coir fibers and pith particles into the
According to various embodiments, wet or dry coir chunks cyclonic separator. If the coir is not properly dried, the pith
are abraded in a contra selector mill. Abrasion of the coir fiber 55 particles will be wet and heavy, and will not properly separate
bundles in the mill opens the pith pockets. In certain embodi from the heavy coir fibers. The coir fibers recovered after
ments, coir is collected in a wet state, and then the coir is separation from pith have a length of from 0.1 to 5 mm,
stored inside for days before processing. As a result, the coir preferably 0.2 to 2.5 mm, more preferably 1 to 2 mm.
is partially dried prior to abrasion in the contra selector mill. FIG. 6 shows a cyclonic separator 501 for separating coir
Ground particles comprising coir fibers and coconut pith 60 fiber from coconut pith. Cyclonic separator 501 includes a
received as an output from the contra selector mill are sent to tubular body 502 having an opening at each end. The lower
a rotating drum drier. In the rotating drum drier, the drying end 503 of body 502 is conical, while the upper end of body
and rotating action of the drier causes dry pith particles to be 502 is cylindrical. Cyclonic separator 501 includes an inlet
released from the coir fibers. 504 for a stream of air containing entrained coconut coir
In an alternative embodiment, coir chunks may be ground 65 fibers and lightweight coconut pith. Inlet 504 injects the air
or abraded in a ball mill in the presence of spherical grinding stream tangentially relative to the wall of the cylindrical por
media 101, as seen in FIG. 2. The ball mill has a hollow body tion of cyclonic separator 501, establishing a helical flow of
US 8,586,655 B2
7 8
air inside the cyclonic separator. Particles entrained in this fibers by a vibrating or oscillating screen separator. Separated
helical airflow are subjected to centrifugal force, directing the coir fibers go through the screen separator, while coir chunks
particles radially outward toward the wall of body 502, and to are caught and returned to the conveyer leading to the knife
a buoyant force, in which the air in the helical air stream mill for further processing. Typically, less than 10% of the
Supports the particles. The buoyant force opposes the cen 5 output of the cyclonic separator consists of chunks that need
trifugal force. The position of a particle in the helical air further processing.
stream is controlled by a balance between centrifugal and FIG.8 shows an extruder 520 for blending a polymer with
buoyant forces. In general, a particle in the cyclone moves coir fibers recovered from a cyclonic separator according to
toward either the wall of the cyclone, or the central axis of the FIG. 1 or FIG. 2. The extruder 520 includes a tubular body
cyclone until the buoyant and centrifugal forces are balanced. 10 521 with at least one helical screw 522 rotatably mounted
Denser particles, i.e., heavy coir fiber particles, move to the inside. Screw 522 is driven by a motor (not shown). Screw
outer wall of body 502, and lighter pith particles move toward 522 has a helical thread 525 thereon. Extruder 520 can be an
the axis of the cyclone. As the dense coir fibers move toward extruder with a single screw, or a dual screw extruder.
the wall of body 502, they strike the outside wall, and fall to Extruder 520 includes a hopper or other inlet 523 for
the bottom of the cyclone where they can be removed through 15 receiving pellets of a polymer. The polymer is preferably a
an opening in the bottom of conical end 503. hydrophobic polymer; more preferably an olefin homopoly
The pith is lightweight, and continues to be entrained in the mer, an olefin copolymer, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidine
helical air flow until it reaches the junction of the cylindrical chloride, polystyrene, or a mixture thereof; still more prefer
portion of body 502 and the conical portion 503 of body 502. ably an olefin homopolymer, an olefin copolymer, polyvinyl
This junction interrupts the helical airflow. The air then exits chloride, or polyvinylidine chloride; most preferably poly
the cyclone in a straight stream through the center of the ethylene or polypropylene.
cyclone and out opening 505 in the top of body 502. The Extruder 520 includes a second hopper or other inlet 524
coconut pith is still entrained in the air stream, and is also for receiving coir fibers. The interior of the screw is heated
removed through opening 505. sufficiently to melt the polymer pellets. Screw 522 rotates,
FIG. 7 shows an alternate embodiment of a cyclonic sepa 25 causing the thread 525 to knead the molten polymer and mix
rator for separating coir fiber from coconut pith. Cyclonic the molten polymer with the coir fibers. The mixture of coir
separator 510 includes a tubular body 511 having an entrance fibers and polymer is extruded from extruder 520 through die
512 at one end, and an exit 517 at the other end. Entrance 512 plate 526, forming a strand of molten polymer 529. A cutting
injects an airstream containing air and entrained coir fibers device having, for example, a knife blade 528 reciprocating in
and pith particles axially into the center of the tubular body 30 the direction of arrow C, cuts the strand 529 at regular inter
511 of cyclonic separator 510. Entrance 512 includes a means vals, forming pellets 527. Again, it is important to note the
513 for establishing a helical flow to the airstream as it exits importance of drying coir early in the process disclosed
entrance 512, establishing a helical flow of air in the direction herein; if the coir is not properly dried prior to separating the
of arrow B inside the cyclonic separator. Means 513 may take coir fibers and the pith, the resulting coir fibers will be wet.
the form of stationary spinner Vanes in entrance pipe 512. 35 Preferably, the coir fibers are dried prior to their introduction
Particles entrained in this helical air flow in the direction of into the cyclonic separator; more preferably, the coir fibers
arrow B are Subjected to centrifugal and buoyant forces, are dried to a moisture level of between 2% and 8% after
directing the particles radially outward toward the wall of grinding in a mill, i.e., a contra selector mill, but prior to their
body 511. Denser particles, i.e., heavy coir fiber particles, introduction into the cyclonic separator. Wet coir fibers have
move toward the outer wall of body 511, and lighter pith 40 poor compatibility with hydrophobic polymers, when com
particles move toward the axis of the helical airflow B. pared to dry coir fibers.
Simultaneously with introduction of an airstream contain FIG. 9 shows an extruder 530 for extruding a blend of a
ing air and entrained coir fibers and pith particles through polymer and coir fibers. The extruder 530 includes a tubular
entrance 512, a secondary air stream enters chamber 515 body 531 with at least one helical screw 532 rotatably
through inlet 514. Secondary air nozzles 516 inject air at high 45 mounted inside. Screw 532 is driven by a motor (not shown).
speed tangentially into body 511, creating a second helical Screw 532 has a helical thread 535 thereon. Extruder 530 can
airflow along the inner wall of body 511, in the direction of be an extruder with a single screw, or a dual screw extruder.
arrow A. Helical airflow A surrounds airflow B, and moves Extruder 530 includes a hopper or other inlet 533 for
toward entrance 512 while airflow B moves toward exit 517. receiving pellets 527, as produced by extruder 520 of FIG.8.
Helical airflow A entrains coir fiber particles exiting airflow B 50 Pellets 527 are melted in extruder 530. Extruder 530 also
due to centrifugal force. Airflow A prevents damage to the optionally includes a second hopper or other inlet 534 for
inner wall of body 511 from impact with coir fibers, and receiving colorants, i.e., pigments or non-reactive dyes; plas
moves coir fibers in the direction of entrance 512. Near ticizers; or other additives, preferably additives which do not
entrance 512, airflow A strikes baffle 519, stopping the helical react with reactive sites on the coir fiber, i.e., hydroxyl groups.
airflow. At this point, air from airflow A begins to flow toward 55 Screw 532 rotates, causing the thread 535 to knead the molten
exit 517 in the direction of arrow C. Air moving in the direc pellets and, if necessary, mix the molten pellets with the
tion of arrow C and airflow B combine and exit the body 511 additives. The mixture of molten pellets and additives is
through exit 517, along with entrained pith. When airflow A extruded from extruder 530 through die plate 536, forming a
strikes baffle 519, entrained coir fibers are released and are strand of molten polymer 539.
carried into hopper 518 for recovery. 60 In certain embodiments, die plate 536 has a die with a
Other embodiments of cyclonic separators are known in rectangular hole, so that strand 539 has a width that is greater
the art, and may be used to separate coir fibers from pith than its thickness. However, die plate 536 is not limited to a
particles. die with a rectangular hole. In some embodiments, die plate
Within the cyclonic separator, air flow and collisions fur 536 has a die with a complex profile, so that strand 539 has a
ther separate the pith from the coir fibers. The fibers that fall 65 complex cross section. Strand 539 may be extruded as a
to the bottom of the cyclone may also still have some coir hollow rectangular board with one or more Support struts
chunks included. The coir chunks are separated from coir formed therein. Strand 539 may be extruded as a hollow or
US 8,586,655 B2
solid board with slots or notches formed therein, where the Once the resin has been mixed with the particles, the liquid
slots or notches allow multiple boards to be linked together. A mixture is made into a sheet. The sheets formed are then
cutting device having, for example, a knife blade 538 recip compressed under pressures between two and three megapas
rocating in the direction of arrow D, cuts the strand 539 at cals and temperatures between 140° C. and 220° C. This
regular intervals, forming boards 537. process sets and hardens the thermosetting resin. The result
The process described herein produces boards that are ing boards are then cooled, trimmed and sanded.
strong, due to the reinforcing fibers. The boards may be In cases when the practitioner wishes to produce a com
produced in lengths of up to 25 feet and used as load-bearing posite board having coir fibers and a mineral matrix, i.e.,
materials, i.e., flooring for decks. The boards are environmen cement or gypsum, the board may be prepared by mixing
tally friendly, and water resistant. The boards are also resis 10 liquid polymer precursors and coir fibers. Coir fibers are
tant to mold. The coir fibers and polyethylene are not readily mixed with a mineral binder, i.e., gypsum, and the mixture is
digested by termites or other insects, so the boards are resis formed into a core sheet, which is sandwiched between facing
tant to termite infestation. sheets of paperora nonwoven material. The core is allowed to
set and dry until it is strong enough for use as a building
As an alternative to coir fibers, the process disclosed herein 15 material.
may be carried out using ramie or bamboo fibers to reinforce Composite boards made using coir fiber prepared as
polymeric products. In some embodiments, the process dis described herein and a thermoplastic resin binder or a ther
closed herein may be carried out using coconut coir fibers in mosetting matrix binder having important advantages over
combination with ramie or bamboo fibers to reinforce poly composite boards made using raw coir, or other natural cel
meric products. Ramie and bamboo fibers are readily avail lulosic materials, i.e., sawdust or other wood fillers. Compos
able and inexpensive materials. Ramie and bamboo fibers are ite boards made with coir fiber material as described herein
renewable and resemble wood. Coconut coir fibers are also may, in Some circumstances, possess one or more of the
renewable; however, coconut coir fibers are more expensive following advantages:
than ramie and bamboo fibers. Coconut coir fibers have dis The composite boards have high strength, due to coir fibers
tinct advantages over ramie and bamboo fibers. Coconut coir 25 giving the material high flexural toughness and rigidity;
fibers have longer fibers with a greater aspect ratio than either The composite boards are low in cost, due to the ready
ramie or bamboo fibers, and are therefore able to provide availability of raw coir and the lack of any need for chemical
composite boards with greater strength than composite processing of coir after removal of pith;
boards reinforced solely with ramie and bamboo fibers. The composite boards are low in moisture absorption,
In various embodiments, a composite board is produced 30 because coir fiber are hydrophobic;
comprising a polymer binder and coconut coir fibers as a Resistant to mold;
reinforcing additive. In various embodiments, a composite Resistant to termites and other wood eating bugs; and
board is produced comprising from 3% to 100% by weight of Fire retardant, because coir fibers are denser and more
coconut coir fibers and from 0% to 97% by weight of bamboo self-extinguishing than wood fillers.
or ramie fibers, based on the total weight of the fibers, and a 35 In composite boards containing wood, mold tends to grow
thermoplastic resin matrix. In various embodiments, the com on wood/plastic composite surfaces because the wood filler
posite board comprises from 35% to 100% by weight of promotes mold growth. Coir fibers have a lower tendency
coconut coir fibers and 0% to 65% by weight of bamboo than wood to promote mold growth; therefore, boards con
fibers, based on the total weight of the fibers, and a thermo taining coir fiber as a reinforcing material are more resistant
plastic resin matrix. In various embodiments, the composite 40 to mold growth than boards containing wood fillers. Also, coir
board comprises from 40% to 60% by weight of coconut coir fibers are resistant to termites and other insects, as they are
fibers and 40% to 60% by weight of bamboo fibers, based on harder for insects to digest.
the total weight of the fibers, and a thermoplastic resin matrix.
The precise ratio of coconut coir fibers to bamboo or ramie Example 1
fibers may be adjusted to obtain a desired board strength at a 45
desired cost/unit length. Specifically, the cost/unit length A series of composite boards were produced by extruding
decreases as the ratio of coconut coir fibers to bamboo or a composition containing 35% by weight recycled polyeth
ramie fibers decreases; however, the board strength increases ylene as a binder, and 65% by weight of vegetable fibers. The
as the ratio of coconut coir fibers to bamboo or ramie fibers vegetable fibers contained a mixture of coconut coir fibers
increases. 50 and bamboo fibers; or coconut coir fibers in the absence of
In various embodiments, the composite board comprises bamboo fibers. A comparative composite board was produced
from 20% to 80% by weight of a mixture of coconut coir by extruding a composition containing 35% by weight
fibers and an optional filler, based on the total weight of the recycled polyethylene as a binder, and 65% by weight of
mixture, and from 20% to 80% by weight of a thermoplastic bamboo fibers, in the absence of coconut coir fibers. The
resin. In some embodiments, the composite board comprises 55 composite boards were Subjected to testing using test meth
from 20% to 50% by weight of a mixture of coconut coir ods in accordance with ASTM D7032-10, “Standard Speci
fibers and the optional filler, based on the total weight of the fication for Establishing Performance Ratings for Wood
mixture, and from 20% to 50% by weight of the thermoplastic Plastic Composite Deck Boards and Guardrail Systems.” and
resin. ASTMD6109-10, “Standard Test Methods for Flexural Prop
In cases when the practitioner wishes to produce a com 60 erties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastic Lumber and
posite board, i.e., a particle board, having coir fibers and a Related Products.” The testing was conducted at a relative
thermosetting binder matrix, i.e., a phenol-formaldehyde, humidity of 50%+5%, and a temperature of 52°C. The test
urea-formaldehyde, melamine, or epoxy resin matrix, the results were used to determine the maximum distance that a
board may be prepared by mixing liquid polymer precursors board having a cross section of 8" by 1.25" between two joists
and coir fibers. Coir fibers are mixed with a thermosetting 65 can safely span. The results are reported in Table 1. The
resin, and the mixture is formed into a sheet. The mixing step coconut coir fibers were prepared by removing Substantially
may be carried out by spraying the resin onto the coir fibers. all of the coconut pith from coconut coir fibers by abrading
US 8,586,655 B2
11 12
the coir fibers to release pith from the coir fibers, entraining i) a thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting
the coir fibers and pith in a high-velocity stream of heated air, of olefin homopolymers, olefin copolymers, polyvinyl
and separating coir fibers from the air stream in a cyclonic chloride, polyvinylidine chloride, polystyrene, and mix
separator. tures thereof;
As seen in Table 1, the maximum joist span at a relative 5
ii) a thermoset resin; and
humidity of 50%+5%, and a temperature of 52°C., increases iii) an inorganic binder.
from 16 inches at a coconut coir fiber content of 0-5% by 6. The method of claim 5, wherein said binder is said
weight of the board to 36 inches at a coconut coir fiber content thermoplastic resin; and
of 65% by weight of the board. The maximum joist span at a said forming comprises:
relative humidity of 50%+5%, and a temperature of 52° C. 10
i) forming said mixture into pellets;
was 30 inches for a board having a coconut coir fiber content ii) melting said pellets in an extruder; and
of 45-55% by weight of the board, and a bamboo fiber content iii) extruding said molten pellets to form said product,
of 10-20% by weight. Use of a coconut coir fiber content of wherein said product is a composite board.
33% by weight of the board and a bamboo fiber content of 7. The method of claim 5, wherein said binder is said
33% by weight increases the maximum joist span by 50%, 15
thermoset resin or said inorganic binder; and said forming
when compared to a board having only bamboo fibers. comprises compression molding said mixture to form said
product, wherein said product is a composite sheet.
8. The method of claim 5, wherein said combining com
Impact of Coconut Coir Fiber Content on Joist Span Capability. prises mixing said hydrophobic coconut coir fibers with said
binder in an extruder to form a mixture, said binder being said
TEST INFO thermoplastic resin.
DECKSDOCK 9. The method of claim 5, wherein said binder is an olefin
BOARD FORMUL.AE JOIST SPAN homopolymer or an olefin copolymer.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein said binder is polyeth
FIBER 90 FIBER 9% Polyethylene (INCHES) 96 CHANGE 11. The method of claim 5, wherein said binder is polyvinyl
65% 359 16 BASELINE chloride or polyvinylidine chloride.
59 60% 359 16 100% 12. The method of claim 2, wherein said filler is selected
25% 40% 359 24 150%
33% 33% 359 24 150% 30
from the group consisting of ramie fibers, bamboo fibers, rice
45% 20% 359 30 188% hulls, wheat husks, linen, jute, bagasse, cornhusks, sawdust,
55% 10% 359 30 188% and mixtures thereof.
65% 359 36 22.5% 13. The method of claim 2, wherein said filler is bamboo
fibers; and
Although the various embodiments have been described in 35
wherein said combining comprises combining from 3% to
detail, it should be understood that the invention is capable of 100% by weight of said hydrophobic coconut coir fibers
other embodiments and its details are capable of modifica and from 0% to 97% by weight of said bamboo fibers,
tions in various obvious respects. AS is readily apparent to based on the total weight of the hydrophobic coconut
those skilled in the art, variations and modifications can be coir fibers and bamboo fibers, with said binder to form
said mixture.
affected while remaining within the spirit and scope of the 40
invention. Accordingly, the foregoing disclosure, description, 14. The method of claim 13, wherein said combining com
and figures are for illustrative purposes only and do not in any prises combining from 35% to 100% by weight of said hydro
way limit the invention, which is defined only by the claims. phobic coconut coir fibers and from 0% to 65% by weight of
What is claimed is: said bamboo fibers, based on the total weight of the coconut
1. A method of producing a material comprising hydropho 45
coir fibers and bamboo fibers, with said binder to form said
bic coconut coir fibers, comprising:
a) chopping coconut husks to produce raw coconut coir, 15. The method of claim 14, wherein said combining com
b) releasing hydrophilic coconut pith from said coconut prises combining from 40% to 60% by weight of said hydro
coir by abrading said coconut coir; phobic coconut coir fibers and from 40% to 60% by weight of
c) separating said hydrophilic coconut pith from said coco 50
said bamboo fibers, based on the total weight of the coconut
nut coir in a cyclonic separator, and coir fibers and bamboo fibers, with said binder to form said
d) recovering hydrophobic coconut coir fibers from said
cyclonic separator. 16. The method of claim 1, wherein said combining com
2. The method of claim 1, further comprising: prises combining from 20% to 80% by weight of a mixture of
e) combining said recovered hydrophobic coconut coir 55
said hydrophobic coconut coir fibers and said optional filler,
fibers with a binder and an optional filler to form a based on the total weight of the mixture, with from 20% to
mixture; and 80% by weight of said binder to form said mixture.
f) forming said mixture into a product. 17. The method of claim 2, wherein said hydrophobic
3. The method of claim 2, wherein said product is a board. coconut coir fibers are compatible with said binder; and
4. The method of claim 2, wherein said product is a plural 60
said combining is carried out without chemically modify
ity of pellets. ing said hydrophobic coconut coir fibers or adding a
5. The method of claim 2, wherein said binder is selected compatibilizing agent to said mixture.
from the group consisting of k k k k k

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