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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,961,680 B2

Pasin et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 24, 2015

(54) SOLVENT FORMULATIONS 6,720,008 B2 4/2004 Allison

6,833,341 B2 12/2004 Machac, Jr. et al.
6,994,799 B2 2/2006 Van Driessche
(71) Applicant: Er Ensignmental Technology Inc., 7,674,760 B2 3/2010 Hei et al.
urrey (CA) 2006/0281844 A1 12/2006 Bortz
2010/0317560 A1 12/2010 Ryther et al.
(72) Inventors: David Anthony Pasin, Vancouver (CA); 2012/0177999 A1 7/2012 Im et al.
Diego López-Arias, Vancouver (CA) 2014f0065432 A1 3/2014 Wuerch et al.

(73) Assignee: TBF Environmental Technology Inc. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

(CA) CA 233.1617 A1 11, 1999
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this E. 2: A. ck is:
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O648820 A2 4, 1995
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/172,578
Taylor, J. "Solvent Replacement for MEK in Parts Washing” (http://
(22) Filed: Feb. 4, 2014 resDocs/MEK Replacement RR
Draft.pdf), Aug. 2009.*
(65) Prior Publication Data Begin, D.; Beaudry, C.; Gerin, M. “Cleaning of Paint Application
Equipment with Propylene Carbonate and Benzyl Alcohol as Alter
US 2014/O255326A1 Sep. 11, 2014 native to Butanone (MEK)” (
O O 310-en?lang=), Nov. 23, 2012.*
Related U.S. Application Data “SMC” “Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) Replaces MEK (http://www., Apr. 2011.*
(60) tyinal application No. 61/775,339, filed on Mar. Eastman Solvents Technical Tip, Suggested Replacements for MEK.
s Sep. 2006, Publication TT-33A,
51) Int. C Center.
(51) Int. Cl. Elion, J.M., et al., Project Summary, Pollution Prevention Demon
B4M 5/65 (2006.01) stration and Evaluation of Paint Application Equipment and Alterna
A61O3/04 (2006.01) tives to Methylene Chloride and Methyl Ethyl Ketone, United States
C09D 7700 (2006.01) Environmental Protection Agency, Oct. 1996, EPA/600/SR-96/117.
A6 IK 8/34 (2006.01) International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed on May 30,
A6 IK S/37 (2006.01) 2014 for International Patent App. No. PCT/CA2014/050196 filed
A61O3/02 (2006.01) Mar. 7, 2014 (Applicants—TBF Environmental Technology, Inc.;
CO7C 33/22 (2006.01) Inventors—Pasin et al., (11 pages).
(52) U.S. Cl. Non-Final Office Action mailed on Sep. 10, 2014 for U.S. Appl. No.
CPC. C09D 77001 (2013.01); A61K 8/34 (2013.01); RE filed Inventor
echnology, Inc., Jun. 27. 2014
Pasin(Applicant TBF Environmental
et al., (8 pages).
A61K 8/37 (2013.01); A61O3/02 (2013.01);
A61O3/04 (2013.01); C07C 33/22 (2013.01) * cited by examiner
USPC ........................................... 106/311:510/118
(58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ................................ CooD 7001 co7c33.22 Primary Examiner Sean Basquill
USPC ........................................... 106,311:510/11s
See application file for complete search history.
Assistant Examiner Andrews Rosenthal
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Ballard Spahr LLP
(56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The present disclosure provides, in part, a solvent composi
5.449,474 A 9, 1995 Lucas et al.
tion including an an acetic acid alkyl (C-C) ester (e.g.,
5,575,859 A 11/1996 Madsen et al. methyl acetate (MA), ethyl acetate (EA), or tert-butyl acetate
5,746,836 A 5, 1998 Fukai (TBAc)) and a carbonate ester (e.g., dimethyl carbonate, or
6,040,284 A 3/2000 Marquis et al. propylene carbonate).
6,130,192 A 10, 2000 Vitomir
6,187,108 B1 2, 2001 Machac, Jr. et al.
6,482,270 B1 1 1/2002 Machac, Jr. et al. 17 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2015 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,961,680 B2


Solubility map

5 spension
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2015 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,961,680 B2


1 N. O.
2 D Odor SCOre
3 D D
4 O. On
5 Nm on
6 m D
7 m. D
8 ON 89X111aVr
9 A Fresh
10 m D
11 A Dan
12 A Dan
13 D
14 m (D 89X111aVr
15 m D Cured
16 m Do
17 N.
18 m D
19 m D 984.410
20 I Do White enox
A DI Don pOXy
B III Dino Fresh
E m D 984.410
F m D white epoxy
DMC m D Cured
O 50
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2015 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,961,680 B2


Evaporation Rate
1200 - &



O.400 -

O 50 100 150 2OO 250 300
US 8,961,680 B2
1. 2
SOLVENT FORMULATIONS mulation or removal of nail polish (Such as nitrocellulose
based nail polish, methacrylated monomer-based nail polish,
FIELD OF INVENTION oligonucleotide (“ligomer)-based nail polish, a UV cure nail
polish or a LED cure nail polish); or fiberglass and/or gelcoat
The present disclosure relates generally to solvent formu manufacturing; or waterproofing compounds.
lations. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to In some embodiments, the flash point of the solvent com
Solvent compositions that may be used to replace methyl ethyl position may be at least -2°C. In an alternative embodiment,
ketone and/or acetone. the flash point of the solvent composition may be about 0°C.
In some embodiments, the maximum incremental reactiv
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 ity of the solvent composition may be no greater than 0.57. In
an alternative embodiment, the maximum incremental reac
tivity of the solvent composition may be about 0.10.
Organic solvents, such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), In some embodiments, the evaporation rate of the solvent
acetone, Xylene and toluene, and other hydrocarbons or oxy composition may be at least 1.4. In an alternative embodi
genated solvents are used in a number of applications. Many ment, the evaporation rate of the solvent composition may be
of these solvents have toxic and/or environmentally deleteri 15 about 3.62.
ous properties. For example, human and animal studies indi In some embodiments, the solvent composition may be
cate that exposure to these chemicals can have detrimental Substantially anhydrous.
effects on the central nervous system, as well as on the hepatic In some embodiments, the solvent composition may be a
and renal systems. MEK and related ketones are considered low toxicity solvent composition.
carcinogenic and developmental toxins, can produce central In some embodiments, the solvent composition may be
nervous system effects, and show hepatic and renal toxicity used as a methyl ethyl ketone and/or acetone replacement.
(Raymond, 1991, Schwetz, 1995, Spencer 1976, Altenkirch, In some embodiments, the solvent composition may be
1978); and acetone has been shown to enhance the toxicity of used in paints, varnish, fiberglass and gelcoat manufacturing,
other chemicals through synergistic toxic effects (Hewitt paint and Varnish removers, coatings, inks, adhesives, hard
1983, Adams 1986, Freeman 1985). “Hazardous air pollut 25 Surface cleaners, household dyes, tints, insecticides, laundry
ants” (or “HAPs'), also known as toxic air pollutants or air starches, lubricating greases and oils, automotive chemicals,
toxics, may cause cancer or other serious health effects. Such markers, nail polish and polish remover, shoe polish, under
as reproductive effects or birth defects, or adverse environ coats, waterproofing compounds, particleboard, Surface
mental and ecological effects. HAPs are regulated in many preparation, general and heavy duty degreasing, laboratory
countries. 30 and equipment wipe solvent, general purpose Surface wipe
Furthermore, many organic solvents are highly volatile cleaner and/or paint gun and paint line cleaner.
and, of the total amount released to the environment, a sig In another aspect, the disclosure provides a method of
nificant percentage eventually enters the atmosphere. As making a MEK or acetone replacement composition by pro
Such, these solvents have been designated Volatile organic viding methyl acetate in an amount between about 65% V/v
compounds (or “VOCs) and are regulated. Compounds or 35
(or about 61.95 wt %) and about 80% v/v (or about 77.79 wit
solvents having lower volatility have been classified as VOC %); dimethyl carbonate in an amount between about 15% V/v
exempt by many countries. (or about 16.76 wt %) and about 25% v?v: (or about 27.38wt
Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester having the formula %) and benzyl alcohol in an amount between about 6.5% V/v
CHCOOCH. It is a flammable liquid with a solubility of (or about 7.06 wt %) and 10% v/v (or about 10.67 wt %); and
25% in water at room temperature and is not stable in the 40 combining the methyl acetate, dimethyl carbonate and benzyl
presence of strong aqueous bases or aqueous acids. Methyl alcohol to form a homogeneous blend.
acetate is VOC exempt. In another aspect, the disclosure provides a kit include a
Solvent composition as described herein together with
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION instructions for use as a MEK or acetone replacement.
45 Other aspects and features of the present disclosure will
The present disclosure provides, in part, a solvent compo become apparent to those ordinarily skilled in the art upon
sition including an an acetic acid alkyl (C-C) ester (e.g., review of the following description of specific examples in
methyl acetate (MA), ethyl acetate (EA), or tert-butyl acetate conjunction with the accompanying figures.
(TBAc)) and a carbonate ester (e.g., dimethyl carbonate, or
propylene carbonate). 50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
In a first aspect, the disclosure provides a solvent compo
sition including methyl acetate in an amount between about These and other features of the invention will become more
65% v/v (or about 61.95 wt %) and about 80% v/v (or about apparent from the following description in which reference is
77.79 wt %); dimethyl carbonate in an amount between about made to the appended drawings wherein:
15% V/v (or about 16.76 wt %) and about 25% v/v: (or about 55 FIG. 1 is a representation of the different components of the
27.38 wt %) and benzyl alcohol in an amount between about Hansen Solubility Parameters: Dispersion, Polar and Hydro
6.5% v/v (or about 7.06 wt %) and 10% v/v (or about 10.67 gen bonding for various solvents. The size of the spheres
wt %). correspond to the hydrogen bonding component.
In an alternative embodiment, the Solvent composition FIG.2 shows initial blends from 1 to 20. Blends A, E and F
may consist essentially of methyl acetate in an amount of 60 correspond to Formulations 1, 3 and 2 respectively.
about 72% V/vi, dimethyl carbonate in an amount of about FIG. 3 is a graph comparing the evaporation rate of For
20% V/vi, and benzyl alcohol in an amount of about 8% V/v. In mulation 1 (squares) with that of MEK (diamonds).
Some embodiments, such as solvent composition may be used
in dissolution and processing of acrylic polymers; the pro DETAILED DESCRIPTION
duction of resins (such as acrylic resins, urethane resins, 65
alkyd resins, phenolic resins, polyaspartic urethane resins, The present disclosure provides, in part, a solvent compo
epoxy resins, Saturated or unsaturated polyester resins); for sition including an acetic acid alkyl (C1-C4) ester (referred to
US 8,961,680 B2
3 4
herein as “acetate ester), such as methyl acetate (MA), ethyl amount between about 5% V/v to about 35% V/V, or in any
acetate (EA), or tert-butyl acetate (TBAc)) and a carbonate amount between about 10% V/v to about 30% V/V, or any
ester (e.g., dimethyl carbonate (DMC), or propylene carbon value in between, for example, 10% V/V, 11% V/V, 12% V/v,
ate (PC)). 13% v/v, 14% v/v, 15% v/v, 20% v/v, 25% v/v, 30% w/v, etc.
By “acetate ester, as used herein, is meant an acetic acid 5 In some embodiments, the carbonate ester may be DMC,
alkyl (C-C) ester having the formula CHCOR, where R is which may be present in the solvent composition in any
C-C alkyl. “Alkyl” refers to a straight or branched hydro amount between about 5% V/v to about 55% V/V, or in any
carbon chain group consisting solely of carbon and hydrogen amount between about 10% V/v to about 30% V/V, or any
atoms, containing no unsaturation and including, for value in between, for example, 10% V/V, 15% V/V, 20% v/v,
example, from one to four carbon atoms. Such as 1, 2, 3, or 4 10 25% v/v, 30% v/v, 40% w/v. 45% v/v, 52% v/v, etc.
carbon atoms. In further embodiments, the solvent composition may
In some embodiments, the acetate ester may be present in additionally include a non-toxic or low-toxicity benzene-con
the solvent composition in any amount between about 40% taining compound. Such as benzyl alcohol (BA) or parachlo
v/v to about 95% v?v, or 65% v/v to about 95% v?v, or any robenzotrifluoride (PCBTF). In some embodiments, the ben
amount between about 65% V/v to about 70% V/V, or any 15 Zyl alcohol (BA) or parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF)
amount between about 70% v/v to about 75% V/V, or any may be in an amount between about 5% V/v and about 15%
amount between about 75% V/v to about 80% V/V, or any V/v, or any value in between, for example, 5% V/V, 6% V/V, 7%
amount between about 80% v/v to about 85% V/V, or any v/v, 8% v/v, 9% v?.v., 10% w/v. 11% v/v, 12% v/v, 13% v/v,
amount between about 85% v/v to about 90% V/V, or any 14% v/v, 15% V/V, etc.
amount between about 90% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
value in between, for example, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, the present disclosure includes methyl acetate in an amount
65%, 70% w/v. 75% v/v, 80% v/v, 85% v/v, 90%, 95% v/v, etc. between about 65% v/v (about 58.95 wt %) and about 95%
In some embodiments, the acetate ester may be MA, which V/v (about 93.63 wt %) and propylene carbonate in an amount
may be present in the solvent composition in any amount between about 5% v/v (6.37 wt %) and about 35% v/v (41.04
between about 40% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any amount 25 wt %).
between about 60% w/v or 65% v/v to about 95% v/v, or any In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
amount between about 65% V/v to about 70% V/V, or any the present disclosure includes about 88% V/v (about 85.01 wt
amount between about 70% v/v to about 75% V/V, or any %) methyl acetate and about 12% V/v (about 14.99 wt %)
amount between about 75% V/v to about 80% V/V, or any polypropylene carbonate.
amount between about 80% v/v to about 85% V/V, or any 30 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
amount between about 85% v/v to about 90% V/V, or any the present disclosure includes about 70% V/v (about 64.34 wit
amount between about 90% w/v to about 95% viv, or any %) methyl acetate and about 30% v/v (about 35.65 wt %)
value in between, for example, 70% v/v, 75% v/v, 80% v/v, polypropylene carbonate.
85% v/v, 90% w/v, etc. In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
In some embodiments, the acetate ester may be EA, which 35 the present disclosure includes methyl acetate in an amount
may be present in the solvent composition in any amount between about 60% v/v (about 56.78 wt %) and about 85%
between about 40% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any amount V/v (about 83.25 wt %), dimethyl carbonate in an amount
between about 65% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any amount between about 10% v/v (about 11.25 wt %) and about 30%
between about 65% V/v to about 70% V/V, or any amount V/v (about 32.62 wt %) and benzyl alcohol in an amount
between about 70% V/v to about 75% V/V, or any amount 40 between about 5% v/v (about 5.48 wt %) and about 10% w/v.
between about 75% V/v to about 80% V/V, or any amount (about 10.6 wt %).
between about 80% V/v to about 85% V/V, or any amount In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
between about 85% v/v to about 90% V/V, or any amount the present disclosure includes about 72% V/v (about 69.27 wt
between about 90% w/v to about 95% v/v, or any value in %) methyl acetate, about 20% V/v (22.11 wt %) dimethyl
between, for example, 70% v/v, 75% v?v, 80% v/v, 85% v/v, 45 carbonate, and about 8% (about 8.62 wt %) benzyl alcohol.
90% w/v, etc. In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
In some embodiments, the acetate ester may be TBAc, the present disclosure includes methyl acetate in an amount
which may be present in the solvent composition in any between about 65% v/v (or about 61.95 wt %) and about 80%
amount between about 40% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any V/v (or about 77.79 wt %); dimethyl carbonate in an amount
amount between about 65% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any 50 between about 15% v/v (or about 16.76 wt %) and about 25%
amount between about 65% V/v to about 70% V/V, or any V/vi, (or about 27.38 wt %) and benzyl alcohol in an amount
amount between about 70% v/v to about 75% V/V, or any between about 6.5% v/v (or about 7.06 wt %) and 10% v/v (or
amount between about 75% V/v to about 80% V/V, or any about 10.67 wt %).
amount between about 80% v/v to about 85% V/V, or any In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
amount between about 85% v/v to about 90% V/V, or any 55 the present disclosure includes methyl acetate in an amount
amount between about 90% V/v to about 95% V/V, or any between about 65% v/v (or about 61.95 wt %) and about
value in between, for example, 70% v/v, 75% v/v, 80% v/v, 78.5% v/v (or about 76.20 wt %); dimethyl carbonate in an
85% v/v, 90% w/v, etc. amount between about 15% V/v (or about 16.76 wt %) and
In some embodiments, the carbonate ester may be present about 25% V/vi, (or about 27.38 wt %) and benzyl alcohol in an
in the solvent composition in any amount between about 5% 60 amount between about 6.5% V/v (or about 7.06 wt %) and
V/v to about 55% V/V, or any amount between about 5% V/v to about 10% v/v (or about 10.67 wt %).
about 35% V/V, in any amount between about 10% V/v to It is to be understood that varying the concentration of a
about 30% V/V, or any value in between, for example, 10% reagent in a composition will generally require a correspond
v/v, 15% v/v, 20% v/v, 25% v/v, 30% v/v, 40% w/v. 45% v/v, ing adjustment (increase or decrease) in the amount of the
etc. 65 other reagents in the composition.
In some embodiments, the carbonate ester may be PC, In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
which may be present in the solvent composition in any the present disclosure includes an acetate ester, Such as MA,
US 8,961,680 B2
5 6
EA, or TBAc, in combination with additional reagents to In some embodiments, the benzene-containing compound,
increase dispersion and decrease hydrogen bonding and/or to Such as benzyl alcohol, may be used to decrease the polarity
decrease the polarity of the composition. For example, a of the composition. In alternative embodiments the benzene
solvent composition that resembles the behaviour of MEK or containing compound. Such as benzyl alcohol, may be used to
acetone as a solvent may be formulated using mathematical improve the capacity of the composition to, for example,
models to predict the solubility profile of solvent blends. remove/dissolve epoxy based coatings.
Accordingly, in some embodiments, a solvent composition In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
according to the present disclosure may be formulated the present disclosure may include reagents that are not clas
according to Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) (Hansen, 10
sified as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as environmentally
1999) and may have: a dispersion parameter (ÖD) between hazardous, or as OZone-depleting (VOCs). In some embodi
about 7.7 and about 8.5: a polarity parameter (ÖP) between ments, a solvent composition according to the present disclo
about 4 and about 5.2; and a hydrogen bonding parameter Sure may include reagents declared exempt by the National
(ÖH) between about 3.0 and about 3.6. Such parameters result Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI).
in a Hansen Solubility Parameter (8 MPa) of about 9.0 to 15 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
about 10.4, where 6–6D+öP+6H. Accordingly, in some the present disclosure may include compounds or reagents
embodiments, a solvent composition according to the present that are VOC-exempt. By “VOC-exempt' is meant a com
disclosure may have a dispersion parameter higher than that pound or reagent that has reduced photochemical reactivity
of MA (7.58). In some embodiments, a solvent composition (i.e., does not contribute to oZone formation) and has been
according to the present disclosure includes a composition classified as Such by at least one governmental agency. Such
with HSP values similar to those of MEK. In some embodi as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United
ments, a solvent composition according to the present disclo States of America or Environment Canada. Such composi
sure includes a composition in which 6P and ÖH values are tions are useful in reducing VOC emissions. MA and PCBTF
similar to those of MEK. are presently VOC-exempt.
In alternative embodiments, a solvent composition accord 25 A compounds maximum incremental reactivity (MIR)
ing to the present disclosure may have: a dispersion parameter value is a measure of the compounds ability to generate
(ÖD) between about 7.5 and about 8; a polarity parameter (ÖP) ozone due to photochemical degradation. The lower the MIR
between about 3 and about 4; and a hydrogen bonding param value, the less OZone (and, accordingly, the less Smog) that is
eter (ÖH) between about 3.2 and about 4. Such parameters generated by the compound. In some embodiments, a solvent
resultina Hansen Solubility Parameter (8 MPa) of about 8.68 30 composition according to the present disclosure may have a
to about 9.79, where 8–6D+öP+ÖH. In some embodi MIR value lower than acetone (MIR 0.43) or MEK (MIR
ments, a solvent composition according to the present disclo 1.49), or both. In alternative embodiments, compositions
sure includes a composition with HSP values similar to those according to the present disclosure may have a MIR value
of acetone. In some embodiments, a solvent composition similar to methyl acetate (MIR 0.07). In some embodiments,
according to the present disclosure includes a composition in
35 compositions with low MIR values are useful in aerosol or
coating applications. Compositions according to the present
which ÖP and ÖH values are similar to those of acetone. disclosure that have suitably low MIR values can, in some
Table 1 shows the Hansen Solubility Parameters for vari embodiments, be mixed with aerosol and coating formula
ous compounds and compositions and FIG. 1 shows a three tions. The MIR values of the resultant mixtures can be calcu
dimensional representation of many of these compounds. 40 lated and assessed for their ability to meet reactivity stan
dards, such as those established by the Environmental
TABLE 1. Protection Agency (EPA) of the U.S.A.
Hansen Solubility parameters of blends, single components, In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
MEK and acetone 8 = 8D + 6P + &H the present disclosure may have low volatility (or high flash
1 hildebrand = 1 cal12 cm-32 = 0.488.88 MPa 12 45 point).
(IS) = 2.4542-10-2 kcal/mol 12 A-312 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
SH the present disclosure has a higher flash point than acetone
8D SP (hydrogen (-20°C.) or MEK (-9°C.) or MA (-4°C.). In some embodi
8 (MPa) (dispersion) (polarity) bonding) ments, a solvent composition according to the present disclo
PC 13.322161.99 9.8 8.8 2
50 sure has a flash point of greater than 0°C., as determined by,
PCBTF 8.8 2.9 1.9 for example, Catoire, 2006. In some embodiments, a solvent
DMC 9.896969.233 8.5 4.7 1.9 composition according to the present disclosure has a flash
TBA 7.765307463 7 1.7 2.9 point of greater than 5° C., as determined by, for example,
Ethyl acetate 8.8 7.7 2.3 3.5 Catoire, 2006. In some embodiments, a solvent composition
Methyl acetate 9.147961.522 7.58 3.52 3.72
Formulation 1 9.435396.725 7.896 3.7444 3.558 55 according to the present disclosure has a flash point of greater
Formulation 2 9.S47972O82 7.8464 4.1536 3.S136 than 37°C., as determined by, for example, Catoire, 2006. In
Formulation 3 10.25238S66 8.2682 S.1568 3.1868 Some embodiments, compositions with a flash point value of
MEK 9.1 7.82 4.4 2.49
Acetone 9.928.746,144 7.7 5.2 3.5
greater than 37° C. are considered non-flammable and are
therefore useful in applications where flammability is a con
60 cern although solvent compositions with lower flash points
In some embodiments, the carbonate ester may be used to may be used for a variety of industrial applications.
increase the dispersion and decrease the hydrogen bonding of In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
the composition. Without being bound to any particular the present disclosure may have low toxicity as determined,
theory, the carbonate ester may be used to modify the solu for example by one or more of oral LD50 on rats, biodegrad
bility and solvency parameters of the acetate ester to, for 65 ability, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and/or hepatic and
example and adjust the evaporation rate to that approximating renal toxicity measurements, which can be determined using
MEK standard methods. In some embodiments, a solvent compo
US 8,961,680 B2
7 8
sition according to the present disclosure may contain In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
reagents classified as non-carcinogenic. the present disclosure may be recycled through distillation at
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to an appropriate temperature (for example, above the boiling
the present disclosure may not contain Substantial amounts of point of 70° C. (158°F).
benzene (CH). In some embodiments, a solvent composi 5 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
tion according to the present disclosure may be substantially the present disclosure may have a mild odor. In some embodi
free of benzene. ments, compositions according to the present disclosure may
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to include reagents that do not have an unpleasant and/or strong
the present disclosure may have an evaporation rate approxi
mating that of MEK at ambient or room temperatures. Evapo 10 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
ration rates can be expressed relative to the evaporation of the present disclosure may be useful in replacing MEK or
n-butyl acetate (-1), as a standard. In alternative embodi MEK blends. The compositions can be used, for example, as
a solvent in various applications. Examples of contemplated
ments, a solvent composition according to the present disclo applications include, without limitation: reformulation of an
Sure may have an evaporation rate about 1, 1.5 or 2 times 15 aerosol to meet a reactivity limit while maintaining perfor
faster than MEK at ambient or room temperatures. mance properties and reducing the formation of tropospheric
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to oZone; dissolution of a resin; use as a paint thinner; use as a
the present disclosure does not leave a residue after evapora paint remover, use as a cleaner, use as a degreaser; and use an
tion to dryness at, for example, ambient or room temperature. adhesive remover.
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
the present disclosure may be substantially anhydrous, for the present disclosure may be useful in the manufacturing and
example, containing less than 0.02 wt % water. In alternative formulation of paints, coatings, polymers, inks, adhesives,
embodiments, a solvent composition according to the present personal care products, as well as in industrial, commercial
disclosure may contain less than 550 ppm of water. cleaning/de-greasing applications.
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to 25 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
the present disclosure may be substantially immiscible with the present disclosure may be useful in paints and coating
Water. formulations and/or cleaning, paint and/or varnish removers,
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to ink and/or marker formulations and/or cleaning, adhesive
the present disclosure has a purity of for example, at least formulations and/or cleaning and/or removal, gelcoat formu
99.5%, for example, at least 99.6%, 99.7%, 99.8%, 99.9%, or 30 lations and/or cleaning, fiberglass manufacturing, hard Sur
100%. In alternative embodiments, the acetate ester (such as face cleaners, undercoat formulation and/or cleaning, water
MA, EA or TBAc), may have a purity of for example, at least proofing compounds, household dyes and/or tints, laundry
99.5%. In alternative embodiments, the carbonate ester, may starches and shoe polishes, nail polish and/or nail polish
removers, general aerospace cleaning, lubricating oils and/or
have a purity of, for example, at least 99.5%. 35 greases, automotive chemicals and cleaners, etc.
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
the present disclosure may be biodegradable. For example, in the present disclosure may be useful as a Surface preparation
Some embodiments, solvent compositions according to the and/or precision cleaner, general purpose Surface wipe
present disclosure may be readily biodegradable to CO, and cleaner (for example, prior to painting), general and/or heavy
Water. 40 duty degreaser, laboratory and equipment wipe solvent, brake
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to and/or contact cleaner, paint gun and paint line cleaner, etc.
the present disclosure may have a high loading capacity, as In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
determined for example by measurements of peak widths at the present disclosure may be useful as a chemical interme
differing loading levels. diate, a dewaxing agent in for example lubricant base oil
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to 45 production, etc.
the present disclosure may have improved flow characteris In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
tics, for example, when compared to and/or acetone. the present disclosure may be useful in the production and
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to cleaning of magnetic tapes,
the present disclosure may have low viscosity. For example, a In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
Solvent composition according to the present disclosure can 50 the present disclosure may be useful as a solvent for fats, oils,
be 10-25% more efficient in viscosity reduction than and/or Waxes, etc.
acetOne. In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to the present disclosure may be useful in the formulation and
the present disclosure may have improved solvency, relative production of resins.
to for example, MEK and/or acetone. This may, in some 55 In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
embodiments, permit the use of less Solvent when compared the present disclosure may be useful in the formulation of
to compositions containing MEK and/or acetone. In some high Solids coatings, which may for example, be useful in
embodiments, solvent compositions according to the present reducing emissions from coating operations.
disclosure may have a solvency approximating that of MEK In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
and/or acetone. 60 the present disclosure may be useful as a diluents in the
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to production of lacquers for automotive/furniture finishes,
the present disclosure may have a specific gravity of about adhesives for PVC pipes, resin thinners and clean-up opera
0.96 g/ml. tions, reaction/extraction solvent for pharmaceuticals, etc.
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to
the present disclosure may have performance characteristics 65 the present disclosure may be useful in the production of
approximating that of MEK and/or acetone, as described cyanoacrylate adhesives. In alternative embodiments, a sol
herein or known in the art. vent composition according to the present disclosure may be
US 8,961,680 B2
useful to remove cyanoacrylate adhesives from a variety of ing or other applications. In some embodiments, Formulation
Surfaces, Substrates, human tissue or skin, etc. 9 may be used as a replacement for MEK and/or acetone in
In some embodiments, a solvent composition according to precision cleaning applications, cleaning hard Surfaces and/
the present disclosure may be useful in the production of or general cleaning and degreasing.
In some embodiments. Formulation 9 may be useful in
cosmetics, included but not limited to perfumes and/or nail 5 aerospace
polish, Such as nitrocellulose-based nail polish, methylacry cleaning applications.
In some
lated monomer-based nail polish, oligonucleotide ("ligo preparing Surfaces embodiments. Formulation 9 may be useful in
prior to painting, due to its ability to
mer)-based nail polish, etc. In alternative embodiments, a evaporate quickly and leave no or minimal Surface residue.
Solvent composition according to the present disclosure may In some embodiments. Formulation 9 may be useful in or
be useful to remove these types of nail polish and/or leave the " to clean and/or remove wax, paint, Varnish and/or coatings,
nail bed stain and residue-free as well as prepare the nail for clean fiberglass, clean gelcoat, clean and/or remove inks and/
the application of any of the above nail polishes. or markers, clean and/or remove dyes, clean excess oils and/
In some embodiments, the compositions do not cause or grease, clean nail polish, clean shoe polish, clean brakes
paints to curdle or leave an oily residue after evaporation. and/or contacts, clean and/OreoVe adhesives.
In some embodiments, Formulation 1 may be used in dis- 15 In alternative embodiments, Formulation 9 is not used in
Solution and processing of acrylic polymers. the preparation of formulations.
In some embodiments. Formulation 1 may be used in the It is to be understood that a solvent composition according
production of resins, such as acrylic resins, urethane resins, to the RSE be used 1. Gi of E.
alkyd resins, phenolic resins, polyaspartic urethane resins, t1OnS 1n Wh1C and/or acetone is traditionally used, an
epoxy resins, Saturated and/or unsaturated polyester resins, 20 cations
can be used to replace the MEK and/or acetone in such appli
In some embodiments, Formulation 1 may be used in for- EXAMPLE 1.
mulation or removal of nail polish, Such as nitrocellulose
based nail polish, methacrylated monomer-based nail polish, Candidate compounds were selected using a number of
oligonucleotide ("ligomer)-based nail polish, etc. In some 25 environmental criteria, such as low flammability, safety, low
embodiments. Formulation 1 may be used in UV cure and/or VOC or VOC exempt status, and Sustainable sourcing.
LED cure nail polish. Candidate compounds were also selected based on their
In some embodiments, Formulation 1 may be used in fiber- physicochemical properties as, for example, determined from
lass and/or gelcoat manufacturing Wa1OUS chemical databases, such aS CHEMnetBASE O
9. 30 Chemspider. Candidates with relatively high flash points, low
In some embodiments. Formulation
be used in waterproofing compounds
1 may be used in may d1 h d with MEKs
toX1c1ty and low vapor pressures, when compare W1t
I E.di 9. F p lati 1 b d acetone, n-methyl pirrolidine (NMP) and methyl n-propyl
in some embodiments, Formulation 1 may be used as a ketone (MPK), etc. were selected for further testing.
replacement for MEK in epoxy formulas. The selected compounds were Subsequently combined in
In some embodiments, Formulation 1 may be used to is different initial blends (Table 2). The blends or formulations
replace MEK in 2K polyurethane formulas if it contains no described herein were selected through standardized perfor
hydroxol groups capable of reacting with isocyanate cross- mance tests on fresh and cured epoxy and urethane resins and
linkers and if the water content is below 500 ppm. In some MEK-based paints. Double blinded standardized perfor
embodiments. Formulation 1 may be used in 2k polyurethane mance tests were conducted to identify blends for further
systems in either the polyol and/or isocyanate portions of the 40 testing. The capacity of the blends to properly dissolve 2
system. adhesives, three epoxy-based coatings and one MEK-based
In some embodiments. Formulation 9 may be used as a paint was assessed on fresh and cured samples. The odor of
replacement for MEK and/or acetone in, for example, clean- the blends was also tested.
Propylene glyco methy Benzyl Ethyl Methyl Methy n-amil Methy n-propyl Dimethyl
carbonate d-limonene ether alcohol acetate acetate ketone ketone carbonate
1 40 O 60
2 60 40
3 40 60
4 60 40
5 60 40
6 60 40
7 60 40
8 40 2O 40
9 60 2O 2O
10 2O 2O 60
11 2O 8O
12 40 60
13 2O 8O
14 40 60
15 2O 8O
16 40 60
17 2O 8O
18 40 60
19 30 70
2O 30 70
21 30 30 40
A. 10 50 40
US 8,961,680 B2
TABLE 2-continued
Propylene glyco methy Benzyl Ethyl Methyl Methy n-amil Methy n-propyl Dimethyl
carbonate d-limonene ether alcohol acetate acetate ketone ketone carbonate
B 2O 15 65
C 30 70
(Formulation 3)
D 10 90
E 12 88
(Formulation 2)
F 8 72 2O
(Formulation 1)

Blends were also tested as cleaners, paint removers, 1s EXAMPLE 6

degreasers and adhesive removers. (FIG. 2).
Blends 3 and 4 were discarded due to their poor perfor A solvent composition (Formulation 5) was prepared by
mance in these tests. Blends C, E and F correspond to For mixing the following:
mulations 3, 2, and 1, respectively, as described herein. 40% (v/v) or 35.12 wt % tert-butyl acetate
EXAMPLE 2 52% (v/v) or 56.42 wt % dimethyl carbonate
8% (v/v) or 8.46 wt % benzyl alcohol
A solvent composition (Formulation 1) was prepared by
mixing the following:
72% (v/v) or 69.27 wt % methyl acetate >99% purity (CAS 25 EXAMPLE 7
20% (v/v) or 22.11 wt % dimethyl carbonate 99.50% (CAS A solvent composition (Formulation 6) was prepared by
#616-38-6) mixing the following:
8% (v/v) or 8.62% wt % benzyl alcohol, 99.90% purity 30 65% (v/v) or 57.18 wt % tert-butyl acetate
(CAS #100-51-6)
In Formulation 1. dimethyl carbonate was used to increase 35% (v/v) or 42.82 wt % propylene carbonate
the dispersion and decrease the hydrogen bonding of the
blend, while benzyl alcohol was used to lower the polarity. EXAMPLE 8
Formulation 1 has a MIR value of 0.46 and a predicted flash 35
point of about 7.5°C. A solvent composition (Formulation 7) was prepared by
Formulation 1 has an evaporation rate=3.6 (MEK=3.8). mixing the following:
EXAMPLE 3 55% (v/v) or 46.78 wt % tert-butyl acetate
A solvent composition (Formulation 2) was prepared by 40 45% (v/v) or 53.22 wt % propylene carbonate
mixing the following:
88% (v/v) or 85.01 wt % methyl acetate >99% purity (CAS EXAMPLE 7
12% (v/v) or 14.99 wt % propylene carbonate 99.5% purity A solvent composition (Formulation 8) was prepared by
(CAS #108-32-7) mixing the following:
Formulation 2 has an MIR value of 0.09 and a predicted
flash point of about 9°C. 75% (v/v) or 68.33 wt % tert-butyl acetate
Formulation 2 was able to dissolve MEK-based paints and 25% (v/v) or 31.67 wt % propylene carbonate
resins Successfully.

A solvent composition (Formulation 3) was prepared by A solvent composition (Formulation 9) was prepared by
mixing the following: mixing the following:
70% (v/v) or 64.34 wt % methyl acetate >99% purity (CAS 55
75% or 72.30 wt % Methyl Acetate
30% (v/v) or 35.65 wt % propylene carbonate 99.5% purity 25% or 27.69 wt % Dimethyl Carbonate
(CAS #108-32-7) Formulation 9 has a predicted flash point of about 7°C. to
Formulation 3 has a MIR value of 0.12, and a flash point of about 10° C.
about 39° C. (<37° C.). 60


A solvent composition (Formulation 4) was prepared by Formulation 1 was evaluated as a replacement for MEK in
mixing the following: 65 an epoxy-polyamide clear formulation. The evaporation rate
88% (v/v) or 85.01 wt % ethyl acetate of Formulation 1 was compared with MEK, MIBK and Butyl
12% (v/v) or 14.99 wt % propylene carbonate Acetate, as shown in FIGS. 3A-B.
US 8,961,680 B2
13 14
Two epoxy clear formulas were prepared as follows: The above-described examples are intended to be exem
plary only. Alterations, modifications and variations can be
effected to the particular examples by those of skill in the art
32O31-1 32O31-2 without departing from the scope, which is defined solely by
PartA the claims appended hereto.
What is claimed is:
DER 662 Solid Epoxy Resin 438.92 438.92 1. A solvent composition comprising:
Xylene 146.31 146.30 (a) methylacetate in an amount between about 65% V/v and
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 292.61
Formulation 1 292.62 about 85% v/v;
10 (b) dimethyl carbonate in an amount between about 10%
Total 877.84 877.84 V/v and about 25% V/vi, and
Part B
(c) benzyl alcohol in an amount between about 6.5% V/v
Ancamide 2060 Polyamide 101.29 99.30 and 12% V/v.
Weight Solids,% 55.17 55.17 2. The solvent composition of claim 1 consisting essen
Volume Solids, 9% 46.81 49.85 15 tially of
Specific Gravity O.979 1.043 (a) methyl acetate in an amount of about 72% V/vi,
Viscosity: Part A SO.6 KU 52.7 KU
Mixed Viscosity: S2.1 KU S5.3 KU (b) dimethyl carbonate in an amount of about 20% V/vi, and
(c) benzyl alcohol in an amount of about 8% V/v.
3. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the flash
Formulation 1 was found to have a lower, milder odor point of the solvent composition is at least -2°C.
compared to MEK. The evaporation rate of Formulation 1 4. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the flash
was 4.17, which is similar to the published MEK ER 4.0. In point of the solvent composition is about 0°C.
the epoxy formula tested. Formulation 1 has slightly less 5. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the maxi
solvent power than MEK. Substitution of the MEK with mum incremental reactivity of the solvent composition is no
Formulation 1 resulted in a minor 2-3 KU increase inviscos
1ty. 25 greater than 0.57.
6. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the maxi
REFERENCES mum incremental reactivity of the solvent composition is
about 0.10.
Adams, N., Goulding, K. H. & Dobbs, A.J. (1986). Effect 7. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the evapo
of acetone on the toxicity of four chemicals to Selenas ration rate of the solvent composition is at least 1.4.
trum capricornutum. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 8. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the evapo
36,254-9. ration rate of the solvent composition is about 3.62.
Freeman J. J. Hayes E. P. (1985) Acetone potentiation of 9. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the solvent
acute acetonitrile toxicity in rats. Journal of Toxicology composition is Substantially anhydrous.
and Environmental Health 15:609-621. 35 10. A product, comprising:
Hewitt, W. R., and Plaa, G. L. (1983). Dose dependent the solvent composition of claim 1,
modification of 1,1-dichloroethylene toxicity by wherein the product is as a methyl ethyl ketone replace
acetone. Toxicol. Lett. 16, 145-152. ment or acetone replacement.
Catoire, L., Paulmier, S. (2006) Estimation of closed cup 11. The solvent composition of claim 1, wherein the sol
flash points of combustible solvent blends. Journal of 40 vent composition is a low toxicity solvent composition.
Physical and Chemical Reference Data 35, 9-14. 12. A product, comprising:
C. M. Hansen, (1999) “Hansen Solubility Parameters: A the solvent composition of claim 1:
User's Handbook. CRC Press LLC, New York. wherein the product is a paint, Varnish, fiberglass material,
Raymond, P., & Plaa, G. L. (1995). Ketone potentiation of gelcoat, paint remover, Varnish remover, coating, ink,
haloalkane induced hepato and nephrotoxicity. II. impli 45 adhesive, hard Surface cleaner, household dye, tint,
cation of monooxygenases. Journal of Toxicology and insecticide, laundry starch, lubricating grease, lubricat
Environmental Health, Part A. Current Issues, 46(3), ing oil, automotive chemical, marker, nail polish, nail
317-328. polish remover, shoe polish, undercoat, waterproofing
Schwetz, B. A., Mast, T. J. Weigel, R. J., Dill, J. A., & compound, particleboard, Surface preparation, general
Morrissey, R. E. (1991). Developmental toxicity of 50 degreaser, heavy duty degreaser, laboratory wipe Sol
inhaled methyl ethyl ketone in Swiss mice. Fundamen vent, equipment wipe solvent, general purpose surface
tal and applied toxicology, 16(4), 742-748. wipe cleaner, paint gun cleaner, paint line cleaner.
Spencer, P. S., & Schaumburg, H. H. (1976). Feline ner 13. A product, comprising:
Vous system response to chronic intoxication with com the solvent composition of claim 2 wherein the product is
mercial grades of methyl-idn-/i>-butyl ketone, 55 a component in dissolution and processing of acrylic
methyl-idiso-/i>butyl ketone, and methyl ethyl ketone. polymers; the production of resins; formulation or
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 37(2), 301-311. removal of nail polish; fiberglass manufacturing, gelcoat
Altenkirch, H., Stoltenburg, G., & Wagner, H. M. (1978). manufacturing; or waterproofing compounds.
Experimental studies on hydrocarbon neuropathies 14. The solvent composition of claim 13 wherein the resins
induced by methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK). Journal of neu 60 are acrylic resins, urethane resins, alkyd resins, phenolic res
rology, 219(3), 159-170. ins, polyaspartic urethane resins, epoxy resins, saturated or
All citations are hereby incorporated by reference. unsaturated polyester resins.
In the preceding description, for purposes of explanation, 15. The solvent composition of claim 13 wherein the nail
numerous details are set forth in order to provide a thorough polish is a nitrocellulose-based nail polish, methacrylated
understanding of the examples. However, it will be apparent 65 monomer-based nail polish, oligonucleotide ("ligomer)-
to one skilled in the art that these specific details are not based nail polish, a UV cure nail polish or a LED cure nail
required. polish.
US 8,961,680 B2
15 16
16. A kit comprising the solvent composition of claim 1
together with instructions for use as a MEK replacement.
17. The solvent composition of claim 1 consisting of:
(a) methyl acetate in an amount of about 72% V/vi,
(b) dimethyl carbonate in an amount of about 20% V/vi, and 5
(c) benzyl alcohol in an amount of about 8% V/v.
k k k k k

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