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CBSE Mathematics Class 9

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Sample Paper 2
Class IX 2022-23
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 05 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with sub-parts of the values of 1, 1
and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All Questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 3 Qs of 5 marks, 3 Qs of 3 marks and 2 Questions
of 2 marks has been provided.
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π = 227 wherever required if not stated.

Section A
Section A consists of 20 questions of 1 mark each.

1. Set of natural numbers is a subset of

(a) Set of even numbers (b) Set of odd numbers

(c) Set of composite numbers (d) Set of real numbers

2. Degree of the polynomial p ^x h = ^x + 2h^x − 2h is

(a) 2 (b) 1

(c) 0 (d) 3

3. A point lies on negative side of x -axis. Its distance from origin is 10 units. The coordinates of the point are
(a) ^10, 0h (b) ^- 10, 0h
(c) ^0, 10h (d) ^0, - 10h

4. If ^a, 1h lies on the graph of 3x − 2y + 4 = 0 , then a =

(a) - 2 (b) 2
3 3

(c) 3 (d) - 3
2 2

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5. If a point C lies between two point A and B such that AC = BC , then

(a) AC = AB (b) AC = 1 AB

(c) AB = 1 AC (d) AC = 1 AB
2 3

6. If l z m , then value of x is

(a) 60c (b) 120c

(c) 40c (d) Cannot be determined

7. Which of the following is not a criterion for congruence of triangles?

(a) SSA (b) SAS

(c) ASA (d) SSS

8. The angles of a quadrilateral are xc, (x - 10) c, (x + 30) c and (2x) c, the smallest angle is equal to

(a) 68c (b) 52c

(c) 58c (d) 47c

9. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Then its area is equal to

(a) 9 cm2 (b) 12 cm2

(c) 15 cm2 (d) 36 cm2

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10. In the given figure, E is any point in the interior of the circle with centre O . Chord AB = AC . If +OBE = 20c
, the value of x is

(a) 40c (b) 45c

(c) 50c (d) 70c

11. The construction of a 3 DEF in which DE = 7 cm,+D = 75c is possible when ^DE - EF h is equal to ......... cm.
(a) 3.5 cm (b) 6.5 cm

(c) 2.5 cm (d) 4.5 cm

12. The sides of a triangular field are 33 m, 44 m and 55 m. the cost of levelling the field at the rate of < 1.20 per m2
is `...........
(a) ` 2480 (b) ` 2560

(c) ` 2680 (d) ` 1860

13. An isosceles right triangle has area 8 cm2 . Find the length of its hypotenuse.
(a) 24 cm (b)
32 cm

(c) 18 cm (d)
42 cm

14. The base of a right triangle is 8 cm and hypotenuse is 10 cm . What is its area?
(a) 24 cm2
28 cm2 (b)

(c) 14 cm2 (d)

15. A pair of dice is rolled. What is the probability of getting a sum of 2?

(a) 1/6 (b) 1/3

(c) 1/36 (d) None of these

16. Simplify : 243a10 b5 c10
(a) 3a3 bc3 (b)
3a3 bc2

(c) 3ab2 c3 (d)

3a2 bc2

17. If p (x) = x2 − 2 2 x + 1, then find p (2 2 ).

(a) 1 (b) 2

(c) 3 (d) 4 Install NODIA App to See the Solutions.

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18. What is the remainder when x3 − px2 + 6x − p is divided by x - p .

(a) 2p (b)

(c) 3p (d)

19. Assertion : If the inner dimensions of a cuboidal box are 50 cm # 40 cm # 30 cm , then the length of the longest
rod that can be placed in the box is 50 2 cm .
Reason : The line joining opposite corners of a cuboid is called its diagonal.
Also, length of longest rod = length of diagonal.
= l2 + b2 + h2
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.

(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

20. Assertion : The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 25 : 14 : 12 and its perimeter is 510 cm. Then the area of the
triangle is 4449.08 cm2.
Reason : Perimeter of a triangle = a + b + c , where a , b , c are sides of a triangle.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.

(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

Section B
Section B consists of 5 questions of 2 marks each.

21. If x = 7+
b xl
6 , then find the value of x + 1 2 .
7− 6

22. Find the value of k , for which the polynomial x3 − 3x2 + 3x + k has 3 as its zero.
Give the equations of two lines passing through (2, 14). How many more such lines are there, and why ?

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23. In the figure, O is the origin and OABC is a square of side 2 units. Find the co-ordinates of A, B and C .

24. One of the three angles of a triangle is twice the smallest and another is three times the smallest. Find the angles.

25. In the given figure, if l || m , n || p and +1 = 75c, then find +3 .

The medians BE and CF of a ∆ABC intersect at G . Prove that ar ^∆GBC h = ar ^quad AFGE h .

Section C
Section C consists of 6 questions of 3 marks each.
26. The points A ^a, b h and B ^b, 0h lie on the linear equation y = 8x + 3 .
(i) Find the value of a and b
(ii) Is (2, 0) a solution of y = 8x + 3 ?
(iii) Find two solutions of y = 8x + 3
Draw graphs of 3x + 2y = 0 and 2x − 3y = 0 and what is the point of intersection of the two lines representing
the above equation.

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27. Consider the marks, out of 100, obtained by 51 students of a class in a test, given below.

Marks Number of students

0-10 5
10-20 10
20-30 4
30-40 6
40-50 7
50-60 3
60-70 2
70-80 2
80-90 3
90-100 9
Total 51
Draw a histogram and frequency polygon for the above data on a same scale.
For a particular year, following is the frequency distribution table of ages (in years) of primary school teachers in
a district :

Age (in years) Number of teachers

15-20 10
20-25 30
25-30 50
30-35 50
35-40 30
40-45 6
45-50 4
(i) Write the lower limit of the first class interval.
(ii) Determine the class limits of the fourth class interval.
(iii) Find the class mark of the class 45-50.

28. The sides of a triangular park are 8 m, 10 m and 6 m respectively. A small circular area of diameter 2 m is to be
left out and the remaining area is to be used for growing roses. How much area is used for growing roses ? [Take
π = 3.14 ]
The area of an isosceles triangle is 8 15 cm . If the base is 8 cm, find the length of each of its equal sides.

29. Draw a ∆ABC , in which BC = 4 cm , AB = 5 cm and the median BE = 3.5 cm .

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30. In the given figure, parallelogram ABCD and PBCQ are given. If R is a point on PB , then show that ar ^∆QRC h
= 1 ar (| | gm ABCD).

31. Prove that the mid point of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equidistant from its vertices.

Section D
Section D consists of 4 questions of 5 marks each.

32. The percentage of salary donated by twelve different households to an orphanage every month are : 2, 5, 3, 5, 6,
1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 2.
Find the mean, median and mode of the data.
Find the mean, median and mode for the following data.
10, 15, 18, 10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 15, 21, 15, 25

33. The sum of the height and radius of the base of a solid cylinder is 37 cm. If the total surface area of the cylinder
is 1628 cm2 , then find its volume.
Three cubes of metal whose edges are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 are melted down into a single cube whose diagonal is
12 3 cm . Find the edges of the three cubes.

34. Find the value of x3 - 8y3 - 36xy - 220 , when x = 2y + 6 .

Which of the following points A _0, i, B ^2, 6h , C ^1, 5h and D ^5, 1h lie on the linear equation 2 ^x + 1h + 3 ^y − 2h
= 13 .

35. Simplify :
1 + 1 + 1 + ... + 1
1+ 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 8+ 9

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Section E
Case study based questions are compulsory.

36. Keshav owns a Mobile showroom of a popular brand. The number of mobiles sold by the shop can be modelled by
the expression N ^ t h = 9t + 35 and the Selling price per mobile is modelled by an expression
S ^ t h = 3t2 + 46t + 15 where t is the number of months in a year.

(i) Find the number of mobiles sold in one and half years.
(ii) Find the expression which show the amount of revenue generated by the showroom ?
(iii) What is the total amount of revenue generated by the showroom at the end of the year?
(iv) If the cost of production per mobile is modelled by an expression C ^ t h = 2t2 + 25t + 12 , find the expression
that gives the profit earned per mobile?

37. A fun run is a friendly race that involves either road running or cross country running with participants taking
part for their own enjoyment rather than competition. A fun run will usually be held to raise funds for a charity
with sponsors providing the revenue to cover organizational costs. Fun runs can included novelty categories, such
as wearing costumes and age categories for child ,teen and mature. One of the biggest annual fun runs in Europe
is “la cursa El corte lngles” in Barcelona with about 55,000 participants.

The entry fee for a charity fun run event is $ 18. It costs event organizers $2550 for the hire of the tent and $ 3
per entry for administration. Any profit will be donated to local charities .
Based on the above situation, answer the following questions:
(i) Let R is the total amount collected in entry fees, in dollars, and n is the number of entries.
Set up an equation to find the entry fee ‘a’ for one participant. What is the value of ‘a’ in the above data?
(ii) The equation that represents the cost for the event (C) is C = 2550 + bn. Write an equation for the values
of b ? Find the value of ‘b’ in the given data.
(iii) By solving the equations simultaneously, determine the number of entries needed to break event?
(iv) A total of 310 entries are received for this charity event. Show that the organizers will be able to donate $
2100 to local charities.
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38. During education tour of class IX, the teacher asked the students to measure the distance between the two objects
P and Q including an obstacle between them. This obstacle prevents the students for direct measurement. One of
the students, devices an ingenious solution to the problem. Firstly, she fixes a pole at a convenient point ‘O” so
that both P and Q are visible. Then, she fixes the another pole at point S on the line PO produce such that PO
= SO, In a similar way, she fixes a third pole at point R on the intended line QO such that QO = RO. Then she
measures the distance between R and S.

(i) Is she able to measure the distance between P and Q. Justify.

(ii) If yes what ability does this develop in students?
(iii) From which criteria of congruency she applied here.
(iv) If RS = 15 m, what is measure of PQ.

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