Imc2019 Day1 Questions

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IMC 2019, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Day 1, July 30, 2019

Problem 1. Evaluate the product

Y (n3 + 3n)2
n6 − 64
(10 points)

Problem 2. A four-digit number Y EAR is called very good if the system

Y x + Ey + Az + Rw =Y
Rx + Y y + Ez + Aw =E
Ax + Ry + Y z + Ew =A
Ex + Ay + Rz + Y w =R
of linear equations in the variables x, y, z and w has at least two solutions. Find all very good
YEARs in the 21st century.
(The 21st century starts in 2001 and ends in 2100.)
(10 points)

Problem 3. Let f : (−1, 1) → R be a twice dierentiable function such that

2f 0 (x) + xf 00 (x) ≥ 1 for x ∈ (−1, 1).
Prove that Z 1
xf (x) dx ≥ .
−1 3
(10 points)

Problem 4. Dene the sequence a0 , a1 , . . . of numbers by the following recurrence:

a0 = 1, a1 = 2, (n + 3)an+2 = (6n + 9)an+1 − nan for n ≥ 0.
Prove that all terms of this sequence are integers.
(10 points)

Problem 5. Determine whether there exist an odd positive integer n and n × n matrices A
and B with integer entries, that satisfy the following conditions:
1. det(B) = 1;
2. AB = BA;
3. A4 + 4A2 B 2 + 16B 4 = 2019I .
(Here I denotes the n × n identity matrix.)
(10 points)

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