Speech Outline Formatting Guide-New

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Speech Outline Formatting Guide

Title: Violence.
Topic: Gender Violence.
Specific Purpose Statement: How can you prevent gender violence?
Thesis Statement: provide information to people about gender violence types and causes.

Gender based violence is a widespread problem that affects the lives of millions of women,
children and men worldwide.
In order to avoid Gender-Violence it is necessary to promote and inculcate the education of
respectful relationships, as well as gender equality at an early age.
Gender Violence and its causes
I. Cultural Factors
a. In many cultures there are still patriarchal and sexist trails guarantice a
predominance of men, placing them in a position with respect the women.
II. Economic Factors
a. Due the influence of cultural factors for decades men have been posionated as
the head of the family, the one in charge of bringing sustenance to the home.

III. The main Cause of Gender Violence

a. The main cause of that problem is that the aggressor feels in a situation of
superiority over the victim and seeks to dominate the relationship under his
criteria, nullifying the other person.
IV. Different Ways of Gender Violence
i. Physical Violence
ii. Verbal Violence
iii. Sexual Violence
iv. Socioeconomics Violence
Forms of gender – based violence
a. Violence against women and girls
b. Violence against LGBTI people
c. Intimate partner violence (IPC)
d. Domestic violence (DV)
e. Sexual violence (SV)
f. Inderect (structural) violence
Drivers of GBV:
 Drivers of GBV are the factors which lead to and perpetuate
GVV ultimately, gendered power inequality rooted in
patriarchy is the primary drive of GBT
The effects of violence on health
The biological effects of violence have become increasingly better
understood and include effects on the brain, neuroendocrine system,
and immune response. Consequences include increased incidences
of depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicide;
increased risk of cardiovascular disease; and premature mortality.
Tips for youth to prevent Gender- Based violence and inequality

 Recognize the role of gender in violence

 Educate yourself on the root causes of violence
 Interrupt sexist and discriminatory languaje
 Be critical and question
 Get the messege out!
 Report photos and messages that exploit women and
 Interrupt abuse
 Stop sexual harrassment
 Develop an action plan
 Stop victim blaming
 Stop rape culture
 Call gender- based violence what it is violence, not

In conclusion, gender violence is one of the biggest social problems that society has in the
world, that is why in the course of history we have noticed an increase in cases of gender
violence, for which it is necessary that all people become aware to prevent gender violence.



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